Ugly font in own-made program - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

While learning how to develop WM apps I came against a weird problem. I create a menubar using SHCreateMenuBar. Nothing special, just loading a menu from resource. What is weird when I run it on my diamond the font is ugly and pixelated, like that:
Tools: eVc++ 4 SP3 + PPC 2003 SDK + WM 5 emulator
Any idea how to fix that?

kosherpig, make your application high resolution aware (by HI_RES_AWARE in resources)

Thanks! It works like a charm!
Complete article @ MSDN about it:
How to enable this thing exactly (in case MS decides to move/delete the article)
To add the HI_RES_AWARE resource item to your program
1. From the Insert menu, select Resource.
2. Click the Custom button.
3. Enter CEUX for the resource type.
4. Set the resource data to 01 00.
5. Click the Properties tab.
6. Rename the item to "HI_RES_AWARE", including quotes. (If the quotes are omitted, HI_RES_AWARE will be incorrectly defined as a numeric value in resource.h, and you will need to go back and delete the line from resource.h.)
7. Deselect the external file checkbox.
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This removes the problem of bad nasty ugly pixelated fonts. Also it makes your application work in a higher-DPI environment, meaning it uses full potential of VGA, full screen, full resoulution.
Thanks again, std!


Reg Tweak FILES: Post/Get them here

Let's start a thread of all the reg tweaks ppl have come up with. If they are saved as .reg files (to an SD), we can install them with a mere double-click by using TRE (options>associate), and anyone can contribute to this post WITHOUT having to build .cab files! Why is this kewl; cos when u hard reset it's a real ball-ache to go back into all the forums to find the tweaks u applied and to navigate thro TRE to re-apply them all. This applies particuarly to settings (Owner info etc). Over and above, we are no longer beholden to tweak shareware, but have full and instant control over our settings.
Each tweak should have 2 reg files; Apply the tweak, and remove the tweak (if possible). In this manner, we can have a directory of reg files, and can turn on and off tweaks with a simple
Attached is a basic set I've compiled. Please let everyone know if any are a problem (ie perhaps whole key gets replaced and overrides something u have already changed). Files described below:
[*]Reg Date_In_Titlebar ON.reg
Adds the date to the title bar, with format according to your short-date format under settiings>regional (or found manually changed in another Tweak I'll cover later). I do NOT have a .reg file that will undo (ie delete) this new key, but it's easy to see what key is being added so u can delete it. <Credit: Well known PPC tweak - I probably learnt from toenailed>
Can someone please find out where we can change the font for this - it's a horrible bold font that doesn't fit in the space available?
[*]Reg Font_Menu_+_Pop_700 ON.reg
Change menus and popups to a smaller font. Nice size, makes VGA look more VGA-like, yet not so small that it fails cleartype nor looks daft. Requires a reset. <Credit: Well known PPC tweak - I probably learnt from toenailed>
[*]Reg Font_Menu_+_Pop_900 DEFAULT.reg
Reset above change to default of 900
[*]Reg Font_System_700 ON.reg
Changes system font to 2 pts smaller. I find that dialog boxes with radio buttons got a bit wierd, and you don;t get much more screen estate height cos of icon sizes staying the same in file lists, so I don't bother with this tweak. Requires a reset. <Credit: Well known PPC tweak - I probably learnt from toenailed>
[*]Reg Font_System_900 DEFAULT.reg
Turn above off
[*]Reg GPRS_+_3G_Always _On DEFAULT.reg
Awesome tweak to make sure ur phone connects to GPRS/3G and stays there. However, you'll want to switch this off overnight etc, which is the main reason I created this post and these reg files. NOTE: you will absolutely HAVE to replace the "MTN SA Web" bit with the name of your connection which you will find in this key using TRE
<Credit: BrettS>
[*]Reg GPRS_+_3G_Always _On ON.reg
Turn off the above. Remember to change connection name in file
[*]Reg PIE_Homepage_Default.reg
When u press the E (explorer) keyboard key u go to clubimate homepage - annoying. This resets that hard button to whatever u want (current reg file is windows\default.htm)
<Credit: I forget, someone on clubimate forums>
[*]Reg TerminalServices_Cache_Larger DEFAULT.reg
AWESOME improvement in Terminal Services client horrible black blocks. Increases cache sizez - I did not notice an increase in traffic/cost
<Credit: Carnivor from MS KB>
[*]Reg TerminalServices_Cache_Larger ON.reg
Turns above off
More coming as I go thro the wiki and toenailed tweak posts and extract usefull ones for us lonely Universal users...
can you add the actual keys to here?
cos of this thread
Doh! That post came up after I started this thread.
Still this thread is useful for the actual .reg files to same n00bies some time (and to save me time too). I'll make sure everything here is duplicated there tho.
Here are a few more .reg files:
Several versions of date_in_title_bar (covered above)
Hide_Screen_Rotation icon
Hide that icon that allows u to rotate screen - but JJ does it automatically so Icon is not so necessary
These are for me - u should edit file in text editor to customise 4 yourself. Best part is my short date format that keeps date in title bar small and visible
Customise as above
Double your screen cache. COsts a LITTLE memory, and improves screen size
Set screen font size to "smaller". This can be changed in "settings"m and I only include it here in line with my suggestion that we have a collection of files to run quickly on reset. You may want to customise as above
SIP_Settings. Ditto
All in updated zip file.
I would really appreciate if anyone can find a way to get rid of the Last Call in the dialer screen... I know its somewhere hidden in Registry, but I dont seems to be finding a way to get tru it...
Having the Last Dialed No. showing rite up on the Dialer Screen is really bothering and if you happened to press the phone button by mistake twice there we go the last dialed no. has been dialed already for you....
Bump: no-one contributing to this learning?
haven't found anything else worth posting yet m8, u got the best ones already :wink:
craigiecraigie4: Thanks for these - great idea!
I have a suggestion:
HKCU/ControlPanel/Backlight sets the backlight duration for the keyboard (in seconds). It's available through the control panel, but I like it set to more than the CP maximum of 10 seconds. Sorry - I don't know how to create a reg file.
To reset, choose another value in the backlight control panel applet.
Don't have any others to add though
Found another one:
Change the width of the vertical scroll bar and the height of the horizontal scroll bar so they take less room on the screen:
Change cxVScr to (say) 10 to make vertical scrollbar narrower. Default value is 14
Change cyHScr to (say) 10 to make horizontal scrollbar narrower. Default value is 14
This change affects various scroll options in the system including the up/down arrows in selection boxes. 10 is a nice size.
This one is in this forum:
from davidberrysmith
Any body remember these reg tweaks from himalaya? they still work
*** Speed Up Your Windows Mobile Pocket PC.
1. Open your registry editor o_n your Pocket PC
3. Change the value of 'limit' from 8192 to 32768
4. Close registry editor and soft reset.
*** disable start menu animation
Change the "AniType" value from 6 to 0.
i-mate jasjar
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SiliconS said:
Found another one:
Change the width of the vertical scroll bar and the height of the horizontal scroll bar so they take less room on the screen:
Change cxVScr to (say) 10 to make vertical scrollbar narrower. Default value is 14
Change cyHScr to (say) 10 to make horizontal scrollbar narrower. Default value is 14
This change affects various scroll options in the system including the up/down arrows in selection boxes. 10 is a nice size.
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Nice one dude. I can't make the .reg file cos I can only create reg files of the entire key, and there are too many other things under GWE that users may have changed.
Internet Explorer
Somewhere in those forums I found the IE reg hack to make mine 5.5, this helps connecting to my bank account and viewing other secured sites.
read this somewhere
To change the ability to receive files via Bluetooth (OBEX)
The setting is at 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Obex'
The 'IsEnabled' DWORD value should be set to '1' to enable OBEX and '0' to disable OBEX.
For example, to enable the ability to receive fles via Bluetooth
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Obex\IsEnabled = 1
says receive so i dont know about send, try it!! might be it
But apparently now this is the same feature as the receive incoming beams setting in connections.
Yes, I know that's not free but 90% of all this hacks have been included in Tweaks2K2. And the other 10% are about to be included :twisted:
Yeah, true. Idea of this thread was to have a facility whereby a hard reset can be quickly restored to a working device - install a few basic apps, run the .reg files, and there u go. Takes me about half an hour from HR thro to up and running perfectly.
craigiecraigie4 said:
Yeah, true. Idea of this thread was to have a facility whereby a hard reset can be quickly restored to a working device - install a few basic apps, run the .reg files, and there u go. Takes me about half an hour from HR thro to up and running perfectly.
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With your .reg files as inspiration I'm just about getting there in the same way. I've written down all the steps and I just run through them. I've done this since I had my XDA2 and it makes a hard reset so much less traumatic:
Hard reset. Wait for Today screen then soft reset.
Connect cable to ActiveSync. Set up guest connection.
Turn off beams, error reporting
Set basic clock accuracy
Copy Step 1 files to root of PPC [These are the CABs for the programs I install]
Run CABs. Leave O2 Connections CAB. Put gps.CAB and PIMAddin onto storage card
Run TRE registry editor. Associate .reg files to TRE
Open the .reg file [This applies my registry settings. See below]
Run O2 connections CAB
Copy all Step 2 files to root of PPC [This adds shortcuts to StorageCard-installed programs to my Start Menu and gives me my freeware email client and PZP icons and profiles]
Run SDK Certs CAB
Run OzVGA. Change all fonts to same size as qVGA
PPC: edit registry: browse to HKLM\ControlPanel\GPS Settings. Delete the DWORD marked "hide"
CPL > Personal > Buttons: match Button 2 to [Task switcher], Button 4 to <Rotate Screen>; Set button lock
CPL > Personal > Menus: ActiveSync, File Explorer, Internet Explorer, nPOPw, Pocket Informant, Task Manager, TomTom Navigator
CPL > Personal > Owner: set owner information
CPL > Personal > Phone: change band to GSM
CPL > Personal > Today: set items to Date, PZP, PocketPlus, PocketBreeze, Messaging; set theme to Windows Default
CPL > System > Clock: Show time on all screens
CPL > System > Regional: Set locale to UK
CPL > Connections > GPS: set program port COM0
Soft reset
Set password for PPC
PC: backup previously sync'ed files folder
PC ActiveSync: delete previous partnership. Don't delete sync'ed files folder
CPL > System > About: Set DeviceID = XDAExec
Connect PPC and PC with cable
Sync only Contacts, Calendar (all), Tasks, Favourites
Sync files. Replace the items on the device
PocketBreeze: import settings
PocketPlus: import settings
PocketInformant: run and let it fanny about
PocketWeather (on PocketBreeze tab): import settings
Run ListPro. Enter registration code
Disconnect from PC
Set up phone speed dials
Set up voicedial tags
Set up ActiveSync via Bluetooth to Workstation
Set up bond to headset
Set up bond to GPS thingy. Choose Serial Port as profile
Start TomTom Navigator. Run through startup.
InternetExplorer: sort out view settings. Set default page to about:blank
Choose Transcriber input method. Import settings file
This is my .reg file that does almost everything I need done in one step:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\GPS Settings]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client]
"Keyboard Layout"="00000409"
"SSDte"="d/M "
It makes a massive difference using commercial software that has a reliable import/export process for the settings and this, IMHO, is usually the biggest difference between paid-for software and freeware alternatives.
Silicon, don't u want to re-post your post here:
We need more of these 'standard' configs to help new users get up n running without giving up on their universal.
dude, your screen - how?
how did you make htc look like that?
is it standard? emailable? I don't really want the merc style if it can be changed, but its a nice screen all the same
Re: dude, your screen - how?
simon_darley said:
how did you make htc look like that?
is it standard? emailable? I don't really want the merc style if it can be changed, but its a nice screen all the same
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You don't want merc!! well u can just f off then! ;-)
It's WisbarAdvance2 with WAD - see another post I started in this forum. u can put in on any universal, with whatever walpaper u want, and there are plenty of free skins
Re: dude, your screen - how?
craigiecraigie4 said:
It's WisbarAdvance2 with WAD - see another post I started in this forum. u can put in on any universal, with whatever walpaper u want, and there are plenty of free skins
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Whatever it is, it's distracting to have such a big picture in your signature in such text-based forums.
Sorry craigiecraigie4. Don't mean to offend. Just MHO.

SPB Mobile Shell 2.0 Beginner's How-to

Let’s sum up what we already know.
update 19-03-2008 : Icon tutorial by Luigi
update 26-03-2008 : Background mod by asefsef, some cleaning done.
.dat files need to be opened using winzip. To extract the files you will need to use a password which is:
PASSWORD = b0fm18zq
*** WARNING ***
If you plan to use WinRAR instead of WinZIP to reencrypt the files, be sure to change the radio checkbox from RAR to ZIP format before entering the password (thanks cincij for the trick).
Simply edit the SpbMobileShell.txt file and change the corresponding items to your needs:
Text Messages|Messages texte
My Documents|Mes documents
Note that not all of the texts will be changed; some of them require registry hacks.
2-Customize the layouts (Quick and dirty tuto from SPBCLUB, written by met3ora ?)
(I will use brackets to indicate the XML tags, since the SPB forum doesn't like the XML tags.)
Copy qa_layouts.dat to your computer.
Using a WinZip, extract Launcher.xml, using the password b0fm18zq.
Opening up Launcher.xml in Notepad, you can see how MS reads the file. There are a few layouts that are defined, and are based on screen size and orientation. For my Kasier, 240x320 and 320x240 are the portrait and landscape layouts, respectively.
Under {Layout Name="240x320"} and more specifically under {Plugins Extends="Default"}, we find what we're looking for. The first 12 plugins (named rN) are the "pinned menu" buttons, and the next 6 (named mN) are the large buttons. Defined in each Plugin is the following line (with variation on the numbers, of course) {BoundRect X="0" Y="182" Width="39" Height="45"/}. So obviously X and Y are the X and Y positions in pixels, and Width and Height are, well, width and height also in pixels.
If you'd like to remove all the 12 pinned menu buttons, simply remove the following lines (for r0-rB):
{Plugin Name="r0"}
{BoundRect X="0" Y="182" Width="39" Height="45"/}
Just delete them, and then they're done. Now, this leaves the bigger launcher menu sitting on the bottom, looking pretty odd since there's a big void on the top. To even out the void, I moved each of those big buttons up 45 pixels. Why 45? Well, 45 was the height of one of the icons in the pinned menu, so moving it up that much would leave 45 pixels above and below the big grid.
So just simply subtract 45 from each Y coordinate of each plugin m0-m5, giving you (for m0-m2) 46 and (for the next 3) 137.
Now, I don't like the grid. Fortunately, we can just hide the grid by finding this line at the top of the XML file, under {General}, which is {Int Name="LineOpacity" Value="64"/}. Simply change the Value to 0, and that will hide the grid lines.
There you go, now the 6 button launcher is in the middle of your Launcher screen, with none of those pesky 12 pinned items. Do the same thing under {Layout Name="320x240"}, except of course change the numbers so that your 6 grid is in the middle of your screen.
Save the file.
Go back to WinZip and add Launcher.xml back into qa_layouts.dat, remembering to overwrite the old Launcher.xml and remembering to encrypt it again with the same password (which is b0fm18zq).
Now replace qa_layouts.dat in the \Program Files\Spb Mobile Shell\ folder and soft reset your phone.
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How to get rid of this annoying icon tab at the bottom (Why do this soft has gestures enabled AND shortcuts ?) netzcoyote has a solution:
Not sure if this is already known:
To get rid of the icon tab at the bottom, edit Main.xml in qa_layouts.dat:
Basically, I moved the tab below the screen's visible area.
- In every layout node you want the tab to disappear, add 47 (the tab height) to the Y-coordinate of the plugins named Tab1, Tab2, Tab3 and Tab4.
- In order to make the area where the other elements appear extend to the bottom of the screen, add 47 to the height of the Plugin named Subform.
This expands the canvas height on which to show elements like the calendar, clock, menubuttons, etc.
Now you have to go into those xml files (for example LockScreen.xml) and change those element's coordinates, heights, etc. where appropriate.
This can easily be done with the menu tab, launcher tab, speeddial tab, etc.
Navigation with left and right gestures WORKS!
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3-Customize the icons
Thx 2 Luigi
Do-it-yourself Icon Tutorial: here. <- Use this !
4-Customize the background
Thx 2 asefsef
So far, doing this is pretty easy:
- Extract files from qp_bkg_now.dat
- Change the separator2 and its mask to 240x320.
- Make the mask all white.
- Then put whatever image you like into the separator2 bmp.
You have to save the file as a Windows - 16bit - R5 G6 B5 - .bmp file.
if u miss the separator, just photoshop the separator back into the file. (thats not cheatin! >< hehe, it IS the separator layer after all.)
5-Registry Hacks
You can do some pretty nice things by directly editing your registry:
Look at the keys located here:
HKLM>Software>Spb Software House 2>Spb Mobile Shell>
How to enable the 9th icon with a 3x3 layout:Just create a .reg file with this inside:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Spb Software House 2\Spb Mobile Shell\Menu\Root\Games]
Copy to your PDA, and launch it from there. The "Games" Menu should be available in the settings as a 9th icon.
Here’s another exemple done by Vincentvg:
gr8 work you all!
I now have 9 buttons and no need for all possible submenus. Therefore I started looking to use one of the menu buttons to activate the taskmanager from the main menu tab.
in the registry HKLM>Software>Spb Software House 2>Spb Mobile Shell>Menu>Root I added the ninth menu with folowing values:
Add = 0
Image = 8
Index = 9
Text = Active Tasks
Type = TaskManager
And the most amazing is that I got it 2 work!
Looking at existing 'Type' regvalues show that the menu buttons can be used for a lot more!
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6-Integration with Pocket Informant, Agenda Fusion and Agenda One
7-Make SPB your Today screen
Have a look here, thedumbkid has done something neet for us, called SPBWatcher.
8-Nice links
HOT Theme collection for SPB mobile Shell 2, maintained by iamwhoiam
The development thread at XDA:
SPB Club:
ActualiteMobiles: (french),1195.0.html
English translation of
SPB Mobile Shell 2.0 Beginner's How-to (Continued)
natong's Example to change menu Texts, Types and Image icons
Click Here
natong's Conclusion to make 3x3 icons (9 menus)
Click Me
natong On how make a tab for 16 speed shortcut icons
Press Me
Thank u ..
Great Work...
Dredd67 said:
*** WARNING ***
WinRAR seems OK for unpacking the files, but there has been some reports that you need WinZIP to reencrypt the files into the .dat. Files reemcrypted winth winRAR, even with the right password won’t work with SPB Mobile Shell 2.
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For me it works just fine
Good job!
Thx a lot!!
This is exactly what I was looking for!!!
Congratulations for this sum up!!!
bon tuto mon ami et vive actualitémobile lol
Dredd67 said:
*** WARNING ***
WinRAR seems OK for unpacking the files, but there has been some reports that you need WinZIP to reencrypt the files into the .dat. Files reemcrypted winth winRAR, even with the right password won’t work with SPB Mobile Shell 2.
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I use WinRAR to repack, you just have to be sure to change the radio checkbox from RAR to ZIP format before entering the password.
Thank you very much for sharing, This is a good tutorial for everyone who love to customize spb mobile shell 2.
cincij said:
I use WinRAR to repack, you just have to be sure to change the radio checkbox from RAR to ZIP format before entering the password.
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Thanks for the details. I will update the 1st post according to this.
Thanks a lot for this. I'll be posting it over at the SPBClub if you don't mind!
Brilliant idea!
Great idea Dredd and thanks for the hard work to set it up and maintain it from here on out.
met3ora said:
Thanks a lot for this. I'll be posting it over at the SPBClub if you don't mind!
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No problem !
Very nice post. It will be very helpful to people like me who intends to play with mobile shell.
Very nice. Is it possible to hack Mobile Shell in a way to display the full-time events (like birthdays, anniversarys) on the today screen?
Any love for the 240x240 people?
ceoprez said:
Any love for the 240x240 people?
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I have requested this as well a couple times, I am trying to do it myself, hasn't been pretty!!!!
(+1 on this request LOL)
ceoprez said:
Any love for the 240x240 people?
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Found this on SPBClub. It was done by bamse. Give it a try, and if it works please report it.
Good work. Thumbs up to you. Just an annoying question to ask. In 9 tab launcher, I have only 8 icon. Missing is the favourite/game tab. There is also no option to tick in the setting/customise menu, as it is not there. Is there any registry tweak that I can do to make it show in the customise menu setting? Hope you understand. Thanks
fantastic thread! ty
kangmas said:
Good work. Thumbs up to you. Just an annoying question to ask. In 9 tab launcher, I have only 8 icon. Missing is the favourite/game tab. There is also no option to tick in the setting/customise menu, as it is not there. Is there any registry tweak that I can do to make it show in the customise menu setting? Hope you understand. Thanks
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Just create a .reg file with this inside:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Spb Software House 2\Spb Mobile Shell\Menu\Root\Games]
Copy to your PDA, and launch it from there. The "Games" Menu should be available in the settings as a 9th icon.
Edit: ah yes you can replace "Jeux" with "Games" or whatever you langage is.

[REQ] Today Plugin: SMS managment directly on Today Screen

hello, i'm searching for a today plugin which is similar to the default messaging plugin in wm6. but i want it to show me also the messages itself on screen (for example the last 3 sms or email), is there someting? thanks!
Only use "infinite Today" but the lan of software is chinese.
unfortunately no eng. version of infinitetoday yet.
but you could manage this by pocket breeze.eliminate the other tabs than sms and all icons of settings etc. it gives what you want .
mobile101 said:
Only use "infinite Today" but the lan of software is chinese.
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hmm could you give ma link to this thing? maybe hexedit or reshack is possible...
is this that app?
Hi there! Have you checked out wisbar advance desktop 2? The app itself does not contain this function, but in combination with mortscript its an easy setup. Wisbar desktop gives you full controll over your todayscreen as in your desktop pc.
If this is the solution you decide to go for, I can help you getting started ;-) If so, PM me
The app itself does not contain this function, but in combination with mortscript its an easy setup.
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tell me more, i am interested, what ms script can display sms content.
it would be easy to use this in hs++, freeware app then.
i was WAD user in 2005-2006.
here's few shots to prove it:
nothin said:
tell me more, i am interested, what ms script can display sms content.
it would be easy to use this in hs++, freeware app then.
i was WAD user in 2005-2006.
here's few shots to prove it:
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Sure m8! But for the ease of it I will just copy a post from The reason why I copy it over here is that this forum should contain it all. This is the work of a guy called allanlsmith and here it goes:
alanlsmith lakeridge forums said:
Script Updated 30 Jan 2009
With improved method of splitting lines, hopefully to stop the odd message disappearing off the right hand side of the screen.
The only script that has changed is 'ReadSMS.mscr' & it now puts all the lines of the message into one registry value, so you need to change your registry text in WAD to point to 'HKLM...\Messaging\SMS\Message' rather than Line1, Line2, etc.
As before you can adjust the length & number of lines by altering the appropriate values at the begining of the script.
__________________________________________________ _______________
An earlier question from Neodd70 prompted me to look into being able to preview message on a virtual page, I've come up with what seems to be a viable solution for SMS, I have used a component(s) from ThrottleLauncher which the author APBilbo has kindly allowed the use of as a standalone application.
As you can see from the screenshot I've ended up with it looking like a sort of copy of the message page from Manila 2D, I've included the images if you want to use them.
It allows a preview of the first 7 lines of a message & adds "..." at the end if the message is longer. the included shortcuts are 'SMS Next' which moves to the next newest message, 'SMS Previous' which moves to the next older message, 'SMS Details' which shows the whole message in a HTML window, 'SMS Refresh' which should be used as the page entry script, as this will display the most recent message on the page & 'SMS Reply' which, well, allows you to reply to the message sender.
The Registry entries that are created / updated when the shortcuts are run, are as follows, All under 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\My_Utilities\SMS' :
'Line1' to 'Line7' this splits the text into individual lines, 'Read' indicates if the current message is read or unread, 'Selected' is the number of the current message, 'Total' is the number of messages in the inbox & 'Sender' is the sender.
As neither the application or WAD do textwrapping the Mortscript 'ReadSMS.mscr' parses the message into lines, currently set to 25 chars long to suit my QVGA screen & the images I use, but if you change the value of 'linelength' at the begining of the 'ReadSMS.mscr. script then you can make them whatever length you want.
To actually use this, all that is needed is to copy the folder 'Message2Reg' (which contains the applications, DLLs & scripts) to '\Program Files\' & the 'Messages' folder (which contains the shortcuts) to '\Windows\Start Menu\Programs. Then on your selected page assign 'SMS Refresh' as the page entry script & the Next, Previous, Details & Reply shortcuts to appropriate buttons to suit your chosen layout.
Oh, & if you don't want to use the HTML preview you can delete 'template.html & 'OpenNETCF.DLL' which will save about 220Kb.
Note: opening the message in the HTML preview will mark the message as read, whereas viewing in the 'envelope' will not.
It should all work reliably, but no guarantees.
Edit: Throttle Launcher does not need to be installed, but you do need to create the registry key 'HKLM/Software/ThrottleLauncher/Messaging' then the first time the program is run it will create the necessary subkeys below this.
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For all non english devices: You have to make a folder in your units root called "Storing Card" to make this work.
nothin said:
i was WAD user in 2005-2006
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Then you shold check out WAD2! I cannot imagine myself owning a WinMo without it! There is NOTHING developed here at XDA that can touch this. (No guys .. all your work are great! But this is the king of the hill..)
thedaniel said:
Then you shold check out WAD2!
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Well there are two crucial problems here(and few lesser ones):
- sipicon that pop ups on wm6.1 in bottom-center of screen, reported, but not solved.
- no tray at all, 1.x.x. had it.
Believe me, i do know, what WAD is...
here it goes:
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thanks, thedaniel, gonna check this later.
You can make your own tray in WAD2
anyways: hope this gets you somwhere
I use SPB Diary. It's not free, but it's a very powerful program. You can view all of your emails and sms right on the today screen, as well as ALOT of other cool stuff. Check it out.
Point UI's Home 2 is just the ticket!
You can choose your sms as your today screen, its amazing!

Creating shortcuts which "wrap" a program with WVGAFIX3

For some time, I've been using WVGAFIX3 on my Blackstone to run older games supporting only 320x240 (QVGA) or 640x480 (VGA) resolutions.
As excellent as WVGAFIX3 is, running WVGAFIX3 "by hand" has always been annoying, especially if I forget it the first time, and copying and editing the typical Mortscript for each new game is a hassle:
RunWait("\Windows\WVGAFIX3APP.exe", "-640")
Sleep(500) # pause suggested by mr_deimos, to allow the dust to settle
Run("\Windows\WVGAFIX3APP.exe", "-800")
These scripts have to be stored somewhere, and icons can't be assigned to them, so they're not a good alternative to the plain shortcut.
My next step was to generalize the script (called RunVGA.mscr):
RunWait("\Windows\WVGAFIX3APP.exe", "-640")
Run("\Windows\WVGAFIX3APP.exe", "-800")
Now, arg1 can be given at the command line in the shortcut - this example is Shift.lnk (for this free, excellent little time waster):
132#"\Windows\Mortscript.exe" "\bin\RunVGA.mscr" arg1="\Program Files\Shift\Shift.exe" ?\Program Files\Shift\Shift.exe,
(The Shift game can really mess up the Blacstone's display if WVGAFIX3 is not used - I've had to soft reset a couple of times when I forgot!)
This shortcut will look like the original, as the icon is preserved (by repeating the EXE path between "?" and ",", and providing no icon ID after ",", thus using the default ID). When launched, RunVGA script above will do its thing.
Now, the next improvement would be to simplify the shortcut (at the cost of launching an extra process). I have modified RunMscr.exe found here. When renamed to yourscript.exe, the original executes
Mortscript.exe yourscript.mscr argument1 argument2 ...
My patched version (attached) executes
Mortscript.exe yourscript.mscr arg1=argument1 arg2=argument2 ...
Notice that RunMscr.exe implicitly names the arguments, something which should have been done by Mortscript a long time ago, in my opinion. Thus, I can copy RunMscr.exe to RunVGA.exe, and modify the shortcut above to
132#"\bin\RunVGA.exe" "\Program Files\Shift\Shift.exe" ?\Program Files\Shift\Shift.exe,
(Notice that I keep all scripts and manually copied executables in \bin - adjust accordingly in the scripts provided!)
Having RunVGA.exe with my method of passing arguments, means that you can also launch an executable in VGA mode directly from Resco Explorer by using tap and hold, "Open With...", and browsing to RunVGA.exe.
Now, I was pretty happy with this, but wanted a lazy man's solution for creating these shortcuts (and reverting to the original). The following describes how to toggle a shortcut between its original version and its RunVGA version, again using "Open with..." in Resco Explorer.
First create ToggleVGAfix.mscr:
If (Find(shortcut, "RunVGA") = 0)
# This is a normal shortcut, convert to RunVGA shortcut
If (icon eq "")
icon = shortcut
# Strip quotes from icon string
While (CharAt(icon, Length(icon)) eq """")
icon = SubStr(icon, 1, Length(icon)-1)
While (CharAt(icon,0) eq """")
icon = SubStr(icon, 2)
icon = icon & ","
line = length & "#" & """\bin\RunVGA.exe"" " & shortcut & " ?" & icon
# This is a RunVGA shortcut, revert to original
Split(shortcut,"RunVGA.exe"" ",1,dummy,target)
line = length & "#" & target
# Uncommment if you want to keep the original
#Rename(arg1, arg1 & ".bak", TRUE)
WriteFile(arg1, line)
Next, copy RunMscr.exe to ToggleVGAfix.exe (next to the ToggleVGAfix.mscr script above).
In Resco Explorer, navigate to a shortcut you want to test this on, tap and hold, select Open With, and browse to ToggleVGAfix.exe. Then try launching the shortcut itself - if all goes well, the program will run in VGA mode, and revert back to WVGA when ended.
With all this behind us, we've accomplished this: The next time you install a QVGA/VGA game, navigate to the \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games (according to your locale) folder, tap and hold the shortcut, select ToggleVGAfix, and you should be good to go from your normal Games menu.
A small caveat: I've noticed that WVGAFIX3 occasionally doesn't kick into effect in time for the "wrapped" exe. I may look into this if it proves to be enough of a problem. Edit: added a Sleep which fixed this problem for mr_deimos.
great job! I wish wvga worked on wm 6.5 so I could use this with wvga
this can be useful with other programs tho too, do you think i can use this to disable windows mobile's setting temporarily while certain programs are running? I'm having a problem with an music player going into sleep mode while I'm playing a song but I don't want to disable windows mobile sleep completely cause it saves so much battery life.
also is it possible to use this to run a program automatically in the background by ridirecting to the today screen right after running the program?
Nice job. Believe me or not, but i made a script identical to the first one you posted a week ago - just for launching Shift on my wvag toshiba g900 But i just put the shortcut to mscr file in the start menu - you actually can change it's icon so it was good enough for me.
My shortcut is:
104#"\Storage Card\Program Files\Games\Shift\Shift.mscr"?\Storage Card\Program Files\Games\Shift\Shift.exe,0
But of course, your automagic solution for toggling wvgafix is much better than doing everything by hand
Just a little note - you might want to add a Sleep(500) or even Sleep(1000) before running the app itself. Just using the RunWait to launch wvgafix usually works, but today when i launched shift with script without Sleep() the game actually started before wvgafix finished resizing the screen. So all i got was a black screen. I could close shift by tapping in the top-right corner of the screen, but taskbar remained hidden and i had to soft-reset to get it back. It happened twice in a row. It's seems to be the same problem you're facing. In my case it was probably caused by the fact that my pda is running underclocked a bit (when i was first testing the script it was running at full speed). After putting in the additional 1-second sleep everything works like a charm And the difference in startup time isn't really noticeable.
CowMix said:
great job! I wish wvga worked on wm 6.5 so I could use this with wvga
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Yes, this is one of the reasons I'm postponing 6.5. (The other, of course, is that kwbr has not yet released a Topix based on 6.5 )
this can be useful with other programs tho too, do you think i can use this to disable windows mobile's setting temporarily while certain programs are running? I'm having a problem with an music player going into sleep mode while I'm playing a song but I don't want to disable windows mobile sleep completely cause it saves so much battery life.
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Unless your player has the option to disable sleep, modifying my script(s) will probably work fine. Simply replace the Run statements for WVGAFIX3 with whatever executables or registry changes you want to happen. For registry changes, you may want the safeguard of resetting the "standard" values at startup, in case your phone resets or turns off while your player (and the script) is running.
also is it possible to use this to run a program automatically in the background by ridirecting to the today screen right after running the program?
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Probably! Replace the code in the first script with something like this (untested):
A different take:
title = "Title of window to hide"
WaitFor(title, 30)
This will need more work to use with my shortcuts, as this script also needs the title of the window to hide. The benefit is that Windows will show the previously active window instead of Today, which is usually what you want.
mr_deimos said:
Nice job. Believe me or not, but i made a script identical to the first one you posted a week ago - just for launching Shift on my wvag toshiba g900
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I think many of us have done a similar job with Shift .
But i just put the shortcut to mscr file in the start menu - you actually can change it's icon so it was good enough for me.
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That works - I would have preferred to put the mscr directly into the Start menu (to avoid having to stash them somewhere else). In this case the icon is determined by the mscr extension, which looks dull, to say the least .
104#"\Storage Card\Program Files\Games\Shift\Shift.mscr"?\Storage Card\Program Files\Games\Shift\Shift.exe,0
Is 0 the icon ID, or just the "default" icon? I simply tried with nothing after the comma, and it seemed to pick up the default icon in each EXE/DLL.
But of course, your automagic solution for toggling wvgafix is much better than doing everything by hand
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Thanks - it's something I've been meaning to figure our for at least 6 months, since I learned that WVGAFIX3 takes command line parameters.
Just a little note - you might want to add a Sleep(500) or even Sleep(1000) before running the app itself. ...
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Thanks - added!
ugumba said:
Is 0 the icon ID, or just the "default" icon? I simply tried with nothing after the comma, and it seemed to pick up the default icon in each EXE/DLL.
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It seems the default icon ID - the one displayed by the OS. I didn't even know you can just omit this parameter So probably both ways will give the same results.
Great thing! I tried and it works! But I have another problem. I am using Fingerkeyboard and when I switch the resolution to VGA it is still showing me error that this resolution is not supported (there is download for each resolution and it is not possible to have WWGA and VGA installed).
So my question is - it is possible to change software keyboard by Mortscript? And then, when application ends change it back?
Thank you
I found the solution, I am switching the keyboards with this tool from Vijay555:
Great thing, so now I don't have to remember to change keyboard, change screen...
ugumba said:
For some time, I've been using WVGAFIX3 on my
In Resco Explorer, navigate to a shortcut you want to test this on, tap and hold, select Open With, and browse to ToggleVGAfix.exe.
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It seems that you don't need the non-freeware resco explorer for that - the file explorer extension from here:
also provides this functionality. You would just need to make sure that the shortcut to ToggleVGAFix.exe is in the start menu (the file explorer extension can't browse for program to open file with).
ugumba said:
For some time, I've been using WVGAFIX3 on my Blackstone to run older games supporting only 320x240 (QVGA) or 640x480 (VGA) resolutions.
As excellent as WVGAFIX3 is, running WVGAFIX3 "by hand" has always been annoying, especially if I forget it the first time, and copying and editing the typical Mortscript for each new game is a hassle:
RunWait("\Windows\WVGAFIX3APP.exe", "-640")
Sleep(500) # pause suggested by mr_deimos, to allow the dust to settle
Run("\Windows\WVGAFIX3APP.exe", "-800")
These scripts have to be stored somewhere, and icons can't be assigned to them, so they're not a good alternative to the plain shortcut.
My next step was to generalize the script (called RunVGA.mscr):
RunWait("\Windows\WVGAFIX3APP.exe", "-640")
Run("\Windows\WVGAFIX3APP.exe", "-800")
Now, arg1 can be given at the command line in the shortcut - this example is Shift.lnk (for this free, excellent little time waster):
132#"\Windows\Mortscript.exe" "\bin\RunVGA.mscr" arg1="\Program Files\Shift\Shift.exe" ?\Program Files\Shift\Shift.exe,
(The Shift game can really mess up the Blacstone's display if WVGAFIX3 is not used - I've had to soft reset a couple of times when I forgot!)
This shortcut will look like the original, as the icon is preserved (by repeating the EXE path between "?" and ",", and providing no icon ID after ",", thus using the default ID). When launched, RunVGA script above will do its thing.
Now, the next improvement would be to simplify the shortcut (at the cost of launching an extra process). I have modified RunMscr.exe found here. When renamed to yourscript.exe, the original executes
Mortscript.exe yourscript.mscr argument1 argument2 ...
My patched version (attached) executes
Mortscript.exe yourscript.mscr arg1=argument1 arg2=argument2 ...
Notice that RunMscr.exe implicitly names the arguments, something which should have been done by Mortscript a long time ago, in my opinion. Thus, I can copy RunMscr.exe to RunVGA.exe, and modify the shortcut above to
132#"\bin\RunVGA.exe" "\Program Files\Shift\Shift.exe" ?\Program Files\Shift\Shift.exe,
(Notice that I keep all scripts and manually copied executables in \bin - adjust accordingly in the scripts provided!)
Having RunVGA.exe with my method of passing arguments, means that you can also launch an executable in VGA mode directly from Resco Explorer by using tap and hold, "Open With...", and browsing to RunVGA.exe.
Now, I was pretty happy with this, but wanted a lazy man's solution for creating these shortcuts (and reverting to the original). The following describes how to toggle a shortcut between its original version and its RunVGA version, again using "Open with..." in Resco Explorer.
First create ToggleVGAfix.mscr:
If (Find(shortcut, "RunVGA") = 0)
# This is a normal shortcut, convert to RunVGA shortcut
If (icon eq "")
icon = shortcut
# Strip quotes from icon string
While (CharAt(icon, Length(icon)) eq """")
icon = SubStr(icon, 1, Length(icon)-1)
While (CharAt(icon,0) eq """")
icon = SubStr(icon, 2)
icon = icon & ","
line = length & "#" & """\bin\RunVGA.exe"" " & shortcut & " ?" & icon
# This is a RunVGA shortcut, revert to original
Split(shortcut,"RunVGA.exe"" ",1,dummy,target)
line = length & "#" & target
# Uncommment if you want to keep the original
#Rename(arg1, arg1 & ".bak", TRUE)
WriteFile(arg1, line)
Next, copy RunMscr.exe to ToggleVGAfix.exe (next to the ToggleVGAfix.mscr script above).
In Resco Explorer, navigate to a shortcut you want to test this on, tap and hold, select Open With, and browse to ToggleVGAfix.exe. Then try launching the shortcut itself - if all goes well, the program will run in VGA mode, and revert back to WVGA when ended.
With all this behind us, we've accomplished this: The next time you install a QVGA/VGA game, navigate to the \Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games (according to your locale) folder, tap and hold the shortcut, select ToggleVGAfix, and you should be good to go from your normal Games menu.
A small caveat: I've noticed that WVGAFIX3 occasionally doesn't kick into effect in time for the "wrapped" exe. I may look into this if it proves to be enough of a problem. Edit: added a Sleep which fixed this problem for mr_deimos.
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Hi, sounds really great. but i have problems to understand...
which files do i need and where i have to place them?
do i need for every game a own file?
Clearly, getting this setup on your device is left as an exercise for the reader! I basically did this for myself, but wanted to share something I found useful, and explain how I got there. Maybe if there's enough interest, I'll try making a CAB.
I'll try to clarify a bit, though:
1. You need Mortscript installed (I use 4.2 which comes with SASHIMI)
2. You need WVGAFIX3 installed.
3. You need 2 scripts copied from my first post, named RunVGA.mscr and ToggleVGAfix.mscr. If you already have a folder for your personal scripts collection (I use \Storage Card\bin), I suggest you put them there.
4. You need my version of runmscr.exe, attached to my first post, copied to your scripts folder as RunVGA.exe and ToggleVGAfix.exe.
5. You need a file explorer capable of handling alternate associations, so that you can register the two executables as "handlers" for the .lnk extension. On my device, Resco Explorer is indispensable.
6. Finally (the hard part) you need to loosely follow and understand the instructions in the first post, and adjust them to your situation when needed. The important part is after the ToggleVGAfix code (2 paragraphs).
Except for editing ToggleVGAfix.mscr according to your scripts folder, you should never have to edit a file, understand the .lnk format or really understand Mortscript. (All my talk around the Shift shortcut is just me being long winded and feeling I have to explain everything. See how this "little" post turned out? )
If this seems mystical or unclear, I suggest reading the Mortscript manual - you'll be happy you did. Also, Barbudor's page on the original runmscr might shed some light on my rants.
Hey, sorry for jumping on after the horse has bolted, I've been dead for a while, but it's better now...
There's another version of SipSwitch out, called VJSipSwitch (I think).
Don't use the old one, because although functional, I wrote it when I didn't know how to code, akin to a thousand monkeys = Shakespeare.

[APP][14/01/2011] FoddTweak using DynamicMenu - ROM customisation & Menu Tool Kit

Hi there chef's! I'm not sure if any of you will find this useful but I'll post it in case you do...
I designed this little mortscript application so that users of my rom can tweak a few settings to their needs and because all of the other tweak applications couldn't be tweaked easily themselves without learning .NET or something similar.
I wasn't getting much feedback so I thought perhaps it wasn't customisable enough or maybe you didn't like my selection of tweaks. Perhaps you thought the menu layout sucked?
Anyway, to address those problems I've moved this on quite a way. It now includes a set of functions for creating Menu's. To Find out how, see the section titled DynamicMenu.
Backup and restore of important data (Full registry, Titanium configuration, Start menu cpr files, Start menu icon registry settings)
Icon removal to save RAM (all, or all but settings (HTC icons are excluded))
Titanium plugin injection/removal and plugin order settings
Slide lock settings (both manila and wm6.5)
Enable/Disable Sleuth's myLocation service (soft-reset needed)
Enable/Disable start menu replacements and complete removal of the WM6.5 start menu
FoddTweak depends on a few things:
MortScript! (tested on 4.3.b15)
DynamicMenu (included in versions>0.0.1)
TICS Installer (for plugin injection/removal, included in versions>0.0.1)
FDC task manager (for backup purposes, included in versions>0.0.1)
It works like this; the menu system 'compiles' a master menu source file with extension mgs to it's component mgc files for each menu. If you want DynamicMenu to 'recompile' then just delete the top level compiled menu (e.g. If you add new options to "FoddTweak.mgs" then delete "FoddTweak.mgc" then re-run FoddTweak.)
This is a sample file, which is used to create menu's for the FoddTweak application:
menu(FoddTweak:Main Menu)
item(Toggle Lock on Screen Dim:true:Call:"AnyRegWrite", "Toggle", "HKCU", "ControlPanel\Backlight", "AutoDeviceLockEnable")
item(Sleuth's myLocation Service:true:Call:"AnyRegWrite", "Toggle", "HKLM", "Services\myLocation", "Enabled")
menu(RAM Savings:RAM Saving Options)
item(Remove all Start Menu Icons:false:Call:"RmAllStartIcons")
item(Remove all but Settings Icons:false:Call:"RmAllButSettings")
item(Remove the Start Menu:false:Call:"RmStartMenu")
menu(WM6.5 Settings:WM6.5 Specific Settings)
item(Toggle WM6.5 Slide Lock:true:Call:"AnyRegWrite", "Toggle", "HKLM", "Software\Microsoft\Shell\LockScreen", "Enable")
item(Titanium Plugin Injector:false:Call:"TitaniumPluginInjector")
item(Titanium Plugin Uninstaller:false:Call:"TitaniumPluginUninstaller")
item(Titanium Plugin Order:false:Call:"TitaniumPluginOrder")
menu(HTC Sense:HTC Sense Options)
item(Toggle Sense 2.5 Slide Lock:true:Call:"AnyRegWrite", "Toggle", "HKCU", "Software\HTC\Manila", "Home.lock.Enabled")
item(Toggle Sense Menu Replacement:true:Call:"ToggleSenseMenuRep", "Toggle")
menu(Backup:Backup Options)
item(Make Backup:false:Call:"Backup")
item(Select Backup Folder:false:Call:"SelectBackup")
item(Restore ZIP Backup:false:Call:"RestoreZIP", backupdir\"*.zip", "\Windows")
item(Restore REG Backup:false:Call:"RestoreREG", backupdir\"*.reg")
It should be quite obvious how the menu/submenu entries work with a title and description-those can be nested without any problems (though, I only tested one nesting at present.)
Menu syntax is a little restricted, you can't have the colon (":") symbol in the name or description as it's used as a field delimiter and they must be string literals:
For your menu items, the ItemName and Mortscript Command are string literals. Arguments which are not enclosed in double quotes will be interpreted as variables (I haven't tested this though,) which obviously must be set by the calling script before the call to DynamicMenu().
You can make use of any Mortscript function that the script which calls DynamicMenu() has access to and of course Mortscript commands such as "Run" etc will also work just fine so with this you can access any system command as well.
The testing field for the items is important, if your function supports taking it's first argument as the word "test" and outputting something, that something will be output in brackets next to the menu item. Sounds vague? Well, it is. That something can be anything, true/false, a string. Whatever. So the idea is that it'll be used to denote whether a switch is on/off or the value of that particular menu item...
item(ItemName:Can it be tested?:Mortscript Command:Argument1, Argument2, ..., ArgumentN)
To put in a seperator you can include a blank line in the menu using the code below. I wouldn't recommend it due to differences in screen size, but if you wanted a dashed line as the seperator, for example, then just fill the first field with hyphens. Seperators are as follows:
It's a v.simple language, I haven't included any comment support and it's line by line but see what you make of it
Interesting line of thinking. I like the idea of removing the SM icons. I will play with this and see what it can offer. Thanks...
sorry to bump this, but I've updated the menu compiler a little so it shouldn't be thrown off by menus or items which have parentheses in the name or description...
Plus, I added the menu option for the RAM savings again. Hope you like it.
arealityfarbetween said:
sorry to bump this, but I've updated the menu compiler a little so it shouldn't be thrown off by menus or items which have parentheses in the name or description...
Plus, I added the menu option for the RAM savings again. Hope you like it.
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Very good idea, trying it now
Removing the reg is almost equivalent to disabling the SM. I do love your concept, and have included this in my personal ROM...
glad you like it that much!
I was hoping that chefs and users alike would get involved writing menu source files so if you think any would like this then point them to here. Tell them that, FoddTweak is the Tweakable Tweak app
I am still trying to get a grasp of the menu source! Havent checked into your latest files yet...but planning on soon...
Thanks a bit late finding this but looks a great tool

