I am very concerned about the ability to use basic applications on the Xperia's WVGA screen. I love the screen for DVD watching, but will it prevent me from using my favorite applications?
Can someone tell me if these will work:
Log Me In
Skyfire (when available)
Garmin Mobile XT
I know for the Toshiba G900 there is a program called WVGAfix or something that allows you to convert your screen to 640x480, I think.
Any insight into this problem would be helpful!
If you hook me up with some links where i can download the apps, i can try 'em.. got a X1 infront of me..
Can do the same as well if you want. Currently using Opera and it works great. Wish you could use the pad to scroll around like a mouse though.. too bad.
Where are you guys getting your xperia's from, I'd love to get hold of one albeit pre-production.
I am sorry, I don't have that software yet. I was going to wait until I got the Xperia.
In any event, can somebody make a program which you run on Xperia that can make all those VGA specific programs work? LIke there wvgafix for Toshiba G900?
EDIT: wrong thread!
Yeah, where do you guys get your X1s from!.
vinokirk said:
Yeah, where do you guys get your X1s from!.
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They might be tricking you - maybe they are like the rest of us - we don't have one yet!
Garmin Mobile XT is working without any problems on X1.
I don't think there will be much problems except navigation software.
I have a Toshiba G900 sind a good year with just this 480x800 and all standard software runs fine. AgendaFusion, TCPMP, TotalCommander, WisbarAdvancedDesktop (most important to me), the SBSH-collection, not to forget the great Softmaker Office which is very usefull with the screen -only navigation software is a problem that sometimes work, sometimes not.
Anyone tried Iguidance 4 with this resolution?
bump, we need to update this thread!
Btw, can someone tell me what are the differences between SPB Mobile Shell and SPB Pocket Plus?
is there any differences between SPB MS panel and the original SPB MS app?
Garmin Mobile XT is working just fine on X1, without any problems.
is advanced configuration 3.3 working for X1?
Yeah, advanced configuration 3.3 is working fine on my X1.
New version of Kinoma play is out and it is compatible with X1.
fpbiii said:
I am very concerned about the ability to use basic applications on the Xperia's WVGA screen. I love the screen for DVD watching, but will it prevent me from using my favorite applications?
Can someone tell me if these will work:
Log Me In
Skyfire (when available)
Garmin Mobile XT
I know for the Toshiba G900 there is a program called WVGAfix or something that allows you to convert your screen to 640x480, I think.
Any insight into this problem would be helpful!
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- Slingbox works OK. The video stream doesn't fill the whole screen (even with the aspect ratio set to 'wide'), and the interface buttons are kinda displayed correctly, but seemed to be actually shifted to the left, as when you press the power button for example, it's in reality a few buttons down. It's kinda hard to explain, but it seems like it's not being displayed at the right resolution, even tho all the images files, seem to be made for VGA (at least they're labeled that way).
- LogMeIn looks beautiful on this screen. And there's A LOT less screen scrolling compared to a QVGA screen, obviously. But compared to my old Tilt, it's a pleasure using LMI on this phone.
- Skyfire doesn't work yet, but you probably already knew that. It immediately crashes or closes down as soon as you try to load it. Hopefully, they'll add W/VGA support, because sites also look amazing on Opera.
- I don't use Garmin, but TomTom 7 looks and performs great. It looks as sharp as it should. Don't know if it's really scaling to the full resolution, but it sure looks like it.
Could you Please Post Pictures Of What The SlingPlayer Mobile Client Looks Like
d0ubl3_d1zzl3 said:
- Slingbox works OK. The video stream doesn't fill the whole screen (even with the aspect ratio set to 'wide'), and the interface buttons are kinda displayed correctly, but seemed to be actually shifted to the left, as when you press the power button for example, it's in reality a few buttons down. It's kinda hard to explain, but it seems like it's not being displayed at the right resolution, even tho all the images files, seem to be made for VGA (at least they're labeled that way).
- LogMeIn looks beautiful on this screen. And there's A LOT less screen scrolling compared to a QVGA screen, obviously. But compared to my old Tilt, it's a pleasure using LMI on this phone.
- Skyfire doesn't work yet, but you probably already knew that. It immediately crashes or closes down as soon as you try to load it. Hopefully, they'll add W/VGA support, because sites also look amazing on Opera.
- I don't use Garmin, but TomTom 7 looks and performs great. It looks as sharp as it should. Don't know if it's really scaling to the full resolution, but it sure looks like it.
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That was my main concern, how the SlingBox would work with the Xperia X1, so that's good news. If possible could you please post a few pictures of how the SlingPlayer mobile client looks on the Xperia X1, thanks in advance....!
I would love to see a good list of time wasting games that run good on the native 320x320 Palm Screen (i.e. no RealVGA).
I will get this rolling with a few that I have tested and will even post links for Downloads:
ICBM: This is a FreeWare Missle Command Clone that works best with a stylus.
ISS Invaders: This is a FreeWare Space Invaders Clone. It does not take full advantage of the 320x320 screen but works just fine.
Pocket Uno: This FreeWare card game is a one of the world's most popular family card games. Supports multi player on a single unit.
Pocket Sand: Not so much a game, but a true time waster (I mean that is a good way You will either think it's stupid within 5 minutes, or you'll become obsessed.
Guitar Hero 3: Though not FreeWare, the first song is Free and lots of fun. No good for playing in meetings though.
Hey thanks for this post.
Bejeweled 2 from AstraWare works fine
More Games
Here are a couple more I found that work perfect on the Treo Pro:
Kevtris: A Free Tetris Clone:
SmartSimon: A Simon Says game (pretty basic but free):
Now get back to work
Arcade Park from herocraft works fine too
Anybody could try the pocketmoregames version of orions? You can download the test version here:
It is said the latest version can adapt to 320x320 (it will probably get a border)
any others? I've had probs with games on the treo pro-- most recent was Monopoly - view in a tiny (rectangle) screen. any suggestions? (also use spb mob shell, so can't use realVGA).
Distant Galaxies works also.
Use google to find free download.
It also has high score servers uploads. I think is the web site
kalanyon said:
Distant Galaxies works also.
Use google to find free download.
It also has high score servers uploads. I think is the web site
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Nice find!
Make sure to redefine your keys before your first game. I had no idea how to quit the game until I had done that. With that said I also love how easy it is to redefine the keys.!!!
Thanks for your games!
5x5 Another game
Here is a link to a simple game that was developed by a fellow XDA'r
At the time of this ost 320x320 is not listed as supported, however, I tested it on my Treo Pro and it works fine.
a few more
I can tell you all of the Implicit Software Solutions games work perfectly on the Treo Pro
As well, Panoramic BlackJack and Hexegems are both designed for 320x320
Spore, Leasure Suite Larry and Castlevania all worked perfectly and used the full screen.
PocketSlay works but its not designed for 320x320 so it rescales.
(think all of these games are listed on
I have PocketNES working on my Pro, however it is not full screen... Regardless, playing any and every NES game you want in the palm (no pun intended) of your hand is good fun!
I'm sorry, but you say a "list of games that work on 320x320", Yet you say it 'doesn't take full advantage'. WHY WOULD YOU PUT THE LINKS. I don't want to see some gimpy half-screen game on my phone which already has a small enough screen. Post games that atleast go fullscreen. Or. Put them hidden deep inside a crap pile. thanks
what about a golf game? Seems the omigisoft 1.0x version is the only one I could find to work right.
Anyone had any luck with emulation for the TP2? I knew this thing didn't have a D-Pad so... portrait mode is out of question. Now landscape should work but doesn't... at least in full screen(1/6 of the screen to be exact!). The only ones that worked somewhat were Morph Gear (shows 1/6 of the full screen in landscape mode) and Pocket Nester (only portrait works but doesn't rotate when opening keyboard (YES, I tried pocket nester plus also and checked landscape with no avail). I have to admit something... I've been away from WM for a year now and have grow fond of Android. The app store is nice and everything is compatible. WM MAIN PROBLEM is most dev. have left for Apple/Android/Palm...(jk! about Palm, lol) and/or haven't updated their programs in 2 years. Plus, having 8 different common screen size resolutions doesn't help much either. Emulation (albeit, sounds silly) is (or should be) big part of my pda's functionality. The screen isn't as responsive as I had hoped for a smartphone without a d-pad/trackball either. Android/iphone's touch screen is super responsive and I figured WM would be better is they had added the newer capacitive type of touchscreen. I'm really thinking of returning this phone. For $300, it should have been a lot better. I bet developers will come back when WM6.5 comes around with the marketplace and all. But who knows... Before you all start flaming, please remember I've been here for several years and am just a little frustrated after hours of trying to figure out what works and what doesn't with my old programs. Also, if anyone finds a solution for better emulators, PLEASE feel free to post something. I will do the same as soon as I regain my composer and get some sleep. I really hate to completely abandon WM and would like to find a solution. The TP2 really has a lot of good points but I'm sure most know what they are and what are some of it's shortcoming (which are aggravating me right now). It is pretty new and will sure to have a lot more folks working behind this sub-forum section soon enough. It is a pretty damn cool phone... just pissing me off right now. Please make a comment or suggestion below.
Good night!
I believe Morph Gear WILL work out as a good all-around emulator. As resting my mind somewhat, I realized there is an option to stretch rom image to full screen in the individual emulator console settings (example: SNES console). Combined with the k for Raphael app., landscape mode WILL work. And about the touch screen and D-pad, more force on the touch screen DOES help for better responsiveness for use without the stylus. The D-pad is somewhat made up for with the zoom bar (which sometimes zooms or scrolls (depends on what app you're using). Since I have answered my own questions (without any help from you all! ), let this be a lesson to all newbies... even old folks (members, I should say) make mistakes. I think I'll keep the TP2 (major dilemma avoided) but WM should take a lesson from apple/android and get capacitive screens!
I guess we'll have to wait on WM7 for that though
I had the same problem with Pocket Nester. I actually had to revise my comment. This is basically a bump.
I have the (telus) TP2 and have got morph gear working if you have a ctrl key there is and easier way but to get it working on my phone i downloaded KforTouchPro and morphgear start KforTP and hit switch to M$ IME then minimize then slide out my keyboard and open morphgear (i have found sliding after causes plroblems) and then im free to play (however another issue if i touch the landscape Right side of the screen if gets all screwed up but if i touch the landscape Left side of the screen it goes full screen.
If you really wanna go portrait this MIGHT work
shawndh said:
I had the same problem with Pocket Nester. I actually had to revise my comment. This is basically a bump.
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I got pocket nester plus to work along with k for raphael. The up down left right arrows are backwards so it'll take a second to figure it out.
On my Wing, Pocket nester would work in landscape mode when I turned GAPI off in the graphics settings. haven't tried on the TP2 yet. The lack of a dpad is a game killer.
toadlife said:
On my Wing, Pocket nester would work in landscape mode when I turned GAPI off in the graphics settings. haven't tried on the TP2 yet. The lack of a dpad is a game killer.
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yeah, it takes some getting used to, for sure... I had PLENTY of practice with my good old HTC Dream (which has a trackball) but actually once you get used to the arrows and keys on the landscape physical keyboard, your gameplay improves. Mainly, becasue there is more room for your fingers. I used to use my HTC Wizard with the D-pad and it was great but some games were hard to play with the dpad and two hardware softkeys. BOY, that was a great phone! It had so many keys to map for portrait mode (5 plus the dpad! Another small flaw with the TP2. only volume keys and a back button are mappable. I'm sure we'll get the speaker/mute button working on the back soon enough. well, a bad strom is here and I am afraid for my pc's life... so I must go! lol... I hope my surge protector works well. **** it, I'm pulling the plug...
I use Morph Gear for my emulation. Although it slower then other programs it's still playable. I can use the keyboard for playing and can stretch the screen so It looks pretty good especially with the image smoothing on.
One thing I do recommend is FPSeCE this is a playstation emulator. You can search around google for version 9.6 it works great in landscape. The framerate is a bit slow on some games but most are playable. FFVII puts out around 30-40 frames for me with sound off and keyboard works great. Just make sure you have the GFX set to GAPI, Landscape right, and that you start the program with the keyboard open. If you do that you won't need the WVGA fix to use it.
I'm really curious if it might be possible to use a bluetooth controller... I would totally rock a BT modded SNES with my TP2... ::dreams::
toadlife said:
On my Wing, Pocket nester would work in landscape mode when I turned GAPI off in the graphics settings. haven't tried on the TP2 yet. The lack of a dpad is a game killer.
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i just cant for the life of me figure out why people still use these poorly written old fasioned emulators when SmartGear exists!!
full screen in landscape on my tp2 with FULL keyboard mapping support.
NES, TG16, GG, Gen, SMS, GB, GBC
tgwaste said:
i just cant for the life of me figure out why people still use these poorly written old fasioned emulators when SmartGear exists!!
full screen in landscape on my tp2 with FULL keyboard mapping support.
NES, TG16, GG, Gen, SMS, GB, GBC
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Never heard of smartgear. That's why I still used those old fashioned emulators. Unfortunately even the best software can't give the TP2 a dpad.
Thanks for the heads up. Ill give this a whirl.
toadlife said:
Never heard of smartgear. That's why I still used those old fashioned emulators. Unfortunately even the best software can't give the TP2 a dpad.
Thanks for the heads up. Ill give this a whirl.
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W A S Z work just fine as a dpad. then I O K L for X Y A B
tgwaste said:
i just cant for the life of me figure out why people still use these poorly written old fasioned emulators when SmartGear exists!!
full screen in landscape on my tp2 with FULL keyboard mapping support.
NES, TG16, GG, Gen, SMS, GB, GBC
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Tried Smartgear and its good!
Now it needs SNES and GBA support
WaLshy11 said:
Tried Smartgear and its good!
Now it needs SNES and GBA support
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ya, thats the only thing lacking.
feel free to let the author know you would like him to finish SNES:
toadlife said:
Never heard of smartgear. That's why I still used those old fashioned emulators. Unfortunately even the best software can't give the TP2 a dpad.
Thanks for the heads up. Ill give this a whirl.
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The days of the dpad are over unfortunately. Android ( G1-Magic) devs are now making touchscreen virtual dpads that work great for their emulators.
Hopefully we will see those soon here. They have some really nice emulators already.
tgwaste said:
W A S Z work just fine as a dpad.
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Maybe for you, but not for me. I play games where pressing diagonal directions is important. That doesn't work out so well when using a keyboard. Smartgear doesn't emulate the sound correctly on my favorite game, Bases Loaded. It's still a pretty good emulator though.
kable said:
The days of the dpad are over unfortunately. Android ( G1-Magic) devs are now making touchscreen virtual dpads that work great for their emulators.
Hopefully we will see those soon here. They have some really nice emulators already.
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Without a multi-touch screen, I think screen controls are a non-starter. Lack of tactile feedback is also a bummer.
toadlife said:
Maybe for you, but not for me. I play games where pressing diagonal directions is important. That doesn't work out so well when using a keyboard. Smartgear doesn't emulate the sound correctly on my favorite game, Bases Loaded. It's still a pretty good emulator though.
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the phone doesnt support multitouch though, so onscreen controls are going to be much worse than using WASZ
tgwaste said:
the phone doesnt support multitouch though, so onscreen controls are going to be much worse than using WASZ
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Check this out!
If I can get this to work, I'll be in business!
After the Dream
After seeing the amazing emulators for the G1/Dream (especially the gba emu) I am somewhat disappointed that the winmo emulators that are out are really no where near as good as whats running on android. My theory is that android has proper support for the graphics chip on board and this is just one more reason I think android running on a TP2 would open up so much potential for the TP2's hardware. But hey if someone could get an emulator running at full speed at the 800x480 resolution that would rock. I would even take 640x480 with black borders if it had good frame rates. Imagine running the tv-out and having your own console emulator. I really hope that the marketplace will open up doors for more support for these kinds of things like it did for android. My G1 has been out for a year next month and boy has it come a long way. Winmo has had a huge headstart which I think will help jumpstart the market.
my tp2 in the tmobile one unlocked so use orange and has an April 2010 version of athenos. are there any games 3d racing, fps, rts and other wise that suport the hardware keyboard and run well on this phone? i hate all the touch only nonsence trying to be an iphone. the difference between hermes and tytn2 with 2button press support was fantastic and if i can use the H/W keyboard it would make up for not having a dpad. I tried tony hawks 2 but runs upsidedown for me and about 5fps which is sad with little discernable difference after i renamed the dll in windows and moved the one in the th2 folder there.
im also gutted hardmarks scrabble doesnt work properly where the botton of the letter tiles is cut off.
finally is there opengl or 3d compatibility with the tp2? experience to date has been a little dissapointing and mobile shell 3.5 is a little laggy
thanks for any help you can throw my way
I've been disappointed by the amount of 3d games for our phones much less windows mobile .
Remember the phone is designed for business, but you can try an emulator. I use FPSEcE for PlayStation games. If you do enough reading on their forums you can get some good games running pretty well.
Well there are some fun games but not console type go on google and type
SuperMarioBros windows mobile
Xtracts windows mobile
Gears of War windows mobile
Ok there not much games right now for windows mobile but go to this website they have some freeware games made by independent developers like SuperMarioBrosHD , SuperMarioJump,Different pong versions, and Gears of War lite. Its located here
thanks alot for the replies and the links. i found air hocky again something i had on the the tytn 2 but it never played great but it was playable but i was surprised to see it run slower on my tp2.
id love an accerlerometer controlled game like the ps3 game with ducks on a tray whatever it was called it was strangley addictive and great fun to have a try each when its cold n wet out side.
i also really want hankmark scrabble as it is the only properly playable version out there it allows you to move tiles arround freely, look up words the lot all other versions fall way behind but the tiles dont display in their entirety so you cant see what letters you have! such a shame. anyone know a work arround? wvgafix doesnt work just makes it worse.
finally tonyhawks. how DO i flip the screen the other way?
tcSPVm3100 said:
thanks alot for the replies and the links. i also really want hankmark scrabble as it is the only properly playable version out there it allows you to move tiles arround freely, look up words the lot all other versions fall way behind but the tiles dont display in their entirety so you cant see what letters you have! such a shame. anyone know a work arround? wvgafix doesnt work just makes it worse.
finally tonyhawks. how DO i flip the screen the other way?
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I am in the same shoe as you! I had handmark's scrabble on my old I-Mate JAMin, but when I upgraded to Touch Pro 2 the CD wont install at all. So I bought a new Scrabble off Amazon and that wont work either. It needs "Palm Software" before it can install on my device. Handmark suggested I use a desktop running the XP but that did not work either. Handmark is essentially dancing around the issue of continued support for their Scrabble Software. When I asked them about the Scrabble being sold through 'Handango-in-Hand, they did not respond on that. If anybody here know how to make it work, please come to our aid.
Ive lurked around here for a while, It's about time I posted anyways. I can't get n0p's Dosbox to display correctly on my treo pro. I've feel like I've exhausted all configuration file(dosbox.conf) options and still no go. Ive tried all versions, 0.61-0.73. I've tried the screen rotating programs like rotateme.exe and mortbuttons as well. Also with realvga 128dpi and 96 dpi, and tried the programs ForcerHiRes and Nyditot Virtual Display to attempt to correct the treo's 320x320 to 320x240 but it's not forcing it for some reason. I have the same graphical problem on pocket quake, and pocket doom as well. I am running WM6.1. Does anybody know a workaround for this problem?
I also did the registry tweaks for changing angle/rotation, but they do nothing on the treo pro for some odd reason.