[App] [Updated 02-NOV-2008] Diamond Cubes - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

Here is a small OpenGL based program that allows you to use your Diamond as a "Dice Shaker". It is a simple program and it was written to learn how to use OpenGL together with C# on my Diamond.
There are still some bugs in the collision detection code, but I think it is a good example of what can be done with this lovely PDA/Phone.
I apologize for the bad interface, there is not much else you can do then shake it and exit from the program.
The dices are 3D objects and tumble across your screen. I still think there should some better "randomness" and there is an annoying bug, which I short-fused in a very ugly way
Anyway have fun and if I find the time, I will certainly try to improve it.
- Add sound effects/ buzzer triggering - thanks to gerDiamond to fix the "bugs" in the collision detection and surur for the sound and background file. Also thanks to simplifight to clean up some of the code.
- Better graphics - I think I finally understand OpenGL lighting
- Menu choice for the number of dices - You can choose 1 till 7 dices
- Ticking on the screen is the same as shaking the device.
Still todo
- Different faces for different types of games (for example the dice colors needed for "Cities3D" ?) - Basic setup for this is done, just need to find the time to create the images
- Nicer graphics for the playboard. Again I have the graphics understood and made some code changes with regard to the rendering of the dices.
- 3D tilting. Have a look at my "Paper Plane" app, which shows a 3D F16, which you can look at from all sides.
Lower priority todo
- Zoom in or out ??
- Change size of play-field ???
Any suggestions are welcome.
I will post the latest sources again, but it could take a few days, since they sort of are a mess for the moment.
Dice can be parked by clicking on them. Clicking on them when parked, they will go back to the "field".
Help needed
I could still use some help in the dice rotation algorithm. Currently there is a tendency to favor some numbers, but I need to randomize it better. One solution is perhaps to randomly choose between turning around the x or y-axis ?
Graphics are welcome.
I also could use some help or guidance in using a "3DS" loader or something similar, so that people can design their own dice textures.
If you have nice pictures of dices, preferable JPG or PNG with square sides, I will try to use them. Usable sizes are 64x64, 128x128 or 512x512

got the sofa!!
Hi there!! It looks great for fun with your friends!!!
I will try it right away !!

I just tested this first version.
The animation is great, perhaps de Gsensor sensitivity could be enhanced to be more realistic the "shake" to trow the cubes.
Great job my friend!

Wow.. very nice
This looks great... A little more programming and it will be perfect...
some sound... and interaction with the cubes.. ( now they can land ontop on eachother)
Looking forward to see the next version

nice job!
how about adding another 3 dice so i can play yatzee?

Great app, but it doesn't work for me. I'm using 1.93 NL official rom.
I allso found an iPhone dice app so here is the link for inspiration for further developement http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugoq8M2XxVE
I'm also willing to make the dice so they look more beutifull but i don't know how this is done with mobile phone apps. Will a Cinema 4D or 3DSMAX render do?

.NET CF 3.5 needed
gebruikershaes said:
Great app, but it doesn't work for me. I'm using 1.93 NL official rom.
I allso found an iPhone dice app so here is the link for inspiration for further developement http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugoq8M2XxVE
I'm also willing to make the dice so they look more beutifull but i don't know how this is done with mobile phone apps. Will a Cinema 4D or 3DSMAX render do?
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Problem 1: You might want to check if you have .NET CF 3.5 installed. I always use that because it is installed in my ROM.
The dice is created as a cube on which I render 6 different images. So I don't know if you can use Cinema 4D or 3DSMAX. Check the sources, maybe that it gives you a better idea ? Any way I appreciate any help I can get, I am still learning to use the OpenGL software, so I have not really a clue about all the possibilities. Sometimes it feels like I have managed to understand about 5%
Maybe some other people can help out here ?
My main reason to add the sources also was the hope that somebody would take the application and make it better, so that I can learn of it too.

Nice app!
A little laggy though, besides that it looks great!

Great idea. Should be called "Diamond Dice" though? sounds more appropriate ;-) And is the animation quite smooth for everybody else? not very smooth on my Diamond, but that might be due to the high memory usage I usually have

Greatttt ... thanks a lot...

Can you make a version for Yahtzee?

gebruikershaes said:
Great app, but it doesn't work for me. I'm using 1.93 NL official rom.
I allso found an iPhone dice app so here is the link for inspiration for further developement http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugoq8M2XxVE
I'm also willing to make the dice so they look more beutifull but i don't know how this is done with mobile phone apps. Will a Cinema 4D or 3DSMAX render do?
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The graphics looks very realistic for the iphone...hope someone can do better for the diamond.
Would b great if can add in sound and slight vibrations when the dices hit the sides of diamond...

Very nice app. Just a little bit more tweaking. Thanks a lot.

I've tried looking into it but tbh i have no clue about how that stuff is done. But this might help you improving your opengl skills . http://nehe.gamedev.net/ on the left are lots of tutorials.

ykyong said:
The graphics looks very realistic for the iphone...hope someone can do better for the diamond.
Would b great if can add in sound and slight vibrations when the dices hit the sides of diamond...
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I settle for "just as good". I hope someone here will take on the challenge to create a similar app. Diamond Cubes is a really good start!

Yeah this is cool to start with, heres hoping someon can expand this with sounds, better responses etc.

Wow.. very nice thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is there anyone working on this or is it forgotten? Hopefully not, I’d love to see a yatzy version ala Iphone style…

Hi, congratulations and thanks for the app!
after having seen this app i wondered if it is usable for playing table top role playing games like d&d
It would be very nice to have those features (first are most relevant):
- type of dice (4, 6, 8, 10, 12 or 20 faces are standard dices)
- how many dices
- color one or more dices differently (in d&d you may be using one dice for fire damages and another one for ice damages for example)
- save and quick load presets like "2D8+1D6(fire)"
- if we have presets it would be nice to save fixed modifiers and calculate the final result, for example ""2D8+1D6(fire)+2" means you roll 2 8 faces dices, 1 red 6 faces dice and sum 2 to the final result.
- ok.. since maybe i am the only one who needs those features a simple and advanced selector at the startup would be nice for everybody

Video of the app here.


[03/29/08] Perptual v0.3 with image viewer

Perpetual is a simple image zooming demo.
You can zoom on any of the 200 images, and the pixels will turn into other images to zoom, perpetually.
What is it for ?
Nothing ! It's just a proof of concept and a demo I made...
If you have any images to submit to add into the demo, feel free to post in the forum and we'll update as soon as possible ! I'm looking for images that have nice colors and an overall dominant one (that'll be used for the color detection) Thanks for helping support this useless project !
Download Perpetual​
Also available :
Perpetual Image Maker
Sexy Image Pack
Kaiser47's DeviantART selection (really awesome pack !)
SaintSeya pack
Zen nature pack
v0.3 (03/29/08)
- New prp format (old ones should still work though) with additionnal data : author, icon, etc...
- New menu using the new prp format data, looks much better !
- Now saves viewed purcentage !
- Now works with Smartphones !
- Fixed menu bug if you had too many packs
- Much higher image quality while zooming
- Fixed image bug when you have more than 256 images (that was stupid)
- Fixed potential crash when moving around too much
- Fixed surface bug when you moved around
- PerpetualMaker updated, smaller exe
- Improved performance
- New image viewer to select start image
- Now over 300 images !
- New Image Pack maker : just put in any directory, and it'll take all the images from images/ (still requires 240x240 jpeg images) and do a pack (.prp file)
- New splash screen, with possibility to select pack to display !
- Fixed random crash when changing speed while in auto mode
- Speed button : x0.5, 1, or 2
- Auto button for lazy people
- Surface button to come back to the unzoomed image
A video is available on that page if you want to see what it looks like without downloading/installing
Thanks for the feedback, suggestions, and images !
Fascinating software - it works perfectly in portrait, its a bit slow and landscape, and it doesn't handle the change from portrait to landscape well.
Thanks for making my Kaiser much cooler however.
Any way the process could be automated, to make it into a semi-interactive screensaver?
Well, technically, it's automated on my PC (there's no way to add all the needed data for the colors of the 200 images alone ^^) : I just have a folder with the images, launch my .Net app, and it scans through all the images, sorts by color, and outputs both miniature views (to avoid overloading the memory) and a huge array with the number of the image to use for every 16bit color ^^
It takes a while to run on my PC, so it's unlikely to work on in realtime, would have way too much loading time. I have just thought of an alternative method to build the color array, it could work much faster, but would only be available for real-time if you have only a few images... and if you don't have many images, well... It won't work to well ^^ You need to have at least 50 or 100 photos, ranging in pretty much all the possible colors (my PC app outputs which colors are overpopulated and which aren't populated enough, to know which images to remove and what colors to search for) ^^
While it would be cool to use my own pictures, it would be nice to see it zoom through the stock images without me having to touch the screen with the stylus too, independently.
Well, this is a first release, I just wanted to have a quick proof of concept and that's it ^^
The future stuff that could be added :
- "Surface" button (to move back up)
- Auto button (could be nice to for lazy people ^^)
Anything else ?
A zooming back feature would be cool
sercio said:
A zooming back feature would be cool
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Would that be for the skin-tone pictures ?
Btw there should be alot more pictures kind of ^^
This looks really cool I will have to try this on my Hermes. Does it work for VGA and Qvga?
*Edit* Only Qvga any plans for VGA? *Edit*
Alkhal said:
*Edit* Only Qvga any plans for VGA? *Edit*
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Well, it should work on VGA, just that it's upscaled. I tested on emulator and the performance was good.
In theory, a 100% VGA version could be done. But the program is already 5MB, uses a lot of ram for all the images, and a full VGA version would just use 4 times more ram :s
Btw there should be alot more pictures kind of ^^
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Feel free to post some images (or send them by mail/PM) and I'll add them ^^
Ok here are some random Pictures i found and had on ma system! I extra made them 240x240 so you dont have any work rescaling them
Btw i would like if the "zooming" effect could be more smoother and slower if its possible...
Hope you like ma pics!
Thanks, let me check that out.
As for zooming, the speed can be changed, not a problem I didn't actually test on hardware, just on emulator, so it might not be optimal yet...
TODO list (note to myself) :
- Auto-zoom
- Back button
- Speed button
edit : hey, nice set of pics I'll definately include most of them in the next release (either as additional pictures or as a remplacement. like flickr-color-picker.jpg which will be perfect to replace a sort of crappy image I had in the same style ^^) Thanks !
edit2 :
Better not or are you willing to made a "special" adult version ?
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Could be fun if you know where to find nice pics (IE, with nice and different colors, won't be as simple)
edit3 (last one, I promise !) :
Still looking for a good theme for the icon and the viewer, if anyone has an idea, please share !
I found few random pics... hope you can use them
Yay, those are awesome !
I'm currently finishing a set of 50 sexy photos, then I'll see if it works good enough with those
Cool and amazing app! Works perfectly on WM2003! Keep working
I think that you should make other app like that: http://www.mazaika.com/mazdownload.html for ppc (WM 2003 support for sure! ).
Nice work!
Thanks for the link. That one seems nice too, but the images are in 64x64, whereas I use nice and big 240x240 images ^^ I'm thinking of modifying my PC .Net exe and redistributing it... It could produce a file like myimages.prp which would contain all the data needed, and could be copied on the PPC to open it...
As for SexyPerpetual, tested, it works pretty well ! The images aren't the best as I used the first image pack I could download on bittorrent. Not sure what the forum policy is for the kind of stuff, so I will not post a link to download it. Just send over a quick PM requesting the link and I'll answer back
As for the video, if you want to take a look, here the link for the normal version's video : http://www.palib.info/blog/flvplayer.swf?file=http://www.xflib.net/Games/Perpetual/Perpetual.flv
Just keep replace the name by the sexy version's name and you should be able to view it (if the admins don't want this posted, please just tell me and I'll remove it !)
yes it woudl be cool if you can provide a tool that we can use to compile "our" versions with our pictures. it would be simpler than having to make special requests to you and sending many pics ?
but also if you really want pics, perhaps we can all send some to you ? public ftp or classic sharing sites like rapidshare ?
SexyPerpetual is very nice But insert "more naked photos" xD
BTW: I like kaiser47s idea
Kaiser47, feel free to use any method to send of photos
Yeah, I know, the sexy version misses a few naked photos ^^ But I just took a pack found on bittorrent, and used the ones with the most colors (because if I use only naked women on a white background, the transitions will be crappy, so I needed to have blue, red, etc....). If you have a pack with nice naked photos, I'll add them to the pack
I'm currently modifying the PC part of the code to generate a special file which could be distributed and read by the PPC app, that way anyone can do an image pack
Cool idea
I do not have ones so I will w8 for new versions xD

PacMan type game

PacManPPC v0.5
All GFX robbed from the MAME rom of PacMan (Midway), and converted to BMP. Remember to leave in the same format upon save if you edit them or it'll go horribly wrong.
Code was originally written by me for an embedded 16 bit console (Sunplus) but never saw the light of day, so is re-used in this.
Uses OpenGL ES. I have no idea if it will work on phones other than a Diamond or similar.. I don't have any other phones. It will not scale to smaller screens.
A fully built map outline texture is used for speed, because drawing the entire 8x8 tilemap took too long. (~1000 polys).
The Program *MUST* be installed to "\Program Files\PacManPPC" (See below "Relative file paths")
Stuff still outstanding, in order of chance of ever getting done.....
Sound (from original samples)
Better Frontend, closer to arcade original.
Better controls... difficult at screen edges....
Increasing difficulty
Fruit Multiplier stuff (where to represent them?)
Issues I have that perhaps someone with more PPC dev experience could shed some light on?
I have no idea how to sync to the screen, is it possible to VSync on the Diamond?
Otherwise I'll use performance counter to get as close as poss.
Currently the sleep is fixed, so speed increases as pill count reduces.
Relative file paths.
I haven't been able to use relative file paths.. hence the need to place the game in a specific location.
All files are loaded from ".\Program Files\PacManPPC" hardcoded... rubbish
".\" or "./" is always root? I must be stupid, what am I missing here?
Weird issue.
Every now and again the phone "does something" which causes the screen to scroll up 16 pixels... only seen it happen twice, perhaps a side effect of dev, absolutely no idea why.
Starting from file browser sometimes loses focus instantly (or never gets it).
Runs very well!
No sound, ok, I read that
Controlling is quite good! Like just dragging the stylus 'where i want to go'.
Nice work!
Using G-sensor is a great step?
Have you seen it?
TRiKi® said:
Have you seen it?
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I hadn't.. looks emulated so will probably be much more accurate.. how depressing ... LOL.
dont be depressed, you have done a good work man ;-)
Hello cool developer, I know you can do great stuff, much more for us, deserves a big credit. I will buy you a kebab, ultimate honour. only smiley I know!
does not work on xda flame with goforce gpu
jaikben22 said:
does not work on xda flame with goforce gpu
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Are you sure you pu it in the right place?
The Program *MUST* be installed to "\Program Files\PacManPPC" (See below "Relative file paths") "
In the device memory, not the storage card.
this is absolutely awesome!!! Works great on the touch pro, thanks!!!
uniqueboy said:
Are you sure you pu it in the right place?
The Program *MUST* be installed to "\Program Files\PacManPPC" (See below "Relative file paths") "
In the device memory, not the storage card.
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yeah I am sure, gonna try it one more time, I think init of opengles is different from diamond
jaikben22 said:
yeah I am sure, gonna try it one more time, I think init of opengles is different from diamond
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I know the developer's 1'st winmo is Diamond, I have had the privilege of clocking a few very cool wee demos he's put together that I would love to see posted. I think youmight be right about the different opengls of the Flame and the Diamond.
Well i can help out for converting, I can send some example codes for flame?
any progress guys?
well done but make attention you cant install it on the program files in the safe card on your phone

(LAST CHANCE TO VOTE) need some idea's

It is 12:00 central time (17:00 GMT I think) and I will close voting at 5:00pm Central Time (22:00 GMT) today. So that leaves you just 5 Hours to make your vote. I will try and post the winner up here later tonight, or you can check yourself at www.gudensoft.com.
First, thanks for all the great ideas. I would love to develop all of these if I could, but we have to decide on just one of the programs! So, Since I couldn't add a poll to this thread, I added it to HERE.
I bet I know which will win, but who knows? The poll will end Thursday or Friday (depending on if it is a close race or not).
Hey guys,
I want to know what cool program, functionality, or software you would like to see created. I am a .net programmer (among others) and would like some ideas of projects you would like to see. I would like to stay away from a graphic intense program and involved games, so think functionality, usefulness, fun, etc. If I get some good ideas, I will then add a poll, vote on the best one, then build it. I will release it under my donationware license which means it will be free. Right now I am finishing up my Golf Gps program (and will continue to support), but will start this project once we get it deceided. So Shoot me your ideas!
cool a programmer who need ideas
I have proposed something here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=434925
though it would maybe not appear as a grateful program for a developper ( a toolkit for other programs), it could be a good way to have a large diffusion through many config panels in different programs
it was just an idea
Maybe simple for .NET, but for me impossible to do (without performance/battery penaulty) with basic4ppc or mortscript. And thats all I can handle.
What I would like to have is a program that enables me to execute programs when specific events occur. I'd like to know when AC power gets connected/disconnected, when there is a change in screen orientation, and when a headset gets connected/disconnected and so on. Maybe even when an internet connection through WIFI is available/unavailable.
Also I'd like to know is a specific BT device is connectable/conneted. I'd like to know if a specific WIFI network is connectable/connected. I'd like to know if I'm at a specific location. All event driven, without a performance consuming programing loop or battery drain.
Yeah, all or even some of those options would make my digital mobile life so much easier
Good luck huntig for input, if you ever get bored contact me and make me happy
le_cactus said:
Maybe simple for .NET, but for me impossible to do (without performance/battery penaulty) with basic4ppc or mortscript. And thats all I can handle.
What I would like to have is a program that enables me to execute programs when specific events occur. I'd like to know when AC power gets connected/disconnected, when there is a change in screen orientation, and when a headset gets connected/disconnected and so on. Maybe even when an internet connection through WIFI is available/unavailable.
Also I'd like to know is a specific BT device is connectable/conneted. I'd like to know if a specific WIFI network is connectable/connected. I'd like to know if I'm at a specific location. All event driven, without a performance consuming programing loop or battery drain.
Yeah, all or even some of those options would make my digital mobile life so much easier
Good luck huntig for input, if you ever get bored contact me and make me happy
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Doable, handy, not a massive undertaking, I like it! Not sure I would go the .net route on something like this, as really a GUI is not required (except for settings maybe) and the overhead is large with .net. Certainly will add it to the list. Keep them coming!!
t0k0m0k0 said:
cool a programmer who need ideas
I have proposed something here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=434925
though it would maybe not appear as a grateful program for a developper ( a toolkit for other programs), it could be a good way to have a large diffusion through many config panels in different programs
it was just an idea
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This would be pretty difficult unless all of developers used the same programming langauge/technique. The only real feasable way I see this working would be developers using a common set of graphics. That would be more of a graphic undertaking instead of programming. I do like the idea, but pretty hard to impliment.
I would love to see something like Launchy for launching apps and files etc. as well as quick search of various types online. I'm guessing the on the fly search would require too much processing power, but if it's doable it would be awesome.
I'm interested in new ideas too. I also use B4PPC.
Here's a few ideas:
-A tamagotchi, really. I was about to try this out tonight but Paint hates me.
-An app launcher like PetitLaunch on PalmOS. It's something that can pop from any app (hardware button) and when you type in extra letters it filters which apps are shown. I got this started and I can give you the files if you want.
-Pursue the development for Tippy. The source is on Nicbou.com/downloads if you want it.
-A time clock. A friend of mine notes down how long he works to make sure he doesn't get screwed and it takes him several minutes every week. He doesn't have a Pocket PC but maybe someone would be interested in something that tracks the hours you work and calculate the salary. I almost did this too.
And don't forget to share the source! If you need any help with B4PPC I'm here
galt said:
I would love to see something like Launchy for launching apps and files etc. as well as quick search of various types online. I'm guessing the on the fly search would require too much processing power, but if it's doable it would be awesome.
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Sounds simular to the app launcher listed in the next post, seems like there is a theme going on here, you all need some sort of good app launcher.
I'd like the Launchy features for search-on-the-fly off on board apps and file launching, but ever more for different site searches (google, maps, wikipedia, live, youtube, Amazon, etc).
N1c0_ds said:
I'm interested in new ideas too. I also use B4PPC.
Here's a few ideas:
-A tamagotchi, really. I was about to try this out tonight but Paint hates me.
-An app launcher like PetitLaunch on PalmOS. It's something that can pop from any app (hardware button) and when you type in extra letters it filters which apps are shown. I got this started and I can give you the files if you want.
-Pursue the development for Tippy. The source is on Nicbou.com/downloads if you want it.
-A time clock. A friend of mine notes down how long he works to make sure he doesn't get screwed and it takes him several minutes every week. He doesn't have a Pocket PC but maybe someone would be interested in something that tracks the hours you work and calculate the salary. I almost did this too.
And don't forget to share the source! If you need any help with B4PPC I'm here
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I had to look up tamagotchi, either I am too old, or just out of the loop to know that 10 million of these things were sold! Wow! That could be fun, but would take a pretty fancy AI type system to really be fun.
A form of Tippy is already out there, 1-calc has some of the features built in already.
A time clock could be cool, maybe a stop watch type thing perhaps?
Never used B4PPC, I mainly use C# and Visual Studio. It looks like the old Visual Basic for desktops. And last but not least, depending on the project, I more than likely will release the source.
Thanks!!! Keep'em comin!
File Explorer Needs Help
Has anyone wanted to see a preview image in explorer's folder??
I'm not talking about fexplorerext2. although it is a fantastic enhancement; it takes a long time to load the preview immages.
I have a better idea (well, actualy MS thought of it first)
for every folder that has an image file, this dll is created to replace cache of images. this way ou do not have to load it everytime and scale them down for thumbnail view. it is already there specificaly for each folder.
This alows the explorer to show a preview of the first image in the folder (or last created/accessed)
This is whatt I think WinMo is lacking - windows. lol.
I do not care much for the tabbed browsing. it hurts my head. too much scroling and not enough info. Icons work better I think, and waste less space on an already small screen.
well, that's been on my wishlist for a very long time. a dll that ataches to the already existing explorer making it work better.
Thanks for workin g on something new
program that makes led lights flash when phone rings would be nice
Interesting...I will have to think about how to tackle that. It would basically take a new file explorer (like total commander). This might be a bit larger than I want to tackle, but will research it a bit before ruling it out.
bedaweed said:
program that makes led lights flash when phone rings would be nice
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This would be very difficult as not every device handles the leds the same. Also, not every device has the same leds (color, # of, etc). I think No2Chem has a int. driver, but think it is only for the titan. Would be cool though...
a system-wide launcher dock program like that on the velocity 103 PPC..
here's the URL for the review and video of the app (and the phone)
a new top bar replacemeent/notification system much like the "android Notification Drawer" it can replace the bubble (multiple) notifications icon when you got multiple and simultaneous notifications.. and also make it finger friendly (unlike M2D, no need to go back to homescreen to check email/sms previes and also calendar events, calls, etc.. also unlike big taskbar - from the touch phones, this'll have previews)
video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7qbPa1O8Ys&eur (at the 2 minute mark) , http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hy-YcGNyJds
mjg7876 said:
Interesting...I will have to think about how to tackle that. It would basically take a new file explorer (like total commander). This might be a bit larger than I want to tackle, but will research it a bit before ruling it out.
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Fexplorer2 is basically a dll that works with the original file explorer context menu. there is a small exe that overwrites the original explorer to make it think that the explorer"s context menu has already been opened.
in a way it maybe possible to write a new dll and two exe
EXE 1 to replace the file explorer
EXE 2 to make thumbs db
DLL (conte4xt menu that alows to view as thumbnails/list etc ; as well as launching the second exe to make a thumbsdb)
maybe you can get some help from Hou Ming, the guy that made that program before.
it would be cool if you could get some of the old emus like pocket gba and pocket snes with window 6.1 I know i would be happy.
le_cactus said:
... when AC power gets connected/disconnected, when there is a change in screen orientation, and when a headset gets connected/disconnected and ...
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I have been looking for a program that would stop the music (S2P, Audio Manager, or WMP etc...) if during playback of the music the headset is removed. Or for instance, when the device is on vibrate and you connect headset, it automatically changes profile to normal or something.
Another one is when I dock my device (or connect AC basically), I'd like clock program (or home screen, or photo slideshow, etc...) to come up automatically.
A feature that I miss from my older phones is the ability to set them to beep every minute during a phone call.
Now these are very general and not specific features. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me!
Thank you,
ytsejam_ said:
a system-wide launcher dock program like that on the velocity 103 PPC..
here's the URL for the review and video of the app (and the phone)
a new top bar replacemeent/notification system much like the "android Notification Drawer" it can replace the bubble (multiple) notifications icon when you got multiple and simultaneous notifications.. and also make it finger friendly (unlike M2D, no need to go back to homescreen to check email/sms previes and also calendar events, calls, etc.. also unlike big taskbar - from the touch phones, this'll have previews)
video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7qbPa1O8Ys&eur (at the 2 minute mark) , http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hy-YcGNyJds
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The launcher on the 103 looks a lot like manilla, I know it is diff, but to me it seems mainly by presentation, not functionality. I do however like the notification top bar like that on android. Not sure how difficult taking over the top bar would be. I will do some digging.
S.V.I said:
Fexplorer2 is basically a dll that works with the original file explorer context menu. there is a small exe that overwrites the original explorer to make it think that the explorer"s context menu has already been opened.
in a way it maybe possible to write a new dll and two exe
EXE 1 to replace the file explorer
EXE 2 to make thumbs db
DLL (conte4xt menu that alows to view as thumbnails/list etc ; as well as launching the second exe to make a thumbsdb)
maybe you can get some help from Hou Ming, the guy that made that program before.
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Can you give me a link to this? The only thing I could find (quickly) was sketchy at best. Still seems a bit much, but would like to know more about this Fexplorer2 thing before nuking the idea.

[GAME] DiamondTris - Tetris with support for VGA, stylus & wheel sensor

Updated: 2009-01-03, 21:05 (GMT+1)
Me and Swoop2 is creating a Tetris game for us HTC Touch Diamond users out there in need for a great one! Why I wanted to create a new Tetris game for the HTC Touch Diamond was because all of the Tetris games out there got some flaws (imo); not supporting VGA resolution, visually looking bad, running slow etc.. The closest thing I got was TeKnowMagic Tetris, but I wasn't satisfied either way. There's simply no Tetris game out there filling my requirements.
DiamondTris so far:
VGA resolution
Moving pieces - with the wheel sensor or via the on-screen buttons
Rotation of pieces - with the enter button or via the on-screen buttons
Line completion and destruction
Statistics: score, hi-score, level, lines done/remaining
Difficulties: easy, medium, hard (different speeds)
What needs to be done:
Some minior GUI tweaks
Sound effects
Settings (sounds, controls)
You'll need .NET Framework 3.5, which you'll find here
Installs on device or internal storage
Creates a shortcut in Programs\Games
Pause function implemented
New, better looking on-screen buttons
Added some statistics
Disabled piece rotation by tilting the device (needs further tweaking)
Application icon added
sounds like a fairly simple and easy project... if only i had listened in class...
Why don't you get some pledges to encourage a developer
I would pay around £3 for a tetris game designed for our device
Not loads, but if enough people were too pledge their support...
hays said:
Why don't you get some pledges to encourage a developer
I would pay around £3 for a tetris game designed for our device
Not loads, but if enough people were too pledge their support...
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good idea.
i'll let hays pay £3 for a Tetris game
(and i suppose i could chuck a few quid in as well )
Of course I'm in for some donations if this game is created
I started a very basic Tetris app for my touch diamond a while ago - just as a play around as my first Windows Mobile application. It uses the wheel for moving the current piece left and right and I was going to have a go at using the accelerometer to turn the piece clockwise/anticlockwise (i.e. a flick to the left or right).
I've never used OpenGL or anything so it was just done using a timer and the graphics object off the OnDraw event. I got as far as creating the grid, drawing the pieces, moving them around and knowing when lines were completed, etc. Still had a lot to do but it was a proof of concept more than anything else.
I'm just a normal application developer and develop form based applications and back end stuff. If I can get to where I am with my effort in the time I have, then someone who knows how to write games properly could easily do something really good.
Swoop2 said:
I started a very basic Tetris app for my touch diamond a while ago - just as a play around as my first Windows Mobile application. It uses the wheel for moving the current piece left and right and I was going to have a go at using the accelerometer to turn the piece clockwise/anticlockwise (i.e. a flick to the left or right).
I've never used OpenGL or anything so it was just done using a timer and the graphics object off the OnDraw event. I got as far as creating the grid, drawing the pieces, moving them around and knowing when lines were completed, etc. Still had a lot to do but it was a proof of concept more than anything else.
I'm just a normal application developer and develop form based applications and back end stuff. If I can get to where I am with my effort in the time I have, then someone who knows how to write games properly could easily do something really good.
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Ah, that sounds great! Got any plans on continuation of your work? Onscreen buttons instead of accelerometer sounds even better imo, and is easier to do I think..?
Care to share your source? I can have a look at it myself and see if I can get into Mobil application programming too... or at least someone else here can continue on your base work.
I do plan on finishing it at some point - though I'm not 100% sure when! I don't mind sharing the code anyway, so once I'm back home I'll try and remember to put it on here.
Swoop2 said:
I do plan on finishing it at some point - though I'm not 100% sure when! I don't mind sharing the code anyway, so once I'm back home I'll try and remember to put it on here.
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Sounds cool. Looks like I might get a good weekend after all! Do... not... forget... the... add... the source code!
Here's the source code. It is VERY much a work in progress. I started it as a windows application and ported it over to WinMob6. Here's a list of things that I know I still needed to do:
1. Optimise the graphics to get rid of the irritating flicker.
2. Add the piece rotation.
3. Add the score and level display, etc.
4. Decide on the size of the grid (considered leaving it customisable).
5. Add score saving and option saving, etc.
6. Add some backing music.
They're the things I can remember off the top of my head anyway. Lemme know if you have any ideas or questions, etc.
Swoop2 said:
Here's the source code. It is VERY much a work in progress. I started it as a windows application and ported it over to WinMob6. Here's a list of things that I know I still needed to do:
1. Optimise the graphics to get rid of the irritating flicker.
2. Add the piece rotation.
3. Add the score and level display, etc.
4. Decide on the size of the grid (considered leaving it customisable).
5. Add score saving and option saving, etc.
6. Add some backing music.
They're the things I can remember off the top of my head anyway. Lemme know if you have any ideas or questions, etc.
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Sweet! I'm at home now, downloading all the requried applications to put up a proper environment here... big packages, so it'll take a while until I'm set.
I'll see if I can manage to do anything, and in case - I'll get back to you
Hi there again Swoop2!
Just tweaked the grid some, added some stats + onscreen buttons (stretched until later ;P) and changed some minor stuff. Here's my latest source. Thanks for sharing!
There's still bunch of stuff to tweak and add. Adding rotation to the game would make it fairly playable. The screen flickering is quite annoying, but perhaps we'll manage to get it working right in the future
Also adding a screenshot of how it looks with the current source.
EDIT: removed the source code, since there's a newer one out there.
Hi Sibbor
That's looking pretty good mate - I like it! I already have some ideas on how to fix the flicker - for the majority of the time anyway. Rendering the image as a bitmap in the background and then just drawing that should hopefully work like a double buffer or something. Also, only invalidating the relevant part of the screen instead of all of it should make a difference too. It worked for my other application anyway.
I'll try and have a play with it this week and send you an update
Swoop2 said:
Hi Sibbor
That's looking pretty good mate - I like it! I already have some ideas on how to fix the flicker - for the majority of the time anyway. Rendering the image as a bitmap in the background and then just drawing that should hopefully work like a double buffer or something. Also, only invalidating the relevant part of the screen instead of all of it should make a difference too. It worked for my other application anyway.
I'll try and have a play with it this week and send you an update
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Sounds great! Made a few more changes but haven't got the latest source available here at work. I'll see if I can get time to upload it later. Otherwise it doesn't matter too much.
I reacted at the code where the grid updates, but have too less experience with WM6 and .NET to actually optimize this to a grade where we'll have no flicker at all. So with other words: I'm looking forward to your anti-flicker code !
I should finally have some time to look at this at the weekend so if you have an updated version can you post it on here?
Swoop2 said:
I should finally have some time to look at this at the weekend so if you have an updated version can you post it on here?
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Hi again mate! Good to hear. Sadly I haven't been able to get too much done since last time, but I'll attach the current source now.
Thought about the rotation and how to create it. Had an idea where you could destroy the current piece when rotating, and creating a new - rotated - piece at the given location. You got any ideas about it otherwise?
I've been looking for a decent Tetris game for Diamond/TP myself.
Question: are you planning on implementing the scrollwheel to move the pieces? I think that would be a nice touch.
Good luck on this. I'll donate to the cause when you guys have something.
hefman said:
I've been looking for a decent Tetris game for Diamond/TP myself.
Question: are you planning on implementing the scrollwheel to move the pieces? I think that would be a nice touch.
Good luck on this. I'll donate to the cause when you guys have something.
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The requested function is already supported We'll make sure to setup donations when we're ready
this is definately a worth while project, i wasted my time for about 3 hours looking for a nice tetris game 4-5 days ago and came up with very nasty looking basic tetris clones.
which all sucked, id donate £5-7 just for saving me the time!!
CDMA Tetris
I am so all about Tetris.
I also spent some time looking for some decent versions of Tetris but they all flopped.
I cannot wait till you guys complete this.

[GAME] HG-Proton v0.9.1 :: Powered by HG-Engine (2009/10/14)

I've created first game based on my HG-Engine, here you are. It's simple touch game for test your finger speed
I recommend landscape position for play with both thumbs...
You have to click on the nearest red proton (+) before it reach the front.
Be carefull, speed gets higher and wrong tap decreases your score!
Note: It's only beta version, future development depends on public feedback!
Have a fun and post your highscore ;-)
(C) ShaWn.cz
"Straight from the lab" version here
Fixed loading issue incidented on some devices causing app crash
HighScores are saving!
Difficulty setup
New mode: Accept electrons
G-Sensor and Light can be turned OFF/ON
Improved graphics
Initial public release, only concept
2208, I look forward to more titles using HG-Engine. Good Job.
.. As I was typing this, I left the game over screen open. After ~5 minutes the screen went into sleep mode and the device started a light vibrate that never stopped. I could not turn on the screen and no button presses helped. Had to restart device. [HTC Touch Pro].
Tried to repeat the bug: It didn't vibrate this time but the screen becomes completely black and I'm unable to do anything.
Atleast a screenshot ? Resolution info ?
Thanks for the game hope you keep developing it
Screenshots added... This game is mainly for WVGA, but may works also on VGA devices.
I'll look on that sleep mode bug, but it's not critical, game is playable... so now I have more prior ideas ;-) anyway, thx for report
Very good work, the game looks great and the feeling while you play is awesome
Wow! really nice! The HG-Engine is really cool.
Here are my suggestions:
Try to improve the smoothness of the reaction from the G-Sensor (You can look how the Diamond VR Hologram smoothness setting works).
Try to improve the sensitivity of tapping (I find myself tapping the cubes more than once most of the time).
Add levels of difficulty or game modes. Try color coding or moving blocks.
Looking forward to new games or new versions!
I like it, runs perfect on topaz TD2.
You may make a tetris or dr.Mario like games. The point, use cool game soundtracks (May 8-bit like NES, or good remixes ). Simple games with good soundtracks, always remembering easy i think.
Check out this,
Really cool soundtrack i think, so i remember this game easily.
Version updated to 0.9 ;-) Check out new features at first post!
I'm working on G-Sensor smoothing algorithm, but it's not important thing for now. It's 3:50 AM here, so I'm gonna sleep, GN & HF!
but i can utilies this application on my omnia?
nice game, just a couple of suggestions:
is it possible to replace the cube with slightly bigger cylinders- this might make it look slightly finger freindly
also removal of the graphics to simple shaded colours might make and improvement in speed
finally would it be too difficult to make the objects appear randomly, (this might mean more coding for you)
a few suggestions thats all
p.s it works quiet well on my diamond although a bit sluggish at times
nice work
I have TyTn II, Is it compatible?
sandrosa said:
I have TyTn II, Is it compatible?
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Sorry, it's not... Requires G-Sensor and WVGA or VGA display.
For others: graphics will be improved to final version... You don't have to tap proton itself, clickable is full area of display, so you can tap the corner ;-)
It is a pitty you can not run it on non HTC device, you get an error when invoiking GSensorSDK.HTCGSensor - do you consider the game to hndle that nicely and worki without GSensor?
Okay, I'll build "no g-sensor" version for uncompatibile g-sensors and devices without it ;-)
This game is additively fun! Great job!
Maybe a bit of difficulty setting would be better, it seems as thought it increasingly gets more difficult as time goes by. I like that it does this, but eventually it gets to a point that its simply moving faster than i can tap no matter how great i am at it
Id like a more constant difficulty i guess... hey, if this is all i have to complain about than it must be really good lol. Im looking forward to more HG-engine releases!
Hey HTC-Fan,
great job. It works well on my HTC-D with Sun Y 6.1 B3.
Waiting for new levels or game
Hi there
Are you still developing this? I just came across it on pocketpcfreeware and I think it is pretty cool.
My suggestions:
A soundtrack
Some SFX
Use the vibrate function when you make a wrong tap
Shake the screen a bit when you make a wrong tap
Lose lives instead of points for tapping an electron?
Make the 'well' deeper to allow more scope for interaction with other objects
Add in some more 'enemies' for variety e.g. positrons which you can steer into electrons using the g-sensor or gestures for non-sensor devices?

