Changing Default Keyboard? - XPERIA X1 General

Just out of interest and im not really a fan of the default one. I have recently installed the Touch HD? Keyboard cab which has a really nice keyboard that is big enough to be used with fingers, is there anyway of setting this as the default instead of always having too select it instead of the small blue one? Hopefully it's just a registry setting but I can't seem to spot anything.
I don't think anyone seems to have asked this before either, certainly nothing came up in a search of default keyboard.

I don't have my X1 yet, so I'm afraid I can't comment on your problem.
But, I was wondering, does the hardware keyboard still work correctly (@, etc.), and have you lost predictive contacts with the hardware keyboard also? I'm trying to get a list of what to install when I get my X1, and I'm kinda stuck with regards to the keyboard, Touch Pal seems to be the way to go, as it doesn't replace the original DLL.

I went into settings->Input and switched it to full QWERTY, Now the HTC one pops up instead of the blue one.

by doing that, after soft reset the ketboard returns to the original small blue one...

I tried to switch it in iput settigs but i still ge the blue one. Do I need to do anything on the registry?

Get SKTools (not the Standard one, the full one) and set default keyboard there. The standard WM6 config page doesn't seem to remember settings when you try set the Touch HD keyboard as default.

aussiebum said:
Get SKTools (not the Standard one, the full one) and set default keyboard there. The standard WM6 config page doesn't seem to remember settings when you try set the Touch HD keyboard as default.
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hi there, i have SK tools but couldnt find the option for default keyboard.
Which part of the program should i look at?

*podman* said:
I don't have my X1 yet, so I'm afraid I can't comment on your problem.
But, I was wondering, does the hardware keyboard still work correctly (@, etc.), and have you lost predictive contacts with the hardware keyboard also? I'm trying to get a list of what to install when I get my X1, and I'm kinda stuck with regards to the keyboard, Touch Pal seems to be the way to go, as it doesn't replace the original DLL.
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I have installed a few different keyboards on WM6 with my xperia and all of them have not changed the layout of the hardware keyboard, it has not changed at all. It's only the software keyboard. Predictive contacts? Predictive words? It certainly suggests words on the normal blue one, though I haven't noticed it on the Touch HD one, though to be honest I don't like anything predictive.

I have also been changing it and yes it sticks with it but as soon as the phone is switched off and back on, it changes back so I presume it's something in the registry but i've no idea what to look for. Certainly "keyboard" doesn't show anything or indicate anything that could be changed.

Noobia said:
hi there, i have SK tools but couldnt find the option for default keyboard.
Which part of the program should i look at?
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It's under the Maintenaince => Input Methods. Click on the Category button to get there.

vwrmic said:
I have also been changing it and yes it sticks with it but as soon as the phone is switched off and back on, it changes back so I presume it's something in the registry but i've no idea what to look for. Certainly "keyboard" doesn't show anything or indicate anything that could be changed.
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Changes to default keyboard via SKTools is permanent, it stays even after phone is switched off/on.

Thanks for the help thus far. I have been using SKTools since you mentioned it now and have found on a couple of occassions that it doesn't save and I need to change it. The majority of the time it does. Now you can enable/disable certain parts but the wierd thing is you cannot fully default to a different keyboard. When I select the Full QWERTY keyboard as default it sets and says Completed 1 in a little pop up box (I think it's completed) Regardless once you do that, if you try and disable or remove the default Keyboard (wm6 default) it says that you cannot because it is set at default and you must select another to be the default first. Which contradicts itself because it won't let you.
It's obviously a registry key somewhere that can be changed but to hell if I can find it. Im only using SK tools for this purpose so it would be nice to find it and then remove the utility.
Any further ideas?

how come i also install the HD keyboard but i doesnt seem to work??? even when i change to compact keyboard it still remain the same.... someone help mi pls....

Kris1986 said:
how come i also install the HD keyboard but i doesnt seem to work??? even when i change to compact keyboard it still remain the same.... someone help mi pls....
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did you soft reset after installing??

Here's the registry setting that did the job for me:
RegWriteString("HKCU","\ControlPanel\SIP","Default Im","{36BC8FF6-8241-4c36-ABDE-204885471FEE}")
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Found here ->

Thanks Prosto that did the trick though I seem to have broke something. I don't think this is related but...
After I did the registry change I uninstalled SKTools and restarted the phone, then tried to start windows media player. While it starts, as soon as I try to play any type of music/video, look in the library or update library the phone freezes and I have to take the battery out to reset it. Don't understand where I was going wrong with this, i've obviously buggered something up but not being able to listen to my music is a big downer! Don't suppose you would have any ideas?


Wizard MSN Messenger - Soft Keyboard pops up all the time...

Hi All
I've got an O2 XDA Mini S which I've set up using the corporate option, so I no longer have the O2 Software running.
Whenever I start a new conversation in MSN messenger, the soft keyboard pops up, even if the real keyboard is exposed.
This is really annoying as I have to minimise the soft keyboard on every new conversation.
Can anyone help?
Driving me mad! :roll: LOL
Just tried to make a word document and it's doing the same thing!!!
I have tried setting the input options from keyboard to phonepad and it's still doing it.
just start typing (DON'T click it away!). for me after that it remembers that i don't want to use the onscreen keyboard.
OK, so I just rebooted the machine and it's not popping up now.
However, the MSN chat window is all squashed up at the top of the screen... As if there was a softkeyboard there.
I think I'm going to have to get used to the occasional reboot on this!
Thanks for your quick response!
Clicking on the SIP button in the bottom right should disable the soft keyboard, and according to some, it should retain that setting. I don't have a Wiz so I can't confirm, but one way or the other, it might help you to install a dummy SIP. PHM Tools installs one.
PHM Ext. Keyboard SIP PowerToy
The PHM Ext. Keyboard is an empty input panel you can use when you have an external keyboard connected (such as thumb, collapsible, foldable, wireless, ... keyboard) and do not want an input panel to take valuable screen estate.
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yah this annoys me as well, when browsing in landscape and BOOM this keyboard that covers have the screen pops up! you can't even see what yoru typing...
anyway i remember reading a fix for this somewher, but it was before i got the device. anyone know where its at?
Hey, I changed mine from keyboard to the transcriber, it doesn't seem to popup now and it also give a full screen while on msn rather than only half screen where the keyboard should be.
Just tried this... Thanks!
It gives more of the screen available to MSN, but still not full screen for me.
If I click on the transcriber icon at the bottom of the screen, then click on it again to minimise it, I then get full screen.
Weird problems!
want to try the PHM Ext. Keyboard SIP PowerToy but theire website is down since some time. Could anybody please upload the files in this forum or somewhere else? (eg,...)
PHM tools
I think they're all down for updates.
Here's a zip of all of them.
so what exactly does that do? i don't want to install anything that can be solved by a reg edit. (dont have a mem card yet)
Fone - one of the cabs installs a dummy SIP called external keyboard or something. It's for people that use external keyboards, basically don't one the built in ones popping up all the time.
It's small, I'd install it if you have a need. If you really don't need the built in keyboards and want a registry only solution, you can disable the SIPs through the registry. Not recommended though.
Alternatively, as it's just 1 install:
( could probably hack apart the PHM tools CAB just as well )
thanks a lot, just what i needed!!
Excellent! Works a treat!! Thank You.
Ahh, null keyboard is by beemer. He's a great coder, check out his today plugins for wondrous pleasures.
These null keyboard type things do pretty much the same thing, ie nothing. However, if you're really geeky, Brighthand forums has a large review of a number of them. Use whatever works though.
its ok, i'll go ahean and install it. i just thought somehow someone could make a couple regedits that would tell the device if in landscape dont show onscreen keyboard. but i guess its more complex than i thought.
short of intercepting it, I don't think so
Technically, software needs to check they keyboard status, and then suppress the SIP from popping up when activating text entry elements (stuff's in MSDN somewhere). Thing is - most people are either too lazy to do so, or aren't aware of any need to do so, or just don't know they -can- do so
There is a registry entry (at least in mine) HasExtKeyboard or something to that effect. I set it from 0 to 1, but it does nothing. Do a registry search for it. Perhaps someone can make a SIP that will normally not pop up anything, but with a keystroke or a tap on the icon will pop it up when you need it.
I'd just like a slim SIP that would have keys like Cut/Copy/Paste/Undo, etc.
There is a registry entry (at least in mine) HasExtKeyboard or something to that effect. I set it from 0 to 1, but it does nothing. Do a registry search for it. Perhaps someone can make a SIP that will normally not pop up anything, but with a keystroke or a tap on the icon will pop it up when you need it.
I'd just like a slim SIP that would have keys like Cut/Copy/Paste/Undo, etc.

Totally prevent soft keyboard SIP in landscape mode?

a042349 at HowardForums wrote this post:
I hate that pop-up KB as well. I tried all the reg hacks and nullkb's I could find and on both my HP6515 and now on my 8125 it would always revert to the software screen KB and pop up at the most annoying times.
Well in doing some poking around I discovered a reg key that COMPLETELY elimnates the soft KB from popping up - great news. The bad news (there's always bad news) is that it completely prevents ANY of the SIP panels from coming up when you want them to, or from working in general.
So if you do this hack you are completely dependent on the 8125/9100 hardware keyboard. Now I've been running like this for over a year on two different devices and it works for me. The one thing I did was extract the "cut, copy and paste" icons out of an old "PHM Keys" I had and put them on the Start Menu so that I can now use those instead of the Ctrl-C, Ctrl-X, Ctrl-P when I need to. Works fine, but takes up three slots on my Start Menu.
You could also create a backup reg file, and one with the setting I'll give you, and then import them and reboot to turn the hack on or off. It does require a reboot so it's not an ideal solution, and I know the key by heart so i do it manually if I ever need it - which I never have:
Change that entry from a 1 to a 0 and reboot. No more KB, Block Recognizer, Transcriber - nothing but the HW keyboard.
Try it you'll like it!
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From what I know (I didn't try it yet), it totally prevents the SIP from appearing, and that would probably include portrait mode when the hardware keyboard is not available. A soft-reset may be required between changes, too.
Is there a way someone can make a program to prevent the SIP from appearing in landscape mode at all, yet make it available in portrait mode?
I use my device in both modes, so I wouldn't want to lose complete functionality of the SIP.
Any ideas?
Hi everybody!
I may have an alternative to killing SIPs altogether:
All SIP DLLs are registered under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID, each with its unique identifier. The name of the SIP (which you see in the menu is stored in the default value) SIP key has two sub keys: InProcServer which tells the system where to find the DLL and IsSIPInputMethod with it's default value set to one.
One idea is to create a fake SIP key that will point to a non existent DLL and then select that SIP in the menu. The system will try to call up the SIP but it will fail until you select a valid one.
Hope this will help
Hardware Keyboard only in Landscape
On the Universal the combination of PQZ (to assign different SIPs to landscape and portrait, should work on other devices too) and PHMs "NoDoSIP" (registers a SIP that does nothing) works perfectly. Disable all SIPs not needed at all by setting the Reg Value (search for the SIP by name in the registry) Default under IsSIPInputMethod for that method to 0. You can rename your remaining SIPs there as well.
I'm skeptical, but willing to try...
As the originator of the quoted post in this thread I'm skeptical but certainly open minded that this solution would work.
And yes my method does require a reboot to enable/disable, so it's certainly not for the occasional use of the SIP.
In the past I had tried all manner of null kb's, and UID registry string swaps and other things to prevent unwanted SIP pop-ups.
What I would like is to have it ONLY come up when I invoke it - and NEVER on it's own. I wouldn't use it much (and haven't on two HW keyboard devices over the past year) but sure it would be handy for the odd time I need to type in portrait mode.
I may give this a shot after dinner tonight and see how it goes - at the very least I can always go back to my admittedly draconian total elimination of the SIP's that I have now.
I'll post my results later tonight.
-Joel (a042349)
Works like a charm, right?
In landscape it just displays the hardware keyboard icon and the arrow to even allow to manually invoke any other SIP "on the fly".
And in portrait the selected SIP gets activated automatically.
Works flawlessly for me (on my Universal) since month.
Right man, works like a charm! Thanks for this hint!
Its the little things that make my tilt a better device to use. I tried on my tilt with dutty's pre April 29th cab and it works to eliminate the landscape keyboard in messaging, notes and contacts, however I have a beta version of opera mobile 9.5 and it seems to have mind of its own, doing the exact oposite and making both keyboards nearly unusable. Anyone else experience this?, hopefully Opera will provide users with a choice of hardware keyboard only and not having the SIP popping up. I presume that Opera had a feature to do exactly what .cab does just for that application and now the .cab is reversing it. Seems to do about the same thing in Internet Explorer.
im using opera 9.5 too.. and nothing seems any different after installing the cab... SIP still pops up.. any idea how i could solve it?
the ironic part is that ez imput kb does an automatic switch between keaboards when flipped from portrait to landscape, is there a script or a reg hack edit that does this??? cuz we can use that engine to make the sip automatically change to null kb when switched to landscape, fully eliminating pop ups and soft keyboards when using your querty
no2chem nueslidingkb
i use no2chem's nueslidingkb on my mogul. it allows you to set different SIPs on protrait and landscape as well as customizing the sliding sounds. it works very well, i have intellipad on portrait and nullKB on landpscape.
It however does not work on my Fuze, it doesn't change the SIP to the set one when switched to landscape, maybe needs an update? i hope no2chem checks it out.

oz VGA anyone have a screenshot of this running.

Curious as to what this app does and how well it works. Anyone have a screenshot of this running.
I use TrueVGA and it works well. You can see all Icons only the CommManager is blurred.
Please attend the the correct order of installation.
Install description
Works Great
Super !!
Perfect thank you very much.
i have my athena with traditional chinese runnig on ozvga as well!
but there is no way to activate the input pane on the the screen...
wondering who has the resolution!
bigsmart said:
I use TrueVGA...
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Can I ask why you use TrueVGA (and not OzVGA)?
I've not tried either on the Ameo, and before I go for one, I was curious if anyone who has tried both knew of a reason to go for one instead of the other...
Ta muchly
There are some problems with OzVga. For example, few Icons are missing.
I tried installing the files above, as OzVGA had always been somewhat a mixed bag of giddiness and disappointment for me.
In the end, I've had to uninstall TrueVGA as well, mainly because my signal meters and start menu icon etc etc would not show. I installed in the correct order and yet still nothing.
As a seasoned XDA-er, is there a trick I'm unwittingly missing?
didnt lose my signal icon, but the one telling me if its G or 3G, connected to HSDPA etc seems to come and go now, rather than always be there as expected.
other than that, and some of the settings pages being messed up, works nicely.
Yeah, for my case, my data connection icon always display itself as trying to connect to a WiFi network even though that's not true. Some of the settings screens are badly messed up, as you have mentioned.
I have another query: does the Side Display works in true VGA mode?
I tried to attach the keyboard to the screen but nothing comes up.
The Keyboard did not work. I use the Resco Keyboard it is much better than the original.
Oh, I wasn't referring to the software keyboard input. I mean, when you attached the hardware keyboard onto the screen of the Athena, there will be one strip of visible space of the screen that shows some status like time, messages etc.
It works in normal VGA mode, but I cannot get the display in true VGA mode.
chrisoyh said:
Oh, I wasn't referring to the software keyboard input. I mean, when you attached the hardware keyboard onto the screen of the Athena, there will be one strip of visible space of the screen that shows some status like time, messages etc.
It works in normal VGA mode, but I cannot get the display in true VGA mode.
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The "one strip of visible space of the screen" works ok in a true VGA mode in mine device. You should not attach but close by the keyboard the screen. Sometimes it doesn't show the white strip, but try to move a little bit the keyboard, because it reacts to by sencors to magnets on the keyboard.
Yeah, you're right. I need to move the keyboard around until the display comes on. Thanks!
bigsmart said:
I use TrueVGA and it works well. You can see all Icons only the CommManager is blurred.
Please attend the the correct order of installation.
Install description
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My Comm Manager, phone pad, Connection icon (E (edge), etc) and password screen don't display properly. Did you have these issues and if so, how did you fix them?
Also, what did you use to create your theme? I want to create a new theme for the newer resolution.
Thanks in advance.
When I last used real VGA mode it was on my Universal.. Again there were icon problems, but on this very forum there were VGAFILES packs that had file to put in the windows directory that replaced the missing icons.
I cant remember the exact details, but I suggest people having problems look through the Universal forum for VGA info as there was a LOT there.
Hope this helps.
I have all about VGA screen's file for my universal. But since i still waiting for my athena, i can't decided wich file is needed. Just icon or something?
Is anyone using SPB Mobile Shell with any of the VGA apps? If I have it loaded on the today screen, the pda locks up when it tries to dispay the Today screen. The only fix thus far is to remove it from the Today screen.
charlie.s said:
Is anyone using SPB Mobile Shell with any of the VGA apps? If I have it loaded on the today screen, the pda locks up when it tries to dispay the Today screen. The only fix thus far is to remove it from the Today screen.
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yes u are right the pda locks when using SPB Mobile shell. i have a question about the keyboard how to use it because in true VGA mode i see NO keyboard its white space with no letters and also can someone confirm if resco keyboard can be used in trueVGA mode?
I´am using the Resco keyboard and it works fine.

Reg Edit to change default input method??

I am looking for a regedit to change the default input method. I am particularly fond of PCMKeyboard and use it religiously but every time I soft reset it always defaults back to the 20 button Touch Keyboard.
Thanks in advance, Dan.
dharvey4651 said:
I am looking for a regedit to change the default input method. I am particularly fond of PCMKeyboard and use it religiously but every time I soft reset it always defaults back to the 20 button Touch Keyboard.
Thanks in advance, Dan.
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Took me a while to figure this out, but you have to first completely disable the Touch keyboard. If you use the standard default sip settings Touch keyboard will always override it on a soft reset.
Reversible method:
Go to [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{198D503A-EFFE-4afd-BC54-EED333C80E6D}\InprocServer32] change the default value from \windows\ezinput.dll to something else like \windows\del_ezinput.dll
Also change the default value at [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{198D503A-EFFE-4afd-BC54-EED333C80E6D}\IsSIPInputMethod] to 0
Do the same thing at [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{62B00599-25D2-4e09-8C48-03BF26DB8517}]
(Note: You can also completely delete these two keys rather than renaming the values.)
Then you can use the standard method of setting the default sip. Go to [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Sip] change the defaultim key to the right value for PCMkeyboard (never used it so i'm not sure). Just search HKCR\CLSID for the keyboard you want and copy down it's CLSID with the brackets then put that in for the defaultim.
Let me know if that doesn't make sense and I'll explain it more thoroughly.
Awesome. Thanks a bunch man. Worked like a charm.
Or others that need to change the default SIP may use the attached .cab. Have fun ...
thank you so much, this was getting to be so annoying
I have tried sipchange however the standerd is still wrong after a soft reset. Sipchange hasn't really done anything or do I need to follow a certain order?
look for a program called IMSelector. It works on my Touch where SIPChange did not
EliteXen said:
Took me a while to figure this out, but you have to first completely disable the Touch keyboard. If you use the standard default sip settings Touch keyboard will always override it on a soft reset.
Reversible method:
Go to [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{198D503A-EFFE-4afd-BC54-EED333C80E6D}\InprocServer32] change the default value from \windows\ezinput.dll to something else like \windows\del_ezinput.dll
Also change the default value at [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{198D503A-EFFE-4afd-BC54-EED333C80E6D}\IsSIPInputMethod] to 0
Do the same thing at [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{62B00599-25D2-4e09-8C48-03BF26DB8517}]
(Note: You can also completely delete these two keys rather than renaming the values.)
Then you can use the standard method of setting the default sip. Go to [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Sip] change the defaultim key to the right value for PCMkeyboard (never used it so i'm not sure). Just search HKCR\CLSID for the keyboard you want and copy down it's CLSID with the brackets then put that in for the defaultim.
Let me know if that doesn't make sense and I'll explain it more thoroughly.
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I did that and and it killed my Touch. I had to reset then restore backup. Basically after I made the changes and rebooted it kept coming to black screen with no functionality. Has anyone had that problem? (Before that I had the SIP change installed. Could have been the problem?)
SultanH said:
I did that and and it killed my Touch. I had to reset then restore backup. Basically after I made the changes and rebooted it kept coming to black screen with no functionality. Has anyone had that problem? (Before that I had the SIP change installed. Could have been the problem?)
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Has anyone been able to make the registry method work on the Touch?
I've tried it twice ad both times I get a dead reboot. So I had to hard reset and restore from backup.
SultanH said:
Has anyone been able to make the registry method work on the Touch?
I've tried it twice ad both times I get a dead reboot. So I had to hard reset and restore from backup.
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I also get a dead reboot. Looks like OP forgot to mention something...
BTW, TouchPal's CLSID might be
SultanH said:
Has anyone been able to make the registry method work on the Touch?
I've tried it twice ad both times I get a dead reboot. So I had to hard reset and restore from backup.
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I use this method on my touch immediately after a hard reset and it always works. I think the instructions are pretty clear.
Are you deleting the key or just renaming it.
Also could you try backing up your phone then hard resetting and following the directions before you reinstall/restore anything. You can use Mobile Registry Editor to make the changes through Activesync.
EliteXen said:
I use this method on my touch immediately after a hard reset and it always works. I think the instructions are pretty clear.
Are you deleting the key or just renaming it.
Also could you try backing up your phone then hard resetting and following the directions before you reinstall/restore anything. You can use Mobile Registry Editor to make the changes through Activesync.
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I renamed the first two and deleted the second two. Maybe b/c I didn't do it once after hard reset.
works fine for me... i prefer the standard keyboard as well.. anyone know if it's possible to enlarge the keys a little more by a registry setting? i'd like to keep the "Large" keys but also retain the number keys on top as well. if i switch to large keys the number pad disappears, possible to have numbers+larger buttons?
if this is in the registry, anyone know where i should look or is the standard keyboard size fixed?
IMSelector did not work for my vogue but SipChange did. No need to fool around with the registry which I'm scared to try.
Did you try to use SKTools? I use this app. and its woking on my HTC Diamond.
To cwzkevin,
I have also experienced deadlocks at the next boot. They seem to be related to using an wrong CLSID for the desired new input method. At least for each language this is different.
My changes, according to the original post from EliteXen, did work on a german Swisscom branded HTC Touch Pro, but provoked the black screen on reboot on a english Swisscom branded HTC Touch Diamond.
I did delete both keys, not changing them.
So, look up the CLSID first, before using it.
br, Marcel

Camera Initialisation Error

Before posting this, I searched the forum and have only found posts years old.
This issue I am facing at the moment is a camera/video camera issue stating the following:
Unable to initialize camera. Failed to set up the camera device.
I only really noticed this happening since doing camera related registry tweaks such as the 8MB, or additional hidden modes. Originally I applied the tweaks using a registry editor, but now I use the lastest BSB Tweaks application. The issue seems to arise whether I have the tweaks turned on or off so I am not suggesting that the tweaks are actually to blame. I have been tweaking this phone so much that it could be anything.
Anyway, a random soft reset here and there fixes it, but I was just wondering if anyone else has experieced this issue with the HD2?
Thanks in advance.
Sounds like you may have inadvertantly caused this issue with a bad registry edit.
If so, you'll need either a complete overhaul of the camera registry settings, or a hard reset.
I've only ever used the camera tweaks in BsB, and my camera works fine (I've never seen your problem). If you like, I'd be happy to either export or list the registry keys and values off my phone that might help.
Were all the registry hacks within one key, do you know, or where they in different places. (I don't know if there's just one key for camera settings, with sub-keys, or if they're spread about the registry.)
Hi there,
I've been getting this also, I think I've narrowed it down to the swype keyboard I'm using...
I haven't changed default keyboard with SIP so I have to manually change keyboard whenever I boot, sometimes the swype keyboard doesn't come up, it flashes like it's going to change but remains on the default keyboard. When this happens I can't start the camera. When the change is seemless the camera works fine. A soft reset usually fixes it.
Are you using swype? Have you tried removing any other tweaks to see if it helps?
0Reefa said:
Hi there,
I've been getting this also, I think I've narrowed it down to the swype keyboard I'm using...
I haven't changed default keyboard with SIP so I have to manually change keyboard whenever I boot, sometimes the swype keyboard doesn't come up, it flashes like it's going to change but remains on the default keyboard. When this happens I can't start the camera. When the change is seemless the camera works fine. A soft reset usually fixes it.
Are you using swype? Have you tried removing any other tweaks to see if it helps?
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I'm using the swype keyboard and also have done the camera super fine reg tweak and have had no problems. I didn't use BSB tweaks and I didn't do the reg setting for more camera modes.I also haven't changed default keyboard with SIP.
Are you using swype? Have you tried removing any other tweaks to see if it helps?
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I am using Swype also, but never experienced an issue using this great keyboard. After posting the message, I did a soft reset and it is working again.
I think I will remove Swype for a while and see if the problem returns. I have all the CABs on my SD card anyway, so not a hassle to reinstall.
If you like, I'd be happy to either export or list the registry keys and values off my phone that might help.
Were all the registry hacks within one key, do you know, or where they in different places. (I don't know if there's just one key for camera settings, with sub-keys, or if they're spread about the registry.)
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I believe that the registry tweaks affected different places...I am trying to find the thread....
EDIT: Found the thread...I actually installed the CABS in the end I think....cannot remember now.
morpheus1982 said:
Found the thread...I actually installed the CABS in the end I think....cannot remember now.
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Since there's only a few of them, I'll just list the values I have, rather than export the lot and end up changing ALL your camera settings.
These are the values for the registry keys in the 1st post on that page.
5Msize = 746028
EncodeFormat = 48
EncodeFormat = 2
BitRate = 2097152
Hope this helps
How strange - I didn't put that space in "superfine", and it's not there when I edit the post!
ohmz55 said:
I'm using the swype keyboard and also have done the camera super fine reg tweak and have had no problems. I didn't use BSB tweaks and I didn't do the reg setting for more camera modes.I also haven't changed default keyboard with SIP.
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It doesn't happen all the time, only when I try to change from default to swype keyboard and it *doesn't* load properly, then the camera issue appears. I've also applied all tweaks for the camera using BSB.
It's very random but I've now flashed to Miri's rom and so far no swype issue and no camera issue!
Thanks, I will check these settings before and after toggling them in BSB Tweaks.
My hd2 has the same problem.
I just tried hard reset my device and install new rom, but it still comes out all day.
Some time a soft reset can take effect, but some time only hard reset can make the camera work.
When the issue comes out, it seems the Opera Mobile 10 beta can not work correctly either.
PS: I didn't use any of the tweaks.
I also got this error once and a soft reset corrected it. Don't know the actual cause.
I have BsB tweaks installed, but no Swype.
I had this problem before too, i remember it happened after I made registry tweak on the video recording quality. its gone after I restore to the default value. I did not use swype keyboard, but i did installed bsb tweak.
I had this problem as well when trying to create my own reg cab to change all the settings I wanted upon a hard reset. It messed with a lot more than just camera not initializing. I narrowed it down to the camera reg settings but not sure which one, I couldn't bare hard reseting my device 5 times in one day.
The only reg tweak I have for the camera is the 8MP one which hasn't messed it up.
happened to me too.
have BsB tweaks installed, dont have swype.
only soft reset fixes the problem.
I didn't make a registry tweak manually, I did this with BsB tweaks and don't have any problems with it. I really think you need to change back, the reg. tweaks you did manually! GL!
ok, restored all default camera values in the registry - problem still exists.
i found out that if i soft reset the device and then start the camera it works fine.
problem happens when i use a program before using the camera.
any ideas?
i had the same problem, but after installing this cab
ckraus000 said:
i had the same problem, but after installing this cab
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Just uninstalled this. Lets see if that makes a difference. I dont even use the camera, so despite noticing the problem, it doesnt actually affect me much.
I have this problem approx. every third time I want to use the camera. The only way to fix it then is a soft reset.
I've installed several tweaks/patches but no swype.
Hi all,
I had the same problem but I manage to solve it in a very weird way.
This might sound really strange, but have any of you put something between the battery and the cover? When I went home over Christmas I use another SIM card to lower my roaming charges. I didn't want to loose my other SIM card when not is use so I used a piece of tape and put the sim card on the soft "pillow" on the back of the battery cover. It just barely fit and I was happy with the fit.
When I did this I also started to experience that the camera could not initialize. At first I thought it had something to do with my old SIM, and I did a test to put in my new SIM and the problem disappeared (this without my other sim between the battery and the cover) I thought I just had to live with it until I got back and could start using the proper SIM. But when I got back I switch SIM but the problem still existed. I then started to suspect that it was actually the other SIM pressing against the battery that was the culprit and as soon as I removed that the camera has been working fine.
So the only conclusion I could make is that if there is pressure on the battery that somehow causes the camera to not initialize properly.
Hope this helps...
have the same problem. i have bsbtweaks installed but not swype.

