broke my screen on/off button - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

is there an exe taht turns the screen on and off? and couldn't i just bind that to my camera button?
i did search..

You may be able to turn the screen off programatically, but how exactly would you expect to turn it on?
Of course, binding that to a button that actually works could do the trick. I think there a few freeware programs out there that allow you to change the bindings of the buttons (sry, can't remember a name, but if you google it you should be able to find one in no time).
On the other hand, phone off disables all buttons except the on/off button, so that might not work either.

i'm downloading vito button mapper now.
getting the screen to come back on was also my main concern. the only way i get it to come on now is by plugging it into the computer or resetting it. I don't always have a usb cable and a computer on hand, nor do i want to wait 5 min for my touch to restart to make a simple phone call.
any help would be GREATLY appreciated.. leaving for a trip in like an hour so i'd like to get this done..


disable answer/hangup buttons when screen is turned off

Is there a way to disable the answer/hangup buttons when the screen is turned off during a call? i keep accidentally hanging up on people
if you install a program called MortSaver it can turn off the screen and lock all buttons, except the button which de-activates it. you can activate mortscript by either assigning it to a hardware button or by simply launching the programs. if you wanna use it for your phone calls, i think you'd be more comfortable by assigning it to a hardware button. to me, i wouldn't give up one hardware button to mortsaver.
hopefully this will solve my automatic answer when taking the phone out of the holster to check whose calling...
thanks for the tip. ive read about this app in several threads, never thought to use it for this purpose.
thanks again

Auto Power Off, Cingular 8125

Hi guys...
I am as techy as the rest of yew, maybe more so, but I am having a problem understanding one thing about this phone. I know it is something very simple that I am missing, but I can't find anything about it anywhere in the docs, either?
How does the "auto power off" feature work? What I mean by this is, I know we can turn the power off after two minutes or whatever, but I see that the green GSM radio light is still flashing. That's good, that's what we want because we want to be able to receive calls.
The problem I am having is that after a time (I am guessing it is the two minutes?) I can't get the screen to come back on? What am I missing here? Is it me, or is it a bad phone? Auto power off seems to make the phone unuseable until a soft reset.
I tried pushing the power button, nothing. I tried HOLDING the power button, nothing. I tried pushing the TALK button, nothing.
Is the auto power off different than pushing the power button once and putting the device to sleep? What I want is the device to go to sleep after two minutes. I want to be able to use the phone again without doing a soft reset every time.
I know this is something easy, but I can't quite figure it out?
Thomas <><
[email protected]
Colonel, HOKC
Author, Soon Will Come The Light: A View From Inside The Autism Puzzle
Author, Light On The Horizon: A Deeper View From Inside The Autism Puzzle
I've been having a similar issue with my 8125. I seem to also have a problem when I turn the device off. I've been trying to pinpoint the circumstances, but haven't had any luck as of yet.
Have you made any progress with this?
hold the power bottom for 3-5 seconds , there will apper a Yes/No dia.tap yes will real shut off. Not good at eng.But is it easy to understand ?
i had a similiar issue recently on a phone i had forever, turns out that i installed GPRS connection monitor that turned the backlight off on my phone... after hitting the power button to wake it up it appeared my screen was still off, so if i turned it at the right angle i could see my today screen.. meaning the backlight was off, i had to keep it at that angle and navigate into the setting menu to turn the backlight on.. i couldnt find a fix for it so i uninstalled the GPRS monitor and havent had the problem since

Wakeup the device opening the screen

actually I'm searching a method to activate (wake-up) my htc Universal simply opening the screen. Usually it goes off after some minutes and when I re-open the screen I need to push the power button... I would like it goes on simply opening the screen.
Now I use a trick: I disabled in "Energy" (Power) the item "shutdown after X minutes". So my device is always on and the scrren goes off simply closing it. This method is ok because when I re-open the screen again, the entire device is immediatly ready! But there is a problem: doing it the device is always ON so it spend battery a little bit more than usual!
I know there is a magnetic switch controlling the opening screen; I wonder if someone has found how to use it to control power up of the entire device (like the power button does)... It will be very interesting and usefull if the Universal goes ON immediatly simply opening the screen! There must be a method to associate the screen magnetic switch with the Power-ON function (like power pushbutton does).
What do you think about?
Thank you
Brunino1967 (from Italy)
Echo your thoughts...
I have been thinking about it myself for a few days now.... having upgraded from the Nokia9500, it would be great if the device detected that it is open and turns itself on!
cheers! mayank
that will be awesome ,
if that happens finaly i will be able to partially use my jasjar with one hand
but now i must flip the screen then with another hand push tha power button
and it's NOT comfortable ...
Please any help and thnx
have a Gooooooooood day
Great Idea
Just came accross this while searching.
Would be very useful if someone found a "patch" for this.
Could be as simple as a key in the registry.
I'll check

Could be a numpty questions...power on by pressing screen?

I have recently taken delivery of an Otterbox for use on my bike (GPSComputerCycle and music) but to save power I would like to be able to turn the screen off during the ride (xpshutdown allows me to do this) and then press the screen if I want to turn the HD back on again.
I use S2U2 if this makes an difference.
Is there a setting somewhere which allows me to press the screen to power the THD back on again (even if it goes to a lock-screen)?
I had a quick look through the settings (Screen/Power/Lock) but couldn't find anything.
Anyone help?
Not possible AFAIK.
When the screen powers down, that applies to the touch-sensitive mechanism as well as the display element.
It would probably require something deeper than even a registry hack, the drivers would need re-writing or something.
Its not possible for the simple reason that the buttons below the screen are part and parcel of the touch screen, so if the screen is off, they won't work.
There appears to be no power to these lower buttons while in standby, so no software could work either?
However there is other ways of doing this:
1. Use s2u2 unlock on stylus out, so when you pull out the stylus, the HD comes on and unlocks. It's simple.
2. MobileMagic to toggle the screen on/off when device is turned face down. That way when you turn it face down, screen goes off and buttons are locked. To turn it back on, turn devicedevice face down again. You will need need to go to Start-Settings-System-Power-Advanced and untick the option, "Turn off device if not used for", because if the device gets turned off (instead of just screen off) it won't respond.
Hope this helps
Unfortunately the HD will be inside an Otterbox mounted on the handlebars of my bike, so removing the stylus would not be an option and neither would using the G-Sensor.
Sounds like I will have to have it powered on all the time. I know that GPSCycleComputer dims the display while it is active, so this might be a part solution.
Thanks for all the answers though. I was being a numpty after all!
GLOC said:
Unfortunately the HD will be inside an Otterbox mounted on the handlebars of my bike, so removing the stylus would not be an option and neither would using the G-Sensor.
Sounds like I will have to have it powered on all the time. I know that GPSCycleComputer dims the display while it is active, so this might be a part solution.
Thanks for all the answers though. I was being a numpty after all!
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Alternative solution:
Attach a dynamo to the wheels of your bicycle and charge your HD on the go
I wouldn't be able to even begin telling you how to do this though!

Lock power button on TD2

Is there any way to lock the power button on the TD2?
I would like to keep the device suspended, with the screen off, even when the power button is hit.
This is to avoid that the screen of the device gets accidentally switched on when I carry it in the pocket of my jeans. This happens all the time, leading to battery drain.
I have tried TouchLockPro, it locks everything except the power button.
Any way to set this up?
Any application providing this feature?
If you lock it, how do you want to wake up the device?
I wouldn't mind finding a way to do something similar. Maybe not lock the button entirely, but make it so that you have to press the power button for a long time (say 3 secs), or press the power button and the hang up button and the same time.
no offence but if you did this wouldnt it unlock when you pull out the stylus?
and also you can change that go to start => settings => system/personal => keylock (also not sure if keylock will be installed as i dont have one, but you should be able to find it on here)
Then you can change the wake up to be any of the buttons, current setup or none.
chris10230 said:
no offence but if you did this wouldnt it unlock when you pull out the stylus?
and also you can change that go to start => settings => system/personal => keylock (also not sure if keylock will be installed as i dont have one, but you should be able to find it on here)
Then you can change the wake up to be any of the buttons, current setup or none.
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No, this wont do what is needed. The Keylock simply stops someone from using the phone. It won't stop the screen from coming on accidental in you pocket.
You can 'lock' the phone from accidental use by pressing and holding the 'hang up' button, but again this has nothing to do with screen activation.
It is true that pulling out the stylus will both switch on and unlock the phone though, so disabling the power button may not be all bad. I still think it would be better to activate the screen via a single long button press, or some such.
Totally agree with swinster's comment and proposal.
- Lock the phone by pressing + holding "hang up" button (already implemented)
- Keep phone locked and screen off until
either stylus is pulled out
or power button and hang-up button are pressed at the same time
But disable screen-on when power button alone is pressed (like it is now).
- Anybody able to implement this proposal?
Meanwhile, how are you guys carring around your Topaz without the battery being emptied within a day (because of the described issue)?
This would be a great solution.
Mine switches on in my pocket all the time, they should have recessed the button, I thought about trying to remove it.
anorak22 said:
Meanwhile, how are you guys carring around your Topaz without the battery being emptied within a day (because of the described issue)?
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Its a bit of an overkil, but my laptop come with me most places.
Reminds me of the Morecambe and Wise sketch (??) where the battery was the size of a suitcase.
I think I need a car charger - which brings me to another grumble - why didn't they implement a standard mini USB interface?
Standard mini usb fits and charges.
alx37 said:
Standard mini usb fits and charges.
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Ooh, Ok. I thought they were different shapes. Will look into this.
[Edit - I have just read that it IS backward compatible with USB - the different shape is becasue the HTC connection supplies audio]
I'm guessing that any old Car Charger with mini USB will work then?
anorak22 said:
Is there any way to lock the power button on the TD2?
I would like to keep the device suspended, with the screen off, even when the power button is hit.
This is to avoid that the screen of the device gets accidentally switched on when I carry it in the pocket of my jeans. This happens all the time, leading to battery drain.
I have tried TouchLockPro, it locks everything except the power button.
Any way to set this up?
Any application providing this feature?
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When you set EnableInputAtSuspend = 0, it will not unlock the power button at suspend. . It will then only awake via the Stylus. But I do not know if this setting also works on the Diamond2.
I am having some odd problems with mine if i press the power button to put it into standby. Sometimes when i press it it turns itself straight back on others it will come back on if i shake it (like the G Sensor is somehow linked to bringing it out of standby). Can you guys check this so i can confirm if i have a faulty unit please?
I think I read somewhere that someone had a similar problem - might be the stylus sensor thinking you have remove the stylus.
swinster said:
I think I read somewhere that someone had a similar problem - might be the stylus sensor thinking you have remove the stylus.
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Thanks, sounds plausible, I'll call the supplier tomorrow.
I am sure that on my D810 I could set the lock on at zero seconds with no pin code. Then the keylock would come on every time I came out of standby but with no change of accidentally starting applications and making calls.
On my D2 the password is compulsory for keylock.
Any solution here? I don't want a pin code.
I power button fix would be even better to also save battery. The accidental turning on is a very annoying feature.
swinster said:
I think I read somewhere that someone had a similar problem - might be the stylus sensor thinking you have remove the stylus.
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ye man,ive got this prob...the phone randomly unlocks bcoz the stylus lookin for some application that turns the sensor off....havent found anythin yet...
This is still, by far, the most anoying "feature" of the TD2 phone. I can't believe that HTC did not have the forethought to think that people might actually put the phone in their pockets.
It should be a simple fix so that when the phone is off or in standby, the power button has to be press for say a second before the phone will come on, rather than just a single tap. They can do this to turn the phone off, so why not on?

