I have an unlocked XDA working with an Orange SIM, I have been given an O2 SIM by my company and want to use it with my XDA, but when I put the O2 SIM in my XDA it will not receive any signal. I tried a T-Mobile SIM and this seems to work ok, but the O2 SIM will not connect to the network. Is this to do with the fact that I have unlocked the XDA?
When I unlocked the XDA I ude the XDAunlock utility and do not have a copy of the lock code. Does any body have ant ideas please?
Are You sure, that the O2 Sim is working? Have you tried it in an other phone?
How old is this SIMcard? I know that there were som eproblems with a view SIMcards.
It's no problem of the unlocking.
Both T-Mobile and Orange in the UK use the 1800 band, the O2 sim uses the 900 band, I would be interested to know if a Vodafone sim will work, can you get hold of one and try it?
My guess is if you have brought the phone 2nd hand it is barred on O2, due to the fact that cross network barring did not start till about the middle of last year if the phone was reported lost/stolen etc etc before then it will still work on the other networks, also make sure you have the setting so it can pick up signal on the 900mhz (O2 Vodafone) or it will never work.
:? Hi, Cruisin thru,lonegunman and lumpistefan
Thanks for your replys, the O2 SIM has been tried in an XDAII and works ok. The phone is not lost or stolen I have bought from the guy with the XDAII and I was with him when he bought the XDA I.
As far as I know the GSM is set to 900/1800 (its a model 10A), does it need to be set to just 900 for it to work with O2?
The SIM card is approx 1 year old and works ok in an XDA II.
Unfortunately I do not know anybody with a Vodaphone SIM.
I will try changing the band to 900 and see if this works, I assume this is done via the bootloader method (holding power button while pressing reset).
Many thanks , any other ideas would be appreciated.
Have a seach round on here I think you will find that it is a sim card fault and you need a new one.
Need help guys...
this might be a silly question but i've searched through google and this forum for the past few days and still haven't found the exact answer to this issue.
well, the issue is this:
1) Bought a 2nd hand Touch/Elf from a local reseller and when inserting a Celcom (mobile provider) postpaid simcard (128K) it does not recognize the sim card and show the message "invalid SIM".
2) Inserted DiGi (another provider) simcard (64K prepaid) and it works brilliant. and I am currently using it with my Elf right now.
3) Tried my friend's Maxis (another provider) simcard (128K postpaid) and the problem goes again.
4) Tried another friend's Celcom (64K prepaid) and the same issue went on again.
Does it have something to do with SIM unlocking because i suspect that this Elf is not sim locked.
does it have to do with the capacity of simcards (64k/128k)?
please help as i would like to use my Celcom postpaid with this device as it is my primary number and i wouldn't like to carry 2 phones with me around.
I bought my HTC Touch Cruise in France. I've unlocked.
I am in USA since one month and my phone does not connect to the USA Network ... I bought a GoPhone with a sim. But when I place my sim in my touch cruise that it fails to connect to the network ... But I have unlocked my phone. Someone would be in the same situation as me?
i'm not sure how many versions of the TC there is but does it run on US (AT&T) frequencies? my TC, before i totally decimated it by trying to replace the screen, worked like a champ.
may be that the sim cards are associated with AT & T phone?
Hi, ive just got an hd2 locked to t-mobile UK and when i put the sim in it dosent pick up and signal, also i have tried it in my htc elf and that dosent pick any think up! please help.
Now am I getting this right?
The sim is not working in 2 different phones, correct?
If so - then are the sims compatable? (unlocked phones or the same sim as brand, ie orange phones and orange sim)
If so replace the sim if not - then think about it a bit
Hi guys
2 days ago bought the note 3 on O2 UK and I sadly realized there is no option to select gsm only network (the phone has the O2 software on it). The area I working have very poor coverage. Can anybody with a original software confirm me please there is this option, so I go to flash the original software.
Thanks lot.