Touch HD or Wait for Pro 2? - Touch HD General

Hi all,
contract is up on my current phone in 20 days, have to option of either:
getting a Touch HD NOW on a 12 months contract.
or waiting for a few months to get the Pro2
What would be your advice?
p.s. the last winmo device i had was the i-Mate kJam

I guess this isn't an easy decision .
First thing to do is to look through the specifications (here and here).
I think the biggest difference is the hardware keyboard, as the Touch HD hasn't got one.
All other things are (more or less) equal, but the Touch HD has a bigger screen (although 0.2 inch aren't much at all).
Another important thing to consider is the support of custom roms. Whereas the Blackstone is fully supported (HSPL, USPL, Kitchen, many roms), there is nothing for the Rhodium so far, and it will probably take some weeks after the device is released.
So, if you aren't happy with the stock rom, you can't change anything about it in the beginning .
Since we are all Blackstone owners in this forum here, nobody would actually tell that it is a bad device, and you should take the Rhodium, as the Blackstone is just great, but probably the Rhodium will be also.
But: You should make sure that you will be happy with HTC itself. There are a few people, who regret their purchase of a HTC device, as they aren't happy with Windows Mobile, with the HTC support policy, and some things, like the video playback, which isn't really good so far.
I think the best thing to do, is to read through the forum, and to try the Blackstone in a shop next to you.

cheers for your comprehensive reply.
With regard to being happy about HTC in itself i see no problem there, i had a succession of smartphones for a few years (around the C500 era) and really enjoyed fiddling with them and customising them to how i liked.
The main decision for me was whether i would be jealous of the Pro2 when it comes out becuase it is so much better, but looking at the specs i dont see vast differences.
The exclusion of a hardware keyboard doesn't really bother me too much, although i can't say for certain as i haven't had the chance to use the Blackstone yet (2 phone shops near me have it on display, both are non-working models). I'd be progressing from an N95 and the main draw is the screen real estate, as i use the internet a lot.
The one thing that did worry me slightly is the touch screen element (resistive v capacitive) however i've barely touched an iphone since they've been around (not an apple fan) and my last touch screen experience was a k-jam so it much be an improvement on that?

The lack of a hardware keyboard doesn't bother me at all, as SPB keyboard makes input really easy. This makes the Blackstone really handy, it has the right dimensions, whereas the Touch Pro (and probably the Touch Pro 2), will be a little too thick, but thats just my impression.
Using Opera to browse the internet makes really fun and works just great with the touch screen. Maybe you'll find some videos on youtube or so.
The disadvantages of this kind of touchscreen is that there is no multitouch, so you can just touch the display at one point at each time, but for me its just ok.
Customizing the device with the tools flying around here, is really great, so if you are keen on tinkering with your device, its just right for you .

I would go for the black stone ..... Hands down

It's really gotta come down to how you intend to use the device.
I'm not a big emailer from my phone (I've got a work blackberry), but the focus of the Touch HD has to be the huge screen. It is bigger and better than the iphone, but it comes at the expense of the dpad and buttons.
If you can live without the keyboard, IMHO the Touch HD is the best device around right now.
However, aren't you tempted by the Pre? You could convert your contract to a PAYG and wait until you see what's coming. New iphones and possibly the pre are a few weeks away, apparently.


Opinion before devorcing my beloved Touch HD

Ok guys just trying to get opinions out there. Currently using the Touch HD. Came from a Nokia device so I love the speed of symbian compared to Windows. It seems like the time has come for me to figure out if I want to keep the Touch HD or not.
I love the big screen.
It looks sleek.
Easy to flashfirmware and tweaking performance is fun.
Incoming calls is a little laggy. Sometimes calls come in as unknown.
Phone feels a slower than ones I've used before.
No TV-Out.
*Having a keyboard would be a plus. But without it is not a Con*
I'm actually debating getting rid of the Touch HD for either the Xperia X1i/X1a so I would gain a keyboard and overall use would stay the same.
Or I thought about getting the Nokia 5800 tube, so that I gain the TV-Out feature to display gps on my indash and have the feel of symbian again.
Or ultimate would be to get the new n97 which has a large screen and keyboard.
What do you guys think? I think the biggest thing bothering me is the phone feelings a bit laggy compared to my previous nokia phones.
try keyboard in landscape mode man it works very well.
incomoingcall work well to me too.
after using it i dont wanna come back with symbyan anymore
Sorry but you knew it had no keyboard when you got it so if it is a "con" and not a "pro", why did you get it in the first place?
well then I guess I should list it as a neutral thing. I would like a full keyboard, but I'm satisfied with the compact querty at the moment. So good call tboy.
I dunno, going to the X1 isn't going to do much for you other than the physical keyboard. It sounds like love Symbian so maybe just wait for the N97.
I have both Nokia n95 an htc HD, HD is much better! 1 thing above all: HD is fully customizable, and you can improve it with new official roms or with a lot of cooked roms.......
I have the HD and the Nokia Tube.
The Nokia Tube is crap.
Slow as hell, and the worst GUI i have ever seen.
Flash a few cooked roms first... see if that makes your HD the device you always wanted...
do you recomend any?
I also own a n95 and the hd, and the nokia is no match for the hd in any aspect. Once you get used to the hd big screen and lots of features, you wonder how you could waste your money in the nokia set.
The hd is fairly fast for me, the gps works much better than the n95's. It fully customizable, the battery lasts longer, the rds radio of the hd is much better that the visual radio of the n95 (in Spain the rds system is spread all around the country while the visual radio is scarcely used), there's a lot of sotware available for the hd... in summary, i would't change it.
But each user asks for different features so...that's just my opinion.
Cheeze[iT] said:
well then I guess I should list it as a neutral thing. I would like a full keyboard, but I'm satisfied with the compact querty at the moment. So good call tboy.
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You could try SPB Full Keyboard
Symbian UI sux the biggest time ever!!!!
There is no Symbian or Nokia I have ever tried that is nice or fast, the N96 is a piece of s..t! I stompted on the damn thing into pieces, seriously, kept freezing and the menu's are a nightmare, menu's within menus within more menus.... The "cons" you mentioned are nothing compared to any Symbian.
"TV Out" its a gimic function of Samsung and Nokia, the quality of TV Out function is way way below VHS quality making it a whole waste of time IMHO, anyway just my 2 cents in a useless topic.
Perhaps Symbian seems more suited to your needs
I went shopping for a new HTC device yesterday.
I looked at the Diamond, Touch Pro, Xperia X1, G1 and the Touch HD.
I found the Diamond's screen size to adequate, but the lack of storage card baffles me.
The Touch Pro was just to heavy but the keyboard was very useable + storage card.
The Xperia's keyboard felt better, but the weight killed it for me. The screen is also far too small to handle WVGA.
The G1's 16million colurs makes the same difference with the screen as an iPod. HTC really should move to 16M colours asap. The interface was great, but you can tell it is in its infancy. I will be watching Android keenly over the next year.
Then we have the HD :
The screen size makes a huge difference - 3.8" WVGA is the perfect size for this res (2.8" is borderline too small).
The device is the exact same size as the iPhone (I think the box matches Apple's packaging as well...) This fits nicely in the hand and feels very light.
The screen size also helps with finger inputs, even on the standard keyboard!
The device is fast. I found no lag running through the programs, even while leaving 10 open. The 512Mb RAM certainly helps there.
A hardware keyboard for me is a con. When I moved to one (XDA Mini S), I found it strange to get used, but percivered, when I moved back to an onscreen keyboard, I certainly did not miss the physical kb.
After playing with all 5 devices, I have payed up for the HD.
It'll be delivered on Tuesday.
MrAce87 said:
do you recomend any?
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davideuck, believe me!
Thanks for input guys,
I do like the ability to flash new roms as I am trying to keep up with Laurentius26 and the L26 roms. It seems the V7 seems to be pretty responsive. As far as the tube VS touch HD Speed comparison, thanks for the info.
On the TV-Out feature, I would only use it to display GPS on my indash so I can easily get around by getting a decent car mount I guess. I've been keeping up with that thead and haven't found one I liked yet.
Bringing up the point that symbian isn't as customizable friendly I guess it would advantage me to stay with the touch so that I can always flash different roms and see which I like better. And between the Xperia and the Touch HD, thats going to be a hard button keyboard VS big screen.
Now to go read up on some more interesting apps/games to install. Thanks again guys! Keep the input coming if you like! I appreciate it.
My first post here at xda, so forgive me while i get used to it ;-)
the touch hd is quite impressive as allrounder. i'm more than a little jealous of the screen compared to my own omnia.
but omnia is till my personal choise of today; huge internal memore (i currently use 16 gig + 16 gig sdhc) although it's 3.5mm jack is indirect, if does come as adapter in the sales box. it is a bit fatter than the hd though but not too much- 12.5mm. and it has the tv out u mentioned. anyway it is to my taste right now.
if u have the patience for future model i found some interresting ones here:
it seems the next generation of omnia. though rumor has it that it'll be running symbian instaid of wm... and by now i have gotten stuck on wm and its flexibillity. i'm not sure that i can go back. still if u look at its specks they doo make my mouth water- heh he.
this one is a pure wm platform wich seems to leave even hd trailiang in the dust. but remember that with a screen as big as 4.1 inches u may need to resow your pockets in all shirts and pants. still size matters when using gui's and you hd is already a good example there.
none of them packs a built-in thumpboard though. for that u may need to to go n97, touch pro, xperia, HTC dream or G1. i've no experience with android yet. but as for wm's i hear experia is annoyingly slow, and if u already have trouble with the speed of the HD u may need to stay far away from this one. all of them packs better screenresolutions than omnia, but the benefits of higher resolution without bigger screen on these devices is argueable. on 3.2 inches i don't miss the extra pixels on windows mobile.
a good thing might be if others told about their experiences with various models. my dad for one would never trade in his HD for my omnia. but if i had to buy a new one today i'd still choose it over the others out there.
needs and tastes differ.
a little off toppic- sorry.
does anyone know if if it possible to mod s60-5th the same way as SPB and PointUI does it for wm? my only experience with it is n93 wich i kept as my primary for one and a half years. never thought of costumizing it though. and i've fallen in love with it on wm.
I have the same problem.
X1 will have the same problem in terms of the lag.
keyboards are good, but you dont need them as much, you need to get use to the touch screen... give it more time...
If you want something just as good as the HD with no Lag, go iphone, but then you drop alot of good things with the HD.
i did at first contemplate selling off the HD and going in for the iphone, but i have used the iphone, and liked it for the whole 2 months i had it before i went to a smaller phone... and then to the HD...
the iphone was basic to what i needed it for, the hd works perfectly...
let me tell you, after 3 months, you will be fine with the hd, but the lag will increase... especially in calls... and if you are like me.. with an ever increaseing phone book addess list.. it doesnt help... due to work, my phone book is now at 500+, and that was after cutting it down due to the financial crises...
in all likelyhood i will go back to the iphone depending on what the next update is in July.. then in august will truely decide....
I to went from the HD to the iphone. I do miss the big screen and badass resolution but after a few weeks and jail breaking i dont even think about the hd or windows mobile for that matter.
Im currently looking to move from my Nokia E90 to The HD. I have never used a HD before so i cannot comment on it, but the Symbian email system is awful which is one of the reasons that im looking to move away from Symbian.
I have looked at the 5800 but it will be a "downgrade" from my E90. Also the N97 does look good but it only has 3 rows with the numbers intergrated into the top "qwerty" row.
That totally puts me off it

Thinking of getting an HD, is it worth it?

I've been looking over and coveting the HD for quite a while now and wanted to get some input from those of you with time using the device. Is it worth it? I've read tons of reviews and watched a million videos of the device and really, I am in love with it. I just don't know if I can justify the $700+ pricetag and the fact that I am in the US and can't get 3G (Not to mention the fact that 3G doesn't exist in my community yet).
I also saw the Toshiba TG01 and I think that phone is amazing. Although the guy that does the reviews for it has some nasty fingernails.
I want the HD now, but with HTC projected to release some 1Ghz processor phones later this year I am thinking about holding out for one of those.
I am currently using a Mitac Mio A701 which has been good to me for the past 2 years, but I need an upgrade badly...
Any input you guys could give me would be Very much appreciated!
lordzelo said:
I've been looking over and coveting the HD for quite a while now and wanted to get some input from those of you with time using the device. Is it worth it? I've read tons of reviews and watched a million videos of the device and really, I am in love with it. I just don't know if I can justify the $700+ pricetag and the fact that I am in the US and can't get 3G (Not to mention the fact that 3G doesn't exist in my community yet).
I also saw the Toshiba TG01 and I think that phone is amazing. Although the guy that does the reviews for it has some nasty fingernails.
I want the HD now, but with HTC projected to release some 1Ghz processor phones later this year I am thinking about holding out for one of those.
I am currently using a Mitac Mio A701 which has been good to me for the past 2 years, but I need an upgrade badly...
Any input you guys could give me would be Very much appreciated!
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Given the fact that you don't have 3G in your area I would strongly consider the HD. However since you seem like the type of guy/girl that doesn't buy a lot of PPC / PDAs it wouldn't be a bad idea to wait and see what is officially launched by HTC this year.
I personally like the HD. The huge draw back for me is the lack of 3G in the US. I'm in a strong HSDPA area and it was very hard to give up 3G. The screen size is well worth it though. The size difference between the Touch Pro (Raphael) is quite signifigant in my opinion. It's also nice to have everything bigger when you have big hands and big fingers. Lot easier to select what you want without having to pull out the stylus.
The screen is also very responsive for me. I also like the fact that HTC put a 3.5mm standard headphone jack on the HD. I use the headphones from my Zune on the HD and it works perfect.
AllTheWay said:
Given the fact that you don't have 3G in your area I would strongly consider the HD. However since you seem like the type of guy/girl that doesn't buy a lot of PPC / PDAs it wouldn't be a bad idea to wait and see what is officially launched by HTC this year.
I personally like the HD. The huge draw back for me is the lack of 3G in the US. I'm in a strong HSDPA area and it was very hard to give up 3G. The screen size is well worth it though. The size difference between the Touch Pro (Raphael) is quite signifigant in my opinion. It's also nice to have everything bigger when you have big hands and big fingers. Lot easier to select what you want without having to pull out the stylus.
The screen is also very responsive for me. I also like the fact that HTC put a 3.5mm standard headphone jack on the HD. I use the headphones from my Zune on the HD and it works perfect.
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One thing I didn't mention is I work for a university and they have wireless over the entire campus so that would be nice as a kind of replacement for 3G since a lot of my time is spent there. The screen size is something that really has attracted me. I tried using the iPhone for a day and only made it about 3 hours before I decided it was awful. Windows Mobile is my home, so the HD fit into the category of having a screen I was very attracted to. The 3.5mm audio jack is awesome too... I forgot about that.
Thanks for the input, I appreciate it!!!
I think Htc Touch HD is fit your most requirement.
of course Toshiba TG01 and Htc 1Ghz processor phone must be better. but the price will not be the same.
you'll never get a perfect machine because the perfect one is the next.
HD is a perfect phone for me, the size;the screen;the battery and the running speed..everything makes good performance.
I like it and I think I will not change it within 2 years.
just keep in mind that the major drawbacks of the hd are the slow and flash-less camera, the lack of good and working hardware-accelerated graphics drivers and the occasional stutters every now and then when you play music...
if those are not big issues for you, go for it
I recently upgraded from an Omnia to an HD and I'm so pleased! The camera on the HD is not nearly as good it seems but everything else about it is great.
Put it this way I've always been pleased with other smartphones/winmo phones I've owned, but I'm delighted with this.
The HD is to Phones as Casey Ryebeck is to cooking.
Three major points to take a decision :
- need or not windows mobile
- need or not a keyboard
- need or not a 3.5"+ size screen
If the answer is I want a pdaphone under winmo with a big size screen, and I do not need a keyboard, you will love the HD.
My previous love was a XDA Flame who was the only one in this category, during roughly 18 months.
Moreover, I have had a lot of pda or pdaphone under winmo from 3.5, and I cant tell that this one is most finished of all. HTC has made a good job.
And last but not least, even if HTC has made a good job, you can continue to have support of the XDA Devs to get even better rom.
crashDebug said:
just keep in mind that the major drawbacks of the hd are the slow and flash-less camera, the lack of good and working hardware-accelerated graphics drivers and the occasional stutters every now and then when you play music...
if those are not big issues for you, go for it
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They're software issues as far as I know... so in time I expect they'll be solved.
I think the HD is an amazing device. Of course there will be one out in the near future that will have a little more functionality. But I can't see many things that are necessary that the HD isn't capable of doing or emulating.
crashDebug said:
just keep in mind that the major drawbacks of the hd are the slow and flash-less camera, the lack of good and working hardware-accelerated graphics drivers and the occasional stutters every now and then when you play music...
if those are not big issues for you, go for it
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I just got my Touch HD yesterday. Wasn't sure if I wanted it because I love 3d speeds, but went with it anyways. I really, really, like this phone, way better than my ATT Tilt. It seems faster as just about everything, but internet, but browsing the web is not too much slower. For Youtube and stuff you just have to wait longer for the stream to start or use an Open WIFI.
What really makes me like this phone (so far), is the large screen and fast responce (most of the time).
However I have found a few problems, 1st I could not get it to talk to my PC. Tried on my laptop and worked. I had to un-install the Windows Mobile Device Center off my PC, then re-install from the inclosed CD. Worked perfect after that. Another problem isn't really the deviced fault, it is some programs I have from my old WM dont work well or at all on it. I also miss the real keyboard, but getting used to the touch only one (so over time will like it better).
The camera isn't that slow, at least on mine. It is better then the one the Tilt has all around. I have had no problems taking pictures with it so far, seems to work pretty fast for a device that has to focus before taking that is that small. Sure a real digital camera is faster, but they also are meant for taking pics only.

Would you get one if you had the choice again?

I am currently using a O2 Mini S / HTC wizard and love it.
For the past few years, I have just upgraded and sold the phone on Ebay... now I have been offered this :
600 mins + 1000 texts (dont care about)... and unlimited internet! for £20 a month.
I have been offered a variety of phones including the Nokia 5800 and LG renoir... or if I spend £100, I can get a x1.
I just have no idea.
I went to a shop to take a look and find it generally ok, but I think the keyboard feels a bit... bad...
My wizard only has a 1.3Mp camera, but I am very happy with it. It does not lie... if I see a picture on the screen, I press the button and it takes fast. Is the camera here better than the wizard?
Anyway, I have an Exchange server, and just love the way it syncs.
The other thing I was thinking of is getting the nokia and selling it, then using the sim card in my wizard, however it is not 3g, and obviously really slow.
All I read here is people upgrading / reflashing their X1, is it really that bad?
I am just in two minds and have no idea what to do. What would you do?... should I wait for HTC touch Pro 2?
Hated the X1 at first, was all hyped up and everyone was raving about how good it will be and it just wasnt so
It WAS slow, USED to crash all the time, and the ui was appauling. I mean i nearly got rid of it several times and even through it across the house once cause it crashed during a very important call.
Now its awesome!
The update has made a huge difference, the software, tweaks and addons supplied by the users of this site along with other sites have made the X1 into a really powerful piece of kit.
YOU CANNOT get it out of the box and fall in love it takes some tweaking to customise it to your exact spec and needs.
Trust me its not easy at first but it will get better as you use it more. Plus more updates and tweaks from all users that i am VERY GRATEFULL for will make it even better.
just my opinion
I dont think the x1 keyboard is bad, it takes time to get used to any small keyboard - and/or the keyboard beds in - either way I find the keyboard fine now.
The camera has never been much good on my X1 - loads of lag and blurred pictures in low light, that could be a hardware problem - there are some roms with a new leaked cam from the R3 firmware which SE has not released yet, I dont know if this is better or not - any others comment?
I like everything else about the X1.
I'm another one that hated the phone....but it was my first smartphone.I had used Sony Ericsson phones for years and couldn't wait for it.
Was sooo disappointed until I found XDA....and then learned about flashing, and then....YOU WILL PRIZE MY X1 OUT OF MY COLD DEAD FINGERS!!!
I'm using Jack's ROM which I love (Mainly because TFL3D fitted my personality)
My only complaint is that it can't play Xvid's natively (They require conversion).
I will hang around and get an X2 (Whatever it may be) as long as they keep the same size phone and resolution. (Iphone is too large width wise)
I think X1 is good WM phone, if not the best.
But I realized WM is poor operating system for phone, if not the worst.
I bought X1 2 weeks before Palm Pre announcement. If I could decide now, I would leave my old stupid phone and unconnected PDA .. and I would wait.
THJahar said:
Was sooo disappointed until I found XDA....and then learned about flashing, and then....YOU WILL PRIZE MY X1 OUT OF MY COLD DEAD FINGERS!!!
I'm using Jack's ROM which I love (Mainly because TFL3D fitted my personality)
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I have heard so many people say this and I am just thinking, I should wait for the HTC touch pro, that would require no hacking to get this working...
The only real positive I can see for having the X1 is the screen, but the HTC pro 2 is also a high res screen... and being newer, it is more likly to have WM 6.5 in the future.... I know there are so many hacks here, but I would prefer to go via the manufacturer.
At the end of the day, a X1 will cost me £460 in 18 months time, where as having a 5800 or renoir will cost £360, or if I choose just to take sim only, probably around £40... I think I will not take a phone and in a years time, I will probably be able to get a HTC touch pro 2 or x1 on ebay for a fraction of the price.
Thanks to the guides here, I opened up my Wizard and was able to fix the vibrator so it really is perfect for me... I would LOVE to have 3g and check my email on the moove, but I have survived years without it... oh well!
I am still in two minds, but anyway...
If I remember correctly, the Wizard has Edge, right? If your operator (or another one) provides it, I think this is a good option in the mid term. It's almost as fast as the first version CDMA, only the latency is much higher.
Regarding the Touch Pro 2, it will be larger than the X1, quite a brick actually. It's actually a Touch HD with the thickness of the X1 - you can get an idea of it when you compare the two devices in a store. The Touch HD has quite a large screen area, but is not as thick as the X1. The X1 has a smaller area though. Combine the two, and you will get the Touch Pro 2. If you think you can put that into your pocket (together with its weight), then it may be the most powerful device that is upcoming. My impression is, that the Touch Pro 2's keyboard will be great and lot's better than the X1s.
The X1 keyboard is bad by the way, but you can learn how to write with it at acceptable speed. My Hermes keyboard was way better though.
Is it just me or everyone had a problem with X1's keyboard? When I push a button I either can't get any character or I get triple... where can I change the repeat rate and/or sensitivity?
Jasand said:
Hated the X1 at first, was all hyped up and everyone was raving about how good it will be and it just wasnt so
It WAS slow, USED to crash all the time, and the ui was appauling. I mean i nearly got rid of it several times and even through it across the house once cause it crashed during a very important call.
Now its awesome!
The update has made a huge difference, the software, tweaks and addons supplied by the users of this site along with other sites have made the X1 into a really powerful piece of kit.
YOU CANNOT get it out of the box and fall in love it takes some tweaking to customise it to your exact spec and needs.
Trust me its not easy at first but it will get better as you use it more. Plus more updates and tweaks from all users that i am VERY GRATEFULL for will make it even better.
just my opinion
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You threw it across the house and it's still working!? Well, so someone has tested that the X1 can survive a big drop.
Fully agree with the first reply: Used to have Symbian business-phones like P1i, all Communicators which came perfect out of the box, I thought after unpacking the X1 and started it first time that X1 is a peace of crap. But never give up too early:
Found this wonderful site and started learning, tweaking and flashing my X1, and after several mistrials I ended up with cHarOns fast&lite rom, adding MS-voice command, Sprite backup, XTract and several nice apps, and it is now running like a charme. No reboots, no dropped calls, and everybody who gets a hand on my phone is really impressed.
I believe WinMob is NOT and will never be best for phones or handhelds, but if you like to fumble and make experiments, you jumped on the right train.
Huhh, experiments with a business phone? Yap, that is what gives you xperiance!
let me see... lousy camera
special keyboard producing triples or spaces or no spaces
high price
poor support (at least for my area )
leobox1 said:
let me see... lousy camera
special keyboard producing triples or spaces or no spaces
high price
poor support (at least for my area )
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I loved it to begin with but hated windows mobile. Flashed the touch it rom and the phone is so much better, wouldn't trade my x1 for anything
You don't even need to tweak your phone to get touch flo 3d, you can install it as a cab and it becomes just another today item.
I love the phone so much. I definitely would have got the touch pro 2 if I could because I used to be used to the universal so a chunky phone was not a problem for me! However, having experienced the X!... its just a beautiful piece of hardware! Aethetics rarely interests geeks but once you get used to how it feels, the way it slides open, etc. I just love it. The keyboard is not great but definitely looks amazing and you can put it in your pocket and forget about it.
Definitely getting the x1 again if I am starting all over again...
There is no other phone on the market now that could think of to replace it with...
With the new roms I love it even more.
Have been using it since Oct, no regrets.
I think owning this phone just proved to me that 1. convergence is a very bad idea -- definitely carry separate devices for everything; and that 2. I'd be much happier with an iPhone.
So no, I'll probably just sell my three-month old X1 for 1/3 of the price I paid, because people are already refusing to pay anymore for a used one.
Did I mention the headphone jack left unsightly scratches on the plugs of every pair of headphones I own?
First I liked it... did loads of research and then went to a shop picked it up and played with it... loved the display...
Now I love it... never leaves my side and its simply indispensible... The keyboard does take some getting used to and I did have to upgrade my sim to a 3g one as they didnt send me one but its awesome...
I use the R2AA 10 ROM (very very good btw)and will upgrade to the R3AA when its here... as yet I have had no urge to flash different ROMs from the guys here... ok I have had the urge but as exams are coming up and I have a couple of dissertations to right I just dont have the time... sigh..
Finally where are you getting this deal? if you pay less up front (ie free phone or £50) is the deal more expensive?
I'd buy one again, though i'd be very tempted to wait for the Touch Pro 2 instead. A few months ago i was wishing i went for the Touch HD instead, but now i've got in to the Office side of things the keyboard is proving invaluable. I planned to buy a netbook, but it's really not needed because i can surf the web and run Word/Excel on the X1
One thing i do regret though is not putting a case on it straight away, it's scratched to bits. I'm actually tempted to "accidentally" drop it down the loo before my insurance runs out...
Thank you everyone here,
I have decided not to get it...
I really do love the look of it, however I went to the shop again, and I just can not stand the keyboard... I have so many small devices, but I just find the feedback so... soft (is that the word?) I like to know I pressed the key, and it just didnt seem to feel right to me.
At the end of the day, I would be on a 18 month contract, and in 18 months time, I will be £460 down on a phone that (By reading from here) may have cracks... not supported by SE, lousy camera, and general annoyances.
So many people talk about flashing their phones... imho, it should be perfect to begin with.
I know winmo has its flaws, but I really love it... the moment I am in wireless range of my network, I get all my emails and sync with exchange... or just link via USB or bluetooth to my laptop.
I love having one calander, contact list, notes and more... I know other phones can do this, but I just dont think it is as flawless or as simple.
Right now, I was offered a retentions deal which after credit, works out at around £45 at the end of 18 months... by then, hopefully I can pick up a older touch pro, or x1 from ebay for a fraction of the price, or a new x3 or whatever is out by then!
I would love any new smartphone, but frankly, I am happy with what I got... why spend a extra £415 (over 18 months).
Thanks everyone,
wilhil said:
Thank you everyone here,
I have decided not to get it...
I really do love the look of it, however I went to the shop again, and I just can not stand the keyboard... I have so many small devices, but I just find the feedback so... soft (is that the word?) I like to know I pressed the key, and it just didnt seem to feel right to me.
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I felt the same as you did about the keyboard when I first bought the phone (I order it over the net and never have the chance to test the device before buying it). And it took about 2 weeks to get used to. Now this keyboard is completely fine for me to type with
I used to use a iMate JASJAM and like the x1, the keyboard just feels alot easier to type than the x1 when I first bought it.
However after getting used to the X1 keyboard, I can't type on my JASJAM anymore haha............
Absolutely Yes, I would get one. I haven't had a single moment of regret. It's simply the best phone I've ever had.
Although I must say I waited enough to be sure that the software issues (lagging etc) were fixed.

Why did you buy a D2?

Would like to have a thread where people gave their thoughts and stuff why they bought a D2 instead of some other device and so on. So let me start of here:
I upgraded from Diamond to Diamond 2 because the screen is bigger, it got memory card, it got 4 much better hardware keys and the D-Pad is gone (I hated it on my Diamond). Also because it got more RAM and memory built in than the Diamond.
my first winmo phone was an O2 Flame. massive bulky thing, though it sported a nice big 640x480 screen.
id briefly used a touch pro through work and i loved manila and also the great aesthetic design of their phones... well most of them. after pouring over the specs of the phones in my budget it came down to 2 devices, the HD and the D2.
in the end i went with the d2 as the main difference was screensize. having previously done the whole GIANT PHONE thing, i turned to the D2 as it packed the same punch in a slightly more compact and classy frame. dont get me wrong, the blackstone looks sharp, but with its all black design its a bit plain for me. nothing compared to a little brushed metal here and there.
i'm mighty impressed with the phone so far, extremely clean and crisp screen, fast fast fast, great video playback etc. and although it sounds funny, it feels like you get your moneys worth because its a solid little brick to hold. none of this flimsy plastic nokia stuff. not only does it feel good but its taken a beating. ive dropped it countless times during my drunken shenanigans and so far its got a slight split in the digitiser between the 'H' in the htc logo in the top left corner and the frame, and a few dints in the metal casing. still works a treat.
another good thing, which should also apply to the blackstone, is that the two devices are similar enough that alot of community built software that will work on one, works on the other with minimal or no tweaking. this gives us access to much more apps/customisation/themes than we could normally expect from a device that has unique hardware/software
I've been using a Dell Axim x50 for years and symbian phones (Noika's).
Just got sick of carrying two units around (and I could get a sim free TD2 from work for 100 quid, I'd be daft not too).
Getting tomorrow morning and I've got the afternoon off to play with it, flash a few cooked roms and load lots and lots of pointless software I'll never use (as usual...)
Love this WM
I have used S710 before and lost that. Also used HTC Touch for few days . Since then I am in love with WM phones.
I opted for TD2:
1) One of the BEST WM phone that I could get in my budget.
2) Bigger screen
3) Better touch
4) Upgrade for WM 6.5 will be FREE (May be WM 7 will work on this )
5) Better H/W (CPU, RAM, Available Free space etc)
6) GPS is inbuilt + has 3G + FM Radio
7) Last but NOT last, it is from HTC
Upgrade from P3400
I had an HTC P3400 Gene for 2 years and the time came for an upgrade.
My criteria were:
It had to be HTC
It had to have GPS, WIFI, 3g, Touchscreen
The Diamond 2 was the right solution at the right time at the right price!
This is my first handheld device
I think this one includes every new technology, including the ones mentioned above this post
I cant wait for the new free 6.5 + manila 2.5 update
... because it told me to.
I went backpacking around Europe for 5 weeks (great fun!), but before I left I wanted a new phone with Wifi & GPS.
I watched some Touch Diamond 2 reviews and I really liked the interface and some of the stuff you can do with WinMobile. I was sold!
- Bored on a 13 hour flight? Watch some TV shows!
- Lost in Spain at 3am? Use TomTom to find the hostel!
- Want to share photos from Croatia? Find a wifi hotspot!
- What does that sign mean? Use Google Translate!
- Lost a printed copy of your booking? Open the PDF backup!
This phone made backpacking too easy
Best winmo phone I've ever used!!
I had the original HTC Touch (ELF) and really liked its form factor but it was kinda slow.
I then bought the Samsung Omnia but was really disappointed with it's performance. Really bad lag on the Omnia.
I then saw the review for the D2 and was really impressed with the performance. Just had to have it. Takes great pictures too.
Beats the Omnia by a mile.
previous previous phone is nokia 7610 which sucks because of it physical keypad.
previous phone is htc touch (elf) which attracted me because it is mainly touch screen and windows mobile has a wide selection of applications.
it served me well although little internal disk space and ram.
upgraded to topaz, because of xda-developer community, which has selfless cooks like NRGZ28(EnergyROM), windows mobile 6.5, good hardware, good battery(can last around 1.5 day), and time to trade in my old phone for a new one.
Before I had the htc P3300 a very good and complete pda, but my actual htc D2 is better than P3300 for all points of view:
- camera
- display (size, sensibility and risolution)
- rom e ram size
- general performances
- 3g connectivity
- form factor
- software included.
Actually I started to love D2 because of its default wallpaper. It's a pic of fire and at the first look it looks like a phoenix. Really beautiful! And then I started to know this phone. Big touch screen, GPS, WIFI, 3g, and more beautiful than Diamond. So I got it.
TD2 or Ominia 2? Ominia 2 actually has got better specs.
Bought TD2 as I used to own a Himalaya which lasted 4 yrs. But I was dead wrong as my TD2 earpeice died within 2 weeks.
Ckth said:
TD2 or Ominia 2? Ominia 2 actually has got better specs.
Bought TD2 as I used to own a Himalaya which lasted 4 yrs. But I was dead wrong as my TD2 earpeice died within 2 weeks.
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Omnia may have better specs, but HTC has always been a clear choice for me, I never liked Samsung or any other carrier. And who uses the original headset anyway?
I had 5 or so Palm organisers, but left Palm behind and jumped to Windows Mobile about 3 years ago when Palm were unable to offer a reasonably compact phone/organiser. Never needed a keyboard, but wanted wi-fi, bluetooth and hi-res screen in a compact package. HTC with TouchFlo seems the best ergonomics so went for the TD2 (Topaz).
My first smartphone was the Diamond 1 and it's possibilities and this forums really blew my mind.
TD2 was the natural upgrade, more screen size, ram etc. and overall SMALL SIZE. I still miss a good camera with flash and TVout, those two features would make the phone perfect.
my td2
i had the htc touch, like it, but went onto the sony p1
loved the p1 but it was getting old (i still use it every so often)
but liked the look of it
was going for the pre, but the constant delay, annoyed me so i got this and love it
Because i liked the Elf, Polaris, Diamond, and now the Diamond2
Had qtek 9100 previously and after that I had Hermes for almost 2 and a half years -that got old (and I got it paid) so I searched for a new phone. Looked at Touch HD but it was way too expensive compared to TD2 (altough I would have liked the 3.5mm headphone plug).
the reason i bought a TD2
I was naive's the worst phone i've ever had
Ever since getting one, i always hated the Iphone and would always slag people off if they had one...but you know what...I bow my head in shame and confess that i should've got one.
Iphone waste too much money on tv adverts...they should just make that says
''The Iphone....Atleast it works'' because it does.
My TD2 is absolutely useless...I've had it for about 4-5 months
It just doesn't work most the time. Or it crashes loads. Or just does stupid things that i don't tell it too
The battery is also useless...
If someone says their battery lasts longer than 1 day with normal usage...they are LYING! and lots of other people will agree.
At first, when they said the battery would last 4-5 days, i was teasing all the iphone users because they get max 2 days...but now i keep the fact that my battery is useless a secret. because theirs is better.
I've tried TF3d and SPshell but at the end of the day a pig with make up on is still ugly.
It's really the worst phone i've had (and i've had a lot) and i will never be going back to HTC
now that iphone has hspda...i can't think of a reason why not to get one. At least it works!

Anyone upgraded to HD2/Leo from HD/Blackstone?

I currently have a touch HD/Blackstone and I love it to bits, but the prospect of having a capacitive multitouch screen and much faster responses when navigating round the phone/opening/running apps etc is starting to tempt me very strongly to the HD2/Leo.
Have any of you Leo owners upgraded from the Blackstone? If so, please can you let me know your thoughts on whether it was a good move, what the pros & cons are etc, and whether the new phone really is super fast and slick like the reviews I've read say it is.
If I get one I'd probably want to be running SPB shell on it, which from looking through here I assume it works, but will most apps for the blackstone also work on the Leo?
I know there's no stylus with the Leo for instance, but for fiddly stuff does the screen accept the use of a fingernail for 'precision' (ish!) stuff like checkboxes & small menus, or does it have to be skin contact or a real capacitive stylus etc?
Regardless of whether you upgraded from a Blackstone, are you very pleased with the way the phone works in terms of performance and 'slickness'?
Last questions are - what's the video performance like on the Leo, ie does it have all the problems the HD has in terms of poor out of the box performance with video playback?
And is the bluetooth stuff still hardcoded for the HTC music player (like the blackstone), or would I be able to properly use my sony bluetooth headset to control the likes of coreplayer?
Sorry for all the questions - I really want to upgrade to the Leo, but it will cost me a lot and I don't want to make a mistake.
Many thanks for any useful replies!
After having the Touch HD for 2 month I really loved it. Everything was running as I wanted it to be ... But then HTC announced the HD2 and I decided to switch to it after watching lots of videos in youtube an other sites. I would do it again ...
I don't have any problems using the OS without a stylus. In fact I wasn't using the stylus or my fingernails on my Touch HD either. I only needed to adapt to the higher screen responsiveness, but that was it.
HD2 pros compared to the Touch HD:
+ MUCH higher build quality. The Touch HD always felt somehow cheap, except it actually wasn't ...
+ Everything is just faster. I wasn't too thrilled with TouchFLO 3D on the Touch HD, as it slowed down the device too much. No problems on the HD2, although the new version of TouchFLO 3D (Sense ...) grew in so many aspects and is now pretty well integrated into the OS.
+ The bigger screen. Didn't thing its a big deal, but the screen-difference between the two devices is astonishing. Its much more fun to use multimediacontent on the HD2.
+ Pinch to Zoom.
I had a HD for nearly a year now and loved it - yes, TF3D ran slowly but it also was more "form than function" and I stopped using it in favour of simple SPB Diary with multiple tabs.
Now having a HD2 for over a month I do love the high speed and slick operation and I even stick with TF3D (or HTC Sense, whatever it's called).
But, there are apps from HD that don't run well on the screen as they expect the precision of a stylus. One example is SPB Finance that I used to record all my expenditures on an almost daily business. This just does not work with a big fat finger !
But, but others work great - CoPilot works really nicely. I tried Route66 on the HD2 as this was a fully legal working purchase on the HD but on the new HD2 it's not good. Nice surprise is the new CoPilot works really well and super fast. Even indoors near a window I can get enough satellites for a 3D fix and moving next to the window gets 7 or 8 sats. HD never achieved that.
My build quality on the HD was fine. On the HD2 you get a real solid feel from the metal battery cover where you naturally hold the device.
HD2 is super quick but the capacitive screen is a weakness. However, this is because most applications have not yet caught up. Many exist that are great with fingers like Resco explorer but others expect a stylus and are hard to use.
As a year long HD user I doubt very much that I won't move back after having got the HD2. My old HD is sitting in a box and I have not been tempted to get it out !
Thanks for the replies guys - I like what I hear!
I think the only thing that might delay me upgrading to an HD2 is the difference in value between selling HD and buying HD2 but we'll see....
Can you clarify a couple of things I'm still not sure about though?
Dave - you said you can't use certain apps from the HD because of the capacitive screen as you don't have a stylus with it (and can't use a normal one I believe), but is it possible to use these apps with a finger nail if you really need to?
I know it might be awkward or not very practical, but I want to know whether it's actually possible at all, ie if the screen will physically work like that, or if it's literally impossible to do?
Secondly (don't get me wrong here) whilst I don't want an iphone, is the responsiveness of the HD2 screen the same kind of thing? Local shops here don't have one I can try so I have to go by what others tell me, and I'd like it to work as smooth as the iphone screen, ie no actual pressure etc.
I know it's capacitive so it should be like that but I don't know if there are differences aside from that to how the screen responds. Hope that makes sense!
Last question - I believe the screen is glass on it? Is it toughened in any way? Presume the fact that it's glass will mean that it's much harder to scratch than the HD screen and also means a clearer, brighter display by not having a resistive layer?
Thanks for the replies - I appreciate the info!
I'll try again but I don't think finger nails work ...
I upgraded from the Blackstone and for me, it was definitely worth it.
First thing you notice is the amazing speed if the device. I just saw that I had TomTom (among a couple of other programs) running in the background for several days and I didn't even notice it.
The HD2 is really insanely fast. I sometimes take my old Blackstone in order to try new WM builds, but its slowness makes me sick after some minutes of using it.
Next big thing, for me, is the camera. The light sensitivity has been greatly improved and the flash works stunningly good for an LED flash.
It takes really great pictures for a smartphone, much much better than the HD, finally I have a phone that lets me capture the important moments
(btw. the 'red tint bug' is present but not noticeable on most pictures)
Third thing is the screen. It''s capacitive, that means you can NOT use your fingernail, and no stylus. But I really like the sensitivity, it's much more comfortable to use. And it feels a lot better, it's not the 'cheap' feel of the resistive panel's plastic layers anymore.
And this brings me to the fourth and last point: Build quality. I've never ever seen such a high build quality and high quality materials on a phone. It looks and feels just amazing, even the iPhone feels like a cheap toy in comparison.
Video playback is of course a lot better and it plays high quality video without stuttering.
Well actualy you can use stylus without problems, you just have to buy a special one (whitch buy the way also works on the iPhone)
Like they other says there are applications who can be a bit of a hassel with using with the finger...
But I suspect you would love it... I could newer go back to my HD after being used to the buitiful racer the HD2 is, and i absolutely love the screen to.
I've spent 1 week with the HD2 after a year on the HD. Mobile Shell 3.5 on both.
The main difference is speed. HD2 is soooo much faster. Didn't notice the HD was particularly slow whilst I was using it, but going back to it now is PAINFUL.
I struggled a bit initially with the capacitive screen, found it a bit hit and miss. In particular I found the HTC keyboard a nightmare, way too sensitive. Installing the .cab that decreases screen sensitivity has improved things greatly, and installing Spb Keyboard has also helped. It's improving with practice, there are still times when I do something and it doesn't register, but overall I'm starting to like it. There's a definite knack to it: much lighter touch, smoother motions. So there's a learning curve here + a need to tweak. And I'm sure the experience will continue to improve as third party software is adapted for it.
Mobile Shell has a few minor compatability issues but nothing to worry about (screen brightness control doesn't work, voicemail indicator widget doesn't work, a few other minor things). Spb are generally good at updating for significant new hardware releases, same thing happened with the HD when it was first released and they fixed everything quickly. I tried the Sense interface for a day or two to see if I could get used to it, it IS very pretty. But went back to Mobile Shell, I find it much more functional.
The HD2 build quality is excellent vs good for HD. And the additional screen size is a significant plus too. I was initially worried it would be a step too far in terms of the overall size of the device, but no. As soon as I laid eyes on the actual device + picked it up I knew it wouldn't be a problem.
Browsing in Opera is fantastic. Fast and the big screen helps. Still not comparable to a desktop browsing experience but very usable and way better than the HD due to the speed.
Overall it's a big step forward from the HD and highly recommended. Like I said, I find going back to the HD to dig out a few files I need to be surprisingly painful...
Cret said:
Secondly (don't get me wrong here) whilst I don't want an iphone, is the responsiveness of the HD2 screen the same kind of thing? Local shops here don't have one I can try so I have to go by what others tell me, and I'd like it to work as smooth as the iphone screen, ie no actual pressure etc.
I know it's capacitive so it should be like that but I don't know if there are differences aside from that to how the screen responds. Hope that makes sense!
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I tested the HD2 besides both, an 3G and 3GS, and really couldn't find any real difference in the screens responsiveness. You don't have to do any pressure on the HD2's screen ... I have to say, that I had a problem with the high sensitivity at first, but when playing around with an Nokia N900 last week, I noticed how fast I adapted to the capacitive screen of the HD2. The N900's screen was a pain in the ass (although its actually quite good for a resistive screen), because slight fingerswipes and tips didn't to anything ...
When browsing the forums you will notice, that most ppl here have/had a problem with the keyboard of the HD2. Besides the bugreporting here (I don't have any of these problems), I imagine that most of the problems with the keyboard just come from the unfamiliar sensitivity. By lifting the fingers a little higher when typing, I managed to type pretty accurate.
I don't have a Touch HD to compare side by side, but had the possibility to compare the HD2 to an iPhone 3G ... the 3G was very slow compared to the HD2 ... So wouldn't really go back to a last-gen phone ...
Had a Touch HD for a year until i bought my HD2 last month.
I Had Dutty's Leo rom running since he started releasing those, so I felt completely at home with my HD2 when i had it in my hand. (For those not knowing : Leo rom for Touch HD is just that. Winmo 6.5 running HTC Sense, just like the HD2)
A few things felt wonderfully different tho :
Screen is beautifull. The glas type used is almost impossible to scratch. I have my phone in my pocket unprotected. Even accedently slipped my keys in with it a few times. Not a mark on it! What is this screen made of ? Diamond ??
Speed. Wow! This phone is fast. I ran the weather demo simultaniously, side by side with the Touch HD. And the difference makes the Touch HD look like a joke. (it's not, but compared, its sloooow)
Pinch zoom. OMG now i know why Iphone has been the king of mobile browsing. HAS been! HD2 is now the new king! Opera + capacitive screen with multi touch AND a 1 ghz processor ? It is a match made in heaven. Mobile browsing is EASY and fun now. Thank god i have an internet sub on my simcard...
Camera. Remember how a big hazzel it was to take a pic with Touch HD ? I mean, the moment is GONE, before the camera is ready to take the picture!
With HD2 and a shortcut on the Sense start screen , it takes around 1 second(!!) from press on camera icon till your ready to take the picture!. The flash LED (Which can blind a man btw) makes it possible to shoot in the dark, FINALLY!
Well those things was EXACTLY why I upgraded, and I have not been dissapointed.
Some had a huge problem with the sensitive screen. Not me, I adapted quickly, and the keyboard I was used to from leo rom on the Touch HD, so i guess it's a matter of taste, or fat fingers .
There are a LOT of the tweaks and programs for Dutty's leo rom that works great with the HD2, like BG4all etc.
rd2000 said:
The flash LED (Which can blind a man btw)
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yep, fortgot to mention the LEDs. I love them. Not to take pictures, but for everydays things. Really missed a LED on the Touch HD.
I got my HD2 a week ago, and I'm loving it, other than the rather short battery life (may be a temporary issue, some people do not have this issue).
It's definitely faster than the HD. Going through the Windows folder in File Explorer takes 2 seconds, rather than 6-8 seconds on the HD. Going through tabs in TouchFlo 3D (Sense) is fast, and tab contents are displayed lightning fast.
TomTom works great on the HD2, haven't tried CoPilot because they do not have maps that I could purchase for my region yet (which is funny, since I can download the map while trialling the software). TomTom is rather smooth on the HD2, the position cursor does not jerk forward when moving. With valid QuickGPS data, getting a GPS fix is faster than on the HD.
The speaker is a little worse than the HD in my opinion, although it's somewhat louder than the HD.
Moving from Resistive (HD) to the Capacitive screen in the HD2 may take some time to get used to it. Drawing/scribbling notes can be hard, so is selecting the directory/folder you want to go to in File Explorer. Maybe it's me, I have large fingers.
Reception compared to the HD, Nokia N82, N95 8GB.
The 3G network I'm on is rather bad in my room.
Nokia N82 and N95 8GB - 4 of 7 bars (estimated equivalent on the HD2 would be 3 of 4 bars)
HTC Touch HD - 1 of 4 bars
HTC Touch HD2 - 3 of 4 bars, sometimes full signal.
The signal bars on the HD2 tend to fluctuate at times, while holding the phone in landscape mode and browsing the internet, the signal may drop to no bars, disconnect from the network, then come back on with 1 or 2 bars.
Camera is great. Autofocus seems to be 'continuous', focusing when the camera is moved or after a few seconds. Shutter lag is much shorter than on the HD, but taking moving subjects may still result in a blurr (cranking up the ISO setting doesn't help much). Sharper than on the HD, and the automatic white balance is definitely better than on the HD under certain lighting conditions. LED Flash works OK for objects further than 30cm most of the time, using it for close ups may sometimes result in a bright, white mess.
I'm using the 1.43 ROM, so some of these issues may be fixed in the updated ROM. There are some issues in TouchFlo/Sense, but they are easily corrected by taking a trip down the Tips & Tricks Post in the Leo Forum.
I'd used Blackstone for some monthes, and overall I was satisfied. (I'd used Xanny Grid Leo rom)
I've a Leo for a week, and now I'm not simply satisfied but I'm happy with it. The speed, the huge screen and the build quality are fantastic. It's very rear, when I have to fight with small old-fashioned windows controls, but with some patience and practice it is also manageable. Nail-touching definitely doesn't work. Althogh, you can buy capacitive-compatible stylus on ebay.
Only disadvantage for me: fring doesn't work, but I hope it will be fixed soon. Temporarily I use Nimbuzz for chatting.
Overall I can highly recommend the upgrade. If you can do, DO IT!
Thanks very much for all the replies guys. The fact that most of you have written wuite a bit tells me you're very enthusiastic about the phone!
I want one for sure now. The only thing is the cost - I can't renew my contract and there are very few Leos on Ebay and around £500, but only maybe £250 sale proceeds from my HD, so it's quite a hit to take.
If I can get a few quid together to help ease the difference then I'll definitely get one.
Thanks for the comments
Same here, had the HD for about a year and liked it in many respects, the HD2 is a much nicer experience though and if you can afford it at some point I highly recommend to get it.
Well I've made my mind up to get one for sure. The only question really is when.
I'll have to buy an unlocked one on Ebay I think and there are very few on there at the moment because the phone is so new. This is obviously therefore keeping the prices really high.
I'm dying to say 'sod it' and get the credit card out but I know I ought to wait a month or two to see if they get a bit cheaper once more are being sold.
I've read reviews on it and most things I see say that this is basically the best piece of hardware on the market in terms of phones, but that it's "let down/ruined" etc by having winmo on it. I like winmo and have used it for years, so for me, that's a plus!
Having said that, I'd kill to see/have winmo7!
Yep. Those reviews are nonsense.
Powerful hardware like this needs a powerful OS, and WinMo really is by far the most powerful OS you can get.
It doesn't ruin anything. It's the perfect OS for a phone like this.
WinMo bashing is a current trend that you can't do anything against when sites like Gizmodo or Engadget spread the FUD. It's really sad.
I wouldn't want any other OS on the HD2.
maati said:
I wouldn't want any other OS on the HD2.
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Overall I agree, But Android 2.0 would be very interesting
Well I'm sure I'll be quite happy since it's exactly what I'm used to.
Last phones I've had have been Touch HD, Omnia, XDA Orbit etc - loved them all.
Can't WAIT to get the HD2 though. Especially now I've bought one this afternoon.
Cret said:
Well I'm sure I'll be quite happy since it's exactly what I'm used to.
Last phones I've had have been Touch HD, Omnia, XDA Orbit etc - loved them all.
Can't WAIT to get the HD2 though. Especially now I've bought one this afternoon.
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Congrats to get this lovely phone. I'd wager you will like it .

