How to sync the Shift with Outlook on PC and sync files - Shift General

The question is not how to sync SnapVue with Vista (because it is possible getting full WM), the question is another.
I think that all of us have a Pc or "big" laptop and the Shift, and in my case I have several emails account configured in Outlook (Desktop PC). Now, it will be useful if I could access the "same" Outlook on Vista side (Shift), but the only way is to configure Outlook on the same way that my Pc, leaving all the emails on the server, deleting theme when I check my email from my Desktop Pc. But doing so I do not have all my emails with me on my Shift. There is a way to sync Outlook on Shift with Outlook on my Desktop Pc without Exchange server? I do not have any access to any Exchange server, furthermore even if I had, I do not think it will be very fast to access all my 800mb of emails using outlook as a client of Exchange server, isn't it?!
How do you are working about this?
And what about files? Do you sync files or some folders from your Desktop Pc and Vista's Shift? If yes how? Some times ago Novell made iFolder (, an interesting client that syncs files and folders with a remote server on the web, and you can install many clients as you need on different machines, so when you create a new file or modify an old one, iFolder client send the differences to the server on Internet, and every time that the other Pcs goes on line it sync theme as well. The problem is that iFolder is not working and that project seems that has been left alone. Do you know if there is something similar?

I'm currently using many ways to do the things you ask for.
I bought an exchange server space from an italian provider (don't know if I can post its name), and through that exchange I sync my contacts, calendars, to do's etc.
As far as files are concerned, I'm using at present Humyo, that gives you 1 Gb of free space for free, even if I use it in a 100 Gb - payed version. As I have a flat rate data plan with vodafone, I can easily have my files always under control. Of course I do the "big job" (heavy uploads etc) at home with an ordinary ADSL.
If you need a freeware solution and own a web space, you could try and install Relay, an open source project that does more or less the thins Humyo does. Of course the problem here could be web space. (HINT: I tried to "install" Relay on my Aruba server, but because of security reasons - I upload work files - I preferred to use Humyo).
Of course, if you need more infos, feel free to post on this thread
ADDED: as far as 800 Mb of e-mail, you can always ask your Outlook to download headers (and not the whole message) and include or exclude attachments. And if you really need you 800 Mb always with you, you can always do the first sync from an ADSL...

Hileotech said:
I'm currently using many ways to do the things you ask for.
I bought an exchange server space from an italian provider (don't know if I can post its name), and through that exchange I sync my contacts, calendars, to do's etc.
As far as files are concerned, I'm using at present Humyo, that gives you 1 Gb of free space for free, even if I use it in a 100 Gb - payed version. As I have a flat rate data plan with vodafone, I can easily have my files always under control. Of course I do the "big job" (heavy uploads etc) at home with an ordinary ADSL.
If you need a freeware solution and own a web space, you could try and install Relay, an open source project that does more or less the thins Humyo does. Of course the problem here could be web space. (HINT: I tried to "install" Relay on my Aruba server, but because of security reasons - I upload work files - I preferred to use Humyo).
Of course, if you need more infos, feel free to post on this thread
ADDED: as far as 800 Mb of e-mail, you can always ask your Outlook to download headers (and not the whole message) and include or exclude attachments. And if you really need you 800 Mb always with you, you can always do the first sync from an ADSL...
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Could you tell me the address of relay project? Thanks

here it is:
should you succeed in setting it up, please let me know. I didn't spend much time with it, but I was initially stucked by some "cgi-bin" directory path.

Hileotech said:
here it is:
should you succeed in setting it up, please let me know. I didn't spend much time with it, but I was initially stucked by some "cgi-bin" directory path.
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Click to collapse is interesting but I cannot automatically sync files from Desktop-Shift-WebServer...I am looking at something like Live Mesh, but unfortunnately it cannot be tested from Italy yet.

alex_time said: is interesting but I cannot automatically sync files from Desktop-Shift-WebServer...I am looking at something like Live Mesh, but unfortunnately it cannot be tested from Italy yet.
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I see--- but what about considering your web space as your HDD? I mean: you don't have to take all files with you and then sync them each day... You simply open the file from your space and work from there. That's the way I'm working with Humyo, and that's the best use for my Voda+Shift device.
Anyway I don't think it would be so difficult to find some script (or even "Sync folder" in Windows) to do the things you want.

Hileotech said:
I see--- but what about considering your web space as your HDD? I mean: you don't have to take all files with you and then sync them each day... You simply open the file from your space and work from there. That's the way I'm working with Humyo, and that's the best use for my Voda+Shift device.
Anyway I don't think it would be so difficult to find some script (or even "Sync folder" in Windows) to do the things you want.
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Sync files is usefull because I do not have a flat internet connection, so in this way I can access all file on the hard drive and sometimes sync with my Desktop.
Sync folder in Windows works only when I am on the same network, but not when I have outside with my shift.
Finally, FolderShare is ok, but I have to leave my Desktop alway on! This is why I am looking about something like ifolder or Live Mesh.
Concernig exchange...I thinnk mail2web is the only provider that provide free Exchange access only from PocketPC, I cannot find any provider that let use their Exchange Server for free like mail2web but allowing connection from email and no automatic file sync for now. Anyway thanks for your help

I know I'm late, but you could be interested with Syncing.Net.
It's working via the net, and you've not to have the computers on at the same time.
The "bad" thing is you need an internet connection to synchronize, even if it will not use it.

Idoine said:
I know I'm late, but you could be interested with Syncing.Net.
It's working via the net, and you've not to have the computers on at the same time.
The "bad" thing is you need an internet connection to synchronize, even if it will not use it.
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Am I wrong or this system is just for PC's? I mean: is there a WM version of this software? (Sorry, but I didn't get this info from website...)

Hileotech said:
Am I wrong or this system is just for PC's? I mean: is there a WM version of this software? (Sorry, but I didn't get this info from website...)
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See FAQ :
Does SYNCING.NET also work with Windows Mobile devices?
Not yet! A Windows Mobile Edition is planned for the future, but I can’t say when it’s available. At the moment SYNCING.NET synchronize only outlook data stored in a local pst file at a Desktop or Laptop PC.
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I synchronize my Htc Touch Elf with my laptop (Snapvue with Shift), and synchronizes laptop with Shift.
But I agree, I'd like not to turn on my Laptop to sync my Touch !

Idoine said:
See FAQ :
I synchronize my Htc Touch Elf with my laptop (Snapvue with Shift), and synchronizes laptop with Shift.
But I agree, I'd like not to turn on my Laptop to sync my Touch !
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That's why I prefer to use a (not so cheap but very stable) exchange account for my outlook-related stuff and a humyo account for files (they are both OS independent...). I recently met a nice virus in one of my desktop and had to low-level format all HDD. I didn't lose a single bit of my data (mail, calendar, tasks, docs etc): I just had to sign in again to my exchange provider and to humyo and everything was still there. As I told a few posts ago in this thread, I forgot what an HDD is (internal or external): I usually travel with a portable HDD, but I could even burn it and I would still be sure not to lose anything.
The point, IMHO, is: how valuable are the data you need to store? The more valuable they are, the more you are willing to pay for their security. If I lost my HDD and my contacts the damage would be much more chan a couple of 100 Euros to buy another HDD...

Well, I had to format my DD only 1 time in 18 years of computing, and it was because of the DD itself (because it became very slow in writing, due to hardware failure). I had the time to save my datas before that, so no damage. My antivirus and antispywares were always capable of getting rid of attacks.
Since August, we had an Exchange Server, so Outlook sync wasn't a problem, but now we haven't any server, so we're searching for alternatives. I tried some, and for me they have to be Internet-free (or almost !) because I don't always have access to a connection. seems to be a good (if not perfect !) answer to my problematic.

Idoine said:
Well, I had to format my DD only 1 time in 18 years of computing, and it was because of the DD itself (because it became very slow in writing, due to hardware failure). I had the time to save my datas before that, so no damage. My antivirus and antispywares were always capable of getting rid of attacks.
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What can I say? You lucky man!!!! I don't think there are meny of you in the world
Idoine said:
Since August, we had an Exchange Server, so Outlook sync wasn't a problem, but now we haven't any server, so we're searching for alternatives. I tried some, and for me they have to be Internet-free (or almost !) because I don't always have access to a connection. seems to be a good (if not perfect !) answer to my problematic.
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My situation is exactly the opposite, and that's why I bought the Shift: I need to be "always-on" and I accordingl prefer a "totally online" solution. "De gustibus non disputandum est".
Have a nice day


My MDA and my Mac

Hey there,
This is my first post. I'm a mac user (no snide comments please). I just got the MDA a few weeks ago, and just can't figure out if it's worth it for me to keep this thing. It surfs the web like sh**. Slower than a snail. I'm on the T-Mobile GPRS system, which is supposed to be really fast.
I've been reading a lot about the ability to MOD my MDA. But if i can't sync the sucker to my Mac, how can i get the files necassary to MOD the MDA? Let me add that i have NO idea how to MOD the MDA. Things like changing the THEME, the font color, etc.
Thanks for reading this post.....
There is no official support for the Mac on any Windows Mobile device, but there are third party tools out there. The Missing Sync (2.5 beta) will sync to Windows Mobile 5 devices. It works nicely and syncs with iCal, Address Book, Entourage, etc. The beta only syncs via Bluetooth, but if you get the USBSwitch tool and switch the mode to Serial, Activesync via USB will work as well.
If all you want to do is send files to your MDA, all you need is OS X's built in tools. Pair the MDA with your Mac and use the Bluetooth file transfer utility to send files. You can also install from CAB files this way; send them to your phone and run it there.
What Mac do you have? If you have an Intel one, you can install Parallels Desktop, which provides a virtualization environment for running Windows inside OS X. They have rudimentary USB Support, but it's getting better. You can also install Boot Camp and boot to Windows when you need to sync.
See there you are with alot of options, dont give up on the MDA yet
got O2 Atom as well as missing sync 2.5. MS froze during connection
I too love my Mac and... well, like my Wizard. But I'd have real reservations about keeping the Wizard if you don't at least have regular accesss to a Windows thing. (An Intel Mac dual-booting would work, of course; Virtual PC mostly works too.)
Here's how I coordinate the Mac and the Wizard:
1) You really do need to flash the ROM, and you need a PC to do it. (I didn't risk this on Virtual PC, but it might work.) I grabbed an old Windows 2000 laptop, put ActiveSync on it, and it works fine. Run LokiWiz or another program to CID and SIM-unlock the phone, then put the newest customized 2.21 USA T-Mobile ROM on it. It makes EVERYTHING better - I get 3 bars where I used to get 0, you get push e-mail support, etc. But if you don't have access to a PC, you can't do this, and you're stuck with the terrible ROM T-Mobile gives you.
You also need a PC to install some software that doesn't come in a .cab installer, though sometimes you can just launch the installer in Virtual PC and grab the .cab file it unpacks and hand-install that.
2) You can pair the Wizard with the Mac through Bluetooth and use it (a) as an EDGE modem and (b) to push files. Use Bluetooth File Exchange, always dismiss the warning that the type of file isn't supported, and the file will push to your Wizard. This is a good way to install programs that come in .CABs. The other way, of course, is to get an SD reader and mount your MiniSD card.
3) There's a great little shareware utility called SyncTunes that will sync an iTunes playlist and your podcasts to an SD card (or MiniSD, of course). I mount my SD card and use that to sync music fairly regularly. iPhoto can also pull photos and videos off the card. Of course. I mean, of course it Just Works.
4) Although it's not as smooth as an iPod with video, non-protected video files prepared for the iPod work pretty well. I use the free iSquint to convert, and play back with TCPMP (with the AAC plug-in).
5) Finally, syncing. I haven't bothered trying Missing Sync, and don't expect to, because you don't need to.
Just make sure you have an Exchange account. If you have one for your main e-mail account, great; if not, get one through (You might need to get the $2/month rather than the free one for all of this to work.) I'll assume you also have Entourage (the Mac equivalent of Outlook in MS office). Make sure you install the latest Entourage service patch.
That patch allows Entourage to sync with Address Book and iCal. So use Entourage to sync your Exchange account with your Mac information. Then use ActiveSync over-the-air to push all that stuff onto your Wizard. (I.e., configure an ActiveSync server on your Wizard.) Magically, all your Address Book and iCal stuff is there! And, if you do it right, changes on the handheld should sync back to iCal eventually as well (albeit always in the Entourage category).
Hope that's helpful. I'll keep an eye on this thread if any of that didn't make sense, or my fellow Mac faithful are welcome to message me.
As much as I've used Missing Sync in the past for other devices, it just doesn't work well with the Wizard. Too many problems. I also us it with my Mac all the time and I have an account with The nice thing is you can stay in sync without actually having to connect and sync (which i'd forget to do all the time). I use Entourage to sync with that Exchange account, then I configured Entourage to sync with OS X's databases (address book, ical, etc). My only wish now is a simple app for my phone that will let me mount the card on my mac as if it were a USB drive.
more on my mac and my MDA
monkey_42 thanks for the DETAILED post. it's so good to finally get some response to my questions concerning the MDA and my MAC. so far, i've only been able to bluetooth some apps to the phone and they seems to be running fine, SPB weather and AGILE messanger. aside that, i'm scared to do the ROM update. read loads of bad reports and issues people have been having. but you're a mac guy so that sooths my concerns. but back to the main issue, how the heck to i get the stuff on the computer. we havea PC at work. i suppose i'll update the ROM the way you mention. thanks again.
T-Mobile claims that they're working on fixing the CHAT issues they're having with the MDA. So at this point, their OZ app doesn't work. They gave me 50 mins extra this month to compensate. Thanks for nothing. But AGILE does work.
sounds like Entourage is the only way to SYNC my Mac to the MDA. So does that mean MAIL is out? i've been using that app for years now. i'd hate to have to give it up. any idea if there are mac folk out there working on any of these issues? it's such a pain to have to deal with a PC.....i know i now own on....time to learn how to deal.
thanks for the reply's guys. l'm hoping this will start more dialog concerning the mac and the mda.
card reader
dma....didnt' mean to leave you out in my last response. i too wish the mac would recognize the miniSD when i plug it in via USB cable. no luck either.
is there a mac forum we can contact about this? everyone on this is just PC. i have no idea what they're all talking about. wish i was more PC fluent.
MDA Working as Modem on a Mac
I was wondering if anyone had a way to use tthe mda as a modem on a mac using bluetooth and or usb? Thanks
Re: card reader
whalien said:
i too wish the mac would recognize the miniSD when i plug it in via USB cable. no luck either.
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I've used WM5torage to mount the miniSD on my G4 iMac. Works pretty well with OSX, but I had problems with OS 9. Search the forum or Google for a link.
*** LATEST ***
Seems I was mistaken and WM5torage doesn't in fact work on my Mac. I must have used my card reader (which is also oblong and silver) to mount the miniSD card. Sorry if I've misled anyone with this posting.
There's also Softick CardExport II which does the same thing, although you have to pay for this. (They wouldn't let me migrate my Palm licence, so I'm not too happy with them.)
Both apps work by emulating the USB mass storage interface over USB, which is the same way that most modern external USB hard disks work.
sounds like Entourage is the only way to SYNC my Mac to the MDA. So does that mean MAIL is out? i've been using that app for years now. i'd hate to have to give it up. any idea if there are mac folk out there working on any of these issues? it's such a pain to have to deal with a PC.....i know i now own on....time to learn how to deal.
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I don't think I know what you mean by syncing mail with the OS X You sync mail with your server, not with your desktop mail client. What is your mail coming from? If it's coming from an Exchange server, you sync with that; ditto if it's coming from a POP server. Who's your mail account with - yahoo? gmail? your office? That determines how you check mail on the Wizard, not what program you use to check that same account on the Mac.
When I wrote about Entourage above, that was as a way of syncing tasks/contacts/calendar with an Exchange server. I assume that if that's working for you, you're just checing Exchange mail with If that's the case, just set up your Wizard to ActiveSync with the Exchange server and all will be well.
If that's not the situation, please explain better what you mean by syncing mail with, and we'll see what we can do here.
I'm using Missing Sync 2.5 alpha 10 release. I have just found USBswitch which works great.
I can dual boot windows on my intel iMac, but syncing with outlook is not great - it seems to miss the last week or two's appointments.
I haven't tried my windows laptop for outlook - maybe that would work better.
I sync with iCal & Address Book. It won't sync with iCal, but if I enter all my appointments in iCal & let the Mac overwrite my MDA Vario, then all is ok.
Address book seems to sync properly.
Mounting the Vario works in 2.5a10, but unmounting seems to lock up the iMac every time, so it is a last resort.
I'm not upgrading to the US T mobile ROM. everything will be wrong for me in the UK.
I'm contemplating using the imate Rom 2.17 wwe version. What benefits will it give me over my UK T mobile ROM?
And how will I get back all my T mobile stiings for the UK such as GPRS/voicemail/SMS/MMS etc.
syncing with the mac
hey Monkey_42
you wrote:
I don't think I know what you mean by syncing mail with the OS X You sync mail with your server, not with your desktop mail client. What is your mail coming from? If it's coming from an Exchange server, you sync with that; ditto if it's coming from a POP server. Who's your mail account with - yahoo? gmail? your office? That determines how you check mail on the Wizard, not what program you use to check that same account on the Mac.
i appologize for not being more specific. i do use my work email's server, and it pushes my emails to me no problem. the issue i'm having is that i'm trying to become a more appointment accurate indivdual. i figured the best way to do this was by enlisting a smartphone in my everyday routine. seeing that i am a MAC user, i was hoping to include my address book and my ical on my phone, and visa versa. i enter appointments and address directly to the phone most of the time, but sometimes that's tedious and then there's no way to get it on my MAC. when i had a PALM PILOT years ago, i could utilize the PALM software to sync the info to and from my old device, thus backing up any data i had just entered on my phone to my computer.
with the new MDA, there's no way for me to do this. i have seen the MISSING SYNC app out there. but is it worth it for me to buy it? just seems like there's got to be a way to get my phone and my computer on the same page. without spending another $80.00 i'm new to the organizing routine and i'd like to be sure i'm going about it the most efficient way so i can build on a good routine from MDA to MAC and MAC to MDA.
thanks again for the reply. might i ask if you've updated your ROM? and what other things have you modified on your device? i'd like to change my TODAY colors and layout. any suggestions?
whalien -
to change the theme: start-settings-today to change the theme.
to change the way the soft buttons work in Today : start-settings-soft key
to change buttons: start-settings-buttons
to change the menu in today: start-settings-menu.
i.e explore your device!

Application/Software to Update PIM on PC?

Is there an application (other than MS Outlook via ActiveSync) that allows you to load the PIM file onto your PC and update/edit via the PC?
Please don't say use ActiveSync. I have not been able to Sync since 9/06. I have posted my ActiveSync problem (many times) on this site and on HowardForums and have not resolved it. Thank you in advance.
nope.. there aint
furian said:
nope.. there aint
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Thank you for your reply. However, I would still like to find another solution to edit/change my PIM on my PC with a specific application as I store my PIM backup on my 1Gb Card. Thanks again!
asctony said:
Is there an application (other than MS Outlook via ActiveSync) that allows you to load the PIM file onto your PC and update/edit via the PC?
Please don't say use ActiveSync. I have not been able to Sync since 9/06. I have posted my ActiveSync problem (many times) on this site and on HowardForums and have not resolved it. Thank you in advance.
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Ok, this isn't exactly what you asked for but there are some other options... You can use SyncML to sync your contacts, address book, tasks with a remote server (depending on the service you sync with is whether you can edit it on the server). To do this though, requires you to find a SyncML Client for PPC (since its not built into Windows Mobile (stupid Microsoft who thinks the entire world lives on Outlook and Exchange)). I've only used Sythesis SyncML (Its what we use in my company to sync with our servers). This is not a free program, but the basic version is only like $25. You can google to see if you can find other clients.
Then you need a server to sync with. Here's a couple I've heard about (and are supposed to be free). I've never used them myself so can't comment on how well they work:
If you use Google for Calendar (I don't think it does address book) you can use:
This (from the pictures) appears to be the Synthesis client (probably modified for GooSync). Not sure if you can customize it for other services or if it will only do calendar as I haven't installed it.
Again, I know its not exactly what you asked for, but it is a way to sync outside of the USB cable. My company uses Oracle Collabsuite (seeing how I work for Oracle, that makes sense ) and I use SyncML all the time on my Cingular 8125 via Synthesis SyncML client. Works great (most of the time) and allows me to keep my calendar, tasks, and contacts sync'd with no attachment to a PC (so I can sync in my car, while in a waiting room, or wherever).
mfrazzz said:
Ok, this isn't exactly what you asked for but there are some other options... You can use SyncML to sync your contacts, address book, tasks with a remote server (depending on the service you sync with is whether you can edit it on the server). To do this though, requires you to find a SyncML Client for PPC (since its not built into Windows Mobile (stupid Microsoft who thinks the entire world lives on Outlook and Exchange)). I've only used Sythesis SyncML (Its what we use in my company to sync with our servers). This is not a free program, but the basic version is only like $25. You can google to see if you can find other clients.
Then you need a server to sync with. Here's a couple I've heard about (and are supposed to be free). I've never used them myself so can't comment on how well they work:
If you use Google for Calendar (I don't think it does address book) you can use:
This (from the pictures) appears to be the Synthesis client (probably modified for GooSync). Not sure if you can customize it for other services or if it will only do calendar as I haven't installed it.
Again, I know its not exactly what you asked for, but it is a way to sync outside of the USB cable. My company uses Oracle Collabsuite (seeing how I work for Oracle, that makes sense ) and I use SyncML all the time on my Cingular 8125 via Synthesis SyncML client. Works great (most of the time) and allows me to keep my calendar, tasks, and contacts sync'd with no attachment to a PC (so I can sync in my car, while in a waiting room, or wherever).
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Thank you very much for taking the time and effort to provide a possible solution for my request. I will look into this and see if it will be a viable solution.
I was hoping that I could find a quick solution such as an application that would allow me to download a PIM file and edit it on my PC. However, I can see that there is no such thing at the present time.
Thank you again for your time and effort. I greatly appreciate it!
Is the Oracle calendar sometimes called "Corporate Calendar"?
A non-techy friend of mine asked me if she could sync her work PIM to an 8125 (they use what she calls "Corporate Calendar" at work... goggling seems to imply it _might_ be from Oracle, but I'm still not sure)....
This was the thread I could find that seems close... I've had a hard time getting much more info from her, as she's really not technical (but still trying to figure out what I can for her).

How do you keep your Shift synchronized?

Keeping synchronized between desktop PC and two HTC Polaris devices was easily done by Windows Mobile Device Center. Now I added a Shift.
In fact we have now:
- Outlook on Vista Desktop PC
- Polaris and second Polaris used by my wife
- Outlook on Shift
- SnapVUE on Shift
All have direct internet access (desktop wired - mobile devices via flat fee data plan) and all have WLAN access at home.
Now I am looking for the easiest way - without too much manual interference - to keep all outlook data on all devices in sync. I think in direction of automatic synchronization over WLAN (or VPN over internet).
Guess many of us are facing the same challenge. What would be the best solution?
I've been grappling with the same thing for the past few days and am trying a number of options. One of the most promising may be Gmail drive, which gives you a virtual drive under your My Computer, which is linked to your gmail account. All the files you put there are automatically uploaded. You can have this folder mapped from many machines, hence you will always have docs you need...
Main problem is that it doesn't sync as such, you have to keep copies locally and on the drive, otherwise you run the risk of not having the file you need and not being able to connect for whatever reason.
I have also used for online storage for quite some time and that works well. I use the plugin.
Have also been toying with the idea of syncing to the SD card or a memory stick, however i don't know of any great software that would auto sync to a folder on my PC. What we really need is similar syncing to that provided by Windows Mobile and Activesync.
So, here are a few ideas, but none of them are ideal.
salmon said:
I've been grappling with the same thing for the past few days and am trying a number of options.
So, here are a few ideas, but none of them are ideal.
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Thanks for your reply, but like you said none of them are ideal.
Here we use the Vista desktop PC here as our main "device".
To keep everything synchronised we now follow the next procedure.....
-Sync Polaris1 with Desktop PC
-Sync Polaris2 with Desktop PC
-Sync Polaris1 with Desktop PC (need this to get changes from Polaris2 on Polaris1)
-Sync Polaris1 with Shift Vista Outlook
-Sync Shift SnapVUE with Shift Vista Outlook (through USB Tool)
-Sync Polaris1 with Shift Vista Outlook (need this to get SnapVUE changes to Polaris1)
-Sync Polaris1 with Desktop PC (all Shift changes go to Desktop)
-Sync Polaris2 with Desktop PC (to get all Shift changes on Polaris2)
....way too time consuming.
As our desktop PC is usually all day online we are looking for some sort of convenient "outlook server" on our Vista desktop PC, so we can sync each mobile device independently with the desktop.
We are aware of "Microsoft Exchange Server" but that seems way too big, heavy and expensive for private use. There must be other options?
Hi -
I don't have that many devices - I just want to be able to plug my shift into my work desktop and sync my calendar using active sync but not through Exchange Server.
I can not believe that HTC did not design the Snapvu side to be able to do this? Or am I missing something?
This is a disaster! The shift solved so many problems for me but they all relied on the ability to sync just my calendar from my work desktop to the shift.
Is it me or was this what everybody expected?
Cheers - Dave
That's exactly where HTC dropped the ball. Beiing able to do a quick USB sync with a desktop would make life a lot easier.
I guess that is why they cripled WM. Making the shift do all that was just too much trouble for them. They left it up to us.....
This might be an option for you:
Don't use it myself (I have no need for such a service - yet) but read about it on
They seem to be in their startup phase. During an introduction period the service is free, after that they plan to charge an annual or monthly fee.
Check it out whether it is for you.
Sorted Calendar Sync
Hi -
Sorted the Calendar sync problem for the moment - I'm using Goggle Calendar. It actually works really well! I sync my work PC to goggle calendar then sync goggle calendar to my shift, I've set it up to update every two hours and it works really well. Possibly better than physically syncing?
On a totally different subject - give Digsby ago! Its great for managing emails and IM accounts - Bug thumbs up, works well on the shift!

sugarsync does not sync my desire with my laptop

Anybody tried this app?
I installed it fine on my home laptop and the client on my Desire.
Now I can sync folders with the so-called cloud online but only independently.
That is, I do not seem to be able to sync two folders between my laptop and desire directly.
This is so awkward.
All i want is whenever a file is changed on one side it is synced automatically on the other side. But it does not work like that .
any ideas ?
I use this app and I like it a lot since the new GUI update.
I think that for the sake of mobile traffic, there is no option to automatically sync a folder to the mobile device. You would always have to download the file, edit it and then upload it again. Have you tried putting a file in the "Magic Briefcase"? Maybe that would be a workaround. If I find some time, I'll try it out myself later and report back.
Other than that, you could maybe try another couldstorage service (e.g. Dropbox), but I'm not sure how it works there.
ps. sorry, since I'm a new user, I cannot post links to other sites, so just google for "dropbox android"
thx for your help but i tried the magic stuff but it is not that magic at all. Also tried several other clouds (zumo, dropbox, etc) as well but they all seem to miss what a user is really looking for = conveniently = automatically sync my device with my home PC (thru the cloud if need be).
It is all too complicated now.
All i want is to be always in sync between my home laptop and mobile device.
That should not be too difficult to do?
they do allow to sync between computers and to share folders with other PCs but why not sync the "same" folder between a mobile device and my home PC?
I'm in the same boat
I can't believe that sugarsync or dropbox just don't do it. I only want to keep synced 1 excel file.
Well, like I said, maybe because this would generate more mobile traffic. You could send a message to the devs and ask them, maybe such a feature is planned. SugarSync just recently updated their GUI. Before that it was really, really bad!
I always inform the supplier in these cases and i received a ticket but i still wait for their reply ....
and this is what they replied:
Hello .....,
You will not be able to add your HTC desire as a computer to sync data to. You can download files you need from your SugarSync account to your HTC mobile device and sync data from the HTC Desire mobile phone to the account but cannot setup syncing between the 2 device because not everyone have unlimited data plan.
SugarSync Customer Care
Well i think this answer is just rubbish ....
Why not offer it as an option, btw many apps warn about the cost of data transfer ....
pitty, i have removed it ....
Sjengie said:
and this is what they replied:
Hello .....,
You will not be able to add your HTC desire as a computer to sync data to. You can download files you need from your SugarSync account to your HTC mobile device and sync data from the HTC Desire mobile phone to the account but cannot setup syncing between the 2 device because not everyone have unlimited data plan.
SugarSync Customer Care
Well i think this answer is just rubbish ....
Why not offer it as an option, btw many apps warn about the cost of data transfer ....
pitty, i have removed it ....
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I'm not suprised. I AM doing what you are looking to do using Sugarsync and [ViceVersa Pro VV Engine combination]. This combination costs about $60 but I already had it.
If you use the not so Magic Briefcase that sugarsync supply and add files/folders from your PC/laptop through that what happens is that those files/folders are duplicated in USER/USER_NAME/MYDOCUMENTS/MAGIC BRIEFCASE on your PC.
Those files will be available on your Desire through magic briefcase. When you edit a file on your Desire, after you close that file you will told to upload it as it has changed.
On your PC, the relevant file in USER/USER_NAME/MYDOCUMENTS/MAGIC BRIEFCASE will have been updated.
I now use ViceVersa Pro to ensure that the 2 versions of the file on my PC are kept in sync, and VV engine does the task every 20 mins.
Hopefully I have explained how I do this in a straight foward fashion beacuse it seems to work flawlessly. Sugarsync does 75% of the job but just does not sync the 2 versions on your PC.
Hope this helps.
thx, nice idea, but bit complicated though, with a risk of duplicates.
nevertheless i will give it a try as i already use goodsync to sync my home network
I will now add these two folders and see how it goes.
Sjengie said:
thx, nice idea, but bit complicated though, with a risk of duplicates.
nevertheless i will give it a try as i already use goodsync to sync my home network
I will now add these two folders and see how it goes.
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For me the only complication was the setup, and that was far less painful than tring dropbox/sugarsync and zumo and finding out that things just don't work as advertised.. My way seems to be 100% okay, and I have not experienced any duplicates YET. The only thing I now have to do is to upload the file from my Desire when asked. It just works. Let me know how you get on, just in case I'm overlooking something.

[Q] Does email reside on the tablet?

I have been trying to figure out email as it runs on Honeycomb (prior to purchase, but this is an interesting question I hope). What I want to do is ditch my computer running windows Live Mail, where all the emails are saved to my computer, and replace with a slinky new tranformer. I realise that a tablet is mostly an online tool, but it has heaps of memory, and I travel too much and still need to access old emails.
But, I cant seem to locate good information regards how the email app operates. Or how others such as K-9 work. So the question is; Do the emails reside on the tablet, can I place into folders, backup locally etc more or less as I do on my PC?
To my knowledge the stock app stores them as entries in an SQL database. You can backup the whole lot, but probably not individually.
Having set up my personal e-mail on my TF I've not been able to setup new folders with the default client, I can't find any option to do this. Also it appears as though a copy of your e-mails is downloaded onto the TF and stays on the server unless you enable the option to delete a message only when you delete it from the Inbox. It'll also only download the first 25 messages the first time round, you'll need to hit the 'load more conversations' button if you want to get more to display.
As for your existing e-mails I'm guessing that they are stored locally on your computer and are no longer available 'in the cloud', is that right? If so that will be a bit tricky to get them transferred over to your TF. If those messages are still in the cloud however you shouldn't run into any problems setting up your account on your TF.
By default POP3 email servers should keep the emails on the server (until it is too old by server's auto-delete definition) and you should be able to download your old emails on your transformer (unless you deleted them from your email app on PC, which will cause it to tell the server to delete it too). There's a reason why I started using Exchange instead of POP3.
So am I alone in wanting offline email, archiving etc? Really the only person desperate to replace notebook with tablet, but needing solid productivity from email?
alhart345 said:
So am I alone in wanting offline email, archiving etc? Really the only person desperate to replace notebook with tablet, but needing solid productivity from email?
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Why do you need to archive your emails? If you need to back the lot of them up, you can. Using a root explorer, you can browse to the /data/data folder on the device and copy the email client folders located within (I believe and to whichever storage medium you like.
Unfortunately you cannot back up or copy individual emails.
I run a business, when visiting customers, vendors or travelling I am often without internet access or it is too slow to be good for much. But I need to access old emails regularly, and email is the central tool for managing my workload. So I sort my old emails by activity in folders locally on my notebook and often refer in meetings to past actions, prices etc. Pretty typical business/corporate action. I may be asking too much of a tablet at this stage, seems most people use it to augment their PC, not replace.
I think storing much locally goes against how Google and Apple view tablet devices. They view storage as a cloud based resource. So emails and documents are stored on their (or your ISPs) servers and accessed from the mobile device. This ensures that your data is constantly backed up and accessible from any device you have, phone, tablet, netbook, etc.
The downside is that this data is in the cloud so access assumes that you have a connection.
alhart345 said:
I run a business, when visiting customers, vendors or travelling I am often without internet access or it is too slow to be good for much. But I need to access old emails regularly, and email is the central tool for managing my workload. So I sort my old emails by activity in folders locally on my notebook and often refer in meetings to past actions, prices etc. Pretty typical business/corporate action. I may be asking too much of a tablet at this stage, seems most people use it to augment their PC, not replace.
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I suspect that part of your problem is that you are using your email folders as a "CRM" database, whereas you'd probably be better off if you could actually move to a true CRM solution. This may be easier said than done if the data volumes (i.e. your email "database" is large) but will probably provide a much better solution in the long run.
I haven't used the stock Android email app since Android 2.0 and my OG Droid, but I'm rather sure that the GMail app will only locally store the most recent emails, either by date or by number, not sure which. My personal email only goes up until the 23rd before it has to 'load conversations', which I believe is grabbing them from the network.
There is a degree of offline email with these recent conversations, as I've typed up emails off-network and they send as soon as I hit Wifi (or 3G in the phone's case). But nothing like the Outlook-level of Offline email. There is GMail offline for PC, so it is possible Google will bring it to tabs eventually...who knows.
alhart345 said:
I run a business, when visiting customers, vendors or travelling I am often without internet access or it is too slow to be good for much. But I need to access old emails regularly, and email is the central tool for managing my workload. So I sort my old emails by activity in folders locally on my notebook and often refer in meetings to past actions, prices etc. Pretty typical business/corporate action. I may be asking too much of a tablet at this stage, seems most people use it to augment their PC, not replace.
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I don't use the tablet for work that much, but I understand your situation. eMail is actually a pretty lousy tool for what you're doing. A good practice is to just delete mails as soon as they get to you, get read and the information is used. But, of course, there are times when you will need to keep some of the information a mail came with, but not the email itself. The reason is that email *is not always available*. You either store it on the servers or you store it locally. Being on the servers makes you dependant on an internet connection. Having them locally makes it more prone to database corruption, and simple things such as search, backup and restore are more complex (before I get bashed, I didn't say difficult or impossible, just complex).
I'm used to a Microsoft ecosystem for personal productivity which means that I have outlook and onenote. What I do is:
emails with attachments, where I need to keep the attachment for future reference: I save the attachment and delete the email
emails with information: I drag the email to Onenote and delete the email.
In a PC/Tablet environment there is no reason why you can't do something similar, although it might not be as streamlined as how Microsoft designed their own products.
But, what I picture you being able to use is:
- Mails with attachments - save them to dropbox or get some other PC-Android folder syncing solution. Get rid of the email.
- Mails with information - Save them to evernote or catchnotes and they automatically get synced to your tablet. I think the premium version of Evernote has offline access (i.e. local storage of notes) and Catch does it anyway.
Evernote has a nice feature where you can mail stuff to your evernote account and it will show up.
As you can see it involves that you change a bit how you work and manage information, but if you make this step you can be more productive.
Hi Ferparedes, thanks for the response, took me a while to get back to it. It may be possible to use a notetaker to do this, but I am pondering the steps needed to integrate as you suggest. I take about 100 emails a day, covering say 50 customers and 1-5 new projects per customer, plus ongoing business - folder structure is 3 and 4 deep. I guess, suck it and see is the final result. If working on the TF is so satisfying for everything else, then a way will be found...
Thanks again for the input.
Well, then again it could be that a tablet is not the best tool for your needs, right?
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk
For everything else, it is just right. But the email thing is a show stopper for me. I shall have to curb enthusiasm and wait for the software to come up. Or a windows tab
alhart345 said:
For everything else, it is just right. But the email thing is a show stopper for me. I shall have to curb enthusiasm and wait for the software to come up. Or a windows tab
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Windows tablets have been around for ages, no?
alhart345 said:
For everything else, it is just right. But the email thing is a show stopper for me. I shall have to curb enthusiasm and wait for the software to come up. Or a windows tab
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Windows 8 tablets should appear in spring 2012.
alhart345 said:
For everything else, it is just right. But the email thing is a show stopper for me. I shall have to curb enthusiasm and wait for the software to come up. Or a windows tab
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It seems like the easy solution is to get internet access on the go. Why not just get a 3g hotspot from your provider? Or, if you have an android phone, set up the mobile access point?
if my experience can help...
Avoiding complex configuration setting up a mail server at home, I've the following config:
- the home pc access my accounts (isp, yahoo, gmail) through pop protocol, with accounts configured to leave messages on the server 15 days
- tablet has same accounts configured with imap access
This way all mails are anyway downloaded and backedup on my local pc, while still being accessible from the tablet.
Of course some diligence is required: if erasing a mail from the tablet while having the pc in standby, the mail will never be available on the pc (but I suppose this is not a big deal: mail has been read and judged to be erased).
My 2 cents

