Read SMS in my SIM card - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

i just want to ask if there is a software that could read all my SMS messages in my SIM card? if that is posible?
thanks in advance =)


Accessing the SIM card from Java.

Hi everybody.
I would like to write a J2ME application that can issue APDUs commans to the SIM card.
Does anybody know if there is an API that will allow me to do this?
Thanks in advance for you help.


i have tmobile when i but my sms card i have problem say
data craches i need code to unlock it any one can help me
my mail is ---------- [email protected]

How to extrac contact email form sim card

Hi everybody , just a question, nobody knows how to extract contact email from the sim card directory?
many thaks,
best regards

Sim card is missing ... Plz help me

Hi all, i've a problem with my p3540 ... message SIM CARD IS MISSING with my sim ... sim work with other phone ... other sim not work with my p3450.
Plz help me.
UP ... need help
UP ... i can't use it
No one can help me??

AAAA!!! Solved my Send SMS problem!!

Hallo! Today I've solved my cannot send SMS problem by reissuing my SIM card from my mobile operator. Ive got an old one (2002-2003) and it was not fully compatible w HD2. ope this wiil help to someone..

