"Slide to Unlock" of a different kind - *Beta Release Available* - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

A method of executing the device lock/unlock features of Windows Mobile by using the gestures available in FTouchFlo v1.4.1.
Here's a sample video of it in action courtesy of kidnamedAlbert: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjPxHroy9VU
Current Status:
I've got the basics working on my device right now, and it works quite well. Beta version is now available, where I offer a choice of install methods. Since many users already have FTouchFlo and some version of the "true" HTC Cube application with my TFloCubeCtrl, then all that is needed for this is an update to version 1.2.0 of TFloControl, and an adjustment to the FTouchFlo config file. I also have a stand-alone cab installer for just FTouchFlo and the "slide 2 lock/unlock" capability. Note: there's no cube involved in this one!
Where is it?!
*NEW* CAB installer for TFloControl + FTouchFlo + config for "Slide to Lock/Unlock" with a left-right gesture now available here: http://rapidshare.com/files/128559842/TFloControl_v1.2.0___FTouchFlo_v1.4.1.cab
Be sure to check the install/usage notes in Post #4
If you've already got FTouchFlo v1.4.1 installed, and an HTC Cube using TFloCubeCtrl, then you can just download the new TFloControl.exe and FTouchFlo.config files from the attachments, and follow the directions in Post #4
What's Next?
Currently, configuration of TFloCubeCtrl is through command-line params fed by FTouchFlo. I think this could be made better, and possibly there should be a configuration app ... since all of my FTouchFlo gestures just map to calling TFloCubeCtrl anymore, which nowadays does so much more than just control the HTC Cube!
I'm currently talking with efrost about the possibility of turning TFloCubeCtrl and it's functionality into a plug-in for the newer FTouchSL application.
I wonder what other sorts of features I could build into it as additional parameters. So far I have:
{no params} - execute the device lock
home - return to the Today screen and then lock
suspend - lock, and then suspend the device
{no params} - unlock the device
<milliseconds> - amount of delay between the simulating the left softkey, and clicking the unlock button. I added this in case different devices needed different amounts of lag time based on processor speed. 50ms seems to work quite well on my Kaiser.
If you like what I've done, then please ... feel free to donate to me. It definitely helps in keeping me motivated to add new features and answer questions. However, if you find this function useful, you should also consider a donation to efrost ... because without FTouchFlo v1.4.1, this little project would not exist.
efrost - for making FTouchFlo!
Matt Armstrong - creator of DeviceLock, where I first saw that the unlock process could be automated
wacky.banana - for pointing out the "bug" that clued me in that unlock was possible via FTouchFlo
kidnamedAlbert - for making a video of it in action

While working on a project to bring full HTC Cube finger control to non-Touch devices, I developed an application to work hand-in-hand with efrost's FTouchFlo application. In addition to being able to control the HTC Cube, I also added a few system control functions that you could map to FTouchFlo gestures. One such system control function was the ability to engage the standard device lock, with additional options for returning the display to the home screen, and also for suspending the device. I soon realized that this was a slick was to lock your device, by just sliding your finger across the screen left-to-right. However, this then still left me with the rather lame way of unlocking the device, pressing the left softkey, and then clicking on a button on the screen. I became further annoyed when attempting to unlock the screen in bright sunlight, where it's next to impossible to find the button on the screen (at least for me!).
Where is this going?
One day, I had a small revelation. Someone had previously reported a "bug" with TFloCubeCtrl, whereby you could open up the cube, even when the device was locked. I subsequently added some code to ensure that all functions were disabled if it detected that the device was locked. But while it was reported as a bug ... the indication here was that TFloCubeCtrl would receive calls from FTouchFlo even when the device was locked. I suddenly realized that this meant that I could also add functionality to TFloCubeCtrl to unlock the device, by automating the unlock procedure.
So, does it work?
In fact ... it works just the way I had hoped. Now, with the device on, but locked with the standard WinMo device lock functionality, I can swipe my finger left-to-right, and the device becomes unlocked. You don't even see the unlock screen (on my Kaiser anyway), as it's dismissed so quickly due to the automated unlock.
And why should I care?
Well, I like it because it works well for me, and solves some of the annoyances I've had in the past. Specifically, I like the HTC Home screen ... as I'm used to it's layout, and it has everything there I need. So I like to be able to lock the device with a quick action, and have it revert to the home screen upon locking. And thanks to FTouchFlo, a left-right swipe anywhere on the screen will work (no trying to hit a specific icon). Then, to unlock, just the same swipe again is all it takes. It's a simple action, and can be done anywhere on the screen as long as it's a complete swipe across the screen ... so you don't even need to look at the screen to unlock the device. And best of all, it all works *with* the standard device lock functionality ... so even if you lock with a different method (device lock on today screen), you can still "slide to unlock". Incoming calls work the same as before ... and PIN code input should also still function normally (initial tests have shown this to be true!)

Here are some thoughts I've come up with on possible features:
Specify an X,Y to simulate a mouse click after the Today screen is shown. (In order to ensure a particular tab is also displayed)
Specify a particular application to be displayed before locking, instead of the Today screen
Vibrate when the device is unlocked (DeviceLock offered this when "easy unlock" was enabled)
Specify a particular application to be displayed after unlocking

Installation / Usage Notes
General Usage Warnings -
This app requires FTouchFlo. As such, installing this will subject your device to known FTouchFlo "issues"
Once FTouchFlo is running, it cannot be stopped without a soft reset
While FTouchFlo is running, the Transcriber SIP and Screen Alignment utility cannot be used
Some programs that are "finger friendly" themselves do not work well with FTouchFlo, and should be added to the Exclusions list in FTouchFlo.config. Some common known apps are already in the list.
After a soft reset, you must manually start FTouchFlo before you can "Slide to Lock/Unlock". Alternatively, you can create a shortcut to FTouchFlo in your StartUp folder.
CAB Install Method -
Install the CAB file on your Windows Mobile device
Be sure to install to the Device (not a storage card)
Run FTouchFlo, found under Start->Programs
Perform a left-right slide gesture to lock the device
Perform the same left-right slide gesture again to unlock the device
File Install Method (Advanced Users Only) -
Use this method if you already have FTouchFlo installed, and/or if you have an HTC Cube install already on your device using TFloCubeCtrl
Copy TFloControl.exe into a \Program Files\TFloControl folder
Update your FTouchFlo.config file to reflect something similar to my sample
TFloControl is the new name for the app, replacing the old TFloCubeCtrl (it does more than control the cube!)

Morning Kona. I see you have decided to go public on this, which is great!
A couple of points from me:
One of the things you are going to have to watch out for , as you develop this tool, is getting the tool to work in a consistent and predictable manner with the inbuilt WM6 pin lock facility.
Because I am security conscious, I have pin lock initialise itself half an hour after locking the device either with device lock or Slide-To-Unlock (S2U2). When using S2U2 I have found that if a call comes in after pin lock is engaged, trying to answer the call can cause unpredictable results ranging from the call being successfully answered, to S2U2 to being presented with the pin lock keyboard to unlock the device before the call can be taken, to the call being dropped altogether.
This behaviour became such a pain that I dropped S2U2 altogether in order to get a consistent method of answering calls when the device is locked in this way, ie with device lock and pin lock in operation. I note this is an area you have not tested yet, hence me advising caution here.
Another point from me: I am assuming that your lock will not work unless a version of Ftouchflo is installed? If yes does that mean that people like me who have given up on Ftouchflo and the Cube will not be able to use your tool?
Final point; early days yet but have you thought of integrating your tool with the organic lock invented by someone on here?
Hope you find these points helpful. More than happy to undertake some testing for you if you let me know what is required, etc.

will this be a lot like the unlocking mechanism from wm 7 in which you have to slide a certain way so the device unlocks. A bit confused as far as function though. I am glad you are starting a new project...

I can not say how much i'm interested in such software, even though i dont pin lock my device, but i really like to lock it cause it many times make a call or opens and drains the battery without any need..
any way .. i'm waiting .. and i believe it's gonna be great

Thanks for the input. So far ... here's what I can tell you:
wacky.banana said:
One of the things you are going to have to watch out for , as you develop this tool, is getting the tool to work in a consistent and predictable manner with the inbuilt WM6 pin lock facility.
Because I am security conscious, I have pin lock initialise itself half an hour after locking the device either with device lock or Slide-To-Unlock (S2U2). When using S2U2 I have found that if a call comes in after pin lock is engaged, trying to answer the call can cause unpredictable results ranging from the call being successfully answered, to S2U2 to being presented with the pin lock keyboard to unlock the device before the call can be taken, to the call being dropped altogether.
This behavior became such a pain that I dropped S2U2 altogether in order to get a consistent method of answering calls when the device is locked in this way, ie with device lock and pin lock in operation. I note this is an area you have not tested yet, hence me advising caution here.
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Since what I've done here is devise a way to use gestures as a way to interact with the standard built-in Windows Mobile locking mechanism, we should be OK here. My initial tests are indicating that everything functions predictably when PIN locking is enabled. My unlock gesture works when the PIN is not yet enabled. And once the PIN screen appears, the unlock gesture basically doesn't do much ... and you have to enter the PIN to access the phone. Incoming calls are unaffected, as the standard WinMo "Incoming Call" screen appears, and a SoftKey press will still answer without requiring an unlock. This is where people's desire for functionality is probably going to differ.
wacky.banana said:
Another point from me: I am assuming that your lock will not work unless a version of Ftouchflo is installed? If yes does that mean that people like me who have given up on Ftouchflo and the Cube will not be able to use your tool?
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Yes ... and no. FTouchFlo is currently required, as this project is intentionally a solution to work with FTouchFlo. However, the cube is not a requirement ... it doesn't even have to be installed.
wacky.banana said:
Final point; early days yet but have you thought of integrating your tool with the organic lock invented by someone on here?
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I have downloaded Organic Lock, and will test it out. My initial thoughts ... are that it should integrate quite well with what I've done here, since it's designed to work with the built-in WinMo device locking. I'll post my results when I get to test it out.

domineus said:
will this be a lot like the unlocking mechanism from wm 7 in which you have to slide a certain way so the device unlocks. A bit confused as far as function though. I am glad you are starting a new project...
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Perhaps ... I honestly haven't seen what WM7 is offering. In a nutshell, what I've done here will allow you to use any of FTouchFlo's gestures to lock/unlock your device using the built-in WM6 device lock. Current FTouchFlo gestures are up-down, down-up, left-right, and right-left. You basically sweep your finger across the entire length of the screen in one continuous motion. It takes a bit of getting used to, but I get it to recognize my gestures about 95% of the time these days.

solomhamada said:
I can not say how much i'm interested in such software, even though i dont pin lock my device, but i really like to lock it cause it many times make a call or opens and drains the battery without any need..
any way .. i'm waiting .. and i believe it's gonna be great
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I currently don't really use the PIN lock feature myself ... but your scenario of the phone accidentally waking up and doing things unintentionally is a big reason I started using the device lock to lock my phone. But when I got annoyed with the unlock procedure, I wrote the "slide to unlock" part, which is really useful (to me). This is really more of a convenience feature that a real security measure. But it makes the device lock/unlock very easy to use. I just put it on my wife's phone, because her phone kept calling people while it was in her purse!

Slide to Answer
I just had a thought ... and tested it out. You can actually "Slide to Answer" as well, when a phone call comes in.
As is true with unlock, the softkey method still works ... however, if the device is currently locked, and a phone call comes in ... if you perform the unlock gesture, TFloCubeCtrl will try to initiate the unlock by pressing the left softkey, which in turn answers the call! It's really a side-effect in this case ... but it works! Interesting ... but it would probably be more useful if I could disable the on-screen buttons, and require either a hardware keypress, or the slide gesture.

Kona_Mtbkr said:
..... It takes a bit of getting used to, but I get it to recognize my gestures about 95% of the time these days.
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Hey Kona,
Thanks for the comprehensive response to my points. The tool looks more promising every time I hear from you.
To the point about 95% accuracy this isn't too bad and, from my experience, probably on a par with S2U2. When I was playing with TouchFlo in the early days I found you could increase the consistency of the gestures by changing the sensitivity response or whatever it was called.
When are you expecting to have a beta version of the tool out for testing then?

wacky.banana said:
Hey Kona,
Thanks for the comprehensive response to my points. The tool looks more promising every time I hear from you.
To the point about 95% accuracy this isn't too bad and, from my experience, probably on a par with S2U2. When I was playing with TouchFlo in the early days I found you could increase the consistency of the gestures by changing the sensitivity response or whatever it was called.
When are you expecting to have a beta version of the tool out for testing then?
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Yes ... changing the sensitivity settings was key for really making FTouchFlo useful. It's a balancing act between the pressure sensitivity, and the gesture delay ... which controls how long FTouchFlo waits before deciding that you're not actually doing a gesture, so it forwards the input on to the OS. It makes it a bit trickier to try to use scrollbars or to do other dragging operations (like selecting multiple items) when FTouchFlo is in use. Not sure if FTouchSL has improved on any of these items.
As for release ... we'll see how the weekend goes. It'll be easier for me to post the new app, and a sample config for those who already have FTouchFlo and an HTC Cube install with TFloCubeCtrl. But I know that isn't going to cut it ... so I'll put a "fresh install" cab together as well.

Good idea putting an all-in-1 cab together for an easy install otherwise all you will get is a thousand questions on how to install the app and what other linked apps are required. Probably a major distraction if what you really want to know is how the user experience is progresing.
Re the sensitivity compromise, have you had a chat with Efrost as to where his latest version of Ftouchflo is now at, from a technical perspective?
This thread is now on my auto notify list, ready for your next move.
All the best.

im completely interested but does this have a transparent background on the home screen like the original windows unlock screen?
if so, this if EXACTLY what im looking for.
a lock on wakeup feature would be great too.

wacky.banana said:
Re the sensitivity compromise, have you had a chat with Efrost as to where his latest version of Ftouchflo is now at, from a technical perspective?
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Well, I have contacted him through PM here ... and asked about the plugin architecture for FTouchSL, to see if he'd let me rebuild my TFloCtrl app as a plugin. He seemed to be receptive to the idea ... but I haven't heard much from him since. I'm pretty sure the free version of FTouchFlo isn't going to progress past v1.4.1 ... as all efforts are now on FTouchSL. It's only like $15, so I'll probably buy a copy at some point. efrost deserves our support! Of course, I was hoping he'd give me a license for developing my plugins against, and then I could buy a copy for my wife!
I need to get a bit more insight into his plugin architecture too, however. I'm not completely sure that everything that I've done so far with TFloCtrl will work in his plugin architecture. We'll have to see.

sounds lije it will be awesome...when developed of course. i am really into being able to lock my device easily and be something i can unlock without much thought or having to look at the keyboard whilst i enter an alpha-numeric code. kinda biometrics like without the fingerprint scanner. thanks for the info and i am waiting for more news.

kidnamedAlbert said:
im completely interested but does this have a transparent background on the home screen like the original windows unlock screen?
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Yes, in fact, TFloCtrl has no background ... or window at all. It's more of a windowless process, that sets the display to the Today screen, locks the device, and exits. You're left at the Today screen with a locked device. Hmm, that gives me an idea for a feature, bridging between another app I'm working on. An option to also simulate a click on the Today screen, to ensure a particular tab is selected upon locking.
kidnamedAlbert said:
if so, this if EXACTLY what im looking for.
a lock on wakeup feature would be great too.
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Well, to put in a lock on wakeup feature would require a whole separate application. At that point, I'd almost be rebuilding armstrong's DeviceLock. You should take a look at this, as I was running it for a while for just that feature. It should work just fine with my app, because he is also using the normal built-in lock functionality. He also had an "easy unlock" feature that only required the softkey press ... but it was too "easy" for me. The swipe gesture is much less likely to occur accidentally, but still can be completed without even looking at the screen! That's the biggest benefit in my mind.

Daremo_23 said:
sounds lije it will be awesome...when developed of course. i am really into being able to lock my device easily and be something i can unlock without much thought or having to look at the keyboard whilst i enter an alpha-numeric code. kinda biometrics like without the fingerprint scanner. thanks for the info and i am waiting for more news.
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"biometrics without the scanning" ... that's a pretty good way to describe it
I think it nice, because it offers the protection from accidental button/screen presses of the device lock, but with easier unlocking ... as you said, not having to look at the screen. But in addition, I'm also hoping it'll pair well with Organic Lock, to offer the additional security that people like WB are looking for.
And as far as "developed" goes ... it's already working on my device! I'm just thinking about what features to include for a Beta 1 release ... and also I need to invest the time to put together the installation ... or else the thread will fill with "how to install?" postings. I learned my lesson last time with the TFloCubeCtrl thread.

Just an idea, stolen from the Android platform.
You could make the unlock gesture user-customizable. Maybe there could be an interface in the settings for users to "draw" their unlock gesture and practice on it. Then, if someone wants security without a password, he can use a complex gesture.
edit: That was a horrible explanation, haha, you'll get the point from this video:


Yet another device lock application.

I know, I know... vijay555 just released a similar application earlier today. It seems we were working on the same thing at the same time. After discussing this with him in his thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=45851
I've decided to go ahead and release my own version as an alternative.
The program can (and probably should!) be mapped to a hardware button using the Buttons control panel applet. I run mine on Button 4(hold) because I never use the voice recorder. This also prevents locking the device unintentionally.
I have also added two minor features to the application that some might find useful. You can optionally put the device to sleep after it is locked (same as pressing the power button) and you can configure a program to run just before the device is locked. This is useful if you have an application that you may want to look at frequently without unlocking the device. (Contacts, Calendar, a full-screen clock application, etc).
Both of these options are set in a control panel applet System->Device Lock.
NOTE: I know some people have use memmaid to register the lock application to run on wake up. If you do this, DO NOT select the suspend device option!! This will result in not being able to wake your device up for more than a few seconds (Wake up the device, your notification tells the device to lock, the lock process suspends the device, You wake up the device, rinse, repeat)
If you do this, all is not lost, just soft reset your device and uncheck the option to suspend in the control panel.
Here's a link to the installer (Requires WM5 PocketPC edition):
You will likely need to soft-reset to see the new Control Panel applet.
*NEW* The latest version does NOT require the Lock Device today item to be loaded!
-Matt Armstrong
Tried it on a BA and it works but change the default from suspend when locked since the applet doesnt show till after soft-reset. Thanks.
so you're saying make the default behavior NOT to suspend. Someone in another forum also requested the ability to blank the screen rather than suspend. I'll likely add this option in the next couple of days. I can change the default registry entry now though. A new installer should be up in a couple of minutes.
Ok, yet another new CAB file has been uploaded. This new version has the option to suspend the device OR just blank the screen. If you blank the screen your programs will continue to run (and consume more power!). To restore the screen just press the power button. I also changed the default behavior after install to JUST lock the phone (not susped or blank). Everything else is the same.
P.S. I appreciate all of the feedback very much. Keep it coming!
Thanks for the changes armstrom, ill download and test again. Thanks
Just installed and it works ok.
I have updated the software one final time for the night.
I have eliminated the requirement that the Lock Device today item be loaded. Now you can go unload that item and free up 20 pixels of screen real-estate For some reason this was a biggie to many people :? So it's finally done.
Keep the bug reports coming as you find them.
great version. Without the plugin makes it invaluable. Maybe you can make as an option to hook it to the power button to get it to run when you power off? Or we can use vjkey for that
Well, I can add that option. In fact an early revision of the software did have it. I was just having inconsistent results with it on my MDA. For some reason the MDA wasn't firing the wakeup event if I suspend and then resume with just the power button. (press the power to suspend, then press again to resume). If I programmatically suspend the device, then I get the event every time. I can add it back in though if you want to try it on your device. Maybe you'll have better luck?
Edit: I just installed the new version vj's software and it has the same problem as mine. For some reason my phone does fire the wake-up event properly! I'll add the option back in to my software since it seems to work on other people's hardware just fine.
Man this place is great!
Armstrom, both you and VJ are awesome. This was the biggest single thing I've missed since buying my 8125. Since I use Xpress mail and the device wakes up when a message comes in, and if it's in my holster, and a button is gettind pushed, all sorts of weird things would happen.
So I had to always remember to go to Today, scroll down, hit the lock function...grrr.
But no more. I can't believe the terrific amount of support, hard work and resources you guys all contribute to these cool little gadgets.
Thanks again to both of you.
If this can be made wot work reliably with power on events it would be awesome.
Thank you for putting these together.
One quick question...
I would love to have the Today screen as my default app to load on a lock action, however I can't find a way to do it. There is no .lnk file to point your Device Lock to.
I tried installing PHM Keys (as there's a Today .lnk in there) but it won't install in WM5.
Any programatic way to invoke/call the Today screen from a shortcut/lnk file so I can point the Device Lock to that file so Today is always showing when I lock my phone.
Thanks again, you guys are great.
(Apologies for multiple entries - posting problems)
(Apologies for multiple entries - posting problems)
(Apologies for multiple entries - posting problems)
Great job Matt.
One quick question for ya - I would like to keep Egress running on the today screen when the device is locked. When I choose NOT to suspend the device or blank the screen, the today screen shows but the egress app is not cycling thru the latest news (it sticks on the last before the lock).
Is there any way to keep Egress at least cycling thru the news it d/l before the lock (if not allowing it to continue to update at egress specified times)?
Thanks again!
Thank you
A very useful app!
jkimrey said:
Great job Matt.
One quick question for ya - I would like to keep Egress running on the today screen when the device is locked. When I choose NOT to suspend the device or blank the screen, the today screen shows but the egress app is not cycling thru the latest news (it sticks on the last before the lock).
Is there any way to keep Egress at least cycling thru the news it d/l before the lock (if not allowing it to continue to update at egress specified times)?
Thanks again!
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I'm really not sure how to solve that issue. I've never use the application you're talking about. Perhaps it is detecting the device being locked and not updating itself? I'm really not sure.
I think it must have something to do with the phone being in locked mode. I've found that when the phone is locked, the screen will go black after a couple seconds for both the lock on the today screen as well as when using a hardware button thru your application.
When I use the today screen app, after tapping the screen when black, it will display the today screen with the cycling headlines.
When I use your lock app, however, and tap to get the screen back, it doesn't cycle. If I hold down the power button and then turn it back on after being locked by your app, however, it does cycle.
Not a huge deal, just found it interesting...Wonder what would be different between the included today screen lock and your lock app that would cause this?
Thanks again!
armstrom said:
jkimrey said:
Great job Matt.
One quick question for ya - I would like to keep Egress running on the today screen when the device is locked. When I choose NOT to suspend the device or blank the screen, the today screen shows but the egress app is not cycling thru the latest news (it sticks on the last before the lock).
Is there any way to keep Egress at least cycling thru the news it d/l before the lock (if not allowing it to continue to update at egress specified times)?
Thanks again!
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I'm really not sure how to solve that issue. I've never use the application you're talking about. Perhaps it is detecting the device being locked and not updating itself? I'm really not sure.
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Ok, I have added the option to lock the device on wake-up. Note: I have not been able to test this because my device does not properly send wake-up notifications. If someone could give this a try and let me know if it works I would appreciate it.
I have also added command line options to override the configuration specified in the control panel applet. The options are as follows:
-o:* Overrides the lock options and takes a number 0-2.
0 = Lock Only
1 = Lock then Suspend
2 = Lock then Blank Screen
-r:* Overrides the application to run after locking. This must have Quotes around it. Specifying -r:"" will prevent the default application from running.
Here are some examples:
Blank the screen and run the calculator.
DeviceLock.exe -o:2 -r:"\Windows\calc.exe"
Just lock and don't run anything
DeviceLock.exe -o:0 -r:""
You do not need these command line options if you just want the device lock to always follow what you have specified in the applet. These are only to optionally override the specified behavior. Some people on another board expressed the desire to have the device lock in two different ways depending on what they were doing. This is the way
Again, please let me know if the lock on wake functionality works or not
The cab is in the usual place.
Here are some examples:
DeviceLock.exe -o:2

"Mini S2U"

Source Code Finally Posted...
Sorry it took so long to post the source. I haven't been monitoring this thread for some time due to other time demands. A recent email reminded me that I promised to release the source, so here ya go...
Release 6 Notes Below...
About a week ago, I was looking for an app that would lock my wizard when it came out of suspend. I use a bluetooth headset for all my calls, so I rarely remove my phone from its carrier. However, while talking, I tend to move around and frequently the hang-up button would be pressed resulting in a disconnect.
Frustrated, I looked at a few apps. I really like the "Slide to Unlock" feature in the iPhone-like app S2U. It more or less suited my needs. However, my bluetooth headset wouldn't work with S2U installed.
Thus I set about writing an app that would "lock" the phone whenever it came out of suspend mode. The result is the app, LockDown, attached to this post. Once run, LockDown sits in the background waiting for "resume" event. At this time, it locks all keys and prevents any stylus events save one - a "Slide right to unlock" slider control. As with S2U, once the thumb tab is slid all the way to the right, the keys are unlocked and the unit once again responds to the stylus. Also note that LockDown only takes up 5k of memory.
LockDown has been tested on TNT.1933 (WM6) for the Wizard. It's compiled as a PPC 2003 app, so in theory it should also work on WM5 and any PPC 2003 devices. I've tested it with my Visual Studio WM5 and PPC emulators, and it worked fine. However, it couldn't test it on the real deals.
It's a new app. While I'm not experiencing any problems, please consider it beta for now. As such, don't wire it up as an auto-start link until you've run with it awhile and are certain it works as advertised. For now, I suggest just copying it to your \windows folder and linking to it there. If you have any problems, please report them, and I'll address them ASAP.
Release 6 Notes
The slider bug was fixed.
The Message option was fixed.
Application Invocation
Lockdown [-lock] [-close]
With the -lock parameter, the application starts in lock mode.
With the -close parameter, the application is removed from memory (if running).
Registry Options in Folder \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Lockdown\Slider
Position (DWORD, 0):
If set to 0, the slider is centered.
If > 0, the slider is positioned X pixels below the "Top Taskbar".
If < 0, the slider is positioned X pixels above the "Bottom Taskbar".
Padding (DWORD, 2):
Pixel offsets for slider arrow from the left and right edges of the slider window.
Message (String, "Slide right to unlock.")
The text message displayed in the slider window.
TextColor (DWORD, 00FFFFFF hex):
Color of slider message. Note that the HEX color format is 00BBGGRR where BB is blue, GG is green, and RR is red.
FontPoint (DWORD, 16):
The font size of the slider message.
PenColor (DWORD, 00F04050 hex):
Color of the slider arrow.
BackgroundColor (DWORD, 00CCCCCC hex):
Color of the slider background.
WidthMultiplier (String, .92):
Must be a floating point value. Multiply this value with the lesser value of the desktop height or width (in pixels) to determine the slider width.
For example: If the desktop display is 240 by 320 and the WidthMultiplier is 0.9, the slider width is 216 (240 X .9) pixels.
HeightMultiplier (String, .22):
Must be a floating point value. Multiply this value with the lesser value of the desktop height or width (in pixels) to determine the slider height.
TabWidthMultiplier (String, 1.5):
Must be a floating point value. Multiply this value with the calculated slider height to determine the width of the slider arrow.
Note that the height of the arrow is always equal to the height of the slider.
EnableAnswer (DWORD, 1):
If set to 1, the answer button is enabled during an incoming call period (while the phone is ringing).
If set to 0, the answer button is always disabled.
EnableIgnore (DWORD, 1):
If set to 1, the ignore button is enabled during an incoming call period (while the phone is ringing).
If set to 0, the ignore button is always disabled.
After the installation, only the Position key will be present in the registry. I figure that most users will only tweak this value.
To modify the other parameters, add the appropriate keys with the defined types as shown in parenthesis. The default values are also listed in the parenthesis.
If you decide to tweak these parameters, please remove any shortcut to Lockdown from the StartUp folder. While I've taken steps to prevent "bad" values in these parameters, I still suggest this precaution.
Please note that Lockdown must be terminated and restarted before any changes to registry settings take effect.
As always, if you have any issues, please let me know.
W James
Very Great app...im sure many will find it useful
Does not work on my CDMA Touch
Tried it out but does not run on my CDMA touch.
It work for me on Hermes With schaps wm6 Ver 4.30
WJames said:
About a week ago, I was looking for an app that would lock my wizard when it came out of suspend. I use a bluetooth headset for all my calls, so I rarely remove my phone from its carrier. However, while talking, I tend to move around and frequently the hang-up button would be pressed resulting in a disconnect.
Frustrated, I looked at a few apps. I really like the "Slide to Unlock" feature in the iPhone-like app S2U. It more or less suited my needs. However, my bluetooth headset wouldn't work with S2U installed.
Thus I set about writing an app that would "lock" the phone whenever it came out of suspend mode. The result is the app, LockDown, attached to this post. Once run, LockDown sits in the background waiting for "resume" event. At this time, it locks all keys and prevents any stylus events save one - a "Slide right to unlock" slider control. As with S2U, once the thumb tab is slid all the way to the right, the keys are unlocked and the unit once again responds to the stylus. Also note that LockDown only takes up 5k of memory.
LockDown has been tested on TNT.1933 (WM6) for the Wizard. It's compiled as a PPC 2003 app, so in theory it should also work on WM5 and any PPC 2003 devices. I've tested it with my Visual Studio WM5 and PPC emulators, and it worked fine. However, it couldn't test it on the real deals.
It's a new app. While I'm not experiencing any problems, please consider it beta for now. As such, don't wire it up as an auto-start link until you've run with it awhile and are certain it works as advertised. For now, I suggest just copying it to your \windows folder and linking to it there. If you have any problems, please report them, and I'll address them ASAP.
W James
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hi WJames,
any screenshots of your app? it sounds very usefull, but how does it look
today plugin s2u
it was a dream cam true if was a today plugin, to the left...lock, to the right ...unlock, but in the today,
I use my standard windows lock today plugin, without the lock buttons, so when i touch any buttom , the backlight goes on (to see the clock and appointments in one clic).
today plugin s2u is the rigth way.
great work
red.schumi said:
hi WJames,
any screenshots of your app? it sounds very usefull, but how does it look
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as he said...it sits behind the screen..and waits for the resume event
Here's a screen shot as per request. It's very plain jane. I wasn't looking for the beauty of something like S2U. I merely wanted a functional app that didn't take up much real estate (5kb).
Once it's gone through the paces and looks to be bug-free, I'll release the code and you can tweak to meet your needs.
It gives a black screen with white text in the center of screen saying "Slide right to unlock." There is a box with a plain white slider. You cannot see your today screen.
edit: Sorry, had the page open while I tested it and did not notice your reply before posting.
is it me or do we really need another "slide to unlock" app to mimic the iphone. There's already S2U Pro & S2U2.
What's funny, is that yeah these are cool but are they really needed? If you setup the device button lock correctly, then what's the point of a S2U app? All it does is add one more step to getting to your today page....
smittyofdhs said:
is it me or do we really need another "slide to unlock" app to mimic the iphone. There's already S2U Pro & S2U2.
What's funny, is that yeah these are cool but are they really needed? If you setup the device button lock correctly, then what's the point of a S2U app? All it does is add one more step to getting to your today page....
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To each his own, but i run S2U2 because it allows me to operate my phone via bluetooth while the buttons are locked. The builtin lock doesn't let me do that.
perasite said:
To each his own, but i run S2U2 because it allows me to operate my phone via bluetooth while the buttons are locked. The builtin lock doesn't let me do that.
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Hmm, never had that problem with bulit-in lock. Yes, to each their own. I've installed/uninstalled S2U2 soooo many times. I love the app but end up finding that it serves me no real purpose (other then eye candy) and it gets uninstalled. New version comes out, installed for a about 3-4 hours, then uninstalled again.
Very Nice...can i Request something?
Thanks for the nice application
very small, problem free so far (on Eten M700 with WM6) & useful
Can i have 3 requests please:
1- can you make the slider spring back to the left if it was accidentaly moved to the right, right now it stays half way & i think if you make it spring back it will be more safe as a lock & it will look better too
2- can you make the slider button wider (double) so i can catch it with my fat fingers
3- can you add an icon, so i may put it in my today launcher list & it would look better than the plain white square, something like a lock or key or a hand can do.
I also noticed that sometimes as i come out of the suspend mode, the slider is either late to appear (1-2 sec) & may remain unresponsive for two or three trys to slide it to right (stays in place)
Once started i couldn't figure how to get rid of it & seems that only way is to soft reset to go back to normal wake up without locking
Hope these comments help..thanks again for nice work
smittyofdhs said:
is it me or do we really need another "slide to unlock" app to mimic the iphone. There's already S2U Pro & S2U2.
What's funny, is that yeah these are cool but are they really needed? If you setup the device button lock correctly, then what's the point of a S2U app? All it does is add one more step to getting to your today page....
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Those apps you mentioned take a ****load of memory and add to battery drain because of all the animations and graphics. His is a simple slide function that sips memory and battery life. Very useful IMO. Sliding is good cuz I find unlocking the WM way to be annoying. I have to touch an icon to lock. Then to unlock, I have to press two buttons. With sliding, it locks automatically and unlocking is accompished in one simple motion.
You're right that there's already enough S2U programs.
I also think S2U2 is an awesome balance between beauty and speed/mem cost. For people who have only tried S2U, you really need to change to S2U2... WAY faster and stable!
In most cases, yes S2U isn't that necessary, as it's similar an extra step to get to your today page, but I need it because:
1) My alarms don't wake if the phone is on standby, so I put it onto S2U2 mode when I sleep
2) My audio manager doesn't go to the next song if the phone is on standby, so I have to lock my phone while listening using S2U2
I question how good it'll be to have Slide 2 Lock as a today plugin, since I don't need some extra waste of space. What I do is set the gesture right-to-left (using FTouchFlo) to execute S2U2 so when I slide right to left, it opens S2U2, then sliding left to right, unlocks it. Love it!
smittyofdhs said:
is it me or do we really need another "slide to unlock" app to mimic the iphone. There's already S2U Pro & S2U2.
What's funny, is that yeah these are cool but are they really needed? If you setup the device button lock correctly, then what's the point of a S2U app? All it does is add one more step to getting to your today page....
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I hate to say it, but that's not quite true. If you setup the lock all buttons, sure you won't accidentally turn it on, but if you get a phone call, it doesn't just power right off (at least my 6700 doesn't) - it can and has made phone calls like that...
And as for the S2U/2 - they use quite a bit more memory than this. A 5k program use is great, although I won't use it because I like the clock on s2u2.
Great App
This is all I ever really wanted. Just a very simple slide unlock. simple.
This simple slide to unlock app is perfect for my needs...Thanks!
The point here is WJames created an application for his own use and shared it with everybody. If someone think that it is not req. they might not use it. Anyway thanks for the nice little app.
Thanks! Great small app. Would be fantastic with a simple white clock above the lock bar though, so we could check the time on the phone without unlocking it. Thanks a bunch!

[APP][Updated 16-10-2008]CapacitiveFingerLock (Proof of Concept with sources)

Having written StylusLock I wanted an additional lock/unlock method. Although StylusLock works great, I wanted some extra features:
* to have it possible to lock and unlock "one handed". The StylusLock approach cannot be done "one handed", e.g. on a bike.
* Also some people do not like to operate with the StylusLock (always).
* The combination with this new CapacitiveFingerLock and existing StylusLock will suit more people.
* And sometimes people will use the Stylus, so they will get the right behaviour depended on the usage pattern
* Still the goal is to let it consume almost no CPU and battery and KISS to operate
I discovered with StylusLock that when the TouchPanel and Hardware keys are locked, still the Zoom function works in e.g. Opera.
You can try yourself, using StylusLock:
1. Start Opera
2. Lock the Touch Diamond or Touch Pro with StylusLock
3. TouchPanel and all hardware keys are locked
4. Try to Zoom in/Zoom out in Opera, this still works with the NavWheel
5. Also the Ok button seems to react
I figured out via Scott Seligman and Koushik Dutta how to programmatically access the Capacative Touchpads. You can read also more here: [REF]Capacitive touchpad apps
So this idea is implemented in CapacativeFingerLock. But I am not using the NavWheel idea, but just uses the Capacative hardware area for locking/unlocking. The idea is again simple and clever. When you softly touch the area where the hardware keys are located (so do not press the keys, just gently touch them), the up/down and position area can be detected. I programmed that when the same area is touched gently 3 times within a second (without touching another area), the lock status is toggled.
I made a proof of concept program (just copy the exe inside the zip file attachment to your phone and just execute it), which shows how it is going to work. Just play around with softly touching the hardware panel, to see what happens.
If am working on integrating CapacativeFingerLock with StylusLock, to have a working "real locking" application. The Proof of Concept program just shows that it is possible.
Reserved for future use
Another one for future use.
very nice concept....now i noticed you posted a link of this thread in the wheel to unlock thread...would there be a way to possibly implement a config tool that lets you choose say, touch 3 times softly, or run your finger around the circle?
Malik05 said:
very nice concept....now i noticed you posted a link of this thread in the wheel to unlock thread...would there be a way to possibly implement a config tool that lets you choose say, touch 3 times softly, or run your finger around the circle?
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In principle this can be done. But because the NavWheel is also used for other purposes (Zoom In/Out), I have chosen not to use the NavWheel, but the 3 times gently touching. In this way there is no interference with other existing applications.
I'll try that, it seems like no one cares aboyt the capacitive touch pad, it seems like an amazing thing that we've got that is so neglected. I hope to give some positive feedback later, but first I have some rom flashing to play with!
Thanks for the work, there must be so many possible implementations for this, I hope this is just the beginning of something much bigger.
How about a simple tap to launch app?
i went ahead and installed it, and it works very well...Will there be a (pretty) GUI to show that it was unlocked?
Also the diamond does have multi touch on that pad area, which enables a "trace" of the movement of your touch
Since the nav sensor wont be so ideal, how about sliding your finger from the top of the pad to the bottom (lets say, place your finger on the back button, and gently moving it down to initiate unlock, with a GUI on the screen following your movement, as you go closer to the bottom, the color changes from lets say, red, to green...with incremental color changes in between)
Instead of 3 taps, why not a swipe between the home and back keys, which seems much more natural.
surur said:
Instead of 3 taps, why not a swipe between the home and back keys, which seems much more natural.
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I imagine it is just harder to implement for a proof of concept.
Personally I think there are enough ways to lock the diamond, whether you swipe the screen or 1cm below it is not a revolution, but if swiping the capacitive touch pad could be made to launch desired apps from selected gestures, that would be a revolution, like dynamo3 or hibernate or even standby. I think a lot of people here would want that over another locking solution. Good will intended!
Just tried it.
This is very cool very very cool
Thanks for time invested in such a cool development.
surur said:
Instead of 3 taps, why not a swipe between the home and back keys, which seems much more natural.
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Swiping is not so easy one handed. Touching gently 3 times is much easier one handed, holding your Touch Diamond or Touch Pro firmly and touching with your thumb.
However, I can imagine other sort of applications which can use the swiping for other sort of operations. Both are possible with the programming API I made.
uniqueboy said:
I imagine it is just harder to implement for a proof of concept.
Personally I think there are enough ways to lock the diamond, whether you swipe the screen or 1cm below it is not a revolution, but if swiping the capacitive touch pad could be made to launch desired apps from selected gestures, that would be a revolution, like dynamo3 or hibernate or even standby. I think a lot of people here would want that over another locking solution. Good will intended!
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I am going to share the source code. I have written it in C#. And others can get ideas and take over some of the source code for their own application. At the end we profit all of it.
ZuinigeRijder said:
I am going to share the source code. I have written it in C#. And others can get ideas and take over some of the source code for their own application. At the end we profit all of it.
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I like your style, that is the the kind of development attitude that keeps here!
ZuinigeRijder said:
Swiping is not so easy one handed. Touching gently 3 times is much easier one handed, holding your Touch Diamond or Touch Pro firmly and touching with your thumb.
However, I can imagine other sort of applications which can use the swiping for other sort of operations. Both are possible with the programming API I made.
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If you are open to other ideas, I would love the area from the back to home key to be a scroll bar when the device is in landscape mode. Grabbing the narrow on-screen scroll bar can be tricky, and the Touch Pro lacks the scroll wheel of the HTC Kaiser.
Have been looking into this myself as well. The only code I found was managed C#. Do you think we can use this in our native C code? Looks promising though!
ZuinigeRijder said:
Having written StylusLock I wanted an additional lock/unlock method. Although StylusLock works great, I wanted some extra features:
* to have it possible to lock and unlock "one handed". The StylusLock approach cannot be done "one handed", e.g. on a bike.
* Also some people do not like to operate with the StylusLock (always).
* The combination with this new CapacitiveFingerLock and existing StylusLock will suit more people.
* And sometimes people will use the Stylus, so they will get the right behaviour depended on the usage pattern
* Still the goal is to let it consume almost no CPU and battery and KISS to operate
I discovered with StylusLock that when the TouchPanel and Hardware keys are locked, still the Zoom function works in e.g. Opera.
You can try yourself, using StylusLock:
1. Start Opera
2. Lock the Touch Diamond or Touch Pro with StylusLock
3. TouchPanel and all hardware keys are locked
4. Try to Zoom in/Zoom out in Opera, this still works with the NavWheel
5. Also the Ok button seems to react
I figured out via Scott Seligman and Koushik Dutta how to programmatically access the Capacative Touchpads. You can read also more here: [REF]Capacitive touchpad apps
So this idea is implemented in CapacativeFingerLock. But I am not using the NavWheel idea, but just uses the Capacative hardware area for locking/unlocking. The idea is again simple and clever. When you softly touch the area where the hardware keys are located (so do not press the keys, just gently touch them), the up/down and position area can be detected. I programmed that when the same area is touched gently 3 times within a second (without touching another area), the lock status is toggled.
I made a proof of concept program (just copy the exe inside the zip file attachment to your phone and just execute it), which shows how it is going to work. Just play around with softly touching the hardware panel, to see what happens.
If am working on integrating CapacativeFingerLock with StylusLock, to have a working "real locking" application. The Proof of Concept program just shows that it is possible.
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A while ago I posted about the Windows Messages received by the form for capacitive touch events. Is that what you ended up using to figure out where on panel is being touched? Mind posting some code so I can add it to the Sensors assembly?
Great idea. Defienetly it will be my way of locking device. StylusLock works nice but can't be operated by one hand so its useless for me. SensorLock uses battery and i've drop my phone already unlocking it.
surur said:
If you are open to other ideas, I would love the area from the back to home key to be a scroll bar when the device is in landscape mode. Grabbing the narrow on-screen scroll bar can be tricky, and the Touch Pro lacks the scroll wheel of the HTC Kaiser.
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This can be surely done, programmatically. But I do not know if you can control the scrolling of other applications. The latter seems to me difficult?
Anyway, when a lot of applications are going to use gestures using the capacative areas, there will be going conflicts (different programs reacting differently on different gestures).
For the locking application I want to made, I see also some different gestures possibilities:
- 3 taps for locking/unlocking
- swipe left to right for Power off
- swipe right to left for starting a configured application
And I am sure I can come up with other gestures and actions....
drvdijk said:
Have been looking into this myself as well. The only code I found was managed C#. Do you think we can use this in our native C code? Looks promising though!
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Actually I started with C++ and had also a working Proof Of Concept. However, because I am new to Windows Mobile Programming, I also wanted to use C# as next project. I have developed programs in a lot of languages (also in C++ and C#), but I like C# more. And I wanted to do this now for Windows Mobile, to get experience with this. Note that the C# sample is using only .NET 2.0, so you do not need .NET 3.5.
You can find a C++ sensortest program, which was available on Scott's weblog:
ZuinigeRijder said:
This can be surely done, programmatically. But I do not know if you can control the scrolling of other applications. The latter seems to me difficult?
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I dont know if you can manipulate the scroll bar of another application directly (though this would be ideal) but at the least maybe a page down keystroke could be sent to the active window.

Auto KEY lock wanted

What I am looking for is a simple auto key lock, I am not the only one!
S2U2 I have tried and found to be laggy and unstable, essentially it is overkill, as are most auto key lock programs. I want something simple!
When pressing and holding the end key the keypad locks, all i want is a program to do this automatically after a set time delay, without any fancy tricks or graphics - surely this isn't too much to ask?
I am aware that the power button can put the phone to sleep and disable the keys/screen BUT they do not stay disabled if the phone wakes up (when getting a call/message etc.). Only the key lock does this.
As an alternative, does anyone know how to call the key lock software, where is it located in the windows folder? I can try and write something to do this?
I guess you don't want the password to be activated?
If you do want the password then you can easily do this via
and just specify the time before auto-lock happens
Here are a couple of aps that might help:-
LockWithPassword -I have this little app mapped to a shortcut on my today ...so I can instantly lock when needed ... thanks to slow23 right here at XDA
LockAndOff -does what it says on the tin ...again can be set up as a shortcut, and this one locks keys & turns the screen off (with a single click on the shortcut) but does not invoke the password
Got it from here:- link
Thanks jcsxda, LockAndOff is pretty close to what i want, now if it could be set to run after a short period of activity, or on device sleep/wakeup then it would be perfect
Im looking for the same thing.
A simple auto lock just like any other phone...
S2U2 is overkill and can miss up someother app.
it is the same as the device lock today shorcut?
sorry, my phone is in my car and im too lazy
VJDeviceLock can be used to automatically lock your phone when you switch it off (actually, when you switch it on but it amounts to the same thing).
You can assign any app to launch on power on, by using the events management functions built into the OS. Eg Memory Maid will let you run apps on power on etc.
Thanks Vijay for the great info. shutil.dll is responsible for the device lock on windows mobile when you press the today plugin for locking.
Do you know a command to use this DLL (to put in Memory Maid) ?
Is there a rundll32.exe like on desktops or something
VJ you are a star!
Exactly what I've been looking for. A little fiddly to setup, but shouldn't be a problem for anyone unless they are a total newbie!
Now it's setup it is perfect.
Thank you very much, donation on the way!
Many thanks for the donation! For various personal reasons, I went cold turkey off XDA Devs for about a year, but I'm really glad to be slowly getting back into it. It's amazing how strong this community is, internationally!
Although there is an API for enabling the lock, when I tried to implement it when WM5 first came out, for VJDeviceLock, it wasn't well documented, so VJDeviceLock does something else that I can't remember now to enable the lock.
I don't believe that there is a rundll32 type app on Windows Mobile. It wouldn't be hard to make one, but then you'd still be running an external app!
I believe that VJKeyPress can also be used to enable the keylock, and there are other 3rd party apps.
HTC may well have built in some function to enable the lock through ROM based software, but for me, VJDeviceLock serves me well.
@VJ, you have the makings of a commercial piece of software there- it is very hard to find a simple program to do this, as the poll bias shows. You just need a user friendly settings program to deal with the command lines and make it easy to use. I am sure it would appeal across the WM community...
yeh would be great for the phone to autolock after a set period of time like other phones. ok the screen turns off after 30seconds but it doesnt lock the keys. seems strange why this feature isnt already on the phone...
Ok, I'll put this out there:
If one was developing a (possibly commercial, but cheap) auto lock app, what features would it need?
VJDeviceLock is a very old app now, but it works fine and it still surprises me that autolocking on power off is not a standard feature, so I always install it. I understand that there is a registry entry on the newer non X1 HTCs that does something similar, but anyway:
What features would you need? First, auto locking after a fixed time.
What else?
In the interest of keeping it simple, don't ask for a slide to unlock replacement, as S2U is already fabulous, if that's your thing.
Also note that if you're interested, I can entirely replace the native unlock screen with a different interface, although again, I don't propose replacing S2U. I mean something more like a HUGE unlock button.
Give me ideas.
I can do gesture based unlocks, accelerometer based locking and unlocking (assuming I can do this on the X1, I don't have one, so someone feel free to give me one and I'll come and give your package a fondle).
Note that I'm busy on other stuff, so anyone else can code this, but for simple-ish features I'm happy to start working on it. Bigger stuff will take time.
It would probably be free because I can't deal with the hassle of getting rich
I'm using Auto Lock (CSDEVCTRL) works like a charm
Hey Vijay, glad to see you around!
jcsxda said:
I guess you don't want the password to be activated?
If you do want the password then you can easily do this via
and just specify the time before auto-lock happens
Here are a couple of aps that might help:-
LockWithPassword -I have this little app mapped to a shortcut on my today ...so I can instantly lock when needed ... thanks to slow23 right here at XDA
LockAndOff -does what it says on the tin ...again can be set up as a shortcut, and this one locks keys & turns the screen off (with a single click on the shortcut) but does not invoke the password
Got it from here:- link
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thanks..seems like the lock app i was looking for.
X1 is like a mini comp....anyone can mess around with it if u leave it unlocked
Hi VJ,
It's still working great! Don't make this over complicated, as you can see from the poll people want a simple solution. Now I have it setup it's working just as needed, the standard unlock screen is fine, but the setup was a pain! So, IMHO all that is required is a simple front-end allowing to choose the options, rather than having to enter a command line. More complicated solutions to this issue are already available, so keep it simple.
Options for keylock/password lock at sleep and/or after a set time interval is probably all that is required.
BTW, X1 does NOT have accelerometer.
just having the regular keylock automatically come on after x amount of seconds would do me. no fancy screensavers, passwords or swiping the screen or anything like that. i noticed on diamond tweak there was an option for the keylock to come on when the standby kicked in and the screen goes off, doesnt work on the x1 though but that feature would be ideal.
vijay555 said:
Ok, I'll put this out there:
If one was developing a (possibly commercial, but cheap) auto lock app, what features would it need?
VJDeviceLock is a very old app now, but it works fine and it still surprises me that autolocking on power off is not a standard feature, so I always install it. I understand that there is a registry entry on the newer non X1 HTCs that does something similar, but anyway:
What features would you need? First, auto locking after a fixed time.
What else?
In the interest of keeping it simple, don't ask for a slide to unlock replacement, as S2U is already fabulous, if that's your thing.
Also note that if you're interested, I can entirely replace the native unlock screen with a different interface, although again, I don't propose replacing S2U. I mean something more like a HUGE unlock button.
Give me ideas.
I can do gesture based unlocks, accelerometer based locking and unlocking (assuming I can do this on the X1, I don't have one, so someone feel free to give me one and I'll come and give your package a fondle).
Note that I'm busy on other stuff, so anyone else can code this, but for simple-ish features I'm happy to start working on it. Bigger stuff will take time.
It would probably be free because I can't deal with the hassle of getting rich
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you can make it very simple.assign lock software to power off button.when you display is off you phone ll be locked.this ll be lovely.thank you
Hi Vijay,
I was also trying to develop a simple autolock program. Because I couldn't find any locking program that can prevent X1BC from capturing the keys. What I need is something that kills X1BC just before locking, and re-launches it after unlocking. Currently, I am able to lock the device and kill X1BC when the display dimms, but detecting the unlock is a problem. Do you have any idea how I can detect the unlock? (My program is using the lock mechanism of QuickMenu and that is using the built-in lock).

How to lock Ans/End key

Usually when a call comes and the phone is inside the pouch (good for protection), there are several ways of messing up by accepting or rejecting the call even b4 its completely out of the pouch as blelow:
On screen:
1) U can press the on screen message but which will send an auto sms to the caller and end the call
2) U can press the answer key
3) U can press the ignore key
Off screen (hardware)
4) U press the answer key
5) U can press the end key
Incredibly, all 5 options are simultaneously active. The screen can be locked by S2U2 etc. but I cannot find any option of locking the hardware keys.
Any help will be appreciated
Firstly thanks for Omnia i8000 support on XDA..
Now I feel secure..
Secondly even I'll lyk to disable my hardware keys for call ans/end..
is there a registry tweak or something we can do to disable it..
s2u2 has that option... go settings/phone and u have S2A Hard ans/end key...
Search 542482 - there's an app for that over in the Mobile Apps & Games forum
Solution found!!!!
The issue was really troubling me and I finally found a solution. Install a small program called Incall lock which locks the call & end key. But that will totally disable u from accepting calls under WM6.1. So install s2u2 and enable screen response and voila!! U have. Both these are available elsewhere in this lovely forum.
Note:- The whole process during inplementation is quite messy as u will first have to install .net compact & samsung SDK software (both freely available).
4 software to do a simple thing which should have been taken care of by the OS. That's life under our billy, the goat.
Hope this help. I would be glad to give something back to this site, i have greatly benefited from.
TouchLockPro works great.
(I can't post a link yet...search for it in the Omnia 2 section at Modaco).
ad720 said:
TouchLockPro works great.
(I can't post a link yet...search for it in the Omnia 2 section at Modaco).
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I tried tpro but it did not work for me. I am using wm6.1 under samsung touchwiz. Cud it b because of that ?
TouchLockPro is the answer, however, if both touch screen and the keys are locked on all in-coming calls, how the hell do you answer the phone? First to unlock it then answer it? A bit troublesome.
captkkk said:
TouchLockPro is the answer, however, if both touch screen and the keys are locked on all in-coming calls, how the hell do you answer the phone? First to unlock it then answer it? A bit troublesome.
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See, even if no software was there u wud have to press a key or tap something to answer anyway. With S2U2 and incall lock, the only point of access is the slider (in my case) with which i can either accept or reject calls. So if i swipe to ans, the lock opens and i can straight away start talking. So there really is no extra step involved. Whereas, if I do not lock the key, I will have to be careful not to press the keys accidentally which is difficult as I often put it in my pocket and more so inside the pouch. I think the swipe to answer is the killer option.
bimboybimboy said:
See, even if no software was there u wud have to press a key or tap something to answer anyway. With S2U2 and incall lock, the only point of access is the slider (in my case) with which i can either accept or reject calls. So if i swipe to ans, the lock opens and i can straight away start talking. So there really is no extra step involved. Whereas, if I do not lock the key, I will have to be careful not to press the keys accidentally which is difficult as I often put it in my pocket and more so inside the pouch. I think the swipe to answer is the killer option.
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Slide to Answer is great option to traditional Click to Answer, that is very true, however, that option has been adopted in 6.5 and some 3rd parties phone app as well, so if in i8000 case, the phone interface can be omitted and use the 6.5 or simply use those better and more feature phone apps
captkkk said:
Slide to Answer is great option to traditional Click to Answer, that is very true, however, that option has been adopted in 6.5 and some 3rd parties phone app as well, so if in i8000 case, the phone interface can be omitted and use the 6.5 or simply use those better and more feature phone apps
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Well, as I said I hv 6.1 & 6.5 not yet available in my country. so...
I installed Throttle Lock.. Nice lock... it has slide to answer..
secondly it does not interfere with the touch player, lyk s2u2 does..
Are you using Omnia II with WM6.1 ?
Because throttle lock is not saving the settings on my phone. And yes, I am clicking the "ok" button at the top right and getting a message "changes saved". And my slide to answer is ON but no slide is displayed. All I can see is the default lock screen which opens when I click on a button on screen but that certainly does not solve my problem. Using ver .07 (latest).
I have even registered myself. Hell, the config.xml file shows Calllock is on but its not even locking when the call comes. That should be the very basic default function. Sorry, back to s2u2.
I am using WinMo 6.1 original Rom...
I installed it on Storage memory.. and its workign fine.. It does interfere with the Samsund dialer when the call comes in... but I will try disabling the samsung dialer and check... back to your issue.. Try re-installing it.. and it should work.. iam able to save all my settings..
And when the call comes in My hardware keys are lock as well and I get option to Slide to Answer or reject..
Aafi-rocks said:
I am using WinMo 6.1 original Rom...
I installed it on Storage memory.. and its workign fine.. It does interfere with the Samsund dialer when the call comes in... but I will try disabling the samsung dialer and check... back to your issue.. Try re-installing it.. and it should work.. iam able to save all my settings..
And when the call comes in My hardware keys are lock as well and I get option to Slide to Answer or reject..
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Thanks. I unistalled S2u2 and installed again. Still no. Yet the program was working when I clicked on it. So, luckily having some working knowledge of windows, I found that the program is not putting a link in the start menu or start up folder. This I had to do manually. But thats unclean.
And what happens when a call comes is funny. There is a brief fight between the throttle default , the windows splash & the lock screen itself. Luckily, the lock screen is winning every time. But again unclean or is it the links I have placed.
Currenly, I have links to both thottlelock & throttlelockdemon in the startup & lockdemon in the start menu. How is it with u?
Also in the setting under samsung default setup, the options like lock mode & incoming are white on white. What are your current settings ?
Think this program was designed for HTC. But is definitly smaller and though not neat...working. Thanks
I have mapped it to a hardware key, so when I want to lock I press the hardware key..
Aafi-rocks said:
I have mapped it to a hardware key, so when I want to lock I press the hardware key..
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Use incall lock for locking the keys when call comes. Works perfectly.
Tried the throttlelock for 2 days. Sometimes, the default wm screen was coming up and the look is messy. So more experiements......but till date s2u2+incall lock looks the cleanest. Will keep looking...
captkkk said:
TouchLockPro is the answer, however, if both touch screen and the keys are locked on all in-coming calls, how the hell do you answer the phone? First to unlock it then answer it? A bit troublesome.
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I'm using TouchLockPro. It's much faster and less memory consuming than S2U2 and it has multiple ways to unlock your phone!
In the newest version, you can unlock your phone by using the proximity sensor (and our Omnia II has one )
So if your phone wakes up in your pocket our pouch, it won't unlock, but if it wakes up in your hand or on your desk, it will unlock immediately!
Consequently, if you have an incoming call and the phone is in your pocket: It will remain locked until it's out of your pocket so you don't have to manually unlock before answering
I love it!
maardiweb said:
I'm using TouchLockPro. It's much faster and less memory consuming than S2U2 and it has multiple ways to unlock your phone!
In the newest version, you can unlock your phone by using the proximity sensor (and our Omnia II has one )
So if your phone wakes up in your pocket our pouch, it won't unlock, but if it wakes up in your hand or on your desk, it will unlock immediately!
Consequently, if you have an incoming call and the phone is in your pocket: It will remain locked until it's out of your pocket so you don't have to manually unlock before answering
I love it!
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I hv omnia 2 with wm6.1. Tried touchlockpro and was absolutely useless. How is it possible ?
Can u plz put in the download link.. Iam sure its somewhere on XDA itself, but I am kinda lazy to search today.... I'll download it once I reach home..

