Contact images - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

In my contact list I don't have that many pictures of the actual person. Instead i use the contact images that followed with my diamond(
I'm now searching for more of these images so that my people-tab in TF3D won't look so boring.
Does anyone know if there is a image-pack or something that I can download?
It can be images like the above or anything like - simpsons characters, einstein etc.
The images have to be in suitable sizes.
Hope that someone can help me out here.

these stock images would be nice with some color. but i sux at photoshop. maybe correspoding colors with already existant themes like neons in sprint or vista colors and so on.


free VGA themes: ShivaFooL digital art

My dear xda-dev friends,
I am so grateful for this community, I have gained so much. I have been a digital artist for years, so as one way of giving back, I have made a set of themes from my digital art. I am offering them exclusively to my friends here. I retain copyrights for all the images, so please respect that, and use only for your own private use, I.e. No sale or redistribution. There are 13 tsk files, so you can have one for each lunar month. :wink: All are less than 200K, but only one is less than 100K. For other Oz-Vga users out there, you need to change themes in SE-Vga for it to look right in Oz-Vga, because otherwise you just get a small image and not the full screen image. (You do see more of the image with Oz-Vga by the way.) I hope these may add to someone else's enjoyment of their Universal. I use them myself of course. I also invite you to check out my website to see more of my art:
Cheers !!
Thanks for the contribution. They're great themes
Thanks argh2000, I hope they will help give an interesting touch to some folks' little friends.
any chance of posting some screen shots - so we can pick & choose without installing??
thanks in advance!
I have some screenshots that I wanted to post, but I couldn't figure out how to do it. I saw that some folks did this by putting their picture files in
but I don't know how you upload files there so you can link them in your message. Please tell me how, and I'll be happy to post some screenshots here.
And now included here is a zip file with 13 screenshots so you can look and choose without loading them all into the precious storage memory. Most show the theme in SEVga, though some may well look better in OzVga.

my icon collection for ultimatelaunch

this is the first icons i made
Good work.
And one information: i'm impressioned from the plugin you have in last image of first row (the photo contacts after HTCHome): can you tell me something about?
take a look at this site
Thanks man
Hi would you like sexy icons like this ?
many sizes included 48*48,64*64,80*80,128*128,256*256
I'm sure there would be an "audience" for them but I don't know if that may violate some board rules.
indeed these are some nice icons you got there. though i would rather like them more without the text in them. but they look really cool. keep up the good work.

[APP] Pandemonium VGA - Themeable Sound Board

Hi, Well I have finally got round to finishing enough of this application to give you a version. Unfortunately all the features I wanted to release are not there but its close enough. Future versions will incorporate these.
This application is basically a sound board with the ability to add user created content.
As before, requires .Net 3.5 CF.
The sample sound themes included in the application are a little weak and could do with some extra ones being created. Post your creations in the thread please
There are two types of themes available, a button theme and an image theme.
The button theme uses positionable windows image buttons to play the sounds.
The image theme uses an image to play the sounds. So for example you would have 2 images one for the background on the application for the user to see and one for the application to use. The overlay image will contain a single block of colour where you want to place a button, this colour is then indexed in the themes XML file. So when you press down on the background the colours are matched and the matching sound played.
The best way to get to grips with the themes is to look at two of the themes I have provided. The XML files are fully commented and quite simple to understand.
Example of ButtonTheme, \content\Roy Walker\RoyWalker.xml
Example of Imagetheme, \content\Mr T\MRT.xml
I am sure there will be bugs, but I wanted to get a release out as soon as possible to get some user created content. Please post any creations on this thread and I will include them in the .cab file with the next version.
Any feedback or suggestions please post on this thread also.
Future features:
Volume Control
More audio support, e.g. mp3 etc
Options to save last theme and other stuff
visual feedback on an Imagetheme button press, perhaps a greying of an area (Simple but havent had the time)
Any way have fun!!
Attached are a few screenshots of my bad attempts at themes.
The "wrong" button sound effect is not from catchphrase, but from Family Fortunes. As far as I remember, they didn't have a sound for that. Roy Walker simply said "It's a good guess but it's not right", which for me beeged the question, how is it a good guess then? Anyway, I'm not fussy. It's a great, useless, fun little program. We need more of these!!
Yeah you are right, I was just being lazy! But ah well, hopefully myself or someone else will create a family fortunes theme for it.
I also need to get some more Roy Walker sounds added in, a few people on the forum have given me links though.
Work seems to steal all of my time these days. Stupid work!
Cant wait to try it. Thanks for your hard work.
I can't play any sound when I'm on the phone. Neither I, or the one I'm on the phone with can hear anything.. What am I doing wrongd?
To be honest I never even thought about someone trying to use it during a phone call!
Interesting idea though...
I am slowing working on a few more themes, when I get time during work of course. Unfortunately my artistic skills are a little weak.
But I have created piano theme also, much like the one for the IPhone. Need to create some others also.
I was kinda hoping other people would create some content. It is easy enough
i am up for this....let me know how i can make some themes!
i have made a new theme! (well based on the mr t one supplied)
i would like to know if someone can tell the screen size the program displays as it is not 480*800 as in the specs (it looses some from header and footer)
if anyone would like the theme i have made please Private message me i will mail it to you (as i do not know how to link)
i am currently working on another FAR TSUPERIOR theme just need the right images and screen size before i mail it out.
about time i found an app that i can have fun with! (like those iphone apps!)
cheers original poster for this!
I there, a have been searching for a while for an application that a could use to make something like the iphone idrummer (because of the daft punk kits) since i dont know how to make one, just modify them.
So here are my versions of Daft Punk "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" and "Aerodynamic". Just ad the files to the content file of the application and select them on the application and you are ready to go.
The thing is, they were made for QVGA version (240x320), so for other screen dimensions just modify the size of the background images and buttons, and coordinates also.
Hope you enjoy them (sorry for my possible bad english)
Anyway thanks to the creator of the application, and if anyone could make a new application more suited for a possible version of idrummer for those that dont have a iphone its always welcome
Haha i was just about to come here and ask if someone could port this across from the andrioid but since this sound board is very similar then maybe it could be intergrated into this!!
Is it possible to make it so that someone on the phone can hear the sounds?
This would be then great for prank calls. It would then also be useful to let you set your voicemail message as an mp3 - just dial your vm, choose record greeting and hit the soundboard button...
is there any way u can make a soundboard for family feud?

Need Help With Titanium Page Icon Design

Alright, so I downloaded Aspire89's CSchedule, which will be great when I start school, but I have to make new icons because the ones in it are Cyrillic. So I get into MSPaint 'cause I don't want to download something complicated. I got the look pretty much down but what I can't seem to do is make the letter bigger so it looks similar to the rest of my panels' icons. No matter if I up the font size or change the pixel count, it looks the same. I've attached my latest .png so if someone can take a look and let me know what I'm doing wrong, I'd appreciate it. I'd rather have some pointers because I have 6 icons to do and I'm a perfectionist so I wouldn't want to ***** about someone's **** who has designed some for me. Thanks.
Bump, I've got the itch to get this right and it won't go away till I do.

[REQ]Wallpaper request

I am looking for an wallpaper that I don't know even exists. Please watcht this Sony Xperia video I linked below. From the beginning of the 40th second you will see a lake (or something like that) with many lanterns in different colors on. That view is the wallpaper I am looking for. Many lanterns, in many colors glowing on the water at the sunset (or slightly later) time. That would be perfect wallpaper for anything with a black frame (like our Nexus phones or my laptop ) I have tried different Googleing combinations but had no success..
Here is the link

