Setting up VPN with WM 6.1 Pro and Vista Home Premium - Networking

Hey folks! I need some help setting up VPN. Here's what I want to do: I want to be able to connect to my PC through Internet (HSDPA Connection. NOT Wireless LAN!!!!!) and access the network shares on my PC. Okay, now I believe the only way not involving a HTTP Server on my PC would be to set up a VPN network. What I have done so far is configuring Vista. I set up the VPN Server. I think almost nothing can go wrong, because the only setting that I'm prompted for is Username/PW to allow... ANyway so I did this, and a friend of mine managed to connect. So I think the Vista-Part is okay. Now when I try to do it with my mobile, I FAIL. I did setup the VPN Connection in the Connections menu, and then I find the connection in the list and I tap-and-hold it and choose connect, and then it SEEMS the phone is trying to connect, at least it establishes the HSDPA Connection if it's not ready. But nothing more happens. No errors, no warnings, no indicators, nothing. Resco Explorer can't see my PC and my PC doesn't show an active VPN Connection either. I've already tried to alter the settings of the VPN Connection on my mobile and I think I've had them in almost every possible constellation but it simply won't work. Can someone help me and explain how to do it please? Your efforts would be very much appreciated!

Nobody? I really need this


Can my jasjar and Centrino communicate?

G'day all,
Well I got my jasjar today, and essentially I was originally under the impression that with this I would be able to use the wireless technologies of my laptop and jasjar to sync outlook, and browse the fiels on the notebook etc.
Then reality hit me.
You cannot sync via wireless. Then as it turns out I have no clue on how to setup a wireless network..
So im just wondering if anyone can inform me, is it possible for my jasjar and centrino notebook to communicate with each other wirelessly? If so what do I need to do in order to do that.
Thanks in advance
a very confused wireless enthusiast.
ActiveSync will not work on wi-fi, but you can setup a device-to-device network and use files on a share on your computer. If your Centrino has Bluetooth, you can use ActiveSync with that.
i have AS over bluetooth fine, and allows me to browse the internet etc
i have WIFI configured at home and work which allows me to browse shared folders with passwords and permission, run terminal server to my XP and our Terminal Server, and allows me to run Terminal Server over wireless over the internet direct to my remote work servers.
so it really depends on what you want to achieve, it will more than likely be a combination solution.
WIFI = Internet and Shares and Terminal Server
WIFI = Streaming music and videos
Bluetooth = AS
Bluetooth = Internet
Bluetooth <> Shares and Terminal Server
Well my laptop doesnt have bluetooth so that is no good to me.
Yeah I just want to access the laptops music, video or documents wirelessly. Im a little or completely lost as how to do this, I do not have broadband, and I have no networking experience really.
All I have is a Centrino laptop armed with the latest wifi components, and a jasjar.
I managed to make a device-to-device connection as someone suggested, and the devices appeared to connect, but I couldnt seem to do anything with them as such.
Try Resco Explorer ( It allows you to map network drives (once you have your device-to-device connection sorted)
Wiz - Off topic but can you share how you got your O2 Exec Blackberry Enabled? I'd like to do the same. Ta - philg
Got resco explorer, gotta say thats a handy lil feature packed app. But to my problem at hand....does anyone have or can anyone give me a run down of how to get a device-to-device networking happenng.
I can get the two devices to connect as such via wifi, both jasjar says connected as does XP, however when I go to map a network drive, in Resco or XP fo rthat matter, I just an a message saying no computer is connected or availbe. This despite the fact that it is right there!!
Any suggestions, tutorial recommendations?
r u using xp pro or home?
what sort of antivirus r u running?
firewall? ms or other
any other security settings imposed?
generally, go to pc, find folder u want to connect to, RMC, properties, sharing, enable with a name you like, apply security with password (nb sharinmg over wifi will allow others to access without security).
goto pda, resco, map drive, type in \\computername\sharename, enter your username to log onto pc and password (assuming these were the same pemissions you applied when setting up)
I had this working using a wifi access point via a local router, but norton screwed it up and been unable to fix....
Yes XP Pro
Default Network Security really, like I said ive never really used them or accessed the features so usually keep em closed.
and running NIS 2005. But yeah look im not a total noob, ie I disabled NIS at one point to see if that was hampering the connections, and even enabled it and enabled full access and that did nothing either.
what you suggested I pretty much did.
however, when ive set up the device to device connection it gives me security options ie WEP WPA etc, done these restrict other networks from using the shared folder?
I ask because there are a fare few wireless networks around me, wouldnt want to give any of them access to my stuff, even if it is only my music and some documents.
If you start your WIFI on your PPC and PC, does the WIFI icon on the PPC create the connection, ie the antennae and two arrows that remain still.
If so, then you have got the connection to the PC, we just then need to get the folders and access to each other. If not, then we cant get any further till we resolve this issue.
RMC My Computer or go to control panel system. Far right Tab allow remote connections, tick the box to allow. This should allow a Terminal Server connection from your PPC to your PC. So find out the IP of your PC, then open TSC and enter the same IP address and see if it connects. If it starts to get create a connection via GPRS/3G cancel it. This will be due to the "My Work" and "Internet" settings which we will have to come back to.
If it you can open a TSC then you have established the WIFI and can create and authenticate a connection, so it means we have a problem with the foler sharing.
So in summary, doing the above will:
1. Estabish that the WIFI connection using WEP is working
2. That you are connecting over the same common network using TSC to connect and control your PC from your PPC
3. THat the problems are folder sharing related
Let me know how you go.
I wont be able to try these suggestions until tomorrow but im pretty confident one of these will work, thanks for taking the time, I will definitely try em tomorrow.
But just for what information I have ATM, yes the wifi icon you described is there, so like I said the PPC is definitely connecting, just when its connected I dont seem to be able to do much.
Will let you know how I go
THanks again
I have resolved the problem that I have been having with connecting to a network share, when I could before and cant now....
The answer was simple, and I cant believe how simple.
The answer was found here, and posted by DUTCH
"Make sure you have "Enable Netbios over TCP/IP" checked in your TCP/IP Advanced settings."
If your not sure where this is let me know, but it provided and immediate fix for me. ...
Well, actually, I did two things simultaneously, so not sure which actually worked. I also went into the specific connectsion > Network Cards on the PPC, Network Adapter set to work, then Wireless tab, found the specific network opened this and changed this from internet to work.
So the combineation of the IP settings and the change from internet to work allows my ppc to connect to my computers folder shares.
well, i tested it furter.
If i left the work setting on my network, then when I used the internet, it opened and connected a gprs connection to open the web site.
so i changed the network connect back to "the internet", and was able to use the network card to connect to the internet and access the web.
I was also STILL able to access a network share whilst the network connected to "the internet", so the solution for me was
"Make sure you have "Enable Netbios over TCP/IP" checked in your TCP/IP Advanced settings."

WiFi and GPRS

For some reason I can connect to the internet very easily through GPRS (even when roaming), but at home with my own wirelss LAN, I can connect with no problem, but each time I try to access anything on the internet, I get a pop-up stating "Could not locate remote server". I don't have a router, I am using a desktop as the gateway, I am currently accessing the net with my laptop through the same means. All configurations for the LAN appear to be correct, but I must be missing something on the JAMin. In the WiFi settings, I see the LAN, almost full signal - Ad hoc Mode - status is connected - I'm assigned an IP ... seems like everything is in order.
Will one of you wizards point out what I've missed? I know it's probably simple, usually is.
If I'm having trouble connecting a device to a network that has previously been working ok, the first that I do is turn off all network security i.e WEP, MAC address filtering etc. Then reboot the wireless access point/router and your device. If you still can't connect, you can start to blame your device.
Don't think it's a network prob...
Thanks Matterhorn, but my laptop is still connected fine, no problems there... I get the feeling that the PPC's only recognising the GPRS as a valid network for internet access... it works okay when I login to a commercial WiFi network (when I'm in the States) but for some reason on my own network here at home, it logs in, just can't find a server for some reason. The first thing I thought of was the firewall, turned it off and still no luck.
Any other ideas? I thought maybe there was a setting for default AP or connection, but can't find it, nor can I find an appropriate reference in the manual. Ugh!
It would seem my JAMin was trying to access the internet not through the gateway, but through my laptop. As I don't have the laptop setup to share an internet connection, it would allow my JAMin to connect, but that was all. I went in the room where my desktop is, registered on the network there and bingo!
Too simple, should have tried that right away but it didn't occur to me at the time. Thanks for the help anyway Matterhorn!

How do you keep ActiveSync from changing your proxy settings on Wizard?

My wife is using a T-Mobile MDA at work and her job uses proxy to get network access for their desktop computers. We're using T-Mob web plan (T-Zones) and use a proxy setting to access to the internet. But when she connects her phone to her desktop, it changes her current connection to the companies proxy and port info. She really doesn't need to access the internet while connected to ActiveSync, so how do I keep ActiveSync from changing the proxy settings? Or is there a way to have both proxy settings and switch automatically? It seems like Active sync will change the proxy info of whatever connection is set in the phone when connecting. Any advice would be appreciated.
shawndh said:
My wife is using a T-Mobile MDA at work and her job uses proxy to get network access for their desktop computers. We're using T-Mob web plan (T-Zones) and use a proxy setting to access to the internet. But when she connects her phone to her desktop, it changes her current connection to the companies proxy and port info. She really doesn't need to access the internet while connected to ActiveSync, so how do I keep ActiveSync from changing the proxy settings? Or is there a way to have both proxy settings and switch automatically? It seems like Active sync will change the proxy info of whatever connection is set in the phone when connecting. Any advice would be appreciated.
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i think you need to have one setting only!
you can try to disable the advanced network connectivity for the active sync at work! go active sync - file - (make the following settings)
this computer is connected to - work network
uncheck the two boxes below
that what i do for my work computer - hope this useful
best wishes
Thanks... I had the same problem with my HD2 but your tipp is working for me... nevertheless, as long as my ohone is connected via USB to my work computer the GPRS connection is down, so I can't receive mails or surfe the internet with my phone and its normal GPRS connection - any ideas how to do something about this?
I use my ActiveSync at work to synch the Outlook calender entries but also to charge the batterie at the same time. Until I used your settings I had to modify the proxy settings (delete proxy) every time I disconnected the HD2 from the PC. Now that this is solved I would like to use the time having my phone connected to the PC to use the internet as well - as it is working when it's only connected in harddisk mode...
Thanks in advance!

VPN via 3G/HSDPA is still unresolved ?

Hi Everyone,
Having the Shift as my workhorse since some moths, there is still one annoyance I couldn't avoid: my VPN connections are interrupting the Internet connection when using 3G/HSDPA modem connecting to Internet in Vista/WM.
I was trying to search through all existing threads, but I still don't see anyone finding a solution.
I think the root lays in WM somewhere, since I cannot establish a PPTP connection in WM neither. In my case it is certainly not caused by the data provider, because I have checked it with them.
Let's try to put our knowledge together to sort this out !
This is normal behaviour I suppose
When connected to the VPN, the VPN must provide you with either a proxy or another internet gateway, otherwise you are just connected to a private network...
Maybe you mean something else, but from what I read it seems like you never got on the internet with VPN active.
If you did, and you are talking about intermittent network errors, then only high performance settings on your power settings may help.
If you could give more info I could help more. IP/Proxy/Gateway/ did it ever work yes no etc.
lucid said:
When connected to the VPN, the VPN must provide you with either a proxy or another internet gateway, otherwise you are just connected to a private network...
Maybe you mean something else, but from what I read it seems like you never got on the internet with VPN active.
If you did, and you are talking about intermittent network errors, then only high performance settings on your power settings may help.
If you could give more info I could help more. IP/Proxy/Gateway/ did it ever work yes no etc.
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Thanks for replying. I will try to explain it another way.
1. When I am connected to Internet via Wifi, I have no problem using my VPN connection. I get authenticated and connected to the company network and the connection stays active as long as I want.
2. Using 3G/HSDPA Internet, the following happens:
- I start the same VPN connection, and get connected.
- Than my 3G/HSDPA connection breaks up, and the PPTP dialin stays alive - it doesn't have any use this way of course.
- When I disconnect from VPN, the 3G connection comes back automatically.
I hope this is more clear this way, any hints are very welcome !
jarbi said:
2. Using 3G/HSDPA Internet, the following happens:
- I start the same VPN connection, and get connected.
- Than my 3G/HSDPA connection breaks up, and the PPTP dialin stays alive - it doesn't have any use this way of course.
- When I disconnect from VPN, the 3G connection comes back automatically.
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Thats exactly the same problem that i have had for over months - it just doesn't work and I can't see any way to get it to work - so much so, I don't use the Shift anymore - got a Tytn II and redfly and just remote desktop to a PC on the work lan!
jarbi said:
Thanks for replying. I will try to explain it another way.
1. When I am connected to Internet via Wifi, I have no problem using my VPN connection. I get authenticated and connected to the company network and the connection stays active as long as I want.
2. Using 3G/HSDPA Internet, the following happens:
- I start the same VPN connection, and get connected.
- Than my 3G/HSDPA connection breaks up, and the PPTP dialin stays alive - it doesn't have any use this way of course.
- When I disconnect from VPN, the 3G connection comes back automatically.
I hope this is more clear this way, any hints are very welcome !
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The VPN that you are running is on VISTA side.(if yes try to see the routing table) by default the VPN get the default GW, and try to change it.
If this is the issue then you can go to the VPN connection properties -> Networking ->TCP/IP -> Properties -> Advanced -> IP Setings -> unchek the use the default GW on remote network.
Is this a problem caused by this vista "feature", which disconnects the 3G Modem from Vista, as soon as an other network is being connected via WLan or via cable?
I think this is a stupid feature. Instead of that the users just should set the metrics for the networks manually and you can be sure, that Vista always uses the WLAN instead of the GSM/3G modem, if both where available.
alazarid said:
The VPN that you are running is on VISTA side.(if yes try to see the routing table) by default the VPN get the default GW, and try to change it.
If this is the issue then you can go to the VPN connection properties -> Networking ->TCP/IP -> Properties -> Advanced -> IP Setings -> unchek the use the default GW on remote network.
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Thanks a ton, the TCP/IP part did the trick ! Now my VPN has a use ).
cheers !
Ok guys heres the issue...
At first I thought this problem was associated with the fact that there may have been some software monitoring for other data connections, to disable the GSM modem when not needed...
After checking into everything, I found that there is probably NO software that does this...
Since WM handles the passthrough for the 3G connection, and ontop of that the actual endpoint for the data connection on the GSM connection is the WM side and not Vista, what happens is what when the VPN creates a connection and you opt-in to use the default remote gateway (I prefer to use it, because I require this for the work I do), the default gateway is updated on the 3G network interface.
I beleive that this update of configuration, then causes the WM side to stop the connection because either a) it doesn't know howto interprit this or b) retries to create the connection because it thinks there is an error.
I havn't played with this for a few weeks, and have my fair shareof other stuff I deal with, so I cannot remember if WM NATs the 3G connection, but the key thing breaking this is the WM side.
I beleive that IF you did want to hack up a configuration that uses the remote gateway, you could configure a VPN connection under Windows Mobile and have WM connect to the VPN, therefor the PC would be using that connection (but wouldn't be aware that its connected to the VPN), therefore giving the user access to the VPN, WITH the remote default gateway being used.
Again, as I mentioned its been a while since ive gone tech on my Shift, but I beleive this is correct. If anyone wants to add anything, please feel free.

VPN Pptp over wifi in HTC Leo

I have been trying to connect to my to vpn pptp server ( for 2 days. I tried every combination that i could think, but there must be something i am doing wrong. I think the mobile is trying to connect to the vpn server through gsm because everytime i try to connect the gsm signal bars disappear for a few moments. How can i make sure that the vpn connection goes through wifi?
I have managed to actually connect to the vpn server, but i cannot access websites like facebook and youtube from the Leo (I live in China and they are blocked). I am able to access blocked services through my iphone and laptop through the same vpn connection.
Any suggestions?
PPTP on WM6 is a major problem. Especially if the server (and most do) required MPPE. Its one of the few niggles I have about WM. If you own the server your best setting up the conection using L2TP/IPSEC.
Or if you dont own the VPN server, and have a server laying around the house (as I do) you could set up your server to use the PPTP VPN then set there server as a Proxy, and connect WM6 to the server via basically WM6>Proxy>VPN>interwebs
Hi Jagnet, Thank you for your reply.
Unfortunately i am not able to use Ipsec/L2TP in China, only PPTP works fine with blocked sites.
After trying many combinations, there is a step that i havent been able to figure it out.
Once i am in Start > Settings > Connections (tab) > Connections (icon) > Advanced (tab) > Select Networks, How do i select the WIFI connection in "Programs that automatically connect to the internet should connect using" opcion? . On the modem tab i only can choose "celullar line", "Celullar line (GPRS)" or "Hayes Compatible on COM1:", there is nothing about WIFI there, so when i try to connect at the vpn server specified in "Programs that automatically connect to a private network should connect using", the phone seems to be trying to connect via GPRS.
¿Any ideas?
joaquinmora said:
I have been trying to connect to my to vpn pptp server ( for 2 days. I tried every combination that i could think, but there must be something i am doing wrong. I think the mobile is trying to connect to the vpn server through gsm because everytime i try to connect the gsm signal bars disappear for a few moments. How can i make sure that the vpn connection goes through wifi?
I have managed to actually connect to the vpn server, but i cannot access websites like facebook and youtube from the Leo (I live in China and they are blocked). I am able to access blocked services through my iphone and laptop through the same vpn connection.
Any suggestions?
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having similar issues with HD2. CMCC as well, in China.
I am getting a proxy IP address if I check on, etc
but I am not able to open FB.
I am not using the PPTP option, but using their SSL service with
openVPN. but STILL not working..
right now on support chats with witopia.
VPN PPTP is simply broken in WM. It will work, but only with no encryption at all, which beats the purpose.
First of all sorry for bumping this old thread. But I have been looking and it seems kinda close to what I`m doing, oh a little new to vpn.
I have managed to sucessfully connect the HD2 via VPN in connections only when on the lan (outwith I need to contact O2 to get it enabled apparently). I setup a dialup connection in Win 7; HD2 says I`m connected to the VPN.
However heres the thing. Am I right in thinking that folders by default have to be shared. Therefore when using resco I can see network folders anyway, when connected to wifi.
So how would I prove that I can see folders shared to the VPN and not on the LAN as I cant seem to prove whether I`m seeing the folder via LAN and not on the VPN?
Sorry if its confusing but perhaps you get my drift? Or am I missing the point entirely....

