SnapVue Liberated crash with Vista - Shift General

I have a new customized rom ( but I had the same problem even before flashing my shift, with its standard SnapVue. The problem is that when I boot Windows Vista, the SnapVue side crash all the time, I think it happens because of the Internet sharing connection.
I always have to reset SnapVue, and when it boots up, it crash again few times. After some crashes, it boot but it looks like freezed, and from Vista I have no network connection, so I have to switch the modem off and on from Vista and maybe it works, and some time SnapVue crashs again!
In WM6 I have only installed Google Map, wKtask and Funambol because I do not have access to an Exchange server.
Do some of you evere had a problem like mine?
Thanks for your help

power issue
remove the "turm of the device if not used for" from the power options, and i think it will be ok.
i did that with the plirom and it works fine.

vulcan_gr said:
remove the "turm of the device if not used for" from the power options, and i think it will be ok.
i did that with the plirom and it works fine.
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I am doing it right now, and I will check it later when I will not be in my lan. Thanks


Frequent 3g connectivity on/off on vista side

Anyone with same problem. I only have seen it on vista side. Working with 3g conectivity. One minute is connected with tray icon showing globe. Then 30 isnt connected with tray icon showing computers with red cross. Then again connected 3 minutes. It seems a problem between vista side and internet sharing service from snapvue. I ve seen this issue in other spanish shift. Maybe a spanish version problem? any idea?
Not much help I know but see my thread titled 'continued vista connection problems'. Have you been using internet sharing to gain access to WM 6.0? i noticed Activesync was always starting on the snapvue side which I think is linked to the constant disconnections.
A full restore from the restore partition solved my problem and I now get a steady 3g connection.
Thanks for your response. Not alone now. Format is a solution but we should know the origin of this problem. Obviosly is related with the way connects to 3g, this is, using Internet Shared connection with snapvue...but...why suddenly activesync (client or server part) tries to connect the other side and breaks the internet shared connection? any idea?Did you install sp1? is your shift language english or other one? ( I am trying to discard sources of the problem).
pd. While I write these lines on winmo side I can listen vista side sounds (connect/disconnect each minute...)
I did some changes and It seems (by now) the problem is solved. I ve playing with continous 3g connections. This is what I did (I dont know which one did the trick).
1) Disable activesync usb connections for both sides( I did it for vista side days ago but know I did too in snapvue size.
2) Sevice Sync bluetooth Server stopped and set manually.
3) Reset both sides
Now I ve a stable 3g connection....
Glad you got it working. What do you do to disable Activesync on the Snapvue side?
I only noticed this problem after installing SP1 but I was working mostly with WIFI so cannot be sure there is a link.
gavmiller said:
Glad you got it working. What do you do to disable Activesync on the Snapvue side?
I only noticed this problem after installing SP1 but I was working mostly with WIFI so cannot be sure there is a link.
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The problem is solved, now for sure. Open Activesync in winmo,then menu/connections and uncheck "use usb ...". I removed too the partership between both sides althought It isnt important, I think...
Thanks Daniel. Good to know incase it happens again.
Today I am having the same issue...mmm, I dont know what else I can do. I will post the events I can see in the event's viewer....
danielherrero said:
Today I am having the same issue...mmm, I dont know what else I can do. I will post the events I can see in the event's viewer....
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Hi Daniel - are you still having these problmes?
Hi. I didnt have that issue anymore. I removed the partership whith the device on vista side. I remove "Usb connection option" on activesync in both sides. I uninstalled "Remove NDIS Share connection" (Device Manager) on vista side and rebooted. Then on restart vista recognized again the device(Remove NDIS Shared connection) after some minutes(5-10 min) and then all worked correctly. I think the last step did the trick. But I am not free of problems. Like I told before when I resume the device and It was hibernated/suspended for a long time (several hours) the 20% of times It cant connect 3g and even I cant restart vista but keeping pressed the power button. So, by now, If my device is going to stay suspended for a long time (night) then I turn it off......
pd. When I need connect vista and snapvue I turn the phone off. I enable usb connection in both sides and use usbtools. After using the connection I undo these steps and all works correctly by now (last 3 weeks).
Ensure too that Vista hasnt setup a new Windows CE device on Device Manager. To check it open Device Manager, then "See devices by connection" and check each usb connection. If you see any Windows CE device disable it. I think both Remove NDIS Shared connection and a Windows CE Device was fighting for the same usb connection (In my case)
danielherrero said:
Hi. I didnt have that issue anymore. I removed the partership whith the device on vista side. I remove "Usb connection option" on activesync in both sides. I uninstalled "Remove NDIS Share connection" (Device Manager) on vista side and rebooted. Then on restart vista recognized again the device(Remove NDIS Shared connection) after some minutes(5-10 min) and then all worked correctly. I think the last step did the trick. But I am not free of problems. Like I told before when I resume the device and It was hibernated/suspended for a long time (several hours) the 20% of times It cant connect 3g and even I cant restart vista but keeping pressed the power button. So, by now, If my device is going to stay suspended for a long time (night) then I turn it off......
pd. When I need connect vista and snapvue I turn the phone off. I enable usb connection in both sides and use usbtools. After using the connection I undo these steps and all works correctly by now (last 3 weeks).
Ensure too that Vista hasnt setup a new Windows CE device on Device Manager. To check it open Device Manager, then "See devices by connection" and check each usb connection. If you see any Windows CE device disable it. I think both Remove NDIS Shared connection and a Windows CE Device was fighting for the same usb connection (In my case)
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OK, the only bit I hadnt tried was the uninstall of the NDIS in device manager. I'll give it a go and see what happens. Thanks again for this reply!
Thanks Daniel for your detailed description on this problem, which I also have. Interesting thing is that for me it only occurs when I am on the move with my Shift. No problems when my Shift remains on my desk (like others described in this thread: )
On your described solution: I removed the Vista/Snapvue partnership and the usb connection on both sides. But I am not able to do the next step: "Remove NDIS Share connection" in device manager, because it's not there (see attached screenshot). Does this mean it was never there, so I do not have to uninstall it? Or is there a different way to find it?
Reset Vista to ensure It boots correctly. Then wait to be 3g connected. Once you are connected the device "Remote NDIS shared connection" should be there under network cards. Then uninstall it and reset again. Once booted you have to wait several minutes until vista detects it again and installs drivers.....
pd. And try to contact HTC. Maybe (only maybe) if HTC is reported with same problem from many people they releases a fix.....
Hi there,
That did not help at all!
Waste of time.
But thanks for the hint.
What DID help for me was closing WMDC through taskmanager.
When you just exit WMDC, task manager still shows that it is running there in the background and apperantly scanning your ports for mobile devices ore something.
I stopped it from running and have a stable connection now.
(replying from train right now)
Pfeffa-rah said:
Hi there,
That did not help at all!
Waste of time.
But thanks for the hint.
What DID help for me was closing WMDC through taskmanager.
When you just exit WMDC, task manager still shows that it is running there in the background and apperantly scanning your ports for mobile devices ore something.
I stopped it from running and have a stable connection now.
(replying from train right now)
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Do you have to do this each time you start vista?
firedup said:
Do you have to do this each time you start vista?
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I think you only have to do it after you used WMDC. On my shift it doesnot start at boot (not anymore...) If I want to sync shift or my kaiser, I need to startup WMDC manualy.
My experiences so far.
Is it possible that it is the energy plan that is responsible for the loss of connection. I installed SP1, no problems it seemed. Today I wanted to use the 3G connection with the battery (balanced energy plan). And then it started to disconnect and to connect in small intervals. I did the routine Daniel described: uninstalled NDIS driver. Reinstalled it but connectivity problems remained.
Is it something to do with the battery powered system?
Because, as soon as stop using the battery, plugging in the power adapter again everything seems to be okay. I am not sure about it, but I think, when I use the max power option with the battery the connection stays and fails when I use the balanced energy plan.
So can it be that something in the energy plan is responsible for the loss of the connection?
Experts, does that make any sense?
I will give it some more tries.
I had the High Performance powerplan on all the time......
had it to
This is a problem when sp1 is installed and you are using 3g in vista being in balanced or power save power plan. it has nothing to do with activesync and usb ports (i have never had a connection)
i called htc yesterday, they clamed they had never heard about it before, so please as many as possible call htc and tell them then maybe just maybe they would release a fix
in rhe meantime i uninstalled sp1 and everything works
In my case the solution is quite clear.
3G works in Balanced mode and in High Performance when power is plugged in. I am not so sure if it works in “Power Save” even when on power.
3G does not work when either on “Balanced” or “Power Save” when using the battery. Battery works in “High Performance” even when all the options are set like they are in “Balanced” mode.
This I found somewhere else in the forum. It is from Daniel and I guess he says the same, more of less.
Well. I ve been doing many tests and changes and I thing the sd, suspend crashes and 3g closed connections are gone.
I use equilibrated energy plan but I hadn’t any issue when ac connected so I ve modified this plan to make equivalent the behavior when not ac connected, but not success. The problems are still there. Its incredible because the configuration for ac connected/disconnected is the same I ve modified all the parameters (usb, expressPCI, , etc)
So I ve set High performance plan and I ve modified it a little bit, only screen brightness when no ac connected and now all works correctly. I start the system (no ac connected). Then I suspend / wake, hibernate/resume the system several times being ac no connected and the problems are gone. 3g connection is very stable. No crashes from standby to hibernate state. No sd missing problem. So by now I will keep in this "High Performance" modified state
pd. So It seems that a plan is compounded by customizable parameters by the user and hidden parameters)
Now, those who have not installed SP1. Is this really no issue for you? Or have you always been on power or always used “High Performance”?
Well, even when I plug in my external battery and the green light indicates that the machine has been plugged to power, even then it only works in “high performance” and not in the two other modes.
Very strange!

USB tool keeps disconnecting

Hi all,
I dit the Snapvue upgrade and that was great and all
Now when I connect using USB tool, The WM part keeps connecting and disconnecting. So I cannot sync and cannot copy large files.
It stays connected for les than a minute and then disconnects and then reconnects after a few secconds...
I tried a lot of things. I don´t even remember what. I´ve been working on it for 6HOURS or more.. (Damn is it really almost 15:00 now!?)
I am now resetting my shift to factory defaults (HD Recovery and Clear Storage) and start over...
What I´d like to know:
Has anyone got the same problem? (not the 3g/gprs disconnect issue...)
Has anyone got a solution?
Pfeffa-rah said:
Hi all,
I dit the Snapvue upgrade and that was great and all
Now when I connect using USB tool, The WM part keeps connecting and disconnecting. So I cannot sync and cannot copy large files.
It stays connected for les than a minute and then disconnects and then reconnects after a few secconds...
I tried a lot of things. I don´t even remember what. I´ve been working on it for 6HOURS or more.. (Damn is it really almost 15:00 now!?)
I am now resetting my shift to factory defaults (HD Recovery and Clear Storage) and start over...
What I´d like to know:
Has anyone got the same problem? (not the 3g/gprs disconnect issue...)
Has anyone got a solution?
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Yeah I have the same problem.
After a clearstorage I still have the problem, so it has something to do with the Vista side (I think)
I noticed it when I tried to backup my rom. So that is something like 50mb.
I have reset en redone my WM side.
The connection is verry stable. Didn´t disconnect once!
So I guess it must be a vista problem.
Next I´ll go and install and customize Vista.
I´ll let you know.
SnapVue Upgrade ?
Pfeffa-rah said:
Hi all,
I dit the Snapvue upgrade and that was great and all
Now when I connect using USB tool, The WM part keeps connecting and disconnecting. So I cannot sync and cannot copy large files.
It stays connected for les than a minute and then disconnects and then reconnects after a few secconds...
I tried a lot of things. I don´t even remember what. I´ve been working on it for 6HOURS or more.. (Damn is it really almost 15:00 now!?)
I am now resetting my shift to factory defaults (HD Recovery and Clear Storage) and start over...
What I´d like to know:
Has anyone got the same problem? (not the 3g/gprs disconnect issue...)
Has anyone got a solution?
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How did You upgrade SnapVUE ?
Is upgraded to new SnapVUE version or other full WM system ?
Solved (sort of)
I got it to work.
I did a ful reset (snapvue clear storage & HD recovery) and started from scratch.
Then I first upgraded Snapvue to Full WM using the Liberate Shift Pack method
and everything worked fine.
So the problem had to be at the Vista side...
I first installed ALL updates from Windows Update. (First the Update for Windows Update itself...) And everything worked fine.
Yes, also the screen resolution change button and the Shift Control Center.
I then installed SP1
After the reboot I had to uninstall the Shift Control Center en reinstall it.
(After uninstall the setup file is still there: C:\Program Files\HTC\Control\Setup.exe )
And that fixed the Control Center en Res Change stuff.
USB tool however started disconnecting randomly again immediatly.
So I Removed SP1 again and then everything worked fine again.
It seems like nothing when I read it like that but I´ve been at it since 10:00 this morning and it is now 23:20 over here!
I hope my trail and error day saves some of you some time just as some other post have saved me a lot of time.
Problems with USB Tool disconnecting and SP1 Installed?
Try uninstalling SP1
Use Microsoft patch to solve USB disconnecting?
Isnt the problem that, what is fixed by
MicroSoft HotFix KB934796(USB)
MicroSoft HotFix KB929761(WUSA)
MicroSoft HotFix KB936825(SD)
These fixes are installed in preinstalled system (but not automatically by update!).
Ah,... Interesting,
I am a bit reluctant to try, since I just now got my system running nicely...
Can anyone confirm if these actualy work?
So, I guess this problem is not so common....
I looked at the three hotfixes but they do not seem to have anything to do with my problem. And aren't they installed with SP1?
I would really like to upgrade to SP1 but I do NOT want to loose my USB Tool connection.
Sugestions anyone?
(I am not the only one with this problem, am I?)
I ve that problem in vista side with 3g connection. It begins to happen after hibernating. Connection is closed with a BROWSER event ( I can see it with the events viewer) each 1 minute and one second after is restored. No too bad for web browsing but imposible for services that need continues connection. I ve to restart vista and all works again......(until next hibernation)
It seems like the same isue, only, it started disconnecting right after installing SP1. So it didn't first hibernate but right after reboot.
But I can't beleive its just us three......
Everybody else seems to do fine with SP1 and USB Tool......
Pfeffa-rah said:
It seems like the same isue, only, it started disconnecting right after installing SP1. So it didn't first hibernate but right after reboot.
But I can't beleive its just us three......
Everybody else seems to do fine with SP1 and USB Tool......
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I planned to install SP1 tomorrow but I start to doubt if this is really a good idea. My Shift is working fine now both in WM and Vista with no connection or hibernate problems at all anymore. Can I remove SP1 without leaving any trace in Vista? If somebody could confirm this than I shall give it a try.
Hi Sonietje,
I did remove SP1, and it restored my USB-Tool connection.
So, I guess you can.
It takes a little less long to remove than it takes to install, but don't wait around and wait for it. Go have a party in the mean time, or travel around the world or something. I didn't time it but I watched most of two TV shows whil it uninstalled! So it is way more than an hour.
Let me know if the USB Tool works after upgrade will you?
I'm running the vista SP1. and it's running perfect, no problems with 3g, usbtool or anything so I'm looking forward to hear the results.
pusler said:
I'm running the vista SP1. and it's running perfect, no problems with 3g, usbtool or anything so I'm looking forward to hear the results.
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What rom version do you have from WM?
Maybe there is some difference..
CE OS 5.2.1620 build 1825.0.4.2
Got the same rom.
I think it might be a WMDC problem.
I had some connection problems with my Kaiser through real USB until I "killed" the procec (in task manager, after exiting the program...)
Then it conected OK, and I could sync again.
So I might give it another try soon
Greetz and thanks,
p.s. I'll let y'all know how it went.
Pfeffa-rah said:
Got the same rom.
I think it might be a WMDC problem.
I had some connection problems with my Kaiser through real USB until I "killed" the procec (in task manager, after exiting the program...)
Then it conected OK, and I could sync again.
So I might give it another try soon
Greetz and thanks,
p.s. I'll let y'all know how it went.
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I have the GSM version and everything is working fine after SP1. No connection problem at all
OK, So here I finaly go and try out SP1 again.
Guess What!
It won't install.
When I use Windows Update I get one of those undescriptive error numbers, and the standalone installer, just stays at 99% for about 10 min. and then just exits.... No reboot, no errors, not even a beep.... the window just closes...
I am rather developing a dislike to Vista.
Pfeffa-rah said:
OK, So here I finaly go and try out SP1 again.
Guess What!
It won't install.
When I use Windows Update I get one of those undescriptive error numbers, and the standalone installer, just stays at 99% for about 10 min. and then just exits.... No reboot, no errors, not even a beep.... the window just closes...
I am rather developing a dislike to Vista.
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Did you install it by update first time or by standalone installer? Sounds like it hasnt completely removed itself.
First time was stand alone, today was by update first and later standalone.
Update just gives me a 80070057 error.
Any sugestions how to remove it properly then. (It seemed gone since everything worked.)

Vista won't connect to 3G

Ok so I've liberated SnapVUE on my new Shift and for the life of me i cannot figure out how to get the Vista side of things to work with EDGE/3g.
Win Mobile connects just fine.. syncs with outlook.. etc. And wifi works on the Vista side.. but no 3G.
Any help? Im using ATT and wap.cingular as my EDGE isp.
When the 3G in WM side in on, after switch on the Vista, you need to wait about 1 to 2 min to start up the 3G on Vista.
I had the same problem.
You have to go to the device manager and look under network-devices. There you must see a RSID mobile "something" device (this is your modem 3G) if you had turned it on in communication manager. I activated it and since then, I have a working Internet connection via 3G if I turn on the Modem in communication manager. Just try it.
If it's not working, uninstall this device and reboot. Vista should search and install the drivers correctly.
good luck
basti.hoehne said:
I had the same problem.
You have to go to the device manager and look under network-devices. There you must see a RSID mobile "something" device (this is your modem 3G) if you had turned it on in communication manager. I activated it and since then, I have a working Internet connection via 3G if I turn on the Modem in communication manager. Just try it.
If it's not working, uninstall this device and reboot. Vista should search and install the drivers correctly.
good luck
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I don't have any such driver in vista's device manager. Not sure what to do!
Had same problem
i had same problem that on vista side wouldnt connect even thou the communications manager said connected..first i put it down to just poor signal..i did notice that there was no signal indicated on vista side in the comms yours the same ?
anyway finally get fed up with it so i contact htc..tried few things..didnt work..eventually they told me to hard reset vista saide (reload software by pressing F3 button when firing it up..did this now works perfect !!
i had to reload everything back onto vista but was nothing compared to finally getting it to work correctly
plasticplanet said:
i had same problem that on vista side wouldnt connect even thou the communications manager said connected..first i put it down to just poor signal..i did notice that there was no signal indicated on vista side in the comms yours the same ?
anyway finally get fed up with it so i contact htc..tried few things..didnt work..eventually they told me to hard reset vista saide (reload software by pressing F3 button when firing it up..did this now works perfect !!
i had to reload everything back onto vista but was nothing compared to finally getting it to work correctly
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No, in the connection manager i have 2-3 bars on vista. Would only being on edge matter??
Im wary of resetting vista because i put several hours into software install and config.
Dont know what i did but its working now
i spoke with htc support over this
Sangheili said:
Dont know what i did but its working now
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hello i spoke to htc report regarding this issue..basically they didnt know either..finally they said hard reset vista side..which i did..guess what it started working again..but then...
i reloaded all my software again and guess what it stopped working again..took me about 5 minutes to work out...i was using zonealarm on my shift..i uninstalled it and guess what..connection worked again
so im guessing you have similar antispy/virus software which is cuasing the same problem
worth a look..hope this helps
Sangheili said:
Dont know what i did but its working now
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In my case, I switched the connection from My ISP to Media Net (isp.cingular to wap.cingular) and disabled the ATT Proxy.

Vista Mobile Device Sync Problems

I have search everything here and on HTC and on Verizon and here is where I am stuck. Using DCD 3.2.0 (but had same problem with 3.1.6) and latest Radio Rom. It seems to connect just fine to a Windows XP activesync 4.5 computer but will not connect to the Mobile Device Center on Vista (32bit).
Looking into the device manager I do see the Mobile Devices/HTC USB Sync driver is active but I do not see the Portable Devices/XV 6800 driver at all.
I do have the "Enable Advanced Network Functioinality" unchecked. I have uninstalled all the drivers and Mobile Sync software and rebooted everything. I even have tried the USB splitter. It seems to half recognize the phone in Vista but the other half is the Mobile Sync part. I do get an error on the phone that says "To synchronize this device, you must install ActiveSync 4.5 or newer on your desktop computer." This is sooooo frustrating as it worked one time on Vista, I think either DCD 3.0.x or maybe earlier and now it only works on XP.
What am I missing here??????
I have search everything here and on HTC and on Verizon and here is where I am stuck. Using DCD 3.2.0 (but had same problem with 3.1.6) and latest Radio Rom. It seems to connect just fine to a Windows XP activesync 4.5 computer but will not connect to the Mobile Device Center on Vista (32bit).
Looking into the device manager I do see the Mobile Devices/HTC USB Sync driver is active but I do not see the Portable Devices/XV 6800 driver at all.
I do have the "Enable Advanced Network Functioinality" unchecked. I have uninstalled all the drivers and Mobile Sync software and rebooted everything. I even have tried the USB splitter. It seems to half recognize the phone in Vista but the other half is the Mobile Sync part. I do get an error on the phone that says "To synchronize this device, you must install ActiveSync 4.5 or newer on your desktop computer." This is sooooo frustrating as it worked one time on Vista, I think either DCD 3.0.x or maybe earlier and now it only works on XP.
What am I missing here??????
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Have you tried a different usb port on the PC, or a different PC running Vista 32 bit? Mine works fine in Vista & XP.
gc14 said:
Have you tried a different usb port on the PC, or a different PC running Vista 32 bit? Mine works fine in Vista & XP.
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I have tried different USB ports and no Joy. It looks like it recognizes it as the HTC USB Sync driver shows up and it makes a noise that it found a USB device. I don't have another Vista machine but maybe a 64bit windows 2003 server would be the same. Probably not. It did work once a few DCD Roms ago but not since.
Random Disconnects
I am having a similar problem. Evern since moving to DCD 3.12, I have had a similar problem. I can manage to get connected sometimes but it will randomly disconnect.
For a while I switched to No2Chem and didnt experience the problem.
bishop0114 said:
I am having a similar problem. Evern since moving to DCD 3.12, I have had a similar problem. I can manage to get connected sometimes but it will randomly disconnect.
For a while I switched to No2Chem and didnt experience the problem.
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Can you post what devices show up when you are connected?
When I went from 3.1.4 to 3.2.0 I started having issues with Sync Center (Vista Ultimate 32-bit) as well. If I restart the PC it works fine for a while, but then suddenly you hear the USB device disconnect noise and thats all she wrote.
The device's charge LED is on, but it doesn't show up in vista anymore unless you restart the PC.
With 3.1.4 I never had this issue.
I wrote up an ActiveSync/mobile Device Manager Troubleshooting Guide in the Wiki, did you try all of those steps?
jambrose said:
I have search everything here and on HTC and on Verizon and here is where I am stuck. Using DCD 3.2.0 (but had same problem with 3.1.6) and latest Radio Rom. It seems to connect just fine to a Windows XP activesync 4.5 computer but will not connect to the Mobile Device Center on Vista (32bit).
Looking into the device manager I do see the Mobile Devices/HTC USB Sync driver is active but I do not see the Portable Devices/XV 6800 driver at all.
I do have the "Enable Advanced Network Functioinality" unchecked. I have uninstalled all the drivers and Mobile Sync software and rebooted everything. I even have tried the USB splitter. It seems to half recognize the phone in Vista but the other half is the Mobile Sync part. I do get an error on the phone that says "To synchronize this device, you must install ActiveSync 4.5 or newer on your desktop computer." This is sooooo frustrating as it worked one time on Vista, I think either DCD 3.0.x or maybe earlier and now it only works on XP.
What am I missing here??????
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Go under settings/connections/USB to PC and uncheck the Enable advanced network functionality and see if that works for you on Vista.
also make sure you check your network connections, and make sure the Remote NDIS Connection (This is your Pocket PC, Smartphone) And have the IP Configuration set to automatic, as i forgot to put it back after using it as a modem for my laptop. This also prevents active sync from working.
Just a thought, as i had a similar problem, and my fix was reverting back IP settings to Automatic. Try this if you haven't
ranmasaotome510 said:
also make sure you check your network connections, and make sure the Remote NDIS Connection (This is your Pocket PC, Smartphone) And have the IP Configuration set to automatic, as i forgot to put it back after using it as a modem for my laptop. This also prevents active sync from working.
Just a thought, as i had a similar problem, and my fix was reverting back IP settings to Automatic. Try this if you haven't
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DV8 said:
Go under settings/connections/USB to PC and uncheck the Enable advanced network functionality and see if that works for you on Vista.
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DV8, I have tried both on and off. It seems that off will act like the PPC with it on it acts like the remote NDIS network adapter like if you want to teather it.
ranmasaotome510, If I don't select the advanced network functioinality I never get the Remote NDIS Connection to change anything. All I get is the HTC USB Sync driver under the Mobile Devices and that is it. If I check the advanced network functionality I only get the Microsoft Widnows Mobile Remote Adapter driver and not the HTC USB sync driver. Either way WESCOMM doesn't find the device.
I used the view hidden devices and removed everything I could find but I never can find this driver: Portable Devices\PocketPC to uninstall it. I have also uninstalled WMDC a couple of times and have downloaded and installed the latest. This works fine on XP with out fail. I am also using office 2007 but this did work on this Vista machine with an earlier ROM.
No clue if this is related, but I found two copies of Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface in device manager. One was operational and the other was not. I removed the one with the yellow bang on it and plugged in my phone. Immediately Sync Center saw it and allowed me to create a connection with the phone.
Dumb luck? Maybe.
scorp508 said:
No clue if this is related, but I found two copies of Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface in device manager. One was operational and the other was not. I removed the one with the yellow bang on it and plugged in my phone. Immediately Sync Center saw it and allowed me to create a connection with the phone.
Dumb luck? Maybe.
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Thanks for the try, I don't have that driver installed. I had IPv6 not checked and thought maybe that was it but no joy. Any other ideas out there?
jambrose said:
Thanks for the try, I don't have that driver installed. I had IPv6 not checked and thought maybe that was it but no joy. Any other ideas out there?
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This is just a shot in the dark, but have you tried any of the wireless sync options - either bluetooth or IR? I know that they aren't quite as fast or reliable, but it may be worth a shot.
btonetbone said:
This is just a shot in the dark, but have you tried any of the wireless sync options - either bluetooth or IR? I know that they aren't quite as fast or reliable, but it may be worth a shot.
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Bluetooth is my next try. I am thinking about this USB bluetooth adapter, any suggestions?
scorp508 said:
No clue if this is related, but I found two copies of Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface in device manager. One was operational and the other was not. I removed the one with the yellow bang on it and plugged in my phone. Immediately Sync Center saw it and allowed me to create a connection with the phone.
Dumb luck? Maybe.
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Hello all together,
some days ago I have bought a new S710 Vox phone and had no luck with synchronizing it with my Vista PC. Same problem as jambrose.
Then I read the posting about Teredo Tunneling-Adapter, deleted it from my system, rebooted the PC and surprise, the connection to my Vox works fine. Thank you!
Greetings to all
Johnweb_62 said:
Hello all together,
some days ago I have bought a new S710 Vox phone and had no luck with synchronizing it with my Vista PC. Same problem as jambrose.
Then I read the posting about Teredo Tunneling-Adapter, deleted it from my system, rebooted the PC and surprise, the connection to my Vox works fine. Thank you!
Greetings to all
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So where did you find the adapter at? In the device manager under network?
jambrose said:
So where did you find the adapter at? In the device manager under network?
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Yes, I found it in the Device Manager under Network.
But, this works only few days. My PC normaly runs all around the day und so it works until yesterday when I had to reboot my system because I had installed a software update. After this reboot the S710 has the same problem again. Even the Teredo Tunneling Adapter is still not there.
I am , any other idea?
DV8 said:
Go under settings/connections/USB to PC and uncheck the Enable advanced network functionality and see if that works for you on Vista.
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Worked for me, Thanks!
I cannot get this resolved to save my arse!
I have tried EVERYTHING...just spent 3 hours looking up stuff, and re-reading to try and find something.
What the problem is:
My Verizon XV6800 connects to my Vista laptop, but does not OPEN up WMDC. If I have "Advanced Function" unchecked, then my laptop finds my ppc when connected, but does not open up WMDC. On my phone, a little connection icon goes in the bottom tray. Other times, I get the "you do not have active sync 4.5 installed" error.
What I've tried:
net localgroup add administrators etc.
I am at a loss.
I just want to sync my Mogul with my Vista Laptop, so that I can install apps and sync email! UGH!
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Do you have a firewall running on your laptop? I had trouble connecting also since I have BitDefender running. I had to open up some ports to get it working. Also, prior to connecting the USB, I would exit the ActiveSync process. The connection will start a new instance of it automatically.

ActiveSync/PCtoUSB Problems

Hey guys,
i've got a very big problem.
I dont know why but every time i connect my Blackstone to the Computer it always open the "Internet Sharing" thing. Ive changed it over "Settings" back to Sync (and in settings/connections/USB to PC, check "Ask me first about USB connection type when I connect the device to the PC" also), but no change.
Then i canged in the registry the following key "HKLM\Software\HTC\USBToPCPopUP\" DWORD: OnlyTwoChoice=1
now the HTC Popup with the option "Sync" and "HDD" show up, but when i choose Sync it doesent connect and sync.
I want my three Options back and want the option that i can choose out of "Sync" "HDD" and "Internet Sharing"
Thank you
I started getting this problem when I used the Internet Sharing option for the first time. From then on it would automatically try IS instead of Activesysnc, no matter what I did.
I solved it by unticking the Enable faster data syncronization box in USB to PC tab, but this results in a clunky pile of tabs that come up when connecting to the PC.
Unticking the "Enable faster data syncronization" box in USB to PC tab, doesent solve the problem
I got the same problem where I did not get the "3 choices" screen while connecting to usb, and IS by default...
I just deleted all keys in the registry under //HKLM\Software\HTC\USBToPCPopUP\
and it went back to normal....
Hope it will the same for you..
I have the same problem since a while, but haven't found a solution yet... starting to get a little desperate...
dapezzz said:
I just deleted all keys in the registry under //HKLM\Software\HTC\USBToPCPopUP\
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I guess you mean the registry on the device itself?
I been looking for that, but it looks i don't have this //HKLM\Software\HTC\USBToPCPopUP\...
in fact, i'm facing the exact same problem as described in this post:
"" (yes, i posted there too )
i'm pretty sure the problem is NOT pc-related, the data-connection fails at every possible system i tested it with (ranging from xp to vista to ubuntu to osX), at least the usb-diskmode worked before on all these systems before... not anymore...
the answer of HTC support wasn't of much help either:
Dear valued HTC customer, Thank you for contacting our Customer Support Center. We are dedicated to providing you with the best quality service and answering all of your questions and concerns. You recently wrote us about an issue that you have encountered with your device. To clarify your issue, you stated that you were unable to connect your device to the PC. . For this you will need a full version of Microsoft Outlook 2003 or newer and Microsoft Activesync for Windows XP or Windows Mobile Device Centre for Vista. Once these are installed simply connect your device to your PC and it will transfer your details to your PC. I hope this is of help to you. If you need any further help we recommend calling for a direct guidance on these steps for synchronising. If the above steps do not resolve your issue, we invite you to visit the support area on our Web site.
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i suspect them of not even reading about my problem, and just firing some default answer back... not really helpfull.
so i keep looking around for possible solutions for now.
I'm seriously thinking to make use of the warranty, but hate to lose the device for a long periode... anybody has experience with that?
another PCtoUSB problem, i get all 3 options, HDD and Internet Work perfectly, ActiveSync however doesn't. Vista recognizes it as a USB Pocket PC, but Vista Sync Center and WMDC do not, nothing. On HTC i get the charging icon, but not the Sync icon. Also in the ActiveSync --> Connections menu i have "Sync all PCs using this connection:" ticked, however the drop down menu is empty, nothing to select.
in the ActiveSync start screen there's just the fake Microsoft Exchange account, nothing else
Everything was working fine till few days ago :/
dapezzz said:
I got the same problem where I did not get the "3 choices" screen while connecting to usb, and IS by default...
I just deleted all keys in the registry under //HKLM\Software\HTC\USBToPCPopUP\
and it went back to normal....
Hope it will the same for you..
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I tried this but still get ICS opening when I connect my device up. It is driving me mad now trying to sort this - I may even resort to a hard reset before the end of the weekend.
The only way I can get sync to work is to disable the faster data sync option.
hmm, every system i test with gives the same result:
the htc device does charge, but the usb data-connection never works...
could it be a faulty connector?
I have the same problem and the above method solves the problem
Hope it helps.

