Alarm clock going off at unassigned times - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

I have tried several ROMs on my Hermes and this eventually happens with all of them -- I utilize multiple alarms on my phone through the Clocks & Alarms settings, and the times I set change almost daily. They work brilliantly for a short period -- sometimes days, sometimes weeks. Then they start going off at random times that aren't set.
If I uncheck all the set alarms then soft-reset, the alarms still go off. If I have an alarm set for 6am, it will go off if checked, but so will one at 7am.
Is there a cache or something for the alarm that I can clear? Some registry settings or a cached system file that holds that information?
And is there a better alarm program out there that someone has had experience with?

i have a similar problem here, i have assigned my alarm, then removed it and started using SPB time as my wake up alarm, on the original alarm, i removd the tick and unhighlighted all the week days, still the alarm goes on every day at the same time, any solution? HR is not an option as iam very very satisfied with my rom.

i had this issue with binky's 3.5 seems to be fixed in 3.6

I think I'm gonna reflash a new ROM and use a 3rd party alarm. Unless someone knows a fix to this.


ok the alarm clock on my telstra jasjam has lost the plot

if I set the alarm it goes off only sometimes yes volume is up thephone locks up
when it does go off the it goes of multipul times at once I get 4 alarms at once and have to dismiss each
I turned off alarms and they still sound I get woken up at 5 am even though I have turned alarm off and if I turn phone off it just goes off when I turn it on
is there a file where it stores the alarm settings that i can edit or a reg edit I can do
I installed alarmtoday(to try and clear alarms) and it shows a list of alarms all set at exactly the same time and i can't delete them
any help you can give would be great
search and run .. `checknotification` from scarybear(?)
Yeah mine woke me up new years morning, twice, I found removing the battery quite effective.
On a serious note, to stop it going off deselect the days, the check box does FA. Wonderful that the simplest things don't work on these bloody things.
me too on 8525
I finally quit using my alarm clock, and set a calendar reminder every day. I got tired of multiple alarms and lockups. I was leaving the phone on and then it would lock up a few minutes after the alarm went off.
pisses me off when the basic stuff I used to use on my harrier doesn't work on this darn thing. a2dp sux, lockups left and right. no cingular player library problems, storage card wakeup issues, voicecommand issues...
hope aku3 with the rom update fixes some of this stuff. cingular says it will be out by feb 1st.

Alarm Issue

I own a Touch, with the ROM version
I have an unusual problem, my alarm is silly... recently the time went back an 1 hour.. I have 3 alarms set every morning, one at 6.35, 7.00 and 7.15! Since ive changed my time an hour back, my alarm goes off 6 times and thats at 5.35, 6.00, 6.15, 6.35, 7.00 and 7.15!
How on earth do i get rid or delete the 5.35, 6.00, 6.15 alarms? I have checked all settings and its clear that ive entered the right times... im so confused!!!!
My Post from a couple of days ago
Mickthemod said:
Since the weekend when we went back to GMT my alarm goes off 1 hour early, (quite annoying)
All of the clock settings are correct
Then the alarm goes off at the correct time .
Done soft reset etc.
Also when I change the battery the clock goes back to- seemingly the last time the phone went to standby
hope there is a answer
Mick the Tired...............
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I used MemMaid trial version to clear the notification queue for windows clock
this seems to have worked , hope I remember next time the clocks go back.
more alarm Problems
as you can see above, i had a problem with the alarm,,which was solved....
But this week I am not going to work ,so I turned off my alarm for M,T W,T,F
at 0515,
But it still goes off , memmaid may clear it this time but i am going to need a permanent fix
I am going to loose sleep over this .........................
I'm using "SPB Time" instead of WM6's alarm...
it's very good...
you can get it from here,
Yeah, Spb Time is great. Alarms count isn't limited, you can create one-time alarms, set ascending ringer etc. You should really try it.

Alarm doesn't work properly

The whole point of setting the alarm is that you can just leave it and know that it will go off at the assigned day and time. Unfortunately, it is just not reliable at the moment. I have already been late for work once, and have gone back to using my WinMo phone for the alarm, as at least that works every time.
It does seem to be an Android issue, I have seen it mentioned on other forums for other handsets, but I want to track down exactly what might be causing it on the Hero, and if there is a work around until HTC/Android releases fix it.
First off, the screen is switched off, but the phone is stil powered on, just like any other phone when you have the alarm set.
When I got the phone on Thursday, I set the alarm for Monday through to Friday, 10.30am.
Friday morning, the phone wakes and the alarm goes off at 10.30. Fine.
Monday morning, nothing happens. Go into the settings, check alarm set for the correct time and day, all is fine, it just didnt go off.
Tuesday morning, it works fine, phone wakes and alarm goes off at 10.30.
Wednesday morning, nothing. WinMo phone alarm wakes me at 10.34. I switch on the Hero's screen, and immediately the alarm goes off, 4 minutes late!
Last night I didnt charge it, thinking it may be an issue when being charged. But this morning it didnt work, so it is not an charging issue.
The Alarm icon was showing the top corner, so the alarm was obviously set, and the Clock App was still running (I checked in Advanced Task Killer). I will try to set it again tonight from scratch, and see if that works.
Having to set it every night would be a pain, but at least it would actually work like it is supposed to.
I've got the same issue and was about to get late for work this very morning just because of it. Luckily me I've got some sleeping disorders so I woke up before the clock should have went of either way...
HTC Needs to fix the clock in their TouchFLO..
Got somewhat the same problem...
Could a hard reset help?
A hard reset didn't do the trick for me. I really need the alarm clock to work so I think I'll buy an alarm clock app on the market, but I shouldn't have to ...
If you are using taskiller or advanced task manager, make sure you exclude the clock app from killed processes. I had this problem, when the clock came back after being killed the alarm wouldn't work even though the icon was there. Excluding it fixed it.
Cheers Ewans, i was killing the clock process and it was this that stopped my alarm this morning. Made me late! Still, i forwarded my boss this link so he could read himself. (Not that he was mad. He's a great boss!)
We should maybe think about making a list of processes, what they do and what you can/can't kill.
For instance, i don't use the Twitter widget as i find the notification bar and having Peep on my home screen just as quick and less resourceful hungry. But if you kill Peep sitting in the background, it will stop any notifications, so this needs to be left alone.
Even if I don't kill it (noticed that too), it still fails to go off sometimes.
Yes, it is not totally obvious what is going on yet.
The fix (based on one days trial!) seems to just before I sleep to go into the clock app, disable the alarm, then immediately enable it again.
This results in the "Your alarm will sound in 7 hours 10 minutes" type message.
That worked this morning, the question is if I leave it alone now, and dont kill the clock app, will it still work tomorrow? And if I restart the phone, will the Clock app and then the alarm still be running or do I have have to go into the Clock App manually?
If my clock is showing on the home page, and the alarm icon is in the top bar, I expect the alarm to go off.
It should not be possible to kill the alarm process, it shouldnt be part of the clock app at all, but a separate background process with settings controlled by the clock app, but not reliant on the clock app running.
This is what I've found out.
When you program your alarm for multiple days, it only sounds the first day.
If you uncheck and check your alarm, it will go of the next day.
This is without using TasKiller or something similar and without resetting. (just did nothing)
It looks like the multiple day option is a fake and you will have to set it every day. Allthough I haven't tried out multiple alarms, thinking about seven alarms, but you'll have to reset at least once a week.
Good luck waking up
Alarm works fine for me now, I use one for weekdays that goes off everyday, and another just on Sundays at a different time. I'm using a standard G2.
Check out the alarm volume settings.
The alarm has its own volume setting which can be change when you are inside the clock app and select the ringtone for an alarm (by pressing the standard volume up/down keys).
By accident mine was set to lowest value so it didn't go off but just vibrated.
Ok, after a week of testing, it seems that if you dont bugger around with killing the clock app via Task Killer or something else, it is fine.
I havent yet seen whether it will still be set if I completely switch off and switch on again. I will try that tonight. Even though alarm icon is shown, will the alarm be set without me going into the Clock app explicitly?
Works for for me, 2 alarms set for 6:15 & 6:30am mon - fri, never had an issue.

Alarm bug

the clock component has got a nasty bug:
1. Set alarm to now + a few minutes
2. Wait for screen to turn off
3. Press home button to look at the current time
4. Let screen go off again
This could cause major chaos - luckily for me I just woke up half an hour later than was planned - I didn´t have to catch a plane or anything thankfully.
Phone is not rooted etc. original out of the box with a few extra apps and widgets installed.
Info. (from Android System Info. App):
1. Build: 2.1-update 1
2. Release codename: REL
3. Running Launcher Pro
Anybody else noticed this?
I´ve been scanning some forums and it has been suggested that using a taskkiller is a no-go. If that is right then something is badly amiss with the architecture - a non-rooted taskkiller should have no permission to kill, what I would expect to be root tasks such as the alarm.
MoWa22 said:
Yikes - that was a bit harsh. Just got an e-mail from the WSPA demanding me to apologize. I'm sorry, I'm very sorry, that I suggested that Korean mountain monkeys should be responsible for the coding at Samsung.
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The monkies got really pissed off by your post. They don't give a **** about your phone, and you shouldn't imply that they do.
Sent from my personal Dis-organizer GT-I9000
Using it everyday and I tried several FW no issue
If you have a auto-task killer or you kill a lot clock it's sure that it won't work properly
get this one it's awesome
Alarm Clock PlusV2
it will turn on your speakers, no matter what
it can even TALK to you
it's fantastic!!!
markwil said:
the clock component has got a nasty bug:
1. Set alarm to now + a few minutes
2. Wait for screen to turn off
3. Press home button to look at the current time
4. Let screen go off again
This could cause major chaos - luckily for me I just woke up half an hour later than was planned - I didn´t have to catch a plane or anything thankfully.
Phone is not rooted etc. original out of the box with a few extra apps and widgets installed.
Info. (from Android System Info. App):
1. Build: 2.1-update 1
2. Release codename: REL
3. Running Launcher Pro
Anybody else noticed this?
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Are you sure that the alarm is the problem?
Lately I experienced problems with the alarm, but the real problem is that the clock doesn't update! It freezes and then suddenly jumps forward to the right time.
My alarm was set to 0700, but when I woke up I immediately understood that I overslept. I looked at my phone and the clock showed 06:48 and I was confused. A few seconds later the clock changed to 1003 which was the right time.
This problems has encountered many times, which makes the phone useless as an alarm clock.
Been using the alarm every morning for the past 2 months now, without any problems.
I also use launcher pro, and have advanced task killer set to aggressive, though with alarm in ignore list. I can press home button to check time after alarm is set, and the alarm will go off as planned.
The only minor thing I'm encountering is that I sometimes find myself turning off the alarm completely by pressing the stop button when the smooth alarm goes off, while still half asleep, when in fact I want to snooze until the real alarm goes off. I somehow need to train myself to press the home button when waking up at the first alarm...
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
iammichel said:
The only minor thing I'm encountering is that I sometimes find myself turning off the alarm completely by pressing the stop button when the smooth alarm goes off, while still half asleep, when in fact I want to snooze until the real alarm goes off. I somehow need to train myself to press the home button when waking up at the first alarm...
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I used to do this myself, so I now have three alarms set to go off within five minutes of each other. So far I haven't managed to stop all three.
The bug that i have experienced is that If i wake before the alarm rings and i off it manually by going into "clock" the alarm still rings on the time ive set. Happened to me twice so far and i'm very sure that i have offed the alarm as the alarm sign in the taskbar was not there. The bug only occurs when i set the alarm overnight, If i set it for 2 mins from now and off it halfway, it deosn't ring which is correct.. but leaving it overnight, then waking up myself and offing it, it still rings when the time ive set the night before has reached...
I have this nasty bug with alarm. If I didnt dismiss the alarm, after awhile the alarm screen disappear. After that the screen wont turn off even if I press the power button. Have to klill the clock.
Itsme87 said:
Are you sure that the alarm is the problem?
Lately I experienced problems with the alarm, but the real problem is that the clock doesn't update! It freezes and then suddenly jumps forward to the right time.
My alarm was set to 0700, but when I woke up I immediately understood that I overslept. I looked at my phone and the clock showed 06:48 and I was confused. A few seconds later the clock changed to 1003 which was the right time.
This problems has encountered many times, which makes the phone useless as an alarm clock.
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Had the same issue, but after disabling "Automatic (Use network provided values)" it's worked fine.
The only reasons that I found that could freeze your phone is too low cpu with setcpu or auto task killer ...
I disabled all task killers etc. yesterday and set the alarm (with my old mobile as backup!). It worked - I pressed snooze but the alarm did not sound again....
A colleague experienced my original problem this morning and arrived late for work...
My main issue with the sgs is that a "root"-system task like the alarm should not be killable by any other app. not posessing root rights.
Sure I could add the alarm app. to the ignore list of my task killer but it feels wrong and should be unnecessary.
I´ll try the other alarm apps. recommended (and add them to the ignore list of my task killer as they are not native sgs "system" apps.).
i use the alarm every single day and i dont think i have your issue, and by that i mean i dont ever do the steps that you listed.
the only time i had the alarm not come back on after hitting snooze is when i used the smart alarm. since i dont use check the smart alarm box i have no issues, and i hit snooze 3-5 times every morning!
i did have an issue with the alarm not going off at all and i figured out that if i set an alarm, then pressed the back key while in the alarm app it would close the app and the alarm wouldnt work. just before i go to bed i open the alarm app then press the home button (while the screen is still on) and i have not had an issue in over two weeks.
i do not use task killers any more. i do use the built-in task killer to kill the music player or any streaming apps or i just press the back key while in any other app that i dont want running in the background and my device runs great
No problems here.. Been using my SGS for 3 Months, I've set 3 alarms in the morning M-F.
using Stock FW XJF4 and TaskPanel (task killer)
I am also experiencing the same alarm bug.
When i set it and leave the phone unused for a couple of hours it doesn't go off in the scheduled time (and not even after I turn on the screen).
Also the clock doesn't update....for 1-2 seconds after turning on the screen it shows a past time!
I 've searched elsewhere and the problem might be that the phone goes into a deep sleep/suspend state and the alarm app cannot wake it, only by manually turning on the screen.
One solution is to leave it connected to the charger all night, so it doesn't go to deep sleep.
The thing is that i cannot recall having this problem before rooting the phone with OCLF 2.0.
I am wondering if RyanZA's minfree has to do something, and if it is possible to exclude the alarm/clock app from ever being killed.
I am using the latest standard firmware JF5 and Android 2.1 update 1
I've not had that issue, but I'll tell you one thing I've had happen once or twice... if I set the countdown timer, the lock screen sometimes appears over the top of it when it goes off and then when you unlock it, you are just greeted by the home screen and not the clock, despite the thing going off, so you can't turn off, and you can't even switch to the task because trying to do so opens another clock - so you end up having to kill it with the task manager.
I'd actually forgotten about that little bug when I was ranting in another thread.
I've said it before though - I would NOT rely on this phone for anything mission critical.
the stock alarm is crap, don't use it at all
use the app i suggested above, it beats all any other alarm apps hands down
AllGamer said:
the stock alarm is crap, don't use it at all
use the app i suggested above, it beats all any other alarm apps hands down
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No good...
Clock still doesn't update during deep sleep/suspend mode and AlarmClock rings only when you switch-on the screen.
Any other help/suggestions?
OCLF: 2.0
minfree: moderate
i also have the alarm clock problem since day 1 ..
now it's better with fw jm8 anyway...
i don't use taskkillers etc..btw..
but still i had 2 alarm occations that it missed..
i'm thinking it maybe could be amount of available ram that is the cause?
the 2 times alarm have missed is when i have i have forgotten to clear ram using the samsung task manager..
u who have much available free ram u have?
and have you changed the snooze settings?..(i'm thinking this also could be the problem.... hmmm )

Alarm clock playing up?

Right, my alarm seems to be playing up on the HD2. I have the alarm set in the week only Monday - Friday.
As I don't work weekends, I turn the alarm off, and DID double check this last night. But this morning @ 3,40am the Alarm went off?
How is this possible, when I physically turn the alarm off? Getting really on my nerves now if im honest.
happens to me too, seems to come and go.....
hard reset wont resolve it either....
hard reset probably did resolve it but it occured again after reinstalling all the stuff that I deem "essential"
so its probably caused by something in there....
I really cant think of any link between what I have installed and the alarm function......
That's why I use the old free version of gAlarm still. Windows alarm is unreliable. gAlarm wakes me up every time I want it to, and never when I don't.
Since the old version that I have is freeware, but the app has since become payware, I'm not sure if I can post the cab.
If I can get confirmation from a mod, I'd be happy to attach it for you
I've no answer to this other than to use SPB Time,G-alarm or Klaxon
All 3 work just fine...
I solved the problem with a £3.99 clock radio
I have NO issues at all with the alarm, BUT I set it up using the control panel not via the Manila home page, It's not failed me in months, the snooze (every 5 minutes) works, and if I leave it on it repeats every 45 seconds until I get fed up with it (normaly between 3 and 7 times)
All three alarms work, and I can set a different alarm for each of the 3
I also suffer this problem, the alarm is unreliable.
I heard you can fix it by turning off sense and setting it in windows because these values would become out of sync, but have not tried.
Klaxon resulted in crashes for me, resulting in the alarm (an mp3 file) not going off.
Just be warned in advance.
reijkelhof said:
I also suffer this problem, the alarm is unreliable.
I heard you can fix it by turning off sense and setting it in windows because these values would become out of sync, but have not tried.
Klaxon resulted in crashes for me, resulting in the alarm (an mp3 file) not going off.
Just be warned in advance.
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There's another alarm bug thread here where it has been tested and confirmed that it's not a sense related issue. It's Windows.
It has been said that changing volume settings after setting your alarms has a big effect on whether the alarms will behave as expected, or go off at all.
Seems changing your volume after setting the alarms messes things up, and so does having pending appointments, as Windows will play your reminder right before the alarm goes off, messing things up too.
I'm gonna go ahead and post gAlarm v1.51 in a while,after my kids go to bed. If any mods/admin have a problem with it, I'll take it down. I think it should be ok, since that version is freeware
EDIT: Here ya go guys. Hope I'm not breaking any rules here.
You might need .netFW3.5 to install/run it.

