Faulty Power Switch - MDA II, XDA II, 2060 General

Hi Newbie here.
My XDAii has just recently started to do a hard reset every time i press the power button. I have updated the rom but this still happend. Please can someone help.
Kind regards Nick

The first thing I would do would be to make sure that your soft reset switch (the one you poke the stylus into) isn't stuck in IE you may have pressed it at some stage and it hasn't un-pressed. If this is still in, and you press the power switch, it might hard reset.

No the sort reset switch is ok. but doesnt do any thing. i have replaed the switch but it still doesnt do any thing??


O2 atom locked and forgot password

Good day
I've O2 atom pure and one stupid guy took it while I'm sleeping and set a password then he forgot the passowrd :x ,,,is there anyway to unlock it without hard-reseting because I've important information in it
unfortunately... no way
isn't there anyway to backup my files at least
You can back up the info in two ways.. via the software inside the phone into a SD card or via active sync. As both method requires the security pin, so, there is really no way of backing it up.
I would suggest that you perform a trial and error (brute force) your way into the phone.
Thanks for the suggestion hanmin but I've tried to do it that way but microsoft did a stupid thing which is a timer that you can't retry entering the password until it finishes and the problem is that it counts double the last time when you enter wrong password
for example at the first time it counts from 3 to 0 and the second time from 6 to 0 and so on
Now I reached 24 hours
reset your atom by pressing power and softreset together with is top and hole near usb connector :lol:
there is no problem to perform hard reset... the problem was to save the data from atom.
Hard Reset
Please help... I tried to Hard reset by pressing ON and Reset and appeared on screen press green + red button to reset. but after pressing both button simultenously nothing happened and still asking for lock code.
anyway to reset the lock code away???
Please advise,
Re: Hard Reset
bonsaiiii said:
Please help... I tried to Hard reset by pressing ON and Reset and appeared on screen press green + red button to reset. but after pressing both button simultenously nothing happened and still asking for lock code.
anyway to reset the lock code away???
Please advise,
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maybe u not press the green+red button at the same time? a hard reset will put your device to factory setting again.
or if that not work, u can always upgrade your atom with the latest upgrade software
maybe you can hard reset via recording button + reset button + power button at the same time.
or try any like this (reset button + power button + any side buttons) ok

reset button broken

hi, a friend just gave me his wizard to fix some issues, while trying to hard reset it, i found out that the small reset button is broken.....a sharp pin inserted goes all the way in......
any help / alternative?
i was thinking of flashing it with wm6 rom
hehe. good idea.
I think XPShut has a soft reset feature.
Aside from that, the power button will usually still shut off a phone, except when it's really screwed up. If you're adventurous, seek out the repair manual and disassemble the thing...

phone won't hard reset!

I have tried and tried to do a hard reset but the phone only soft resets.
i press and hold both soft keys under the screen (the "-" key above the Q and the "-" key above the P) and then i poke the reset button on the side of the phone. It will only soft reset. I've tried this when the phone was turned on and turned off.
I've even tried pressing the left soft key first and then the right, I've reversed the order . . .
Nothing I try will let me do a hard reset!
Any ideas?
No doubt you're doing it, but you have to push both soft keys at the same time as when you push in the stylus. Push both keys extremely hard with your right hand, and enter the stylus with the other.
Otherwise you could just try flashing one of DCD's rom's. That ought to get it to the hard reset status you want anyway right?
hey scotcha12345,
I tried pushing both keys at the same time too (then poked the reset). But it still won't hard reset.
I would like to do a hard reset because I'm sending this phone back to vzw.
I just want to clear the memory of any personal stuff.
I did the Settings>System>Clear Storage thing but I want to be REALLY sure that everything is gone and a hard reset seems like my best bet. (But, of course, the phone won't hard reset.)
Since it does not look like I'll be able to hard reset can anyone confirm that the Clear Storage thing does what a hard reset would do at least in terms of clearing anything personal and getting rid of programs that vzw might not like? (It has the stock ROM so I'm good there.) From what I can tell, I should be ok with Clear Storage but I would still rather do the hard reset.
and just to be clear, I've tried pushing all three (both soft keys and reset button with stylus) at the same time, too.
hard reset
2 other suggestions:
Scroll down to: Downgrading -- Official Carrier ROMs & associated radios with flashing guides
You could reflash with that. It's the original ROM and radio, so there should be no problem, thus avoiding any warranty deal breaking. (fairly quick and easy)
I'm pretty sure in the past I've seen a program that has a button that you can just push that does a Hard Reset...looking for it.
I've never done the Clear Storage, so I'm no help there.
Have you tried using the soft keys on the face of the phone? The ones above the windows and ok buttons. I've only used these and never the ones on the keyboard.
try doing it by pressing the two softkeys obave the send and end buttons and then prees the reset button with the stylus BUT KEEP PRESSING THE TWO SOFT KEYS, DON'T RELEASE THEM UNTIL YOU SEE THE HARD RESET SCREEN...
btonetbone & nelsongruebr
Thanks, that did the trick.
(Sorry for the long response time. I was in a coma for the last 6 months.)
to answer your earlier question about the "clear storage" method... yeah, that does the same hard reset as when you press the two softkeys (on face of phone) + reset button.
The "clear storage" is the only method for the xv6900 users to hardreset since they don't have softkeys.
Ive hardreset both ways on my xv6800 with the same result.

Dead Hermes 100, Dopod 838, How did it happen??

I have this weird phone, I should say BRICK. My phone stopped working this morning after I cleaned the screen with a piece of cloth....the phone was in standby mode, when I did this.
Here is the story so far:
I was having problems with the hardware buttons, (messaging, internet explorer, the call and hang up buttons) the ones that everyone is been having problems with; so i decided to dismantling the unit following the steps shown on a Japanese website, basically by just looking at which screws to remove. By doing this all buttons functionality come back to normal so I had I fully working phone for about 3 days.
Now, all of a sudden the phone stopped working and refuses to go pass the "loading" message on the screen.
I decided to carefully dismantling the unit again, (I am now and expert in dismantlig dopos) but the problem persist.
I have also tried a hard-reset by pressing and holding the power button, the right/left soft keys and the reset buttong located in the lower part of the phone.....and still NOTHING.....
The phone was running Windows 6.1 (the stable version)....and now I am PHONE LESS...This is just incredible.....
Any help would be much appreciated....
If you are getting a message on screen saying "loading", taht does not go away, then your problem is not hardware but software.
The thing to try here is a full Hard Reset. (not a soft reset, have you tried this?)
Is this a Full Hard reset??
I have also tried a hard-reset by pressing and holding the power button, the right/left soft keys and the reset buttong located in the lower part of the phone.....and still NOTHING.....
Hard reset:
Press and hold the Left SOFT KEY and Right SOFT KEY, and at the same time, use the stylus to press the RESET button at the bottom of your device. You will be presented with a menu saying 'press R to reset, X to exit', if you press R Your device will be set back to factory default settings.
I have done the hard reset, however the Soft keys do not work, hence I dont get a menu saying 'press R to reset, X to exit'...so it basically continues directly to CRC's ROM loading message...just as before...and it gets stuck there......
I tried the other option,....Bootloader mode: Hold side OK and POWER buttons together and reset with stylus, and this options does work, but there is no mesagge only a screen with 4 color bands, red, green, blue and white...and nothing else.
If you don't get the message to reset yor phone then you didn't hard reset.
Oh well....thats what i suspected....now the problem is since the soft keys dont work, then I cant do a hard reset....and the more i try the battery gets and will eventually run flat, (since the phone is not recharging either) in another words my dear dopod is slowly dying.....
Well the reason it's probably not booting up and the fact the keys don't work are likely the same problem. One of the flexcable connectors is most likely not seating in fully. I'd dismantle and take great care with all of them. Make certain of the central one - the one with the tape on it.
Exactly .....but i dont really know why these phones have this problem....as I said before I did clean up the contacts about a week ago and presto...everything started working fine again, but after 24 hours the buttons started playing up again....so it is impossible that things will change in such a short time......
anyway coming back to my current problem, I tried and tried to hard-reset the unit and this time I pulled the keyboard out and pressed hard on the softkeys and after a while it did work .....so I managed to hard reset the phone.....it only had 14% left in the batterry.....lucky me!!!!.....so I went home and started carefully adding all the extra bits needed, and guess what???? right in the last update the phone, again, did lock up........Luckily now I have a degree in dismantling dopos....anyone would like to hire me???? and I am an expert in hard-resetting dopos with actitude.......
I am happy now with my resurrected doppo but I am still a bit weiry about the soft keys not working......
FINALLY ......A big thanks to you guys for your help and comments.....

Touch 3g restart problem

Dear Team,
I have HTC Touch 3g.Yesterday my phone powered down since i forgot to charge the batter .Then i charged the battery for whole day and when powered the phone it comes to the smart mobility screen and it never changes from that can anyone help me to resolve what the problem is?
I tried restarting many times but nothing is happening it comes to smart mobility screen and it hands from there.
Advance Sincere thanks
Did you try to remove the battery for a few minutes and replace it and then start up?
Hope it helps!
Hi Nirak,
I tried that also but that doesn't work. Then one of my friend asked me to hard reset the phone this is not the reset button on the back side of the phone.This hard reset will format your phone and bring your phone back to factory setting .
We have to hold volume down button and Centre enter button and then we have to press the power button without releasing the rest of the buttons.Then it will show a message and after release those two buttons and press volume up button system will initializes and will come back with factory settings
Thank you Everyone hope if anyone faces this issue try hard resetting the phone
Glad a hard reset solved your problem
you must be hard reset your mobile

