TouchFlo and ROMs - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hello, people!
First of all, I want to say that this is the best community related to PPCs, PDAs, etc! Everytime I'm confused about something within my Wizard, I come here... you guys just rock!
Well, now I'm posting for the first time, as I'm going to flash my first ROM and have a tiny silly question...
I have rolled through ROMs and ROMs that offered TouchFlo (Hornet, WizFlo, TNT, etc) and almost all of them had Manilla or the Cube...
My doubt is: all ROMs that offer TouchFlo, per say, also offer the real TouchFlo functions? Like, if I'm browsing a webpage and slide my finger down, the page will also slide?
And, if it's not asking too much, does any of these ROMs (Hornet, TNT, WizFlo) have that function?
I'm sorry for the noob question, I just need to know that. If this topic is way too repeated, please feel free to delete it.

We were ALL noobs, once. Your question is perfectly legitimate. However, it probably should have been asked on the Wizard Mobile 6 thread.
The answer to your question is equivocal. It depends entirely on the ROM, and in the case of your specific mention of web browsers, it also depends on the browser.
The ROM I have loaded on my phone does allow me to gesture for scrolling in Opera, but Pocket IE never supported gesture scrolling, to my the very least it doesn't in my phone. Your best bet is to figure out which ROM you like the looks of best (or which one has the programs and features you like, since looks are such a mutable feature), and ask the cook if he built that in, or not. I know this ROM came with haptic feedback for touch installed. I turned it off, to save battery power, but a less concerned user might find the haptics to be quite friendly.

Myrddin Wyllt,
First, sorry for posting in the wrong place, wasn't sure about it.
Thank you very much for your answer! I was in a hurry (lunch hour) and coudn't search further.
Also, a while ago I found a tiny app (FTouchFlo) that did exactly what I needed. But still, you solved my doubt regarding the "TouchFlo" featured in some ROMs.

nandobang said:
Myrddin Wyllt,
First, sorry for posting in the wrong place, wasn't sure about it.
Thank you very much for your answer! I was in a hurry (lunch hour) and coudn't search further.
Also, a while ago I found a tiny app (FTouchFlo) that did exactly what I needed. But still, you solved my doubt regarding the "TouchFlo" featured in some ROMs.
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Oi cara, saludos!
exatamente o q´o senhor esta procurando?
eu vou tentar te-ajudar, mais precisso saber o que nos estamos procurando ok?
(desculpa mais a minha lingua e espanhol)
Um abraco

Ola cara!
eu vou te ajudar so um pouco ok?
o que e vc esta procurando?
se voce precisa de ROMs eu vou te ajudar, primeiro nao utilize as roms tipo TNT elas estragam a pantalha(tela) do seu telefone
eu acho que a melhor rom e aquela que tem UC CAPABLE
voce poderia utilizar a SNN (3.1 ou diamond edition)
a angel e boa demais, (uc capable significa que vc pode ter tudo carregado na memoy card e nao precissa carregar na memoria interna do aparelho)
Agora, a ANGEl a4 (eu acho, nao me lembro com exactitude) e a mais nova, tenta com essa ROM
As Roms que o cracing faz, sao otimas, nao sei o que vc procura com exatitude, mais se vc quer uma ROM completissima pega uma dessas do cracing
Falou (disculpa pelos erros eu nao sou brasileiro nem portugues, sou BOLIVIANO )

Please post in ENGLISH. Feel free to use Google Language Tools if you need, but this is an English forum.
Español: Por favor, puesto en INGLÉS. Siéntase libre de utilizar Google Herramientas del idioma si es necesario, pero esto es un foro Inglés.

Hello again,
I was looking for a simple ROM, and the CRACING ones you recommended me are pretty good! I'm gonna try the 6.1 ASAP!
Thank you all for the help!


How to change the language?

I bought a HTC Cruise in French and I would like to know how can I change to English? Please could you help me? I can´t use my phone... I´m just wanting to change the language and still with the original programs and caracteristcs.
you will likely have to flash your phone with an English ROM... i have yet to hear of a way to change the language on a PPC phone.
andreyoshio said:
I bought a HTC Cruise in French and I would like to know how can I change to English? Please could you help me? I can´t use my phone... I´m just wanting to change the language and still with the original programs and caracteristcs.
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There is an Windows Mobile Pocket PC russian localization pack.
May be there is also for Enlish language?!
Thank you for help!
But how can I flash my phone, Is there any tutorials that teach how to do that?
andreyoshio said:
Thank you for help!
But how can I flash my phone, Is there any tutorials that teach how to do that?
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Download hard-spl.
Plug your pda to pc.
On Pc run RomUpdateUtiliy (from Hard-spl folder)
Now you will see on PDA a tricolor screen and will be asked replug your usb cable. DO IT.
After Few minutes pda will reboot, hard-spl is installed.
Download the rom.
Now, STEP MANUALLY to bootlader. (press and hold camera, and press reset)
You will see a tricolor screen with OLINEX on your pda.
On the pc run the RomUpdateUtiliy (from the downloaded rom folder)
After Few minutes pda will reboot, new rom is installed.
Thank you very much!
But I still have one doubt: where is the reset button that I have to press after the camera button?
Don´t worry and sorry with my english to.
Andre - Brasil - Rio de Janeiro
and where can I find the spl-hard for download?
andreyoshio said:
and where can I find the spl-hard for download?
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Would you use search please!!!
fktsndr said:
Would you use search please!!!
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You are wright!
Thanks for help me!
I will informe here if I have sucefull!
andreyoshio said:
You are wright!
Thanks for help me!
I will informe here if I have sucefull!
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olá andre, qualquer duvida me pergunte em pt mesmo que tentarei te ajudar.
hello andre, if you have any doubts you can ask me in portuguese and i'll help you.
meu problema é esse mesmo, meu pda está todo em francês e eu não consigo ler uma palavra nele... não estou preocupado em mudar performance, incrementar, nada disso... só mudar o idioma.
Pelo que me parece, depois de ficar 3 dias lendo tudo quanto que é post neste forum, a única opção que tenho é usar esse hard-spl. Achei rom em PT mas vou acabar usando inicialmente em IN por achar mais seguro e estável, depois poderei mudar para meu querido idioma materno.
Tenho agora somente uma pergunta: você sabe se pelo fato do meu pda ser desbloqueado eu ainda sim tenho que usar o hard-spl para trocar a rom?
Obrigado pela gentileza
De onde você é?
My problem is that, my pda is in french and I can´t read one single word in it... I´m not worry in change the performance, incresy, nothing of that... just change the idiom.
After been 3 days readding every post in these forum, the only choice that I have is use hard-spl. I found rom in PT but I probably use in IN because I think is more safety and stability then I would change for my maternal tongh.
Do you Know for the fact that my pda is unblocked I still have to use hard-spl?
Always use Hard-SPL
Ola eu tb sou portuguese. Sim tens que usar o hard-spl se nao o teu tlm vai estragar.
Hello I am portuguese too. Yes you have to use hard-spl otherwise your phone will mess up.

Apache Upgrading

I have simple questions:
If I upgrade the windows mobile os, I'll lost the phone line?
I'm thinking on upgrade, but I'm not sure yet if it pays the risk.
The apache turns slower?
thx folks
NTM knowledge, to any of the above.... I recently got my fiance the 6700 and 6.1 runs awesome on it! It runs quick as ever, and being fully installer enabled (everything I've tried to install has worked flawlessly. Everything from her Facebook app, to all the Google apps, and even the GPSToday app!
It basically gives you all of the positives, without any of the (known ) negatives.
Helmi_c did a great job with it!
Hi, pal.
I´m brazilian guy too...
So, I´d make an upgrade from wm5.0 to wm6.5 (build 21.501).
My ppc6700 is great.
Here in Brazil, we don´t find much about our device.
My device was a "vivo" carrier... WAS.
I changed to embratel (livre). This is a rare information here.
Nobody (I guess) make this "conversion" ou share informations about this.
Em portugues mesmo, meu ingles não é tão bom.
Passei meu ppc6700 da vivo pra embratel, e atualizei a versao do sistema operacional para wm6.5. Não tive problemas de lentidão ou travamento, recomedo, a não ser se o wm5 já te atenda bem e voce queira manter a versao original.
O aparelho é ótimo, como voce sabe, e tem algumas coisas nele que eu jamais fazia ideia - principalmente a parte de programação de linha. Já fiz a conversão em 2 aparelhos meus, com sucesso.
Voce não perderá sua linha, a programação da linha está em camada diferente.
De qualquer forma, tenha o backup do seu hexadecimal e das configurações das linha. Qualquer coisa, só falar.
Best regards,
bilbolseiro said:
I have simple questions:
If I upgrade the windows mobile os, I'll lost the phone line?
I'm thinking on upgrade, but I'm not sure yet if it pays the risk.
The apache turns slower?
thx folks
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DST for Topaz with 2.5

Is there a way to fix the DST in Topaz with sense 2.5, stock rom?
Mine keep the Casablanca time that is one hour behind Portuguese time.
Many thanks. Regards,
JSB01 said:
Is there a way to fix the DST in Topaz with sense 2.5, stock rom?
Mine keep the Casablanca time that is one hour behind Portuguese time.
Many thanks. Regards,
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There is a couple of things you can try.
TD2 Tools has a DST setting or you could maulally set it and take off sync with internet time in your clock settings.
Many thanks for the support.
In TD Tools 3 (PR2) where can I find the option?
Regards, JSB
Realmente esta coisa da hora já me anda a chatear um pouco...pois volta nao volta ele muda a hora...fico parvo pois já tive um stress ao chegar ao serviço quase fora de! Rendição a um colega é uma coisa chata....!
lfcanjo said:
Realmente esta coisa da hora já me anda a chatear um pouco...pois volta nao volta ele muda a hora...fico parvo pois já tive um stress ao chegar ao serviço quase fora de! Rendição a um colega é uma coisa chata....!
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English please.
JSB01 said:
Many thanks for the support.
In TD Tools 3 (PR2) where can I find the option?
Regards, JSB
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My mistake! After a second look I did not find it, but I have set it recently in some program.
Try this cab from M$

[Rom]PTIlusion WM 6.5 Portuguese build 23563

Hello all this is my first release to opal for portugueses sry my language
WiFi - autostart in 1 first boot
Manila 2D
Pocket rar
and some small very util apps
Flash from computer
If in update don't restart make reset
Ora boas á comunidade portuguesa esta é a minha primeira rom e por azar o telefone avariou em qualquer dos caso está disponivel para expermentarem caso encontrem erros reportem para se proceder á sua verificação.
Bugs encontrados até ao momento:
Wifi - liga-se no primeiro boot
Flash a partir do pc
Caso não reinicie a seguir á personalização façam um reset.
Nice Work!
Looks great...but i think we have a lack of Portugal users over here...try making in of luck!!!in d screen shots,the time in the task bar overlaps the quick menu icon in the same sure to perfectly test the ROM and then release or arrange beta testing sessions so that users can get to know what u really want to do and may be in that course of ROM making,many of ur problems get solved!!!nice efforts!!!best of luck again,and have a nice day!
shreyas18 said:
Looks great...but i think we have a lack of Portugal users over here...try making in of luck!!!in d screen shots,the time in the task bar overlaps the quick menu icon in the same sure to perfectly test the ROM and then release or arrange beta testing sessions so that users can get to know what u really want to do and may be in that course of ROM making,many of ur problems get solved!!!nice efforts!!!best of luck again,and have a nice day!
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shreyas is right, we have many english users here and you will surely get a very good response....
I il try and thx by suport
Nice! I'm Brazilian and like it a lot!
O problema de um brasileiro utilizar um dispositivo em língua PT-PT é que nós brasileiros não estamos acostumados a ler algumas palavras como "Contactos". Pois, este "C" - desnecessário na gramática Brasileira - realmente incomoda um pouco hehehe.. Muito boa a iniciativa!
Count 1 Warning.
brunoargenton said:
Nice! I'm Brazilian and like it a lot!
O problema de um brasileiro utilizar um dispositivo em língua PT-PT é que nós brasileiros não estamos acostumados a ler algumas palavras como "Contactos". Pois, este "C" - desnecessário na gramática Brasileira - realmente incomoda um pouco hehehe.. Muito boa a iniciativa!
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From next time,in english please.this forum is widespread over the world and english is what keeps every 1 connected.don't want any linguistic barriers on the forum.this may only lead to heaps of unintended questions and baseless increase in posts.take care.if you are finding it diffiult to report in english,plz PM a fellow member who is of your linguistic minority,who,in turn would redirect your question/answer/appreciation in english.we want every one to know whats going on in this forum.READ FORUM RULES FOR MORE DETAILS.
@shreyas18, the user brunoargenton sayd is:
The problem with a device using a Brazilian-language PT-PT is that we Brazilians are not accustomed to read some words such as "Contactos." Well, this "C" - unnecessary in the Brazilian grammar - really bothers a bit hehehe .. Very good initiative!
Only this...
Make an Attempt,
Beackman said:
@shreyas18, the user brunoargenton sayd is:
The problem with a device using a Brazilian-language PT-PT is that we Brazilians are not accustomed to read some words such as "Contactos." Well, this "C" - unnecessary in the Brazilian grammar - really bothers a bit hehehe .. Very good initiative!
Only this...
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Thanks,but still,i can't help but still convince you to report in English.Coz chances are if any one reports this post towards the Reported post forum and if it comes under scanner,i and the SEN-MODS will be forced to close this post.also,it is better i warn you in advance as this thread hasn't lifted off in a way this thread has taken off: So before it becomes uncontrollable for us,please revert into english...Also,the Forum Rules have a provision for you guyz to post in your language BUT translate the said thread/post in english,so that Users can benfit and Moderators can scan for any problems.
Lets see if this helps...
Respect and Regards_shreyas18.Moderator,Opal.
thx too man, we follow the rulz, he just make the communication more ease. but really sorry for the user brunoargenton.
On-topic: Badjudja, any chance to have a PT-BR version of your ROM??
I il try Beackman but now im to busy changing my home give me 1 or 2 week
Ok man, great man, changing home great future for you my friend
Power off
My Phone doesn't power off, but still a great rom.
Fix this please.
I'm working now to fix rom thx by support
Thank you very much, I will try it
Muito obrigado vou experimentar
I again, i fixed your rom, the package HTC UTIL is the problem.
Recook your rom whithout the package.
In my opinion you can implant the 29007 xip kernel. bye
Good work
Bro good good work, only problem is:
-batery issues fast (1 day);
-wallpaper can´t modify;
-problem with sms, when i was new, no work.
if you solve this, congratulations perfect room very nice room!!!!
however good good job.
badjudja said:
Hello all this is my first release to opal for portugueses sry my language
WiFi - autostart in 1 first boot
Manila 2D
Pocket rar
and some small very util apps
Flash from computer
If in update don't restart make reset
Ora boas á comunidade portuguesa esta é a minha primeira rom e por azar o telefone avariou em qualquer dos caso está disponivel para expermentarem caso encontrem erros reportem para se proceder á sua verificação.
Bugs encontrados até ao momento:
Wifi - liga-se no primeiro boot
Flash a partir do pc
Caso não reinicie a seguir á personalização façam um reset.
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boas amigo como e que ponho esta rom no htc e que estou no principio nisto , li mas nao consegui , queria saber qual era o programa pra enviar esta rom
obrigado pela atençao
bem pessoal ja consegui pr esta rom [Opal] NEW * MARYONE * 23569
queria testar este windows6.5 ou android
teve a trabalhar 30 min
retirei a bataria e liguei agora nao arranka aparece
onbl 1.26.000
GSM 03.29.90
o que tenho que fazer para por a rolar outra vex
badjudja said:
Hello all this is my first release to opal for portugueses sry my language
WiFi - autostart in 1 first boot
Manila 2D
Pocket rar
and some small very util apps
Flash from computer
If in update don't restart make reset
Ora boas á comunidade portuguesa esta é a minha primeira rom e por azar o telefone avariou em qualquer dos caso está disponivel para expermentarem caso encontrem erros reportem para se proceder á sua verificação.
Bugs encontrados até ao momento:
Wifi - liga-se no primeiro boot
Flash a partir do pc
Caso não reinicie a seguir á personalização façam um reset.
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esta off o link alguem podia por aqui para fazer download da rom
Boa Iniciativa
Infelizmente o link esta offline
Espero pela próxima Rom x)
Nuno Rodrigues

Which STABLE ROM for HTC Magic (32A) (For non-technical girl)

I have a HTC Magic (Denmark, (32A)) with stock 1.5 Android.
It is for my girlfriend, and want to update to a newer Android.
But it has to be STABLE, and everything must work (Wireless, GPS, Camera etc..). And I am not very fond of the need for overclocking to get persistant speed - you know, girls don't always recharge their mobilephones at night ...
Which ROM should I try?
Please again, its for my non-technical girlfriend, so it has to be stable and fully usable.
Best regards.
slkdk said:
I have a HTC Magic (Denmark, (32A)) with stock 1.5 Android.
It is for my girlfriend, and want to update to a newer Android.
But it has to be STABLE, and everything must work (Wireless, GPS, Camera etc..). And I am not very fond of the need for overclocking to get persistant speed - you know, girls don't always recharge their mobilephones at night ...
Which ROM should I try?
Please again, its for my non-technical girlfriend, so it has to be stable and fully usable.
Best regards.
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Há uma ROM atualizada disponível para que os usuários do HTC Magic baixem.. Como sempre, a HTC tem o compromisso de fornecer aos clientes a melhor experiência móvel possível.
Instruções de Instalação:
- Desligue o aparelho
- Copie o arquivo em seu SD card
- Insira o SC card no aparelho
- Mantenha pressionado o botão de volume para baixo (como se fosse para diminuir o volume) e, ao mesmo tempo, ligue o aparelho (não solte o botao de volume até que o celular ligue em modo boot)
- Aguarde o aparelho encontrar o arquivo em seu SD card
- Pressione o trackball e aguarde enquanto as atualizações são feitas
- Pressione o trackball ao término das atualizações para reinicar o aparelho
Thank you. But has this English language?
It needs to have english language, Danish (Nordic) at best, but isnt required.
Best regards
slkdk said:
Thank you. But has this English language?
It needs to have english language, Danish (Nordic) at best, but isnt required.
Best regards
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3 langs,incuding english.

