Sygic McGuider optimization - Touch HD General

just got my HD last week and now i am trying several route navigation software to see which i like best.
I installed several: Sygic McGuider, iGO8 and Route 66 but on all i experienced lag on GPS position. In another thread i found a regfix which i got working for iGO8 (almost no lag anymore), but i used to navigate with Sygic McGuider.
Got the latest version of McGuider recently (770 build 1073D) but for some reason not only i experience GPS position lag on it (still not on iGO8) and the whole app seems rather slow. While driving the screen seems sluggish and there is some slow response in the menu.
I anyone has a lagfree and response version of mcguider running please post your settings file so we can all benifit.
here's mine
title=Sygic DRIVE
; Define custom splash screen
; bacground color of spash screen (hex), defaul = 000000 black
; If true center image of splash is stretched
; Move center image of splash screen to different position (TL, TR, BL, BL) C = no moving
; topMost=true -> no other application will appear above navigation
; topMost=false -> other applications (e.g. MP3 player) can be displayed above navigation window
; Select driver (defines assignment of keys, backlight, com port handling and more)
; Do not use the below
; com=[COM1:,9600 | autodetect]
; antialiasing means displaying smooth maps. Setting it to 'true' can rapidly slow down some devices
; initially turning on (poiVisible=true) or off (poiVisible=false) some POI categories
;Set color mode for output Display default mode is RGB565 other are RGB555 and BGR555
; In case of multiple platforms, when sharing of Resources is required.
; Path to folder with resources (GpsLogs, Icons, Itinerary, Skin, Sounds, Voices)
; Path to folder with maps
; Settnings for First run wizard
;enable new VOlume system
;select *.lang file from Skin folder
;select folder name from Voices folder
;select one of kilometer or mile
;select one of europe, us or uk
;select one of degrees, minutes or seconds
;use combination of digits
;select one of QWERTY, QWERTZ or AZERTY
;select one of PINYIN, ZHUYIN or HANDWRITE
;select name of *.mlm file
map=McGuider 2009.mlm
;select coordinates for first run of Browse map
;Latitude in deggrees: Zero = Equator, +90 = North Pole, -90 South Pole
;Longitude in degrees: Zero is Greenwich + East, - West,+180 = -180 = International date line
;Initial zoom level on Browse map, e.g. 45000000 for Globe view
;Enable route computing after restart. Applicatio will compute the last computed route.
; Set to true, if menus are operated by hardware buttons
; If set to true, then menus apear with pre-selected first item
; menuCursor = true | false (default)| autodetect
; Sets style of keyboards: "visible" keyboards are for touch screens,
; "cursor" keyboards are for remote-control operated black boxes, and
; "invisible" keyboards are for mobile phones with their own hardware keyboard
; VISIBLE (normal)
; CURSOR (normal+arrows, small keyboard)
; INVISIBLE (dialog buttons)
; AUTODETECT ( if HW keyboard is detected = invisible, if not = visible)
; System timezone (GMT + timezone = your domestic time), specify time shift in minutes (e.g. -180 for GMT-3h)
; Used for time synchronization
; Enter one of the values from Skin\timezone.ini
; hasClock=true (The device does have internal clock source, default) | false (compute clock from GPS GMT time and specified timezone)
; if autosync=true, system time is set after first valid fix from gps time
; hasClock=true && autosync=true - only system time , system time set from gps after fix
; hasClock=true && autosync=false - only system time
; hasClock=false && autosync=true - system time + time zone, system time set from gps after fix
; hasClock=false && autosync=false - gps time + time zone


Registry Tweaks for XDA Mini

Here are some registry tweaks for your Mini
Please make a backup of your REGISTRY and all the other stuff of your PDA before you apply the following tweaks
Install directory to your storage/storage card.
To install your application/program to storage memory or storage card memory. Whenever you are about to install, there will one screen appear to ask you where to install the program. But not to forget to change it back the default value to 0 after the installation or u might encounter weird situation when you want to change your today screen and etc..
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Apps\Microsoft Application Installer
Default: 0
Changed: 1
Fast graphic but consume memory
It can fasten and smoothen your OS graphic movement, but it will eat some of your program memory, not that much. You also can change it to 32768 instead of 16384 for greater result.
Default: 8192
Changed: 16384
To hide screen rotate icon
There is a small PDA icon at your bottom right corner of your screen to change ur screen orientation from patriot to landscape and other way round. For me, its unnecessary, so you can hide it.
ShowIcon value change to 0
Default: 1
Changed: 0
To turn off flashing LEDs and Vibration
It will turn off the blinking green/red/orange LED and the vibration mode. Some people will irritate by the blinking, especially when you're driving and sleep at night.
Default: 1
Changed: 0
Enable camera frame rate display
Camera frame rate will appear on the screen when u're using the camera
Default: 0
Changed: 1
To set ur ringstones to run from Storage Card
Place all your downloaded ringtones from internal memory to storage card. Usefull for our small/ciput Mini memory.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\SoundCategories\Ring\Directory registry key
Default value: "\Windows\Rings\"
Change it to: "\Storage Card\<your preferred directory>\" (Note that "\" at the end is extremely important!!!)
Place those ringtones into \Storage Card\<your preferred directory>\
Enable hidden editor function in Album
This opens the additional hidden function in the ALBUM, allows u to edit ur photo, brightness, contrast, crop, etc. Album (opens Editor menu):
Disable value changed to: 0
SPB Pocket Plus Storage Card Display
If u notice, there is no indicator available to display our storage memory capacity. This will add Storage Card display icon. PLEASE FOLLOW THE STEP CAREFULLY!!
1. Add icon/item Backup Battery Indicator
2. Regedit the key in
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Spb Software House\Pocket Plus\Today Items\Pannels\
3. Find key in directory 00000 or 00001 or 00002 or 00004; that have Name Action with value *backupbattery
4. Change the value to *storagecard
5. Soft reset
O2mini Camera Settings Configuration
Enhance you picture taken quality. It will remove your camera snow effect
Contrast: 5
Brightness: 6
Saturation: 3 or 4 (recommended by Doc)
Hue: 5
Sharpness: 3
Unlimited 3gp Recording for mms settings
This will allow you to take unlimited recording time
DWord Value called "EnableLimit", change it from 1 to 0.
To include both time and date in taskbar
You'll get time and short date on your right top of the screen, rather just displaying time. Meaning, you can remove your date item on your today screen.
Phase 1:
2) Create a binary value named "TBOpt" and set its value to "13 00 00 00".
3) Soft-reset
Note: If u ever get bored of the date display, rid it by deleting the TBOpt key.
i) Just go to Settings>Regional Settings>Date>Short Date
ii) Choose "dd-MMMM-yy" or whichever format u prefer.
iii) Click "ok".
Disabling “Message Sent” notification bubble
For those who hates the "Message Sent" notification after sending an SMS, this is the steps to remove the bubble notification...this is the STEP by STEP method to do it in case some of you guys dont get it right...
1. First, you will need to download a Registry Editor to help you do it...
2. using the Registry Editor, navigate to:
3. Next, click on Inbox (make sure the Inbox is highlighted) and select Edit, New Key
4. Name the New Key as "Settings"
5. Click on "Settings" (make sure the Settings is highlighted) and select Edit, New String Value
6. On "Value name:", key in SMSNoSentMsg and in "Value data", key in 1
7. Soft reset your device and test it with one SMS, and you will notice that the SMS Sent bubble is being disabled.
Audio Tweak
Audio Tweak enhances the speaker performance of the O2 Mini (some devices have this set to a lesser priority and by using this you get better sound, if your device is already set to a high level you have no need for this)
Default: 110
Changed to: 80
Disable start menu animation
This tweaking will eliminate the list of menu "drop-down animation" if u tab on Start/Flag icon.
AniType value change from 6 to 0.
Looping Ringtones Delay
Ring tone has a standard 3 seconds delay before repeating. You can set the delay from 0 second to how many second that you want.
Change 'Script' from 'av0pw3r' to 'av0pr' and you'll get 0 sec delay.
OR change it to
av0pw1r = wait for 1 sec
av0pw2r = wait for 2 sec
and so on...
Plus..heres the code
a - stands for display
r - repeat/replay the script again
c - sets the volume C50, c150, c100
f - means flash .. f1 flash for 1 second and f0 stands for flash continuously
p -means play ringtone
v- vibrate then incorporate with number to state how many seconds it will vibrate example. v3 vibrate for 3seconds or v0 for continous
w - stands for wait or pause then specify how many seconds like w3(wait for 3 seconds)
heres the example
Flash - af1w60f0
Ring - apw3r
Ring Once - ap
Increasing Ring - c50apw3c150r
Vibrate Then Ring - v3w3apw3r
Vibrate - av3w3r
Short Vibrate - av1w3r
Vibrate Long Then Ring - v3w3v3w3apw3r
Vibrate And Ring - av0pw3r
Increasing Ring And Vibrate - c50apv3w3c150r
Fast Vibrate And Flash - af1v1w1f0r
Vibrate and Ring Continously without pausing - av0pr
SMS Notification On
This is different with message notification send, this will confirm you when message already recieve by receiver
SMSDeliveryNotify = dword:00000001 ->0 if off
How to:
Create new Dword value name SMSDeliveryNotify
with decimal value data 1
Wacth for capital letter
Changing the Message Sent Notification Message
Change the default "MessageSent". Example "Pesan sudah di kirim"
Change the Value "MessageSent" to whatever you like.
Change the default input method
To change your input method, keyboard, letter recognizer, block recognizer as ur default, even you soft reset ur mini.
*for English ROM
*cannot set transcriber and Phatware Calligrapher with this trick.
Change the "DefaultIm" value for:
To set keyboard as default SIP, change the "DefaultIm to
To set Character Recognizer as default SIP, change the "DefaultIm to
To set Block Recognizer as default SIP, change the "DefaultIm to
*change only the bold number will do. The rest are totally the same.
To set WordLogic as default SIP, change the "DefaultIm to
*No WordLogic in Xda O2 mini.
To Get The AM/PM on The Top Bar
1. Creat new String value with Name = S1159 & Data = Am
2. Creat new String value with name = S2359 & data = Pm
3. Creat new String value with name = STFmt & data = h:mm tM
- capital letters and small letters must be followed exactly or it may cause hard resets!
- you will get capital "AM/PM" on the top bar eventhough the registry data value above was entered as "Am/Pm"
Change The Date on The Top Bar
Look for String value SSDte (short date) and change the value data, some example of date formats i have used below:
- "7 May 05, Friday" by changing the String value SSDte data = d MMMM yy, dddd
- "07/05/2005, Fri" by changing String value SSDte data = dd/MM/yyyy, ddd
Clear Type on LandscapeDisplay
You'll get clear type font in landscape mode. made me dizzy though..not much functionality value..just some fun factor for us curious ones.
1. Change value data of OffOnRotation from 1 to 0
2. Soft reset
Setting Cleartype Text in PIE
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
"ClearTypeText"<- Set 1 to Enable Cleartype in PIE, 0 to Disable
Setting ClearType Text in Pocket PC
Create a Subkey then Name it "CLEARTYPE"
Settings Screen Text Size
"CurFont"= change to the ff value ..
dword:00000258 -> Smallest
dword:000002BC -> Smaller
dword:00000320 -> Normal/Default
dword:000003E8 -> Larger
dword:0000044C -> Largest
Thanks to [email protected] for the original post.
I have not tested all of these tweaks on my Mini. Please let me know if any of them are not working, or if you have any of your own tweaks which are not listed :roll:
I tryed Change The Date on The Top Bar now, and a Warning there, becouse when you done that i softreset, the phone wont start upp again.. =(( anyone have a solution? please help..
RanZor said:
I tryed Change The Date on The Top Bar now, and a Warning there, becouse when you done that i softreset, the phone wont start upp again.. =(( anyone have a solution? please help..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
May be a hard reset would help :?
That is what i dont whant to do.. have no backup=((
Anyone know why it dident work?
Is the Mini the same as I-mate Jam and Qtek S100?
I dont know any other solution for you :? except for a hard reset.
Try SBP Pocket PC tips and tricks. Almost all of the mentioned tweaks are supported by this program & only softreset required to get them activated. Plus no hacking in the registry by hand, just set an option . I got my time & date in the top bar for instance working flawless.
Got two extra hacks for speeding up file browsing:
Cheers, M
Nice work, bhai. Did some of the tweaks and they work well.
Disable Dialer Number Format
Value: 0 by default, Set to 1
nonentity said:
Disable Dialer Number Format
Value: 0 by default, Set to 1
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
What does this do?
get rid of the regional brackets and spaces in the dialer...
ex. <###> ### #### = ##########
the DELIVER NOTIFICATION doesnt work, i wish this one's working, i really need this kind of program specially here in philippines.
great tweak......most of them work, tnx :wink:
my mistake.....the SMS DELIVER NOTIFICATION.
What key should I change to 1? is it default?
and where can I see the frame rate? camera ? video?
hitu said:
Enable camera frame rate display
Camera frame rate will appear on the screen when u're using the camera
Default: 0
Changed: 1
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
televisi said:
What key should I change to 1? is it default?
and where can I see the frame rate? camera ? video?
hitu said:
Enable camera frame rate display
Camera frame rate will appear on the screen when u're using the camera
Default: 0
Changed: 1
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I think i've changed the frame rate to 1... and it came up when i turn my camera on
i cant find the string value for Change The Date on The Top Bar tweaks... btw i have chinese rom not english one
guys, would you kindly guide me how to make change the registry? I've download the Total Commander (I've heard to make chabge the registry we need to install this program), but after Ive install the Total Commander, what next?
In Windows xp, to change the registry I only enter 'regedit' from start menu -> then Run, so how to enter the registry menu in the WM2003
(by the way I use the O2 mini)
many thanks for your guide.
Camrea "Save Folder" Tweak
check it out
Does anyone know of a tweak that can hide/remove the envelope when a sms message arrives?
do it with pockenzenphone, then find the reg key....
nurrochmat said:
guys, would you kindly guide me how to make change the registry? I've download the Total Commander (I've heard to make chabge the registry we need to install this program), but after Ive install the Total Commander, what next?
In Windows xp, to change the registry I only enter 'regedit' from start menu -> then Run, so how to enter the registry menu in the WM2003
(by the way I use the O2 mini)
many thanks for your guide.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Run totalcommander, tap on the root '\\' then select 'registry'. find ur key.

fresh compact what would you do?

Due to recent problems my mda compact on t-mobile(most say best customer service i have encountered)well now its being replaced.
so what would you do if you had a fresh compact,anythign you do rom,etc etc?
Hi Jace,
Good thing you got a new one First thing I would do is BIG Storage & ditch some of the ext-rom cabs. Then install cabinstl, resco explorer, sprite backup, mortplayer, tcpmp, my reg hacks, some games, mp3's, spb plus & weather, some VIJ stuff, aebutton plus & vgs mail.
Have more fun with your new device
i`d do this:
scary bear powerlevel and vijay toggle today, registry tweaks for time and date, dsp en, keyboard skin from buzz dev, autoinst. boot logo, microsoft net compact framework, mphoneschedule, autoinstaller mods, ozbt, mpeg pocket tv, cab instl,ringtones, background and dialer pit "lourd", tomtom 5.21 europe ... and sktools
(and radio 1.13.00)
be happy
thormdac said:
i`d do this:
.... autoinst. boot logo, microsoft net compact framework, mphoneschedule, autoinstaller mods, ozbt, ...
be happy
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
excuse me,what does microsoft net compact framework do? :roll: :?: :?: :?:
oltp said:
Hi Jace,
Good thing you got a new one First thing I would do is BIG Storage & ditch some of the ext-rom cabs. Then install cabinstl, resco explorer, sprite backup, mortplayer, tcpmp, my reg hacks, some games, mp3's, spb plus & weather, some VIJ stuff, aebutton plus & vgs mail.
Have more fun with your new device
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
where r ur reg hacks if they r urs u should add alink 2 ur signature..and what is vj stuff i mean exact namez plz...and can u tell what does vgs mail do
VJ stuffs, Vijay has got lotta cool stuffs done. Visit his site at
.net Compact framework is required for many Visual studio made programs to run. It requires the support files.
Carty said:
VJ stuffs, Vijay has got lotta cool stuffs done. Visit his site at
.net Compact framework is required for many Visual studio made programs to run. It requires the support files.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
i know he is a graet programmer and he is doin alot 4 us but i want 2 know which of his creations 2 use?
Well its like a buffet there and your choice to choose whatever you would like, right? Try everything and keep the ones to impress you the most!
max414 said:
where r ur reg hacks if they r urs u should add alink 2 ur signature..and what is vj stuff i mean exact namez plz...and can u tell what does vgs mail do
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hi max414,
Pls don't make me reveal too much secrets ;-)
VGSMail is an imap e-mail client, so I receive my e-mail immediately on my magician when it arrives on the mailserver.
VJstuff well like Carty says: test some & keep some. I use them for one handed op. So VJOkButt for really closing app & VJKeyPress to simulate the StartMenu button, both assigned to a hardware button by AEButtonPlus.
Registry hacks? Well I patched it to have Camera, Album, Intellipad, MidletManager & many dll's in \Storage\Windows instead of \Windows which saves me well > 4MB RAM. & I use some of these patches, which I collected since June 2005 on the board I didn't invented them.
I ran across some extra registry tweaks at Aximsite for the X51v which seems to have improved performance on my BA. The extra reg settings are
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\Profiles\ MSFlash\FATFS\DataCacheSize=4096
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\Profiles\ MSFlash\FATFS\Flags=40
The first two registry entries are already included in the wm5 fixes cab by mamaich but with a diferent value for the cache. I have been using the 4096 cache value myself already. I also tried the extra settings in bold and found it gave another boost to the PPC speed. Here is the original thread Anyone else like to try and post feedback on their results? If confirmed maybe it can be added to the wm5 cab file.
Edit: Can anyone try setting this reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\Profiles\ MSFlash\FATFS\DataCacheSize=2048 instead of 4096 as above. For me it seems to work slightly better.
I also tried changing these two entries for PIE, unfortunately PIE runs so slow i cant tell if it has any positive effect
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings]
"MaxConnectionsPerServer"=dword:10(dec) - default 4
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]
"MaxRequestThreads"=dword:10(dec) - default 5
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Apps\Microsoft Application Installer
Default: 0
Changed: 1
Fast graphic but consume memory
It can fasten and smoothen your OS graphic movement, but it will eat some of your program memory, not that much. You also can change it to 32768 instead of 16384 for greater result.
Default: 8192
Changed: 16384
To hide screen rotate icon
There is a small PDA icon at your bottom right corner of your screen to change ur screen orientation from patriot to landscape and other way round.
ShowIcon value change to 0
Default: 1
Changed: 0
To turn off flashing LEDs and Vibration
It will turn off the blinking green/red/orange LED and the vibration mode. Some people will irritate by the blinking, especially when you're driving and sleep at night.
Default: 1
Changed: 0
Enable camera
frame rate display
Camera frame rate will appear on the screen when u're using the camera
Default: 0
Changed: 1
To set ur ringstones to run from Storage Card
Place all your downloaded ringtones from internal memory to storage card. Usefull for our small/ciput Mini memory.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\SoundCategories\Ring\Directory registry key
Default value: "\Windows\Rings\"
Change it to: "\Storage Card\<your preferred directory>\" (Note that "\" at the end is extremely important!!!)
Place those ringtones into \Storage Card\<your preferred directory>\
Enable hidden editor function in Album
This opens the additional hidden function in the ALBUM, allows u to edit ur photo, brightness, contrast, crop, etc. Album (opens Editor menu):
Disable value changed to: 0
SPB Pocket Plus Storage Card Display
If u notice, there is no indicator available to
display our storage memory capacity. This will add Storage Card display icon. PLEASE FOLLOW THE STEP CAREFULLY!!
1. Add icon/item Backup Battery Indicator
2. Regedit the key in
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Spb Software House\Pocket Plus\Today Items\Pannels\
3. Find key in directory 00000 or 00001 or 00002 or 00004; that have Name Action with value *backupbattery
4. Change the value to *storagecard
5. Soft reset
O2mini Camera Settings Configuration
Enhance you picture taken quality. It will remove your camera snow effect
Contrast: 5
Brightness: 6
Saturation: 3 or 4 (recommended by Doc)
Hue: 5
Sharpness: 3
Unlimited 3gp Recording for mms settings
This will allow you to take unlimited recording time
DWord Value called "EnableLimit", change it from 1 to 0.
To include both time and date in taskbar
You'll get time and short date on your
right top of the screen, rather just displaying time. Meaning, you can remove your date item on your today screen.
Phase 1:
2) Create a binary value named "TBOpt" and set its value to "13 00 00 00".
3) Soft-reset
Note: If u ever get bored of the date display, rid it by deleting the TBOpt key.
i) Just go to Settings>Regional Settings>Date>Short Date
ii) Choose "dd-MMMM-yy" or whichever format u prefer.
iii) Click "ok".
Disabling “Message Sent” notification bubble
For those who hates the "Message Sent" notification after sending an SMS, this is the steps to remove the bubble notification...this is the STEP by STEP method to do it in case some of you guys dont get it right...
1. First, you will need to download a Registry Editor to help you do it...
2. using the Registry Editor, navigate to:
3. Next, click on Inbox (make sure the Inbo
x is highlighted) and select Edit, New Key
4. Name the New Key as "Settings"
5. Click on "Settings" (make sure the Settings is highlighted) and select Edit, New String Value
6. On "Value name:", key in SMSNoSentMsg and in "Value data", key in 1
7. Soft reset your device and test it with one SMS, and you will notice that the SMS Sent bubble is being disabled.
Audio Tweak
Audio Tweak enhances the speaker performance of the O2 Mini (some devices have this set to a lesser priority and by using this you get better sound, if your device is already set to a high level you have no need for this)
Default: 110
Changed to: 80
Disable start menu animation
This tweaking will eliminate the list of menu "drop-down animation" if u tab on Start/Flag icon.
AniType value change from 6 to 0.
Looping Ringtones Delay
Ring tone has a standard 3 seconds delay before repeating. You can set the delay from
0 second to how many second that you want.
Change 'Script' from 'av0pw3r' to 'av0pr' and you'll get 0 sec delay.
OR change it to
av0pw1r = wait for 1 sec
av0pw2r = wait for 2 sec
and so on...
Plus..heres the code
a - stands for display
r - repeat/replay the script again
c - sets the volume C50, c150, c100
f - means flash .. f1 flash for 1 second and f0 stands for flash continuously
p -means play ringtone
v- vibrate then incorporate with number to state how many seconds it will vibrate example. v3 vibrate for 3seconds or v0 for continous
w - stands for wait or pause then specify how many seconds like w3(wait for 3 seconds)
heres the example
Flash - af1w60f0
Ring - apw3r
Ring Once - ap
Increasing Ring - c50apw3c150r
Vibrate Then Ring - v3w3apw3r
Vibrate - av3w3r
Short Vibrate - av1w3r
Vibrate Long Then Ring - v3w3v3w3apw3r
Vibrate And Ring - av0pw3r
Increasing Ring And Vibrate - c50apv3w3c150r
Fast Vibrate And Flash - af1v1w1f
Vibrate and Ring Continously without pausing - av0pr
SMS Notification On
This is different with message notification send, this will confirm you when message already recieve by receiver
SMSDeliveryNotify = dword:00000001 ->0 if off
How to:
Create new Dword value name SMSDeliveryNotify
with decimal value data 1
Wacth for capital letter
Changing the Message Sent Notification Message
Change the default "MessageSent". Example "Pesan sudah di kirim"
Change the Value "MessageSent" to whatever you like.
Change the default input method
To change your input method, keyboard, letter recognizer, block recognizer as ur default, even you soft reset ur mini.
*for English ROM
*cannot set transcriber and Phatware Calligrapher with this trick.
Change the "DefaultIm" value for:
To set keyboard as default SIP, change the "DefaultIm
To set Character Recognizer as default SIP, change the "DefaultIm to
To set Block Recognizer as default SIP, change the "DefaultIm to
*change only the bold number will do. The rest are totally the same.
To set WordLogic as default SIP, change the "DefaultIm to
*No WordLogic in Xda O2 mini.
To Get The AM/PM on The Top Bar
1. Creat new String value with Name = S1159 & Data = Am
2. Creat new String value with name = S2359 & data = Pm
3. Creat new String value with name = STFmt & data = h:mm tM
- capital letters and small letters must be followed exactly or it may cause hard resets!
- you will get capital "AM/PM" on the top bar eventhough the registry data value above was entered as "Am/Pm"
Change The Date on The Top Bar
Look for String value
SSDte (short date) and change the value data, some example of date formats i have used below:
- "7 May 05, Friday" by changing the String value SSDte data = d MMMM yy, dddd
- "07/05/2005, Fri" by changing String value SSDte data = dd/MM/yyyy, ddd
Clear Type on LandscapeDisplay
You'll get clear type font in landscape mode. made me dizzy though..not much functionality value..just some fun factor for us curious ones.
1. Change value data of OffOnRotation from 1 to 0
2. Soft reset
Setting Cleartype Text in PIE
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
"ClearTypeText"<- Set 1 to Enable Cleartype in PIE, 0 to Disable
Setting ClearType Text in Pocket PC
Create a Subkey then Name it "CLEARTYPE"
Settings Screen Text Size
"CurFont"= change to the ff value ..
dword:00000258 -> Smallest
dword:000002BC -> Smaller
dword:00000320 -> Normal/Default
dword:000003E8 -> Larger
dword:0000044C -> Largest
Cheers, M

Cingular 8125 - Slow, Slow, Slow

Switched from a SX66, on my second 8125. Both have been incredibly slow loading programs, switching between screens etc. 20 - 60 second waits. Phone is great when works. Must soft reset multiple times a day.
I use 10,000+ contacts and XpressMail, small amount of tasks and calendar, that is it. No third party programs.
Any ideas on how to speed this thing up?
Thanks :x
Shikaza said:
Switched from a SX66, on my second 8125. Both have been incredibly slow loading programs, switching between screens etc. 20 - 60 second waits. Phone is great when works. Must soft reset multiple times a day.
I use 10,000+ contacts and XpressMail, small amount of tasks and calendar, that is it. No third party programs.
Any ideas on how to speed this thing up?
Thanks :x
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Cingular's stock ROM is way slow, locks ups and needs frequent reboots. All of the ROM upgrades here have been better than what came on the phone. Right now summiter's efforts seem to be most beneficial to us Cingular owners. And you're in for a treat 'cause he figured out how to go back to the original if needed...
How I was of some help!
btw, love my SX66 BA .... now the wife is using it.
ROM version: WWE
ROM date: 2/10/06
Radio version 02.07.10
Protocol version: 413.1.03
How do I access FTP?
hit link and did not work. Is it possible my norton is blocking?
Re: How do I access FTP?
Shikaza said:
hit link and did not work. Is it possible my norton is blocking?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Maybe... I just tested the link and it's OK. Change over to the Wizard upgrading etc forum and look for Cingular 8125 users: 2 custom RUU upgraders available .
Good luck!
Quick solution is to hard reset and then soft reset before Ext rom loads. You have to then manually load XpressMail, but speed is now much better.
I am having some bluetooth disconnect issues, still need to figure that out. Was working fine with cingular ext rom.
Any ideas?
xpressmail blows. too bad you need to use it. as for speed-tweaks, here's a list of reg-edits that includes a few that keep my c8125 moving at a decent pace while i wait for a cingular 2.xx rom update.
Show today's and the next day's Calendar appointments on Today plugin
Change to:
0 = Show all today's upcoming appointments
1 = Show all today's upcoming appointments and today's "all day" event
2 = Show only next appointment
3 = Show only next appointment and today's "all day" event
4 = Show all today's upcoming and all tomorrow's appointments
5 = Show all today's upcoming and all tomorrow's appointments and
today's "all day" event
Disconnect button and connection timer for GPRS:
- Create new dword value
- Change the value name to "Flags2" (no quotes).
- Select the 'hexidecimal' button.
- Type 10
- Click ok.
- You should now see in the 'name/data' section:
- Flags2 16 (0x000010)
Cleartype in landscape mode
Increasing font cache and screen performance:
Change "limit" from "8192" (default) to "16384"
Increase general performance:
Change "CacheSize" value from "0" to "4096" or "8192" or "16384"
Change "EnableCache" value to "1"
Change "ReplStoreCacheSize" value to "4096" or "8192" or "16384"
Inside \Windows\Startup folder is a shortcut to an application called
CapNotify.exe. There is registry key called "EnableIndicator" which
was not found in the registry. Tapping the Shift key shows "C" while
tapping Dot key shows dot indicator next to keyboard icon at bottom
of screen.
- HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Keybd\
- New DWORD value
- Value name: EnableIndicator
- Value date = 1
Change .pdf default association from Clearvue to Adobe Acrobat Reader
2.0 Mobile
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\pdffile\shell\open\command\Default = WTCVPDFV.exe "%1"
To “\Storage Card\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 2.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe” “%1”
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\pdffile\shell\opendoc\command\Default = WTCVPDFV.exe "%1"
To AcroRd32.exe “%1”
You'll find two sections...
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\pdffile\shell\open\command\Default = WTCVPDFV.exe "%1"
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\pdffile\shell\opendoc\command\Default = WTCVPDFV.exe "%1"
Change both to point to the adobe reader .exe location. If you don't
know its location, find out through explorer/total commander/whathaveyou.))
Registry location
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FavoritesEntries\
contains the default Internet Favorites that can't be removed from within
Internet Explorer Mobile. Delete them manually in the registry instead.
Clear Start Menu Items
Modify this registry values:
"0"=" " "1"=" " "2"=" " "3"=" " "4"=" " "5"=" " "6"=" " "7"=" " "8"="
" "9"=" " "10"=" " "11"=" " All done!
With the dot11SupportedRateMaskG set to 8, connect to 54 mbps. With default
key value of 4, connect at 24 mbps.
- dot11SupportedRateMask=1
Change from dot11SupportedRateMaskG=4 (default) to dot11SupportedRateMaskG=8
Voice command dialing by pushing button on a bluetooth headset:
Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/OEM/VoiceCommand/
Change value to: \Program Files\Voice Command\voicecmd.exe
Turn On GPS Application
Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\GPS Settings
Delete the DWORD marked “redirect”
Add a DWORD called "Group" and give it the value of "2" (dec)
The GPS panel will now show up in your connection settings
Network Time Update (not working with current rom)
Set "ShowTimeZonePage" to "1"
Once this is set, and you have power-cycled, when you go into
Settings->Phone you will see a new tab - "Time Zones". Go there
and you'll see "Automatic change time zone and clock". Check it
for your time updates from the network.

Is it possible to switch speaker phone into device speaker in Dopod D810?

I want to switch the (internal) speaker phone to the device (built-in) speaker by passing some registry entries. Unfortunately I cannot find it.
If it is possible, may the reader suggest me the way to short cut the speaker phone to the device speaker without changing the hardware structure? I use Dopod D810, ROM version 3.00.707.17, Radio version, WinCE 5.2.1437 (WM 6 prof).
By the way, during the registry "surfing", I have changed some registry entries. Here the list some registry contents in my phone (I am sorry about my English).
- Enable/disable the SIM Contact Person List
(Note: 0=false=disable; 1 or other numbers = true = enable)
HKCU\ControlPanel\Phone\ShowSIM = 1 (default)
- Enable/disable SMS Unicode
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\SmsUnicode=1 (default)
(It is same with choosing: Text Messages - Menu - Option - select Text Messages and check the Use Unicode When Necessary box)
- Enable/disable a message from device after sending an SMS
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\SmsNoSentMsg=0 (default)
- Enable/disable the message from cellular provider
(This registry is emerged after we choose (in Today Screen): Text Messages - Menu - Option - select Text Messages and check the Request Delivery Notifications box)
- Enable/disable audio recording when we are using camera
- Change the ring pattern
HKCU\ControlPanel\Sounds\RingTone0\Script (string)
(where: Script=apw3r (normal ring)
av3w3r (vibrate)
av0pw3r (vibrate and ring)
v3w3apw3r (vibrate then ring))
- Change the sound file of USSD buzzer
HKCU\ControlPanel\Sounds\USSDBuzz\Sound (string)
(To make the device vibrates only, it needs to change
HKCU\ControlPanel\Sounds\USSDBuzz\Script (string)
from "p" into "*vibrate*". It is also possible change "p" with "v3w3r" but without "a". The script "a" makes the device buzzes continuously)
- List of used file names
(0,1,2, and so on (string) contain the recent file names.
Weirdly, it needs soft reset to make the change takes effect)
- Switch the clock into Digital or Analog Clock
HKCU\Software\Microsfot\Shell\AnalogClock=0 (default)
(In Today Screen: press clock icon until a menu appears, and choose Analog or Digital)
- Enable the (built in) GPS receiver
HKLM\ControlPanel\GPS Setting\Hide = 1 (default)
- Turn off display screen when idle-time was reached
HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\Timeouts\ACUserIdle=0 (in seconds)
- Soft Reset Counter
HKLM\Comm\BootCount = 1 (default)
- Enable/disable Lunar Calendar
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Calendar\ShowLunarCalendar =0 (default)
(In Indonesia, some natives use Lunar Calendar to predict the probability of sea tiding, the first feast day, or to choose a best day for ritual celebrating, wedding, etc. So this feature is very useful for some people)
- Change the color of Today Screen
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Color\BaseHue (dword)
- Change the way of cursor moving (in PIE) when the cursor was moved
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\InternetExplorer\Navigation\4-way Nav = 1 (default)
(0=scrolls page or moves to the next line; 1=jumps onto the next url line)
-Show TTY setting in Phone Setting Menu
HKLM\Software\OEM\PhoneSetting\ShowTtyPage=0 (default)
-Show UMTS setting in Phone Setting Menu
HKLM\Software\OEM\PhoneSetting\ShowUMTSBandPage=1 (default)
-Enable/disable HTC logo display at startup
HKLM\Software\HTC\StartUpAnimation\Enabled=0 (default)
-Enable/disable box message animation (it needs a soft reset)
HKLM\System\GWE\Animate = 0 (default)
-Enable/disable shutter sound in using camera
HKLM\Software\HTC\Camera\General\EnableShutterSound=0 (default)
-Show phone icon warning notification
HKLM\System\State\Hardware\Speaker =0 (default)
(Non zero value = display a notification with phone-talk icon)
-Change the icon of cellular connection
HKLM\System\State\Phone\Cellular Sytem Available = 17
1=icon GPRS, 8 =EDGE, 16=3G. (Just icon, it does not affect the system)
-Data for battery power
HKLM\System\State\Battery\Main (DWord)
End of list
Errata for a wrong registry entry
I made a mistake, wrote hklm as hkcu in
HKLM\ Software\ Microsoft\ Inbox\ Settings\ SmsNoSentMsg=0 (default)
I have got a trouble, after a hard reset and rewritten the registry followed to this thread, it did not work as before (it might be wrong because of the result of careless copy-paste operations. I am very sorry.. )
To avoid the double ringtone sounds, I always disable the SMSNoSentMsg (=1) when I need the Request Delivery Notification from provider.
So the correct registry is:
HKLM\ Software\ Microsoft\ Inbox\ Settings\ SMSNoSentMsg
0 = Enable the notification
1 = Disable
The Settings and SMSNoSentMsg must be created first.
Here some threads refer to this registry:
and many more....

Positioning items on the stage

I am used to work with Flash and if we want to position an item at certain coordinates on the stage we just modify the .x and .y values. But I can't manage to find a way to this to a TextView (or any other item for that matter).
I did manage to get the width and height of the stage using this:
Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
stageWidth = display.getWidth();
stageHeight = display.getHeight();
But, if I want for example to position a TextView called tv at the coordinates like this:
tv.x = stageWidth - tv.width - 30
tv.y = stageHeight - tv.height - 30
I don't know how to do it.
Thanks, and sorry if this is a stupid answer...maybe I am to used in working with Flash.

