Start Application on registry change - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I'm looking for a program or whatever which is able to start an application based on a registry change. Something like: A specific registry entry is changed and the specified programm starts automatically.
I know MortScript can do domething like that, but with my script the usage of CPU is at 100% the whole time. This also drains my battery....
So is there any other app out there (preferable freeware) which can do what I want?
Any help appreciated.

for what?
i see no sense on that...

ap0ll0 said:
for what?
i see no sense on that...
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I have a PPC profile changer (freeware, and this program changes profiles automatically based on rules (something like phonealarm).
Additionally I want to have different ringtones for different profiles. That is possible but for the ringtones defined in the contacts the ringtone is fixed and therefore always the same.
So what I'm looking for: When the profile program changes the registry value of the actual profile I want to run a mort-script to copy all my profile ringtones to the actual windows folder. That is also to help the vibration to be longer if a VIP-ringtone assigned person calles (about 2 sec.) and shorter if somebody else calls (0.5 sec).
Thats why I want to start an application on change of profiles (means change of registry-entry).
I also want to keep my profile programm because I need the profile information to be stored in the registry to be displayed in Battery Status.
I hope this claryfies the why-questions.


Registry Tweaks anyone?

can anybody please post Registry Tweaks for the XDA 2? like changing message sent and other event sounds?
Hi Marc,
Check this out
nice try poch, but this link is for the registry editor program for the phone... what im looking for are the actual tweaks...
· Speed Up Your Windows Mobile Pocket PC.
WOW my Pocket PC is fast! I just bumped into an old registry tweak that I have yet to use o­n Windows Mobile 2003. A foreign site todopocketpc had mentioned this and I was surprised I had not used it o­n my new install. o­nce I applied this reg tweak I immediately saw a difference in how fast my Windows Mobile Pocket PC responded. Today plugins load faster my Games folder loads faster. Its just an overall better experience. I would highly suggest backing up your Pocket PC before you try this as playing with your registry can cause problems if you do not know what you are doing. Protect your Pocket PC BACKUP!
If you need a registry editor, you can find a free o­ne at
1. Open your registry editor o­n your Pocket PC
3. Change the value of 'limit' from 8192 to 32768
4. Close registry editor and soft reset.
That's it! Let me know what your results are
Ive tried this and have seen no noticable diff.
anyone have an idea of what it does?
dude... when i checkd my system, it was already set to that... though I didnt do any regisrty hack.... i dunno why
Z-man said:
dude... when i checkd my system, it was already set to that... though I didnt do any regisrty hack.... i dunno why
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It's not set for 2.06.00WWE ROM. Perhaps that's one of the few differences we are seeing for 2.02 and 2.06...and for that matter, 2.20.
what does it do anyway? i mean.. you say it speeds up the pocketpc response... how?
[/quote]3. Change the value of 'limit' from 8192 to 32768
Not knowing what it actually does, I have given it a try. However, my WM2003SE (V2.06) has already had such value set at 131072. Any ideas about the differences.
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Does anyone know the registry setting for the alarm tweak for WM2003?
yeah! like a correctly looping tone! with no pauses
here's a few
*** Speed Up Your Windows Mobile Pocket PC.
1. Open your registry editor o_n your Pocket PC
3. Change the value of 'limit' from 8192 to 32768
4. Close registry editor and soft reset.
*** fix suspend timeout
The issue therefore is how long the unit is in the suspend power state before reverting to off. The time interval involved is stored in the registry at the following location HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\Timeouts\BattResumingSuspendTimeout and is initially set to 15 (seconds). The amount of time required seems to depend on the number of alarm entries in the Calendar - I have about 300 entries and find that 175 seconds works for me. The reason for just under three minutes is because my full power off timeout is set to 180 seconds (three minutes) and it seems more correct for the suspend time out to be shorter.
*** low battery alerts
Browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Notifications\{A877D663-239C-47a7-9304-0D347F580408}\
Create a String value named "Default" and set its value to "Low battery warning".
Now go to Start > Settings > Personal tab > Sounds & Notifications applet > Notifications tab, select "Low battery warning" in the "Select an event" drop-down list and you can customize it.
*** disable start menu animation
Change the "AniType" value from 6 to 0.
*** add date to start bar
Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shell\
Create a binary value named "TBOpt" and set its value to "13 00 00 00".
Save any unsaved document and reset your Pocket PC.
oh thank God! a reply after 4 months!! thanks for bringing this thread back to life!!
... amusing to Daeth
more registry tweaks....
AutoStart a Program
Do anybody know how to make a program run automatically when i soft reset my PPC :roll:
Hi gwassef,
just create a shortcut for the program you want to start automatically and copy that shortcut into the /Windows/Autostart folder. Then the program starts on soft reset.
Re: AutoStart a Program
gwassef said:
Do anybody know how to make a program run automatically when i soft reset my PPC :roll:
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Create a link to it and put it into the \windows\startup folder...
Is this what you need ? :roll:
Re: AutoStart a Program
dave said:
Create a link to it and put it into the \windows\startup folder...
Is this what you need ? :roll:
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this is the correct way to do it
/windows/startup is correct on english devices, wheras /windows/autostart is correct for german devices.
Check this site
any tweaks to change the default my documents location to that of the storage / storage card

Reg Tweak FILES: Post/Get them here

Let's start a thread of all the reg tweaks ppl have come up with. If they are saved as .reg files (to an SD), we can install them with a mere double-click by using TRE (options>associate), and anyone can contribute to this post WITHOUT having to build .cab files! Why is this kewl; cos when u hard reset it's a real ball-ache to go back into all the forums to find the tweaks u applied and to navigate thro TRE to re-apply them all. This applies particuarly to settings (Owner info etc). Over and above, we are no longer beholden to tweak shareware, but have full and instant control over our settings.
Each tweak should have 2 reg files; Apply the tweak, and remove the tweak (if possible). In this manner, we can have a directory of reg files, and can turn on and off tweaks with a simple
Attached is a basic set I've compiled. Please let everyone know if any are a problem (ie perhaps whole key gets replaced and overrides something u have already changed). Files described below:
[*]Reg Date_In_Titlebar ON.reg
Adds the date to the title bar, with format according to your short-date format under settiings>regional (or found manually changed in another Tweak I'll cover later). I do NOT have a .reg file that will undo (ie delete) this new key, but it's easy to see what key is being added so u can delete it. <Credit: Well known PPC tweak - I probably learnt from toenailed>
Can someone please find out where we can change the font for this - it's a horrible bold font that doesn't fit in the space available?
[*]Reg Font_Menu_+_Pop_700 ON.reg
Change menus and popups to a smaller font. Nice size, makes VGA look more VGA-like, yet not so small that it fails cleartype nor looks daft. Requires a reset. <Credit: Well known PPC tweak - I probably learnt from toenailed>
[*]Reg Font_Menu_+_Pop_900 DEFAULT.reg
Reset above change to default of 900
[*]Reg Font_System_700 ON.reg
Changes system font to 2 pts smaller. I find that dialog boxes with radio buttons got a bit wierd, and you don;t get much more screen estate height cos of icon sizes staying the same in file lists, so I don't bother with this tweak. Requires a reset. <Credit: Well known PPC tweak - I probably learnt from toenailed>
[*]Reg Font_System_900 DEFAULT.reg
Turn above off
[*]Reg GPRS_+_3G_Always _On DEFAULT.reg
Awesome tweak to make sure ur phone connects to GPRS/3G and stays there. However, you'll want to switch this off overnight etc, which is the main reason I created this post and these reg files. NOTE: you will absolutely HAVE to replace the "MTN SA Web" bit with the name of your connection which you will find in this key using TRE
<Credit: BrettS>
[*]Reg GPRS_+_3G_Always _On ON.reg
Turn off the above. Remember to change connection name in file
[*]Reg PIE_Homepage_Default.reg
When u press the E (explorer) keyboard key u go to clubimate homepage - annoying. This resets that hard button to whatever u want (current reg file is windows\default.htm)
<Credit: I forget, someone on clubimate forums>
[*]Reg TerminalServices_Cache_Larger DEFAULT.reg
AWESOME improvement in Terminal Services client horrible black blocks. Increases cache sizez - I did not notice an increase in traffic/cost
<Credit: Carnivor from MS KB>
[*]Reg TerminalServices_Cache_Larger ON.reg
Turns above off
More coming as I go thro the wiki and toenailed tweak posts and extract usefull ones for us lonely Universal users...
can you add the actual keys to here?
cos of this thread
Doh! That post came up after I started this thread.
Still this thread is useful for the actual .reg files to same n00bies some time (and to save me time too). I'll make sure everything here is duplicated there tho.
Here are a few more .reg files:
Several versions of date_in_title_bar (covered above)
Hide_Screen_Rotation icon
Hide that icon that allows u to rotate screen - but JJ does it automatically so Icon is not so necessary
These are for me - u should edit file in text editor to customise 4 yourself. Best part is my short date format that keeps date in title bar small and visible
Customise as above
Double your screen cache. COsts a LITTLE memory, and improves screen size
Set screen font size to "smaller". This can be changed in "settings"m and I only include it here in line with my suggestion that we have a collection of files to run quickly on reset. You may want to customise as above
SIP_Settings. Ditto
All in updated zip file.
I would really appreciate if anyone can find a way to get rid of the Last Call in the dialer screen... I know its somewhere hidden in Registry, but I dont seems to be finding a way to get tru it...
Having the Last Dialed No. showing rite up on the Dialer Screen is really bothering and if you happened to press the phone button by mistake twice there we go the last dialed no. has been dialed already for you....
Bump: no-one contributing to this learning?
haven't found anything else worth posting yet m8, u got the best ones already :wink:
craigiecraigie4: Thanks for these - great idea!
I have a suggestion:
HKCU/ControlPanel/Backlight sets the backlight duration for the keyboard (in seconds). It's available through the control panel, but I like it set to more than the CP maximum of 10 seconds. Sorry - I don't know how to create a reg file.
To reset, choose another value in the backlight control panel applet.
Don't have any others to add though
Found another one:
Change the width of the vertical scroll bar and the height of the horizontal scroll bar so they take less room on the screen:
Change cxVScr to (say) 10 to make vertical scrollbar narrower. Default value is 14
Change cyHScr to (say) 10 to make horizontal scrollbar narrower. Default value is 14
This change affects various scroll options in the system including the up/down arrows in selection boxes. 10 is a nice size.
This one is in this forum:
from davidberrysmith
Any body remember these reg tweaks from himalaya? they still work
*** Speed Up Your Windows Mobile Pocket PC.
1. Open your registry editor o_n your Pocket PC
3. Change the value of 'limit' from 8192 to 32768
4. Close registry editor and soft reset.
*** disable start menu animation
Change the "AniType" value from 6 to 0.
i-mate jasjar
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SiliconS said:
Found another one:
Change the width of the vertical scroll bar and the height of the horizontal scroll bar so they take less room on the screen:
Change cxVScr to (say) 10 to make vertical scrollbar narrower. Default value is 14
Change cyHScr to (say) 10 to make horizontal scrollbar narrower. Default value is 14
This change affects various scroll options in the system including the up/down arrows in selection boxes. 10 is a nice size.
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Nice one dude. I can't make the .reg file cos I can only create reg files of the entire key, and there are too many other things under GWE that users may have changed.
Internet Explorer
Somewhere in those forums I found the IE reg hack to make mine 5.5, this helps connecting to my bank account and viewing other secured sites.
read this somewhere
To change the ability to receive files via Bluetooth (OBEX)
The setting is at 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Obex'
The 'IsEnabled' DWORD value should be set to '1' to enable OBEX and '0' to disable OBEX.
For example, to enable the ability to receive fles via Bluetooth
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Obex\IsEnabled = 1
says receive so i dont know about send, try it!! might be it
But apparently now this is the same feature as the receive incoming beams setting in connections.
Yes, I know that's not free but 90% of all this hacks have been included in Tweaks2K2. And the other 10% are about to be included :twisted:
Yeah, true. Idea of this thread was to have a facility whereby a hard reset can be quickly restored to a working device - install a few basic apps, run the .reg files, and there u go. Takes me about half an hour from HR thro to up and running perfectly.
craigiecraigie4 said:
Yeah, true. Idea of this thread was to have a facility whereby a hard reset can be quickly restored to a working device - install a few basic apps, run the .reg files, and there u go. Takes me about half an hour from HR thro to up and running perfectly.
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With your .reg files as inspiration I'm just about getting there in the same way. I've written down all the steps and I just run through them. I've done this since I had my XDA2 and it makes a hard reset so much less traumatic:
Hard reset. Wait for Today screen then soft reset.
Connect cable to ActiveSync. Set up guest connection.
Turn off beams, error reporting
Set basic clock accuracy
Copy Step 1 files to root of PPC [These are the CABs for the programs I install]
Run CABs. Leave O2 Connections CAB. Put gps.CAB and PIMAddin onto storage card
Run TRE registry editor. Associate .reg files to TRE
Open the .reg file [This applies my registry settings. See below]
Run O2 connections CAB
Copy all Step 2 files to root of PPC [This adds shortcuts to StorageCard-installed programs to my Start Menu and gives me my freeware email client and PZP icons and profiles]
Run SDK Certs CAB
Run OzVGA. Change all fonts to same size as qVGA
PPC: edit registry: browse to HKLM\ControlPanel\GPS Settings. Delete the DWORD marked "hide"
CPL > Personal > Buttons: match Button 2 to [Task switcher], Button 4 to <Rotate Screen>; Set button lock
CPL > Personal > Menus: ActiveSync, File Explorer, Internet Explorer, nPOPw, Pocket Informant, Task Manager, TomTom Navigator
CPL > Personal > Owner: set owner information
CPL > Personal > Phone: change band to GSM
CPL > Personal > Today: set items to Date, PZP, PocketPlus, PocketBreeze, Messaging; set theme to Windows Default
CPL > System > Clock: Show time on all screens
CPL > System > Regional: Set locale to UK
CPL > Connections > GPS: set program port COM0
Soft reset
Set password for PPC
PC: backup previously sync'ed files folder
PC ActiveSync: delete previous partnership. Don't delete sync'ed files folder
CPL > System > About: Set DeviceID = XDAExec
Connect PPC and PC with cable
Sync only Contacts, Calendar (all), Tasks, Favourites
Sync files. Replace the items on the device
PocketBreeze: import settings
PocketPlus: import settings
PocketInformant: run and let it fanny about
PocketWeather (on PocketBreeze tab): import settings
Run ListPro. Enter registration code
Disconnect from PC
Set up phone speed dials
Set up voicedial tags
Set up ActiveSync via Bluetooth to Workstation
Set up bond to headset
Set up bond to GPS thingy. Choose Serial Port as profile
Start TomTom Navigator. Run through startup.
InternetExplorer: sort out view settings. Set default page to about:blank
Choose Transcriber input method. Import settings file
This is my .reg file that does almost everything I need done in one step:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\GPS Settings]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client]
"Keyboard Layout"="00000409"
"SSDte"="d/M "
It makes a massive difference using commercial software that has a reliable import/export process for the settings and this, IMHO, is usually the biggest difference between paid-for software and freeware alternatives.
Silicon, don't u want to re-post your post here:
We need more of these 'standard' configs to help new users get up n running without giving up on their universal.
dude, your screen - how?
how did you make htc look like that?
is it standard? emailable? I don't really want the merc style if it can be changed, but its a nice screen all the same
Re: dude, your screen - how?
simon_darley said:
how did you make htc look like that?
is it standard? emailable? I don't really want the merc style if it can be changed, but its a nice screen all the same
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You don't want merc!! well u can just f off then! ;-)
It's WisbarAdvance2 with WAD - see another post I started in this forum. u can put in on any universal, with whatever walpaper u want, and there are plenty of free skins
Re: dude, your screen - how?
craigiecraigie4 said:
It's WisbarAdvance2 with WAD - see another post I started in this forum. u can put in on any universal, with whatever walpaper u want, and there are plenty of free skins
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Whatever it is, it's distracting to have such a big picture in your signature in such text-based forums.
Sorry craigiecraigie4. Don't mean to offend. Just MHO.

Tip - How to Disable Clock

Hi folks,
You guys might already know about this but I just discovered how to do it after doing some heavy googling over the past couple of days. Many thanks to the guy at this link who made the discovery!
How to lock down the clock on Windows Mobile devices
I was reading through some of the messages on the microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.compactframework newsgroup when I came upon a real gem of a message.
The key piece of knowledge being, that there is a special registry key, that will disable GUI access for the clock on Windows Mobile devices.
Application State Registry Key for Windows Mobile Clock
If this is set to 0x11 the clock is enabled, as by default. If it is set to 0x30, or probably anything not 0x11, it is disabled and ignores any attempts to run.
If you are writting any kind of salesforce automation applications, or route management software, then you can see just how useful this feature is. You just add a special admin feature to enable and disable the ability to set the time, or handle it entirely from within your application.
Now I just need to find out why this key even exists, since I hate to find out the OS likes to change it under circumstance X.
// disable clock
System.Byte[] offValue = new byte[1];
offValue [0] = 0x30;
OpenNETCF.Win32.RegistryKey registryKey =
OpenNETCF.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"\Software\Microsoft\Clock\", true);
registryKey.SetValue("AppState", offValue);
// enable clock
System.Byte[] onValue = new byte[1];
onValue[0] = 0x11;
OpenNETCF.Win32.RegistryKey registryKey =
OpenNETCF.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"Software\Microsoft\Clock\", true);
registryKey.SetValue("AppState", value);
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And the link to the original source -
I was pulling my hair out over that one the last couple of days!
Hi dav!
I am sorry to burst your bubble, but I tried this registry hack, and found there is an easy way around it, with out editing the registry.
If you hold the OK hardware button (in the center of the joystick, on those devices that have it) then tap and hold the clock (in the task bar) you get a little menu with 2 options: Run and Clock.
If you choose clock from this menu, the app will start and the registry setting will automatically be altered so you will be able to open clock settings normally from now on.
Further investigation showed that the lower 4 bit of the AppState walue (ones digit) simply selects on what tab the clock app will open. Legal values are 1-3. Any illegal value (like 0) will jam the app preventing it from opening by tapping the icon in settings. I suspect that if a command line switch is specified it overwrites the registry value and the app opens any way. (that’s how the menu works)
Just thought you should know.
Hi levenum,
Thanks for the insights! I just tried it too and sadly that is the case ;-( Mmmh, I wonder if there is a way to hide 'Clock' from the Run\Clock thingy? or disable the Clock in some other way?
mmh, back to the drawing board...
Here's what you might try:
Create a cab that deploys an empty clock.exe to windows directory on the device.
Clock.exe is a ROM file, but a cab should be able to overwrite it (it won't work manually). This way no matter who calls it (menu or control panel) they will see the empty exe and nothing will happen.
Sounds like a good idea to me! I'll give it a try and see how it goes. Thanks for your continued help
Worked nice Thankyou!
btw, do you think that overwriting the Clock.exe would have any effect on the 'displaying' of the date in the Today Screen? By clicking the date we launch the Clock.exe program, but something else other than Clock.exe must control what shows the current date, right? I mean, the current date wouldnt just stay on the date on which we delete Clock.exe?
Cheers and thanks again,
Actually, if the exe was responsible for the date on the today screen, you wouldn't see anything once you overwritten it. Today date is just another plug-in. I think its clockdll.dll but I am not sure. Whatever the file name, it takes the date directly from the system clock.
As I understand it clock.exe is just a little GUI utility for setting system time, and alarms.
That sounds right and what i was thinking, always good to have a second opinion for confimration.
All the best,
seems like you guys might know what your doing, so do you know how to get the battery removed and the clock back on the today screen of WM5 latest rom releases....
levenum said:
Hi dav!
I am sorry to burst your bubble, but I tried this registry hack, and found there is an easy way around it, with out editing the registry.
If you hold the OK hardware button (in the center of the joystick, on those devices that have it) then tap and hold the clock (in the task bar) you get a little menu with 2 options: Run and Clock.
If you choose clock from this menu, the app will start and the registry setting will automatically be altered so you will be able to open clock settings normally from now on.
Further investigation showed that the lower 4 bit of the AppState walue (ones digit) simply selects on what tab the clock app will open. Legal values are 1-3. Any illegal value (like 0) will jam the app preventing it from opening by tapping the icon in settings. I suspect that if a command line switch is specified it overwrites the registry value and the app opens any way. (that’s how the menu works)
Just thought you should know.
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wow..thanx for this. worked like a charm on my wing (and 2 yrs after it was posted i might add =P). i thought my alarm clock was lost FOREVER!
I found the following code in this discussion thread:
// disable clock
System.Byte[] offValue = new byte[1];
offValue[0] = 0x30;
OpenNETCF.Win32.RegistryKey registryKey =
OpenNETCF.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"\Software\Microsoft\Clock\", true);
registryKey.SetValue("AppState", offValue);
It looks pretty useful to me but It has some OpenNETCF keyword.
Please suggest me what is OpenNETCF? Is it an additional third
party compact framework and how can I get this?
Also, if it is inbuild reference by Microsoft, from where to get it?
-Abhishek Maitrey
OpenNETCF is an extra SDK for WiMo devices. Search for it....
In this situation it's not needed.

Unstable! after installing calendar, call history and comm tab

Hi there,
my slider become unstable, hang after a while or if I scroll too fast, after install the above 3 tabs by modifing the registry. Anyone experience the same? Any solution?
Put the registry settings back the way you found them... that should do the trick. Use Schaps Advanced Config tool to do the registry hacking for you - you have an option then to return things to their default setting if you don't get the desired result.
schap's advanced modifies exact the same values in a same registry, that you would edit manually, so there's no difference.
another question how did you add tabs to manila, editing registry?!
you should edit XML in 2694..._manila file in \windows to get additional tabs.
No difference!!
ucxoq said:
schap's advanced modifies exact the same values in a same registry, that you would edit manually, so there's no difference.
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... actually there's a lot of difference! Schaps allows you to know exactly what you're adjusting, which is very useful - and you can return the settings to default if the result isn't to your liking. BIG difference to messing with the registry yourself! Yes, the result is the same, the level of skill / knowledge / risk is definitely not the same

I'm a flash addict

... and I need some help....
so... i have an HD2... and i want to get rid of each customization after each new coocked rom that i install....
althoug i searched is still hard to figure it out how to do all the stuff... so i'll just post a small request and if someone has time maybe will give me (and the others) a little help...
i need to automize the following...
install a set of cabs:
cookie home tab
advanced cookie home tab
cookia home tab editor
resco explorer
total commander
1% battery indicator
this is easy through UC
disable my location (registry) - i already found a record in the registry that does that
remove all locations - add my home city
regional settings - my home country
internet default location set to internet (by default it sets itself to wap)
sms: delivery notification ON
camera setings - superfine in pics
manila tabs config - just the order in witch they are and the tabs i don't wanna show... i founded in registry also
font set to smallest
vibration (haptic) disable
phone ringtone set to K.O.
sms/mms set to alert fader high no vibrate
email set to alert shine no vibrate
missed call no alert
ring type set to ring no vibrate
quiet ring se to ON
pocket ring mode set to ON
no charge over USB
set clear type
email account (exchange - google sync)
cookie home tab settings: CookieHomeTabEditor
callendar look forward 31 days
shortcut grid 4x4
1 tab of shortcuts
default page: no1
shortcuts in the home tab... i found those in the registry also
facebook account credentials
and i think that's it...
with the os customization i know i need to insert somehow the registry settings... but i don't know how.... with chteditor settings and facebook i guess is still registry settings but where and how?
I've seen sashimi... but still... I know how to use it... I don't know how to configure it...
So... plz HELP...
lots of cooked roms have an auto instal feature. put all your cabs in a folder called autoinstall on your sd card then when your phone boots after a flash/hard reset will install them.(let the phone sit for 5 mins when it first starts up, thats when it installs them.
as for the settings, build your own cab. I use wince cab manager. takes a little time but once its set up you just run it after everything else has finished (don't auto install it, cos the cabs don't necessarily instal in the right order. so for example you instal an opera tweak then install opera your tweaks are overwritten.)
my tweaks cab installs my custom lock screen, enables htc magnifier, tweaks opera cache and user agent, decreases screen sensitivity, and a few other things.
Even better, heaps better, get sashimi, study the tutorials, then you can choose which cabs to install to internal meme, which to sd, what reg keys to import, what static files to copy where, and if you need it, add scripts, certificates, run EXEs, whatever you ask.
I use mortscript for doing customisation stuff.... I generally run nrg rom's which use XDA_UC, so I can drop .reg files in the folder and it adds them on rebuild.
#Backup Ringtone Settings
outfile="\storage card\xda_uc\RingTone.Reg"
If (FileExists(outfile) = 1)
WriteFile(outfile,"[HKEY_CURRENT_USER" & "\" & key & "]^NL^",true)
WriteFile(outfile,"""Category""=""" & Category & """^NL^",true)
WriteFile(outfile,"""SavedSound""=""" & SavedSound & """^NL^",true)
WriteFile(outfile,"""Script""=""" & Script & """^NL^",true)
WriteFile(outfile,"""Sound""=""" & Sound & """^NL^",true)
That is from my backup script. Creates a .reg file with the settings for the ringtone stuff in to the XDA_UC folder so my last ringtone settings carry across
thanks guys....
use the installation of software i got it... and if the rom isn't UC capable i can do it with sashimi (i have seen the tuto videos and read the doc)... also with sashimi i can do my email settings...
what i didn't understand is how to build my customization.... i just search every registry record... write it down.... and then what?.... sahii says to put it there somewhere... but not exactly how to create it.... and what if a custom thing it is not present only in one place like user or local machine?...
don't understand your question. But to create the file, use the regexport tool. You build an INI describing which registry keys you want. The tool extracts them and creates a backup file for future re-deployment.
Been searching for a topic like this for a while!
Thanks for starting this thread!
I too am a flashaholic and REALLY get frustrated at having to customize EVERY time you flash...
Installing apps is easy, dump them into the UC folder on your SD card and voila.
The tricky part is getting the Regional Settings and Time Zone sorted. I tried exporting these settings from the Registry and putting them into the UC folder, but it still doesn't work...
Just use SASHIMI. This awesome soft does everything you mentioned above!
BTW: SASHIMI has a big help-file/HowTo included and you can find good video-tutorials on youtube as well.
i'll try sashimi more... and get back...
so for sashimi... actually you need a clean install with all programs and customization manually made and after that export the registry settings?
ok.. i've found CeRegEditor... with this I saw that I can export my registry... now I need help in order to localize all settings I need... and to avoid to miss regs that are placed in more than one place...
disable my location, manila tabs config - just the order in witch they are and the tabs i don't wanna show... and cookie settings for home layout - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\Manila
phone ringtone set to K.O., sms/mms set to alert fader high no vibrate, email set to alert shine no vibrate, missed call no alert, ring type set to ring no vibrate - HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Notifications
I don't know if it is enough for the mentioned settings or if they appear in other places also.... i found out that ceregeditor only exports folders not single keys...
to export whole paths of registry keys, just go into totalcommander's registry editor, in double folder view, then COPY the selected folder of registry keys to a physical folder on the device, it will transparently create a .reg file
To import the reg file back again, either you use sashimi, or you COPY the .reg file from the memory into the registry with totalcommander
Pretty impressive huh
ok.. my first try was a mess....
i used sashimi... put the cabs all together.... this worked ok... although i have to change some names to install them in the correct order...
i made some reg files with CeRegEditor via activesync on the computer... i've put them into reg folder.... but nothing was imported... i think the format was not ok... at least i know what regs i need for the moment...
and last... i made an xml via sashimi/makisu... but this didn't worked either...
i'll keep trying....
LE: ok... it seems that i managed to make with some of the registry... with the xml file for the active sync i'll try more tomorrow....
does anyone know where I can locate facebook credentials inside registry.... not facebook the app but the sense integration...
and also where can i find the registry for
removing weather cities
removing timezone cities
setting regional setting to a specific country

