changelog at post 7:
whats the easiest way to get the phone to send an empty message for a specific number every 3 or 4 days. thanks
fatso485 said:
whats the easiest way to get the phone to send an empty message for a specific number every 3 or 4 days. thanks
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Without detailed knowledge about the background of this request, I'd say: try this automation task with Mirko Schenks' MortScript
i just want to send an automatic sms to the service center that request the detail of my usage. i want to keep track of how many MBs and minutes are left from my account
i think you forgot to post the script
fatso485 said:
i think you forgot to post the script
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that was a good one... uups ;-) I'm serious now:
MortScript is a script interpreter that allows you to do a lot of task automation stuff and even a quite huge command set for implementing logic, it is not a ready-to-run script that matches your "autosms sending" needs. I dont know much about MortScript but I know that is it very powerfull.
Perhaps you'd like to have a look at this: autosms 0.43 (Feb 04 09), created yesterday
Motivated by ur request, I did some dev playing with sms coding yesterday on the train and here's a WinMobile prog that's doing the job... but caution: this is a very early (and ugly looking) version.
There is currently no MINIMIZE but you can simply keep the prog open.
Some menu items are not set so far, i.e. EXIT. If you want to exit, just use the upper right 'x'.
The STARTBUTTON toogles between Start to STOP and starts/stops the timer.
The first message is sent directly after pushing on START.
When STOPPING, sending shortMessages is stopped and the timer is reset to the cycle time set in the form field 'send every ___ Mins'.
The settings are stored in autosms.ini and are loaded at prog start and saved at prog end.
The prog works fine and stable on my X1, anyway there is an issue with VGA devices but as I told you, this is an early hack...
Be aware: autosms comes "as is" without any guarantees or warranty. You use it for your own risk. autosms automatically sends short messages every X Minutes (preset X to 2000) to the set cell phone number. Using autosms can cost u a fortune, so, I'm not responsible for any financial desaster or data loss or and legal trouble you might produce when bothering others through sms flodding.
so short
Feb 06 2009:
see download and Changelog here
thank you so much for your work. it really does work.i need to leave it for a couple of days to test stability. i will also add it to the start up programs
a few things to look into in case you get borded and decide to update this:
-as you said, needs to minimize. starting it again does not seem to work.i had to reboot my device
-used vga3fix to get vga resolution and it seems to work fine
-i changed the default 2000 to 2 just to test and it started sending every two seconds not minutes (thank god service center messages are FREE) i got
- the dialog that has 60,1440,2880 doesnt do anything
thanks again
ps why not post this in the hacking and development forum i'm sure a lot of people will find this useful and they might develop it farther
fatso485 said:
a few things to look into in case you get borded and decide to update this:
-as you said, needs to minimize. starting it again does not seem to work.i had to reboot my device
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I'll check that asap.
-used vga3fix to get vga resolution and it seems to work fine
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good to know. I developed that mainly on my X1 and compiling on XP without the flag "force qvga". I'll provide two versions asap.
-i changed the default 2000 to 2 just to test and it started sending every two seconds not minutes (thank god service center messages are FREE) i got
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sorry!!! I am internally multiplying the field value with 1000 because the internal timer counts in ms... and of cause: 2000 ms = 2 s
next version will have the internal multiplicator 1000 * 60 = 60000
- the dialog that has 60,1440,2880 doesnt do anything
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right, this is thought as a quickselect list with predefinded timer settings.
ps why not post this in the hacking and development forum i'm sure a lot of people will find this useful and they might develop it farther
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Thanks for the compliment!
I'd like to put a bit more quality in the code before offering it officially to the public. The quality level here at xda dev is quite high and I dont want to push it down
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autoSMS 0.44
here's a quick update
Changelog v0.44:
' timer now runs in minutes, not seconds
' timer value quickselect list now sends selected value to editable timer field
' EXIT in menu and closing via 'x' is now exiting the prog correctly
' provided autosms_0.44_qvga.exe runs well on XDA Neo QVGA with WM6.1 as well as on WVGA SE X1
Changelog v0.45 (Feb 06 2009):
'just made the GUIlooking less ugly
Changelog v0.46 (Feb 07 2009):
'added optional command shell argument 'autostart' to automatically activate the sending process
Changelog (Feb 08 2009):
'providing the v0.46 as CAB file. Thanks for testing and your feedback
' Changelog v0.47 Feb 09 2009
' new color theme, new program icon
' test dialog (when start parameter "autostart") disabled
so short
did you try power sms ?
seems like a nice update. .. thanks
will look into power sms after i test 0.44 properly. thanks
Try RJV SMS Scheduler
Thank i will try it out
where were all these replies before. you made snoman reach his 3rd version before answering.......jk
snoman, for text version. how about you make it more friendly for phone startup. i just want to make it easy to autosms start without me having to manually run it and then click "start".
how about you just make it come with another executable (that is fully automatic) that we can create a shortcut to from the startup folder from win directory
ericmateo said:
Try RJV SMS Scheduler
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great tool!
fatso485 said:
where were all these replies before. you made snoman reach his 3rd version before answering.......jk
how about you just make it come with another executable (that is fully automatic) that we can create a shortcut to from the startup folder from win directory
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good idea. I'll make a parameter just only need to add after the .exe in the shortcut, i.e.
'autosms.exe autostart' if'll then reads the settings from ini and automatically switches into start mode
(I'm currently at the cabaret, I think this mod is done tomorrow)
snoman said:
good idea. I'll make a parameter just only need to add after the .exe in the shortcut, i.e.
'autosms.exe autostart' if'll then reads the settings from ini and automatically switches into start mode
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new version 0.46 in the changelog posting
dude thats really great. i think its now more than good enough for you to post it in in the development and hacking forum im sure other people will have other nice ideas to add to make autosms more useful for other things
fatso485 said:
dude thats really great. i think its now more than good enough for you to post it in in the development and hacking forum im sure other people will have other nice ideas to add to make autosms more useful for other things
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Thanks again. I just made the first CAB file for installation. If works fine on my XDA Neo.
Would you mind checking out if it works on ur device?
the cab runs just fine on my device and the qvga wizard. thanks for your work. your program is set to work from startup
now im just being picky with the following wishlist:
-but why did the size grow from 25k to 115k for the same thing. any way of making the cab smaller. maybe recompressing indivsual files?
-not important but also can you somehow make it work as single portable executable (like pimBackup 2.8 that everybody loved to just keep in the SD card)
-also the red square icon is a bit on the plane side how about you just reuse the envelope and stopwatch used in the program as the icon for autosms
Thank you for testing and the reply!
fatso485 said:
now im just being picky with the following wishlist:
-but why did the size grow from 25k to 115k for the same thing. any way of making the cab smaller. maybe recompressing indivsual files?
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Well, the size is mainly given by the exe and the dll and the bitmap I use and they need approx. 110 KB. My CAB builder does not compress, maybe he cannot or I havn't found the flag. I'll check it out these days.
-not important but also can you somehow make it work as single portable executable (like pimBackup 2.8 that everybody loved to just keep in the SD card)
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Beside the need to deliver some dlls the single-file-solution means to give up with saving the parameters like "Cellphone No" or "Message Text" who need at least a file for storage and I'd like to avoid the registry.
-also the red square icon is a bit on the plane side how about you just reuse the envelope and stopwatch used in the program as the icon for autosms
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Indeed, that's a todo right done after making my own offical program icon.
Let's see what the weeks brings...
so short
I bought my Touch Dual sliding phone for the express purpose of using the sliding open and closed as the physical interface for answering/unlocking then hanging up/locking my phone. But to my surprise the Touch Dual cannot hang-up and/or lock on slide close (although it does answer/unlock on slide open).
So I've written an application to do the job.
The latest version now includes friendly configuration and integration with third party applications such as S2U2.
SlideActions and notes (this is a link to my server, so it always has the latest version).
Open source
Because I don't have the time and I've been asked for new features, and there's been volunteered help I've provided access to SlideAction's SVN repository.
I almost didn't because I never bothered to comment code I didn't expect others to see, but, well, I'm not so precious.
Here's the repository's URL:: Accessible both by web browser and SVN client such as TortoiseSVN.
Anyone wanting to contribute can create a branch (such as and I'll merge working features into the main branch.
Its great,
how can i make cab-file tu youse on my touch dual ?
Regards Nick
Great idea!
u have to make a cab file for us
Cab File
ariandax said:
Great idea!
u have to make a cab file for us
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Goto the link in the first post, CAB file is now available.
ferrex said:
I'll have a look into what it takes to make an installing CAB file...
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And it wasn't hard at all. Go to the link in the first post to find the CAB file.
I should mention - although this CAB file does put a startup shortcut in place (so the application will start with the phone in future) it doesn't currently start the application to begin with - you'll have to either start it yourself (llook for the application in your Program folder) the first time or restart your phone for it to happen automatically.
Nice work Ferrex..!
Keep up them please ..
it's great ~
but can I just use it for hanging up calls ?
and not for keys lock ?
I'll test it later.
really great job Mate.
great job! will test it tonight!
alexnalexn said:
it's great ~
but can I just use it for hanging up calls ?
and not for keys lock ?
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I haven't tried to make it configureable in any way yet (Update:It is now). So far I've just been happy to figure out how to make it do what I need on my phone.
Ideally it ought be configureable but I don't think I'm going to have the time to do that with a busy work schedule for a while.
I find working on this stuff immensely time consuming because I'm on the wrong side of a big learning curve right now - and at times frustrating (I'm stunned at how much the VSS Deployment Project methodolgy sucks).
Thanks for this, simply fantastic. Was silently hoping that htc would release a rom upgrade that closed the action screen when the keypad slides back down. Looks like you've beaten the big H to it.
Nice work, i tried it but it kept opening the sms/mms app any time i slide it open. But it's almost perfect
nomc2 said:
Nice work, i tried it but it kept opening the sms/mms app any time i slide it open. But it's almost perfect
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That's deliberate (if you have unread messages) - I haven't accentuated the feature but the app checks if there's any unread SMS messages when you open the slide and if so opens the SMS app.
It's one of the things which ought be configureable but I haven't had time to write configuration options yet. For the moment I'm writing the application to suite my needs - and I prefer to go straight to unread txts if I haven't noticed them yet when I open my phone.
If it's doing it when you haven't unread messages it's a bug - but not with this app because that's a mistake it pretty much can't make itself, however another app interacting with SMS might not be updating the notifications correctly and thus throw my app off. I could make HTCDTExtend more robust by taking a more direct route to SMS info but I'm not going to because using WM6 notifications is the correct way to do it. Hopefully your experience is as designed and not some bug.
if i may, maybe you could just recompile an exe for those of us that want it to function without the locking feature either by just commenting out the sendkey(133) or using a null in the locking subfunction
thescum said:
if i may, maybe you could just recompile an exe for those of us that want it to function without the locking feature either by just commenting out the sendkey(133) or using a null in the locking subfunction
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I've made the application read settings from the registry so it can be configured. In time I'll put a graphical interface on it but for now...
By default the application Hangs Up and Locks on slide close, and on slide open, if there are any unread SMS messages opens the SMS application.
But you can change that if you wish by editing (you'll have to begin by creating them, they aren't created by the application currently [Update:These keys are created by the application now]) these registry settings:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ionwerks\HTCDTExtend DWORD:HangUp
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ionwerks\HTCDTExtend DWORD:Lock
0 = Off, 1 = On for each setting.
thescum said:
if i may, maybe you could just recompile an exe for those of us that want it to function without the locking feature either by just commenting out the sendkey(133) or using a null in the locking subfunction
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I've assembled a version with locking disabled for people who don't want to edit their registry.
Update:HTCDTExtend has been supplanted by SlideActions. Go to the first post for a link to it's home page.
thanks ferrex for insights in registry and for the cab, it works very well now thanks.
ferrex said:
I've assembled a version with locking disabled for people who don't want to edit their registry.
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Great work no locking right now? But the unread sms work again right?
thanks a lot, ferrex! it is a GREAT app!
meanwhile, really doubt why HTC is so stupid to miss the slide-close-to-hangup functionality that is available on every slide-out phone.
It is FREEWARE, but if you like it, you can donate me to [email protected] on PayPal
if you used ever before some previous version, please go to OPTIONS and tap on DEFAULT button to run correctly
V 1.2 release date 27.03.2008
-added decimal time to the bottom of the screen
-added label changing possibility
-Improved options
-Added main labels
-fixed bug in colorSetter
V 1.1 release date 26.03.2008
-fixed 12/0 hour bug
-swaped position of seconds and hours
V 1.0 release date 26.03.2008
-initial release
Runs on WM5/WM6 with .NET 2.0
Program must be stored as
\My Documents\binaryclock.exe
else autostart will not work
Closing by tap anywhere on screen
You can open menu by holding stylus anywhere on screen.
Use at your own risk!
Have a fun
1st (for once) looks amusingly pointless when i try it
btw put some pics in your post
bbobeckyj said:
1st (for once) looks amusingly pointless when i try it
btw put some pics in your post
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Thats true, but it is good, if you want to learn binary code, this is best what you can do.
Images uploaded
If anyone have some good idea how to improve it, post please!!!
Nice idea, but one little suggestion.
Why not change the display order, like:
I think that would make it lot better.
johanromijn said:
Nice idea, but one little suggestion.
Why not change the display order, like:
I think that would make it lot better.
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All right I will make new release v1.1 in few minutes
nice if there was an option in the menu to display a standard digital clock on the screen simultaneously so those that do not understand binary can learn.
just an idea.
necris.developer said:
If anyone have some good idea how to improve it, post please!!!
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i would like it in a today plugin... but maybe something like this:
all on one line and nice and neat. I would love it just like that
P.S i love that i can hide the 32 16 8 4 2 1 above the binary values so keep that
So, if i've understand well, when a 1 is put you'll need to sum to find what time is it, correct ?
Why no to put it like the binary clocks, like these ones :
This should be very funny to read !
Some more details on :
BTW, nice idea and program !
wow another geeky program to further obfuscate my XDA.
can't wait to try this out... unfortunately, I have to lurk moar and figure out how to install (and its prerequisites) the WM 5.0 on my O2 XDA II mini. (or confirm if it is out yet)
tom108 said:
nice if there was an option in the menu to display a standard digital clock on the screen simultaneously so those that do not understand binary can learn.
just an idea.
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I am working on it, it will come in next release! THX
faux_magician said:
wow another geeky program to further obfuscate my XDA.
can't wait to try this out... unfortunately, I have to lurk moar and figure out how to install (and its prerequisites) the WM 5.0 on my O2 XDA II mini. (or confirm if it is out yet)
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No install, only copy .exe file to your Documents, but you must have installed .NET 2.0, i tried it on iPAQ 4240 and it works fine.
I ever wanted a Binary CLock.. and now on my TyTN II ;-)
irus said:
i would like it in a today plugin... but maybe something like this:
all on one line and nice and neat. I would love it just like that
P.S i love that i can hide the 32 16 8 4 2 1 above the binary values so keep that
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Sry, no chance to do it like a today plugin, there is no way to make today plugin in VB and I dont know C++. but i will make other improvements.
YoLoLo said:
So, if i've understand well, when a 1 is put you'll need to sum to find what time is it, correct ?
Why no to put it like the binary clocks, like these ones :
This should be very funny to read !
Some more details on :
BTW, nice idea and program !
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Yes, thats right, you must sum values, where is 1.
Great idea, i will try to make it skinable. THX
Your joy makes me happy.
Now working on next release V1.2, here is preview:
Coming soon
Thanks for this amusing app! Now to learn binary... I really like the customization.
necris.developer said:
Sry, no chance to do it like a today plugin, there is no way to make today plugin in VB and I dont know C++. but i will make other improvements.
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i know c++ but i dont' know how to make a plug in so i would need some help with that
necris.developer said:
Now working on next release V1.2, here is preview:
Coming soon
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Um, wouldn't that be V1.10?
irus said:
i know c++ but i dont' know how to make a plug in so i would need some help with that
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you must make a DLL file with defined interfaces, but i dont now which. Is there anybody who know how to make today plugin??
Hey I'm looking for a mortscript that will check the status of the reg keys for new sms and new voicemail every 5 minutes or so and if the count is greater than 0 it will play my notification again (or any wave if that's easier) I had a search and could only find the treo alerts but that's more than I'm looking for.
i think than can be done....i will look into it tonight...if someone does not beat me to
Hey sorry it took me so long to get to this but i have been very busy and i wanted to make it just right. so here it is.
This script Checks for new sms and vmail every 5 min and plays any wav file you have specified.
First have mortscript installed then
simply extract the folder in this zip file to anywhere on your device. then run setnofitications.mscr and enter the full path(EX:"\examplefoler\examplewavefile.wav"(don't enter quotes)) to a wave file you would like played for vmail and sms. it will create a new folder in your programs menu called extra notify and place shortcuts to turn this feature on and off to configure it and to remove the shortcuts. it will also place a shortcut in your windows startup folder so to activate itslef at every boot. Hopefully this works as well on your phone as it does on my phoe(different phones like to act different)
UPDATE:For anyone who already has v0.5b run remove to clear the old shortcuts(i changed the names of them so it wont all work right if you don't do this before extracting the new files) then simply exract these files to the same place you have the current ones. then run upgrade.mscr to migrate your old notifications to the reg entries and run setnotifications.mscr to configure the on and off times. I'm leaving v0.5b up for now in case v0.8 causes issues. Report back on functionality. Anyone using this for first time follow steps in this post befor update.
let me know if you have any problems
Version History
changed the way variables(configurations) are kept
added option to specify time to have notifications tunr off and back on
Cleaned up scripts to make them esier to work with
(i think that's it lol)
removed message when device boots up
Notifications will now play even if device is in sleep mode.
Initial Realease
Awesome! Thanks so much.
Not to be a pain but I should have mentioned that it would be great if it didn't run between certain times. That way it won't be keeping me up all night.
You can just use kaisernotification its a program that lets you customize the LEDs and also this feature is under "repeating alerts"
mssmison said:
Awesome! Thanks so much.
Not to be a pain but I should have mentioned that it would be great if it didn't run between certain times. That way it won't be keeping me up all night.
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ok i w have a look at that...i'm sure it's possible i will just have to figure it out. give me a few days on this to make sure i get it right.
Thanks a tonne, I'm a little suprised no one has done this before.
mssmison said:
Thanks a tonne, I'm a little suprised no one has done this before.
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yhea me 2...maybe they have but i don't mind doing it....i'm still learing mortscript so this was a great learing experience.
Grondinm said:
yhea me 2...maybe they have but i don't mind doing it....i'm still learing mortscript so this was a great learing experience.
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You're a mortscript power house! I'll be using this one when it's done
Grondinm I promise you'll reach Nirvana if you manage to do this script!
I always wanted to do that also (lazy i guess), but now eventually I included it in my startup script.
Beside the missed calls or sms the script keeps bluetooth off unless needed (by GPS or handsfree).
Well done folks, now that's turning out to an interesting thread!
Until today I did just a few stupid scripts to perform soft-reset or setVolume, but with your scripts for reference I'll try to learn a bit more.
Just a question: where is the delay time instruction? I see a few "sleep" and don't know which is the right one.
Keep up the good work, MortScripters!
carrozza said:
Well done folks, now that's turning out to an interesting thread!
Until today I did just a few stupid scripts to perform soft-reset or setVolume, but with your scripts for reference I'll try to learn a bit more.
Just a question: where is the delay time instruction? I see a few "sleep" and don't know which is the right one.
Keep up the good work, MortScripters!
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the last one. sleep(30000)has it sleep for 5 min before it checks again. the other sleeps are just to have it sleep for a fraction if theire is nothing to would work without those...theire is also one for it to sleep 1sec between the check of sms and vmail so that both sounds don't play at the same time. Funny i started out the same way. making little scripts for text messaging purposes and volume and orientation.
Ha... I think any scripter started off like that. My first one went abd changed all of my reg settings, and copied clock and wallpaper, for s2u2. Saves plenty of time when updating
xd1936 said:
Ha... I think any scripter started off like that. My first one went abd changed all of my reg settings, and copied clock and wallpaper, for s2u2. Saves plenty of time when updating
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My first script went around and deleted random registry entries and files... Wasn't too productive, but worked well!
well it's working but apparently I'm not inputing the path properly.
If the file is in the windows folder for example is my syntax //windows/blah.wav ?
mssmison said:
well it's working but apparently I'm not inputing the path properly.
If the file is in the windows folder for example is my syntax //windows/blah.wav ?
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no the path would be \windows\blah.wav
I think it should be "\windows\blah.wav"
EDIT: Grondimn got there first! Ignore this post!
OK, here is the script I made, quite the same as previous examples posted before by very good people.
I just added MMS notification and tweaked delay (90 seconds for me).
Just a question: what do you think is the overhead of the device with this script running?
I mean: here we have a WHILE loop running continuously on the device. Are there "best practices" that a skilled programmer would use to make CPU and memory consumption as low as possible?
sms=regread("HKCU" , "\System\State\messages\sms\unread","Count")
mms=regread("HKCU" , "\System\State\messages\mms\unread","Count")
call=regread("HKCU" , "\System\State\Phone","Missed Call Count")
if(call > 0)
if(sms > 0)
if(mms > 0)
carrozza said:
OK, here is the script I made, quite the same as previous examples posted before by very good people.
I just added MMS notification and tweaked delay (90 seconds for me).
Just a question: what do you think is the overhead of the device with this script running?
I mean: here we have a WHILE loop running continuously on the device. Are there "best practices" that a skilled programmer would use to make CPU and memory consumption as low as possible?
sms=regread("HKCU" , "\System\State\messages\sms\unread","Count")
mms=regread("HKCU" , "\System\State\messages\mms\unread","Count")
call=regread("HKCU" , "\System\State\Phone","Missed Call Count")
if(call > 0)
if(sms > 0)
if(mms > 0)
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Well i don't think memory is a big concern in this case cause the script file in only a few hundred KB and for cpu usage it is sleeping between the loops. i'm no programmer and i'm sure a experienced programer might find some flaws in this but it works for me and does not seem to be very draining.
Don't you hate it when you let someone play with your shiny new WM phone
they usually go right to your SMS inbox?
jonesj8 had the same irritation, so inspired by him I threw something together
Original thread :
I created a new thread to have a bit more overview, and also to get it under the attention of other users who might be interested
I can understand if you close this thread...
How does it work.
this version requires you to change all the .lnk files pointing to tmail.exe, or to the dll...maybe even other ones...
I say all lnk's but the most important are the ones the "friend" is going see/use.
I've included a shortcut creator in the attachment.
In FileList.ini specify the application to block,
in the included file it's \WIndows\tmail.exe
and i've used msg as argument.
so in the .lnk would point to lockdown.exe with the argument msg
if the passcode is correct the file will be opened.
it's not very quick (since it needs to be opened) but this should change in the next version.
the passcode can be changed in the settings.ini, default is 12345
Let me know what you think or if you have any ideas
Update Version 0.4
Well I finally got around to an update, which is attached below
The application has been rebuild from the ground up, I've used a Lock and Key method, e.g. the lnk uses key.exe which communicates with the server (the lock) this way the server only needs to read the filelist once which should save time.
because of this you will need to enter the items in the FileList.ini prior to starting the server, when the server is running it will create the used shortcuts for you
which you can then place.
if you add stuff while it is running the shortcuts wont be created...
pointers on making the FileList.ini is in the readme below.
New in this version
- installer (cab)
- app to date support
- redesigned layout
- support for arguments, opening the sms should work now, it does for me
- locking of other files should work now too (thesed with a html file)
- automatically create the proper lnk files in sub folder
To do
- include support for different screen sizes
- way to customize the colors
- mask input with *
- skinning...?
In case someone is bored and wants to create the graphics, be my guest,
My creativity in that department is next to null
Sounds great. Any chance of a screenshot of the lock screen?
Mr_Gee said:
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Thanks, trying it now
works good, cant seem to get arguments passed to tmail.exe in settings.ini
msg=\Windows\tmail.exe -service "SMS"
just opens account picker, is on todo list? not bugging you, good app,
great will it run on VGA? make it as simple as you can so when we are in hurry the soft won't load so long
This looks nice and configurable.
Are we able to make it request the pin for any application listed in FileList? First try didn't work, I want to restrict more than just the inbox
sorry, double post
badaas said:
works good, cant seem to get arguments passed to tmail.exe in settings.ini
msg=\Windows\tmail.exe -service "SMS"
just opens account picker, is on todo list? not bugging you, good app,
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Correct that isn't working... also i'm not sure if it will be in there,
the reason is I wanted to change the app so it looks at the window name,
this would close all message related windows, and there is no need to change the .lnk files
theme freak said:
great will it run on VGA? make it as simple as you can so when we are in hurry the soft won't load so long
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Not yet, but is planned for future versions, I'll add it to the todo list.
evojulz said:
This looks nice and configurable.
Are we able to make it request the pin for any application listed in FileList? First try didn't work, I want to restrict more than just the inbox
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Currently any application can be restricted by providing a ID + location, e.g
xyz=\Program Files\TCPMP\player.exe
changing the link to tcpmp would have lockdown popup first
What application would you like to restrict?
Mr_Gee said:
Correct that isn't working... also i'm not sure if it will be in there,
the reason is I wanted to change the app so it looks at the window name,
this would close all message related windows, and there is no need to change the .lnk files
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hmmm, not sure i know what you mean. But basically, as it is now, I can't go direct to the inbox of sms using your lockdown? \o?
badaas said:
hmmm, not sure i know what you mean. But basically, as it is now, I can't go direct to the inbox of sms using your lockdown? \o?
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Basically, no
but as a workaround you could try making an lnk to tmail.exe with the -service etc. in there, next change the FileList.ini pointing to that new lnk...
not sure if it will work though
Mr_Gee said:
Basically, no
but as a workaround you could try making an lnk to tmail.exe with the -service etc. in there, next change the FileList.ini pointing to that new lnk...
not sure if it will work though
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bLEhg! lol, ok, will look into that (scratches head )
some novelty things to add: skins, mask input with '*', maybe use symbols instead of numbers, 'jumble' keypad/symbols random for added security (if using symbols )
thanks for infos and keep up the good work
badaas said:
bLEhg! lol, ok, will look into that (scratches head )
some novelty things to add: skins, mask input with '*', maybe use symbols instead of numbers, 'jumble' keypad/symbols random for added security (if using symbols )
thanks for infos and keep up the good work
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Let me know if it worked, I'll look into the symbols
Skinning was already on my list great minds ....
input mask is also a good one
Any chance you can re-scale the images to fit a 240x240 screen res?
Can test it you want.
Cheers, Mike.
Mike1002 said:
Any chance you can re-scale the images to fit a 240x240 screen res?
Can test it you want.
Cheers, Mike.
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I'll give it a shot
@ the rest
there are 4 basic resolutions right?
320 X 240
320 X 320
240 X 240
640 X 480
the rest is pretty exotic (Omni & X1)
is this possible on htm files?
Hi Mr_Gee, thanks for sharing
I have an couple of offline files I would also like to lockdown. Is it possible to lockdown those htm files as well? tia.
adomila said:
Hi Mr_Gee, thanks for sharing
I have an couple of offline files I would also like to lockdown. Is it possible to lockdown those htm files as well? tia.
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have you tried entering them in the FileList.ini file?
currently not working on html files
Mr_Gee said:
have you tried entering them in the FileList.ini file?
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now, that you mention it yes, i have tried it and it does not work, if it is the specific html file. the lockdown screen would still appear but nothing happens after entering the code. maybe it will work, if the iexplore.exe itself is lockdown but this will lock down every/all html files. would it be a big change to code it, just for specific html files? i'm also thinking on specific text files just like the said html files. i keep notes on pure text files like tax account number, passwords, pincodes, etc in a text or word file. maybe this is pushing too far. maybe in the next version/release? hehehe thank you for sharing and more power...
Sorry I was on holidays
I've tested with PIE.exe and i plan this for the next version.
Please note though that this tool is only for making sure "friends" don't read your personal stuff very easy, but passwords/pin codes might be a bit too high risk..
I think this should be further developed! It really should come standard on winmob... hey Gee, if you need a cab builder or photoshop, I'd be happy to help! Let's make this idea the next ROM must-have!
I wanna use this program because every time someone wants to see my phone, they get to snooping into my personal info. However, I'm afriad if I start changing things manually, I'll screw my phone up.
* Discontinued *
New thread at:
Thanks alot for this, I wasn't keen on the other 1 but this is perfect! Good work!
it looks nice
I like your choice of items a bit more
well done
really usefull
Cheers! Good to see you people like it.
If there's anything you'd like to see improved, post it and I'll consider the good ideas.
edit: opps. i just realised i was posting this here should have been in the original thread...ohh well. mods feel free to delete this
i like it a lot as it is but there are a number of things you might want to consider:
1-i think an extra raw of apps can be added while keeping the the finger friendliness.
2- make it startable as an executable or soft key from tf3d hoome or button
3- option for discovravle mode blutooth
4- make it easy to change default apps
ohh btw, why is it relatively big 1.6mb for an app starter. can it be redused? mabe change the color depth or something
It's mostly the skin. The original application uses a sucky compression. There's no way I can reduce it and to me, 1.6mb is squat.
"Shutdown" gives an error (it didn't with smaberg's):
"Couldn't find PowerOFFLNK.lnk or PowerOFFEXE.exe"
Also "Calculator" gives the waiting icon and then nothing - I probably either have to edit the shortcut to windows default calculator or find HTC calculator from somewhere... Any ideas where to get the one that works with this setup?
Is the editing of application paths the same as with smaberg's? BIOTOUCH etc?
I actually like this one more then smabergs one, but it still isn`t perfect. Would it be possible to create a setup tool which would allow you to edit all the buttons?
I can`t imagine it being too hard since it`s just a few reg changes you would have to make?
//edit: I would love to make it myself but I guess it would take ages (at least, maybe longer) before I would be done.
However, if anyone knows the command you have to pass to the text client to automatically start the message for a certain person I would be more then pleased .
Draqula said:
"Shutdown" gives an error (it didn't with smaberg's):
"Couldn't find PowerOFFLNK.lnk or PowerOFFEXE.exe"
Also "Calculator" gives the waiting icon and then nothing - I probably either have to edit the shortcut to windows default calculator or find HTC calculator from somewhere... Any ideas where to get the one that works with this setup?
Is the editing of application paths the same as with smaberg's? BIOTOUCH etc?
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I'll fix it in 1.1.
And yes, the calculator points to HTCCalculator. As this is based on smaberg's app, the paths are edited the same way.
You can download the HTCcalculator from this forum.
dekeijzer said:
I actually like this one more then smabergs one, but it still isn`t perfect. Would it be possible to create a setup tool which would allow you to edit all the buttons?
I can`t imagine it being too hard since it`s just a few reg changes you would have to make?
//edit: I would love to make it myself but I guess it would take ages (at least, maybe longer) before I would be done.
However, if anyone knows the command you have to pass to the text client to automatically start the message for a certain person I would be more then pleased .
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Creating that setup tool would take me longer than it would take you (and everyone else) to find out how to edit it.
Also, you'd only be able to edit the execute paths, not the icons (skin).
And I don't know the parameter for a certain person (even if it's possible).
*** EDIT ***
Updated to 1.1.
Angelusz said:
Creating that setup tool would take me longer than it would take you (and everyone else) to find out how to edit it.
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True. That`s why I`m editing it right now.
I want to make a cab of it cause I reinstall allot!
But I have a little problem creating a new cab.
I used a cab extractor to get all the files out, but what did you use to create the cab itself?
I used several tools but they all fail to install..
Thanks in advance for the help, I really appreciate it.
//edit: I managed to create a cab, actionscreens rock
Great. Thanks for 1.1.
I found the HTC Calculator and now everything not only looks great but also works
I actually managed to create a cab. Furthermore, I was able to make a shortcut for a sms contact (well technically it`s a number, but it stands for a contact)
The shortcut should be to tmail.exe and its parameters are:
-service """sms""" -to """the number"""
dekeijzer said:
I actually managed to create a cab. Furthermore, I was able to make a shortcut for a sms contact (well technically it`s a number, but it stands for a contact)
The shortcut should be to tmail.exe and its parameters are:
-service """sms""" -to """the number"""
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Hehe, nice one. Making cabs isn't hard, just use WINCE cab mgr.
great app and good things added to smabergs port
but i think with this u can do so much more.
beginning with the skin. the shadowsong skin doesnt fit on any x1 and the manila skin is boring for me.
i really like to give a contribution to this app in form of a new skin/design
but i dont know how to do it. can u pack all the image files in 1 rar and upload it here so i can modify them?
thnx in advance
(oh and sry for bad english...)
just a word of advice to all who use this app.. I have american x1a and used phone (babied) it was pwerfect, until i tried to take battery cover off and inadvetantly put a finger on the power button while leveraging it off. my power btton sunk in and jammed, staying with no way of extracting. cost me 185 to repair via sony, they formatted my phone and were less than helpful... DONT ABUSE UR POWER BUTTON! IT MAY JAM!
killerskincanoe said:
just a word of advice to all who use this app.. I have american x1a and used phone (babied) it was pwerfect, until i tried to take battery cover off and inadvetantly put a finger on the power button while leveraging it off. my power btton sunk in and jammed, staying with no way of extracting. cost me 185 to repair via sony, they formatted my phone and were less than helpful... DONT ABUSE UR POWER BUTTON! IT MAY JAM!
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I vote +1 for "funniest post in the X1 forum". xD
Oh, and Kid_DC, the shadowsong skin fits perfectly with my TF3D shadowsong theme
I know what you mean though. I've already improved the black skin a bit.
The skin files are installed to your \windows\AnX1\Actionscreen folder, they're .brn files. You can find a converter brm <-> bmp here on xda.
and why do u use brm, when u first have to convert them?
are they smaller?