windows mobile 6.5? - HTC Typhoon

will this device get the update or is the hardware to old? thanks chaps, i have just restored my c500 after 4yr of non use using a dummy phone, wonder if the battery lasts longer than my iphone!!

When it will be available, I will make a rom.

ALEUT said:
When it will be available, I will make a rom.
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Would this help?
Windows Mobile 6.5 Developer Tool Kit
New emulator images from Microsoft : Windows Mobile 6.5 Developer Tool Kit
Download here(the link is in the post I found this in)

6.5 on this phone .....?
I'll believe it when I see it!

I am more optmistic
But WM 6.5 is rather large ROM, so Typhoon may be a bit difficult..

I think it's not. Don't forget that for Typhoon can use 39M SPL, storage is only 17MB, but ROM is larger.

Any news?
Any news on a 6.5 typhoon US English ROM? Thanx

shassouneh said:
Any news on a 6.5 typhoon US English ROM? Thanx
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I had started cooking 2 times, but I saw, that operative memory was low and I didn't want to continue...

ALEUT said:
I had started cooking 2 times, but I saw, that operative memory was low and I didn't want to continue...
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Please do continue. I would be happy to test it on my C500.

It can eliminate many programs installed and before it could gain more space.

Please test my first build of wm6.5. Download here.

Will try soon...

ALEUT said:
Please test my first build of wm6.5. Download here.
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Downloaded, flashed, now testing...
Thanks Aleut, great job !!!

My opinion is 6.5 for devices with 64+ mb ram Who wants to test new visual effects of wm6.5, download and install

Nice ROM, fast internet connection,thanks aleut
but no picture on playing 3gp file

@aleut there is any chance on device signing the rom? i mean usb identity, device name in mobile center and device picture? thanks in advance

anubis_cray said:
@aleut there is any chance on device signing the rom? i mean usb identity, device name in mobile center and device picture? thanks in advance
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It's needed to write a new usb driver, I can't do it.

ALEUT said:
It's needed to write a new usb driver, I can't do it.
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any chance on porting from a oem built?

anubis_cray said:
any chance on porting from a oem built?
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which build?


WM2003SE - Coming soon... ;-)

Hello Wallaby-Users.....
New Upgrade-Option is waiting for you.
Hope to release soon a WM2003SE-Edition for the Wallaby.....
More Infos coming soon here in ths thread.
See some screenshots:
LumpiStefan said:
Hello Wallaby-Users.....
New Upgrade-Option is waiting for you.
Hope to release soon a WM2003SE-Edition for the Wallaby.....
More Infos coming soon here in ths thread.
See some screenshots:
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Btw if you need a PW10A1 tester, you can mail me/find me on msn: [email protected]
Ok. Now it´s done .....
Rom is available.
Until now there are a few linitations with this ROM:
1.) Bootimage are not adjustable. Needs more investigations
2.) Flashing is only via EXE-File possible, because this ROMs are little bit bigger than the normal an xdatools checks the filesize.....
3.) Part of ROm that was reserved for backup is used in this ROM, so those data will be destroyed while flashing.....
ROM is available without any additional Programs (Download the Attachement) and also already included in the kitchen (
I cannot gurantee, that all is working fine. So flashing is on your own risc....
Also it would be great if some nice guys donate for the xda-developers or for me. Link ares available here and on my kitchen....
If you have any problems, please use this thread, PM to me or Email....
Have fun with the new ROM...
LumpiStefan Gr8 Work
In the rom kitchen it's available with additional file size after adding some softs it's 16.1 , is it safe to flash it?
You are our man once again! cooked a rom in the kitchen, flashed it, works flawlessly....THANK YOU!
Does it still have the SD-erase bug?
KTamas said:
You are our man once again! cooked a rom in the kitchen, flashed it, works flawlessly....THANK YOU!
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Is it fast, working normaly, buggy?! tell me I'm excited heheh
ramram said:
KTamas said:
You are our man once again! cooked a rom in the kitchen, flashed it, works flawlessly....THANK YOU!
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Is it fast, working normaly, buggy?! tell me I'm excited heheh
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It is faster than WM2003
when will it be revealed in german?
It's working good and it's faster- movies works faster.
I hope that SD card erase bug is fixed.
I tested it, so far working and fast. I'm just waiting the Sd-Erasure bugg... I hope it wont happen....
theholysaint said:
when will it be revealed in german?
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I think never. :-(
KTamas said:
Does it still have the SD-erase bug?
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Don´t know. Myself only had this problem one time in using the xda with WM2003 for 1 1/2 Year. WM2003SE i have running now for 2 days. So i can´t tell it really....
Hi Stefan,
i am geting GetDeviseData error, any idea? btw thanks for great work
LumpiStefan said:
KTamas said:
Does it still have the SD-erase bug?
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Don´t know. Myself only had this problem one time in using the xda with WM2003 for 1 1/2 Year. WM2003SE i have running now for 2 days. So i can´t tell it really....
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I think it does not (i repeat, i THINK). The sd-erase bug was a bug in Windows CE 4.2 (WM2003 based on that), and there were a patch that correct that bug (if you have the WCE4.2 source of course ), so WM2003SE should be patched.
kamiar said:
i am geting GetDeviseData error, any idea? btw thanks for great work
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There are 2 possibilities:
1.) Wrong device. This only works with Wallaby devices (XDA I / MDA I / ... )
2.) You have rom that prohibits flashing via exe (e.g. 4.01.16) Than you have to downgrade first via SD-card (e.g. Special Edition ROM) and then upgrade to WM2003SE
As I remember I flashed my device with this ROM long time ago, Lumpistefan you finnaly sort it out to let it work GOOD WORK!!!! :wink:
were can i gt the patch
im trying to upgrade i dont have the patch yet sd eraser.
I had rom 4.01 and had to downgrade to 3.17 with SD to be able to upgrade to 2003SE, i did that but now it hangs at boot screen and the problem is that i dont have a card reader and even can not sync, how can i make another image on SD or any other solution?pls

WM 6.1 ??

IS there will be WM 6.1 for BA? i've read from
and it seems that they will be release it on 29/01/08, is it true? can someone confirm about this?? thanks
Yes there will be Wm 6.1 on ba once it is officially released
xplode said:
Yes there will be Wm 6.1 on ba once it is officially released
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Thanks about your info, btw will you release your WM6.1? i hope there'll be a kitchen for it
Well it is too early to talk about that but yes i will release a rom maybe some time in february ... my BA is useless right now
xplode said:
Well it is too early to talk about that but yes i will release a rom maybe some time in february ... my BA is useless right now
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that is great.. i'll looking foward for it
xplode said:
Well it is too early to talk about that but yes i will release a rom maybe some time in february ... my BA is useless right now
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What are you gonna do with your broken device, man?
i try to make one from Hermes.
But it can't boot with a white screen
But i can't make XIP.bin any one can help me?
there is very educational thread in Development and hacking section - G'relloc and other tools, i advise you to read it.
I assume you are half way in porting the rom, use current BA kitchens to port to BA, you can use my latest rom as base and use its xip, this way it will boot
aries77 said:
IS there will be WM 6.1 for BA? i've read from
and it seems that they will be release it on 29/01/08, is it true? can someone confirm about this?? thanks
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iv just downloded it is it really wm6.1
iv just downloded it is it really wm6.1
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Could you reupload this ROM somewhere? Chinese is too difficult to find any download link.
baniaczek said:
Could you reupload this ROM somewhere? Chinese is too difficult to find any download link.
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go here
Is this really 6.1? I thought they are releasing it on 29th... its only 28th today....
I am confused.... early on schedule?
well it is 6.1 for sure, but i am doubting the build of the core and os .... i am comparing it now with other builds.
I will wait a few days before i cook it into rom
go here
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Many, many thanks.
Downloaded, flashed, rebooted.
Looks good. About core and os builds - let's wait for xplode's verdict.
there is zoom in internet explorer and threading of SMSes (as told here)
what i hate in this build is the smart dialling and video call components which are useless in BA, also the ramdisk slows the device a lot, thats why i don't include it in any of my roms.... there are few more tricks to create a fast rom but ... you will see them soon
xplode said:
what i hate in this build is the smart dialling and video call components which are useless in BA, also the ramdisk slows the device a lot, thats why i don't include it in any of my roms.... there are few more tricks to create a fast rom but ... you will see them soon
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could you get Getting started to work?
Can this be put on a Vogue or can I find the tool to get this put on a Vogue, and when we will the real ver. come out
If only we had a working sdhc driver........
sofene said:
If only we had a working sdhc driver........
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Yes, it would be quite important!
install .net framework 2.0 sp2 and getting started will work
there are few things missing from this rom one of them is .net CF


Hi everyone,
I have the HTC ARTEMIS and i would like to place on it Windows mobile 6.5 !!
where can i find this operating sysyem? tha search says no results.
excuse me i' m new in the forum.
See "Artemis Mobile 6" ROOM and
PS: Read the guide to upgrade ROM first!!!
but the only WM6.5 is in german, not in english!
what can i do?
It's on the main page dude!!;
oh! thanks!!
i firstly installed the uspl, and then the new rom.
and a one more question: where can i find tha latest radio update?
petran_7 said:
and a one more question: where can i find tha latest radio update?
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..You don't seem to like the SEARCH feature very much,don't you?!?...sooner or later someone is going to reproach it badly to you! (some people LOVE to do it,more than helping) you go:
thank you very much! if i will update the radio, will i lose my data?
petran_7 said:
thank you very much! if i will update the radio, will i lose my data?
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no, you won't lose your data
ok. thanks a lot. thats all i wanted!
sorry, but i can't do it. do i have to run the .exe file from my pc or from my artemis?
in artemis, when i run it, it says: "ARTE_LOVE_CUSTOMRUU" is not a valid ppc application!
whats going wrong?
from my pc it says the same but in the end it says is not a win32 valid app.
that means i can't do anything?

Windows Mobile 6.5.5 with Sense 2.5

when will this OS be uploaded
i cant wait to get this on my TG01
Thanks in advance
qasi said:
when will this OS be uploaded
i cant wait to get this on my TG01
Thanks in advance
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As far as I have knowledge, I'm having issues with 6.5.5 because you need to handle with 2 main problems:
- Some Toshiba Packages are Windows 6.5 modified versions. With 6.5.5 you have to choose, to keep them branding a 6.5.5/6.5.0 fusion or use full 6.5.5, and be aware of bugs in any case.
- We need to xip-port from another device, and that's not as easy as may seem.
At the end, we have many, MANY!, non bootable ROM's until we get something bootable (that doesn't necesarly means usable). So, that's a hard and long try-error work with many, MANY, ROM builds. Most of the ROM's I've posted worked fine on first try. I needed 9 trys to get UK rom working deleting a lot of files (thats why my manila version doesn't seem to have any ROM penality), but with 6.5.5 I've done 10-12 trys, any of them booted. l3v5y had more succes on this issue, and I don't know what happened with hdubbli and his 6.5.5 build.
many thanks for the debranded rom with sense 2.5
this one is working perfectly!
or you could try the 6.5.3 which is available on onther devices and put in the sense on top.
another thing which would be create is the new energy rom which is available on the HTC HD2
this would great if you could included this in the new Rom
i hope you can carry on with the excellent work and i hope the for the best Rom avaivale for the TG01!!!
qasi said:
many thanks for the debranded rom with sense 2.5
this one is working perfectly!
or you could try the 6.5.3 which is available on onther devices and put in the sense on top.
another thing which would be create is the new energy rom which is available on the HTC HD2
this would great if you could included this in the new Rom
i hope you can carry on with the excellent work and i hope the for the best Rom avaivale for the TG01!!!
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the problems with 6.5.3 aren't diferent than the ones with 6.5.5. Give me links... xD I don't have infinite knowledge.
arag0n85 said:
the problems with 6.5.3 aren't diferent than the ones with 6.5.5. Give me links... xD I don't have infinite knowledge.
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oh sorry m8
i was just giving some advice you could try
i aint got much knowledge to create a rom as you have
anyways carry on with the 6.5.5
you r doing a greate job
you take a look at hdubbli's Rom
any release dates?
arag0n85 said:
the problems with 6.5.3 aren't diferent than the ones with 6.5.5. Give me links... xD I don't have infinite knowledge.
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Maybe this could be usefull:
bib*oops said:
Maybe this could be usefull:
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lol u just sent aragon to school .... im pretty sure he knows of that thread
souljaboy said:
lol u just sent aragon to school .... im pretty sure he knows of that thread
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Sorry, my fault...
bib*oops said:
Sorry, my fault...
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You did right there is many things I don't know yet.
arag0n85 said:
You did right there is many things I don't know yet.
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A humble "Thank you!" from me... (for your hard work, too).

[Q] How to find a simple and precise procedure to install Android 2.2 on HD2 ?

Hello !
I found here a lot of informations about the developpement of many roms for Android 2.2 on HD2. But as you guess, i'm not specialized in mobile developpement, so i'm a bit lost in this huge amount of informations ...
I simply try to find a simple and concise procedure to install android 2.2 on HD2 (wm 6.5 is installed at the moment).
Must i strictly use the loader Haret ? Android can be loaded only in dual boot ?
Which roms must i choose ? Why is there many roms ?
Is there still major known bug ?
Best Regards
theres a damn guide thread on the first post of this section as well as on the first page of android development section...
theres no simple way of doing it ... every one has his own journey ... think of it as a graduate thesis , but there are some guides for your aid i wish u luck and fortitude on ur way
gonna read and test these docs. Thank you.
charly222 said:
gonna read and test these docs. Thank you.
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this this one, might appeal to you as a newbie
[GUIDE] Newbies Step by Step Guide in booting ANDROID for HD2
Thanks because i start the instructions and at first
"NOTE: If you have Vista or Windows 7, update WMDC to v6.1 *HERE* first"
the programs fails to install on Win7 64bits ultimate offical
Second attempt : RAPI.dll is missing ...
ok need the 64bits version : Microsoft Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 Driver for Windows Vista (for win7 of course )
just a question after falshing the rom ...
a) i took the Parad0XUA_Experimental as suggested here :
b) plus the Elegancia MaxSense WITHOUT HTC Messaging (i guess i could send message with another interface ?)
how i install the Parad0XUA_Experimental ? it works with Haret which is a sort of bootloader isn't it ? is there a better alternative ?
what are the avantage/disavantages of installing the build on phone or sdcard ?
The rom must be installed too on the phone memory or the sdcard ?
Thank you for your kindfull help
ok so i finally test the
- New Froyo build by dan1j3l V1 that my win 7 don't recognize when i plugin the phone
- Miri_Steve0007_EleganciaMaxSense_V5.0_FINAL_NoHTCMessaging
that is a sort of skin but not an OS as i expected. The RUU file patched the windows mobile 6.5 OS instead of the android one ... while i was in an active sync session.
is there an Android 2.2 ROM that works well, for which i could connect to my PC ??
Has somebody tested the FroyoStone Sense - Version 3.1 (29-September-2010) ?
gawd u r hopeless...
1. flash hspl to change radio to 2.10.50
2. flash chuckydroidrom
3. download android file to SD card
4. click on android loader
charly222 said:
Has somebody tested the FroyoStone Sense - Version 3.1 (29-September-2010) ?
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Tinkering with the phone isn't for everyone. From your posts you may fall into that category of 'don't do it.'
The thread you are referencing has hundreds of posts of people that are and have been using it.
Dude. Stop. Before you brick MY phone!
apallohadas said:
Tinkering with the phone isn't for everyone. From your posts you may fall into that category of 'don't do it.'
The thread you are referencing has hundreds of posts of people that are and have been using it.
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Hi !
It's not a thread but just a download link referenced here
apallohadas said:
Tinkering with the phone isn't for everyone.
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the HSPL v3 is installed so i can go back anytime ? What's the problem ? You think you're part of an elite so i'm too stupid to undunstand what you try to explain clearly ?
mini_robot said:
gawd u r hopeless...
1. flash hspl to change radio to 2.10.50
2. flash chuckydroidrom
3. download android file to SD card
4. click on android loader
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Yo mini !
I'm gonna try your solution just to try. Just 2 last question :
why elegancia update my win mobile os(on phone memory) instead of Android one (on sd card). I've just run the CustomRUU.exe file from win7 with active sync enabled ...
is there a way to avoid the Haret process and to simply replace the win mobile os ? How can i check if it's ok for Europe Mobile ?
p.s. : i use Radio Leo
FroyoStone Sense - Version 3.1 (29-September-2010) seems to be ok
charly222 said:
Hi !
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It's not a thread but just a download link referenced here
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Do *you* even know what you're talking about? Did you try reading the very thread you linked?
the HSPL v3 is installed so i can go back anytime ? What's the problem ?
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The problem is that you obviously didn't read. Not reading in this case can get you a nice bricked phone.
You think you're part of an elite so i'm too stupid to undunstand what you try to explain clearly ?
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The only person calling me elite is you. Thanks.
And it's entirely possible that you are indeed too stupid to follow my explanation. That is for you to decide. Just keep in mind that *I* didn't call you stupid. You did.
it works dude
I dont like android... Why go do the time-eating thing with black and white text all the time? Naaaah I will wait for a easier solution... Havent got time to wait everytime I want to do android....

