Really Need SOme Help With P6500 - P6500 General

hi guys i really need some help, i have just taken deliver of 3 new P6500 running WM6.1, for my work i must use a pice of software that communicates with the head office with GPRS, unfortunatly it only works on WM5, currently they have not strared to work on a version that works on WM6.
i need to install a WM5 rom on this PDA, is it possible ? if so how would i do it? i am very IT literate but dont know the ins and outs of the HTC ststem for roms
i would really appreciate any help given


WM2005 for HP2210

i know this forum is all about the Himalaya etc,
and i am probably very out if line, but......
does anyone know if there is a WM2005 version for the
I'm asking this for my brother.
He's very disapointed he didn't found a version......
sorry dodger h2210 didn't even get wm2003se i have one and was dissapointed. however h2210 is a very good machine check out for software and advice on how to get the best from it, also linux may work on that ipaq.

atom/rw6828/rw6815 with blackberry?

hi. i hope everyone can help me.
it is possible to install a blackberry connect software on the atom/rw6815/rw6828? is there anybody, who installed the software on his device?
i've searched a lot of pages, but i can't find any information about it.
want to buy the hp but only if i can use the blackberry function.
thanks for your help
rw6815 blackberry
were you able to get the blackberry connect software for rw6815 any luck or update on that

Jasjam & portable bluetooth keyboard - pls help!

I'm a newbie and would like some help pleeease!
I have a jasjam that is running wm6. I bought an iGo Think Outside portable bluetooth keyboard and mouse. They do not support Jasjams... but someone had downloaded the Jasjar driver and installed it and everything worked fine ( The only thing is that his jasjam was probably on wm5 judging by the date I went ahead and bought the keyboard and mouse thinking I could download the jasjar driver and be able to use them but I can't get them to work (it only gets up to step 5 in the manual)
Just wondering if anyone knows how I can get my keyboard to work on wm6? I wrote to customer support and they can't help because the keyboard is now discontinued and they won't be releasing any new drivers for wm6
Thanks and looking forward to hearing from anyone

8125 GPS Question (and others)

I am not a new memeber, just new to the Wizard forum... I have a 8925 (Tilt) and love it.. use the GPS almost daily and love all the software for it... I have the oppertunity to pick up a used 8125 (Wizard) for $50 in full working order... I think picking it up is a no-brainer... Here are my questions...
GPS : I did a search in the forum and can find nothing stating whether this unit does or does not have a built in GPS chip like my 8925 (or my friends Titan)... I am assuming that it does not... but I would love to be plesantly suprised... SO, does it have a built in GPS chip?
Rom Update : I know it comes with WM 5.0 on it.. but my 8925 has the WM 6.1 on there, so I wanted something closer... With this upgrade, will the 8125 be able to use the SDHC SD cards ? What is the size limit? I downloaded the SNN Diamond WM 6.1 rom from the Wizard Forums.. and feedback on that rom?
Advice : I will most likely be giving this phone to a friend of mine who is envious of my tilt, as it does most everything my tilt can do (keeping my fingers crossed on the gps thing)... Any tips/advice from someone who has used both devices? Any tricks or anything I should be aware of? (I will most likely be their only form of tech support for the phone as they will be using it on Einstein PCS, not tmobile or at&t)
Thank you so much in advance for your help! I will greatly appreciate it!
Sorry, no gps. I use the SNN rom and I love it.
Thanks for the reply!
I assume this will stil lbe able to work with a bluetooth GPS puck, right?
Ya, I use a Telelogic Bluetooth GPS "puck" receiver with my 8125 since there is no GPS builtin. Also, the 8125 has a slower processor, most things seem to work fine for me.
I haven't heard if WM6.1 enables SDHC on Wizard. Regular SD is 2GB max I think. I still use stock ROM.
Thanks so much for everyones help... This afternoon I picked up the stock rom and locked Cingular 8125 for $50.. I have it CID and Sim Unlocked thanks to software found here in the forum.... And I upgraded it to the SNN WM 6.1 Diamond rom... Working great... I got the internet and such set up for Einstein Wireless as my friend who will be getting it from me will be using them for service...
SDHC will not work, the hardware does not support it. The Wizard's CPU functions at 180mhz stock but it can (and should IMHO!) be over-clocked to 240mhz.
I'm running WM 6.1 with Manila and it's really only lacking GPS.
Having said that, I wish I had the money for a Fuze!

Bluetooth Hack for Qtek 9090

Someone has to know how to use the Bluetooth hack on QTEK 9090? Or if you have any other program similar to it, because I tried in every way and will not x_x.
QTek 9090 Windows Mobile 6.5
Thank you!
I thought all available bluetooth hacking tools are obsolete for couple years now? They only worked in early versions of WM 5 as far as I know. Then they had fixed the security issues.
Well I do not know this, because even with the WM3 old I could not use, using Bluetooth hack any phone that supports Java standard, it works at least QTEK: S, hence I was curious if this is or know how to fix it.
