WM Rom's Dumping - Question and help - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hi guys, i'm a little noob for this work and i ask you if there are some programs/software that make the rom dump (i know only grab it).
So someone noob like me can do an exact copy of his rom and preserve the warranty of phone.
Sorry for my bad english and thanks
expecially for HTC DIAMOND Rom (i have brand rom 1.37.901.1 ITA)

Read up in the wiki (diamond section) and in the Diamond ROM development forum.


Please help a newbie

hi man,
i want to upgrade my qtek1010.
I saw the rom kitchen and i selected my rom 3.16.68 ita, then i choosed my packages and i cooked the sd upgrade...easy isn't it?
Before putting that, i please wanna know if this procedure is so simple as i described or if should i do something before....
i know this is a lamer question but i can't understand clearly if i should do anything else, 'cause i don't want do transform my palm in an unuseful piece of plastic
another lamer question, i can't upgrade to wm2003se 'cause there's not the rom 3.16.68 in the list, or can i??
thanks for answers, need your help bye

How to unlock & install a new ROM (Newbie question)

Hi, this is my first post here, and im a newbie in this matters and hope you can help me. I have an Artemis and i would like to install a new ROM with WM6 (possibily the B&B v4.0) but i donst know how. The ROM in my Artemis is the Portuguese one, operator free. I have 3 top questions:
1- To install the new ROM i need to unlock my Artemis because the language is diferent, or its only necessary to do that if its blocked to an operator (carrier)?
2- How to install the ROM itself?
2- How can i make a backup of my ROM, in case of anithing goes wrong?
Thank you for your help.
First things first. In order to be successful in flashing ROMs you must do a lot a reading. The links below my signature are a good start. Read about the Artemis first, read a lot. Read the WIKI. Search the threads....The answers to all of your questions have already been answered somewhere here in this forum.

Polaris Dumped ROM's

I was reading this forum for a few days ago. I used to have a Trinity but now I'm waiting for a new device... a Touch Cruise (Polaris).
Reading about ROM's, RADIO, etc, I found a very interesting link in the Kaiser forum, with a list of original dumped ROM's, in some languages and think it will be great if here, we can have a data base of original ROM's and RADIO versions, to help anybody who need to get the original ROM or RADIO for the device.
I am planning to dump mine when I get my Polaris, but still a little confuse about the whole process. May be some of you with more experience cooking ROM's, cloud help me or other owners to dump and post it for help.
I think it will be great to have it, like the Trinity forum.... What do you think?
Thanks Daze81.
I don't know why I get to this when I used the "search".
But what I mean is dumped the original Rom's that come with our Polaris. For example, mine comes from Vodafone Portugal, and I like to dump it as it comes, and if I need to put the device back to original for warranty purposes. In the links you point, some are original, but most of them are cooked ROMs, like Christonge portuguese ROM, the only one that appears in PT.
But anyway, sorry to all for open a new thread to something that already exist...
if the Moderator wants to erase this, go ahead... and sorry

HTC ELF0100 in French, would like to switch to English

Hey all,
I'm a newbie to cell phone mods, the question has probably been asked before, I searched for a couple of days but cannot find how to switch OS (WM6 pro) to English.
The phone works with Canadian sim card, just have a hardtime with French version.
Could anyone point me in the right direction?
Do I need to install a new OS?
Read something somewhere about modifying Rom, but not excatly sure how to do that.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am located in Canada, HTC touch Elf comes from France.
I have MSN & Skype, if that would be easier
Flashing you HTC Touch from French ROM to any other ROM
If you understand French, follow the link below. It has everything you need to flash your Touch
Had a French ROM when I bought my ELF, flashed to Blue Elves 5.0 without any problems, then went on to try other ROMs, just make sure you got the proper flashing procedure sorted - all in the WiKi.
ryan.ragoo said:
If you understand French, follow the link below. It has everything you need to flash your Touch
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Click to collapse
I think the OP already stated they have a hard time with French.
Everything you need in terms of resources, ROMs, software etc can be found right here, on this site. All you need to do is do some reading.
enigma1nz said:
I think the OP already stated they have a hard time with French.
Everything you need in terms of resources, ROMs, software etc can be found right here, on this site. All you need to do is do some reading.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
dear can u help me to update my elfo100 to english rom when i update elfo100 then give error that invalid vendor id plz give me some useful and simple trick to do that image version is
Please read the stickies in the rom section, or the elf wiki. These have your answer.
You'll want to CID unlock, dump your current rom etc, and flash a WWE rom (onyx etc.) Make sure you run DSIXDAs device_Info.bat so you know what you are dealing with easier, and also to make sure if it is genuine HTC.
Thread necromancy ftl....

A problem with my HTC HD2

Hello everyone, I just bought my HD2 yesterday
It's the best device I ever bought, but I encountered alittle problem that I need your guys' help with.
You see i'm from the middle-east, so in the applications menu, there is an application that could localize my phone and change everything into Arabic langauge, that's my problem, I need to change it back to fully english but I don't know how, I tried hard and soft reset, doesn't seem to work...
so please can anyone help me please? and thanks in advance.
You will need to download a WWE rom from the rom section of the forums.
Aha, so do I have to search for "WWE rom" without the need of the version? coz I have ver 1.66 now, and how do I install a rom?
if my questions are already answered I apologize, but I would like to get an answer please ^^
ROMs, radios and flashing
You can find shipped (original HTC) ROMs here -
... and there is a good guide for ROM flashing here -
Thanks! I'll use this guide step by step =]

