TCPMP and YOUTUBE - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

hello there,
How to open vids from youtube website (not the app) directly in TCPMP (or VLC) instead of the streaming media player ? I looked in the option "files associations" of TCPMP, and there is nothing about rtsp:// (i think that is the youtube protocol, isnt' it ?)

Does TCPMP work with diamond?

Sure ! check

tnx a milliooooooon

no pb...but any idea ?


Video Codec used on XDA II (.mp4)

When trying to watch captured videos from my MDA II / XDA II (.mp4) I don't get an image and no sound. So which codec I must install to watch these videos?
this is what google had to say about that
On the PC, Microsoft Media player doesn't suport MP4. You need to download a MP4 compatable player, such as quicktime.
I've tried various MP4 codec plugins for Media Player, but haven't managed to get any to work with native MP4 files yet.
I have not managed to get anything to play the vid files produced by xda 2 with anything but the latest version of Quicktime.
There must be some other vid players out there ?
Cheers, shire
I did try it is success but still I cannot view the Video in a full size screen.
I am looking for a better one.
I found some other application calling "am player" and "explainer" by searching through inter net but as per described it is not supporting the MP4 or it need some updating .If any body found a better way pls inform me
I did try it is success but still I cannot view the Video in a full size screen.
I am looking for a better one.
I found some other application calling "am player" and "explainer" by searching through inter net but as per described it is not supporting the MP4 or it need some updating .If any body found a better way pls inform me
Quick time player is supporting the MP4 format
I did try it is success but still I cannot view the Video in a full size screen.
I am looking for a better one.
I found some other application calling "am player" and "explainer" by searching through inter net but as per described it is not supporting the MP4 or it need some updating .If any body found a better way pls inform me .
MP4 Coded
I use a product called EnvivioTV. It is a standalone app as well as plugin for WMP. So Mp4 video can be viewed in EnvivioTV app as well as in Windows Media. I downloaded version 1.5 from The file is EnvivioTV.exe
Thanx for your replies, but I did not manage to get Sound with Quicktime Player - Video works, but no sound! This other Plugin EnvivioTV even doesn't work - Media Player rejects to play the files although it defenitely accepts the files...
Any solution?
Thanks for the tip chioque, EnvivioTV works well.

help - youtube on wizard

i have TNT 1921 and when i open a youtube video from, the htc streaming video app comes up and gives a "failed connection" error.
i used schap's and changed the file extention of flv files to tcpmp (with video bundle), but it still opens that streaming player, and i cannot uninstall it since it is on the extended rom.
any ideas anybody? i out of'em
thanks in advance

what application in order to watch youtube playback (FLV Format) on X1 ?

what application in order to watch youtube playback (FLV Format) on X1 ?
i have tried with youtube player but it doesnt work, any idea?
did you try this?

can not play youtube after tcpmp install

Hi i find that after installing tcpmp video player i can not stream youtube ie tcpmp takes over as default player any way round this other than uninstalling tcpmp thanks .
found the answer after searching this site i downloaded skyfire browser can now watch smooth running you tube and even bbci-playerver wifi that is not tested it on gprs yet great site ;ps my devise is the elfin.thanks all ,blowpipe

Watching FLV video in IE instead of opening steaming media player

Does anybody know how to setup our IE so that it will not trigger streaming media player, and load the flash video inside IE instead?
I know that even someone can did this, IE still cannot support youtube in desktop website (which is Flash 10 content). But, in some occasions, playing flash video directly in the broswer will be very handy.
youtube in IE works fine here, embeded youtube vids too, I've never seen it open streaming video player for flv
