will the diamond/touch pro apps work on HD? - Touch HD General

i was wondering if the diamonds/touch pro applications like games, g-sensor, utilities and configuration work on HD

I think there's no problem. If there's any, maybe because of the resolution of the display. Can anyone confirm ?


G-Sensor games on HD??

Are there any other good g-sensor games that run on the HD, along the lines of Teeter?
The I-phone (oops, sorry, shouldn't have said that word) has some fantastic games for the device, as well as the brilliant glass of beer, popcorn, and 3D-running character (which actually appears to stand up out of the screen), for example.
Does anyone know of games / programmes such as these for the HD?
Resco bubbles is very good (I'm stuck on level 45 of 50).
Was originally only for Touch Pro but was updated a few weeks ago to HD:
does pocket gravity work with G-Sensor?
List of Advanced Sensor Applications for HTC Touch Diamond/Pro
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That's what link shows. There is no HD listed
Likely they will run but not full screen I guess?
Xtract, the game developed for Xperia1 also works on HD.
The game is good.
Here's a link to download it.
I like Resco bubbles which is cool!
wqijie said:
Xtract, the game developed for Xperia1 also works on HD.
The game is good.
Here's a link to download it.
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xtract is cool but it's not a g-sensor game but yet it's one of the best games out here
look what the search button told me:

What is the equal to HTCAPI.dll on the touch hd

I was playing with the sensor api but when I tried the testapp for the navsensor, it could not find the HTCAPI.dll, after a lot of googling it looks like it is only on the diamond, but there has to be a similar library on the HD, so does anyone now how I fix this so I can play whit the nav sensor? Whitout have to copy the HTCAPI.dll to the phone. I have read that this could make som programs unstable like opera.
there are 2 versions: one makes opera unstable, the other is ok. And on HD there isn't and equal dll, so you have to install this one, if you need it. Search in HD forum, there is the right dll

3D performance in 3rd party programs.

Hello. As far as i understand it, the Topaz has a video chip. It even has 64megs of video ram! TF3D is nicely accelerated.
Now I'm just wondering why 3D games like Gameloft's Ferrari GT are so slow (unplayable as a real game). Also I'm using GPS software CoPilot and I thought it was normal for the navigation to have very low FPS. However I found this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIJWAu6IRe4 which shows things doesn't always have to be so crappy (though its tomtom, it's just for showing difference and how smooth it runs on that phone on the left!).
My question: how can I achieve this with my Touch Diamond2?
I have been searching for 'video acceleration' and stuff and only find this 'Diamond D3D driver' which indeed seems to accelerate some apps but they need to be specificaly made (lights thing and hologram).
What is the best thing to do, to make my topaz perform the best in 3rd party 3D stuff? Or should I just forget about it all and never hope on it?
All apps that CAN be accelerated must be written to use the drivers. There are lots of talk of this in the Development and Hacking thread.

Multi-touch Compatible Apps

Does anybody knows if there is a list of compatible apps that supports the capacitive multi-touch, like "true" pinch to zoom features (eg. GPS apps, pinch to zoom the maps or in browsers apps, pinch to zoom the page)?
Not working for me:
- Opera 10;
- IE;
- TomTom;
- Garmin;
- Igo 8 (Tweak here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=596308);)
- Morphgear (HD2 thread here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=593464)
- FPSEce (HD2 thread here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=606698)
- Resco Photo Manager
If anybody know more compatible apps or new tweeks to make them to work, please share. Like I said, I don't want the Pinch 2 Zoom feature that make a "hole-screen" zoom.
sergioi said:
Does anybody knows if there is a list of compatible apps that supports the capacitive multi-touch, like "true" pinch to zoom features (eg. GPS apps, pinch to zoom the maps or in browsers apps, pinch to zoom the page)?
Not working for me:
- Opera 10;
- IE;
- TomTom;
- Garmin;
- Igo 8 (Tweak here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=596308);
If anybody know more compatible apps or new tweeks to make them to work, please share. Like I said, I don't want the Pinch 2 Zoom feature that make a "hole-screen" zoom.
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most of wm6.5 apps are single touch , and the above cannot use multitouch as it is not build at it
hoss_n2 said:
most of wm6.5 apps are single touch , and the above cannot use multitouch as it is not build at it
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That's exactly why I started this thread, to know which apps work natively with multi-touch.
For example GPS navigation Software IGO 8, it isn't supposed to work, but using the tweak, it works perfectly, I can zoom the maps inside the app pinching.The others apps listed isn't supposed to work, but with some tweaks, maybe, they can.
Resco photo manager
I think it pretty much stops there for 3rd party apps at the moment.
kilrah said:
Resco photo manager
I think it pretty much stops there for 3rd party apps at the moment.
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Nice, haven't tought about Emulators, using multi-touch to control the games.
I am updating the list.
Thank you!

[Q] Winmo emulating bluetooth keyboard?

OK, this is going to sound weird, but i have a Touch Diamond, and a Touch Pro. The Diamond is my daily driver since it works better (some problems with the TP), but I do like to use emulators, but the capacitive d-pad is RUBBISH for gaming. What I'm wanting to do is find a program or something for my TP that will allow it to emulate a generic bluetooth keyboard, so I can use the Touch Pro keyboard to type/as game input on my Diamond.
