[App Idea] Slide Launch - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I came up with this idea due to mbvarian's landscape fix for manila using mortscript. However, that thread is nearly dead and im hoping my problem can get resolved and we can see a cool app out of this.
Concept: Choose which program launches and closes when opening/closing your keyboard, with exceptions for specific applications (like lock orientation, minimize, close, etc)...
Why im requesting:
Im using spb mobile shell and love my custom portrait layout, id love to open the keyboard from the today screen and launch my secondtoday layout... when I close the keyboard, minimize secondtoday, and if i open it again it unhides secondtoday... the benefit here is a lightning fast switch between layouts, especially if you can lock the programs orientation in memory individually.
Other examples of how this might be useful:
1) From the dialer screen, you could set a mortbutton menu to pop up when you open the screen to give you a add number, contacts, recent calls, call voicemail, etc.
2) From calendar, opening keyboard could automatically switch to create a new appointment
3) From file explore, you could set mortbuttons to display your favorite folders, i.e. start up, storage card, windows, start menu, pictures
4) From text messages, it could launch a new text message, close it and sends and closes...
Im sure you all get the idea... I just think it would be cool to take a little bit more control of our phones by adding some additional control over a keyboard that is taken for granted a bit. I mean ftouchsl and ftouchflo are great, but if the touchscreen has that level of in-depth control, i think the keyboard could too...
Feedback is greatly appreciated... and if anyone can help on my spb problem, please message me the modded mortscript... the spbwatcher i think is whats affecting my results.

bump... anyone?

I would love something like this, but im not sure how easy it would be, a mortscript might be able to do it.
A cool app would be, when the phone is suspended, if you turn it on by sliding the keyboard it opens a new textmessage, or some other app you use with keyboard open. But if you slide it when the phone is already on, it doesnt do anything, so as not to disrupt the app you are currently using.


Items on the Today Screen size

Can I make the size of the items on the today screen (i.e. messages, device lock) any bigger? I use my Wizzard as my phone and don't use the stylus for texts and calls, and I've got big fat thumbs
Any help would be much appreciated!
you can't change the defaults one. you may try your luck on using larger fonts, but most Today stuff don't respond to fonts settings.
Anyway, for thumb usage, you can try using cLaunch (available in this forum, with tutorials) to launch applications. The max size is around 32x32, good enough for most people. However, it is an app launcher, hence you may still need those plugins for display purposes. It doesn't come with a lock function, but there are fellow members whom had it launch some of the lockers developed here.
thanks for that. I get the general idea of what you suggest, but I'm new to PPCs. I'll get reading!!
You can also try mapping your most used applications to your hardkeys by going to settings --> personal --> buttons.
Text messaging already has it own, and you can search the wizard forum for an applicatin called DeviceLock which allows you to assign locking your device to a hardware button.
For the dialer, you may want to look at ETen Dialer's Smart Dial --> it makes the buttons on the phone app a lot bigger so thumbs can be used. You can do a google search and it should come up quite easily.
Hope that helps!
or you can try to find a different theme that has larger text and icons.
I too, have big thumbs and find it frustrating to try to tap tiny icons.
My solution is to use plugins that can be scrolled and selected using the Dpad this also keeps the screen free of fingerprints.
My current favourites for one thumb operation are
Smartskey for press&hold softkeys for startmenu and close programs.
TodayAgenda v0.9.50 for tasks, appointments and clock/alarm settings.
PHM Traylaunch and Batterystatus for specific shortcuts in the tray.

My thoughts on the cube / cube replacements

OK - so the cube is nice and all.. but I think using that same interface in a slightly different way would be so much better...
Here's my perfect version of the cube (coming from a non-programmer..)
slide-up, bring up task manager with first item start menu or list of frequently run programs, rest of the items what you're running so that you can quickly select a different app.
Slide-down, close that..
slide-down while in another app - minimize that app and show the today screen
slide-left, select last app
slide-right, select next app
Does something like this exist? I think it'd be so much more useful then what the cube/cube hacks are offerring at this point..
i was meaning to give the same thoughts...
or instead of a thinking of it as a cube.. why not explore and expand.. we dont have to limit the launcher just as a cube..
i think the problem is PEOPLE ARE BEING CONFINED BY JUST THE IDEA OF A CUBE.. with 3 or 4 sides.. 2x3 launcher, 1x3 multimedia and 3x3 contacts.
why can't it be 4 sides of scrolling list? why remain as 3 or 4 sides of nxm shortcut/contact blocks?
i mean, having a list instead, of cells or blocks, the entries could be infinite...
not just a favorite Programs (like that offered by the cube) but a complete application launcher itself.. much like the programs list of PointUI..
OR like this..
swipe up from any screen (maybe done by FTouchFLO gesture) = call up CUBE launcher face
from CUBE launcher face, swipe up = call up another face.. the Task manager face.. where running programs are listed
from Task manager face, swipe up = you get a Start Menu launcher.. it has all the programs/shortcuts listed inside the Start Menu\Programs
now there would be the problem of recognizing swipe up from finger panning/flicking scroll.. but that problem has been solved already by the gesture delays employed by FTouchFLO.. so, no questions there..
the question now is.. who is willing to do the task..
i think i'm talking in gibberish now, so i'll stop..
PS: anyway dude, the slide gestures of minimizing and application switching can be achieved by FTouchFLO.. there is a little config tool developed called "FTouchFLO Config" that enables you to assign gestures to commands easily.. though you need 3rd party apps to make the Minimize and Task Switch.. but those are not hard to find..

[Idea] Start apps/tasks with gestures

Had an idea last night: Is it possible to make an app (or is there one already) that you can use gestures to start different tasks/apps? I was thinking like a letter recognition type thing, but it uses the whole screen and if you draw a letter with your thumb/index it will start the task/app you have mapped to that letter. Example: draw an “g” and Tom-tom starts, draw an “e” and file explorer starts.
A dream would be to have it running in the background and if you do a “unlock” gesture on the today/home screen it pops up…
VITO's Winterface works like that. When the program is closed, you simply motion like this /\ and it starts up again.
FTouchSL has something like that.
I would try searching for FTouchFlo
its already out try touchflo to keep your ui the same other wise there are different ui's that do that also
pbv302 said:
Had an idea last night: Is it possible to make an app (or is there one already) that you can use gestures to start different tasks/apps? I was thinking like a letter recognition type thing, but it uses the whole screen and if you draw a letter with your thumb/index it will start the task/app you have mapped to that letter. Example: draw an “g” and Tom-tom starts, draw an “e” and file explorer starts.
A dream would be to have it running in the background and if you do a “unlock” gesture on the today/home screen it pops up…
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
From everywhere? FTouchFlo.
But if you want something triggered by the press of a button, I'd say it's possible to make something between ThrottleLock and TouchFlo.

Phone no longer rotating

Hi all - I just picked up a TD2 and have installed a few apps (SPB mainly) and I can no longer get my phone to rotate. Where is the setting that controls rotating of the screen?
Your hand controls the phones ability to rotate, put your phone in your hand then rotate, the phone will move the same way your hand does.......
In TouchFlo go to the Settings Tab, then scroll down to G-Sensor, here you can turn it on or off, but most people (I assume) use a third party app to control the rotation of the 'Screen', I use G-Config http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=487991, I'm sure others can offer alternatives.
This link is a good place to find 'Sensor' Apps http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=430541
I'm not seeing how you get into Touchflo to get to settings... that is where I'm stumped!
Ok, Touchflo is the flippy clock, people, messages etc tabs, I assume you have this unless you've disabled it and are using another program 'Mobile Shell' comes to mind, or you've reverted to the standard Today screen.
If you have the tabs as described, move to the far right selection, if you don't, please describe you setup and programs you've installed which have stopped it rotating.
You hit the nail on the head - I installed Mobile Shell and that is when I noticed I lost the rotating functionality.
Try installing G-Config, it might work, I don't know if the TD2 needs Touchflo running to enable rotate, I woulnd't think so, installing a program like G-Config might make it rotate (you'll need to select the apps to rotate with the program)

How can i hide (not close) htc message with right down close button

Hi all,
i use spb mobile shell. With this UI, takes a long time to load sms messages (1 sec is a lot for me ). So i try to figured out, how can i hide sms ui, but not close.
I tried Ameba, but this doesnt have possiblitity to do exception for apps.
Maybe some change of registry? In my signature are my rom (i use rom with big buttons and cross in right down corner)
any suggestions?
will it be closed if you just hit the backbutton? or are you looking for a software solution?!
Maybe this is what you're looking for. Excerpt taken from tboy2000 thread:
82. Make Common Apps Open Instantly With No Delay
The most often used apps on the HD2 would be SMS and Email. As the HD2 has plenty of memory and it is very hard to fill it up during use, why not add these two apps to the task manager exception list. This means they will never truely exit and will always be open in the background. The benefit of this is that HTC Messaging does not automatically refresh and redraw the contact thumbnails when you load the app. Instant opening of both apps with no load time. You can add any other app to this list too if you never want it to exit.
Just use this tweak. HKCU\Software\HTC\TaskManagerExclusiveList\System and add a new DWORD Value of Messaging_Client.exe and tmail.exe
to fruchtfliege:
i know about back button, but yes, i want software solution. I want alway use cros for closing apps, but for this two i dont want to close them.
to weepatc:
yes, i know about this change of registry. I tried it in past, but i think it is not working because it is not very quicker loading. I dont see them in task manager (but maybe this is normal when it is excluded).
i will try it again..
thx guys for help
if are any other suggestions, it will be great
now i figured out, that tmail is ok, and this exe file doesnt close, but file Messaging_Client.exe it still close after pressing cros (X).
I try tu use sk tools in runing proceses i also try to set "add to dont close list" but it also doesnt works and this process is still killed

