Mogul Sprint Rom to Cricket Service Sms error - Mogul, XV6800 General

I haven't seen this exact problem so i decided to create a new post. I have a mogul that was used on sprint's network and recently decided to switch to cricket. I already had the newest sprint rom (v 3.56.651.0) and I did all of the programming myself. So far, Sending and receiving calls works just fine, the internet works the way it's supposed to, I even got mms messages to send and receive. I have also changed the msl and have gotten OTA programming to work properly. However my problem lies in the fact that I cannot send sms (text) messages in any way shape or form, though I can receive them just fine. Every attempt returns a SMS Error, Cause Code 97. Here’s the latest attempt's entry in the AtDbgLog
07:01:43 Tx:AT+CMGS=52\r
07:01:43 Rx:\r\n>
07:01:43 Tx:000002100204040118914006010008240003270480011710C6EE6BB6E1E58FAF3819F6E1D3B1763DFB5074CBE3A00801000D0100[1A]
07:01:45 Rx:+HTC_CMS ERROR: 28744,2,97\r\n0\r
07:01:45 Tx:AT+CNUM\r
I can provide just about any more information needed and any help with this situation would be greatly appreciated

What PRL do you have Loaded?
As you know the PRL is what allows voice and text.

I had the correct prl loaded, i'd even tried several namely 01040, 01050, and whatever prl was automatically downloaded through *228, but I've since determined that the problem was with their servers as opposed to my phone. I didn't update the post because I couldn't remember where i'd posted it...


MMS Won't Delete And Keeps Resending To Phone

I was trying to get MMS to work on T-Mobile in the US and sent some messages via email to my phone. I get the message headers but can't get the rest of the message. I don't really care about this since I don't really use MMS but whenever I delete the messages, they get sent back to the phone within a few hours. T-Mobile is not at all surprisingly useless here and of no help.
Can anyone advise as to how to permanently delete these messages or better still get rid of the otherwise useless MMS app (preferably without a hard reset and reloading a modified ROM image?)
So you got it to actually send?? Can you tell me what the settings are?
I also have a problem with received MMS being re-sent. However, it appears that after a few days they get removed from the server. I was getting dozens of re-sends a day, and now very few, so it seems to be going away.
I couldn't get it to send from the phone. I sent it from my PC to my T-Mo 'email' address >> Instead of the SMS inbox handling it, the MMS application picks it up (the headers only). I don't know how anyone has MMS running in the States with the pre-installed app. No matter what I do, it never works.
Hopefully, the server will just give up on them eventually as you seem to have discovered.
A Mini T-Mo Rant: T-Mo US is just terrible when it comes to trying to help with this stuff. I called them asking them to delete the messages for me and they replied that it is a hardware problem on my end!! I wasn't asking them to solve the problem of not being able to receive it. Clearly, T-Mo's server keeps trying to send it and all they had to do was delete it. I don't think it takes a technical genius to figure this out, let alone their 2nd tier support!
Yeah, I had a similar useless conversation. I asked for the server settings, and all they'd say is, "We can't support that device because we don't know what the software looks like." After a half dozen times explaining that I could manage the config if they would simply tell me THEIR server settings, I gave up.
It does amaze me how far behind the US is in terms of phone tech. We lag just about everywhere in virtually every respect of telephony.
Yup. Used to be I could call the T-Mobile support center in the UK and get good help. Ironically, that was before VoiceStream joined T-Mobile. Now they tell me I have to call US support.

MMS on Verizon

Hiya, i currently have an xv6800 on VZW with an unlimited data plan.
I have dcd's 3.2.6 and radio version 3.42.50
Everything is going great, its fast, gps active, except I am currently unable to send or receive picture messages. I cant find any options for this
I have the verizon carrier cab installed
Just curious if i am missing a certain cab file or if someone could enlighten me on this?
Sorry if this has been posed before (I searched and only found sprint related issues)
Thank you very much for your time,
I was actually wondering this for the longest time, too. Before (I don't remember what rom I had at the time), when I would receive an MMS, I wouldn't be able to download the images or whatever was included, but at least it would inform me. Now it isn't even listed under the messaging accounts (I have titan reloaded 1.1). Is it not possible for Verizon?
Same Here
The only option I have is to send it via email. I have even tried to set the camera setting to MMS size but still I can not find an option to send out a MMS, who know how many incoming MMS's I have missed.
Got it to work
Check out this thread, it may help you
I now have Verizon MMS - tested to send and receive, but my SPB Pocket Plus does not show that I have received a message (but I do get a notice and an icon in the top of WinMo 6.1 - and new MMS's only show the persons phone number, not thier name), nor does winmo 6.1 correctly thread MMS like it does for SMS. Don't know if it is buggy or SPB does not like the .cab file?
A little more reading
Looks like there is an updated version here:
Taken from this thread:

SMS not working on cricket

I just flashed my phone and the phone works fine. I just have problems
with sms. I can't send or recv any sms messages. I used prl 1050 and 38515
and still the same. I keep getting message can't be sent and the
bottom of the screen shows error synchronizing. Is there any settings for
SMS in this phone? I did the *228 programming and it all went thru fine, and followed the instructions that ryan mogul posted for programming the phone with my new phone # and settings.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
Possible Solution: disable "Automatic Prepend" phone feature
This is an old thread, but if you use a Sprint-based ROM with Cricket, you'll probably have problems sending SMS.
Turn of the feature "Automatic Prepend", which prepends a "1" to the phone# when sending SMS
Start Menu --> Settings --> Phone --> Services tab --> select Automatic Prepend --> click Settings button
change it to disabled, then click OK, then close all windows
Also, PRL 1050 is no longer a working PRL, and will probably cause problems if you are using it. *228 is best method for loading a good PRL, although if you're a cricket user, and you have a diamond/touchpro, *228 will only work when you have a 1X (non-EVDO) PRL loaded, such as 1042. To get around this, you have load a 1X PRL before trying *228. Just copy the PRL file to your storage card, or to your Internal Storage or My Documents folder, and then dial ##775# (or ##778#) to use the HTC PRL loader to load the 1X prl (such as this one)
thnx for the reply , its already disabled still not working
can't send msgs but recv fine
and the data portion doesnt work , internet from cricket doesnt work also
i'm stumped
I'm having the exact same problem. I've tried different roms, tried *228, call cricket, ect. When I First got my phone i could send and receive txts, but MMS and data didn't work dispite the cab installs and manual pst programming I did. I have verified with a flasher that everything is flashed properly and he told me that it was probably my rom (RyanMogul2006's 3.1 light cricket build) I tried cooking my own, and also tried DCD's 3.2.6 (currently on) I don't understand why this wont work! I can make and receive calls no problem, but also when I load IE, it takes me to the where it tells me I need to subscribe to mobile web (it's included in my plan and confirmed by the reps)
any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you.
I'm running
R 3.42.50
D 3.2.6
I got everything working, seems there was a problem with my PST settings. Reinstalled Win 6.5 21885 (me thinks>)with cricket cabs
And did the PST setup below again
And everything worked! the sms and internet works fine now. I must've missed something last time i did the PST changes (I doubt it! but again...)
NueKernal-3.01 B109
R 3.42.50
D 3.56
yeah i've deleted and re-entered my MSID and MDN, and all the [email protected] entries, and still nothing. I used DCD's 4.1, aku0.4.4, My own 6.5 28014 build and ##000000# and *228. NOTHING! I'm about to pull my hair out because I can't seen to make it over to a CricKet store before they close!
6800 only goes to Cricket portal
leonicdragon said:
I'm having the exact same problem. I've tried different roms, tried *228, call cricket, ect. When I First got my phone i could send and receive txts, but MMS and data didn't work dispite the cab installs and manual pst programming I did. I have verified with a flasher that everything is flashed properly and he told me that it was probably my rom (RyanMogul2006's 3.1 light cricket build) I tried cooking my own, and also tried DCD's 3.2.6 (currently on) I don't understand why this wont work! I can make and receive calls no problem, but also when I load IE, it takes me to the where it tells me I need to subscribe to mobile web (it's included in my plan and confirmed by the reps)
any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you.
I'm running
R 3.42.50
D 3.2.6
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have had this problem with several phones lately. (A Q and two 6800's with Ryan Moguls Rom's. The problem is obviously Cricket's, because you can get to URL's within the Cricket Portal, but usually cant get other URL's (sporadically I would get The cricket people either swore I had Internet on my account or in the first case they charged me $5 to upgrade my account (to mobile Email) to no avail.
I finally took it to a Cricket owned store, and the guy said, o yeah, I will fix it, and he changed a setting (on their net) and it worked. In another case/different phone, a different store said that my $45 account, (special price, but includes Internet) did not show Internet on it, so he added it.
Find somebody at Cricket who knows something (the customer service over the phone is worthless) and tell them the basics ( only) and see if they can fix it.
btw this is unrelated to the original SMS problem (I have seen this fixed by rechecking the PST settings & *228)
Okay I went a person yesterday, and they told me that if it shows up in the system as a "flashed phone" it will sometimes disable you from sending txts or anything. She changed it to a dummy phone (something Motorola) and then did an account refresh and now everything works! My guess is that this is what causes this, so I think we can safely close this thread now.
try this
Try this: htc-touch-pro/ 62347-touch-pro-full-mms-cricket.html
Do not get confused about registry path your on the right registry.
You will need to take out the spaces, im not allowed to link yet. I only post when needed.


Through a series of weird events I have ended up with a gsm unlocked imagio and no VZW service any longer. No sweat I still have an auxilary line with att. I have gone through all the data settings. Destroyed the connection guardian and unblocked the server edit for arcsoft. Everything works great. Data, SMS, Sending MMS. The only issue I am running into is recieving MMS. I get the messages most of the time but they all say "Message not found". No picture, no text other than the error. MMS settings in arcsoft have been checked over and over. All the searching on the web has yielded no results. Any pro willing to help with the settings/registry tweaks required to get this up and running?
I am having this same problem I have tried about everything I could think of to get it working.
x3 on this issue. Regular text message I get no problem but MMS with pic or anything else I get "Message not Found" I can send without any issues
Same here. Very frustrating.
I am right here with you guys...same issue and all the same registry file changes made. But still yeilding the same results "Message Not Found". The one conclusion that I can assertain is that it is not opening up into the message program. The file data recieves on mine it is almost like it cant find the appropriate program to open or the file extension when recieved on the phone and points to a Verizon Specific app???
Ok since posting my last message on not being able to receive pics via mms, I have done some work on the phone and ROM-Graded to the Sense Rom and everything seems to be working fine with pic message retrieval using HTC messaging...If I go back to the Arcsoft threaded messaging mode it will not still retrieve the pics even after the ROM-Grade. So a work around if your up for it updating the ROM has helped and it also got rid of ALL the Verizon bloatware and crap too...Bonus! I have been running this way for several weeks now and it seems to really be the solution.

Problem with SM-935U firmware and texting--HELP

Here's my problem. I have installed the latest Nougat sm-935u on my 935v and love it's buttery smooth operation but I have a problem with my message apk. It doesn't matter which apk I install or use, they all act the same.
I am using a Straight Talk Sim running on the Verizon network. When I send a text or MMS message the message will actually send and the recipient will receive it, but on my end the message will time out and will say failed to send even though it went through. I never know if it really sent unless I call and ask if it came through and they always tell me yes.
When I go to Mobile Networks, Access Point Names, I have one listed as "Tracfone-Verizon". When I open it and choose edit access point, I can only change one line which is the APN name, "tracfone.vzwentp" all other choices are greyed out.
Is there a way to correct this?
I am having the same problem but I am on Total Wireless.
The problem fixed itself after I updated to the latest U firmware BHQ3 using Samsung Switch.

