[APP] RPO - Portuguese Radio Online V1.1 - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

hi all, this my relly first program made for pda!
RPO - Rádios de Portugal Online - [ Portuguese Radio Online ]
RPO - Rádios de Portugal Online [Portuguese Radio Online] v1.1 (Freeware)
Requirements: PPC WM5, WM6 - NET Compact Framework 3.5
Overview: listen portuguese FM radio whith internet broadcasting
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-automatic start internet conection
-create a CAB intalation file
to do:
-activate finger touch movements
-create a PC instalation file
so, try it and tell me what you tink.
this programe is in portuguese language, but i can easly make an english version, when i add internetional station radio.
i'm waiting for your feed back!!
More Info:
Download Instructions: -download and install it on your PDA.
Version: 1.0
download: http://rapidshare.com/files/213125172/RPO.zip
how to use:
-download and unpack "RPO.zip".
-copy "RPO.exe" to a folder of you choice.
-[you must have an internet connection active] - open a page in internet explorer
-start RPO.exe
to do:
-automatic start internet conection
-create a CAB intalation file
-activate finger touch movements
so, ty it and tell me what you tink.
this programe is in portuguese language, but i can easly make an english version, when i add internetional station radio.
i'm waiting for your feed back!!

it works on my diamond stock room ,good jod .what about same radios from acores?sao miguel ? just an idea....

give me link's or name of the existing radios and i add them to the list, or to a new class!

vimafeje said:
to do:
-create a CAB intalation file
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not anymore, took the freedom to do one for the community. thanks for the app \o\
ps: se puderes, regista-te no site http://www.pocketpt.net/ e apresenta aí tambem a tua aplicação para a comunidade portuguesa.

new version avaible
iRiKi said:
ps: se puderes, regista-te no site http://www.pocketpt.net/ e apresenta aí tambem a tua aplicação para a comunidade portuguesa.
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already posted :http://www.pocketpt.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=27870&hl=
i'm trying to create a PC instalation file, but, i'm having some problem, compiling this in VS2008, did anyone have a "nice" tutorial to do it or some tips to share? i will bee gratefull!!!
tank's to see my post!

now, also avaiable for download in microsoft page:
or in my webpage!!!


[New ITA WM6 LpT 1.0 ] 21/03/2008

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From Original WM6 Professional
Add LgMenu (Traslated to Italian)
Add Network Plugin
Updated and fixed Iexplorer
SpeedUp system
Home Plugin whit HomeSetting and Patched (All Italian Cyties for Weather)
PPcPimBackup 2.8
Buttons Map:
Button1 (gps icon) Press:<Start Menu> Hold:<Show Today>
Button2 (iexplorer Icon) Press: <OK/Close> Hold <CommManager>
and moore.....
Tnx to All XDA Community
Important:This is Beta Version ,for beta tester Only
Great Job
I'll flash as soon as possible.
Downloaded and tested, it's possible there is a problem with compact framework, some software do not run after the upgrade.
I'm able to give you more info.
Thank you for our job
Which software does not work?
I have trouble with a sw called mynav, it's a gps application with mountain database.
try to install this cabs :
microsoft cf
thank you for your help
I have try to install the microsoft_cf but this is impossible
The cf2 get a error (memory)
The 3.5 give me the indication that the ms compact framework is already installed on the rom
My software get the error on the installation because do not find sytem.windows.forms or dipendences
With different rom version(ie Pepe)I do not have this problem
I like your rom so if possible I wold like fix this error
Thank you again Giorgio
download,unzip and overvrite this dll file into \windows dir
and try it.
if not work disable cf 3.5 and enable 2.0 whit regedit
change dword key
1 for 2.0.xxx
and 0 for 3.5.xxx
Hi infido,
sorry but I continue have problem
I can not substiute the dll file (access deny on repacement) and the register modification do not fix the problem
Thank you
copy in the sdcard and overwrite with resco explorer
now all work fine
The resco is a nice tool
Thank you and let me know for future releases of the rom
Problem with tomtom
I installed this all works Roma and the only problem that installing the tomtom unfortunately fails to see the integrated gps. You know whether it is a known bug?
Install tomtom,set "altri gps nmea",speed 4800 ,comm 4
infido said:
Install tomtom,set "altri gps nmea",speed 4800 ,comm 4
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Thank you very much for your help now works perfectly with your advice

[New Release 27 Apr] Light LpT V2 [ITA] ~ V3 19700.1.0.2 in Test

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Light Version
System CE 5.2.19209 (Build 19209.1.0.2)
system speedup
essential software Only
Set Default CF .NET 3.5
Patch photo by HTC
Fixed Pocket IExplorer
Htc Home patched
Htc Audio Manager (Iphone Skin)
New Icons Style
WWE Version --------------
beautiful theme!!!
can you provide it separately?
windirt said:
beautiful theme!!!
can you provide it separately?
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I would like to have it too (it is my best color) .. ..
When we can test the wounderful ROM ..
Ita version Uploaded
wwe work in progress upload in next days
ENG - Good work Infido, i have put your rom on my Polaris, but i can't config the ROM with Advanced Config, how can i do?
ITA - Bel Lavoro Infido, provata e funziona, come si configura però? ad esempio non riesco a far funzionare Advanced Config di Schaps (ad esempio per non tenere i contatti doppi e cancellare i SIM) come posso fare?
windirt said:
beautiful theme!!!
can you provide it separately?
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blue theme
View attachment WM6_Blue.zip
Await the WWE release, please can you provide a detail ROM info as what has been removed and added, also which tweaks have been applied.
p.s. noticed your ROM is probably the first to include the Camera Photo Fix by HTC.
@jibreil: are you sure... i remember that one of the last bepe rom also integrated that patch...
New Version in test CE 5.2.19209 (Build 19700.1.0.2)
infido said:
New Version in test CE 5.2.19209 (Build 19700.1.0.2)
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Share the love- (WWE )
anytime soon?

»»» New Diamond Ahma «««

View attachment 89492​
The file skin.xml in the Diamond directory is corrupt. Use this file instead to replace the skin.xml in the Diamond directory.
View attachment skin.zip
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The only today plugin is UltmateLaunch, all the others are in Ul.
Programs that you need to have:
-Marsware Weatherpanel
-SPB Diary 2
Included in rar on the link
-rk-TSRSetup (to change today wallpaper)
thank you for you share ...;D
edit : it' s no apprécié UL cracké.. no warez please..
Sorry, it`s only for share my configurations...
you are going to make you banish if you let software warez, I just want you prevent before it t'arrive
tu vas te faire bannir si tu laisses des logiciels warez, je veux juste te prévenir avant que cela t'arrive...
I will delete the file, once again sorry
can i put the link to non cracked files?
yes amigo..
I do it for you so you can not have no problems
je fais ça pour toi pour que tu ne puisses pas avoir de problèmes
Thanks, right now it`s ok?
Thanks, from Portugal
ahma said:
Thanks, right now it`s ok?
Thanks, from Portugal
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yes my friend
thanks from Montreal LOL
Ahma, serve para o Touch? como instalo? Obrigado.
are there any videos showing the response time of this? Is it fast? Is it slow? I would just like to know before downloading all those plugins. Thanks
It`s fast, i use a touch with overclock at 234mhz.
You have to open just one time all the heather to load...
Can you take a video of it please?
This looks real good.. i might have to get the othere files so i can test this out.
i have a problem with rltdosay. I don't see the diamond skin in the option of rltoday.
Can you help me?
downloading now
Hope it will work on my samsung i780
i have a problem with rltdosay ( no skin )
can i get sum instructions?
soldat95 said:
i have a problem with rltdosay ( no skin )
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There is a problem with the skin.xml in the Diamond directory. Use this file instead to replace the skin.xml in the Diamond directory.

[ROM] PDAViet's dinhtuananh3010's Opal Rom WM6.5.1 D5 Build 23088 M2D 2.0 19191432_04

Opal Rom WM6.5.1 D5 Build 23088 M2D 2.0 19191432_04
i'm posting this so we can have lots of ROM choices for our Viva (Opal)...
i haven't tried it yet (i'm using nguoc's Build 28002 rom right now.)
thanks to dinhtuananh3010!
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"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
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"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
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Google Translate:
Vietnamese to English translation
- SYS & XIP Build 23088 COM3.
- Manila 2D v2.0 19191432_04.
- NumBattery.
- CapSure.
- ClearTypeTuner.
- ModeSMS.
- ....
Download: xxxx
Should face HardReset after rom.
Bug: Tab Photos & Videos still work, update function of the weather in Home screen is not, the Update tab weather Weather you complete the installation file. Cab file attached in rom, is Okie softreset ...
If you want the interface as in the picture on your Home, select the theme Livven SimpleGloss nhé ....
Hi The Rem,
Please check you ROM, because i downloaded two times and it is corrupt.
i removed the link... Microsoft Security Essentials says there's a trojan...
it's corruped when the owner upload it! he said so in pdaviet.net
link fixed: Download: http://www.4shared.com/file/15940229..._23088_D5.html
Link show file not available...
mrhilary said:
link fixed: Download: http://www.4shared.com/file/15940229..._23088_D5.html
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please check link again
file not available on this site
aaryaputra said:
please check link again
file not available on this site
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Here's a working link:
But I haven't tried flashing this myself.
musikmonk said:
here's a working link:
but i haven't tried flashing this myself.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
will flash and report
you have your doubts regarding this???
GOOD ROM - as of now
As of now
Installation was smoothe
No problems as yet from the ROM
Standard games have been removed
Will kee posted
Fundamental Flaws
aaryaputra said:
As of now
Installation was smoothe
No problems as yet from the ROM
Standard games have been removed
Will kee posted
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I like the interface with square buttons - and the ROM
basically is ok in speed - BUT -
Seems there are certain fundamental flaws in this ROM
Album not working - when click on pics screen goes blank
Touch function freezes in Home configuration screen
have to use the stylus by FIRMLY tapping the screen
Will keep posted

[ROMeOS4][DEU](18MAR-v4.04.BETA.01|576MB)[WM655-23547][S-20121412] IchLiebeROMeOS

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Pls help to translate.
1-Some DEU language in Sense missing (will be fixed)
2-Some apps not translated / wrongly translated.
3-Not compatible with CHT
DEU Beta 01 ready, danke
I really want to try this, any knows buggs so far?
Same applications / moddings like in the WWE Rom I guess, aight?
Yes, its ROMeOS flavored special for Deutsch friends
hi monx,
nice so see a german rom from you
one question before flashing: is cht working on beta 1 or what is the problem with it ?
have a nice day
any guy already tried this ROM ? What about the battery life, improved?
Or same like with 1.66 Stock ROM ?
its almost same like with WWE version regarding battery, performance etc.
I just tested ROM a few hours.
First of all its very very quick.
But somehow I cannot change the wallpaper... each time I open the jpg file
the window closes and quit!
=> SOLUTION : copy the wanted wallpaper on main storage : \My Documents \ My wallpaper
For now the solution is ok, I guess a more comfortable solution would be nice
Furthermore ROMeOS4_CO0KIE_HOMETAB+EDITOR_1_6_1 does not work.
Cannot see Today-Screen or any other quicklinks...
Just some more facts:
I updated facebook app, because in the ROM is only old version!
First of all, no deinstalling of the old version, I have booth versions
on my HD2 now. No matter which icon I push, only the old version starts.
I tried ROMeOS4_DINIK'S_ANASTASIA_ICONSET_v1_0.ZIP and some icons do
not change : Camera, Nachrichten, Kontake, WLAN-Router just to name some.
Manila TV Tab would be nice + Cookie's Hometab + Editor !
Do u aware what is the latest version of Facebook?
Co0kie HomeTab is not compatible yet.
This is still 1st beta, I will improve on next update
... i dont care about this update of Facebook.
Just trying to give some feedback..
actually there is already the latest inside the rom. v1.2 as in marketplace is the same v1_1_0_17
Appreciate if u can help me with translation so i can speed up the DEU updates. ActionScreen, Endkey, Shutdown message, etc..
