Snappr offers API for development - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Didn't see anything on this.
Snappr has been just for the iPhone, but they are now offering an API for development on other platforms:
It is a 1D and 2D barcode decoder.

This has gotta be useful to somebody...who doesn't want to be able to scan 1D barcodes with their camera?!


pda camera as a codebar scanner

I've been said the XDAII (TSM500 in Spain) camera is also able to function as a barcode scanner with some specific software. Can Anybody tell me whether this is possible and which is the programmes I would need for this purpose??
The camera's resolution is too low to scan barcodes efficiently. Plus you have no light on the device.
jst said:
I've been said the XDAII (TSM500 in Spain) camera is also able to function as a barcode scanner with some specific software. Can Anybody tell me whether this is possible and which is the programmes I would need for this purpose??
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It is possible. But it doesn't work well with 1D barcodes (the type that look like a series of vertical lines). Microsoft had a 1D barcode reader called Aura that was available from their research site. But it has since been discontinued. Aura would let you scan a barcode on a consumer packaged product and then go out to the Internet and get details about it - product info, mfg, spec's, comparative pricing, etc.
There are also numerous SDK's available to build your own if you have the money and coding capability. But as noted in the previous post, 1D barcode scanning doesn't work very well using the camera from a phone. Requires a good camera (usually with macro capability), good lighting, and a steady hand.
However 2D barcodes are another story. These barcodes aren't nearly as finicky as a 1D barcode, and many phone cameras (even crappy ones) can easily read a 2D barcode. Only problem is unless your in Japan or that part of the world you won't find too many of them available. But if you want to check out what's possible look into iNigma and QuickMark. Both have decent readers that run on WM. There are many other 2D readers available for phone platforms, including Java, Symbian, etc. But in my experience the Java readers don't work well (if at all) on WM.
jst said:
I've been said the XDAII (TSM500 in Spain) camera is also able to function as a barcode scanner with some specific software. Can Anybody tell me whether this is possible and which is the programmes I would need for this purpose??
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Hey, that's funny (and INCREDIBLY lame)... I responded to a 4 year old post.
itz p0ssible
Google Quickmark

Lets Built OpenSource Projects for PPC. 6 Projects Posted. Updated 7th Feb 2008.

The projects if developed will become a generic code baseline for each and every developer seeking codes.
This means projects in this thread is just to give everyone a basic working conceptual code which can be used anywhere in similar projects.
Just think people has great ideas to work on, but they dont have baseline code from where to start as most of them might be learning.
So this thread should help them out giving a working base code..
Any1 interested in building couple of OpenSource Projects for PPC? Ill post concepts.
Lets built next generations of applications together as open source which people can use to learn things as well.
The reason open source is so that everyone can contribute code for a project, and work together to built the best.
Anyone Interested???
Project 1: File Indexer for PPC [FIndexer]
Not Sure if it exists or already available.
01 Feb 2008
To index each and every file on PPC with custom options on indexing.
In todays world where 1gb,2gb,4gb cards are available, we store tons of file on our PPC like ebooks, songs, music, videos.
Many times it is not possible to search using a search utility as it may consume battery and we need to wait till file is being search.
This is the place where this FIndexer comes in to picture, where we index our file either manualy or scheduled.
And then searching a file will just take 1 second to return the results.
C++ is best language for this kind of project because of speed.
Not sure, but either SQL or Access DB.
Open Source
Project 2: File System for PPC [PFS (Pocket File System)]
Not Sure if it exists or already available.
01 Feb 2008
Idea came from Microsoft new file system WinFS.
Correct me if i am wrong, this File system is a file table itself where it keeps track of each and every files in details in Real Time.
In todays world where 1gb,2gb,4gb cards are available, we store tons of file on our PPC like ebooks, songs, music, videos.
Many times it is not possible to search using a search utility as it may consume battery and we need to wait till file is being search.
This is the place where this PFS comes in to picture.
Why use any indexing software also?, let this File system handle it in real time.
C++ is best language for this kind of project because of speed.
Not sure, but either SQL or Access DB.
Open Source
Project 3: Tic Tac Toe (x & 0) Game (BlueTooth Enabled)
Not Sure if it exists or already available.
01 Feb 2008
This is a game which we always played for fun in good old days and still we play.
We might have wasted good amount of papers to play this game. Classic X & 0
We hardly see any bluetooth enabled games for PPC. Thats the purpose to built a very basic game with 2 players mode on bluetooth.
This may be a good code for all the developers round here who wants to start with some bluetooth code.
C++ is best language for this kind of project because of speed.
Not sure, but either SQL or Access DB or XML
Open Source
Project 4: Multipurpose Single Line Marquee Scrolling Today Screen Plugin [Like Stock Tickers]
Not Sure if it exists or already available.
01 Feb 2008
A today plugin which scrolls like a stock ticker in 1 or 2 lines, and provides useful configurable information like battery info, world time, live money rates, notifications, one liner quotes, jokes, appointments, bluetooth status, and much more, in 1 or 2 scrolling lines.
Many might have noticed too many of today plugin gives a scroll bar to your today screen which dont look good.
This is where this plugin comes in to picture.
This should be completely customizable right from scrolling speed to colors to information to flashing colors speed, bold and much more.
C++ is best language for this kind of project because of speed.
Not sure, but either SQL or Access DB.
Open Source
Project 5: Application Specific Backup Tool (Can be a great tool)
Not Sure if it exists or already available.
04 Feb 2008
There are several backup tools which takes backup of PPC as a whole and can be restored easily, but:
How many times you feel that you had installed tones of applications and had taken a backup of those, and now when you get a new PDA, you feel like you dont want to again install all the applications installed previously due to certain reasons. By restoring the backup you end up again with all unrequired applications again.
This tool will help you to eliminate those problems by taking backup of each and every application configurations seperately with version informations. Yes now you can backup configurations of your games, your theme managers, your music player configurations and everything and have choice to restore them back again seperately as required.
Yes people who develope tools with configurations involved may have to coporate to tell us where they save the data of their application so we coders can add a plugin code to backup that particular application.
You can say that this tool has a builtin database information of most of the application to backup the configs.
Description above says it all
C++ is best language for this kind of project because of speed.
Not sure, but either SQL or Access DB or XML
Open Source
Project 6: Application data which synchronizes with Web Services.
Not Sure if it exists or already available.
07 Feb 2008
Again this is an application which most coders are going to like who are learning mobile codings. This application mainly shows how to communicate with mobile device application with web service to keep data in sync. Data can be either contacts, games scores, or any text based details.
Yes a today screen plugin would be nice to show some information on sync or other details.
To provide generic code to each coder seeking this kind of communication.
C++ is best language for this kind of project because of speed.
And either .Net or Java for Web Services.
Not sure, but either SQL or Access DB or XML
Open Source
All Projects should be easily skinnable by anyone.
People willing to part of this project, than please post your details as follows:
Once we have a team than we will go ahead and create documents like
RUD (Requirement Understandings Document)
SRS (Software Requirement Specifications)
What do you guys say??
Wanna work together as one, and built a new world for everyone?
Wait for everyone's view, either good or bad.
I am not sure how good above to projects are, but this thread mainly wants every coder, designer, tester to work together and built something.
List of Contributers (Coders, Designer, Tester, Others)
This place will list all the Contributers (Coders, Designer, Tester, Others)
Screen Design for each Projects goes here
Screen designed by contributers goes in this post.
NOTE:All screens designed will be copyright of the designer and should not be distributed or used without a permission.
Attached a Screen for an idea for Project 4
Notice the first Plugin in Yellow border.
Created by me.
List of Features and Request for Features and Suggestions
List of Features and Request for Features and suggestions goes in this post whomsoever wants. Then the team can make it happen.
Builts / Releases
Builts / Releases Goes in this section.
Technical Disscutions
Important Technical Disscutions will be posted and collected in this post.
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zbop has done something similar to what you are looking for in number 4. You place info in reg. keys and then update that info via Mortscript (or however you want) and then it gets scrolled on a today screen line. Check out post #269 for the latest version.
more than 600 views but just 1 reply!
I wonder how does open source developers meets and work together
I decided to give this initiative a fighting chance so I am going to 'sticky' this thread for one week.
If there are no takers I will 'unsticky' it.
Unfortunately, I do not currently have time to take part in this project my self as I am learning to program for Linux and OpenMoko specifically.
greenhacks said:
more than 600 views but just 1 reply!
I wonder how does open source developers meets and work together
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They don't, they start by making something, small, runnable, interresting, then share it, with the source.
This is more than i could expect from this forum. Thanks a lot.
This is a try to bring many great people in this forum and to develop something great for the forum.
Projects mentioned in this thread is just for start.
People can give their own new ideas so all work together and make something great for all the forum users.
i have no other intentions to start this thread other then bringing all together.
Starting this thread i thought i will also put my skills to help new guys.
Thanks again, and i hope this works out.
Here's a project idea that came up in the herald forums - use your touchscreen as a psudo-wacom tablet while tethered. Yes it would only be on/off and wouldn't sense pressure differences, but would still make for a cool project.
Heared of Android?
I guess you have heared about android,an all open-source linux based platform.And about the total of 10M bounty by Google as an award for the top 50 applications tha will be developed for the platform.So I'm guessing any developers with the skills to do such projects will have their hands full.
After all it sould be reasonably easyer to programm for an all opensource platform than for WM,a closed source platform.
Just my 2 cents.
nstamoul said:
I guess you have heared about android,an all open-source linux based platform.And about the total of 10M bounty by Google as an award for the top 50 applications tha will be developed for the platform.So I'm guessing any developers with the skills to do such projects will have their hands full.
After all it sould be reasonably easyer to programm for an all opensource platform than for WM,a closed source platform.
Just my 2 cents.
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Count the number of applications developed in this forum by everyone for so called 'closed source platform of wm6'
I do agree with your thoughts and dont say you are wrong, but hey thats a whole different ball game.
Always remember
When a company runs out of concepts, then company organises a competition with great prices. At the end company gets thousands of new concepts. winner gets the price, company gets new product.
same thing happens in open source world as well as close sourced.
If all think in this direction then i can bet, xda will run out of members.
not trying to defend, but this is something which simply cannot be debated or this is not a right place.
tene said:
They don't, they start by making something, small, runnable, interresting, then share it, with the source.
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Then lets make something small, runnable, interresting, and share with the whole world!
It was very dificult to find this kind of groups, thats the reason internet became so famouse, where we can find different people with great skills from different country and make things possible.

2D Driver Development Project - HTC-CA & Team P3D go 2D!

The software posted here is for TESTING purposes only, Team P3D or any of the posters of software, or links to software on this thread take absolutely no responsibility or liability for damage caused by the result of installing or flashing software or links to software found on this thread - correctly or otherwise, you do so on the sole understanding that you do so at your own risk.
Project Name: Polaris 2D Driver Project
Driver Name: P3D 2D Driver (Working title)
Development and Testing Team: SEE Post #2
The P3D team would like to extend an OPEN INVITATION to all developers and programmers from all forums of EVERY device to come forward and help us create the 2D driver which, as it is being developed from scratch will require much development work with many dll files created from scratch.
If you are interested in helping, please post your interest in this forum and we will add your name to the developers list. If you would like to help but own a different device to which the 3D driver is yet to be ported to, we would also like to hear from you and hopefully assist you with the knowledge we have gained in return for your efforts here. (actually we'll help you anyway but.. we do want your help! )
11/10 - BigKVak successfully dumped the G810 rom and work has started in analyzing its content
P3D 2D Driver Development Team:
Support and Testing:
Developers: (TBC)
It started with a few simple questions:
"Can the Polaris be hardware accelerated?"
"Why doesnt the CA Kaiser 3D driver work on the Polaris?"
That was a month ago..since then, thanks to the help and support of NikMel, NeoS2007, Rogro82 and NuShrike to name a few, we now have a working 3D driver which is currently in a version 1 state and with the release of the cab version through CA last night, we can now concentrate on improving speed and compatibility to make better use of the graphic chips capabilities.
My intention then was never to start a 2D driver or work on a 2D driver until I was satisfied no more could be done to improve it and a "final" release was in the cards, but through my own testing and various posts and conversations, I now find myself wondering whether the improvements with 3D is linked to the 2D driver?
From day 1, before we released the 3d driver and after, users have expressed faster speeds in 2d as well as 3d - though many have explained it to be a "placebo" effect, we naturally attributed this to the gpu sharing the workload with the cpu which makes sense in a common sense way - itje posted a humorous answer on his thread explaining this very thing as worth a read just to put a smile on your face, but on a serious note a question has to be asked - Does improvement on 3D really effect 2D and if that is the case, would a 2D driver help improve the 3D drivers perfornance?
So why start a 2D thread when the 3D driver still needs refining?
Well, apart from the question above, the overwhelming requests for 2D support on both Polaris and Kaiser forums (it should work on both in theory), we now have a dump of the long awaited Toshiba G810 rom to get us started- A BIG THANK YOU TO BIGKVAK - welcome to the team!
Originally Posted by BigKvak
I have dumped ROM from Toshiba, here the link
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It is inevitable then that work needs to start on this project. We also need to preserve the 3D thread for future 3D driver developments and defer 2D driver related posts from it, for these reasons, this new thread has been opened for all to start working with the P3D team in bringing 2D greatness to our devices.
Lets share our knowledge and have fun doing it like we did with the 3D driver!
PS: Although I have named the project Polaris 3D driver project, I would like to extend an invitation to users of all devices that could benefit from the 2D drivers creation, after all through CA Kaiser development, we have now ported the 3D driver to the Polaris AND the NIKE and hopefully to many more devices
Let our devices not make us divisive - whats is the point?
It is common knowledge that files from newer devices are used to help create the drivers we need for our devices - so why should we gloat and mock other less supported devices, should we not help them and share our knowledge and in the words of a good friend here "Pay it Forward?"
This is not the spirit of XDA Developers and it is certainly not the ethos of Team P3D - We have and pledge tol share all knowledge with users of all devices.
Besides, its so much more fun when we all work together!
It appears that HTC-CA were already in the process of
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I found this link on microsoft MSDN:
It's a guy asking for a 2d driver library. Maybe we can look into that?
I have dumped ROM from Toshiba, here the link
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To move the discussion of 2d in here..
Windows Mobile 2D and 3D explained on MSDN
I believe this: will be out first place to look. It's mostly there: 2D AND 3D info.
Here's what functions there are:
AlphaBlend API
Provides information about adding support for the AlphaBlend function to your OS design.
Direct3D Mobile
Provide information about adding 3-D graphics support to your OS design and creating applications that use the API.
Provide information about adding 2-D graphics support to your OS design and creating applications that use the API.
Gradient Fill Support
Provides information about adding support for the GradientFill function to your OS design.
Provide information about adding support for compressed still images to your OS design and reference information for the API.
Multiple Screens
Provide information about adding support for multiple displays to your OS design and creating applications to support them.
NeoS2007 said:
I believe this: will be out first place to look. It's mostly there: 2D AND 3D info.
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reading it now.. some of it we know.. let see what we can learn..
Here we go:
"Applications direct output to a specified device by creating a device context for the device. The device context is a GDI-managed structure containing information about the device. An application creates a device context by calling device context functions. GDI returns a device context handle used to identify the device.
Applications can direct output to a physical device, such as a display or printer, or to a logical device, such as a memory device.
A device context also contains attributes that determine how GDI functions interact with a device. These attributes eliminate the need to specify every piece of information Windows Embedded CE requires to display an object on a device. If you want to change an attribute, you can use attribute functions to change current device settings and operating modes. Operating modes include text and background colors and the mixing mode that specifies how colors in a pen or brush combine with colors already on a display surface."
GDI is the source of 2D on our devices. Maybe we need to look out for GDI tweaks in the registry?
BPP (Bits Per Pixel) explained
I also found this blog about the colors used on a mobile device. It's said that if you have a colordepth of 18 instead of the usual 8, 16, 32 bits, it's more cpu intensive. Isn't there a registry key for colordepth?
"The next thing to understand is how the bits turn into colors on the screen. Say you've got a typical PocketPC with a resolution of 240x320 and 65536 colors. That means you've got 320 rows of 240 pixels (dots), each of which has 16 bits of data representing its color. All of that information is stored in a chunk of memory known as the "Frame Buffer." The LCD hardware takes whatever is in the Frame Buffer and converts it directly to what's on the screen. Want to change what's on the screen? Change what's in the Frame Buffer and the screen will update.
Okay, so we need 16 bits for every pixel, and we've got 240 times 320 dots. 16 bits is two bytes, so that's a total of 153600 bytes, or 150K of RAM used to hold what's on the screen."
Maybe a good thing to mention: we're hoping that the Toshiba g810 Portege has the files we need to develop a 2D driver. We're currently trying to extract a dump we got. Anyone have experience in extracting Toshiba's .Bin files?
Direct Draw explained
"The DirectDraw® API provides support for hardware-accelerated 2-D graphics. It offers fast access to display hardware while retaining compatibility with the Windows graphics device interface (GDI). DirectDraw is a specialized memory manager for both system and display device memory and uses hardware acceleration where available. With DirectDraw, you can allocate and manipulate both system and graphics memory, including transfers between the two.
DirectDraw for Windows Embedded CE is adapted from DirectDraw for Windows-based desktop operating systems. Some capabilities from the desktop version have been extended and others have been curtailed to better suit embedded devices.
DirectDraw supports the following effects:
Bit-block transfers (blits)
Page flipping and multiple back buffers
Overlays, which is placing one image surface over another on the video display
Alpha source over destination blending, which is blending two surfaces using the source alpha image component
Video YUV pixel formats and color conversion
Direct video access to the frame buffer
What if we compare our HKLM\system\DDRAW\ keys in the registry with other devices? I see the values in ALL keys there are empty.
Yes.. I've noticed that and played around with them.. no difference.
I've tried the LG KS520, Diamond and HD ddraw.dll files.. none work out of the box. Maybe the G810 one might make a difference?
We need to find out what calls are made and to what other dll files. If you remember the problem we had with the 3.13 ddi? it could be similar situation in that theirs a dependencies issue.

QuickMark, A fascinating little app for the HD

Quickmark is a matrix (bar) code reader. It uses the phones camera to read 2d (matrix) bar codes. Have a look at their website here
Register (free) and download the app (there's a specific d/l for the Touch HD).
Once installed, goto QuickMark DIY on their website, there's a utility there to let you generate matrices for all sorts of data such as emails, sms texts, plain text etc. You can then download the jpg/png of the file, point your phone to it and it decodes it.
It really is fascinating. My god this would have made a fascinating college project for some software student.
The first one to decode the attached image gets to sleep with me.
Tip: blow the images up a bit and get the phone nicely focussed (should hapen automatically in Quickmark) and hey presto, I bet you get a kick outa this.
Is there a zoo in the city? I'd like watching The Animals.
There is a house in New Orleans,
They call the Rising Sun. etc
Now I demand my prize...
what else can you do with this little gizmo, and when does it become a chargeable gizmo????
crystal_clear said:
what else can you do with this little gizmo, and when does it become a chargeable gizmo????
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its like that....
idea's plz
There is another 2d barcode reader out there called scanlife.
If u go 2 their website and check out the examples page, there are loads of videos showing how one might use this technology.
What makes the technology interesting over traditional 1d bar codes is that 2d codes can contain metadata (data about data). So for example you can have a 2d barcode to represent a web link, or an sms, or a bookmark or a business card etc.
Therefore, you could have a 2d bar code beside a restaurant add in a magazine. When the user scans it, they get the coordinates for the restaurant as a link to google maps.
Or perhaps you are reading an article about a band, there is a 2d barcode at the bottom of the article, you scan it and are brought to their website or perhaps their iTunes store.
Perhaps you are reading a review of a song and click on an adjacent 2d barcode that brings you to a link to a smaple of the mp3.
Can ya see the possibilities ?
crystal_clear said:
idea's plz
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Just tried it on a diet Pepsi can - had to move to a well lit area of the room before it worked.
Its a link to the Pepsi WAP site
do you mean that there are 2D codes on pepsi cans? or did you scan a 1D (traditional) code ?
If there are 2D codes on pepsi cans, wud you take a photo of it and upload it ?
Which version
gt112 said:
There is another 2d barcode reader out there called scanlife.
If u go 2 their website and check out the examples page, there are loads of videos showing how one might use this technology.
What makes the technology interesting over traditional 1d bar codes is that 2d codes can contain metadata (data about data). So for example you can have a 2d barcode to represent a web link, or an sms, or a bookmark or a business card etc.
Therefore, you could have a 2d bar code beside a restaurant add in a magazine. When the user scans it, they get the coordinates for the restaurant as a link to google maps.
Or perhaps you are reading an article about a band, there is a 2d barcode at the bottom of the article, you scan it and are brought to their website or perhaps their iTunes store.
Perhaps you are reading a review of a song and click on an adjacent 2d barcode that brings you to a link to a smaple of the mp3.
Can ya see the possibilities ?
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Which version did you use? I downloaded Diamond Pro's but it failed to install on HD
These codes and scanners have been around for years, they have never really caught on that much though. You can find them on blogs and there is a firefox plugin that create them so you can quickly get URLs onto your phone.
carola said:
Which version did you use? I downloaded Diamond Pro's but it failed to install on HD
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I didn't download scanlife. Just using it as an example.
Indeed around for years in access solutions, from ski arena access to train tickets by MMS. Problem is, hardware solutions like RFID and NFC are more secure, and upcoming technology for mobile phones offers picture and video recognition (check out Sekai Camera in development if you like, iPhone only: more appealing to the eye than barcodes.
gt112 said:
I didn't download scanlife. Just using it as an example.
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Thanks, I managed to download it and installed, but find more difficult to use.
rovex said:
These codes and scanners have been around for years, they have never really caught on that much though. You can find them on blogs and there is a firefox plugin that create them so you can quickly get URLs onto your phone.
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In Asia this is way more popular, other places haven't really bothered with it.
Can you tell me where I can get browser plugin you mentioned? Since that is precisely what I need.
Just search for barcode in the firefox addons section under tools.
Search Add-ons
nin2thevoid said:
In Asia this is way more popular, other places haven't really bothered with it.
Can you tell me where I can get browser plugin you mentioned? Since that is precisely what I need.
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It is called Mobile Barcoder... careful

quickmark says to be able to read 2d barcodes and as well as 1d codes, but i recently bought it for $10 and all it does is reads the 1d doesn't redirect it to information about the product.....Barcorama is free and is posted in one of the forums recognizes the 1d barcode and redirects you to information of the product....Save your money!
Funny, as my version only reads 2D codes... not 1D
you have the version for TP2? it takes forever for it to recognize the 1d barcode as well...its a total waste of money and time
No, I still had the Diamond version lying around (think it was version 3.3 too, instead of nowadays' 3.6)

