Change Font Color on ATT Dialer - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Does anyone know how to change the font color of the digits in the dialer pictured below?

Push back to the front hoping for some insight.
Ive been working with this all day and still cant find a way to change the font color. Seems to be very little on the web regarding it.


Font color and T-mobile logo in the phone screen

Hello, may be, it was posted somewhere, i tried to find it, but didnt found
I installed the blue reptile skin for phone screen from It looks cool and also the fonts in on the keyboard etc are white, that means you can read them very good. The problem is, that the font for the last call, actual call etc. stays black. Is there any register hack or another possibility how to change the font color for these informations?
Also, on the top of the screen is very ugly T-mobile logo, can this be somehow deleted or replaced thru a completly transparent logo?
Thx in advance.
Look here:
I still dont know how to change the color of the fast dial application, as this is also black.
The dialer logo is a picture file in the windows directory. I did not try to change it but I think you can replace it for something else.
Many thanks BlackIce, Greetings to Wien, it works perfectly, cool.

Changing font color of tf3d?

Hi there,
Does anyone knows if its possible to change the front color of manila? I searched the forum but could only find a hex edit way. Isnt there a easier way to get this done? I got a nice white wallpaper now but along with the background on all pages cab (which broke down btw, cant get it to work anymore) it makes most tabs kinda hard to read with all the white text ^^.

Start Menu Font Colour

Does anyone know how to change the start menu font colour to black?
I've tried searching but still can't find a solution. Tried RCMod but still can't change the font colour.
I found out that some manila files must be edited in order to change the font colour. If so, which file and what to be changed?
Anyone knows how to change the font colour?
I would like to know this too...I want to use white background and in wm start menu icon text is white=unreadable. thanks

Changing font color start menu

I was wondering how I can change the font color in the start menu?
My current font color makes text almost unreadable in the start menu.
I found a solution describing a registry fix using color code 39, but that is not working in Windows Mobile 6.5.5
Anyone with some great tips?
I've also have been looking for a way to do this. I have a very light background, and it doesn't blend well with the font color.
look here:
and scroll down!

Themeing xml Question

I've been making my theme for almost a week now and im kind of stuck. the only thing i have left to do is change the text color of the text inside the dialer and the contacts. I've changed the hex colors in the colors xml, values/colors, and values/styles. when i did this in the contacts most of my contacts changed but a lot did not such as the headers like where it says A,B,C and so on.the same thing in my dialer. when i change the colors it doesn't change anything. i was wondering if there was a different xml that needs to be edited that i missed somewhere?
also i want to change the green circle for when you answer the phone and i cannot find that anywhere. is it in a smali or something?

