Touchflo 3D on G1? - G1 General

Well I think Touchflo 3D will look and run nice on the G1. But is it possible?

Anything's possible if there's a need and a developer with the desire.
But I seriously doubt it.

What do you want that for?
Enjoy your android.

It's possible but I highly doubt anyone will do it. The existing interface is freaking beautiful and besides that, I don't think devs are looking to copy any windows mobile phones with the G1. We might see some different interfaces than the current one crop up but I doubt they'll be lifted from a WM phone.


Can you flash these with a WM6.5 Rom?

Just asking if anyone has attempted to flash the "Google" phones with a Windows mobile rom yet? Is it possible. Is anyone looking into it?
No its not possible, and GOD NO! Why the hell would you want to DESTROY a perfectly good phone with that CRAP?
I 100% agree with lbcoder,
why oh why would you want to flash it with a Windows Mobile OS ...
Oh FFS!!! WM on a sapphire....Android on a TD....WTF is wrong with you people??
You want one, buy it. you want the other, buy that. personally, after many years of WM, having been using android pretty much exclusively since i recieved a proto magic in early feb, i have no intention of going back!!
By the way....Nice to see you finally stopped trolling and started posting Jedi!
my god
The Numnuts
Chuckle chuckle
missing the point
you guys are a little hard on the OP, a site like xda is all about getting android to run on winmo device and vice versa!
I think that it could be very hard to use winmo in an android device. Android requires some specific hardware and I'm pretty sure, trying this, could be the better way to brick the phone :/
The bootloader isn't made for this... But maybe, it's possible anyway. Like the exploit to run debian over android (without changing anything). The limits of this system will surely be that android doesn't use a real X server (If I've well understand it uses some kind of framebuffer light X).
And to rejoin other voices... WHY, GOD WHY?!?
..agree with everyone's sentiment. Also, I don't think WM supports capacitive touchscreen displays.
TheStrider said:
..agree with everyone's sentiment. Also, I don't think WM supports capacitive touchscreen displays.
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This is true, besides a heap of drivers would need to be coded aswell.
If you want a Windows Mobile phone we can trade, you have my HTC Diamond with WinMo 6.5 and I'll have your HTC Magic
lbcoder said:
No its not possible, and GOD NO! Why the hell would you want to DESTROY a perfectly good phone with that CRAP?
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totally agree!
I'm pretty sure it's possible... Nothing is impossible. After all it is a "normal" phone with a Qualcomm chipset (The same as in several HTC phones + Xperia X1). Isn't Windows Phone (?) 7 supposed to support capacitive screens?
WM has more applications, thats one big reason. Its like comparing Windows with OS X, just because you got a Mac doesnt meen you want OS X. People buy stuff because they look good and at first dont think about what software they are going to use.
You cant run Age Of Empire or Duke Nukem on Android, etc.
If all you want is CRAP, but if you want crap, you should buy crap. There is no reason to buy this device when you want something different.
And no, it is not possible because of a lack of compatible drivers, and just because there are a few similar features doesn't mean that everything lines up. Fact is that it would be a *major* undertaking to run crap on these phones. To start with, you would have to write a new bootloader, and I doubt that that is going to happen since most real developers are more interested in converting wm phones to run android than the other way around.
And fyi: these devices dont have the right set of physical buttons to run wmcrap.
While I agree it would be neat to dual boot WinMo and Android on any hardware you wanted, I think it's pretty unlikely that anyone is going to bother going to all that effort since there are already hundreds of WinMo phones out there.

IF HTC offer free upgrade to Windows phone 7 would you install it on your Leo??

Just wondered now Microsoft have revealed WP7 what are your thoughts? My opinion is that it looks like a step back. I love that WM6.5 is so versatile and customizable and the new offering looks like a step away from this and into consumer land.
Not right away, except for testing. But there won't be any apps to get the level of useability we have now at release time.
I would totally upgrade! WP7 looks SOOOO nice... For me 6.5 isn't a modern OS... It's old and ugly... And the app development has stagnated... WP7 will be the new, fresh start we have been waiting for.. Please HTC, give us the upgrade!!!
I would flash it but a custom one, maybe HTC's to try it on, to see what all the fuzz is about.... anyway, if portability of applications is impossible from WM6.5 and below, It wouldn't beof much use to me (If I want music or videos only in my device, I could as well get another one that is dedicated to only doing that a.k.a. iphone). The good side about wm6.5 and below is the flixibility of the system (playing videos as well as office documents, etc.)... just my opinion.
I would definitely try it out atleast, trying it out and seeing what I'm gaining/losing and then deciding to be honest. It won't be for everyone that's for sure. I'm curious to see how Microsoft will support WM 6 after 7 launches?
I would install it for testing only. Gonna stick with 6.5 until 7 is more mature and has a bit more going for it. I like that it seems basic and clean but I'm hoping that they still keep the very in depth settings and leave room for the consumer to tweak it, instead of locking it down like the iPhone os.
I agree with you Lindsaydr. Too consumer / provider focused. I use my phone to call people, txt/chat/email, web browse and run apps (some media based). I don't want an OS that seems focused on providing me an online store to buy stuff.
Have it modular and allow me to disable all the consumer/provider modules and I'll be happy.
In it's current state, I wouldn't install it to use for over a week. I'd install it just to check it out though.
I hope it changes. Otherwise Apple, Android, Windows Phone 7 will all be pretty much the same with different UI. All consumer/provider based and trying to lock you into their little world. I think Android is a little less of that.
well it still seems like there's quite a few months for things to change in Windows Phone 7 but it does seem like a good fresh start for Windows Mobile. Would be awesome if you could dual boot 6.5 and 7 on the HD2 although i guess that would be close to impossible
Two words: BUTT UGLY.
Thank you; no.
Forward to 6:51:30 and pay close attention to the her hand raised to her Ear @ 6:51:38 and Pause....that bak of the HTC HD2 !!!!!!
They have masked the front of the phone with CGI...LoL
HTC HD2 .....YEP !!! there it is !!!
that's a partially silly question
It's like keeping XP on a phenom because it's lighter than seven...
It's clearly quite a leap, so only a few will install it right away, there will be most probably compatibility problems with some applications, yet it will be the choice that "makes sense" to go for it, even if after a while, when more developers settle their applications to work in that environment.
I need WM7 in my HD2!
UncleBeer said:
Two words: BUTT UGLY.
Thank you; no.
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I know I am supposed to like it, but... bleh...the design sense is not the strongest feature of MS and it never has been. Sure, the guy who designed "metro" knows something about tennis shoes, but I don't like the new UI. It's trying too hard to be minimalist, modern and cool, but it looks like a major fail so far. YMMV.
:ducking the flames:
I was reading the "Microsoft hits redial in phone effort (Q&A)" on cnet. It sounds like 4 point multitouch instead of 2 is going to a requirement. Does the HD2 even have that in hardware? Its going to be officially no go without it.
Think i'll wait for sp1 myself.
not touching it, from what I've seen so far.
I'll stay with 6.5.5.
i loved wp7 series very smooth very fast very easy
htcplussony said:
I was reading the "Microsoft hits redial in phone effort (Q&A)" on cnet. It sounds like 4 point multitouch instead of 2 is going to a requirement. Does the HD2 even have that in hardware? Its going to be officially no go without it.
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I'm seriously trying to envision just how a 4 point multitouch system would work.
I am really not coming up with any viable scenario where FOUR fingers need to be used simultaneously to do something on my phone.
Seriously....What is that? A four-finger click will send an email to your mom asking her to bake cookies for you this weekend? Seriously. I am all in favor of improved function, but too many times with Microsoft we are forced to deal with what someone else tells us we are supposed to find intuitive and useful and very often, this is not the case.
I definitely would. I like the new UI, despite what other people may think. Although I would like for it to have Sense on it also.
donalgodon said:
I know I am supposed to like it, but... bleh...the design sense is not the strongest feature of MS and it never has been. Sure, the guy who designed "metro" knows something about tennis shoes, but I don't like the new UI. It's trying too hard to be minimalist, modern and cool, but it looks like a major fail so far. YMMV.
:ducking the flames:
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+200. I used to like Nike shoes at some point, but in the last 10(?) years they've gotten too funky for me or I've gotten too old. Regardless of who made the UI, I don't like it either.

With WM7 looking increasingly crap, do you think HTC will continue to develop Sense?

I was expecting Sense development to dwindle to nothing over the next year, with WM 7 on the horizon.
But with WM7 looking increasingly poo (from today's announcements: no removable storage card, no customisations, limited copy/paste, no file manager, DRM all over, and generally all the problems the iphone had 4 years afo), I'm hoping we may see a decent after-life from 6.5.
Not that I like 6.5: It's customisable, a sound operating system, and an open-platform, but it's also clunky and ugly as hell.
But I'm hoping we may now see Sense continue to evolve (new Facebook tab etc), when before I was expecting it to come to a halt, minus the odd patch here and there.
Anyways, I love Sense. It masks 6.5 very well and is a great interface for a mobile phone. Here's hoping it will become more extensible and feature-filled in the future.
smeddy said:
do you think HTC will continue to develop Sense?
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Yup, for Android.
Hello, Desire.
To be honest, from what I've seen of Windows Phone Series 7 I'd rather have Sense or a sense like interface on any operating system rather than use the "7" interface. HTC will continue to develop Sense, but will they be able to do so for "7"? Potentially they may be allowed to create a portal to Sense within the "7" Interface scheme (sorry, I can't remember what you call each of the tabs on "7", I found it too boring to remember when watching the various MWC videos. I wasn't "Super Excited" )but you probably wouldn't be able to have the phone boot up into that as a default interface for the full phone and you might not be able to use sense for certain functions (messaging dialer etc.). This is all speculation on my part of course).
HTC introduced a new version of Sense on Android at Mobile World Congress and stated that existing Sense users on Android will get a free upgrade. I expect HTC to keep developing it.
With a gtood enough interface, connectivity, function and features I really shoudn't care what the underlying operating system is.
My honest opinion.
Althougg i like the look of wp7s i think its not efficent in the sense you need to do too much scrolling to navigate. The best use of speedy navigation is icons in a grid format so you see more links per page and less scrolling. like the iphone. btw i love my hd2 and never owned an iphone.
I'm definitely choose "Sense" rather than "I-**** like WM7"...
Seems Android is the way to go..
I was pretty excited seeing the live launch thing. It looked pretty cool, fresh, original UI if you will. Right now I'm actually thinking about sticking with 6.5. That OS can do almost anything when compared to that non-multitasking protected and closed off bunch of tiles... I don't know right now, I'll need it on my device at least once.
That being said I'm too starting to hope on further development of Sense. As said above, it's a really great and fast UI to use and looks good too. And you can customize it, 'make it yours', right?
I agree. with what I have see and heard I am not interested in WM7. If 6.5X still gets developed I will stay otherwise I will move to Android.
However until WM7 is actually released I will sit on the fence. As previously seen a lot of facts seem to be unproven in the long run.
tboy2000 said:
Althougg i like the look of wp7s i think its not efficent in the sense you need to do too much scrolling to navigate. The best use of speedy navigation is icons in a grid format so you see more links per page and less scrolling. like the iphone. btw i love my hd2 and never owned an iphone.
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The title fonts are huge and it other font sizes could be smaller. I know that WP7s wants WVGA initially.. but all the screen I've seen seem to make me think they didn't use the space efficiently. It seems more like they designed it for HVGA.
I doubt HTC will continue Sense for WM considering WM7 you CANNOT have Sense UI at all so why even bother..
I also think HTC is moving more towards Android now..
I myself have been tempted to move to Andriod but i've been a WinMo user since dunno when and have gotten soooo used to it i can't imaging moving to a new OS altogether and i love the way i'm going to have WinMo7 in it even if it does get supported..
No WVGA, No Cut & Paste, No File explorer, No Sense UI, no Flash, No installs from cab files, not backward compatible...with more to come each day...Why would i even want to use Winmo7? It sounds sooo primitive.
Who knows after the HD2, I just might move to Android, not because i want to but because ultimately i believe i have to...
You know, I used to be Apple sheep, and only recently (1 year) I started using windows and dabbled here and there on Linux, and realized how much freedom you have on these devices and not being told what programs are cool to use and all that.
iPhone was cool because I didn't know any better.
Now that I've started to see just what windows/mobile has to offer, I feel like Neo, waking up in the tank from the Matrix.
And here's Windows Phone 7 Series. Microsoft killed the little resistance group and the only salvation they offer is to go back to the tank and back to the Matrix. said:
And here's Windows Phone 7 Series. Microsoft killed the little resistance group and the only salvation they offer is to go back to the tank and back to the Matrix.
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It does seem like Microsoft is turning it's back on those loyal to Windows Mobile to appeal more to the iFashion brigade. I foresee this pushing a lot of us away from WPS7 towards Android.
xda developers site will be in the future just for android as wp7 is closed os ,and i will be android to get xda support
hoss_n2 said:
xda developers site will be in the future just for android as wp7 is closed os ,and i will be android to get xda support
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Please stop telling BS.
Have a look at the little discussion about the WP7 emulator image, a lot of stuff in there is similar to WM6.5, so there's a lot of "openness" to hacks...
kilrah said:
Please stop telling BS.
Have a look at the little discussion about the WP7 emulator image, a lot of stuff in there is similar to WM6.5, so there's a lot of "openness" to hacks...
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iam wating
XDA is gonna pull through for us one way or another.
You have my word.
If HTC calls time on Sense for WM, I hope they will unlock some of the features so we can customise it (e.g. new/unlimited tabs)

Windows Mobile on the Hero?

Call me old-fashioned, but I'm wondering if it is possible to have Windows Mobile on HTC Hero - not as a dual boot, but instead of Android?
Are there any chefs out there developing Windows Mobile ROMs for the Hero?
I currently have HC Diamond and have been a very happy user of Makevaral's BsB ROMs, but I am getting HTC Hero on upgrade so I'm wondering if I can get WM on it.
I didn't put this question in the "Android Development" forum because it's not the development of Android that I am asking about.
Not possible, there are other threads on it if you search.
meirionwyllt said:
Call me old-fashioned, but I'm wondering if it is possible to have Windows Mobile on HTC Hero - not as a dual boot, but instead of Android?
Are there any chefs out there developing Windows Mobile ROMs for the Hero?
I currently have HC Diamond and have been a very happy user of Makevaral's BsB ROMs, but I am getting HTC Hero on upgrade so I'm wondering if I can get WM on it.
I didn't put this question in the "Android Development" forum because it's not the development of Android that I am asking about.
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Hero may be a downgrade then, worse screen.
I had the diamond...
Hero with android is so much better
With 2.1 Rom.. it kills the HTC Diamond
i have had the Td2 and the hero and the hero wins easily!
meirionwyllt said:
Call me old-fashioned
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Old-Fashioned !
since there are (from the hardware specs point of view) great winmo phones, why would you want to go through the trouble of putting winmo on a hero? the hero is a great phone, but if you want winmo (god knows why...) just get a winmo phone, you'll save yourself a lot of trouble.
this is not bashing, this is asking why.
1. don't get the Hero if you're happy with windows mobile. no point.
2. get the Hero and forget about that crap.
ex owner of Diamond here
Sent from my Hero using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
winmo is immposible to install on hero becasue of hardware and kernel ..
Why would you want to spoil your Hero by installing an outdated clunky OS, that MS are soon abandoning? I used to have the TD - the Hero is just so much better for both hardware and software.
As others have said if you want to stick with WM there are plenty of HTC WM phones out there - get one of those instead of the Hero
buy a fake chinese hero which is identical to hero (I think - only saw it on a video) and has winmo 6.5 pro
Thanks for your answers.
The reason I was asking is because I've taken Orange up on an offer of a HTC Hero free as an upgrade. I was initially going to sell it because of my old-fashioned nature and wanting to stick with MS. But then I thought of asking about the ROM just in case.
"an outdated clunky OS, that MS are soon abandoning?" - I hope you are right, that MS are indeed abandoning it in favour of Windows Phone 7. I hope it's a complete re-write of the code, rather than what MS usually do and regenerate old code and put it into "new" OS's.
I might have a play around with the Hero to see if I like it.
Windows mobile 7 is completely new, but will not work on any existing handsets.
back to android.
Android is great, fully customisable and there is no reason not to love it.
meirionwyllt said:
The reason I was asking is because I've taken Orange up on an offer of a HTC Hero free as an upgrade. I was initially going to sell it .
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Exactly what happened with me - it was going on Ebay and I was keeping the TD, until I made one mistake and did this
meirionwyllt said:
I might have a play around with the Hero to see if I like it.
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One little play and I was hooked.
In use the capacitive screen is so much better - do not believe those who say it is a worse screen because it has less resolution. In fact ease of use of the screen is the one thing that I always envied iphone users for when I watched them swipe easily between screens without ever accidently switching on an app.
And Android, especially with HTC's SenseUI, is much better than WM. Because of the WM interface (which HTC did their best to hide) I used my TD mainly as a phone and did not get the best out of it because of that. Now I use my Hero for a lot more. And I have not missed my old stylus one bit - I just let my fingers do the walking.
Let us know how you get on with your little play - try the market and see how easy it is to get all sorts of weird and wonderful apps that you never realised you needed, but you will find indispensible once you've got them. I bet you will be androided.

Windows 6.5.X ROM ?

the only way i will get this phone is if there is a Windows 6.5.X rom for it. Does anyone know where i can get a custom ROM from? I want to upgrade from my Touch pro 2 and dont want to switch over to droid!
Have you ever thought of searching it?
eazy2001x said:
the only way i will get this phone is if there is a Windows 6.5.X rom for it. Does anyone know where i can get a custom ROM from? I want to upgrade from my Touch pro 2 and dont want to switch over to droid!
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So you want to downgrade the Epic by installing WM6.5 on it? Just wait until the 7 Pro comes out, for the sake of sanity..please?
eazy2001x said:
the only way i will get this phone is if there is a Windows 6.5.X rom for it. Does anyone know where i can get a custom ROM from? I want to upgrade from my Touch pro 2 and dont want to switch over to droid!
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SWITCH, you won't regret it
amosher13 said:
SWITCH, you won't regret it
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x2, there are several WM converts on here that can assist you if you are looking for specific functions..Android has everything, just about.
mekeke said:
Have you ever thought of searching it?
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Yes i did..
scriz said:
So you want to downgrade the Epic by installing WM6.5 on it? Just wait until the 7 Pro comes out, for the sake of sanity..please?
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I want no part of WM7
and to everyone else.. I just cant make the switch.. :-(
I switched from a TP2, and if you search my name you can see how I went from all WM to several Android phones, and I went back in the Rhodium forums and had discussions about WP7, WM6.5, and Android compared.
I had no intention of switching. I had no interest in WP7. I loaded Android ROMS onto my Rhodium for fun. In our discussions I decided all hardcore WM fans shoudl naturally migrate to Android. The reason is because WP7 is not the XDA Windows that WM was. However Android is. It is like WM in that you can customize everything. It is unlike it only in the fact that we customize here more out of fun than need, because Android is way more inherantly stable. However everything from the dialer, to the lockscreen, to the homescreen, is natively customizable. You just download, install, and hit the 'default' check.
I would suggest you load an Android rom on your Rhodium and check it out.
BTW... I ended up with an Epic 4g bc it was most similar to the Rhodium, however HTC has done amazing work with Sense on Android. It's not a cover on Android, its its own system.
eazy2001x said:
Yes i did..
I want no part of WM7
and to everyone else.. I just cant make the switch.. :-(
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After making the switch to Android from the TP2, holy crap is WinMo garbage. Android is so much ridiculously better.
eazy2001x said:
I want no part of WM7
and to everyone else.. I just cant make the switch.. :-(
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Why so resistant to change? Do you miss the days of the telegraph? Do you wish you could drive a Model T? Flawed logic and resistance to advancement and change is just ludicrous. You may have liked WinMo 6.5, but it's a dead OS. Either go Android, WP7, or just get a plain non-smartphone ffs.
It's easy to find the ROM.
The real question is how are you going to install with your Windows 3.1 computer?
So the answer to my question is?? There is no WM 6.5.X rom?
no. there is not.
Hey, don't be so tough on the guy. I can see where he's coming from...
I was a Windows mobile guy myself (going back before it was put on a phone), and it wasn't easy to just give it up. What got me to switch... was playing with Android before even thinking of making a purchase.
I played around with the Android SDK Virtual for a few days (which I quickly realized was gimped until you start adding the Market and all the apps), but even with just the very basic shell, it was completely functional - moreso than WM.
So, my suggestion is to play with Virtual machine on your PC, or find a friend who will let you fiddle around with their phone. I'm pretty sure you will quickly change your mind.
I had to read this thread. My first thought when I saw the title was that it was a joke. I had come to the conclusion that I would keep my TP2 forever with the Energy roms on it... now it's a whole new world out there and I'm looking forward to all the developers here providing all the "play with" fun I can handle and not just making my phone work. The Epic is wonderful hardware...why hold it back?
Wait.. this was a serious post?.. dude trust me i came from a touch pro 2.. i flashed pretty much every single rom that was made for it an none of them come close to being as good as the epic stock.. i hve no doubt in my min you wont regret the switch
Tapatalkin' it from my EPIC 4g
eazy2001x said:
the only way i will get this phone is if there is a Windows 6.5.X rom for it. Does anyone know where i can get a custom ROM from? I want to upgrade from my Touch pro 2 and dont want to switch over to droid!
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While we are asking silly questions, is there anyone that can port a Rom of Windows Me for the Epic, so I can take a great OS and replace it for a giant steaming pile of crap.
There isn't one, and I don't think it's going to happen.
Windows Mobile is just dead. Microsoft killed it when they decided to ditch it for WP7.
It may be possible someone can get WP7 to run WM programs in some of compatibility layer similar to wine for unix. Of course in that same token, ARM is ARM, it should be similarly possible to get WM running in a virtual machine on Android, but a lot less likely. Mostly because, even though WP7 isn't WM, it is in fact still running on Windows CE.
So hypothetically it could be as simple as copying over some dll's from WM. It'll probably be a lot harder than that, and quite possibly too hard for the dev community that's left clinging to WM.
Unlike some people here, I have a lot of respect for your position. WM is an OS written for a handheld computer that had a phone added to it as an afterthought. I liked this, because I used it on PDA's before that. I even remember telling people, "one day your PDA, cell phone, and music player will all be the same thing".
While I'm just being silly, I tell you what I'd really like to see, and that's a netbook with a "snap in" (a piece of hardware) handset. We're already carrying around 5" devices, let's go on up to a netbook size, but have the phone part detachable. At this point I almost feel silly carrying around a laptop AND a smartphone, because there's so much redundancy. I'll just put the netbook in a manpurse and be done with it.
So anyway, back on topic, no there's not a WM ROM for the Epic, and I seriously doubt there will ever be. The reason simply boils down to drivers. There won't ever been any drivers written for Galaxy S hardware for WM, and writing drivers is really tough stuff. There probably aren't even that many people who know how to write WM drivers from scratch, let alone in the dev community. And it would take so many man hours you'd really need a team to do it before the hardware reached obsolescence.
You really have three options at this point. The first is to wean yourself off WM. Android really, really is linux running on a phone, with a pretty GUI. The GUI is so good that, until you really dig down into it, it's hard to realize that. Think about what you like about WM, and then see if you can get the same functionality out of Android. Almost everyone does if they give it an honest try.
The second is to see what Microsoft is going to offer you in terms of continued support for WM. There's some talk about them separating consumer mobile Windows (WP7S) from business mobile Windows. Motorola did the ES400, and more might follow. But that could be a tougher pill to swallow than swapping platforms. (More info here.)
The third is rely on the dev community to get virtualization or a compatibility layer for WP7 going, and hopefully mod the UI.
That's really it. I wish you the best. I decided like a lot of people here to swithch to Android, and I haven't regretted it one bit. The Epic is an amazing device. There's an Android learning curve, but it's really not that bad.
thank you for your reply.. Ill just wait it out for the next big thing like the TP3 and hope that it comes out W/O Win7. also thank you to anyone who gave me a simple answer to my question.. "NO"..
eazy2001x said:
Ill just wait it out for the next big thing like the TP3 and hope that it comes out W/O Win7.
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Never buying a new phone again eh?
I just stumbled on this thread... HA. I came from the mogul->tp->tp2 and I am so glad I am rid of windows mobile. My wife has my old tp2, and I hate working on it now. Roms w/ android are just better all around.
Anything wimo can do android can do better.

