App Index - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Windows Mobile Application Index​
A 'GUI' is a graphic user interface. Many of us that own windows mobile phones, have found out that the Microsoft forgot that their operating system would be running on phones, and somehow thought that we'd have the time to whip out our stylus's, and take 5 minutes just to place a call, or send a text message. These programs are visually appealing, and finger friendly.
SBP Mobile Shell 2.1
Price: 29.99 (14 Day Trial)
Pointui Home 1.51a
Price: Free
iFonz 0.9.9
Price: Free
Price: Free
Price: Free
One of the most well know problems with Windows Mobile, is the contact interface. If you have more than about 9 contacts, you're going to have to scroll. The scroll bar is very small, and hardly finger friendly. For some reason, Microsoft didn't incorporate grab and scroll, so placing a call is difficult.
iContact 0.73
Price: Free
PocketCM 0.23
Price: Free
The today screen can be easily modified to fit your needs, if you now what you need. (The today screen is like your desktop, it's the screen with the clock)
(As you can see, I'm working on it right now, Just saving my progress in between)

That's very nice.
I read that too.
Does it have any relevance to my topic?

If u read it then why didnt u post your questions in relevant thread!

This is not a question. I'm compiling an index of some of my favorite programs that I use/ have used.
It's meant to make finding good information faster.
Maybe you should read before posting.

You think anyone needs list of some of your favorite programs ? Why post this in Development and Hacking forum ?

The development and hacking forum is where most new applications are located at. Currently, there is no index. New users to Windows Mobile might find it helpful.
At least, I would have. I've used a few hundred programs. I know what works, and what doesn't, for the most part.
Edit: Also, a lot of skin threads are up, without the actual program download. Now they can find the program to use the skin with?

Well some screenshots/explanation of the programs in your index would definitely make this more like a contribution.
I know each and every single program you posted, but if you want to help a noobie with your index, the information is certainly not enough.
Just my 2 cents.

Yeah, No Problem. I can include screenshots, and info.
Any chance of this being stickied?

Well its pretty much useless the way it is now...
Post some nice screenshots and write deep reviews bout each and every application with it pro's and con's and it be all good and stickied

Alright, will do.

I gotta finish this sometime.

Actually I found this useful; I didn't know about the other two interfaces that are less known and already tried point, and looked into mobile shell.


noob needs some help (long... yawn)

I am sorry that the title is so general but I really do need lots of help with my wizard and don't know where to start.
I have had the thing since xmas and have not used it for a single day ! it was an impulse buy and probably a mistake. I realise that now but I'm stuck with a 12 month contract so might as well try and use it.:roll:
I work a 12 hour day and simply do not have the time to experiment and play with it. I need someone who has considerable experience with the o2 mini s and is able to explain how to set it up properly and use it effectively and has both the ability and patience to explain it to me. I am happy to pay for this as I see it like any other service which we pay for. I do not expect help for nothing.
Is there anyone prepared to help me with this ?
first I would like to know how I can change and improve my desktop.
second I would like to know how I install TomTom
Long yawn answered with enthusiasm
Firstly I have an xdaII + 2i and i'm pretty good with pc's, but there are some glaring holes in my knowledge.
My brother has the phone you have, and on his I have installed ttn5 and stripped the rom back so that the phone works much faster.
There's an awful lot of reading for you to do, so seen as i can prob not help much on this forum i'd be glad to help customise and suggest tools and s/w for your ppc up for you so that you'll find it at least fun and maybe use it.
I am currently on my 4th iteration of a Pocket PC phone. I started out way back with an Ipaq 3650 with a softphone, migrated to the 1st T-Mobile Pocket PC Phone (Wallaby, XDA, ect.), spent a year with the Ipaq H6315, and have now been using the new T-Mobile MDA USA (Wizard).
When I had the original XDA (Wallaby), got lured into the "Fix it 'til it breaks" addiction by this site. The "ROM Kitchen" was just too inticing to resist. That first generation platform in its factory state left much to be desired and the enhancements created by this forum and it's members greatly improved the user expierience of those devices.
Now that I have skipped the XDA II, III, and IV devices and all of the jargin associated with these newer generations of this platform and are now using the Wizard, I find myself relegated back to "Noowbie" status with regard to my knowledge of how, when, & why to upgrade my new device.
The usefulness of this forum and the many contributions of its members have contributed to the dificulty in extracting the information one may be looking for. There is simply so much information here to sift through.
I too find it hard to find the time required to assimilate all of the data here.
My device is in it's stock configuration with the exception that I have run the Lockwiz unlocking program. Until I can get my head around what these varius other rom images will do for me, I am going to use the device as it is now, which is a quantum leap in usability compared to the other devices I have been using for the past 4 years.
It probably already exists, ( although burried in countless 30 page threads) but perhaps a sticky Noowbie section that will help us that are time challanged so that we can someday increase our usefulness to this forum.
A problem with your question about your desktop is there is more than one answer.
My answer is to use:
*Wisbar Advanced
--Close apps (you can define exceptions)
--Define a top bar theme
--Define top bar buttons and multiple actions for each
--Show running task icons on top bar
*Wisbar Advanced Desktop plugin
--Define multiple "virtual" taoday screens
--Place shortcuts, buttons and even links to place a phone call on any desktop
--More themes
--Pin items that can be available on all virtual pages
*Pocket Breeze
--A great way to see all PIM items (calendar, task, etc).
--Allows other today plugins to be used in tabs
*Pocket Weather as a tab in Pocket Breeze
*Pocket Alarm
--This does lots of things in addition to phone profiles and includes a today plugin
*SPB Backup and its today plugin
*The SearchToday plugin borrowed from the Treo 700
There is just so much you can do and it has taken quite a while to evolve to this for me. And sometimes I change it
To get the most out of it, you will just need to budget some time.
Wow thanks for the replies everyone.
Phoneguy glad to see that I am not the only one with insufficient time to assimilate all this new technology. So much & so little time ...
Thank you for your offers of help. Perhaps I should make a list of what I would like to do with the mini s and start from there. I'll do that tonight. Perhaps any readers would make some suggestions as to what I can do to make the ppc a more friendly interface

Where is the Best Place to Find a list of APPS

Where are the places people are going to find lists of Free Apps.
I am new to the Pocket PC world, I have seen a few posts with people showing new apps, but I would like to be able to browse around and find some that are suited for what I use my phone for.
Looking for Time Wasters. (games)
Media Players (for Divx, and Compressed Videos)
Anything Automotive Related
Skins for changing appearance of the phone
pm me man ill help you!!!
there should really be a sticky in this forum with links to good download sites for games / apps.
Maybe we should start a thread and post links and ask a mod to sticky it. Anyone up for the job ?
There is a big list of software in the WiKi
On A Silver Platter
It doesn't get any better than this :
1) This site is 8525 specific FREEWARE
2) These are links from
3) Another FREEWARE site
5) This page has all the FREE applications iliumsoft offers (7 Pocket PC, 1 Desktop)
6) Yet another FREEWARE site
7) This is the Pocket PC section of this site, but you can navigate to other platform specific applications by clicking on the "Freeware" link at the top of the page. The entire site is strictly FREEWARE
8) This is a mobile/WAP SITE. It is completely formatted for a handheld web browser (small text, aligned left)
9) This is the last direct LINK to a freeware site i have mustered. I've just come across it for the first time and the server seems to be acting up so i can't speak for its reliability. It did work though
10) THIS is a search result from handango. All i did was select the 8525 as my device and "Sort by: Price:Low-High". The first 15 pages of this result gives you full applications with a $0.00 price tag. You may have to navigate a bit through the pages to find anything useful, but there are some pretty good apps in there. I would suggest going through the whole 15 pages so you don't miss anything.
11) This page is's "BEST SITES" for WM PPCs. Scroll down to the "Downloads" section and you will find 46 links, many of them links to freeware sites. Even some of the links that don't say "(freeware)" have links to other Freeware sites on thier pages so you might wanna check them out too
12) Another LIST of PPC related sites with relevant Freeware site links
I've used just about all of these sites before with the exception of the above mentioned. If not, links to and from these sites. I've downloaded well into the hundreds of applications from these sites. In my experience, none of them offer fake freeware or neverending links to the download page (lmao). IMHO, they're all legit.
Still Alive?
Wow, when I posted my first reply I did not realize the date this was created. I posted my reply about a week ago however...maybe beggining of September. Why the hell does the date of my reply state that it was posted 4-9-07? Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has visited recently, if the thread is still alive, and now I'm wondering what date this was "Actually" created?!?!
g0dZpr1z0n3r said:
Why the hell does the date of my reply state that it was posted 4-9-07?
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4 September 2007. Not all countries use the US date convention of putting the month first.
Try for free cracked software!
You just have to register an thats it! Enjoy
@ Viktorx, Thanks for the link, however I believe the mods on here frown on posting warez links.
@g0dZpr1z0n3r WOW, That list is amazing, thank you. I wish there was a way for members to rate other members on this board you would get a huge "+" from me for that. (I am on another board where there is a member rating system and members can give a member a plus if they help them, or a negative if they see someone being nasty for no reason)
@ Everyone else. Thank you for all the other links, I am spending lots of time browsing the places. This site is a wonderful resource.
Now some specific apps I am looking for.
Net Stumbler, its a program to scan for wireless access points.
A better dialer and call log app. I find the one that is built into the phone with Black Satin to be way to clumsy to use. I hate the fact that if I call the same number 4 times in a row, it shows that same number 4 times in the call log rather than just keeping the same number once at the top of the list. I would prefer it kept say the last 10 or 20 numbers I called in a row without repeating some of them.
Capt Fiero said:
Now some specific apps I am looking for.
Net Stumbler, its a program to scan for wireless access points.
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Thx 4 the ups Capt.! I appreciate it! Umm...NetStumbler has its own SITE (click on the download tab). I'm not sure if you were looking for NetStumbler or MiniStumbler NetStumbler is for PCs and MiniStumbler is for SOME PPCs. Breathe eazy though homie, the program "works on most (but not all) Hermes...chipsets" . Good luck w/ that. Let us know how it works out.
Follow THIS site for all ur dialer needs. I'm not sure it will help ur "call log" issues though. Can't help you there fam. Good Luck!
Use WiFiFoFum instead of NetStumbler.
Ya the first program I tried was Ministumbler and it won't work on my Hermes (HTC Tytn) So I installed the WiFiFoFum and it worked perfect right out of the box. Thanks for all the suggestions guys.
MiniStumbler is a Negative
Tried MiniStumbler on my ATT branded 8525 (factory ROM) and it does not work. Connected to Wi-Fi and nothing shows up in the App.
@Capt: Find anything useful at zombienexus?
g0dZpr1z0n3r said:
Tried MiniStumbler on my ATT branded 8525 (factory ROM) and it does not work. Connected to Wi-Fi and nothing shows up in the App.
@Capt: Find anything useful at zombienexus?
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To be honest I have not had time to really read through the page, I did a quick browse around and at first glance there does not seem to be exactly what I am looking for, however I need to read through the site to really see what is there.
Capt Fiero said:
To be honest I have not had time to really read through the page, I did a quick browse around and at first glance there does not seem to be exactly what I am looking for, however I need to read through the site to really see what is there.
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I don't really think there's an app that exists for the type of setup you want. I personally like that the call log lists every time that you called each #. If I'm not mistaken, WM6 approaches this situation quite differently. I'm not sure which ROM you're running, but you might wanna check that out. I didn't run WM6 long enough to remember exactly, but i found this on modernnomads pertaining to that feature:
"A major improvement is that the history belonging to a number can be retrieved. By pressing the number in the call-log you can get an overview of all calls to that number. THis is a great way to identify when you called a certain person. This information is also partially included in the contact: you will see when you last called a certain person. Unfortunatly there is no way of finding all calls to a specific contact, so you do have to remember which number you used to contact a specific person."
The article is HERE. It's a quite detailed article outlining the key features of WM6
Actually you only have to remember the number if its not saved in your contact list. All call history is saved to the contact. If I go into contacts and select a specific person I can see all the calls to that person time, date, and duration. I think WM6 is great what made you decide to remove it?
why i removed wm6
i had to remove my wm6 rom because im running vista home premium w/ mobile device center and only the black rom allowed me to sync and it wasnt my favorite. other wm6 roms wouldnt sync w/ my laptop. i would either have to sacrifice a not so favorite rom and be able to sync or use my favorite wm6 rom and not be able to sync. i decided to go back to wm5 until the official at&t wm6 rom was released. supposed to be out oct.5. dont get me wrong tho...i love wm6. each rom i flashed had pros and cons, but the pros of wm6 outweigh the cons. cant wait to get it back!
any sim games out there

Touch/htc home/iphone

Hey all,
Im new to this site and this phone... after all the youtube vids and the websites im very eager to start customizing my mogul.... but there are a bajillion versions of everything, i dont know where to start... can anyone suggest or attach the newest versions of the iphone interface, the touchflo htc home app? Looking forward to contributing to the community as i learn more! thanks
Welcome to the site. I don't have all direct links but I included a few and if you do a search you can find all the following programs which i think are pretty sweet to have on the mogul.
Do a search on xda for the following:
Htc Task Manager - a program that closes applications when you click on the the x close button instead of just minimizing them, helps save ram and keep your mogul running smooth.
FlashVideoBundle Pack - codecs that let you watch streaming content like youtube
TCPMP - a good flexible Media Player that lets you watch things like youtube and other formats not supported by WMP (needs a flash bundle pack to watch youtube and other streaming media)
PPCgeeksMMS - lets you send picture mail and video mail
Google Maps - Awesome map program that lets you find nearby businesses, restaurants, etc. also has mapquest like driving directions function
HTC home customizer - Downloads the htc home plugin (very cool) onto your device and lets you customize it
PPC Pim backup - lets you backup contacts, messaging, and just about anything else on your device onto your SD card. good to have if you plan on customizing your phone and it ends up crashing.
efrosts FTouchFlo - theres a couple different versions of Touchflo floating around but I find this one works well on the mogul. and also FTouchFlo customizer for an app that makes it extremely easy to configure TouchFlo
SCLPF - Slithers Cube Launcher - gives you the Touch Cube
Everything so far is free, the next couple do cost money but they are well worth it. And of course come with trial versions if you're on the fence so check em out:
As far as iphone themes go, i'd definitely recommend checking out where you'll find the program wisbar advance 3 and wisbar advance desktop. In my opinion they are the best programs available right now to modify your phones interface. Once you have these two programs you'll have access to about a million different themes and you can even make your own. Highly customizable. Spb Software House has a ton of great software worth checking out. Some are moderately expensive but they make some great programs.
if you run into any problems let us know, we've all had our share of problems and crashes, good luck with your new mogul
very helpful thread for newbie.
rules to getting what you want...
#3. Reapeat steps 1 and 2 profusely until eyes go bad.
Unless someone posts posts posts what is everyone going to read read read? The same question isn't always asked in the same way and not everyone thinks in the same keywords. Grow up and be more like the first responder... helpful.
Great response Johnnycross22.. I'd also add Pocket CM, TotalCommander, and Meshavi Notes Explorer to that list.
keefermilton said:
Unless someone posts posts posts what is everyone going to read read read? The same question isn't always asked in the same way and not everyone thinks in the same keywords. Grow up and be more like the first responder... helpful.
Great response Johnnycross22.. I'd also add Pocket CM, TotalCommander, and Meshavi Notes Explorer to that list.
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Of course this is just my opinon, but Tregrad has the right idea. Perfect example: A_C's "Slide2unlock" (great looking app worth picking up)so many people would ask the exact same question without taking the time to actually read the thread, it got ridiculous!
If you plan on making any kind of modification on anything that costs over 100 bucks it's worth doing all the independant study you can to hedge the odds of you bricking your device. right?
With that said... You do have the option of foregoing the flashbundle and tcmp by downloading Vtap. It's a great free application that is a vast collection of youtube, googlevideo etc. It is somewhat of a mem hog but I find it better than tcmp. Again just my opinon.
Grumps has a great iPhone gui thats really easy to get started with and a config app to go with it. its very simple as long as you pay attention and read the instructions. Hope this helps...
Thanks for posting all that info.
I was looking to do similar things with my Mogul once it arrives. Now I don't have to track everything down.
This website is awesome! It made me like my phone again, I was going to get the touch, but not anymore, since I can get all the features of the touch on my mogul and still keep my slide out keyboard!!

Accurate, updated list of software for Mogul?

So I just got my Mogul, and trying to find software for it is really annoying. no list of programs with screen shots, each program type has about 40 different homebrewed versions, most of the stuff doesn;t have a lonk to download anything, no homepage reference so you don't know if you're downloaded a version 4 versions older than the current, piss poor instructions on howw to actually use it, etc.
Is there an actual list of software links, that is updated with the most recent verion, of sotware for this phone? For example, I'm interested in adding that "Cube" menuing system, and doing a Google search returns 50 different versions of 20 different pieces of software linking to pages with older versions of the software that doesn't even work.
Is there a commonly accepted "best" cube type mening system out there? how about a commonly accepted "best" iPhone like interface?
emkorial said:
So I just got my Mogul, and trying to find software for it is really annoying. no list of programs with screen shots, each program type has about 40 different homebrewed versions, most of the stuff doesn;t have a lonk to download anything, no homepage reference so you don't know if you're downloaded a version 4 versions older than the current, piss poor instructions on howw to actually use it, etc.
Is there an actual list of software links, that is updated with the most recent verion, of sotware for this phone? For example, I'm interested in adding that "Cube" menuing system, and doing a Google search returns 50 different versions of 20 different pieces of software linking to pages with older versions of the software that doesn't even work.
Is there a commonly accepted "best" cube type mening system out there? how about a commonly accepted "best" iPhone like interface?
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Um, there are literally THOUSANDS of programs that work on the Titan. It doesnt take a lot of work searching to find programs that are awesome. Try using the search feature of this website or ppcgeeks to find what you need instead of asking someone to deliver it to you.
Searching is your best answer. Making a list of the most currnet builds out there (some of which the most current isn't the "best") of software out there would be obselete in a months time. I've got the best results with trial and error in finding what works with my setup (hardware, rom and radio).
Thousands? I've downloaded about 20, and TWO work. the rest do NOTHING, due to obscure compatability problems, some random patch being required that no one seems to have, or it just flat out won't work, period. It;s incredibly frustrating.
Most have said it. You need to do your own research and on top of that what's good for you may not be good for someone else. In a way this is the fun part - the searching for the good stuff. Also, I take much advise from the experts on this and other forums.
In any case, you can't *****. The source of this software is coming from thousands of people/companies. Some write something good and just dump it on a server for others to download and offer little to no documentation. BUT... you pay nothing in many cases (can't ***** there). ANd it's almost always "run at your own risk!".
Want something stable, documented, and supported by a company... stay stock (OEM). Wait... my stock software was not stable, not well documented, and hardly supported (Sprint). As a matter of fact an alpha ROM I am running now is much better than the OEM software that the phone came with.
Willing alpha and beta tester,
Mogul w/ 6.1, 3.16, 3.27, 60711, NexVision Alpha ROM.
make sure you are downloading ppc applications and not smartphone ones, and that you are downloading applications for WM6. If the app doesn't work then search the forums to see what other peoples experience is with that program.
while some of the responses here have been a little abrupt, you need to understand that your request is literally impossible. Nobody could possibly compile of a list of all the software that can run on the mogul.
Here are some things to try, though:
Search the forums for "best programs" and such things
Download different windows mobile apps and try them -- I've rarely found any that don't work.
Figure out what functionality you're looking for, and search specifically for that.
At the very least, if you want to post a query such as this one, you need to specify what exactly you're looking for. Our friend above wasn't exagerating when he said that there are thousands of apps that run on the mogul. If you're new to windows mobile, it'll take some getting used to. Be patient and read a lot. you'll figure it out.
Most people on this board are happy to help you with problems, but they do expect that you exert some energy on your own. If they feel like you haven't, they get touchy.
This thread might become a little more useful for you if you were to say what you are looking for (for example, if you're looking for a good program for maps and such that uses a data connection, I recommend Google Maps (visit from your mobile phone)
Hope this helps, and good luck!
id say VITO SMS CHAT v1.0.1 is almost a must have if u text alot and have a stock ROM...most the custom ROMS have some form of threaded SMS added for u...but stock ROMS dont and this is a very nice program...i dont use this site much, but im on ppcgeeks 24/7 and i know we have a thread about it there...
also if ur looking for a nice web browser check out netfront browser 3.5 is pretty quick and it loads full websites not just the mobile version...and if u use myspace it actually loads the persons page background...its in beta now till may 31st, but if u search hard enough u can find ANY ppc program for free
I tried searching for a while now. After a failed ROM update I lost all my apps so I am re-customizing everything. How do you change the Title on the Home page? Right now it says: 'TELUS' but that's a little tacky. Can someone guide me to the right post?
Titan Apps
I have quite a few apps that I have been collecting would be happy to contribute to the list let me know...also in the development and hacking section there is a huge list of HTC apps that are pretty much always a go on the Titan.
I am new to this site.. I have a moguel.. and I would love to know what programs u have..please contact me at [email protected] with the info..please and thank u.
marriotheblackguy said:
I have quite a few apps that I have been collecting would be happy to contribute to the list let me know...also in the development and hacking section there is a huge list of HTC apps that are pretty much always a go on the Titan.
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i'm a noob as well but i read a bunch.thing is there are terms and titles that make reading these threads as bad as reading the bible at times.i tried a bunch of stuff since i had my mogul.i removed a bunch of stuff as well.but right now i use spb mobile shell,pocket plus,fun contact,s2play,s2u2,weather panel<-------- wich is cool as hell but takes a bunch of tweaking imo to get to run right.(still haven't got my radar images right)gpstoday,thumbcal,and a bunch of games.i'm not an expert by far but i know these apps work fine on my device.
this is pretty confusing but this is the index i use to keep track of all the apps that both work and are user-friendly(to an extent).
its kind of hard to understand of you havent written it but what ever
if you have any questions feel free to ask.
EDIT:btw i have all of these stored. (as in .cabs, .exes....)
X = Located in Backup
O = Must retrive
O-PDAMedia SIP Keyboard Light v1.0 - Full Screen Keyboard
X-An Original Webby - Alternate Internet Browser
O-TCPMP AAC Plugin - Enables AAC PLayback capabilities for TCPMP
O-TCPMP - Alternate Media Player
A_C Slide2Unlock
X-TNT Task Manager 2_0_30487_2 - Task Manager in Tray
X-The EquinoXe Wizard reTOUCHed - New Phone Keypad
X-PHM Registry Editor
X-CodyPPC Threaded SMS
X-Picsel Browser
X-Adobe Flash Lite 2.1
X-Slither's Cube
X-LAUNCHER - iPhone Emulator
X-Where is my Ram?
X-Christmas Runner Lite
X-Chess v2.0
X-Gnuboy-GameBoyColor Emulator
X-Pokemon Crystal ROM
X-wm6t-waterandfire.tsk - Lighter with Water
X-wm6t-stargateprometheus.tsk - The Prometheus -> Stargate
By the way, the cube isn't all its made out to be. TouchFLO is worth it, but I find myself constantly bringing up the cube on accident, not to mention that its stays in the background after launching. (eating up 8-9% of memory) It's nice to play with, and its great for showing off the capabilities of the phone but in the end, for me, it just wasn't worth it.
Then again, to each their own. Truly, TRY programs out. People like different things so you can't always trust a stranger to give you accurate advice.
I was once a "noob," having switched from Palm to come over to the "dark side" (remind me of the Mac vs PC thing). I have the VZW XV6800 with DCD's 2.3.2 rom onboard. I have thrashed and trashed my poor PPC many times before getting it stable the way I want. I have the following recommendations to all "noobs" who want to see "what works and what doesn't."
1) Don't fear the hard reset. If things go completely screwy, simply start from scratch. I store all my cab files on the card for this purpose. BTW, I have never needed to call Verizon after a hard reset. I simply *228 to program the SPL and "everyting is irie mon."
2) Make every effort to find the answer yourself before posting a question anywhere. You are likely not the first person to have whatever problem you think you have. To coin a phrase, "the truth is out there." If you don't have the time to search for the answer, you probably shouldn't be putsing (a technical term) with your phone. Check here and over at PPCGeeks.
3) Figure out which base application you cannot live without. ake sure that each works with the other by soft resetting after each install and working the phone a bit before loading another. My base for instance is: SPB Mobile Shell 2; PhoneWeaver; WisBar Advance; Live Search; Google Maps; Opera Mini 4; Resco Backup; Resco file Explorer; and SK Tools. I know they work well, and work together. I always load these first after a hard reset.
4) Get a good backup program (Sprite, SPB Backup, Resco), and use it daily or at least before each new testing round.
5) Backup your registry and save the backup in a safe place (card) in case.
6) Test new applications one at a time, with soft reset after each installation. Do not load another new app, until you are sure that you're happy with the previoous one or have fully uninstalled it.
7) Have fun! Be happy! Don't forget that it's just a damned phone with benefits.
those are some nice tips for someone who is new jgilfor. do you mind if i quoted you in my sig or something? (pm me)
warez i use
After going through this thread, i decided to add the apps i run to my sig. When i get home i'll add some more.
I don't know if it's a good idea or not but maybe i could throw up a page with links to the software? Unless i can upload them all here.
What do you vets think?
It's probably a better request to ask for the programs that each person uses. That's more useful than trying to get a list of every single program out there. With a program name and some patience, then you should be able to find the right install file. If not, then this phone was probably not meant for you, sorry. =( Maybe a Nokia? lol, j/k!
Anyways, I like GhettoBSD's idea! I keep a list of programs that I use so that I know what to reinstall after a ROM flash:
Nilisco Flashlight
HTC Voice Recorder
HTC Home and emunutz HTC Home Customizer
HTC Audio Manager
Skunkworks FlashVideoBundle and TCPMP
Lordsmiff Battery Level
Jorrit Jongma WMWifiRouter
JRebeiro EsmertecJbed and Opera Mini
Stroths-Codyppc Led Killer 3.1
Oxios Memory
CooTek Cooperation Touchpal
TomCo Solutions Stopwatch
Do you have a link for the HTC voice recorder that works with Mogul, I tried some but are not working. Cab installs the application, but when trying to record, always get an empty fie of 6b. No matter how long I record always have an empty file named voice00x with size of 6b. Or whay Im doing wrong? I installed the same file in a tytn and works perfect.
Here is what i use
Opera mini (great little browser)
DinarSoft MemMaid ( cleans out junk and temp/ frees memory too)
DinarSoft Handyswitcher (awesome taskbar app with cpu /memory usage that can be on top toolbar in every ap)
Shape Services IM+ ( great instant messanging app )
PPC geeks battery and performance reg hack
acbPowerMeter ( shows how much power apps consume, good for measuring 3g versus no internet use )
Blue Frog Touch Dialer, (htc diamond style dialer , skinable , bigger button layout very cool )
Led Killer 3.1 ( disables annoying flashing green service led )
HTC home plugin schen 2.10 ( nice gui mod, for weather and apps)
Total Commander
lokmeup IE Slow Scroll Fix
Google maps
Cloudyfa EsmertecJbed ( java)
PocketCM keyboard
RARLab pocket rar
Sipchange ( change keyboard tool )
someguy sMMS ( adds ability to send picture sms , providing you get your key from the sprint website)
PocketIRC ( mirc application)
Oxios memory ( free tool to free up unused memory)
TRE Pocket PC (free registry editor)

Thundy's Next Move!! [Let's get some ideas for a New WM GUI]

For those of you who know/remember me, I'm back! You can read my full story among the last few posts of the PocketMelody Thread. The important thing now, is deciding what my next move will be. So, as usual, I'm leaving that up to YOU the community. So head over to the following site, and share your view. I'll probably leave the poll running for a day or so, unless the results begin to be overwhelmingly slanted in one direction . Happy Voting!
Poll Results:
New GUI:28 Votes
Pocket Melody:35 Votes
Picture Viewer: 8 Votes
Other: 4 Votes
Contact Manager: 0 Votes
Why don't you add a poll here on Xda?
More people would see and vote it.....
thundershadow14 said:
Poll Results:
New GUI:28 Votes
Pocket Melody:35 Votes
Picture Viewer: 8 Votes
Other: 4 Votes
Contact Manager: 0 Votes
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Looks like people want Pocket Melody back!
l3v5y said:
Looks like people want Pocket Melody back!
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For sure!!!
Chad, welcome back. We all missed you and your wonderful work. And no matter what endeavor you decide to partake in we will blessed and very grateful for your time and effort.
I'm sure us XDA-ers would like to know your vision for each pathway. Here are some of my thoughts though:
Continue Pocket Melody
For continuing Pocket Melody development, A_C's S2P covers a lot of what I remember from your threads that you and others wanted in Pocket Melody and an iPhone inspired media player. If you go down this road what vision did you have that will distinguish Melody from A_C's?
Picture Viewer
With the Picture Viewer, you have A_C's S2V and the HTC Album. A_C's is simple, very finger friendly and fast. HTC Album has some more advanced gesture support but this also adds in the complexity and sometimes I just can't get the gesture I want. A_C's has clear seperation making it the winner in my eye.
Yet I still think that there could be a need for another picture viewer application of a different style. I still have your Picture Flow beta on my Wizard, just for the effect that it had. Maybe you can continue development on that? Or Maybe you could make one that looks like a real photo album with a page flip effect? 3D style like the Diamond?
On a tangent, maybe a Theme Viewer/Manager might be a good related project. I'm using Pocket Theme Manager v2.0 which is like a 3 year old program, but nothing else is available out there to replace it. It reads the TSK files and caches a JPG thumbnail so once everything is cached it runs pretty fast. Just not finger friendly in comparison to a bunch of the other applications I have installed. Nice to have a quick way to view and change a TSK. The built-in Today Setting control panel definately isn't up to the task.
New GUI Concept
This would be great. No one will ever be happy be happy with our current WM5/WM6/WM6.1 so any improvement in finger friendliness, less clicking, etc...anything to make Windows Mobile to be as easy to use as a regular non-PPC cellphone.
What I would LOVE to see is to cut the top start/title bar in half and have a top bar and bottom bar underneath the softkeys. On the top it will include the normal start button, signal bar, battery, clock, close button. All these will be clickable and function just like the regular top bar. The bottom bar will have an expand arrow/triangle (like PointUI had at the bottom) and when you click on the arrow/triangle it will slide up and give you a floating (maybe semi-transparent) ribbon. This ribbon can contain a program launcher, today plug-ins, whatever. It could just slide up and then have pages you can flip or be able to spin like Yahoo Go!. With this setup you aren't using any more today screen real estate and yet you always have one click access to whatever is on the bottom ribbon. No need to get back to the today screen to see your launcher/today plugins.
Contact Manager
PocketCM is pretty great in my point of view. Skinnable, built-in SMS threader, field editor, filters, favorites, and more. I couldn't think of anything else I would need in a contact manager. And you have a lot of others out there to fulfill the needs of others. Even iContact is back in development. =)
And now for the other category. I just see you and A_C as XDA's finger friendly innovators. I would hate for you guys to utilize your talents in overlapping apps. Then we'll have two great applications from two great developers and then...we'd have to choose. DON'T MAKE US CHOOSE!
So what I recommend is that you push the limits. Do something way out there. You did that with your coverflow and it inspired a lot of others developers. And in some way I believe helped bump up the quality level of applications we see from XDA members.
Best of luck in whatever you choose. And once again we are all very thankful.
l3v5y said:
Looks like people want Pocket Melody back!
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As the votes continue to pour in:
New GUI:39 Votes
Pocket Melody:66 Votes
Picture Viewer: 12 Votes
Other: 5 Votes
Contact Manager: 1 Vote
I love it when users take the time to break things down in that fashion, it helps a lot! Well, taking into consideration what you've said, and the growing rate at which users are voting for the return of PocketMelody, I do worry a little:
A_C's S2P is at a state where it has fullfilled most of the aspirations I had for PocketMelody, and what the community truly needs, is great new applications that will continue to breathe fresh life into our WM platform phones. Now, if I continue to develop PM, I'll need a new path to follow, something that will stand out as different, it used to be coverflow but A_C has implemented this already.
But yet, I cannot simply ignore the overwhelming support that exists for PocketMelody (referring to the votes above), and that's basically what it comes down to for me, as a community developer.
Having said that, personally, I see the most room for improvement and FUN as a developer, in the idea of creating a new GUI. It's something I've had my mind on as I was developing even the ANCIENT Flash based version of Melody WAY BACK WHEN. Lol, but hey, if the votes point to a certain direction; I have no choice but to focus my energies and creativity towards the path of breathing new life into PocketMelody. I only worry that we'll end up with two programs, that do the same thing, but have a different *feel*.
Keep the votes coming in people!!
Beta testers?!?!? You guys still alive?
File Explorer or threaded sms
I would vote for a file explorer or a threaded sms.
1st - A finger friendly file explorer with the same functionality as wm filexplorer, resco, Total commander but with an interface like PocketCM or icontact. large selections and easily scrollable.
2nd - A threaded SMS with the look and feel of PocketCM's threaded sms but as its own standalone application.
3rd - A new UI. I really like the the new PointUI but is sucks a lot of battery and memory on my device. A flash base system may do a lot better.
Curious George
I would still love to see a finger friendly file manager, something that looked and felt a bit like PCM but instead of browsing contacts it would show your files. It would have filters for stuff like favourites (any files you choose) all mp3s, all videos, all photos,all txts, all .exes or whatever you want. It would be possible to set a default action when selecting a file, ie what software would open it. I have suggested such an app a few times before and been swept under the table. I truely think an app like this would be about the most usefull thing on a WM device. If it's not new and been done before why bother. I look in this forum for new and useful stuff and am a bit bored with the lack of new developments at the moment. How many great mp3 players are there allready? Don't be swayed by the masses, as my Mum says "don't be sheep" most people just can't think out of their boxes, do something origional and great.
File Explorer + Finger-Friendly = Awesome Idea!!
Exciting stuff:
New GUI:77 Votes
Pocket Melody:75 Votes
Picture Viewer: 14 Votes
Other: 6 Votes
Contact Manager: 5 Votes
I'm reading and listening to what each and every one of you has to say. At the same time, I'd like to also mention two things.
1)Although whatever this poll
produces will be my next project, I highly doubt it will be my last contribution to this forum .
2)The Polls will be closed at midnight my time . It is now 9:22 PM.
thundershadow14 said:
Beta testers?!?!? You guys still alive?
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Welcome back chad. I would like u to develop a new GUI or a finger friendly explorer. But whatever u go for, Im ready to be ur beta tester again.
Finger Friendly File Explorer or FFFE as i like to call it, LOL, or slide to explore get the idea.
Check out the file explorer A_C incorporated in his S2V or S2P. Like large selections. Or if possible a hybrid of that mixed in with icon exploring like wm6.1 folderview.exe. Either way, large thumb sized selections with a soft interface and easy sliding. Heck you could figure out some way of expanding on album flipping for folders and program launching. Ewwww or building an interface of FFFE that does the job of Resco, total comm etc BUT that also pull info off of an ORB account. Just a thought.
What do you think of taking the idea of Face Contacts and mixing it with the new diamond interface's contact program.
Your thoughts.
for all those looking for a finger freindly file explorer (say that 5 times fast) you should have a look at resco FE. It's not free but it's pretty good, offers lots of options and big buttons.
iphone scrolling for the whole phone like a super moded touch flo or iphone like File Explorer
thundershadow14 said:
As the votes continue to pour in:
New GUI:39 Votes
Pocket Melody:66 Votes
Picture Viewer: 12 Votes
Other: 5 Votes
Contact Manager: 1 Vote
A_C's S2P is at a state where it has fullfilled most of the aspirations I had for PocketMelody, and what the community truly needs, is great new applications that will continue to breathe fresh life into our WM platform phones. Now, if I continue to develop PM, I'll need a new path to follow, something that will stand out as different, it used to be coverflow but A_C has implemented this already.
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Hi maybe you can implement a today plugin for pocketmelody, to see like audiomanager in diamond but with a coverflow interface!!!!
If you do try the file manager could you PLEASE make sure you can edit therom files. Resco made that mistake and got blasted for it with 2008 (I beleive they fixed it) but a shareware version of a killer finger friendly file managerr, I'm up for that...
And thanks for those other BRILLIANT apps I've been using for sooooo long....
And The Winner:
New GUI:107 Votes
Pocket Melody:100 Votes
Picture Viewer: 14 Votes
Other: 7 Votes
Contact Manager: 8 Votes
Okay, this was actually quite dramatic, at exactly 11:58 NEW GUI and Pocket Melody were tied at exactly 100 votes. I began to worry: "oh no, what am I going to do if this thing ends up in a tie? flip a coin?" Lol, then with just one minute left, a flurry of seven votes came ringing in for A New GUI, hence we have our winner.
Okay, the community has spoken and I've officially got my work cut out for me. I've got some ideas, both graphically and code based, but I'd like to hear from you guys as well. In addition, this project will probably be more graphically intense than PocketMelody was, so I'm asking anyone out there with some photoshop skills to please lend a helping hand, and work with me to make this project a success.
Apart from this app's looks, I think it must be a priority to create a UI that has the most used features of our phones built into it, so that the user sees as very little of the original WM UI as possible.
I'd also appreciate it if we can now use this thread to shout out some UI ideas to work with. I'll have a name for the project by tomorrow (I won't waste more time engaging another poll for the name, once we get the project to at least a few releases, we can then think of a refined name).
Looking forward to hearing from everyone, LET THE FUN BEGIN! I'm off to create the perfect dev environment for this project .
thundershadow14 said:
And The Winner:
New GUI:107 Votes
Pocket Melody:100 Votes
Picture Viewer: 14 Votes
Other: 7 Votes
Contact Manager: 8 Votes
Okay, this was actually quite dramatic, at exactly 11:58 NEW GUI and Pocket Melody were tied at exactly 100 votes. I began to worry: "oh no, what am I going to do if this thing ends up in a tie? flip a coin?" Lol, then with just one minute left, a flurry of seven votes came ringing in for A New GUI, hence we have our winner.
Okay, the community has spoken and I've officially got my work cut out for me. I've got some ideas, both graphically and code based, but I'd like to hear from you guys as well. In addition, this project will probably be more graphically intense than PocketMelody was, so I'm asking anyone out there with some photoshop skills to please lend a helping hand, and work with me to make this project a success.
Apart from this app's looks, I think it must be a priority to create a UI that has the most used features of our phones built into it, so that the user sees as very little of the original WM UI as possible.
I'd also appreciate it if we can now use this thread to shout out some UI ideas to work with. I'll have a name for the project by tomorrow (I won't waste more time engaging another poll for the name, once we get the project to at least a few releases, we can then think of a refined name).
Looking forward to hearing from everyone, LET THE FUN BEGIN! I'm off to create the perfect dev environment for this project .
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graphics! whoohoo! I like a good challenge!
Ill start scketching

