TyTn (Hermes) with Android.. Possible??? - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Just wondering if anyone has come across anything which might indicate that Android may be able to be installed on the Hermes?
I have seen videos of Kaiser (TyTn II) running an older version, and the specs are quite similar between the two handsets.
With cookers moving onto newer devices, it would be nice to see some development of Android on the TyTn to bring new life into the old dog. God knows we will not see any new windows mobile versions past 6.1.
Anyone else agree or have any comments? I think Android may be a great alternative to this excellent phone.
Just my 2 cents.

Hi dravenb_4u,
please discover the search function in this forum first.
There had been a lot of threads discussing this issue so far:
To run any kind of android code on hermes there's the need of porting a useful linux to this platform.
See this thread as a starting point:
I like the hermes very much and it's still my favorite phone.
Best one for everyday usage and to play around with gimmicks.
It's quite normal that people are more curious about new devices.
But should i spend so much money for an up to date gadget???
I won't!
At least there are quite a lot of posts in the hermes section.
So i think because it is a very useful phone some people will keep it alive
Also have o look at openmoko.org and you'll see what could be done with opensource .
Best regards,


Lots of good ROMS: how to choose?

Hi everyone and thanks to all the coockers that are working on new beta roms for our Polaris.
I've read all the 3d about the different coockers/release and I can say for me it's not easy to try all of them.
It's also difficoult to stay updated on every release news, fix and so on.
For me would be VERY USEFULL a 3d in which summarize avery release with all the caratheristics, positive and negative fatcs and so on.
What did you think about it?
HELLO i agree with you..
It's a good idea, but I'm not sure you'll find a quick reply.
The main trouble with the Touch Cruise is it's limited implementation globally. With the only US supporters having to import it, and the high price pretty much everywhere, I've noticed the general Polaris "community" isn't nearly as positive or helpful as the Kaiser thread community is. That doesn't mean EVERYONE is a jerk, but it's frustrating to have come from a device and forum where there were tons of people with a positive attitude, all sharing ideas. Here, it seems like most people just ***** about the device they bought, with only a few people (most in the upgrading forum) looking to make the most of it and improve it.
I've been waiting for someone to release a Diamond rom that would work on the Touch Cruise, simply because I like the analog clock look. But I don't have any real interest to force Office 2007 on myself, as I've used the app and don't see any real improvements over Office 2003. But this post isn't about which version of MS software is best.
Anyway... here's hoping the gurus of this forum stay upbeat, keep up the good work, and someone can "port" the Diamond VGA driver to the qVGA device. On the surface, it seems like a simple idea. But you have to wonder if the video chipset in the Polaris just isn't all that without more horsepower behind it, and maybe a better screen. Maybe that's why the Diamond is the new king of the pile. I'd love to upgrade to it, but just having bought my Polaris in Feb. or so, it will be a LONG time before I can justify ANOTHER new device.
Anyway, my compliments to the masters for all they do, and best wishes to those with a pretty cool phone!
My request is only trying to make an unique post in which all the coders can list their ROMS with the list of apps inlcuded and positive and negavite facts.
So when a new owner of the device came here can choose without loosing his mind in looking for informations in thousands of post.
That's all here....
gerazzo said:
Hi everyone and thanks to all the coockers that are working on new beta roms for our Polaris.
I've read all the 3d about the different coockers/release and I can say for me it's not easy to try all of them.
It's also difficoult to stay updated on every release news, fix and so on.
For me would be VERY USEFULL a 3d in which summarize avery release with all the caratheristics, positive and negative fatcs and so on.
What did you think about it?
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its a good idea. but comparing various roms is a full time job and i'm afraid not many people have that kind of time.
This thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=373233 has been around for a while with a list of Roms, I think thats the best you are going to get, it's just updated when it can be as far as I can tell but its came in usefull for me. Not sure if you missed it but it's been on the first page for a while. Unless I've missed the point and it's something else you are after?
The polaris is a good device and I've found help and support on these forums but its still quite new. I upgraded from the XDA Orbit and thats only been out just over a year I think, a lot of people bought in to 18 month contracts and so wont be upgrading for a while. I'd just bare with it and if you are unsure of anything, just ask.
My favourite ROM at the moment is Bepe's just because it's win 6.1, fast an clean then I've modified it to the standard I want by adding apps and tweaks. I've tried other roms but they are all at such early stages of development that a lot of them aren't really practical for day to day use as they can be very flakey. This won't last forever though.

Will X1 get its own section on xda forum?

I love this forum. I'm a new member and haven't posted much but I've been reading a lot, and screwing around with my HTC Startrek. I'm also in the market for a new phone soon, and when it comes down to the Touch Pro or the X1, I like the fact that the Touch Pro has an overwhelming community here on XDA with an abundance of information available. I'm sure the X1 will have its own communities (some are already showing up on google), but will the X1 get its proper forum space here?
After all, it IS an HTC manufactured device for SE, and the Palm Treo 750 has its own section here... I don't see why not?!
The X1 is in it's own section already. This post is in the Sony xperia x1 Forum, I'm not quite sure what you mean?
X1 forum
And as the X1 is actually a HTC manufactured device and nearly identical to the Touch Pro (not including screen, camera or keyboard) the community here for the X1 should be pretty impressive.
I am just curious if they have fixed that terrible keyboard I keep reading about on the X1.
well currently the community for the x1 is nowhere near as large as the touch pro... but thats because its not out yet. if you look at the palm 750, it has its own section of the forum which consists of several child discussion areas. I was just wondering if the X1's community here will be large enough to warrant such an implementation for the X1 on xda. A strong support community (which xda offers) is important to myself and many others in the final selection of which device. I guess ill just have to wait and see!
Check out xperiancers.com
I'm hoping the X1 won't need a big section, because it will work great right out of the box. If people are happy with the stock ROM, there won't be a huge number of people cooking and trying new ROMs. And S-E runs the above site. If they do a good job of listening and responding to issues, maybe we won't need to have a community to solve problems.
I have a dream...
Regardless, they're releasing a software development kit for people to make their own interactive panels. Even if not to "fix" things, developers are going to be wanted to add content to a great device. Based on the SDK being free I think you'll see PLENTY of software support from large companies as well as individuals on this forum.
On a side note...
Finally after i type Xperia in google it doesnt suggest that i wanted Xeria

Question : What can we expect ??

Hi people
One of the reasons I bought a Diamond was that I was sure that there would be a lot of development and "funny"-stuff for this device. Like new interfaces and so on. Things that would almost always keep the Diamond new and fresh so that it rarely bores me.
Well there has been a lot of development in these forums and I am very grateful for that. Thanks to alle the developers.
But still it's not as much as I expected to be honest. Don't get me wrong , I don't want to complain or sth. to the nature (That would be more than ridiculous since I am an absolute loser when it comes to developing). Developers do a great job.
But I was waiting for more differnet UI's and stuff to play around with.
So my question is :
What can one expect from the Diamond in the future ? Will such stuff come ?
The reason I ask is that I am thinking about selling my Diamond and get myself something like a Nokia E71. I know that there won't be much of the things I ask for here, but at least the battery is allegedly lasting super-long...sth. the Diamond does not have.
So I am asking you for advice ....Stick with the Diamond because there is a lot more to come ? Or rather sell and buy sth. different ?
I would be grateful for any needful answer.
PS: The reason I put this question into this section is because I thiink it's more a development question rather than a general Diamond one....
Uh Bell UI, Android, apps, themes.
triklops said:
Hi people
One of the reasons I bought a Diamond was that I was sure that there would be a lot of development and "funny"-stuff for this device. Like new interfaces and so on. Things that would almost always keep the Diamond new and fresh so that it rarely bores me.
Well there has been a lot of development in these forums and I am very grateful for that. Thanks to alle the developers.
But still it's not as much as I expected to be honest. Don't get me wrong , I don't want to complain or sth. to the nature (That would be more than ridiculous since I am an absolute loser when it comes to developing). Developers do a great job.
But I was waiting for more differnet UI's and stuff to play around with.
So my question is :
What can one expect from the Diamond in the future ? Will such stuff come ?
The reason I ask is that I am thinking about selling my Diamond and get myself something like a Nokia E71. I know that there won't be much of the things I ask for here, but at least the battery is allegedly lasting super-long...sth. the Diamond does not have.
So I am asking you for advice ....Stick with the Diamond because there is a lot more to come ? Or rather sell and buy sth. different ?
I would be grateful for any needful answer.
PS: The reason I put this question into this section is because I thiink it's more a development question rather than a general Diamond one....
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What can one expect from a Desktop PC/Portable Computer/ in the future ?
Will such stuff come ?
Nobody knows Just wait, u have one of the best PPC right now.
It's like have a Q9540, Asus Extreme, etc...
Dont worry, except tomorrow nVidia release Tegra xD


@MODS and all users:
A PANEL development SUFORUM should be a great place to share SONY PANELS SDK info and experiences
As with other HTC phones, I have seen apps and ROMs populating the forums, but we are omitting the whole idea behind the XPERIA CONCEPT: PANELS !! I know it is a novel concept (panels itself), but XDA DEVS should lead the pace Ain't ??
I have seen some excelent panel-developing posts starting to pop up recently, like THIS ONE, but a DEDICATED PANELS DEVELOPING SUBFORUM would boost production thru the typical xda-devs knowledge exchange and sharing
Please consider this possibilities, share your ideas, and thanks for reading
Yea I agree, I would like to get back into a little developing but an area where everyone can share Panel development tips/experiences etc would be great.
gtaz said:
Yea I agree, I would like to get back into a little developing but an area where everyone can share Panel development tips/experiences etc would be great.
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That's what I mean: a place to talk just pannels
I think it would be a very logical subforum.
Maybe not only for panel development but for all software dev/tweaks.
the current (non rom) forum is too cluttered with non-dev questions, cracks in cases etc.
it's getting harder by the day to get proper tech information and problems solved..
I second that!
nixx-X1 said:
Maybe not only for panel development but for all software dev/tweaks.
the current (non rom) forum is too cluttered with non-dev questions, cracks in cases etc.
it's getting harder by the day to get proper tech information and problems solved..
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Yea I feel the same. I have read the X1 forum on here since it started and have found it very helpful. It does seem a bit cluttered with noob questions etc, to filter out the general discussion from the Panel/Software development would be really helpful.
I'd rather have the standard Apps and themes, panels can intergrate into that happily. Then this first one can be for people who forget that this isn't a helpline.. I meant for general questions.
It's a format that works across the site so why not change what works?
I've not seen enough discussion on panels to say it merits a subforum yet. Maybe a couple of stickies would suffice for a while?
If you need an extra (sub) mod for it, let me know..
I'd really like to have a nice place to discuss about panels (and apps?) DEVELOPMENT only
Other forums (check blackstone) DO have separate sub-forums for this purpose
Thus, general questions go to te "general" Blackstone subforum and not in the "DEVELOPING" subforum
But what do MODERATORS think about this ??
Tnyynt ? Alltheway ? Equinox ?
What do you think about my proposal ?
IMHO, I think it's time for the XPERIA to have a PANELS AND APPS DEVELOPMENT subforum
it's will be very useful place
I think it's a great idea, especially considering the present state of panel development. imo anything that can be done to help facilitate developers should be.
It can only be a good thing, right?
xhaz said:
imo anything that can be done to help facilitate developers should be.
It can only be a good thing, right?
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Yupp. I hope their are ppl who actually want to do this though.
awesome idea !!
first project suggestion - modify the Media Panel to incorporate a home screen, weather and messaging. Would be great to have an SE version of TF3D
I think that a Software, Themes, & Panels sub-forum is definitely possible. I think it's very unlikely that there will be a whole sub-forum devoted to it. Additionally, i'm not convinced that as far as development goes that a stickied thread wouldn't suffice if it was designated for developers. I of course could be wrong, but seeing as how TF3D doesn't even have a sub-forum, i'm gonna say it's unlikely that panels will.
scotchua said:
I think that a Software, Themes, & Panels sub-forum is definitely possible. I think it's very unlikely that there will be a whole sub-forum devoted to it. Additionally, i'm not convinced that as far as development goes that a stickied thread wouldn't suffice if it was designated for developers. I of course could be wrong, but seeing as how TF3D doesn't even have a sub-forum, i'm gonna say it's unlikely that panels will.
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Yes I had that same idea:
Why port TF3D when a similar Xperia panel could be created ??
I've been trying (trying...) to learn a little about panels, but I really miss a dedicated place/thread/subforum/whatever to READ MORE and LEARN MORE and share knowledge -INPUT, I NEED INPUT
I'll start a thread in the mean time
I've been lurking on these forums for a couple of years just grabbing the odd file here and there. First I had a Universal, then a Polaris and now an X1. I've found myself getting a lot more involved with the technical aspects of my handsets and Panels was a contributing factor in my decision to get the X1.
I have a basic introduction to programming and yet I came up with a launcher panel in a short time today. Okay, so I had to use the "compiler" at mysonyericssonblog.com but it was almost no effort to come up with a HTML launcher for an application along with it's panel graphics. If a relative novice like me can come up with something, then we're going to get snowed under here with custom panels in very short order.
I agree with gtrab about TF3D... X1 owners should run it as a panel because "our" phone has the ability and we're giving ourselves the option to change the interface in a few seconds. I personally think the cross-pollination of Blackstone apps/interfaces with the X1's can only lead to good things.
I think somewhere for discussion about panels and launchers is a very good idea. If we don't get all the panel discussions collected together, we're going to lose them in the tide of people after free tech support for their shiny phone. I don't mind trying to help out where I can, but I spend more time poring through the XDA-Dev forums than all my other "daily" sites combined.
At the moment I spend most time rebuilding (not only reskinning) the tfl3d interface (which is indeed a panel!)
By know I know there are 3 places of this forum where there is info about it
-Development and Hacking
-Themes, Applications and Software
- and burrried in the x1 forum
the blackstone fora does have a 'themes, applications and software' subdevision which separates the crap from the useful things.
if we could get one of those (with the same name) we can separate the creation and alterations from the problem solutions and daily chit chatter.
I would also like to see this at some point.
Still nothing on the SE site regarding new panels...plus the total lack of games/apps that work on the x1.
Its a real shame, dont want to compare it to the iphone...but it has such a wide variety of games & apps in such a short time. I understand its diff for winmo (due to different handsets, specs etc)...but I notice some winmo apps are setup so it automatically goes full screen...which gets me thinking why arent they all like this?
Again, I know apple check all the apps and anybody can make apps for winmo (which is party a good thing)...just seems a bit of quality control wouldnt go a miss.
I also read somewhere MS is setuping up an app store similar to apples...reaaaaally looking forward to that!
Currently I only have a few actually useful apps on my phone
Core Player
The rest just seem so...meh!
Any suggestions (

Calling all fellow developers for Xperia X2 custom rom/app development

Dear Fellow X2 Users,
I have been reading through all main sections (there are only 3 lol) of the X2 subforums and cannot help noticing how much more threads/sections and more importantly more development is being done on the older Xperia X1.
For me I see this as ironic that an older model is being tweaked more when internally they both have similar hardware.
I would summarize the X2 as a well designed device on the outside with a bad software system. We have gotten as far as getting rid of the junk that SE has put as "wrappers" to give it some eye-candy. We have made it usable and we have made the battery last longer. I am a programmer who believes that anything is possible if we use what is availabe to make amazing solutions.
Looking at windows mobile 7 although it promises fancy games and fancy social connectivity I do not think many professionals will consider those as useful. So I do not think the Xperia X2 is dead. I think it is like Knight Rider's car without Kit installed yet!
To the point (finally! I hear some of you say) why not make a team just like the htc developers have and work on some alternatives to minimal X2(skip default cabs) and bugged X2(default)? If we cannot cook roms, I say make some custom set of cabs that get the job done. I see so many good cabs in the forums: fm radios, handwriting recognition (kudos to fadi.b), the multifix cab, and an overclocking cab that boosts speed to 1000Mhz! (in some cases) and so many other I can't remember at the moment. We need to combine what we have into something better than the original X2 software.
I know I have not participated in these forums much, but believe me I have played around with the X2 just like the rest of you. I am asking for a concerted developmenteffort so we can solve the many issues mentioned by the X2 community.
Why not have development sections? A WinMo section is definitely a must.
Or an Android section like X1? A features request sticky inside these too would be good for everyone. We have to share some crucial information so a thread for this is important as well, e.g. keymappings, APIs, etc.
It is my hope that after reading this more people will try to approach the challenge of customizing the X2 in a more organized and successful way. Instead of deciding who should start, I think we should focus on how we ourselves can make it work!
To the Forum Mods: I have placed this in general section because imo it regards X2 as a whole and not specifically for ROM development or apps, rather a combination of both.
Totally agree with you!
I am agreed with you.
Please any programmer or developer contribute your specialist and skill here.
But,I am noobs with the software programmer...
I think we should make a new thread and see how many people would be willing
to put some money to offer the developer of the Hard-Slp.
i hope !!!!
Guys check this thread:
I also agree with you.
Please developers must take initiative to make x2 successfull.
im with you too guys, but i know that most developers prefer htc phones over other phones so you see many great stuff in htc forums ... so i thing a big motive for developers is to make abouny for hard spl and this will really attract developers ... sorry for my bad english
This is HTC hardware.
Second,i will donate or pay for any hardspl that would make this thing usable.
I do not have enough time to devote into "modding" ripping the software until i come out with an usable x2,so i would gladly pay to get something to put on this usefull 500$ phone.
I think that like me are many users that would give to say at least 10-20 euro for something to make this crap work better.
Kind regards to all and i'm still hoping to see something done for my X2.
mrqro said:
This is HTC hardware.
Second,i will donate or pay for any hardspl that would make this thing usable.
I do not have enough time to devote into "modding" ripping the software until i come out with an usable x2,so i would gladly pay to get something to put on this usefull 500$ phone.
I think that like me are many users that would give to say at least 10-20 euro for something to make this crap work better.
Kind regards to all and i'm still hoping to see something done for my X2.
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It is not HTC hardware.
Hi hi! Sorry for falling off the edge of the internet platform! (was busy ).
Good news! Got myself a new X2 hehehe. Yes am serious about getting this from piece of mediocre communication device to at least X1 status!
K, I will summarize what is required to develop applications for the X2 and Windows Mobile phones in general:
1. Development Environment to make programs: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 or Sharp Develop IDE. Search on Google to find more
2. HEX Editor to analyze/break apart data: No idea yet! Still searching for an updated one. Maybe Hex Workshop. Got an old version of that somewhere.
3. Registry Editor: CeRegistryEditor, Awesome registry editor for playing around with registry key settings. It uses ActiveSync and you change settings on your computer.
Will update this list when I find out or remember more items.
Good day to you all and please, don't give up!
hafirangi said:
Guys check this thread:
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I have come across this some time ago and it is what I mentioned in my first post about a minimalist X2 (no unnecessary things). I have been there and although it is nice to have a phone that works I would like a phone that works AND looks and works beautiful!
Hope you see what I see now ^^. Not iPhone killer lol, just something better than what we have now.
