So can anyone tell me where the theme + icons can be found...I took a look to no prevail.
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It's not a Theme!
Post 5
It is the normal Glass Clock and transparent (invisible) Top & Bottom Bar.
You can it change with the manila customizer.
BassX said:
It's not a Theme!
Post 5
It is the normal Glass Clock and transparent (invisible) Top & Bottom Bar.
You can it change with the manila customizer.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ok, I see where I get the icons...where can I find the transparent clocks and invisible top and bottom bars? What about the wallpaper?
I have transparent clock only
transparent top & bottom bar (no curtain)
I have 2 versions for you found on on this forum:
"NoCurtains" ... for top & bottom
"NoTopCurtain" ... for top only
(they can be installed and uninstalled at any time)
Iphone Nargz Dialpad without WM topbar bottombar?
[EDIT] maybe I found just here now [/EDIT]
any helpful links/idea to hide/overwrite the top and bottombar from the dialpad?
I wanne have it so:
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now Iphone Nargz Dialpad is :
I found same threads with modified top and bottom-bar, but I not found out ..
FunnySnake-TKCreater-2.0 (
.. releases vjtoggletoday
xdevs Top and bottom bar = black?
Transparent Task bar
Black without bottom bar
xdev: img
PS. by the way: iPhone-style-german-links:
**Updated 20.4.08** Added more colorful Icons, MobileMatt v.2
I will upload the PNG Icons soon...
As I was building my Today Screen, I was in need of some plain text Icons for Spb Pocket Plus. So I made these as a starting point for a set and thought I would share what I have so far.
The attached are in PNG 128X128 and converted for Spb Pocket Plus set.
More to come....
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These are great! They look awesome on my phone! Thanks for posting them!
New Icon set added...
Good job mchapman! Glad to see another icon set with text. Keep it up.
Is there a way to make the navigation bars for windows mobile 6.1 white?
If you don't know what i mean i'm talking about the green bars at the top and bottom of the today screen:
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I would like the bars to still be 3D, not flat.
Thanks in advance, uzzy
mmh, this things are called top or taskbar and at the buttom are softkeys my friend, so better search with this. and you cant do that because wm uses white icons for the topbar as you see on your screenshot, and white on white isnt really readable. maybe with wisbar advance its possible because of using different icons.
use wisebar advance my friend
it works perfect for me
u can use tweak2k2 software to change the color of the bars with 3d style
the icons my friend, the icons are white !!!!! look at the bell, the envelope etc. this is no text this is windows mobile graphics !
Hi all,
I have noticed on a few themes, including my own I am trying to create that the icon in front of the slider is actually smaller.
See this screenshot from my own Diamond:
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And also see on leopardone's theme - same small icon in front of slider:
Now all I did was replace the 128x128 icons, 64x64 icons and my top and bottom bar.
The icon in front of the slider looks like it is a 48x48 or there abouts.
Anyone have any idea how to keep the icon the same (64x64) size???
I know NisseDILLIGAF made the icon infront of the slider invisible - is it possible to use the same method to create a larger icon in front of the slider? I've even tried other slider's such as the shiny sprint one - they all have shrunk icons. I am running Dutty's ROM 1.8...
Thanks all!
Anyone know
How It Looks
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Youtube video
Get Ifonz latest version
Unzip the attached icon pack and copy both background.png and all icons to one folder on your storage/internal card...
Use the attached background.jpg as a background in Ifonz settings
Set Icon size in Ifonz settings to 64x64 and the number of icons per page to 9
Set both top and bottom bar to transparent (still in Ifonz settings)
Go to edit for each bottom icon and put there the transparent icon which is by default in the gfx folder of Ifonz...
Go to edit for each icon of the page (except bottom) and choose your icon within attached pack
don't hesitate let me know if you need help...