Turn Off aplication (or shortcut) - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

Hello, I've switched to Hermes (i formerly had a Wizard). I've tried to place the same shutdown shortcut, as in Wizard, into start menu (the shortcut was pointing to \windows\poweroffwarning.exe). However, poweroffwarning.exe is missing in Hermes. I've tried some freeware "shutdown" utilities, but all they do is turning off display, they do not shut down whole device. I've also tried beaming the poweroffwarning.exe via BT from Wizard into Hermes, but it doesn't work as well.
So, my question is: is there any way I can create a "real" shutdown shortcut? Maybe the power off EXE is named otherwise, or perhaps rundll-ing some library? (such as rundll32.exe user32 ExitWindowsEx ...... in PC windows)

(Error, wrong thread, please delete)


Automatically doing stuff on startup?

Am quite new to this, but it would appear there are quite many people familar with WM2003 (and it's various incarnations) here; so I figured it'd be the best place to ask this question:
a) How do I create a file (.cab or any other means) that I can run in my pocketPC that would load (or change) certain registry values in my Pocket PC?
b) Is there a location i can place a file within my pocket PC that will be loaded/run on every soft reset?
c) Is there a location i can place a file within my pocket PC that will be loaded/run on every wake up? (eg: everytime the power button is pressed and the screen comes on)
Things I'd like to do with the above; create 3 versions of a) above:
Drop a.1 into the extended rom so that on a hard reset; certain values are preloaded into the unit (eg: Owner name/ information/ various comon settings I always use/ etc)
a.2 + b would basically change my input method from 'keyboard' to 'block recognizer' after every soft reset (I just find it very annoying it switches back to 'keyboard' by default after my weekly scheduled sprite backup, or whenever I have to soft reset the unit.
a.3 + c would nuke the 'last owner' key in IIWPO so it'd send me a SMS everytime the unit is turned on; rather than only when the owner name changes. (if c) is not possible, I could drop it in b) so it'd resend an SMS on every soft reset instead).
Finally, I'd also like to know if anyone could recommend something or other I could read to learn how to write stuff for my PocketPC, and what tools you normally use. (I'd like to modify IIWPO; so that'd it'd resend an SMS every time any information is changed on the owner page (not just name); and/or to resend a new sms every 48 hours - or at least write some small code that would 'interact' with it, since the source doesn't appear to be available (?); eg: delete 'last owner' information every 48 hours...
for a.2b:
There are registry hacks to change the default SIP. Try Tweaks2K for an easy interface.
If you want to, try searching on the board for my program SIPwwitch to change the SIP from a shortcut, eg SIPswitch "Block Recogniser" (you'll have to look up the details on my other post on the development forum). Put this shortcut in your startup folder and it'll change the sip on every boot.
Runing on startup
Hi drean!
Here's how you make your program run automatically:
1. After hard reset: you must create a special folder on your devices flash drive (or whatever part of its memory that doesn't get wiped by hard reset. Not sure how memory is managed on XDA's on iPaqs there is a 'File Store'). The folder name must correspond to the number of your processor. (again for ipaq's PXA270 its 2577). In this folder place a file named autorun.exe This file will automatically lunch after every hard reset. (you can also do this with an SD or CF card see this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=22861&highlight=grabit)
2. For your program to run after every soft reset place it or a shortcut to it in WINDOWS\StartUp (the program must not be on a storage card! You can also add a registry key with your programs path to HKLM\init.
3. To catch wake up events (power button) your application must be running and respond to power notifications. Here's the full explanations on how they work: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/d.../wceddk40/html/cxconnotificationinterface.asp
As for how to program for pocket pc, here's a nice thread that will give you plenty of options: http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=29623
Hope this helps!
Good luck!

[Universal Owners] Please upload Comm Manager For Wiz Users

The wireless manager in the universal seems to have the Phone Off,BT,Wifi and all off.
While the Manager in the wizard has Vibrate,Ring,Wifi,BT and activesync.
Can we get the universals manager on the wizard?
vbguru613: I doubt there's any reason why you couldn't do a rom rip and move it across. But why Universal to Wizard? Wizard's sounds better.
I kinda made a command line utility to replace the manager, given VGA difficulties of the manager on the Uni. But Wizard's could be much more interesting.
can you send me the CommManager from the universal?
I'll try to get to it, but I'm not near my home PC until later today. If anyone else has got a copy, jump in!
If you've got it at hand, wanna trade me your Wizard's manager
I need the Universal comm manager too. I dont see the point of turning on vibration in an application called COMM manager!!
Comm Manager Wizard
Here it is.
If you have a universal please do the same.
To developer guru's I suggest:
- Phone
- WiFi
- BT
- IR
- Proxy
and maybe: - sound ON/OFF (Ring/Vibrate)
I think will be a good APP.
arp - I've got a new app I'm working on, VJBlooToof (temporary name, maybe). A couple of guys are trying it out right now, but it's basically going to be an interface to most comms stuff.
I haven't added proxy and vibra, but I'll look into it. Also some other hacks not mentioned on your list :wink:
I think You can do it! :wink: Will be a great program!
Names: VJComm; VJCManager; VJAllComm (I like first!)
Do you develop in VB? What toll?
Arp - I develop in c++ unfortunately. It's not for people who want to keep their hair until they are 30 :evil: It can be very frustrating, but I'm getting used to it slowly. (on the PC I develop in VB, if I need to write any quick programs.)
Hmm, the names are too obvious :wink: I'm thinking of VJVolubilis.
It started out as a small app I made to test VJElectrify (programs to test bluetooth/voice command on the Universal). I put some other functions into it, but I will use the code in some other apps that control communications. But for me, at least, it's useful to have access and control over all communications functions in one place.
[Universal Owners] Please upload here
Just tried to copy Comm Manager from my Exec but it won't let me (Access denied). How can I get past this?
can you explore your universal from active sync and in the windows folder can you "Copy" it to your desktop and then upload from your desktop.
No, that's what I tried to do - it won't let me copy anything from the Windowsdirectory - either through Active Sync or on my device Any ideas would be great!
can you copy from your device to somewhere other then the windows directory internally using REsco or file explorer.
Or maybe the file is running. you have to end the process to copy it use the attached file (copy to device and run it) and end the process tree of commngr.exe and then copy it.
Tried resco, tried the task manager, tried renaming the file, all with no success. There has to be a way!
did you end the task (process tree)?
yeah, still wont copy
Uni WirelessMgr
Here you go guys.
Not sure if it'll work due to ripping procedure, but let me know.
VB: CommManager.exe doesn't seem to work. Does it have associated dlls?

Full WM6 or 6.1 on Shift

This is one of my first posts. I have been reading the threads on this and cannot make heads or tails of what's going on. I have a Shift for eval purposes and after playing around with it, I think it's a pretty amazing device. HTC has crippled the phone capability in the US versions because they haven't certified it for voice use with the FCC yet. If we can access "file explorer" and some of the other features of WM6, I think a lot can be done to modify it or even to use it for voice. Has anybody made any headway as far as a new ROM that enables all of this functionality?
nobody has yet developed the crack. The reason is because nobody has the machine yet. Can u comment a bit about the battery life. Is it very disappointing?
well, now that several people actually have the device in-hand, could somebody please confirm that the ability to expose full WM6 exists as described by Pawel062:
Pawel062 said:
hmm dont really understand the last part about snapvue. the snapvue for athena is snapvue from shift with a small mod to re enable the softkeys and start menu. it will work on shift and also re enable the soft keys and start menu making the shift's wm6 "Full" again
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Click to collapse
This is the only thing holding me back from ordering one myself!
This is the only thing holding me back from ordering one myself!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Me too!
So Any luck running/installing any other programs on SnapVue?
what about athena projects rom? that rom is actually from shift right?
snapvue is actually a today plugin pretty much. it hides the soft keys and start menu of the original wm6. then from the plugin u have access to messaging, settings, and other basic stuff.
this is ment so u use vista but with only 2hrs max battery on vista many people would like to use the less power hungry wm6. i am working with paul from modaco.com on re enabling the full wm6 by putting a modded dll that will unhide the start menu. after that ull be able to get into file explorer and get a reg editor to re enable the soft keys.
heres the challlenge:
--no usb port like regular htc phones to sync the shift and get the dll on their. only usb host
--no bluetooth in snapvue/wm6 side
--no wifi in snapvue/wm6 side
--no ir in wm6 side
--vista device central doesnt see the wm6 side
--cant save files from email to windows folder
and i cant remember now the other blockades. i will continue working on it though.
Seems like that there is some kind of file transfer, it uses it when you install a certificate in shift control center, but how to crack it open or replicate the process for other files, and then execute the file on snapvue site ....
Think its time for a "taskforce thred" where all info is posted so everyone can work on it.
Sounds a lot more difficult then I first imagined....
(No BT??? OMG! had no idea!)
Sounds like I have to be a bit more patient...
This doesnot sound like it´s gonna be solved in a couple of days....
It´s great that you´re workin on it guys!
thanks Pawel062, I appreciate your efforts in trying to find a way to get this to work!
Just saw if you edit a contact and then try to attach a picture, you can browse the WM6 folders.
Unfortunately you can only see the pictures, because it's using the picture manager from HTC..
Silly thought: The miniUSB connector on the dongle formally is only meant to provide additional power to devices that otherwise would not be detected (External Harddrives etc). Would it be a silly thought to assume that the same miniUSB port could somehow allow us to access the SnapVue part? The miniUSB port is located at the back next to the cable leading back to the Shift.
I hadn't even noticed that.
I just plugged mine in for the first time, the only drivers Vista installs are for a Generic USB Hub and a USB to Ethernet Adaptor. There doesn't seem to be anything else hidden in there.
If anyone needs anything tested on a shift dont hesitate to ask. Full WM6 functionality would be greatly appreciated and would turn snapview from a gimick into a usefull tool.
OK so thanks to Michael who commented on Browsing using Contacts and Pictures, I managed to gain access to the Windows Mobile File Explorer and other software on the device.
First step is to create a new email.
From the menu Insert - Picture.
Using the browse capability go to the Windows folder
Locate Start Menu and press Ctrl C
Browse to Settings
Press Ctrl V
Go to Snapvue homescreen and goto Settings
Start Menu will be visible and you can then access File Explorer etc.
Hope this helps....
Excellent. I have sent myself the executable of PHM.lu's regedit, saved it into my documents, and am now able to access and edit the registry!
Wiz said:
Excellent. I have sent myself the executable of PHM.lu's regedit, saved it into my documents, and am now able to access and edit the registry!
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Click to collapse
Great! Any possibilty to enable blocked things like office or is it not installed?
Also in my limited investigations, I have managed to almost access Windows Vista from the Windows Mobile side.
Using Resco's Explorer with its Network Access functionality, I performed the following.
Under Windows Vista, run the ShagCtrl application.
Install a Certificate, this can be any file you like.
You will see the progress bar appear and drop up and down. If you listen you will hear the sound of a new device being added.
Do NOT click OK when prompted as this will remove the device.
If you load up Device manager, you will see an "NDIS shared Internet connection" (or something similar) appear under network connections.
If you open CMD and run an IPConfig, you will see that this connection has an IP Address of and a gateway and DHCP server of
From the Windows Mobile side, load Resco Explorer and goto Menu - File - Network - Map Drive
In the dialog that appears, you should see Computers near Me (or similar) and under here should be your Vista machine.
If you share a drive, or select the Vista computer and put \c$ on the end, it should try to connect.
This is as far as it gets me so far. Was a late one, but I couldnt get it to actually connect.
So close yet so far.
In Addition, if you try to run a cab file it will error. This is because HTC have remove the Open command file association for Cab files.
Using your favourite WM registry editor goto HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Cabfile\Shell\Open\command\.
Under Default type
wceload.exe "%1" /nodelete
cab files will now install correctly.
Hope this helps...
I ama anew user of Shift. I am did not understand clearly what did you mean about full WM6 or 6.1. Knows somebody how can we have a full WM6 on it? Pls help me I really need a full WM6 system also.
Ok, so I've accessed the Start menu using Vs1979s instructions, and I've found that Windows Live messenger is on the device and works ok. I'd like to try and install Opera, but I need a registry editor that isn't a CAB file in order to add back in the registry key to support CAB files - can someone point me in the direction of one?
Vs1979 said:
Also in my limited investigations, I have managed to almost access Windows Vista from the Windows Mobile side.
Using Resco's Explorer with its Network Access functionality, I performed the following.
Under Windows Vista, run the ShagCtrl application.
Install a Certificate, this can be any file you like.
You will see the progress bar appear and drop up and down. If you listen you will hear the sound of a new device being added.
Do NOT click OK when prompted as this will remove the device.
If you load up Device manager, you will see an "NDIS shared Internet connection" (or something similar) appear under network connections.
If you open CMD and run an IPConfig, you will see that this connection has an IP Address of and a gateway and DHCP server of
From the Windows Mobile side, load Resco Explorer and goto Menu - File - Network - Map Drive
In the dialog that appears, you should see Computers near Me (or similar) and under here should be your Vista machine.
If you share a drive, or select the Vista computer and put \c$ on the end, it should try to connect.
This is as far as it gets me so far. Was a late one, but I couldnt get it to actually connect.
So close yet so far.
In Addition, if you try to run a cab file it will error. This is because HTC have remove the Open command file association for Cab files.
Using your favourite WM registry editor goto HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Cabfile\Shell\Open\command\.
Under Default type
wceload.exe "%1" /nodelete
cab files will now install correctly.
Hope this helps...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
How did you load Resco Explorer on Snapvue?

Long Press

Do you know, is it possible to map longpress-action for button (start, back and home) ?
I know, in menu i can add action for long-send button.
I use longpress-action on my previously elf and it was great
Thx for reply
I doubt that the stock ROM will give you that option. This type of functionality is Windows Mobile specific, not device specific; so considering that, look around the generic software (Windows Mobile) sub forum and see if you can find a tool that will help you with that. I can't recall any apps off the top of my head, but I know there are some floating around that will allow you that functionality. I'll do some searching and give a shout if I find any.
Scope this and give it a shot - I've heard of others having success with it:
Or here for Touch 2 / Tilt 2 specific instructions:
It should do what you need. Let me know if it helps or not!
I have tested it, install program OK, run program - add key
but touch2 freezed.
Dont work with key on touch2
grr, freezed everytime after SR
Long Send OK
if you create file Long_Send.lnk and put it in directory windows, it works...
In file is path to program for example:
"\Program Files\Total Commander\cecmd.exe"
the problem is, how are named the buttom (start-back-home)

Can the HD2 boot into a 'Safe Mode'?

I installed FTouchSL 2.9 cab with SKTools and performed a soft reset.
On startup my phone is not responding to screen taps.
I want to remove the start up shortcut to FTouchSL by possibly starting in 'Safe Mode' or any other method to get touch input back.
I do not want to Hard Reset and loose updates made to contacts.
I remember getting into a 'Safe Mode' in a previous WM device but I can not remember which one.
EDIT: Why do I need FTouchSL on the HD2?
Many older pieces of software (e.g. Software packages mentioned in the Medical Apps thread) do not play nice with finger scrolling, especially Pocket e-Sword. That same Medical Apps thread made me remember FTouchSL that I used to good effect on WM 5/6 to get IE scrolling.
Original ROM: 1.48
Number of Flashes: 1
Current ROM: 1.66 WWE Official
SPL: Original (No SSPL/HSPL Installed).
EDIT: Button presses work once it does not go to the lock screen (by timeout or pressing 'End'). Once the screen is locked only a soft reset brings back the today screen. The phone works, time is correct and I can receive calls. No dialing however. Now I really miss some hardware buttons to allow me to navigate.
Is there anyway I could at least launch ActiveSync/Microsoft MyPhone to sync? The last time I connected the phone to a computer was as 'Modem' so that is the option it gives me now.. not ActiveSync by default else I could have initiated a sync through the computer.
The HD2 automatically connects to my WLAN, but I have not installed a program to browse the phone from the computer over the network. Is there a way to access files on the device/hack the file system and remove the FTouchSL startup shortcut?
EDIT: I had/ve an Asus P526 with a cracked screen so I could not do the screen alignment on a Hard Reset/Flash. I remember there was a file that you put on an SD Card to skip the normal WM fresh startup sequence (no alignment, timezone/date requests, etc). Is there some file I can place on the SD card to enable a 'Safe Mode' ?
Suggestions please!
Thanks in advance.
need installed something,example "spb pocket plus"
From what I'm reading it was probably some other programme I had on the previous WM phone that allowed me to start in 'Safe Mode':
Here is a link to the WM Safe Mode Bible:
http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=The Safe Mode Bible
I guess I will have to accept my losses w.r.t. Contacts/GPS Markers and do a hard reset.
A good software recovery plan should be put in place:
1. Backup/syncing once a day and not once a week.
2. Secure Remote file access
3. Button combination programme shortcuts
4. Safe Mode recovery software
Might as well do a HSPL as well and try the ROMS out there.. (was trying to keep it purely stock ROMs).
The cooked ROMS have so much to offer.

