How to configure VPN? - Networking

I can´t configure vpn properly.i tried to do in XP, but i fail to configure it?
Any help would be appreciated


how to use vpn

i can´t configure vpn properly.i tryed to do like in XP, but i can´t.
can anyone help?

VPN and Vista

Hi there,
I'm trying to set up a VPN connection via WifI with my pc. Currently the os Vista Ultimate is installed. I created a VPN in Vista. For some reason i can't connect with my trinity. I tried multiple settings in both Vista and my ppc.
Can someone tell me if it's possible to connect to Vista trough VPN anyway? If so, what are the exact settings
ppc wm5 with original gps upgrade from trinity
Are you able to get an activesync connection established?
Try to turn off all firewall settings.
Newbie question. What's a VPN and why do you want it for?
Sorry, i'm just curious.
Thanks very much,

VPN in trinity

Does any1 know how to configure a VPN client on WM5?. I have at home OpenVpn server 2.0.5 and i want to be able to connect my pda to that server. Can anyone help me please?
Have you downloaded and run the openvpn client in your trinity?

Comodo & Activesync

Hello ! I Have Installed Comodo Firewall And Now I Can't Sync With My Pc? Can Anyone Help Please?
The same problem here
I will try this threat but I don't know which config may I select

connect to vpn with certificate?

Connecting to a vpn is generally working. Unfortunately it needs a certificate - which does not work. Any ideas?

