Needs help in translating this HTC Theme - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Can anyone here be able to translate this HTC theme from French to English by Lepsyfou AM. Also, I think that person needs to have Photoshop experiences b/c some of the wordings are embedded in the pics.
I think this theme can be so much better if I can understand it in English.
Here is the link to youtube to see what it looks like. It had some of the best layout and visual effects for a homescreen.
Where to get it? Here,3538.0.html
some of the components that this theme use includes: latest battery status ++, weather panel, manilla weather theme, face contact, rltoday.
Here are also link too modify/similarity version of that theme. All in French.,4847.0.html,5125.0.html
I have it working on my i900. but needs English Version.

Ask him if there is an english version, or use Google Translate.

Does the author of that HTC theme ever post on this site?
No lucks, I had search for an english version all over the internet.
I think this theme would take some time to be translated. Lepsyfou might translated if people shows interest in his works and if he have spare time. I will ask him in that french forum..later.

Yeah, he's got a few posts here !


A new Photo viewer with HTC Touch Dual kind of zooming capabilities..

Friends i have found this picture viewer called picpie..... well it is in Japanese i am attaching the program here i hope it helps the developers involved in making new picture viewer apps and also if it is good enough i hope somebody will translate it to give us an English version
Here is the video on you tube...Thanks to croco_64 who found it and posted it on XDA-DEVS
I realy realy like the zoom option..
hope someone will translate it into english!!!
A bit slow in my opinion...
I haven't tried it on my device yet, but from what I've seen in the video.. it does look slow. Maybe because the demo device used was slow?
warriorvibhu said:
Friends i have found this picture viewer called picpie..... well it is in Japanese i am attaching the program here i hope it helps the developers involved in making new picture viewer apps and also if it is good enough i hope somebody will translate it to give us an English version
Here is the video on you tube...Thanks to croco_64 who found it and posted it on XDA-DEVS
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It is slow even on HTC TYTN II - KAISER.
site officielle....*[PicPie]
lepsyfou said:
site officielle....*[PicPie]
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downloaded from the same site ....
I see it is slow it was posted a long time back my purpose was to get someone work on something like this may be the XDA seniors wud know what to do with this App......
have to try it on my wizard ^_^
Nice looking bit of software. Anyone clever than me tidy it up so it runs fast on a hermes?
it sucks...sorry
runs ok on my Eten M700 & fast actually..but all the text is scrambled..can anyone convert to English & post new CAB or tell us what to do in registry to fix language?
There is a new updated version at*[PicPie]
anyone tried it, or found a english version?
chinese version
no testé artemis..


can someone point me to a library or something where i can find some color schemes or skins for WM6 on the Hermes? thanks in advance!!!
beppomarx said:
can someone point me to a library or something where i can find some color schemes or skins for WM6 on the Hermes? thanks in advance!!!
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Make your own
wow thats like the most frustrating program ever. i wish i could get it to save this theme that took forever to build. then i clicked on that 'preview' button on the right and it brought up a palm pilot which is apparently impossible to close but disables the rest of the program. so i ended the program and deleted it off my hard drive. there isnt a compilation of some themes anywhere?
From some Googling when I'm bored, this seems to be one of the few sites that's still updated:
Make sure WM5 QVGA is selected at the top. Personally, I like the "People" section best, but then I like bikini clad girls!
Otherwise, MoDaCo has quite a few themes for download:
Anyone for any others? Found lots for PPC2002, but not many that work in Landscape on other sites!
I agree this is one of the better wm qvga theme sites ( that I have used. And the bikini girls do rock!
Give ThemeGenCE a chance
ThemeGenCE is not hard to use if you take the time to follow the online tutorials. The only thing that frustrates me about it is their english translation. has some nice backgrounds
callar said:
ThemeGenCE is not hard to use if you take the time to follow the online tutorials. The only thing that frustrates me about it is their english translation.
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Yep, I use ThemeGenCE too, the theme designer is somewhat poorly arranged but does a good end result. Check my signature for rk-TSR i have some themes and try the rk-TSR scheduled theme switcher!
ThemeGenCE in English
Meschle (, a great moderator of this forum and now my friend, told me that my poor english translation was sufficient...
The only thing that frustrates me about it is their english translation
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I am also frustrated because I don't speak a good english !
Cordially, Benoît
PS : you have also the italian, spanish, german version translated by native guys. French and the english translation are mine. If someone wants to adapt the program in better english, I can send him the resourcestrings...

Diamond battery status theme, beautiful looking with less memory,3538.msg61458.html#msg61458
I dont know french so i am trying to figure out how i download it. I got the link from the main page of battery status.
Main appeals is it uses alot less memory than most other home screens
This had been posted a few times before.
searched came up with nothing
Just register to Actu ...
"I dont know french so i am trying to figure out how i download it."
You are right, it´s a beautiful, fast theme. I´m using it on a wizard and ist faster than many new devices (overclocked to 247, translated to german, thanks to Photoshop !!).
I dont speek french as well (and only broken english), but you just have to register to actu... . It isn´t difficult even for non french speakers ( the same procedure an on xda-devs.)
Altought Lepsyfou is very active on x-dev, I didn´t find his or cedzens or matt´s theme here either, they just share it on actua... and in french. There was a question for an english version, but it wasn´t answered till now (as far as i could read the thread).
Maybe Lepsyfou will share this themes here one day
i registered on the site, but i never got an email confirmation tried it 2 times. is there another site that hosts that file, as same for me i prefer speedy and less resources which this offers greatly.
I would pm lepsyfou, he is a member here, and I'm sure he'll help you out.
just did, asked him to create a thread with it posted so that others unaware may also use it
No problème with pleasure
skin Homescreen(Bs) + skin Rltoday
I downloaded this a while back and almost have all of it converted to english.
care to share?
lepsyfou said:
No problème with pleasure
skin Homescreen(Bs) + skin Rltoday
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Hi Lepsyfou, can you please advise how to install your theme step by step ? Thanks
installe homescreen ++ here
installe Rltoday (for the skin WM7)
logiciel requis:
-Spb Mobile shell 2.1.2
-Face Contact
Tomtom 7
Igo 2008
-GOOGLE maps
Weatherpanel skin Runball
and etc etc LOL
.and etc etc LOL?
blackwalker said:
.and etc etc LOL?
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you are crazy LOLLL
will the future updates of this excellent theme be posted here? thanks
corpse you have the translated version? I really enjoy the menu transitions that are in use with this theme, they are quite amazing. Really, really, really great.
This is great theme as well, bravo 2 the both of you. Of course his isnt in french which is alot easier. Both have beautiful graphics and menu transitions, if only the 2 would combine their minds and bless us with their wonderful work.
Crossing everything, and hoping

[ITA] Custom Titanium Panels Translation

And here we go, time for a big change! As usual you need to:
Disable Titanium (in Settings - Today);
Install original english panels (you can find links a couple of posts under);
I advise a soft reset;
I also advise to check with taskmanager for running mortscripts (kill everyone!);
Install the cabs for the panels you want to translate;
Soft reset again;
Turn on Titanium;
Play with it as long as you want;
Please, give me some feedback!!
I finally got to create single cabs, each one for the respective plugin (every zip contains the needed cabs). Actually, you may have up to 2 cabs for every plugin, that is because some panels need only regedits, other only modded mortscripts and other both of them. You can see which original-english-panel-versions I used as a base a couple of post under. Titanium Weather modifications is here, while SegoeUI font for Titanium is here.
Ok, less talk and more cabs!
Hi! I'd like this thread to be some kind of "repository" for translated/modded panels to use in Italian-localized WM6.5 ROMs.
In the zip you can file localized/modded versions of:
Favorite People Plug-in (based on 0.98 - thanks to AppStar)
Titanium CommManager (based on 0.32 - thanks to chriscsh)
Opera Panel 9.7 mod (can't remember where I took that, sorry! If you're reading, tell me and I'll update! - Original panel by showaco)
Titanium Weather (based on 4.2 - thanks to Showaco)
Titanium Quick Launcher (based on last version - thanks to gullum)
Titanium Plugin CVolume (based on last version - thanks to duhhh)
Titanium Notifications (based on 1.3 - thanks to larbke666)
CLauncher (based on 0.21 - thanks to chriscsh)
TWolf Multi-plugin (based on 1.6betaC - thanks to TWolf)
CDigiClock (based on v0.46 - thanks to chriscsh)
Great job
Finally, separate cabs for regentries and modded mortscripts to install over original panels... have fun and report!
provato ad istallare il weather su mako 1.36.....non funziona oppure ho sbagliato qualcosa, ma sono ricirso all' hard reset per cancellare il casino fatto
google traslate:
tried to install... the weather on mako 1.36 not working or I something wrong, but are ricirso to the hard reset to clear the made casino
Strange, Titanium Weather wasn't finished yed, but I did have it working properly... Anyway, wait for the release of JMLToday in italian language, it's based on an italian weather database so it should be completely translated into italian. Have a look HERE or HERE. I'm using the Skin JMLToday_First.plg and I'm very happy with that.
Does the JMLToday 5.3 working good in italian language?
MichelDiamond said:
Does the JMLToday 5.3 working good in italian language?
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Yes it does! And I did the translation, so trust me!
*g* Sure - but as I tested it, I saw nowhere "Pizza" - so I was unsure *g*
I hope we will get some sunny Skins from Italia
Have you tried the PLG-Converter for your resolutions? Would be good to adapt all translated panels to integrate it.
Maybe in next versions I can place some "pizza, spaghetti e mamma" here and there...
However, what is the PLG converter you talk about? Is it the windows program to convert cpr's/plg's to other resolutions? If so, I wouldn't know the use...
On the other hand, if you're talking about the short panel "setup" which is found in some panels (the one asking for the screen resolution), I'd be glad to integrate it anywhere but have got no clue. I'm mostly a translator, I'd like to have the time to investigate WM and produce graphics (like skins) but I don't... By the way, I could really use a hand at building cabs of these translated panels, now the install procedure is a little tricky as it requires to install original english panel first, italian regentries after that and finally the cab with italian translations of the mortscripts... I'd really like to have one single italian panel cab!
Moreover, let me point out one thing I got to try on my skin recently: most (all?) of the panels involving mortscripts, DO require a specific version of Mort's MortScript to run. For example, your JMLToday, CComm and CNitrogen (3 I can remember right now) work properly ONLY with version 4.2 (and not with the latest betas); and I fear that a lot of issues I had with other programs like Suiller's sUC (which is also based on mortscripts) happened for that reason. So, this should be made very clear in the requirements, but quite noone does that: if you think about it, it was me to point that out in your JMLToday skin thread after a short talk with the panel author. But I bet the others don't know about that! Ok well, let me know some of the answers to my questions... thanks for your interest!
OK - Spaghetti next time
To PLG-Resizer ( ) Post #2 :
With this Program you can adapt each JMLToday-Skinto each resolution (WVGA,QVGA, VGA, WQVGA - portrait and landscape)
And: If there's a PlugIn which doesn't support it - you can use it to - for all resolutions (the most plugins use only "default.plg") (or does all Plugins support VGA? )
To Mortscript 4.2: It's the last stable Version - and so every serious developer would develop with this Version - not with a Beta, which is not forward-compatible. But you can addthe MortScript Execute to the Working directory of each Plugin - with the different versions - so it should work, too.
To make a cab is hard - I know. Especially for Titanium. Therefore I made a Framework, which does that for the Skinners almost automatically:
Have a look inside, how it works.
You only need one step more - and all that you can find here:
Take the new .dll and add it to the .inf-File like he description and put the 3 needed files in the lugins Main Directory. Than you can make italian cabs.
Youmust learn, how it works - but I neveround any example for all of this and had to search in different sources, to get the framework. Look inside the Framework (especial "AllImages") - and you will see, how it works.
If you have problems - you can upload the Framework of the italian Plugin, you want to cab,and send the Link to me by PN, then I can have a look. ok?
Is there an account used that is expired?
always get a red cross instead of weather data.
I used EUR|DE|GM011|DUSSELDORF as location code which was working in another image with built in Titanium Weather a few weeks ago.
Now I use another image and dont get Titanium Weather working

A good site for simple wm 6.1 themes?

i'm searching for a good site with simple themes for winmobile 6.1 (not tf3d). "simple" means no backgroundimages etc, just the appearance of the "taskbar" and "menubar".
reason: i'd like to have a "glossy, shiny" taskbar and menubar. the standard "htc black" theme looks so flat.
thank you
come on, someone must at least have a beautiful black theme
googleing for a black theme always puts out grey themes
I am also looking for simple themes like that.
I got one for you!
Hope this is what you're looking for.
Or maybe this one:
Look here:
Ofcourse, though I'm including some TF3D afterall
Here some free Themes;
A search here on xda developers
TouchFlow3d Themes (WM 6.5)
Microsoft WM6.5 Theme Generator
Freeware running on Win95A/B/C plus 98(SE), WinNT and WinXP: ThemeGen (GUI in English and French)
My current theme; allBlack.tsk theme ... I know it's too black for many.
Well use SK-Tools ( ) to really edit your plain *.tsk
Have fun,
P.S. if you want more, give me a holler..
