SD Card Issue - P3400 General

Hi All
Can someone please suggest me some steps that i can try to get my data back from my SD Card?
I only took out my Card and put it in back again and hells the phone does not detect my Card anymore. I tried few simple steps however still does not fucntion.
Can someone please please let me know what all i can try and incase if i need to format please load a good software to format my memory card?
Waiting for suggestions!!

try this.
try using another sd card...if it recognises it....its confirmed that there is no hardware issue.
then put in your own....which sd card are you using?

karan999 said:
try using another sd card...if it recognises it....its confirmed that there is no hardware issue.
then put in your own....which sd card are you using?
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Its a Kingston Micro SD 2 GB Card.

Have you tried any other card in GENE?
First try any other card.
Then try your card in any other phone.

how come mico SD
u said Micro SD u mean u are using the same with an adapter cause my friend had a problem with the SD card adapter chek the same or try using an ordinary SD
good luck
salim1001 said:
Its a Kingston Micro SD 2 GB Card.
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do certain sd cards not work?

just bought a cdma hero tonight! i'm nerding out like crazy right now.
anyway i tried to put in my kingston 16gb card and it wouldn't read and it gave me an error.
any reason why it wouldn't work?
Bump anyone?
whats the error?
whats the exact wording of the error?
It has a graphic showing something like a phone and exclamation point and the phone refuses to boot
hmm odd
try to format the sd card via a computer and try again
immya said:
hmm odd
try to format the sd card via a computer and try again
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how would i format the card if i can't get the phone to start with the kingston sd card?
if you can get a sd card adapter you could format it from your computer
you could try and format it from another mobile phone if you have one
also... try put the sd card in the phone while the phone is ON

[Q] Android can't see MicroSD card

As said, Android can't see my SD. I have CleanDroid installed on NAND.
When I insert the SD in the phone, appears an icon on the top that says "Now it's possible to remove the SD safely". If i remove the SD it says that it's removed, and when i reinsert it, again "Now it's possible to remove the SD safely". Obviously i can't install apps in the sd through "APP2SD", can't use Waze cuz it says that doesn't find the SD card in the phone, the same appears with the camera that tells that if i want use camera i need to insert an SD. BUT THE SD IS STILL THERE!!! what do I wrong with it?
I tried to change my 8GB SD with a friend's 2GB SD... but still the same. I tried to go in Settings, Memory, "Install SD" too, but it only tells again that i can remove the sd safely...WHAT THE HELL I WROOOOOOONG?!?!?!?! xD
EDIT: I forgot, i tried to change the ROM too, tried about 5-6 different ROMs but it still doesn't work...
Did you try formatting with Panasonic formatter?
You're just inserting the SD card right? You're not pressing amount SD card in settings right?
Its look your cards r not compatible with HD2 card reader. I had same issue with about 3 or 4 cards.
The best way is to use genuine SanDisk cards !
rikardo1979 said:
Its look your cards r not compatible with HD2 card reader. I had same issue with about 3 or 4 cards.
The best way is to use genuine SanDisk cards !
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Kailkti said:
Did you try formatting with Panasonic formatter?
You're just inserting the SD card right? You're not pressing amount SD card in settings right?
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Click to collapse's impossible! simply cuz with wm6.5 and wp7 it works perfectly! And on the PC too! In fact yesterday i came back to wm6.5 and the SD works well...
Just format it. ._.
i've tried to format it in ntfs, fat32 & extFat...don't work.... :'(
fdm91xda said:
i've tried to format it in ntfs, fat32 & extFat...don't work.... :'(
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hi guys, there is an update: today i woke up and tried again to insert an sd card. If it's formatted in NTFS or in exFat it says "The SD is damaged. Do u want to try to format?". So i answer yes, it formats the card and then says again the same thing "The SD is damaged. Do u....". From there whatever SD i will insert wont work cuz it will say the same thing. If i try to insert a 2GB Sandisk SD it wont work, the same for my 8GB Kingston and everything else. If i flash again the ROM (the same or another) it tells only that I can safely remove the SD card...BUT I DON'T WANT TO REMOVE IT! I WANT TO USE IT!!! xD so i think my problem is something like a "loop". The telephone remembers his last one choiche and whatever I will do it will give me the same response for every SD. If I format it will be the same...
I sometimes have this problem - it sometimes does what you describe or says that the card is Damaged.
The only way i've found to fix this issue is to format the Card on a Linux machine - i have a laptop that i can dual boot with Ubuntu - i remove the partitions on the card and format it fresh to NTFS using the Disk Tools in Ubuntu and it works a charm every time....
Hope this helps - it is a bit of an annoying issue!
paulrgod said:
I sometimes have this problem - it sometimes does what you describe or says that the card is Damaged.
The only way i've found to fix this issue is to format the Card on a Linux machine - i have a laptop that i can dual boot with Ubuntu - i remove the partitions on the card and format it fresh to NTFS using the Disk Tools in Ubuntu and it works a charm every time....
Hope this helps - it is a bit of an annoying issue!
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THANKS PAUL!!!!! I have BackTrack on my laptop cuz i need it at the university, but it's based on Ubuntu so i'll try to format my sd from there and try to format the sd from there! I'll let u know if I solved the problem! MANY THANKS!!!!!
fdm91xda said:
THANKS PAUL!!!!! I have BackTrack on my laptop cuz i need it at the university, but it's based on Ubuntu so i'll try to format my sd from there and try to format the sd from there! I'll let u know if I solved the problem! MANY THANKS!!!!!
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Good Luck mate - i know how annoying this issue is!

any sd card dont work on my nexus help

When i put the micro sd card in the phone it wirte me ''Blank SD card''. please help, I tried almost everything i format the card in the phone and it dont work i did it in the PC and it wasnt woking to, i tried to change a card and it doesnt help..the phone is new and all the cards work in ather android phone. please some help!!:crying:
dan12001 said:
When i put the micro sd card in the phone it wirte me ''Blank SD card''. please help, I tried almost everything i format the card in the phone and it dont work i did it in the PC and it wasnt woking to, i tried to change a card and it doesnt help..the phone is new and all the cards work in ather android phone. please some help!!:crying:
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well, is the SD card blank? And are you sure the SD card is completely pushed in until it clicks?

Blank SD card

From two days I have problem witk my SD Cards it shows ``Sd card is blank or has unsupported filesystem'' I tried different SD card but it got destroyed too. When I'm connecting SD directly too computer it works but when I try by Smartphone it's invisible. It's the same in different phones with this SD cards
nowak1235 said:
From two days I have problem witk my SD Cards it shows ``Sd card is blank or has unsupported filesystem'' I tried different SD card but it got destroyed too. When I'm connecting SD directly too computer it works but when I try by Smartphone it's invisible. It's the same in different phones with this SD cards
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SD card is formated to fat32?
verny94 said:
SD card is formated to fat32?
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Yes it's.
My phone makes the same thing with every card which I put inside
nowak1235 said:
Yes it's.
My phone makes the same thing with every card which I put inside
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Did you fixed it? I'm experiencing the same problem.. when you get an answer, please post us.
It is very possible it was due to an unsupported file system


PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!! :angel::angel::angel::angel::angel:
If u talk about exteernal SD card put it in any card reader,conect it too pc and hit format...u will erase all data from that SD card.
pustinjak said:
If u talk about exteernal SD card put it in any card reader,conect it too pc and hit format...u will erase all data from that SD card.
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Still cant fix it bro, I inserted my memory card into other phones and it reads it. Maybe its a hardware problem:good:
Niccos19 said:
Still cant fix it bro, I inserted my memory card into other phones and it reads it. Maybe its a hardware problem:good:
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Maybe slot for SD is daed did u try any other SD in ur phone ?
