[App] Pocket Wiki version 1.0 - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Pocket Wiki is an application used to take notes and link pages together. One of the goals I had was to make this easy to type information on my AT&T Tilt keyboard, and not have to use the stylus to link pages and add mark-up. The result was a new syntax that I created that uses "/" to indicate a markup tag.
I use it to create pages for my clients, and then each client page has linked pages to project, contact, documents pages.
A long term goal is to support other wiki syntax via a plug-in. There is another wiki project at Basic4PPC that is more robust that uses a different wiki syntax, but it supports my "/" syntax as well (I was a contributor to that project) Possible future wiki syntax would be one that Dokuwiki or picoWiki uses.
This software may/may not be useful to anyone else, but since I have gained so much from using xda-developers from everyone else I wanted to give something back.
- Open source written in Basic4PPC (code posted in forums)
- Markup uses "/" tags, stylus not necessary, quick to type
- Themes
- PC and Windows Mobile versions (same code)
User Guide
The wiki has a wiki page with help on the "/" slash syntax. It also allows you to use pure HTML mark-up.
Latest version is 1.0, code maintained at http://pocketwiki.codeplex.com


New version V7 of C# IDE Mobile

New version V7 of C# IDE Mobile
C# IDE Mobile is an application (totally free) that I've developed to be able to develop with C#/.NET2CF directly on the Pocket PC-Windows Mobile 5/6 (it doesn't require the .NET SDK, you don't need a desktop computer).
You can download the new version at:
or from my personal page:
This new version mainly adds the following improvements:
- Added "light" support for user plugins (allowing users to create plugins to facilitate/automate development in conjunction of copy/paste)
- Resolved major (but rare) issue with scope management
- Floats are now parsed culture independent
- Reworked undo/cut/copy/paste to use WM clipboard (Paste no longer moves the scroll/caret and copy/paste works with other apps)
- Fixed negative number declarations (like "int i=-1;", "if(i<-5)", …)
- Fixed support for escape characters ('\n', '\r', '\r\r', '\t')
- Fixed support for char types and array initialisation
Anyone tried?
Has anyone had a try ?
nope. do you need to write code using a mobile?
I guess that's a legitimate question... It depends on a few things. It happens that I'm often in a situation when using my laptop isn't convenient (or bringing it with me wasn't), like on the train, in cafes, in waiting rooms, on customer sites, on vacation, sometimes at home or at work, ...
I just like to think of my PPC as a fully capable computer (I do much of my writting on it to, not to mention emails, MSN, ...), so as a developer I want t be able to develop on it (even if my IDE clearly has limitations for now).
In the end I always take the code back to my desktop machine and compile it to native PPC, but it has often been written directly on the PPC (I have a TyTN with keyboard, making this quite productive).

New version V11 of C# IDE Mobile (MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS)

New version V11 of C# IDE Mobile (MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS)
C# IDE Mobile is an application (totally free) that I've developed to be able to develop with C#/.NET2CF directly on the Pocket PC-Windows Mobile 5/6 (it doesn't require the .NET SDK, you don't need a desktop computer).
You can download the new version at:
or from my personal page:
MAJOR IMPROVEMENTS: This version includes a Windows Form Designer which greatly helps in creating your application's user interfaces. This designer is available in C# IDE Mobile via the menu "Tools/UserPlugin/ControlEditor" (and therefore works directly on the PPC). This greatly reduces the amount of written code for the application and allows getting a GUI very quickly (a few clicks)
This designer (free, like C# IDE Mobile) is developed by Jean and an introduction/presentation (although in French, but has some pictures to illustrate) is available here:
http://pagesperso-orange.fr/asnora/Control Editor/Control Editor.htm
This new version mainly adds the following improvements:
- Included new Windows Forms Designer (yes, you can a Windows Form designer usable directly on the PPC) developed by Jean (http://pagesperso-orange.fr/asnora/Control Editor/Control Editor.htm)
- Added support for compiled User Plugins (DLL instead of css)
- Added replacement File Dialog for smartphones on which the default .NET2CF FileDialog DLL is missing (this seems to be the case sometimes)
- Corrected issue with "Format document"
- Added support for user DLLs: You can now place your own CF DLLs (generated with Visual Studio for example) in the "UserDLLs" folder and call your functions within them (you can create your API for example in a native CF DLL and call these functions from your C# IDE Mobile code)
Just some infos....
In fact there's a translation on Jean's Web Site for the Form Designer and also I corrected a minor issue with the autatic code formatting (there was an ASSERT in there, but you just needed to say "ignore" to the debug dialog, so it doesn't really matter, the version is now V11b).
Great tool! Thanks.
Microsoft assemblies
This is certainly a very interesting tool and probably will keep me happily busy!! But I seem to have a problem that I cannot find relative info: I'm trying to access the camera through the Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Forms.CameraCaptureDialog class, but the type cannon be resolved. I have verified that the appropriate GAC dll exists in the Windows directory. I cannot find the class/assembly in the MS.NETCF index either.
Any hints?
Thank you!
ps. I'm on a kaiser with CF 3.5 and Schap's WM6.1 Beta Rom.
nicely done sir
Sorry, I've only just seen the post about Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Forms.CameraCaptureDialog. As I post on a few forums I don't always see answers that come a long time after the posts, that's why I leave my email easily accessible on the web site... don't worry about emailing me, I'm not planning on building a "spam" database...
I'll look quickly, there's also a similar problem with DataGrid it seems. I think these are both the same problem and should be sorted out quite easily.

Personal PPCWiki

I have begun writing a Wiki program for my PPC.
I wanted to be able to access and carry all my technical information with me and not rely on being able to connect to a web based wiki. I must admit this was based on another wiki program called "Blade Wiki", but not having all the features I wanted I decided to write my own.
I originally only wrote this program for my own use, but have decided to release it to anyone who might have a use for it. I have released it as open source. The source code can be found at Basic4PPC.
Quik Easy Markup
Mostly compatible with Blade Wiki
Take phots and save them directly into your wiki
Draw and save it into wiki
Some SQL data base connectivity
all files saved as text files
Field encryption
Code folding
Include one wiki page inside another
Will only run on WM5 and WM6. Needs dotnet V2.
NOTE:Do not sync "pppcw.ini" from desktop to ppc
Its probably not quit ready for a Wiki novice, but it does work well for me.
Getting Started:
Create a directory inside your MyDocuments folder perhaps "MyWikis".
Copy "wikistyle.css" to each wiki folder that you create.
Now simply open PPPWiki and navigate there.
Happy Wiki-ing
This Post Reserved
Reserved post for comments
tsteward said:
I have begun writing a Wiki program for my PPC.
I wanted to be able to access and carry all my technical information with me and not rely on being able to connect to a web based wiki. I must admit this was based on another wiki program called "Blade Wiki", but not having all the features I wanted I decided to write my own.
I originally only wrote this program for my own use, but have decided to release it to anyone who might have a use for it. I have released it as open source. The source code can be found at Basic4PPC.
Quik Easy Markup
Mostly compatible with Blade Wiki
Take phots and save them directly into your wiki
Draw and save it into wiki
Some SQL data base connectivity
all files saved as text files
Field encryption
Code folding
Include one wiki page inside another
Will only run on WM5 and WM6. Needs dotnet V2.
NOTE:Do not sync "pppcw.ini" from desktop to ppc
Its probably not quit ready for a Wiki novice, but it does work well for me.
Getting Started:
Create a directory inside your MyDocuments folder perhaps "MyWikis".
Copy "wikistyle.css" to each wiki folder that you create.
Now simply open PPPWiki and navigate there.
Happy Wiki-ing
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This is a really good implementation and enhancement of Dale's bLADE Wiki. I started using his wiki program last year to help organize my notes. I used to use Notepad to take quick notes, then try to organize them into directories that made sense so I could find them later. Not only was that a lot of effort to keep organized, I would often lose something or more likely update the wrong text file.
When I saw how I could use a wiki to organize everything, it was information organization nirvana for me.
digitaldon37 said:
This is a really good implementation and enhancement of Dale's bLADE Wiki. I started using his wiki program last year to help organize my notes. I used to use Notepad to take quick notes, then try to organize them into directories that made sense so I could find them later. Not only was that a lot of effort to keep organized, I would often lose something or more likely update the wrong text file.
When I saw how I could use a wiki to organize everything, it was information organization nirvana for me.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
At the moment I am working on Namespace feature so you can have the best of both worlds, A wiki and also keep data in its respective directory.
I found the wiki to be great and it has helped me get organised, but I didn't like that fact that every file was all in one directory.
So at the moment a link to another page is [page_name]. The namespace version will allow [sub_directory\page_name]. Helping to organise your information even better.
Ok not a lot of interest here.
If you really want to see what this program is capable of please come to my home page
Personal PPC Wiki Home Page http://pppcwiki.freehostia.com/

HTTP Server on WM6

Hi Guys!
I'd like to create a webserver on wm6 so I can contact to Localhost ( to retrieve Phone info.
Purpose is a Flash app which uses GPS and Camera (Those or not accessable with actionscript)
I want the server to put GPS and Camera information on the localhost.
I know Freestyl (aka WhoNeedsAnIphone) uses a http server to pass some device variables to their flash app. But the project stopt and no code was released.
For Nokia Phone there's a Tool called KuneriLite to acces phone info with Flash.
I Also found Depeche But I don't really understand it....
Any Help/Code/App is welcome.
Hi, take a look here: http://goahead.com/products/webserver/download.aspx
I played around with it some time ago.
It has a lot of features like cgi and so on.
Nice Solution....
It Works but im more into C# then C++..
Is there a C# solution for this?
All help is welcome
Depending on how many of the HTTP verbs you really need to support (ie, do you just want to respond to a HTTP get for a certain url?) you could knock up a simple HTTP server in C# in an hour or two tops.
There's tonnes of examples of simple HTTP servers in C# on the web...
Sounds good,
But i'm only able to find C# webservers for PC, not for windows mobile...
The only thing the server has to do is respond from the code, so i dont have to load actual ASP/HTML pages...
Just a listener on Localhost, if i request localhost/req?GetVar=Cam
I can do something like WriteRespone("Cam=" + SomeSysVar)
Here you go
Attached is a C# simple http server application that I knocked up based on the MSDN sample at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb397809.aspx.
I've not tested it on a phone.
The sample is for the compact framework.
Should work without any hassle.
Complete source included and the simplest parsing possible (currently responds to a http GET request for / with a chunk of HTML with "1" as the body).
Good luck, have fun.
(Oh and I just noticed there's a confusingly commented out line that says "write response" in the source, remove / ignore it.)
You can test the windows app from a web browser by pointing at http://localhost:83
apologies, i meant to close another thread.
Thnx Alot
Found this solution: http://bansky.net/blog/2007/10/compact-web-server-in-compact-framework/
It Worked for me ;-)
That looks like a good general purpose solution
My example is tailored towards specific custom processing over HTTP rather than serving of files -> in the style of a RESTful API.
From the look of it you can do a similar thing with the Compact Web server by hooking up what the author labels a "Special file type" and adding your custom handling code in there.
That said, you could actually edit my example to File.Open whatever was passed as a parameter off the disk and stream that back to the client, providing a more standard HTTP server without configuration.
Nice simple solution u've got!
I will try to get it to work the way i want,
lookin' @ the amount of code it should be a lot faster then my previous solution.
Just noticed a very small bug. I'm refactoring the code to be a little better engineered. I'll upload a new sample shortly (you may have already managed to make use of it).
Right, I've re-engineered the code a little.
While the example now isn't contained in a single file, the source is now far more logical, readable and maintainable.
You'll notice the code that actually deals with the request is now hidden away in the HttpVerbs namespace.
Basically if you look at the file HttpGet.cs there's a good working example of how to implement whatever behaviour you like based off of a HTTP Get request to the server.
Code's pretty decent now, slightly more ready for prime time than previously, generally more type-safe and doesn't rely on string parsing all over the place.
Can you please put here binary (exe file) for Windows Mobile 6.1?

How do you get the full article downloaded with Newsbreak or SPB News??

Hi all, I know you can get some rss feeders that purport to download the entire article so you can read it all even offline, but I have not as yet found out how to get either Newsbreak (which I am not sure if it does) or SPB News (which does but I cant figure it out) to do this... can anyone please help me with easy to follow instructions so I can get the full article to read off line etc... thanks in advance...
Spb News can, sort of...
I am using Spb News on my HD2. It is not (and by far) the best RSS reader out there but for a selected number of feeds, there are indeed "templates" which will fetch you the full articles instead of what would otherwise just look like a worthless bunch of tweets. Here is a short extract of the developer's documentation:
Templates in Spb Insight project are intended to download and parse web documents of different kind, mostly news sites. Since different web sites have very different page formatting, a template needs to be created for every site. A template contains information about the site and code to help parse content, clean it up from menus, advertisements and so on.
The template language was created with easiness, popularity and conformity to internet standards in mind. Wide-spread internet language Jscript (a.k.a. ECMAScript) was chosen as the basic language, wrapped with XML to enable metadata processing, such as channel names etc.
One template can contain definitions for multiple channels, as there are usually several channels on one site that has the same formatting and the parsing code for them should be shared.​
Despite the recent release of the renamed v2.0 (from Insight to News) bringing next to nothing new, Spb has seemingly moved their resources away from this product so that the "channels" are no longer kept up-to-date. It is now essentially a matter of trial&error to find out those feeds from the online catalogue that still can return you the full articles, or, you program yourself a template. A third option is to use one of the user-contributed templates directly from the forum.
Good luck and happy news reading!
Thanks for the info, I was hoping there would be an easy (ier) solution as I am not that savvy with technamolology...
I will have a look and see if I cant figure it all out... cheers.

