Battery life - Touch HD General

I dont know about all of you but I have spent the best part of a few days trying to be tolerant with the appalling battery life.
to set the scene: -
- it is a native orange build (upgrade from them) it has exchange activesync emaill and I have tried it with and without push activated (10 minute polling when not constant)
- It has one other e mail account - Hotmail, which is connected to sync every 2 hours
- it has NO other applications of any kind, it is not used for GPS, browsing etc (a deliberate ploy for me to see if the basics work) and the battery life is a complete joke, if anything it is worse than my previous WM devices. a full charge which is disconnected from the mains at 10am in the morning means I am down to a single bar by around 6-30pm. in this time I have checked mails on occasion, had about 30 min worth of calls and thats it basically
I, like many people on this forum am a seasoned user, but I would expect a minimum of 1 working days use (say 12 - 14 hours) and this is just not the case.
I will be returing this phone under my 14 day policy, but as one last try, I just wondered if anyone had something really obvious I was missing? all of the settings are 'out of the box' and i have used tweakHD but I must confess I do not want to have to mess about with the settings too much and quite frankly I dont see why I should, unless this type of performance is considered normal these days!
any thoughts guys?

12. Disable 'Beam' in Settings to conserve power.

I'd do the same too if I were you. A complete rundown of the battery on not so heavy usage in 8 hours is definitely not standard. Might be defective. Your battery should last you at least 14-16 hours on that type of usage. Oh and one other thing as an after thought, you mentioned the phone was new. Did you run the battery in a couple of cycles yet? A complete charge and a discharge of about 4-5 cycles sets the battery in its paces. Fyi.

I would take a look at these two threads.

thanks for the replies
thanks for the replies, I will study the replies and get an exchange unit based on the comments.
It has had three full charge / discharge cycles in the last 5 days, it wasnt difficult given how fast the battery ran out!
thanks so much for the help guys

Mine also didn't last for more than a few hours on the first week, cause of the excessive playing around with the new toy, but after that I get 2 solid days on average usage with 2 bars to spare before I put it back on the charger.


[Solved] Battery usage

So im trying to figure out where my battery is draining to... I cannot go a full day on a battery charge and its really annoying at night it jsut dies and plus i cant really do too much on it for fear of battery drainig itself. Is there a way.. i can check to see what might be taking up battery
Wifi off
no 3G in the US
Bluetooth Off
Push Mail off... (though am syncing 3 mail accounts every 2 hours... minimal mail though)
Internet usage 30 minutes (besides, weather stocks)
Phone usage .. about 60 minutes in the day
Gyrator on
General usage.. games, tinkering etc (60 minutes... hey its still relatively new)
Appreciate the input.
I've got two mail accounts, talked for 15 minutes with a bluetooth headset (been connected all day).
From 06 in the morning until now at ten in the evening I still have 7 bars on the battery. (three in the TF3D)
Consider doing a hard reset and set up stuff and see if that helps..
After tinkering for a couple of weeks, I hard reset and just put back on what I want. I also used Tweak HD which has a few tweaks to lengthen battery life. It made a big difference to me.
Orinigally it had drained in about 18 hours, afterwards it went slightly over 40 hours.
this is strange - i use my phone alot and it easily lasts 2 days
have you tried replacing it? when i bought my first diamond it was faulty, replaced it and batteyr life changed
also try flashing a stock rom on again and see what happens - less than a day - defo not right!
diamond v hd
had 3 diamonds, battery was lucky to last 10hrs, ate 2680mA battery packs like jaws ate boats!
HD, charge 1 every 2 days.... huge improvement... would love it to last longer, but its a million times better than the diamond and thats all that matters...
HD battery life in conclusion, is great, and i do hammer my phone usage!
I'm seeing similar battery issues as the OP. I barely make it through a 12 hour day on a charge, although I get a lot of e-mail on 2 accounts (one checked every 15 minutes, the other every 2 hours). In an effort to track down battery drain, I downloaded and installed HomeScreen PlusPlus and find that at rest with screen intensity at 60% my HD draws 150 mA, with the screen dimmed at 10% it draws 70 mA, and in standby (blank screen) it's drawing 30 mA. When the data connection is active, it draws between 250-300 mA, and when using the phone with screen on about 400 mA. I figure that with those numbers and a 1350 mA battery, 10-12 hours is all I can expect. If anyone else is monitoring their battery draw, I would appreciate seeing your numbers for comparison.
Oooh this is a good idea...
anyone else done homescreen++ to find battery drainage.. im going to get to it this weekend...
Have the same issue.... I have nothing special installed and for some reason it drains very fast on basic features.....
Same issue here
Recently I've been getting less than 12 hours out of a full charge. I've uninstalled a few things and turned bluetooth and wifi off and today it seems better with about 80% left after 10 hours
Vaguely considering a hard reset if the problem continues...
have fixed certain aspects now using the new version of Tweak HD
For our benefit.. could you please tell us...
1) your version of Tweak HD
2) WHat did you do to improve battery life
So I installed Homescreen++ to be able to monitor my battery utilization... and im averagin 150mA to 350mA with it being closer to 300mA most of the time... no wonder I am getting 10-12 hours of battery life.. and this is with the device not doing anything.. except cehcking mail accounts.. NOTHING else...
I really need help with this.. every night at around 9:00pm.. i am without battery and its driving me nuts...
short of a hard reset... what can I do to monitor what programs or processes are taking up my battery?
I really feel your pain. I must recharge during the day everyday. I've ordered a second battery, but it hasn't arrived yet. I've done all I can do with HD Tweak and Schap's Advanced Config, even turned the screen brightness down further to no avail. I don't want to hard-reset, but I'm going to give that a try this weekend. Before I do, If any of you experiencing good battery life has a few moments and is willing to install HomeScreen ++, please post your numbers to compare to ours (mine are in a previous post). The download link is:
It can easily be uninstalled through "Remove Programs" later.
Thanks in advance for your help; I am so enamored with this amazing device that I can't bear to give it up!
Battery life much better than my Kaisers...
Apparently Batti uses a lot of battery (ironically).
I've just replaced it with Ariel battery and will let you know how it goes:
I'm not running Batti.
I have been through an Apache, a Blue Angel, a Hermes and most recently a Kaiser before springing for this amazing Blackstone. All my previous devices made it through at least a full day before requiring a recharge.
My ROM is 1.14.405.3 and Radio is
I'm thinking of springing for the HD, I currently have a Hermes. Battery life is a major concern of mine, and on my Hermes I had to purchase a larger battery with the extended back plate.
Does the HD turn off the screen when not in use or is it on all the time? Also how does it do with WiFi on?
ent_doctor said:
I really feel your pain. I must recharge during the day everyday. I've ordered a second battery, but it hasn't arrived yet. I've done all I can do with HD Tweak and Schap's Advanced Config, even turned the screen brightness down further to no avail. I don't want to hard-reset, but I'm going to give that a try this weekend. Before I do, If any of you experiencing good battery life has a few moments and is willing to install HomeScreen ++, please post your numbers to compare to ours (mine are in a previous post). The download link is:
It can easily be uninstalled through "Remove Programs" later.
Thanks in advance for your help; I am so enamored with this amazing device that I can't bear to give it up!
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I've got the same problem of the battery draining... i've just installed the plug in to monitor the battery and it's showing me 450ma when using opera through gprs ...isn't it a lot?please let us know if the hard reset fixes the problem
Tonight's the night
Gonna hard reset the little fella
What about WCDMA/GSM/Auto? Which one is better for batteryusage?

Unacceptable battery life (even in standby mode).

Hi all
Last week I bought a HTC Touch HD and I would be very happy with it, if not for the very poor battery life. On the first charge it lasted about two days before it was empty (which sounds acceptable to me as I used it quite a lot), but after that it has struggled to get more than 12 hours even with low usage (just a few text messages). Thus, it appears there is a massive energy drain even while the system is in standy. I have disabled about everything that I could think of (bluetooth, WiFi, 3G, ...) and closed every program in the task manager, but to no avail. Did any of you ever experience anything like this? Does this sound like a malfunctioning battery or is this a software problem?
Thanks in advance!
Mine is like this.
The initial week that I had the phone was horrible. If I even got 12 hours out of the phone I was lucky - the "normal" time for that first week was about 4-6 hours - like I said, absolutely terrible.
Now, if I don't use it at all, or very very rarely, I'll get near enough to 6 days out of it (which is *very* good, considering it's a high-tech phone)
But regular/heavy/constant use will drop it to less than a day. It's not ideal, I admit, but I'm rarely more than a few hours from a charge point (at home or in work), and I'm considering getting a car charger, just incase.
You can also look for a cradle like the ones linked here:
The one I got came with a second battery - I haven't used it yet (haven't needed to), but it's nice to know there's a backup, just incase.
I noticed the battery was not as good as the tech talk seems to suggest, my previous phone had better battery (don't want to say this, but it was an iPhone )
Battery life for me is great. However if you end up with an app running constantly, it'll drain really fast.
Battery life normally is a lot better than the iphone.
Obviously something went wrong if you got 2 days initially and now only get less than 12 hours...
Is active sync constantly running?
Make sure you turn it off with fake server.
Backup and try a hard reset.
Turn off beam in settings, if you don't use bluetooth for file transfer, active sync should be killed with fake server as said before, around 30% more battery usage after disabling these two.
I find WIFI to be the biggest drainer of battery juice. With it on, the phone also gets very hot.
Anyway, I always carry a spare battery - something I can't do with iPhone or my iPod.
pikey1967 said:
I noticed the battery was not as good as the tech talk seems to suggest, my previous phone had better battery (don't want to say this, but it was an iPhone )
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It took 2 weeks for my HD to reach the level where i'm happy with the charge.
It was only lasting me a day, now it lasts me 3 days with constant use.
To save some of your juice, take a look here for some saving tips:

Battery Management!

Hi guys ,just to make sure about my battery on jade, issit normal having a 2 bar left at around 0930pm after a full charge on yesterday at around 12 noon?
What I mean is :
Last full charge:
12:03pm May 11 2009
Today May 12 is:
17% left(using ariel battery)
which is 2 bar/10 bar battery...
Since last full charge is:
Standby time:28.7hour
Talk time:8 minutes
Device usage:
5hour 35 mins...
I usually play games
Listen to music around 1 hr....
Ok, first of all, even if the topic is VERY important for you, there is no need for a DOUBLE POSTING. This will annoy others, and is not helpfull for the overview of the forum.
Now to your concern:
Did you check this thread? And check out GProfile as well.
Finally, I can only say that with my device the battery management got better with the ROM UPDATE of 14th of April 2009. Do you have this already?
Finally, consider that during playing 5,5hrs the screen is lighted all the time...
faizalhacker said:
Device usage:
5hour 35 mins...
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I think that is pretty impressive, not something to complain about. My last phone would have lasted half that.
When I first had mine I had unique switched on that searches and connects to wifi signals. My battery lasted just over a day.
However once I switched this off the battery lasts for ages. A full charge will still be showing full at the same time the next day and with low use will last around 4 days.
Go to your setting, communications manager and make sure unique is off and see if this helps. If you connect to wifi make sure you switch it off again afterwards.
Come on guys, this is a smartphone. Some people dont use all features, so the battery lasts longer. I got gmail with 10min interval setup and hotmail with delivery on arrival, so in my case just the data-connection kills the battery in one day.
I dont think there is a possibility to give a certain advice of how the battery shall last longer... As each one of us is using this device on his own way...
What kills be battery:
1. WiFi
2. 3G
3. Screenlight on (playing on the device)
4. etc etc
It seems, 5 hours 35 min dev usage within 28 hours stand by duration performance is quite good.
I myself can not reach at such device usage performance..

This is how fast my battery drains...

Ok, yesterday I put my battery to the test. I decided to use my phone non-stop until the battery drained. During the entire test I had running the following tasks on Task Manager:
Opera---with tap vibration enabled
Active Sync
Word Mobile
I had:
Push E-Mail (hotmail) "As items arrive" (receiving emails approx every 5-10 mins).
Backlight Automatically adjusted on, with both battery and external power set at 40%.
LeoCpuSpeed app running at 998 MHz.
Constant changing signal strength from 1-4 bars and H to 3G to E and back to H(Inside the lobby of a building).
Weather, Twitter, Facebook and everything else to be updated automatically, each one being set to update asap.
BsB Tweaks settings in the pics below.
Apps Installed: see pic below.
Also had some texting, about 30 messages from 9:30pm to 11:00pm with notification set to vibrate and ring. No phone calls
So, if you think your battery was bad...this is how mine did
100% -- 8:25pm
96% -- 8:38pm
89% -- 8:53pm
83% -- 9:10pm
76% -- 9:27pm
70% -- 9:44pm
63% -- 9:59pm
55% -- 10:18pm
47% -- 10:37pm
40% -- 10:53pm
34% -- 11:10pm
25% -- 11:28pm
16% -- 11:45pm
8% -- 12:03am
0% -- 12:10am
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Pretty much my battery did not last even 4 hours. Keep in mind I was browsing Facebook and XDA forums on Opera non-stop. Also noticed when the charge was at 8%, it started draining 1% per minute
My conclusion...I will have to get a spare battery cause a single battery can't handle my every day usage Have tried different Radios, but they all seem the same to me strength and signal wise. I haven't tried any other Custom ROM than KUMARS.
In case I forgot something I'll add it later on.
I also had very bad battery life, i have flashed a few different roms since ive got the phone about a week ago, and id have to say this rom has outstanding battery life. i would definatly give it a shot.\
nirvanafreak919 said:
I also had very bad battery life, i have flashed a few different roms since ive got the phone about a week ago, and id have to say this rom has outstanding battery life. i would definatly give it a shot.\
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Pal, how would you compare this rom with Kumar's in terms of Battery life?
My stock rom had slightly more battery life compared to Kumars.
I had terrible battery life with the Cell Evo ROM.
I have had terrible battery life ever since I had my phone. However, I am currently using ChuckyROM with 10.50.19_2 radio and it's actually getting me through the day now.
wow u had all that crap going on & it lasted about 4 hours and ur complaining? seriously???
how long did u expect it to last? large screen, 1 ghz processor and a constant connection online... i bet ur HD2 outlasts ur laptop
thats like saying, i filled up my gas tank before i left home, drove like a maniac, floored the gas pedal after every red light & stop sign but i expect my car to not run out of gas.
real world tests are more acurate... without all that on u should get a full day of "normal" usage...
secano said:
Ok, yesterday I put my battery to the test. I decided to use my phone non-stop until the battery drained. During the entire test I had running the following tasks on Task Manager:
Opera---with tap vibration enabled
Active Sync
Word Mobile
I had:
Push E-Mail (hotmail) "As items arrive" (receiving emails approx every 5-10 mins).
Backlight Automatically adjusted on, with both battery and external power set at 40%.
LeoCpuSpeed app running at 998 MHz.
Constant changing signal strength from 1-4 bars and H to 3G to E and back to H(Inside the lobby of a building).
Weather, Twitter, Facebook and everything else to be updated automatically, each one being set to update asap.
BsB Tweaks settings in the pics below.
Apps Installed: see pic below.
Also had some texting, about 30 messages from 9:30pm to 11:00pm with notification set to vibrate and ring. No phone calls
So, if you think your battery was bad...this is how mine did
Pretty much my battery did not last even 4 hours. Keep in mind I was browsing Facebook and XDA forums on Opera non-stop. Also noticed when the charge was at 8%, it started draining 1% per minute
My conclusion...I will have to get a spare battery cause a single battery can't handle my every day usage Have tried different Radios, but they all seem the same to me strength and signal wise. I haven't tried any other Custom ROM than KUMARS.
In case I forgot something I'll add it later on.
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Stupid question, and this is something that we all as cell phone owner for the past decade should know.. did you train the battery? i get 24 hours out of mine, with contstant push email on 4 diff accounts, texting all day a few pix, a few sites visited
rysky007 said:
Stupid question, and this is something that we all as cell phone owner for the past decade should know.. did you train the battery? i get 24 hours out of mine, with contstant push email on 4 diff accounts, texting all day a few pix, a few sites visited
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Sure did, the max I can get on normal usage is around 10 hours though.
Battery Training
I do not believe the HD2's battery requires training. Older styles of batteries had something called a "memory effect", where a battery not fully depleted, then fully recharged, created a shortened cycle time.
Newer battery components, IE Lithium Ion, or Lithium Polymer do not have this characteristic. Accordingly, there is absolutely no need to "train" the battery.
Now the only requirement with the newer battery types, is to maintain a charge between 50-70% during long term storage (ie what your phone was charged to when first received).
Moschdog said:
I do not believe the HD2's battery requires training. Older styles of batteries had something called a "memory effect", where a battery not fully depleted, then fully recharged, created a shortened cycle time.
Newer battery components, IE Lithium Ion, or Lithium Polymer do not have this characteristic. Accordingly, there is absolutely no need to "train" the battery.
Now the only requirement with the newer battery types, is to maintain a charge between 50-70% during long term storage (ie what your phone was charged to when first received).
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got my tmous hd2 launch-day... battery sucked so bad I cried (on the inside too). Returned it for another (hard as hell as I had to call corporate and have them call a store and make them hold one when some came in) after 2 weeks and all battery problems gone. 2 days easy with 1 charge. and I am a bit of a media whore: videos, podcasts, web, push, etc.
Moschdog said:
I do not believe the HD2's battery requires training. Older styles of batteries had something called a "memory effect", where a battery not fully depleted, then fully recharged, created a shortened cycle time.
Newer battery components, IE Lithium Ion, or Lithium Polymer do not have this characteristic. Accordingly, there is absolutely no need to "train" the battery.
Now the only requirement with the newer battery types, is to maintain a charge between 50-70% during long term storage (ie what your phone was charged to when first received).
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mine sure did, the first day i got it, it went dead about 6 hours after i charged it..
2 weeks later and it was down to about 60% after a whole days use and it would die during the night if i didnt put it on the charger.
now its been about a month and now it will go a whole day and a whole night and still be in the 40%s in the morning.
I don't see the need to have all that stuff running continously but it seems that the battery lasted as much as it should. I close out all programs propperly when done but I have the screen at the brightest and still the battery lasts me 30 hrs on average. I don't think I could kill the battery in less than 4 even if I tried real hard.
currently using the rom bellow... not getting 10 hours on my phone... my life relies on e-mail. So few calls rarely any texts. But 4 e-mail accounts with each having a send/receive every 5 mins... with downloading the full e-mail. I don't know what to do...
You are correct that Li batteries have no true 'memory' but there is a bit more worth mentioning... Here is a great article on Li battery extension & calibration:
Moschdog said:
I do not believe the HD2's battery requires training. Older styles of batteries had something called a "memory effect", where a battery not fully depleted, then fully recharged, created a shortened cycle time.
Newer battery components, IE Lithium Ion, or Lithium Polymer do not have this characteristic. Accordingly, there is absolutely no need to "train" the battery.
Now the only requirement with the newer battery types, is to maintain a charge between 50-70% during long term storage (ie what your phone was charged to when first received).
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my battery is horrible too, i cant last more than 10 hours without bareley using it. i took it off charge 7:30 a.m. took it to school, around 10 i texted a little bit used the camera to take about 10 shots (no flash), and i played bubble breaker for about 15 minutes. brightness was on 20...keep in mind after i close everything i fully close it through task manager.
around 11 my battery was at 65 percent. and i only USED the phone for about 25-30 minutes of light usage. i honestly dont understand how a battery can be this bad with a phone. the battery is HORRIBLE!!!!!
i got 3 different batterys exchanged so far, none of them work goood. i conditioned it as well... fully charged then fully drained then fully charged again
please help =( i dont even use my HD2 anymore because i HATE the battery, i strictly use my BOLD 9700 until i find a solution to the battery problem
NYC, the biggest issue with the HD2 battery is its low capacity (1230mAh), which is lower than most smartphones in general. Add the huge screen (a big battery draw all by itself) and the other power-hungry functions of a super-capable phone, and it can become very difficult to maintain a charge.
Now, in your case, I'd suspect that you have something that's updating data in the background, at least once if not repeatedly. Twitter, mail, weather, etc are all possible culprits. Even if they only update once in the morning (for example), they flip on your 3G connection which then remains on until you switch it off manually. Bluetooth and wifi also drain the battery quickly, even if they're just "on" and not being actively used by you.
rysky007 said:
Stupid question, and this is something that we all as cell phone owner for the past decade should know.. did you train the battery? i get 24 hours out of mine, with contstant push email on 4 diff accounts, texting all day a few pix, a few sites visited
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Sit! Goooood battery. You're such a well trained battery, yes you are, yes you are! If you keep my phone running all day I'll give you a nice 1 amp charge, yes I will, yes I will!
couldn't help it.
I get from 7:45am to 2:00am pretty regularly out of my phone--push emails, IMs all day, about 200 messages sent/received, 120 min of calls, and probably 2 hours of browsing. I have wifi connected from 6pm-2am.
zimzoom said:
I get from 7:45am to 2:00am pretty regularly out of my phone--push emails, IMs all day, about 200 messages sent/received, 120 min of calls, and probably 2 hours of browsing. I have wifi connected from 6pm-2am.
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That is really hard to believe...specially the wifi from 6pm to 2am
My phone drops to 11% after 24 hours of doing nothing with it besides fiddling for about 10 minutes. The signal bar is 3 ~ 4 bars at all times on a 2G band. I'm not certain why it's this crappy even though I pretty much leave it on standby. Any ideas?

[Q] Focus battery life after Mango 7720

How is the battery life compared to previous state? Better, worse or about the same? Please vote
It will be the same for the first 3 days and then gets better by a whole one more day (Don't know why).
For me the counter at the 1st 3 days said it will last for 1 day and 18 hours now it says that it will last for more tan 2 days and 18 hours and some times 3 days and 5 hours.
I tested it and it lasted for 2 days and 11 hours and there was still 17% of battery life (Lite usage , some 3g usage and listening for 30 minutes for music and around 2 to 3 calls of 15 minutes total).
Hope that helps
It does, thanks! Replies are welcome and there's a poll on top so please vote
I leave WiFi and data connection switched on all te time ... I used to get about 18 hours ... Still get Te same ... Comparing 7720 RTM with official mango update ...
Sent from my SGH-i917 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
Battery life on my focus with mango and even before mango has been better than any other smartphone ive owned. I cant complain at all.
I was going to post a message on the battery too.
Poll is a great idea.
I just finished charging it after installing Mango. I will see how much it lasts.
I wanted it to drain out and recharge it so I can see how it is with Mango. It didn't gave up easily.
My initial impression is that battery is improved.
However, when talking about battery life, it's crucial to keep in mind what services the phone is using and what apps are installed.
For example, things like sound enabled for key presses, or having WiFi on or off, whether you play games, what apps you run, etc are important.
For my test, I want to see how long the battery lasts with a very basic usage. WiFi turned off, without running too much app or play games, giving\receiving few calls(I do not talk too much on the phone).
I heard for example that Samsung app Now drains out battery pretty fast.
Also, lack of signal in some areas, also means alot for power consumption.
6 days + 7 hours
no WiFI enabled
no games played
max 2 hours of talks in total(I talked once like 1 hour)
How does it sound to you?
For me it looks fine although I am wondering how much would it last if I have Wifi enabled(for the same amount of talking duration).
6 days, What?
I only get 3 days and 15 hours if not using the mobile phone at all.
Can you please post a screen shot of the battery saver
I am in the 7th day actually now
The statistics displayed in battery saver are very wrong. I am not sure how it computes the remaining time.
When I posted yesterday, it showed 6 days since charging and only few hours remaining.
Now it says, 7 days and 1 hour since charging, remaining: "less then 1 hour", remaining battery life: 6%.
Last time I charged, I noticed that battery doesn't get to 0%, most probably it needs some energy to preserve data, so it will probably only keep me for few hours today.
I will post a photo soon, right now I don't have other device to take a photo of it.
Last time I fully charged the phone was when it was completely empty. Maybe it's important.
I can only hope the battery life won't degrade in the next year.
Ok, so now we have some votes so I can share my bits and why I started this thread.
Before 7720 I was on 7660 (Mango Beta1, not 7712)
The battery was certainly better than in NoDo. Actually, I'd say my phone had the best battery lifespan in 7660, than in all other versions.
Standby: 3+ days.
Night stand-by: 3% consumed (cca 7-8h)
On average use: 1 day and 20h
For me, average use means:
- Cellular data connection on during the day (I switch it off during the night)
- Some wi-fi to check new apps, say 20 mins daily
- About 1-2h playing.
- Minimal calling (several minutes).
Standby: almost 3 days
Night stand-by: 4%
On average use: 1 day and 10h
Stand-by means no data connections.
As an observation, stand-by time is almost similar. There is a noticeable drop in battery time once data connections come in play (cca 10-20% for me, compared to 7660). I am not going to revert to 7660 to re-test.
One more thing: after upgrading to Mango, I had AccuWeather app installed and running in background. I had to disable it because the battery life was getting under 24h (actually more like 20h). So if you have apps that run in the background, that might be one of the reasons why the battery life dropped for you. Once I disabled it from working on the background, I'm experiencing very similar times to 7660, but still the data connections consume just a bit more.
How are people getting 3+ days!? When at 100%, my Focus usually says like 12-13 hours. I have a Gmail email account set to push, and a Hotmail account set to receive email every hour. I have Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn linked on my phone. I have Messenger and Facebook Chat set to off. I always have wifi/bluetooth off, unless I need it for a few minutes.
I am thinking I should flash to 7004 again and update to Mango from the beginning.
I walshed my phone for Nodo, then did the fix, then used the windowsphonehacker method for Mango and got the "Samsung Update" when Mango was released.
Thinking maybe my install is just a little off due to the route I took to get here.
Anyone else have battery life as bad as I do? If I use my phone non-stop for like an hour (people hub, web browsing, facebook app, etc...) I can burn through a ton of battery.
EnderPsp said:
How is the battery life compared to previous state? Better, worse or about the same? Please vote
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Make sure to do a reset immediately after the update to the *official* Mango (not the tricked one).
The BL seems to be much better and is a small cost for the rewards. You will erase your phone, but it's worth it. The BL seems to be much better than NoDo.
To increase battery life when you have data connections on:
- keep the brightness to low
- keep the ringer on vibrate when you can
- disable background apps
- don't keep applications opened in the background
These save me a good % of battery on a daily basis.
Also, unless really necessary, disable data connections during the night.
@rkremers: with the above settings and no data connection I get 3-4% loss evey 8h or so. If you calculate, that's about 12% per day. Which gives about 9 days for standby, as someone else on the forum was saying, which I incline to believe. This weekend I will test this too. I won't touch the phone at all until Sunday evening. So I'll have the power consumption on standby for 2 days.
dang enderpsp... Now I'm for sure gonna flash to 7004 and start from scratch, to see if it gets better. Probably do it Sunday sometime due to busy Friday night/Saturday.
Thanks for weighing in...
rkremers said:
dang enderpsp... Now I'm for sure gonna flash to 7004 and start from scratch, to see if it gets better. Probably do it Sunday sometime due to busy Friday night/Saturday.
Thanks for weighing in...
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You're welcome. Keep in mind that a "tired" battery can also be responsible. I see lots of wrong advice given across the forum.
How to Prolong Lithium-based Batteries is a long read, but in the long run, you'll benefit from it, as a lot of devices use nowadays these types of batteries, including cars!
LE: As a refresher for me, I searched again and found this. While it's not as detailed as the one above, it contains good advice.
so, I flashed to 7004, then let Zune upgrade to Mango... I'm at 95% battery now, and it says 1 day 5 hours... 1 day 10 hours with battery saver on.
Not sure if it will actually last that long, but before I did this, it would say about 13 hours on a full charge with battery saver on... so clearly my phone did not like being walshed, unwalshed, hacked to mango, etc... Guess in the future I'll install leaked versions of WP7, but go back to zero when they officially release.
I finished the weekend standby test (2 days). This battery is 9 months old.
- Battery saver off
- No data connections/wifi
- Sound on
- Low brightness
- No alarms
- No background apps
- No touching the phone
After 24h: 91%
After 48h: 79%
Had a phone call (didn't answer) and one alert (didn't dismiss), in the second day. After 24h I just turned on to check battery status (<20s).
The end result speaks for itself, approx 10% battery per day. So, it can give 9+ days on standby.
Next weekend I'll do the same test with battery saver on and update here.
I just got a Samsung Focus and the battery seems to lose power at the rate of 2% an hour. Is this normal? data connection is not active, no games, no youtube videos just a quick e-mail check and 2-3 min call.
Is this likely to improve after a few more battery charge cycles? I have followed all instructions like disabling location services and background apps.
Tornado54 said:
I just got a Samsung Focus and the battery seems to lose power at the rate of 2% an hour. Is this normal? data connection is not active, no games, no youtube videos just a quick e-mail check and 2-3 min call.
Is this likely to improve after a few more battery charge cycles? I have followed all instructions like disabling location services and background apps.
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How is the antenna signal? What type of connection?
Antenna signal is pretty good 4-5 bars. Just regular connection not 3g. E-mail auto syncs have been set to manual.
Battery seems to be original Samsung.

