Several Questions - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

Hello guys.
I've just got this toy after N82 and since it's my first WM device few questions poped up.
1. The first thing I did - installed last ROM update which was aviable (1.93 or something). I've met a problem - when I scroll down links in Internet tab my device stop working and all I see - is a black and white lines. The only thing I can to do is a hard reset.
2. N82 asks which connection should an aplication use when it tries to download data from the Internet. Is there something similar on WM? (like - use Wi-Fi/use 3G switch)
3. SOLVED Is there any way to sync my device with Thunderbird adress book (mozilla mail client)?
4. There's something wierd with my calibration. After each soft reset I have to re-calibrate it again. Example - I hit "h" button on virtual keyaboard and device pops "g".
5. SOLVED My opera won't go landscape when I turn my device.
I have to excuse for my poor english and I hope my questions are understandable.
Any help will be highly appreciated

Melhom said:
Hello guys.
3. Is there any way to sync my device with Thunderbird adress book (mozilla mail client)?
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Take a look here:
Ciao, Andrea

Thanks a lot It works!

Melhom said:
Thanks a lot It works!
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Thank you for the feedback, I hope someone could help you for other questions.
Ciao, Andrea

About your Q5 (Opera not rotating)...
I have exactly the same problem. I tried the "Gsens" application but have since discovered that opera only rotates when the phone is held exactly upright before rotating (eg as if you held it pressed flat against a wall....) I reckon we might be due an update from Opera to give better tilt parameters.

Thank you, mike. Now it works.
For me it's rather a good thing. N82'ish g-sensor freaked me out due to high sensivity. It kept rotate the screen all the time.


Phone Profiles is out!

Hi guys,
Since almost 350 Magician fellows have downloaded my application, I dare informing you all that I have released an updated version.
Come over my site and download it:
See you there.
slvrbllt said:
Hi guys,
Since almost 350 Magician fellows have downloaded my application, I dare informing you all that I have released an updated version.
Come over my site and download it:
See you there.
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Hi slvrbllt,
Just been to your site. Many thanks for the cycle bluetooth app, just what I was looking for.
I tried your Phone Profiles app and its good but unfortunately conflicts with my Qtek firmwares flight mode - it's a long story.
Anyway I'm trying to remove the app but finding it a little difficult. It keeps saying that /windows/profiler.dll is open or read only even after a soft reset. Any ideas how I can remove the app? It suggests doing a stop all but no apps are listed there.
Thank you,
hi slvrbllt!! Can we assign only a vibration for the new SMS without ringing (for a silent profile for example with a vibration for the ring)? Thanks for this great update!bye
borgs said:
Just been to your site. Many thanks for the cycle bluetooth app, just what I was looking for.
I tried your Phone Profiles app and its good but unfortunately conflicts with my Qtek firmwares flight mode - it's a long story.
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Have you tried DKToday? It's a great BT cycler & more.
Very nice app. you can expect Dutch translations soon. Only thing I like as an improvement is small buttons to quick pick a profile or a possibility to put it in the tray.
Cheers, M
Hmm, looks Good...
borgs said:
slvrbllt said:
Hi guys,
Since almost 350 Magician fellows have downloaded my application, I dare informing you all that I have released an updated version.
Come over my site and download it:
See you there.
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Hi slvrbllt,
Just been to your site. Many thanks for the cycle bluetooth app, just what I was looking for.
I tried your Phone Profiles app and its good but unfortunately conflicts with my Qtek firmwares flight mode - it's a long story.
Anyway I'm trying to remove the app but finding it a little difficult. It keeps saying that /windows/profiler.dll is open or read only even after a soft reset. Any ideas how I can remove the app? It suggests doing a stop all but no apps are listed there.
Thank you,
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Try to uncheck Phone Profiles on Today Items before uninstall.
It works for me.
looks great, but there is a problem with my magician. it crashed when I try to run it, i just saw a window appearing and immideately disappearing .... (my system is runing windows mobile 2003 simplified chinese edition)
Artosoft said:
Try to uncheck Phone Profiles on Today Items before uninstall.
It works for me.
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Cheers Arto, that's exactly what I was forgetting to do.
oltp said:
Have you tried DKToday? It's a great BT cycler & more.
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Thanks, I gave it a try but it has problems with flightmode also (note. these problems seem to be due to a particular Qtek firmware). I think I'll stick with radiooff and CicleBT. Thanks for the info though.
I've downloaded and installed the software, it look good !!
But when I get an incomming call the callerid popup appears followed by a short beep, not the ringtone I setup in the profile... What am I doing wrong ??
Dennis :?
I installed it on my Dopod 818 Pro and it was working fine. However I noticed that the ringtone I assign for any profile is disregarded! It always plays the default ringtone.
So I had to remove it
[Posted to wrong thread]
I can't even install it... I just have this cab(?) file called but what do I do with it? If I unzip it to my home pc, three files come out from it but none of them is an installation file (.exe)
Try this link then
Yeah, but the specific thing here is; Where do I put the CAB file on my device - which directory??? As you can see I don't know ANYTHING about Win CE
Hi John,
you'll get used to it. I suggest you put the .cab on your SD-card, either via Act.Sync, a card reader or direct download with Pocket Internet Explorer (PIE). Then click it from within File Explorer to install. I've installed it to my storage folder (not the default location) & it runs well.
Another suggestion: get caninstl (google for it), then you can choose where to install cab-files far more easily & it got an option not to delete the cab after finishing the installation.
Regards, M
Nice work slvrbllt, everything that was missing in your first post in now in it. You made me happy hehe
V1.2.0 is out!
Question for Silver Bullet: I saw there is a new feature: Hi-Res icons added.
What is exactly the feature is (I haven't install v1.2.0 yet)?
Hi-res Icons are for VGA devices only... ;-)
Thanks for your appreciations.
is it possible to set a vibration to an incoming SMS without a ringtone?thanks
Hi slvrbllt, i have tried your other app Flightmode on my BA WM5 and it works great. I have a question on Phone Profiles; would it be possible to add control over the backlight and power save options? This would be helpful to create a profile for "Car" for instance where i need the backlight on and power save disabled for my GPS and would be easier to setup a profile to do this.
Thanks for your applications and hard work.

Phone Button Problem.

Hello everybody, I am facing a strange problem. Some of my phone buttons have stopped working as they used to work before. The complete buttons on the front panel at times they work and at times they don't. The below mentioned buttons only are not working:
1. The Internet Explorer button.(Above on the right)
2. The Message button.(Above on the left)
3. The Call buttons. (The call picking and disconnecting button, below left and right) And the 4 keys along it.
And one more strange problem is the phone goes to the internet explorer by its own, at times when i open the phone it is on the internet explorer, though before going to the sleeping mode after getting locked it is on the normal screen but when i switch it on and put the password, i find it on the internet explorer screen. Pls help to resolve these problems, I'll highly appreciate you all.
The buttons would be controlled in the settings section.
But I have to agree about the IE coming up. I think its related to getting the phone out of the case on your belt and it presses itself - as it were. I've tried setting that button to nothing to see if that makes any difference.
The buttons would be controlled in the settings section.
But I have to agree about the IE coming up. I think its related to getting the phone out of the case on your belt and it presses itself - as it were. I've tried setting that button to nothing to see if that makes any difference.
Thnks for the msg. Can you advise where in the settings section the changes have to be done.
Regarding IE, i believe it is not due to removing and inserting in the cover. Even when it is removed from the cover, and at times if i press the key which is right below the contact(to open contact details), It opens IE and with the call button which is the green one also.
Pls help me, I never knew atleast with this device after spending a huge amount still i will come across such problem. I am really frustrated with the device.
Anybody pls help!!!!!
Regards Pankaj
which model do u have? i am having the same problem with my Softbank X01HT / Dopod 838Pro. Also change the buttons setting does not work
care724 said:
which model do u have? i am having the same problem with my Softbank X01HT / Dopod 838Pro. Also change the buttons setting does not work
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This may be quite wrong but I'm just wondering if you guys have programmes running in the background. You may know that just tapping on the X top right does not close programmes down fully. You need something like Magicbutton or HTC X Button installed to quickly and fully close running programmes. If you don't have such an application installed then some of these hard keys may be responding to the background programmes. It would not surprise me in this case that Internet Explorer pops up because it's never been fully closed.
Just a thought.
And if you knew all this already I apologise, but it might be useful to someone who didn't know.
mikechannon said:
This may be quite wrong but I'm just wondering if you guys have programmes running in the background. You may know that just tapping on the X top right does not close programmes down fully. You need something like Magicbutton or HTC X Button installed to quickly and fully close running programmes. If you don't have such an application installed then some of these hard keys may be responding to the background programmes. It would not surprise me in this case that Internet Explorer pops up because it's never been fully closed.
Just a thought.
And if you knew all this already I apologise, but it might be useful to someone who didn't know.
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Thanks for your information, well i really didn't knew about this. Can you suggest where can i find this software, i am having Imate Jasjam. Would really appreciate your immediate reply.
Thanks & Regards
Pankaj Oberoi
pankajunlimited17 said:
Thanks for your information, well i really didn't knew about this. Can you suggest where can i find this software, i am having Imate Jasjam. Would really appreciate your immediate reply.
Thanks & Regards
Pankaj Oberoi
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Not saying this is the cause of your problem but could be.
Magic Button shows running programmes and lets you fully close them:
It will ask for you to register and give e-mail address but you do not need to, you can still download without doing all that.
There are other programmes like HTC X Button but this one works fine.
i have the same problem! maybe something funny is going on with JASJAMs... anyway, i tried pressing the IE button after resetting the device (soft reset) and it STILL says it cant find the location. it must be SOMEWHERE in the registry!
can anyone please help??
benzothegreat said:
i have the same problem! maybe something funny is going on with JASJAMs... anyway, i tried pressing the IE button after resetting the device (soft reset) and it STILL says it cant find the location. it must be SOMEWHERE in the registry!
can anyone please help??
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Can we assume that IE works ok when you start it from the Start Menu, and that it is only when you try to start it from the hardware key it does not work?
yes thats exactly right. runs perfectly! i'm wondering if maybe the entry in the registry has gone missing...?
benzothegreat said:
yes thats exactly right. runs perfectly! i'm wondering if maybe the entry in the registry has gone missing...?
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Given the programme is working fine, this I think will be a simple matter of remapping the key to the shortcut/programme. Unfortunately it's late here, hopefully someone else can give you the detail. If not I'll check this thread tomorrow.
Go to Start>settings>Buttons>
Select button 2 and choose Internet Explorer from the drop down list below.
(If IE is already chosen then I would choose something else for button 2 (anything) tick to say ok. Try the button it should open whatever programme you selected. Now go back to the buttons menu and choose Internet Explorer for button 2 again.)
Hopefully this will work if not report back.
hi guys i have same problem my panels buttons are not woking just center buttons are wokring, its not work 2 week , then suddenly one day it work but next day again offf.... does any 1 have same problem?

Oh my GOD! Can anyone help me tell me how to mod my Trinity!!

Hi everyone! I own a trinity spv m700 orange white phone. Nothing has been change, the phone is still the same as the day it came package. And I have just witnessed the potential of what my phone can do.
I am still a noob. And I dunno what they are using to do all that on their trinity. I think now is the good time to learn more about my phone and fiddle with it.
I would love and kill to see my trinity work that way. Would any experts out there kindly point me in the right direction. I know there might be alot of work cut out for me. But I am not discouraged.
Hope someone can help me in here.
Thank you in advance.
leynos said:
Hi everyone! I own a trinity spv m700 orange white phone. Nothing has been change, the phone is still the same as the day it came package. And I have just witnessed the potential of what my phone can do.
I am still a noob. And I dunno what they are using to do all that on their trinity. I think now is the good time to learn more about my phone and fiddle with it.
I would love and kill to see my trinity work that way. Would any experts out there kindly point me in the right direction. I know there might be alot of work cut out for me. But I am not discouraged.
Hope someone can help me in here.
Thank you in advance.
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There's nothing special about it. From what I can see, it has HTC Home installed, Touchflo, HTC Album in landscape mode, Pocket IE in full screen mode, Tom Tom navigation, Office Mobile, Windows Media Player, HTC Audio Manager, HTC Action, nothing special.
As for the speed, it is a medium speed ROM, I'd give it a 6/10.
Most of these apps you will find on the forum.
tnyynt said:
There's nothing special about it. From what I can see, it has HTC Home installed, Touchflo, HTC Album in landscape mode, Pocket IE in full screen mode, Tom Tom navigation, Office Mobile, Windows Media Player, HTC Audio Manager, HTC Action, nothing special.
As for the speed, it is a medium speed ROM, I'd give it a 6/10.
Most of these apps you will find on the forum.
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Hi there, thanks for the reply and advice.
So what sort of tools should I need or basic requirements like wm 5 or wm6 inorder for me to install them applications?
Thing i have installed to my Trinity and as a result i now have almost stylus free usage:
In no particular order:
FTouchFlo Configuration
SPB Mobile Shell
Mobile Shell customisation
Slide 2 Play, with Cover flow
Slide 2 Unlock
iContact The one in the video.
TomTom GPS
Opera Mini
Thumb Cal
Slide 2 View
There is other stuff but these are the ones i use the most.
Just replying to bookmark this thread. Thanks for sharing useful software tips guys! I'm an Spb fan myself but will have a good look at your lists above.
Mattster_spv said:
Just replying to bookmark this thread. Thanks for sharing useful software tips guys! I'm an Spb fan myself but will have a good look at your lists above.
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You can always choose "Subscribe to this thread" under "Thread tools" on the top brown bar.
I so knew that.....
ok... I didn't......
I've left this question elsewhere, but just in case anyone knows.. is there a piece of software out there with a tweak to stop SIM contacts appearing as well as phone contacts?
Mattster_spv said:
I've left this question elsewhere, but just in case anyone knows.. is there a piece of software out there with a tweak to stop SIM contacts appearing as well as phone contacts?
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Here you go!
After installation, shut down PPC (hold power button for 4 seconds), then soft reset.
Hey Tnyynt.
Thanks, but I think I found a solution by searching....
Schaps Advanced configuration tool (works w/wm6.1.) It has the SIM option and many more cool options (of which I know how to use maybe two!)

Remote Desktop on HD, toggle fullscreen

Hi forum-users,
I´m new to this forum, it´s great, thanks to all posters.... I´m german, please excuse my weak english.
I searched the forum for a solution for my problem, but didn´t find it:
I´m using the built-in software "Remote Desktop", and it works fine, except that I´m not able to switch between fullscreen-mode and the mode where i have menus and can use the onscreen-keyboard.
How can I toggle between fullscreen-mode and non-fullscreen-mode.
Non of the 7 keys of the touch HD seems to have this function.....
thanks a lot for your advices.
Hi AsterX, welcome to the forum.
I also do have a problem with RDP Mobile. I never get a connection with RDP Mobile to my local PC. I set up the wlan, connected to it, but if I try to connect to the PC it never succeds.
Does anybody know what it could be?
(DHCP is off in my LAN)
Ascenca83 said:
Hi AsterX, welcome to the forum.
I also do have a problem with RDP Mobile. I never get a connection with RDP Mobile to my local PC. I set up the wlan, connected to it, but if I try to connect to the PC it never succeds.
Does anybody know what it could be?
(DHCP is off in my LAN)
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- Do you have remote function enabled on target-device?
- Do you have specified an account for remote?
- Firewall rule active for remote-desktop?
- Can you connect a shared folder via Mobile Explorer?
Please check these points.
D-Jay said:
- Do you have remote function enabled on target-device?
- Do you have specified an account for remote?
- Firewall rule active for remote-desktop?
- Can you connect a shared folder via Mobile Explorer?
Please check these points.
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Hi D-Jay
Thanks for your answer.
Indeed all points you mentioned are fine cos I use my second PC (client) to get to the server trough RDP. So I dont know why it doesnt work with the mobile.
I tried to connect with the same account I am using from the client PC, so it should work, doesnt it?
AsterX said:
Hi forum-users,
I´m new to this forum, it´s great, thanks to all posters.... I´m german, please excuse my weak english.
I searched the forum for a solution for my problem, but didn´t find it:
I´m using the built-in software "Remote Desktop", and it works fine, except that I´m not able to switch between fullscreen-mode and the mode where i have menus and can use the onscreen-keyboard.
How can I toggle between fullscreen-mode and non-fullscreen-mode.
Non of the 7 keys of the touch HD seems to have this function.....
thanks a lot for your advices.
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try double tap the screen to go to full screen, if there isn't a menu.
Hi buggybug0,
thanks for Your reply.
I already tried double tapping on the screen, also I tried long tapping/holding on then screen. Up to now I didn´t find any way to toggle from fullscreen to ´normal´ screen.
Any further ideas?
AsterX said:
Hi buggybug0,
thanks for Your reply.
I already tried double tapping on the screen, also I tried long tapping/holding on then screen. Up to now I didn´t find any way to toggle from fullscreen to ´normal´ screen.
Any further ideas?
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ahh.. well my HD won't arrive till friday, and i just sold my TyTn. umm.. try putting the stylus at all four corners, and/or all four edges (middle of the edge) to see if it brings up a hidden menu. I know on win xp desktop version of the Remote Desktop has the menu auto hide at the middle top of the screen, may be the same thing?
sorry, since i don't have any device, i'm just shooting blanks, may not work
Hi buggybug0
thanks for Your efforts
I putted die stylus to all corners, middles, long, short, tapping, holding, double-tapping.... I can´t find any way to return from fullscreen to non-fullscreen.....:-(
I also know the behavior of the desktop-version of RDP, unfortunatly it is not the same way on mobile...
Maybe You will find a solution when You have Your own HD
buggybug0 said:
ahh.. well my HD won't arrive till friday, and i just sold my TyTn. umm.. try putting the stylus at all four corners, and/or all four edges (middle of the edge) to see if it brings up a hidden menu. I know on win xp desktop version of the Remote Desktop has the menu auto hide at the middle top of the screen, may be the same thing?
sorry, since i don't have any device, i'm just shooting blanks, may not work
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AsterX said:
Hi buggybug0
thanks for Your efforts
I putted die stylus to all corners, middles, long, short, tapping, holding, double-tapping.... I can´t find any way to return from fullscreen to non-fullscreen.....:-(
I also know the behavior of the desktop-version of RDP, unfortunatly it is not the same way on mobile...
Maybe You will find a solution when You have Your own HD
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I have the same problem, if you go full screen you're not getting out of full screen without killing the application! I think another issue with no hard soft keys.
I even dont get a connection
How did you set up your LAN? What Windows is on the PC you connect?
Did you configure something special on the PC to get it working?
Ascenca83 said:
I even dont get a connection
How did you set up your LAN? What Windows is on the PC you connect?
Did you configure something special on the PC to get it working?
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Hi Ascenca83
the connection itself worked at once.
Touch HD: Remote Desktop, IP-Adress, Connect..., User/Password, and it works.
But the problem, that I can´t get out of the fullscreen, and therefore can´t use the virtual keyboard, still exists....
Found the problem. Strangely the Touch HD had problem with my wpa-psk key. Had to set a new one and update the time setting of the router and then it worked.
With wpa2-psk I wasnt able to get a connection at all. Unsupported??
I tried RDC and got 'Internal Error'
Anyone know what this means?
Hmmm weird, to access the network I have to go into IE and type \\SERVER\ but despite the fact this opens the file manager it doesn't work directly in file manager!!!
If I browse to a folder on my server, I cannot then go back to \\SERVER\ afterwards without going via IE again!
What's with that!!!! Might expain why RDC doesn't work though.
Probably we need to contact HTC support and ask?
Who is the developer of this RDP mobile? Microsoft?
Or maybe just wait couple of months for Win Mo 6.5 Probably they fixed there.
Cant wait that looooooong
Is there really no solution for it to go fullscreen on this lovely portable screen?
Any alternative programs?
I think, there should be another solution for this problem than waiting for WIN6.5;-)?
The Touch HD is because of its large screen a great tool for a RemoteDektopClient. But without beeing able to work in fullscreen-mode, a great part of the worth of an bis screen is gone...
Does HTC have a good working support-hotline via email?
gogol said:
Probably we need to contact HTC support and ask?
Who is the developer of this RDP mobile? Microsoft?
Or maybe just wait couple of months for Win Mo 6.5 Probably they fixed there.
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Did You get Your HTC Touch HD? How do You like it?
And could You also see the problem?
buggybug0 said:
ahh.. well my HD won't arrive till friday, and i just sold my TyTn. umm.. try putting the stylus at all four corners, and/or all four edges (middle of the edge) to see if it brings up a hidden menu. I know on win xp desktop version of the Remote Desktop has the menu auto hide at the middle top of the screen, may be the same thing?
sorry, since i don't have any device, i'm just shooting blanks, may not work
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AsterX said:
Did You get Your HTC Touch HD? How do You like it?
And could You also see the problem?
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AsterX, don't worry, i still remember you. infact, the first thing i tried when i got my phone was RemoteDesktop. Now I see your problem, i couldn't find a solution.. yet. for the sake of other the issue is this:
in mobile remote desktop client, when you log on using non-full screen, then go to full screen with connection still being alive, you cannot get out of full screen. of course you can also choose to go into full screen as the client connects, but the problem still exists -> if you are in full screen now, you can't get out of it.
this problem never came to mind because my previous PPC had a keyboard. i still be poking around on this issue.
Hi buggybug0
yes, You exactly described the problem.
Additionally, when you are in fullscreen-mode, you cant reach the virtual keyboard
So you can't type anything, if You are in fullscreen-mode..., and you can't leave the fullscreen-mode without cutting the connection
buggybug0 said:
AsterX, don't worry, i still remember you. infact, the first thing i tried when i got my phone was RemoteDesktop. Now I see your problem, i couldn't find a solution.. yet. for the sake of other the issue is this:
in mobile remote desktop client, when you log on using non-full screen, then go to full screen with connection still being alive, you cannot get out of full screen. of course you can also choose to go into full screen as the client connects, but the problem still exists -> if you are in full screen now, you can't get out of it.
this problem never came to mind because my previous PPC had a keyboard. i still be poking around on this issue.
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Pocket Informant - got it working?

is there anyone out there that's got Webis Pocket Informant working on the Diamond2? I've tried their latest release 8.51 and an older 8.10, both on a cleanly installed D2 after a hard reset. Installing goes fine, but when I hit the 'Menu' button in the lower right corner to go messing around with it, it hangs the whole device. I have to soft reset it afterwards. This happens as soon as I start up the calendar.
Is there anyone that succeeded with PI?
Works fine for me with 8.51 via desktop installer
No problems here with 8.51
Thanks for you reactions. I'm still having the problem. I'm now guessing it has to do with the dutch version of the software. After all, the menu that's supposed to open is in dutch. Maybe something is too long for the menu, when it's displayed by TF3D.
deechte said:
Thanks for you reactions. I'm still having the problem. I'm now guessing it has to do with the dutch version of the software. After all, the menu that's supposed to open is in dutch. Maybe something is too long for the menu, when it's displayed by TF3D.
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Same problem with MENU button in DUTCH version here.
groeten, Danny Groeneveld
I have tried the english version, which works good. Every several days it crashes on me once though. I have seen the text on the last menu option, which is Close, being deformed though. One time it didn't say Close but Go to, and when I clicked it PI closed, like it should. Strange behaviour, but the english version is workable, when you don't mind not having dutch.
deechte said:
I have tried the english version, which works good. Every several days it crashes on me once though. I have seen the text on the last menu option, which is Close, being deformed though. One time it didn't say Close but Go to, and when I clicked it PI closed, like it should. Strange behaviour, but the english version is workable, when you don't mind not having dutch.
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I suggest that you send in a support request to the devolopers
regards, Danny
Yeah, but I'm not a paying customer. I was just testing Pocket Informant, since a really like their Note2Self and Flexmail software, which I bought. Didn't buy PI yet though and won't, if they don't fix this.
I can confirm this bug as well. Don't have a Topaz but the Custom ROM's for the TouchHD seem to have the same problem with the Dutch file.
Posted on the PI forum. Let's see what happens
Hey there,
Same problem here. Only difference is that I have a Rhodium (TP2) with a dutch rom. So its not a device issue I guess, seems to be an dutch-rom-issue.
Device hangs sometimes (about every 1-3 days) when soft-buttons are clicked to show menus. Soft-reset needed to get It going again.
ROM: 1.19.404.1 (51489) NLD
PI version: 8.51
Have u got a link to the WebIS-forum discussion you started over there?
There are two discussions about this problem:
For Topaz
For Touch Pro 2

