"New" message tab? - Touch Cruise ROM Development

Anyway of having the "New" message tab in the SMS folder? Or am I stuck with "Delete"? Thanks in advance.


message problem

i got a problem in my draft of text message....
there's a blank message with no sender and no subject
the time in the right just following the time of the phone
and i cant delete this message even i cant move it to other folder!
is this a virus?
can anyone help me how to delete this message?
i've tried to restart the phone but the message is still there......

un-erase SMS at Wing?

Hey Folks,
got a prob...
I deleted servel very important Messanges from my Wing... Is there any opportunity to un-erase them?
Or impossible because of the flash-rom?
i tried "Data Doctor - Mobile Phone Inspectror"
but got the errormsg "time out - reconnect device"
got ideas?
thank mates
If you did empty your Deleted SMS folder then i think there is no way to retrieve that...
yap did empty deleted files.....
any idea? pleaaaase ((

i cant just use regualar text messages

i just got my tmobile wing and i cant text only send emails all it says when i go to messaging is to create a new account please help!
Info please. What ROM are you running? What cabs do you have installed?

Problem in message

Hi guys, I have a "small" problem with the messages.
On the messaging program and the tab of TF3D not field the name of mittere but only the number!
how can I fix? I installed the original ROM (RUU_Rhodium_HTC_ITA_1.19.408.1_Radio_Rhodium_3.44.25.27_Signed_Ship).
Thanks to everyone for your help.
ps. I used PIMbackup to restore my address book.

Looking for a blank Calendar database:

Hi all,
If you have your epic rooted and you haven't used your calendar yet and it is blank, can you please email me your BLANK calendar.db file?
(it should be located in /data/data/com.android.providers.calendar/databases/[calendar.db])
Thanks in advance!
Anyone? Really need this... Thanks!

