how do you guys control music player? - Touch HD General

the only way i found, is through the touch screen, the keys and the earphone both can not control the music player, i think it is stupid.

personally I installed AE Button and mapped the volume keys to be up/down
I can now scroll lists and pages and control the music tab wile the device is in my pocket


Use the volume button to navigate

I do not need the volume button, but would like to use it to Scroll up/down. How can I do that??
On a related note, is there any way to remap the phone keys to be used by other software? Two keys are really too little (cant even control WMP properly)

Unable to Map Windows Media Player Buttons

When I try to map functions of Windows Media Player it only allows me to map my UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, and ACTION buttons. I use these for Volume Up, down, next, previous, and play/pause, respectively. I want to map another button to toggle screen but when I try to assign the CONTACTS button for example- it goes to my contacts and doesn't assign.
Does everyone have this problem and if not any iideas on how to fix?
ps- I like WMP and don't want to switch to another music program

Volume Control using Scroll wheel?

I used to have a T-mobile MDA for 2+ years and I'm very acustomed to simply sliding a button up/down in order to increase/decrease ringer volume ( I simply hold it down for a few secs and it goes to slient).
I just got my HTC and find that the scroll wheel wants to scroll items on my "today" screen...instead of controlling the volume!!
Is this standard or is there a way I can have the scroll wheel control the Ringer?
i too want to know how to do this!
Anyone have any ideas on this? It's my only gripe left on the XV6800 and I've searched for quite a while trying to find any resolution.
If you open up the speaker icon, you can then use the scroll wheel to adjust the volume settings. Believe you can aslo adjust the volume with the scroll wheel when the phone is ringing.
Any better solutions than this?!
I'm not sure about it. One day out of nowhere my Mogul started using the scroll wheel as the volume control, even when I had programs opened (contacts, PIE, etc..) that I would use the scroll wheel with, it controlled the volume. It opened up the menu and would raise/lower, put into vibrate/silent. I don't remember installing any applications or anything, but I lost functionality of it as a volume control after just a soft-reset. I personally thought it was annoying trying to scroll through 175+ contacts and having the volume slider pop up instead.
I would assume there's some sort of background application you can acquire that allows this, but I haven't found one yet.
I was annoyed that the wheel doesn't control volume at will so I downloaded S2U2 (slide to unlock) and that program comes with a master volume control for the phone volume and in-call volume. I set it to one of my buttons on the left, its awesome.

Screen off while listening media player

I want to turn off the screen while listening to the media player on the speaker. Normally this can be fixed by configuring a hardware button.
Open up Windows Media Player on your Pocket PC
Tap Menu > Options > tap the right arrow to toggle over to the Buttons tab
Tap the Buttons tab and scroll down the page to the end until you see the "Toggle Screen" option. Tap it to highlight it, then tap the Assign button and then press the button you 'll press to toggle the screen on or off.
Tap OK at the top of the screen and you're done.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
However, I can not find a button which works. Has anyone an idea to fix this?
yep me too
yep, i have this problem too. like to go to sleep listening to the player but then the light stays on the whole time!
any update
A work around
I have had the same problem. My solution is to use AE button plus.
I've assigned Volume up key as follows. 1 click - up arrow, 2 click - page up and long click - volume up.
(Similar for down volume)
Next in media player I assigned up volume key to toggle screen.
Now when I 1x click volume up the screen toggles, but if I long click I get volume bar which then allows volume keys to work as normal ie Single clicks up/down volume.
alternatively if you're just listening to music you could install nitrogen player. which is far better than the standard media player (imo)
just press the 'power' icon and the screen will switch off and the audio continue to play.
tracksuit said:
alternatively if you're just listening to music you could install nitrogen player. which is far better than the standard media player (imo)
just press the 'power' icon and the screen will switch off and the audio continue to play.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Pocket music is also good
Nitrogen! It's superb. And, the volume buttons still work with the screen off (although the latest build links its own volume to the system volume which causes problems - I use v1.0 which leaves system volume separate).
You can use PowerOptions to turn off the screen while listening to music, see here :
This is a trick that works with the Touch.
1. play some music with the Headphones jacked in
2. with the headphones still in, turn off the screen
3. pull out your headphones and the mediaplayer will use the built in speaker, even though the screen is OFF.
try it and report the results
no warranty, since it works with my Touch, but I don´t know, it may work with the Diamond II.
Didn´t work
I got my Diamond 2 last weekend and I tried this without success.
Sorry guys

No volume control in the default music player ?

Is there a way to change the volume that a track is playing at without using the hard buttons on the side?
When the phone is docked (cassette/paper clip etc) the buttons end up at the bottom edge, forcing you lift the phone, change the volume and place it back.
I know this can be done via Settings, widgets etc, but shouldn't it be possible in the "music player" ?
Anyone have info about the Nemo player? (from the Liquid)
