Compatible Maps for TomTom v815 - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

Compatible Maps for TomTom v815​


gps maps for turkey?

where can i find gps maps for turkey?
thak you very much
The free maps in an open format are available here
BTW, not only for turkey.

TTN5 question about maps. Are TTgo and nav. maps the same?

I noticed that the tomtom maps that comes with tomtom go have a higher vers. number than the maps I have in my wizard. Are this maps compatibles with TT Navigator 5.2? Other question: Do you know some advantage using the "plus" maps? are they more acurate? Thank you
plus maps have the main roads of the limitroph countries in addition to what you have on the regular map. So they are alrger but not more accurate. They are interresting when you plan a travel across different countries

What is the latest version of TomTom 6 Maps for use with Canada maps?

What is the latest version of TomTom 6 Maps for use with Canada maps?
Coz I mainly use the Tomtom 6 in Canada and mostly within Alberta so I would like to know what is the most updated version Tomtom 6 maps for Canada?
(some US maps are useful too coz sometimes I travel to US)

How to make old maps work on tomtom navigator 7?

I have tomtom navigator 7 running on my hermes, with map 715.. however, this map has very bad maps for my country
the old map v608 has the most detailed maps for my country... how can i make the old map work with navigator 7?

Tom Tom installation? how?

i have the ttn 7.910.9185 vga black from this forum and USA/Canada 7 maps.. how do i install them? and the voices? how do i install that.
where do i get that tom tom home 1.5? do i need that? i cant find it to see if thats it...
i got tom tom home 1.5 but i dont see anything about maps..
anyone know? how do i install the maps i got
any ideas?.. i really want to get this to work.. i dont use internet from cell phone.. im at wifi a lot but when im not id like to have thiss
seems there are multiple threads about the same subject (tomtom Navigator 7.x and tomtom HOME)
warning on the TomTom website when ordering maps for Navigator 7:
Remark "Please note that maps for Navigator 7 are only compatible with devices that have this software pre-installed. Please ensure that you have Navigator 7 installed on your device before purchasing a map."
The maps for Navigator 7 are 8.15 maps.
TomTom v7 is not supposed to be running on a hTC touch HD
tomtom HOME 2.5 is the one you need to install maps for Navigator 7. you can download tomtom HOME from the tomtom website (one of the few items you can download for free)
