Alternatives to cube (Idea) - Touch GSM General

I have been playing with an idea to re-use the UP gesture on the Touch to do something else since it isn't used with the new M2D interface.
I wanted a quick way to launch the Programs screen without having to open the start menu first.
Here's what I did (you could adjust to do something else like launch a media player or something):
1. Create a shortcut in the windows folder to "\windows\folderview.exe" and call it "biotouchLNK.lnk"
2. Copy Vijay's excellent VJBrisk.exe to the windows folder, renaming it to biotouch.exe
3. In Advanced Settings (I used Onyx so this is built in for me) set cube to Enabled
4. Restart
Now whenever I want to launch programs I can just use the UP swipe and it appears.
Hope this is useful to someone.


Random "missing shortcuts" in start memu

I noticed this the other day and it happened again today on my 2 day old 8125.
Everything is going great, and then after some time some of my shortcuts in my start menu just up and vanish. For example, my calculator is no longer in the start menu. It's still in my windows folder, and I can still use the calculator, but my shortcut to it is missing. Therefor, to start the program I need to use the file explorer to navigate to the windows folder and launch it from there (or, of course, copy the file and create a new shortcut to bring it back to the start menu).
Same goes for about 7 other applications (about 1/3) of what I have installed. They're on my device (and some on the SD card), but their shortcuts from the start menu have simply vanished. Any ideas?
This has happened to me as well. Cant find Pocket IE or Calculator! :?
Maybe we can figure out why this is happening. It's probably a third party app bug or something.
I don't remember about the first time it happened, but the 2nd time it happened I noticed some (not all) of the links in my "app" section of iLauncher were missing. Those missing from iLauncher were also missing in my start menu. The other programs in the different tabs in iLauncher were fine. I only had this problem with 1 section of iLauncher which makes me think iLauncher may have caused this issue. Do you have iLauncher installed?
total noob
Hi Guitarlp,
Sorr to be such a noob but how can i find out if i have ILauncher installed?
You don't then. It's a 3rd part app from SBSH.

Small tip!

Heres how you can organise your programs view (Start->Programs)...
1. Use your normal file explorer and move all your shortcuts into separate folders (stuff like Media, Utils, Connectivity, Office etc.)
2. You can assign an icon for each folder by creating a shortcut in each folder and naming the shortcut as "icon.lnk"
You can do this easily by choosing any one of the available shortcuts and duplicating it...and then renaming the file to icon.lnk
3. I've used VJDialerSms to create a folder called speed dials with sub folders having all my important speed dial shortcuts in separate categories!
silly tips, but i just took some time out and did i have a cleaner and less cluttered Programs menu which makes seaching for my apps so much easier!
Well worth the time spent imo
Please note that an extensive start menu will slow the machine down. This is because the operating system will have to search for the icons in each of the linked executables.
For example if you have Skype in your start menu (directly or as a shortcut) you will notice a long delay before the start menu opens. This is because the icon is at the end of the executable, and the Skype executable is over 5 MB big.
So the answer is to prune your start menu from all programs you don't ever need, rather than to fill it with nice to have stuff.
I personally use SmallMenu. What I did is leave everything as it is on my device and copied the shortcuts on my SD card and sort them all out there in different folders. I then use SmallMenu's function to launch them there. By doing it this way, I have the functionality of the Start Menu plus the flexibility of SmallMenu. No delays in lauching either. I was hesitant to disarranged anything in my Start Menu because some applications pops up a warning that it is needed to stay in that folder, although you can still move it and it seems to work anyway, but it still makes me paranoid that it may cause any dead shortcuts or functionality.
Why not give GSPocketMagic++ a try?
(use the english cab from the download)
Still the best around. Also works on WM2005.
Then in Option > Setting... > Program Menu point folder to \Windows\Start Menu\Programs and organize your menu structure in there. Also select "Break menu items"
Also the Control Panel applets are directly selectable from GSPocketMagic++. You can still use the original "start menu" if you tap slightly right from the GSPocketMagic++ menu button.

iphone slide2unlock ques.

hey, i just installed the iphone slide2unlock on to my htc mogul 6800. it works and everything when i open the file and click on the slide tab, but what i want to do is set it as a screen saver so that it come up everytime i power the screen off. because now what it does is it runs but when i slide unlock it it just goes back to the file i opened it from. Also, the date is correct but it always displays the wrong time, can anyone help me or give some insight on how to get it to do these things????
take a look at the readme file that's included in the slide2unlock installation directory. There are a bunch of registry entries that control the configuration of the program.
Also, make sure that 'ilock' is in your startup folder (it's installed there by default). This program must be running for the slide2unlock software to do things 'automatically'.

map programs folder to hardkey?

In HTC home plug, I can set one of the soft buttons on the launcher to "launch programs folder". Is there a way to map this function to a hardkey? I don't want to download a third party launcher--I just want to be able to press a button and open the programs folder (and not in the file explorer view).
Any help would be wonderful.
Another folder in which I could put shortcuts in would also work. I just want the icons large and finger friendly like the programs folder.
Is it possible to use folderview.exe to do this?
Check here for the solution...
I used this to create a shortcut in each and every sub folder under Programs so once in a sub folder, I can easily go back to the Programs folder without having to close the window and open the Programs again from the HTC Home App.
I called the shortcut '!Back to Programs.lnk' so it appeard at the beginning of every folder and the shortcut is setup as follows...
53#\Windows\folderview.exe #?\Windows\shellres.dll,-8208
Copy the above into simple binary text editor and save to have your shortcut.
I guess you wouldn't need the '53#' and '?\Windows\shellres.dll,-8208' bits to link to hardkey. This is more to give the shortcut a nicer icon in the folder view.
Been looking for this. google search "launch programs folder" found this thread. Ought just be a 'icon view' option in file explorer dontcha think? Thanks!
Hmmm... it's not doing quite what I'm after...
As the FolderView is an application, when you click the X in the top right corner, it closes the window. If you were in the 'Start' => 'Programs' folder and were in a sub folder, pressing the OK button would simply return you to the previous folder.
I counter acted this by adding a shortcut to the FolderView app in every folder as mentioned above but for some reason this no longer works correctly. I think it has something to do with the HTC Task Manager I have upgraded to (v 2.0.30995). Works better than previous version but for this one thing, I think it's stopping multiple instances of the FolderView app.
So, this brings me to... How can you load the Programs Folder so you can go back from a sub folder?
Can anyone hack the FolderView app? A simple 'Up' button could be added to the lower left of the window, similar to the view of File Explorer. This way, the X can still be used to close the FolderView App and the 'Up' button takes you back up the Programs list.
In case your wondering, I have various apps loaded on my Pocket PC and have categorised them and placed into sub folders. I've then created an icon association to each folder so it looks a little more pleasent when viewing. However, I want to freely browse the folder. See attached Tumbnail...
the link works on sprint touch. I call it "_Up" so it always appears at first position.
I note that folderview when you close it doesn't appear in task menu like file explorer and most other app.
folderview with some options would be great because it's a fast finger friendly interface ... must faster and easier to configure than various cubes.
I came across this in another thread. I haven't tried it yet but I'm gonna take a look when I get a chance.
Possibly it could be used to add some features to folderview:
I'm glad I stumbled across this thread because I think it's exactly what I want to do...I just need a little help as I'm not as savvy as some of you guys might be.
What I'm wanting to do is create sub directories in my programs folder like viglante_xix does (grouping Office, GPS Programs, Media Programs, etc.) and point to it as a shortcut in rlToday. I think I might have been able to figure this out on my own after tinkering, but I don't have the folderview.exe in my windows dir. Can someone send me a copy or know of an alternative?
Also, I'm not completely ignorant to programming; I know a little VB, Java, and C++. I understand how the code above works, but what program do I use to make this shortcut...preferably something free.
Thanks in advance.

Missing Icons and Folders? Please Help

Okay guys more help please!
I can't recall if I saw these things pre or post upgrade from 1.48 to 1.66 rom
1) when I pressed the windows button there used to be a folder there called games which is no longer there. I can find it via file explorer in start menu/programs (and it contains links to a couple of games I installed) but I would like it back in the main screen to be able to click on
2) there used to be an icon for bluetooth. I think it used to be in the tools folder but again I can't find it anywhere now, not even via file explorer in start menu as above. I can turn on BT via the setting switch but
a) I would like to get back icons that there there before!
b) I would like to explore what configurable options are available
sorry just to update.
I remembered now where the BT icon is/was - setting/all settings!
Still would like the Games Folder on the main screen (ie when you press the windows button and/or even better a quicklink) though!
Ignore me - I'm dim!
Found it. It is still there but the icon is different [or possibly I remember it differently!]
I have added a shortcut to the BT Manager to the startup menu so I have an icon there now as well

