New HTC camera 6.8 - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Here is the link of the new HTC camera from raphael (build 32018) OEM packages-
Works with- Kaiser, Polaris (confirmed)
Other devices are being tested.
Plz report about issues. works best with 3mp cameras. supports QVGA devices.
This OEM files are for those who cook roms. Camera doesnt work on simply coping these files in windows folder. if u hav done that mistake then delete the 'camera.exe' in your windows folder with file explorer to get your camera working again.

anyway of packing it into a CAB file?
Edit: also copied the OEM files to my tilt and my camera wouldnt work

coping only the OEM files wont do the job. it is for the cooks. may be some one can provide a cab?

abinbasu said:
coping only the OEM files wont do the job. it is for the cooks. may be some one can provide a cab?
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it will a good idea !!

I cooked it into my latest rom for polaris.
works good, no problems yet.
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Thanks for sharing guys!!!
Is it possible to get a cab ?

will this work with HTC Touch Enhanced??

itje said:
I cooked it into my latest rom for polaris.
works good, no problems yet.
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Can i have the OEM. I've tried to make a CAB, but i can't install it. I will try to cook it in my rom. Have you maked a cab just with raphael package?

Please, can anybody make a cab of it ??

hello there!
does this software works on htc trinity (P3600)?

lupone67 said:
Can i have the OEM. I've tried to make a CAB, but i can't install it. I will try to cook it in my rom. Have you maked a cab just with raphael package?
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Read my friend:
I Cooked it in with the OEM package in first post

i've used this on the newest hyperdragon, it looks like the sport and burst modes are gone, am i just missing something? also gps photo, but that always seemed worthless...

hanackin said:
Thanks for sharing guys!!!
Is it possible to get a cab ?
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no!!! LOL
you are crazy
thanks for you share

Why not ?
of course it should be possible my friend
nothing is impossible on XDA!!!!

its like we're piecing the Touch Pro together like a puzzle with all of these parts..
3 more weeks.. and I have the real deal..
oh yeah, why is it in portrait mode?..

KingSiddhartha said:
3 more weeks.. and I have the real deal..
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do you think at&t's still on track with end of oct release date? i hope so but i have my doubts...

For the ones that are asking for a cab file. When you extract the rar file, you can put all files in your Device to the Windows folder.

is there a difference in light reduction, nightshoot and speed? speed is the main problem with the Polaris' camera.

i did that with my tilt but it would give me an error everytime i tried to open the camera app
Kajoe said:
For the ones that are asking for a cab file. When you extract the rar file, you can put all files in your Device to the Windows folder.
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Thanks mate. Now its time for a newer manila.


[PROJECT] Manila HD port running on VGA [DEVELOPERS & COOKS PLZ]

Hello People i got managed running the TOUCH HD Manila on our Diamond.
New manila hd ist not anymore a simple touchscreen interface.
The new part is that it has some functions such as STOCK tab and you can add by keyboard new quotes. THATS THE KEYWORD. MANILA HAS A DEPENDENCIE ON THE NEW TOUCH HD KEYBOARD. so you have to include this to your rom too to get it working. bad news is , that its hard porting new manila only with a cabfile to our devices. there is a dependencie of the keyboard u use the display drivers ddi.dll libgles and other things. To get everything correctly working at this stage of development its only possible with custom cooked roms.
I report the next days more about the progress.
the source for the hd dump can be found on the Blackstone section of this forum.
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Edit: Our mun_rus managed to get it running on Diamond VGA properly.
He hexpatched the manila to VGA resolution. *THUMBS UP* and ACES HIGH
Link to Source Files:
some more screens
Overall speed is very very fast without tweaks. picture up and down scroll is fastest i have ever seen
I think it is possible, we need make Manilla editor - resizer, which will remake grpahics in correct aspect ratio (480*640 versus 480*800(?))
Reserved for later release !
Great news alphazero!
Hmm .. So you think that if someone resize the pictures they will then be smaller and fit to the screen? That could be an idea..
But i was also thinkin: maybe one of the manila files (or other files that belongs to manlia for that matter) contains some sort of code where the size of how many pixels it should use is indicated.. ? Just an idea..
can the system files from the HD be used combined with the graphics from the diamond?
ryousuke said:
can the system files from the HD be used combined with the graphics from the diamond?
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sure else touchflo wont start cause its using 3d drivers of the diamond. or did i get your question wrong ?
I extracted the Rom with Surface Kitchen v1.00
one here manila it touch HD
cruchot.1 said:
I extracted the Rom with Surface Kitchen v1.00
one here manila it touch HD
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can i put it on first post ? use it to look and find out where the resolution part is or if the images are just bigger. this would be a first step
alphazero said:
can i put it on first post ?
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malina editor work with manila hd, i test resize the pictures
sorry for my poor english
Here is a rapidlink without download limitation.
Since this could work for all of HTC's TF3D-compatible devices, I'm gonna move this thread to the Development and Hacking section.
HD Manila
Test My Mirror
Hey great news, you can use the Chainfire tools to resize all the picture.But after that you need to recalibrate the screen too.
I speak about this tools
zeus34 said:
Test My Mirror
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i've got it ,thanks
This is really great news alphazero ^^
But... who can tell me how to install this on a Diamond? Just copy&paste all .manila-files to ...\windows?
This isn't the same size of screen need modification before install , see the screen on post #1.

Fun and Colorful Keyboards

If you are bored with your regular black or white keyboard. I made these colorful keyboards for your msim.96.dll . Enjoy.
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Great work!
can u plz explain as to how to apply this for my Keyboard.Its really nice..I have HTC P3400i running on WM6
looks nice, but how to implement it to my device?
Thats something I'd also like to know
great work thanks for contributing. but some kind of install notes would be nice. like any other contribution has.
Hi guys,
Generally, this is ideally for chef to cook this with their rom.
However, you can ActiveSync the msim.96.dll to your phone. Here are the instructions.
Step 1 - First you copy the msim.96.dll from your phone back to your laptop/desktop (any) folder.
Step 2 - Then you open this with ResourceHacker. Under Bitmap>15361>1033
Click on Action>Replace bitmap(choose the one you like)..follow the step.
Step 3- Once you replaced the bitmap. Click on File>Save as(make sure you click on Save as) then pick the same folder, and msim.96.dll and overwrite.
Finally- Transfer the finished msim.96.dll back to your phone va ActiveSync.
Windows don´t let me copy this file and paste in other site. Tried by actsync to pc and creating a copy in SD. Windows says it is no possible. What need i to do that?
I like very much orange/black kb skin. I have M2D with an Orange skin too and it will be great.
I have a Mio A701 with WWE 6.1
Thanks 4 your work!!
For us non-cooker, any chance to do this eg CAB or similar ?
mainsail said:
Windows don´t let me copy this file and paste in other site. Tried by actsync to pc and creating a copy in SD. Windows says it is no possible. What need i to do that?
I like very much orange/black kb skin. I have M2D with an Orange skin too and it will be great.
I have a Mio A701 with WWE 6.1
Thanks 4 your work!!
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Here you go. Just unzip and activesync to your phone and overwrite.
edywanwan said:
For us non-cooker, any chance to do this eg CAB or similar ?
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Yes, you can do it without having to cook the rom.
Just follow the steps.
ps. I don't have CAB maker program.
Here's a program made by joemanb, found in these forums. Pretty old file, from 2007, but still works with PDACornerUltimate 6.1 ROM.
Here's a Picasa Album with screenshots from most of the keyboards.
Here's a program made by joemanb, found in these forums. Pretty old file, from 2007, but still works with PDACornerUltimate 6.1 ROM.
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yes, they will probably work with this, except it uses keyboards in the file 'msim.96.dll.409.mui' (this MIGHT be the difference between WM6 and WM6.1, but I'm not sure), so you MAY have to edit the 'kbs.mscr' file and change al instances of 'msim.96.dll.409.mui' to 'msim.96.dll'.
Then you have to rename the keyboard files to: '', and add them to the '' file (or create a new one since the old one contains 'msim.96.dll.409.mui' files instead of 'msim.96.dll')....
Well... Good luck!

UPDATED!!! opal VIVA__WM6.5 (v11) B21189

guys wm6.5 updated
check it out
ok button added
message popup ,the scroll bar is updated
its faster than the previous one
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download the ruu from the link below and put it in the same folder and flash
anyone tried this? is it very fast? titanium and honeycomb works?
aiyazhussain, is it your own original ROM or it's the next build of v10 by AJ?
alant said:
aiyazhussain, is it your own original ROM or it's the next build of v10 by AJ?
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its not done by him or A.J (i think)... its made by phamquang from pdaviet...
yes dude this is done by pdaviet and ive installed it in my opal and its workin fine......
Hmmmm.... Maybe, maybe)))
alant said:
Hmmmm.... Maybe, maybe)))
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all the bugs are fixes and its perfect
aiyazhussain said:
all the bugs are fixes and its perfect
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perfect? u mean no lag? eveything is smooth as 6.1? is there windows live?
jonrulezz said:
perfect? u mean no lag? eveything is smooth as 6.1? is there windows live?
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no windows live but i installed it from device update software
thx for the updated one ...
thank for 6.5
thankyou verymuch for wm 6.5 21189 it very cool
just installed... IT ROCKS!! except why was there touchflo? is there any way to remove it?
jonrulezz, in Today settings (in Items tab) deselect TouchFLO item.
alant said:
jonrulezz, in Today settings (in Items tab) deselect TouchFLO item.
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sorry, i meant the touchflo scrolling, i changed the registry, but its still there... any other way?
thanx for the rom! it's greate, but its a little slower than the original one.
anyway realy thanx!
i can't install msn on this, can anyone help me
groove3x said:
i can't install msn on this, can anyone help me
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install the software and ull hav many updates also live messenger......
thank you
Some bad fact about this rom:
1. Sometimes the ROM is very slow, especially in work with Windows Media.
2. Very bad suuport of russian language. SMS, Tasks, Contacs, ect. ("Standard" WM Applications) work correct with russian encoding, but Audio Manager, Mobile Word, and in some cases Windows Media Player have wrong encoding.
But, it's very good!!! Very-very good ROM!
very good rom

New iPhone style Sense UI Slider

I created this slider for Sense UI (2.1)
It also includes matching "Customize Tabs" icon.
You can download it from my site here
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Updates coming soon.
i loved it thank u for your work...
they look really good. good job
also i noticed you used on of my wallpapers i had on my blog
That is possible. I found them all using a google search
can you make one for sense 2.5??? (mightymike's war rom)
mwrood said:
can you make one for sense 2.5??? (mightymike's war rom)
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Sorry, I am not running a ROM with Sense 2.5 and therefore don't have a way to determining how the icons need to be sized, etc, nor a way of testing.
Looks good....nice job!
Updated to work with stock slider tab. Please read instructons on the website carefully!
Do you have any idea why this slider cab is not working on nrgz his roms?
In the manilla settings tab it says it is version 2.1 compressed.
Probably because it is compressed.
Let me compress them and I will PM you a link so you can test.
Compressed versions now available on the website.
Please let me know how they work !!
hey the new icons dont appear unless i hover over them..otherwise its the original icons.
Hmmm.. that is a strange one.
Are you using a transparent tab?
Can you provide a screen shot please?
brent372 said:
Compressed versions now available on the website.
Please let me know how they work !!
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Just flashed an Ark666 rom yesterday...
So I will flash back to NRGZ's rom tonight or tomorrow to check it out
And is their any possibility that you can upload the images so the single icons?
This so that we are able to use your slider in every manilla?
rick94 said:
Just flashed an Ark666 rom yesterday...
So I will flash back to NRGZ's rom tonight or tomorrow to check it out
And is their any possibility that you can upload the images so the single icons?
This so that we are able to use your slider in every manilla?
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Easy enough for you to do yourself. Just pull apart the CAB file
brent372 said:
Easy enough for you to do yourself. Just pull apart the CAB file
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I will give it another try
First time I did not succeeded
When I extract the iphone cab I get manilla files...And when I use WinCE cab manager I get the same result?
That is correct. They are manila files.
Can you post a screenshot of what your device with the cab installed so I can see what icons are showing up and what one's aren't.
running a imagio with 6.5 when I install the slider icons they show up verysmall. I tried just insatlling them after going back to stock and same result. any ideas?

Finally.WM6.5 21916 WWE/CHT/CHS

已经结束:HTC TP2/D2/HD2/HD/6875/6975/X1
接下来则是HTC BA 21916
我想我已经做了太多WM6.5.3 For HTC BA.
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Build 21916
Build 29009 WWE/CHT/CHS
By Sun Dream
Sundream long time no see welcome back
very nice & perfect, thank sundream
Always a suprise sun dream
Sent from my E15i using XDA Premium App
Welcome back Sun Dream
Do i nead a Password ?
Can someone reupload this rom to 4shared?? Because i cant download this rom
I hope you don't mind sun_dream, but i made some mirrors that are faster.
here it is:
will it work on HTC Universal ?
Thank you supreme kyo !!
joromercedesa :
No!! This will brick your Universal
I am surprised that M$ still spits out builds for 6.5.x... in any case...
Glad to see you haven't forgotten about this, my friend! Good to see you
is this rom newer then 5.2.28244 (Build 28244.5.3.10)?
at least the copyright is from 2011... but the number is smaller.. I do not understand?!?!
I think this one is more recent.
Excelent work Sun_Dream!!
Major bug report
Solitaire game options aren't working!!!! I'm most distressed about it... need a fix for it ;(
flyboy_____ said:
Solitaire game options aren't working!!!! I'm most distressed about it... need a fix for it ;(
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copy to windows dir
sun_dream said:
copy to windows dir
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somthing is missing me because when i paste the file to windows dir it w
rns me that it will replace the old file, but when i press YES it tells me that the fil is write protected and i cannot delete it.
how is this solved?
Hi Sun_dream . Your newest ROM is perfect, build 29009 is the best I've tried so far . Thank you very much for this relase, I have just one question. Is there any newer build than 29009? Could you also add Manila 2D to your newest ROM ?
nice one again sun_dream....
how about for himalaya?
flyboy_____ said:
somthing is missing me because when i paste the file to windows dir it w
rns me that it will replace the old file, but when i press YES it tells me that the fil is write protected and i cannot delete it.
how is this solved?
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You'll need to use Resco Explorer or similar program to copy the file.
Is there any noticable difference in speed or stabiliy in this version??? Too bad the Start button is on the top
Solved!!! Very good ROM and RESCO was the solution, Thanks
graet job bro thankyou so much
