touch 3d buttons? - XPERIA X1 General

in the touchFLO 3d home screen u have 2 touch buttons set to phone and camera. How do u change them?

jcpearl said:
in the touchFLO 3d home screen u have 2 touch buttons set to phone and camera. How do u change them?
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Welcome to the forum, please make sure you learn how to use the search properly. This is for your benefit just as much as anyone elses.
If you'd searched for tf3d softkey then you'd come up with a huge amount of responses to the same question
you haven't said what you want to change it to, if it's one of the tf3d tabs then you need the correct


Manila 2d almost in landscape, need one more thing...

Hey guys,
Ive been working very hard at getting Manila2d to work in landscape (when you flip out the keyboard while manila2d is active then it will automatically switch today plugins)
this is the last piece of the puzzle: i need a today plugin that works in landscape and that can be skinned to look like TOuchflo 3d in landscape (basically skinnable shortcuts)
if i get it working ill release a .cab!
thanks guys
something like RLtoday maybee???
Very curious how it looks in landscape on my Kaiser
MFx said:
something like RLtoday maybee???
Very curious how it looks in landscape on my Kaiser
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thanks for the suggestion mate.
however after Googling it i saw that it was more than just a few shortcuts, even though it could easly be skinned. can you have it where it only displays shortcuts? if yes, then i will definitely try it out
recommend the landscape same as HTC touchpro after flip out keyboard
yes, thats exactly how i want to skin it.
does anyone have any othersuggestions for programs that might work for this?
mbarvian said:
yes, thats exactly how i want to skin it.
does anyone have any othersuggestions for programs that might work for this?
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If you want it like that maybee something like mortbuttons is a better option...
Don't know if it's easy to skin..
thanks again man
i just downloaded mortbuttons and it appears that its only a standalone applicationa dn not actually a today plugin, but i think im missing something.
ok: can a developer whip up someting really small thats just a today plugin thats made for landscape that looks and acts like the touch pro's landscape?
I could make an rlToday skin super fast for ya. Tonight even. QVGA I assume? I'll leave the purdy graphics to you, I'll just make a template. How's that sound?
I would focus on Touch Dual and Action Screen.
When you sliding the keyboard of Touch Dual - the action screen starting up. Maybe something similar is done on Touch Pro.
Girvo said:
I could make an rlToday skin super fast for ya. Tonight even. QVGA I assume? I'll leave the purdy graphics to you, I'll just make a template. How's that sound?
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that sounds awesome man
thanks a lot
1stly : the wasy u guys help each other out - like a family - I LUV DAT...!! 2ndly I SSSOOO LUV DIS FORUM...!!! As soon as I have cleared my overdraft am donating. Dyin with anticipation for TF3D to arrive.
Nearly done, but it's 3am here in Aus I'm going to hit the sack, and will upload the completed one tomorrow.
It's based entirely on rlToday, and respects rlToday's application shortcut menu [so all customisation of app names and links can be done without touching XML ]. Nothing fancy, no animations, but it'll work.
That's a lie. My trickery to over-ride what I was going for didn't work, so to edit the shortcuts you'll have to dive into XML for now, until I can find a way around it
are youy actualy working on manila2d or skining some other app that looks like it?
What about HTC HOME? that works in landscape
Ask APBilbo. He made something similar with ThrottleLauncher in landscape.
Any news on the landscape??? kaiser is screaming for it
i am close on landscape look at the pictures below
I've got my somewhat finished rlToday skin here if you'd like me to upload it. All it needs is the XML to be changed to link to whatever apps you want, and change the icons to whatever you want.
Give me a yell if you still need it.
what about today life? Not sure if thats what your looking for.
mbarvian said:
yes, thats exactly how i want to skin it.
does anyone have any othersuggestions for programs that might work for this?
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Posting before reading i should now better.
You can either bring up a skinned Menu or the Buttons Today Pugin.
Not sure if that's what your after.
But it would be drawn to the screen much faster then RL.
S.V.I said:
are youy actualy working on manila2d or skining some other app that looks like it?
What about HTC HOME? that works in landscape
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I 2nd the motion for HTC Home, its easy to use, elegant, and much more useful than a simple action screen. If HTC Home isn't the OP's preference, can we have a second version of the program that supports HTC Home?

Edit TouchFLO 3D possible ???

Hi all
I am wondering if it is possible to edit TouchFlo 3D. I dont mean just changing colours and graphics, I mean change its contents. I would like to be able to edit the items that appear on it and add my own shortcuts to programs. Is this possible ?
Many thanks
That's really the whole point of the programs tab. You can add or remove existing tabs within the settings too.
I seriously doubt custom app tabs would be possible as this would require TF3D to render the app within itself.
Would be cool though if you could install custom tabs or build your own though... Not something I've looked into, anyone know if this is possible?
Hi everyone,
Touch HD = my 1st WinMo Device. Coming from an N95 slightly dissapointed with camera and lack of group SMS but love everything else.
Is there a way to display tasks on the today screen in Touch Flo 3d?
qai5er said:
Hi everyone,
Touch HD = my 1st WinMo Device. Coming from an N95 slightly dissapointed with camera and lack of group SMS but love everything else.
Is there a way to display tasks on the today screen in Touch Flo 3d?
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Group SMS, you can almost certainly install a program for this! I've never used one myself but just a google search turns up a few...
First few results from google:
As I said never used it, not tried any of these but there will most certainly be people on this forum who can advise you better.
You might want to check out SecondToday for today screen tasks, they are not displayed directly on the TF3D today screen but are just 1 button away.

It is posible to make multiple appoitmets on home page of Touchflo (like HD

It is posible to make multiple appoitmets on home page of Touchflo (like HD). Im sure that all diamond lovers wish thet.
All the best!
I it possible to repeat the same question again, again and again...instead of use the search button (wich one in the top-right of ANY page) and find by yourself the answer to your quetion?
I have seen it is asked a lot, but it i s the first time I see manilla of HD hás this option !
Is it ported to diamond already? I know there are HDmanila's around...
Anyone shine a light? We can overwrite manila files I guess.
What you cannot overwrite is the size of the screen !
The HD is much bigger than the Diamond hence more space on screen hence more place to put calendar items
kosmovac said:
It is posible to make multiple appoitmets on home page of Touchflo (like HD). Im sure that all diamond lovers wish thet.
All the best!
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your image in post #1 is just a photoshop montage! the dimaond TouchFlo would have enough space for 4 appointments. but it's still just an idea!

Touch HD Home screen

I've just been looking at the Touch HD and the Calendar on the home screen allows more than one entry. Unfortunately I'm not a dev so I was wondering if anyone has a ROM in progress with this feature. I know I'm not alone in thinking this a major loss in M2D. If it could include tasks it would be even better, I like the first screen I see to have all the info I need for that day. I know I can use SecondToday (and do) but that's an extra key press from seeing everything I need on screen 1.
i have the elite 3 rom and i can see 2 entry on the home screen. i think that more is not possible with qvga...
have you tried changing the setting in today screen options/items... selecting calender and chinging the setting there?
Install new Iolite Manila version...
Calender will only show the next, as in one, per default. You can change that in settings for the home screen
so please show us that we must change.
Pciolka said:
so please show us that we must change.
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Would you mind reading the entire topic?
bodelier said:
have you tried changing the setting in today screen options/items... selecting calender and changing the setting there?
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expanded zoom slider capabilities

i had an interesting thought while struggling to see around my fat thumbs as i attempted to navigate through manilla on my device. what if there was a way to use the zoom slider on the bottom of our device to navigate through manilla?
linkinincubus said:
i had an interesting thought while struggling to see around my fat thumbs as i attempted to navigate through manilla on my device. what if there was a way to use the zoom slider on the bottom of our device to navigate through manilla?
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Search Topaz forums for "Zoombar"
I know a guy was configuring it to work with specific programs but not sure if they had it working for manila.
Bruce Inman said:
Search Topaz forums for "Zoombar"
I know a guy was configuring it to work with specific programs but not sure if they had it working for manila.
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He doesn't want to zoom manila, but use default zoombar as navigation (scrolling) key for left and right.
Maybe volume keys can do the work.
unfortunately the edit only makes the zoombar work with scrolling up and down through manila
try ZoomAdds works good for me.
EDIT: did not read first post properly... can't move manila but works in other apps.
I sent a PM to the developer of ZoomAdd's hoping he might be able to shine some light on the subject for us. Maybe if we get enough folks interested we might catch the eye of someone with enough know how to make it work.
