Spell Check app - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

This is my first tinkering with a Window Mobile application.
I found instructions for modifying the spell check DB for WM5 at TiltMobility and thought that would be a good start.
I was really thinking of the word completion, so if I can find that file, I will turn this into that application.
Basically, this goes through the spell check 10 word pairs at a time, and has a check box for each line, allowing you to check the word pairs you want to delete.
[My 90 day trial of Visual Studio is expiring Tuesday, and the last thing I won't have time to complete; that is actually replacing the spell check file with the modified file.
The basics of the app are this:
1) find the spell check file (it is in the Windows directory, and called somthing like autocorrect.0102.txt, but I have found that the numbers can be different)
-it also makes a copy of this file i nthe Windows directory calling it backup*.*.*
2) read in 10 words at a time, and display them
3) if any are checked, don't those to the temp file, and copy all those to be kept in the temp file (mine had about 880 word pairs)
4) if the user selects save and quit (menu item) save the remaining unviewed word pairs into the temporary file
5) Now, this was supposed to be the part that replaces the original file with the temporary file, but I was not able to figure that part out; the file is a system & hidden file (Oh, it is also a ROM file!!! DOH), and any of the functions to change its attrbutes or move or delete it failed; so I just display a message at the end as to what file to delete and move; but I can't do that, even though the TiltMobility atricle says you can, perhaps you will be able to
I am a software engineer, used to programming embedded C. Visual Studio uses C++, but it still allows you to use straight C (mostly) with the C++ compiler/debugger,.... So, that is what this is programmed in. [So, if anyone has suggetions or comments, just keep that in mind.]
In the three screen shots:
1 - start up shows your Spell Check file
2 - shows a list of words
3 - shows the message at the end that tells what files to delete and move (if you want to)
Just ask if you have any questions.
This was really an exercise in tinkering with WM development, but I thought I'd share it if anyone is interested.
I have ideas for more apps, but the 90 day trial of Visual Studio is just days away, so I'm not sure what I'll do.

I have ideas for more apps, but the 90 day trial of Visual Studio is just days away, so I'm not sure what I'll do.
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Uninstall it, and re-install it. There you go, 90 more days of "trial". or search Bit Torrent. Or use the legitimate free version: Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition/

k-semler said:
Uninstall it, and re-install it. There you go, 90 more days of "trial". or search Bit Torrent. Or use the legitimate free version: Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition/
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The Express Edition (appearantly) does not allow WM development.
I would think the guys at MS are smart enough to make it a little more difficult that allowing the 90 day trial to be uninstalled and reinstalled and then work for another 90 days.
But, I don't really know.

im sure you can do something with setting the clock back
or, if you are a student or know soimeone who is a student.. use this:


New UK Postcode finder

Hi all,
As I tried to contact Niels Thomsen a couple times without answer and not being sure at all he is going to update his software and databases, finally I came back to program again.
Firstly I'll say the databases have the same origin, the files writen by George Spanellis that can be found in PocketGPS web site.
I took the full monty, joined in a single file and then started to delete those were repeated. So from a scratch of more than 2.5 millions postcodes the final database has 1.678.621 postcodes in a file of 40 Mb..
Then they were indexed and compressed (don't ask how) to get a final file of 13 Mb.
Personally I'm very happy with results. It's quick, no more than 1 second in a XDA II, to find the farest postcode in the database and the program that was made with NSBasic is 16 Kb.
I work as courier and testing it every day without problems with a lot of postcodes.
I don't want people selling my job in eBay taking benefits of my job, so I intend to sell it and to have registered customers. On return it will be updated on basis of customers corrections and adds and crossing my database with any other I can get.
Of course any comments or sugestions are very welcome.
At the moment I use the TTN SDK 2.0, but if there are enough customers I will buy the new 3.0 to get more interactions. For those that have already installed the TTNcontrol 3.0 in their PDA is not problem to have too the earlier control. I have myself. At the end of the day they are OCX controls that work or not if they are needed and they have similar but different names.
That's why I use the built-in keyboard instead to design a new one: To have more room in the screen for future new buttons. The second reason and no less important is to get a quick and small program.
I know you're tired reading my broken English so here are the CAB's you need. Copy them to your PDA and execute them. It will create a shortcut to the program.
This version has a expiration period of 15 days, I think is enough to try it and to get your comments. Thanks.
Hi all,
As some people reported to me some issues with the installation, possibly due to the way some PDA refer to the "Storage Card" I decided to separate the files to allow a "hand made" installation.
There is now 4 files to be downloaded. if some of you already have some of them skip it.
Data: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/j.adell/ukpc/data.zip
Library http://homepage.ntlworld.com/j.adell/ukpc/library.zip
Program http://homepage.ntlworld.com/j.adell/ukpc/program.zip
TTN library http://homepage.ntlworld.com/j.adell/ukpc/TTNControl.arm.CAB
Data contains the database
Library contains the needed OCX controls and runtimes
Program contains the program itself and a How2install.txt file with instructions
And finally the TTN library contains the TTN OCX controls. If you have already installed Checkpoint (last version) you don't need it.
I hope this workaround will eliminate the installation problems. The instructions file I think is enough clear, but if someone needs more help let me know. Also it will be a better way to introduce new releases or modifications just downloading one or two files instead the full lot.
BTW, the program has corrected a flickering effect when starting and a bug in the search process that affected postcodes with 6 digits or less.
Hi all
A new release, now with a function to create Itineraries from Postcodes. And you don't need even to have TomTom running in your device. It works only for TTN 3.xx
You will see now two new buttons: "Send to itinerary" and "Finish itinerary"
After you get the coordinates for your 1st point (departure) tap on Send to itinerary. Use the second button for your last point.
The itinerary wil be saved as ukpc2ttn. So now you only need to open TTN, go to itinerary an open that file. It will show you the itinerary naming each point with the correspondent postcode and a flag with the position, so you can identify the point in the map. You will notice that the 1st point is not in the list. Don't worry, when you tap on "Plan" you will be asked to use that point as start.
To download just the program use the link: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/j.adell/ukpc/program.zip

Dial PPC from Outlook

I have been searching the web for years trying to find the solution to what I would consider is a very simple requirement:
From Outlook on the PC, right click on a contact and dial to a connected Pocket PC via Activesync.
Now, either I am alone in this world, or my search capabilities are flawed. This is a function/capability I used to have with my old Sony-Ericsson & I am missing it badly - yes, I know there is a Powertool that provides you with a "window" to your PPC, but I have found that this is somewhat flakey, doesnt like Landscape mode and frequenly freezes the PPC.
Further, I have enhanced my Access application to perform the dialup via the CPROG.exe, what I am after is the same or similar functionality direct from Outlook... please help!
Is there anyone out there that can help me?
looking for the same
it seems we both live in the same world
Come on guys, are you really telling me there isn't anything out there at all?
err so remind me why one would want to do this other than to write some annoying dialer program?
OK, rather simple, really:
Working from Desktop PC, with PPC connected via ActiveSync and sitting in a cradle - by definition, this makes it a pain to access the PPC.
Current Scenario:
1. PC has Outlook open, search for a contact that you wish to converse with
2. Open Contact
3. Look at number
4. Lean over desk, usually spilling coffee, or unintentionally moving to another website
5. Try to use Stylus to dial number (or use Intellidialer to access the same contact you have in Outlook)
6. Make call
7. Hope you have put in the right number
8. Call goes to voicemail, throw phone against wall
All in all, a rather cumbersome scenario.
Preferred Scenario:
1. PC has Outlook open, search for a contact that you wish to converse with
2. Open Contact, or right click on Contact
3. Select number to dial
4. "Magical programme" sends dial request to PPC
5. Make call
6. Call answered, sale made, kids go to expensive Private School and Wife loves you forever
Makes sense now?
yep so get one of those programs to control your phone from the desktop?
sure its not what you really want to do but it will do the job
st3v3 said:
yep so get one of those programs to control your phone from the desktop?
sure its not what you really want to do but it will do the job
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Did you ever read his first post?
yeah for about 4 or 5 seconds, gave pity and responded for the simple fact no one else did and thought i would show some interest.
at least some of us make an attempt eh helterskelter
Thanks for your pity, but I would prefer to know what, if anything, is out there. Obviously, I was mistaken in believing this was the font of all wisdom and exciting development in the PPC world. I truly cant believe that nobody has thought to put this together. Funnily enough, there is one that does this via Bluetooth, but as the XDA Mini wont allow multiple Bluetooth connections, I have been "forced" to find out if there is anyone clever enough to make this happen :sigh:
I miss this funtion in windows mobile. This is the only reason why I consider to go back to my old Ericsson.
A little bit strange that it works with other software but not with Microsofts own?
Using .net you might be able to write an app (server) that listens on an open port on the PPC for coms from the active sync pc. When a certial string is sent down this port DIAL(123456789) the app calls the dial command in .net framework.
Maby its time to bite the bullet and code it.
Im having to with another app
No need for a PPC app, as you can already do this from the desktop - using:
rapistart.exe "cprog.exe -n -url tel:numbertocall"
from within any ap. I have done this from my Access program, I was looking to see if anyone had done this for Outlook as a plugin for the Desktop, or indeed some form of TSR on the PC that will take a hotkey and use the above for a highlighted number (yes, I know that I am now officially in fairyland).
mlk said:
No need for a PPC app, as you can already do this from the desktop - using:
rapistart.exe "cprog.exe -n -url tel:numbertocall"
from within any ap. I have done this from my Access program, I was looking to see if anyone had done this for Outlook as a plugin for the Desktop, or indeed some form of TSR on the PC that will take a hotkey and use the above for a highlighted number (yes, I know that I am now officially in fairyland).
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Nope this can then be done using windows scripting host cause its the outlook that you need to automate not he PPC.
See the 3rd item on this page.
It should be able to help you out just make a custom toolbar button in outlook to call this piece of code and your away laughing.
Where did you fiind the info on cprog. Is there any way it could help with this
Unfortunately, I cant remember where I found the information on Cprog - only thing I have is the "How to call a number".. tried for some time to find various parameters to no avail... not too sure if this will help with your problem.
OK Guys, I finally bit the bullet - thanks Shaun for the "hint" - and coded a Macro to perform this.
It may be a bit clunky and as a "non-developer" I don't have the requisite nous nor software to distribute this as a plugin. For this reason, I have provided this as completely open (as far as I can tell), so if anyone wants to take this further, I hope I have started you on the track and that you wont forget the initial starter!
For those of you that wish to install - you will need to access your \Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook folder and extract the zipped file. My recommendation is that you save the existing one first, just in case you have written a bunch of Macros - wouldn't want to get any nasty surprises here - remember, Outlook only has one Macro bucket and this file is it!
Once you have installed and either provided your own Digital Certificate, or have an appropriate level Security within Outlook to allow this to run, simply add the Macro "Dial2PPC.Dialit" to a toolbar both in Outlook (that comes up in Contacts preferably) and in the Contact Form itself (use "Customise" as you would in any other Office application to facilitate this).
From here, it is as simple as selecting the Contact from your contact list and clicking on the Macro button you have setup - then follow the instructions, make sure your PPC is connected & Dial away!
Please note that you will need to have installed RapiStart from the Windows Mobile Power Toys and that I make no assertions that this is bug free, so use wisely - although, I am pretty sure I have most of the bugs out.
Again, this is provided open & free, so if you make an enhancement, please share it with the rest of us!
Hope this solves the "issue" for you guys as it has done for me!
mlk – thanks very much for your macro. I’ve taken the liberty of rewriting quite a bit of it (everything other than the part which communicates with the device, really), and have made it available under the GPL v2.0, in order to preserve its “Free” status.
In terms of changes, as I say, I’ve rewritten most of the back-end functionality. In particular:
1.) Adding items to the listbox – this now only shows fields which have a valid phone number, so there are no empty spaces
2.) Dynamic resizing of the form
3.) Form and “Dial” button captions show the name of the contact
4.) Where a contact has no valid phone number, a dialogue to this effect is shown
5.) You need to select number from the listbox before the “Dial” button is available
6.) You can double-click on a number in the listbox to dial it
7.) General tidy-up of some of the variable names, and removed a couple of unused variables
Installing my version:
I’ve exported the relevant files from the Project, so there is no need to overwrite the existing Project file – just open Visual Basic Editor (Tools / Macro in Outlook) and select “Import” and the browse to the relevant folder.
I'm a lurker rather than a poster on here, but, any questions, please do let me know.
[email protected]
Champion stuff mate - I have always said it is best to wait for Version 2! Just one question: The ".frx" file, what is that for?
It's the binary file for the VB .frm - it's not something you manually import, but it's necessary for the display of the form.
BTW- I've changed the contents of the .zip file for download- realised that I'd left in a line (an extra ResetState call) which stopped the whole thing from working - new version uploaded (same name) should be fine.
[email protected]
Thanks for this, maybe should change my mantra to: Wait for V2.1?
P.S. Thanks for coming out of the lurk!
Nah- v2 was fine... if I hadn't been meddling with it...
Managed to put the reset call before the RAPI argument, which, of course, wiped out the phone number it was trying to dial... Stupid, stupid, stupid -embarrassing, but at least easy to fix.
I guess that the next step is to try and implement SMS via ActiveSync - not sure if cprog.exe handles this, though, so it could be rather more complicated...

[New release] Registry display plugin

Ok, most of you may find this totally useless as a plugin, but it was a combination of a request by user Treo_newb and a desire to create a sample plugin project that could be used as a base / example for plugin writers (I plan on doing an article on codeproject.com and this will be the source for it).
What does it do?
This plugin displays a string stored in registry.
The path is:
Value name: DisplayString
It checks if this string has changed several times per second when today screen is shown (as the system sends refresh message to all plugins) and displays the updated message if a change occurred.
What is it good for?
First, if you write apps using mortscript or similar like the user who requested this it will let your script display stuff on today screen.
Alternatively it could be used to mark your device today with a string that isn't as easily changed as user info.
The source is basically a skeleton plugin you can use to build your own plugin on (no license / copyright to limit you) and it already has several tricks needed for the plugin to display correctly:
VGA compatibility
Text size matching system settings
Proper header in settings dialog (like on system plugins)
Proper text color when selected (according to theme)
No blinking all today screen on change
Proper resize when switching between landscape and portrait
When I was writing my first plugin I could not find all these little fixes concentrated in a single article so I had to fish for each one as the bug reports came in.
Hope you will find this little project useful.
The plugin:View attachment RegDisplay.CAB
The source (eVC 4 project): View attachment RegDisplay.zip
Thanks for this!
Thank You Lev.
Thanks, Thanks, Thanks,
You are a legend.
I was almost through with my today plugin and was trying to figure out reading registry values and all of a sudden I get a PM from u about the plugin !!!
Very Cool !!!
OK a few questions,
1. I know that WM_TODAYCUSTOM_QUERYREFRESHCACHE is called for refreshing the today plugin, any ideas about when is it called.
I read somewhere that it was 2 seconds. Is it true?
2. I saw ur code and u have exposed CustomItemOptionsDlgProc in RegDisplay.def, but when I installed the cab file the 'options' is not enabled.
I manually changed the resistry and changed options to dword = 1 and saw ur name and email address.
u might want to enable that by default so that people can notice ur work.
I am planing a commercial release of a new project on basis of this.
Thanks again,
First, you're welcome.
1) I ran a debug print on this message once on an iPaq 1710 and it seems to be sent several times per second. This could differ from OS to OS or even from device to device, I am not sure.
If you need specifically timed refresh, or you have an event triggered on new data, I suggest using a timer or maybe a thread that will wait on an event. You can refresh your plugin from anywhere in code by calling InvalidateRect with your window handle.
2) I messed up the cab at first, forgetting to add the Options reg value. Then when I went to upload the fix, I couldn't access the site for about an hour (no idea why, I even rebooted the PC to Ubuntu). Should be fixed now, but I will check it later again (I have to go back to XP for that).
Good luck with your program.
levenum said:
First, you're welcome.
1) I ran a debug print on this message once on an iPaq 1710 and it seems to be sent several times per second. This could differ from OS to OS or even from device to device, I am not sure.
If you need specifically timed refresh, or you have an event triggered on new data, I suggest using a timer or maybe a thread that will wait on an event. You can refresh your plugin from anywhere in code by calling InvalidateRect with your window handle.
2) I messed up the cab at first, forgetting to add the Options reg value. Then when I went to upload the fix, I couldn't access the site for about an hour (no idea why, I even rebooted the PC to Ubuntu). Should be fixed now, but I will check it later again (I have to go back to XP for that).
Good luck with your program.
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Thanks for the help, will check the fixed cab.
Also a suggestion:
A custom icon could also be incorporated. You can give a option to load a custom icon next to the text in the today plugin.
I know anybody can modify ur code and do it but still.
Actually, I probably should have mentioned this in the original post but I have no intention of adding options to this thing.
This would only complicate the code and turn it in to an actual app instead of a sample project.
But by all means feel free to make suggestions. If this thing does become popular, when I am done with my other projects (like LVMTopBat) which won't be any time soon (unfortunately) I will release a separate version of this plugin with all kinds of options that can be controlled both by user (form the options dialog) and by other apps through registry.
Maybe things like text alignment, size, bold / Italic / underlined.
The reason I put the string this plugin loads under HKEY_CURRENT_USER instead of the HKLM where the rest of the plugin registry resides is because by default the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on WM 5 and higher has a security restriction. For example you can not write to it using RAPI, only by authorized (or signed) app on the device. The HKEY_CURRENT_USER on the other hand is open for all.
levenum said:
The reason I put the string this plugin loads under HKEY_CURRENT_USER instead of the HKLM where the rest of the plugin registry resides is because by default the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on WM 5 and higher has a security restriction. For example you can not write to it using RAPI, only by authorized (or signed) app on the device. The HKEY_CURRENT_USER on the other hand is open for all.
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Thanks for the info, I never knew that.
Thank you so much! This was exactly what I was looking for!
levenum said:
...But by all means feel free to make suggestions.
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As a frequent mortscript user I think, this great app might be even more usefull, if the string was shown in an "allways on top" message box instead of the today screen. The Today screen might be obscured by other active windows during the scripts runtime and the plugin eats precious today screen estate also while being unused, doesn't it?
In that case (of a standalone application) I would furthermore introduce some kind of termination string (or reg. value) to end the display application.
- start mortscript
- writes first string to registry
- starts display application (run)
- updates string in registry whenever appropriate
- ...
- writes termination string to registry
-> display applications self-terminates
- ...
- end of mortscript
Honestly, I already do use something comparable with mortscript (employing a conditioned sleepmessage loop and reading from the registry too), but this could be much nicer and more elegant.
Just my 2 cents... What do you think?
I think something like that would be better implemented by the mortsrit program it self.
It could be a function like MessageBox API in windows which you could then command on and off. Having it built in would save precious resources on the device that would be wasted by having an extra app run constantly in background.
This is just my thought though.
I'd suggest contacting the developer of mortscript and discussing it with him.
levenum said:
I think something like that would be better implemented by the mortsrit program it self.
I'd suggest contacting the developer of mortscript and discussing it with him.
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Mort knew about that request and by chance just announced to so.
Thanks anyway.
Hello levenum,
I just joined the community. Reason being, I found your RegDisplay plug-in
You call it a sample project, but the impact is that of an awesome solution.
Great for MortScript, but equally useful in BASIC applications that write
messages to the registry which is show upon screen minimization.
I regret not being a C programmer (mainly BASIC), else I'd love to further
develop this jewel.
Your plug-in runs flawlessly in an iPAQ 210 under WM6 Classic.
Cheers and Respectful Greetings
CLSID for registry display plugin
What is the CLSID for the Registry Display Plugin? I am going to have to edit the XML file that defines my home screen in order to get the plugin to show up. I am using Facade to control my home screen, and the only plugins that it will show in its list are those currently in use in one of the XML files in the Application Data\Home folder. All other new plugins require editing the XML. Thanks for your help.
levenum said:
Ok, most of you may find this totally useless as a plugin, but it was a combination of a request by user Treo_newb and a desire to create a sample plugin project that could be used as a base / example for plugin writers (I plan on doing an article on codeproject.com and this will be the source for it).
What does it do?
This plugin displays a string stored in registry.
The path is:
Value name: DisplayString
It checks if this string has changed several times per second when today screen is shown (as the system sends refresh message to all plugins) and displays the updated message if a change occurred.
What is it good for?
First, if you write apps using mortscript or similar like the user who requested this it will let your script display stuff on today screen.
Alternatively it could be used to mark your device today with a string that isn't as easily changed as user info.
The source is basically a skeleton plugin you can use to build your own plugin on (no license / copyright to limit you) and it already has several tricks needed for the plugin to display correctly:
VGA compatibility
Text size matching system settings
Proper header in settings dialog (like on system plugins)
Proper text color when selected (according to theme)
No blinking all today screen on change
Proper resize when switching between landscape and portrait
When I was writing my first plugin I could not find all these little fixes concentrated in a single article so I had to fish for each one as the bug reports came in.
Hope you will find this little project useful.
The plugin:View attachment 41592
The source (eVC 4 project): View attachment 41583
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This is great! I was asked if I could write a today screen plug-in for my weather application (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=445576) - I couldn't since I don't have the skills and I'm writing .NET code - but this is exactly what I needed.
I'm adding support for this plug-in and will of course give credits to you.

(Win32/PPC) Note taking app (Linux/Web soon)

Hey everyone,
I developed this app as a part of my final year project. Initially I had big plans for it (I still feel that PPC lacks strong apps in this area.. OneNote doesn't cut it for me), but got busy with work/studies and forgot all about it.
I have also created a web version for it (sync your data with a web url), but thats too alpha at the moment. If anyone wants to beta test it, please let me know.
I'm uploading the last versions I made of this app to gather some bug reports, problems, crashes, new features etc which people might be interested in.
Keep in mind, I want this app to be so good that people can finally leave their paper notebooks home
I know some things aren't working well or at all, for e.g. synchronization.
Play around with the buttons (the tooltips etc should tell you what they're for)
arrange data in notebooks and pages. (basically you create a notebook and then insert a page into it..)
There are two modes.. view/edit.. edit mode gives you basic text input where you can format text using the following wiki syntax (effect of formatting is only visible in view mode):
*text* - bold
\text\ - italic
_text_ - underline
+ (add more pluses upto 6) gives you heading (e.g. ++My heading)
~color:green~ any text after this will be green. you can use this for most named colors
[link to another page] link between pages (linking will automatically happen if you use CamelCase/wiki syntax.. you can enforce linking by putting [Notebook/Page name] <-- in square brackets as such. Links can be renamed as well [[renamed link][Notebook/ActualPage]]
[image:image name]
You can insert images using the button/menu options. these images are imported into the notebooks directory.
Search notes
tag notes
bookmark notes (you can even bookmark searches, the stored search will be re-run every time, so for e.g. if you bookmark a search with dates later than last week, then it'll give you new results every time)
Maintain clipboard history and auto insert copied stuff into current page. (keyboard is polled every second)
Most important feature:- You can just copy over your notebooks/bookmarks directory (or sync it using any sync tool), and the same notebooks/pages/bookmarks will be available on both PPC and Win32.
- Just unzip the win32 and PPC directories to your desktop and PDA.. click on the exe to run program. Should work on wm2003/wm5/wm6
Known bugs/issues:
- clipboard isn't working on PPC
- PPC version is slower, doesn't have softkey support yet
- PPC Icons look wierd
- .... add more?
I make no claims that this will work properly, or even execute on your desktop/PPC. I dont owe you anything. Please try this at your own risk.
no one tried it yet?
Nice Idea
This is great idea, i tested the note book, it is good.
But quite difficult to use on mobile, can u change the interface to make it easy to understand and write.
You're right, the PPC version is not that easy to use. Hopefully I'll get some time on this weeked to fix that up, as well as allowing common actions to be performed using hard/soft keys.
ammarr said:
You're right, the PPC version is not that easy to use. Hopefully I'll get some time on this weeked to fix that up, as well as allowing common actions to be performed using hard/soft keys.
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Yes that would be cool, waiting for your new version.

Looking for C/C++ Compiler for WM6

I recently got myself an ATT Tilt (Kaiser), which I plan on taking with me to a conference in Europe next month, and I'm not planning on taking a laptop so I can travel lightly afterwards. The phone currently has WM6 on there (I'm not going to play with flashing the ROM until after my trip).
To the point: I want a C/C++ compiler on my phone that I can use for potentially testing a few things over there (assuming the application I have in mind will work, but that's another story). I'm assuming that if I get the compiler working, it will have access to the standard C libs, including network stack.
I've tried PocketGCC, but I can't get it to work. The cabs from pocketgcc.sourceforge.net install fine, but the CMD Prompt won't open (I click on the icon and nothing happens).
Searching these boards, the only reference I've found was to http://www.mobilitysite.com/boards/business-development/135816-pocket-c.html#post1187340, but the links it points to for getting the various files no longer work.
Any suggestions or alternate links on how to get a working compiler on my smartphone?
As a backup, is CeGCC the best option for pre-compiling for the phone? Anyone know if it runs under 64-bit linux? Or if not, under win32 cygwin? Ideally, I'd love to have a cygwin-equivalent on the phone...but I guess that'll be deprecated with Android later on.
- David
Hi David,
I'm also looking for this and the best aproach was a DOS emulator (I think it is called Pocket DOS and there is another one that is free but don't remember the name) and Turbo C. I used it just to test very basic software that was just displayed in the DOS windows. But it was a really really little software (a couple of FORs and couple of variable incrementing), it was not fast to copile/run.
Hope this helps a little.
there is a cool project here, it's C#, not C++ but it might be of interest.
This one is supposed to be C++, but it is old and you may have problems with it. From what I recall, the command shell isn't compatible with wm6, but if you look around you may be able to find one to replace it that works.
Here is a command shell that's supposed to work with WM5/6
Good luck and let us know if you find anything else.
Also, the link to Mamaich's Version on that page you referenced works
Digicrat said:
is CeGCC the best option for pre-compiling for the phone? Anyone know if it runs under 64-bit linux?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
mingw32ce (cegcc) is used to compile haret and roadmap (afaik vlc too).
It runs on amd64 very well. Have not tried it on my old DEC alpha.
Thanks for the quick responses.
edgar: PocketDOS looks interesting, but where can I find versions of Turbo C/C++ compatible with the pocketPC?
The program I'll be testing is actually a simple command-line C application, but it does use networking, UDP to be precise.
The link to Mamiach's link works on that page, but not the links on there for PocketConsole, PocketCMD, or the .bat files, though the bat files can be taken from the rar file itself.
I tried the PocketConsole and PocketCMD versions from the pocketgcc.sourceforge.net site again, and managed to get them (mostly) working after changing the reg key value.
I tried the PocketGCC cab file from gforge. It kind of works, but the test program won't compile. I still had to manually set the path for this, and for some reason it doesn't include gcc but calls the various other parts of it.
I'll try uninstalling the PocketGCC Cab and extracting Mamiach's version again and see if I have better luck with that later in the week and see how that goes.
Looks like I got it working for the most part.
Compilation is slow, but I don't want to waste space on the internal memory extracting all those .rar libs, unless I can get it installed/moved to the SD card later and adjust the paths accordingly (using spaces in file paths is always annoying).
I'm using Mamiach's version of GCC from the link above (extracted to /pgcc), plus PocketConsole and PocketCMD cabs from the pocketgcc.sourceforge.net distribution.
The only lingering (and annoying) issue is that it does not save the PATH setting after closing the cmd prompt.
Correction, I just noticed another more important issue. After switching programs, the CMD prompt seems to disappear. If I open another application, and then close that program, it will take me back to the CMD prompt. However, if I return to the "Today" screen, that prompt is still open but I can't get it back. It does not appear in that little task-switcher icon, nor in the detailed 'Task Manager'.
Any ideas?
I just installed Dotfred's Task Manager. It looks like the problem is that the CMD prompt is being seen as a Process and not as an application. Now the question is can I change that...

