Viewing flash movies? - Mogul, XV6800 General

I'd like to be able to watch those full length movies like on certain sites (not sure if I can mention them there) but they are in flash media formats instead of wma formats. Is there some way to make those work?
Sorry for the newbie questions. I've been searching quite a bit. One term I'm trying to figure out is what is "making a kitchen"
Also does anyone know why the frame rate hack for the video camera says not to go above 19fps? Also how do you change to avi and other formats? I see them in the registry, but not as an option in the GUI.
Thanks guys.

ElementalWindX said:
I'd like to be able to watch those full length movies like on certain sites (not sure if I can mention them there) but they are in flash media formats instead of wma formats. Is there some way to make those work?
Sorry for the newbie questions. I've been searching quite a bit. One term I'm trying to figure out is what is "making a kitchen"
Also does anyone know why the frame rate hack for the video camera says not to go above 19fps? Also how do you change to avi and other formats? I see them in the registry, but not as an option in the GUI.
Thanks guys.
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You can try Flash video and Tcmp prolly the best out their and "Making a kitchen" is making a rom. But u MUST install Tcmp and flash video bundle on the Place and instal tcmp FIRST ill post the files for u xD

Sry i keep getting "database error" when i try to attach.

And mind sending me the site
Ok I have the DCD kitchen now and I've downloaded the tcpmp but it doesn't do flash movies. I cant find the "flash video" program your talking about.

Try searching this "Skunkworks Flash video bundle" on the overall forum not just titan.

You're probably talking about a site that sounds like jukebox. I won't name names, but that site also does not work for me on my phone. The flash video bundle WILL work for google videos, youtube, some others including some cheezy porn sites but that's about it.
I actually use ORB to steam media right from my pc to my phone. MUCH nicer. If you have a hardware based tv capture card, you can actually watch tv on your phone AND change channels.
FILES Posted in this thread

I use Skyfire. It's amazing. Sign up for their beta and you'll see.


porn porn porn porn more porn

What Happend To All The Porn Sites On The Flash Video Bundle?
None Of Them Work Anymore ;/
They still work - it's just that you've gone blind
I would guess they were affected by stage6 going down like just about every other streaming divx site out there. Don't worry, it's only a matter of time before someone else picks up the slack. Veoh is trying to, but I'm not sure if they host adult content.
Is there a Flash Program that I can down load for my PPC Mogul 6800 that will enable me to watch the vidoes on ? I had a few flash programs but none of them work for that site...when I go there from my phone and click on a video it says "you need flash to view this video" there already a cab for this?
Go to movie theater from right... get an account.. stream
thousands of vids..from all kinds of catigories.. the vids stream right into great!!
fridayy said:
Go to movie theater from right... get an account.. stream
thousands of vids..from all kinds of catigories.. the vids stream right into great!!
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I jus viewed that site..and even set up an account but you have to "buy time" to look at something...That sucks..Thanx but no thank you..I dont want to pay for porn when there are many sites out there where you can view them for free like ...that site is 100% free only things is that I cant view it from my phone because it tells me that I need "Flash Player" to view the videos. I just dont know which flash player I need for it to work. does anyone else have any ideas?
Sorry, duplicate.
I have the same problem with youporn. I have set TCPMP as my default player and set it as the player of FLV files, but it won't play them on that site.
I can download the videos to my storage card and they play fine from there with TCPMP. I think it would work if there is a way to tell PIE to use TCPMP for FLV files online, but I don't know how to do that, or if it's possible.

YouTube On The Titan - Error Code.

I can browse to in my browser...I can click on "watch video"...then when the rtsp:// stream comes up, it opens windows media player, then I get "An unknown error 0X8007274D has occured." and it doesn't play the video.
I am not married to WMP, so if there is anothe rplayer that is faster, less bulky, like VLC but for mobile and can handle youtube streams, then I will be happy to use it, or can I get a flash plugin to make youtube work on my Titan lik eit does on a normal pc? with streaming flash?
Or if you have a way to make WMP work and not erro-out, then that's fine to, thanks.
::: Connor
USE TCPMP WITH FLASHVIDEOBUNDLE....POSTED ALL OVER THIS SITE SO TAKE A SEARCH...I heard to not feed the noobs when they post like this...Next time search and read....then ask for help. Im a noob myself and have learned that by not asking questions that are answered a million times tend to get help easier when needed.
I am not a noob. I already tried TCPMP or I wouldn't have posted this, duh!
I installed it, then put the designated files in the root dir. tried it before a soft reset and again after, and when i click on a video to watch in youtube it says "TCPMP does not support rtsp protocol"
So try not being so harsh sometimes, you kinda came off as a jerk.
you'll need to download the htc streaming media player, becuz the wmp doesnt support it
If you only want youtube then download youtubeplay by milesmowbray its the pastest way to watch
crobs808 said:
I am not a noob. I already tried TCPMP or I wouldn't have posted this, duh!
I installed it, then put the designated files in the root dir. tried it before a soft reset and again after, and when i click on a video to watch in youtube it says "TCPMP does not support rtsp protocol"
So try not being so harsh sometimes, you kinda came off as a jerk.
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Noob or not you should STILL read these threads and learn how to do things properly (Especially the instructions )
First download the latest Flashvideo Bundle CAB if you don't have it already.
Install TCPMP to your SD Card
Once TCPMP has installed copy the Flashvideo Bundle CAB to the TCPMP Folder that was created in Progam Files directory in your SD Card
From within the TCPMP program files directory initiate the installation of Flashvideo Bundle and save it to your SD Card
Then soft reset.
Once restarted launch TCPMP and check all the necessary file association options that you would need.
Now you can launch internet explorer --- visit (full version) and you should be able to view Youtube videos automatically from TCPMP
though i am not sure what everybody uses youtube for so much. what does everybody watch all the time?? anyway....try veveo ( love it b/c it searches more sites and plays great...good luck
Thanks for clearing this up CARLOS...Do I really come off as a JERK? I thought since I supplied the solution that I was being nice. And that I related to Him that I was also a NOOB(which he/she wants to deny) that I wasnt hurting his feelings. I merely pointed out what every sticky in every forum states...READ before posting.
If you just want youtube you can use youtubeplay...Think I found it somewhere on this site. Nice if your just using for youtube...built in player and downloader/streamer...metioned a few post above...figured I would post.
prepsssuck said:
Thanks for clearing this up CARLOS...Do I really come off as a JERK? I thought since I supplied the solution that I was being nice. And that I related to Him that I was also a NOOB(which he/she wants to deny) that I wasnt hurting his feelings. I merely pointed out what every sticky in every forum states...READ before posting.
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Nope you weren't....You were just stating the obvious which some people don't get
prepsssuck said:
USE TCPMP WITH FLASHVIDEOBUNDLE....POSTED ALL OVER THIS SITE SO TAKE A SEARCH...I heard to not feed the noobs when they post like this...Next time search and read....then ask for help. Im a noob myself and have learned that by not asking questions that are answered a million times tend to get help easier when needed.
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TCPMP doesnt work on my phone. There are two versions of the xv6800, some that work right, and some that are a pain in the butt...I guess for $80 I got one of the pain in the but phones. I cannot use any roms or anything other than stock rom/radio, so oh well. i can live with it for $80, lol.
besides, my friend has 3.1.2 on his xv6800, and mine actually runs fast on stock rom. so make me happy.
-thanks anyway
crobs808 said:
TCPMP doesnt work on my phone. There are two versions of the xv6800, some that work right, and some that are a pain in the butt...I guess for $80 I got one of the pain in the but phones. I cannot use any roms or anything other than stock rom/radio, so oh well. i can live with it for $80, lol.
besides, my friend has 3.1.2 on his xv6800, and mine actually runs fast on stock rom. so make me happy.
-thanks anyway
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After following Carlos' directions...what happens when you go to play video...When you click on the vid from should get a few I believe Link.... Is it doing this? IF TCPMP is erroring out check the tcpmp folder and make sure you have the flvsplitter and flvffmeg files.
that veveo works really good,i dont know why i dont hear more about it. just go to from your phone and it goes right to the right install page, pretty easy
i followed the instructions to the letter...when i click "watch video" is still openes TCPMP then says "RTSP protocol not supported", and I have both the files for flash support in the TCPMP folder.
No worries, I uninstalled TCPMP and just used the youtube CAB file provided earlier in this thread and it works great Thanks!!
Are you going to and not the Mobile site? You have to be at the and choose the desktop version.From what I read the mobile site is in .3GPP which is not supported... I believe you can still download the videos and watch them in tcpmp.I never stream cause its always is choppy...NO 3G
prepsssuck said:
Are you going to and not the Mobile site? You have to be at the and choose the desktop version.From what I read the mobile site is in .3GPP which is not supported... I believe you can still download the videos and watch them in tcpmp.I never stream cause its always is choppy...NO 3G
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I just tested TCPMP again to make sure that the flashvideo bundle still works.
It still works and doesn't need any updated version.
Who knows he might be using an old version of the Flashvideo bundle, he might not have the file association for flashvideo checked, or he isn't viewing with pocket internet explorer.
I use TCPMP alot. I watch several movies on my xv6800. The quality isn't that bad either even when I stream youtube using WiFi.
Yeah wouldnt go without tcpmp...Streaming with wifi is great but when I stream on 1X service it blows...buddy has TILT with 3g and pisses me off....Could just be Stock rom....that was just a joke....I attached the same cabs I was using so it should have worked if installed correctly.
you tcpmp users are really missing out...i dont know if it is the decreased ram usage or what, but the cab file actually modifies the shell rather than installing additional memory hogging software...besides I can stream over both 3g and 1X with the youtubecab just fine.
its hard to find a 1X area where i live, but i tested youtube streaming on 1X, a 4minute video, played the whole way through without buffering. i guess im just lucky.
thanks for the cab file again guys.
Pretty sure Titans dont have 3g...or at least I havent heard of it or seen it....If your just using titan to watch youtube than youtubeplay is the way to go...But your very limited to playback on your titan...wmp doesnt support neary as many formats as tcpmp... Have you tried Downloading off of youtubeplay...It downloads in FLV and evertime I have used that and downloaded it has to play in tcpmp since I believe the youtubeplay player is only for playing streamed vids.

Using Super to convert Video - Quick Question

I'm using Super as per this link ( ) to re-encode my video files for optimum playing on my Touch HD.
However whenever I choose Flash video it shows he output file to be an SWF and not FLV.
I have a later build than that shown in the picture and I can't get it to say FLV.
Can somebody help?
EDIT: Scrap that I clicked encode and it gave me the option then...sorry - consider closed
hold up a sec pls.
this is even more of a newb question but..
What if you just want to covert a simple naughty mpg file from limewire etc?
would you still need to buy Coreplayer to get good result?
I'm using the old settings from my n95 atm so any basic settings appreciated.
That's a good question. quite frankly my Artemis was easier to use in terms of video playback...I encoded with PocketDivxEncoder and made the res smaller and job done. However I find lots of videos playing better in ALBUM than in Coreplayer (which is shocking in most flicks to be fair).
I have yet to find a "one size fits all" guide. I grab mostly XVIDs and want to convert them (I'm now downloading 720p rips and I'll see how they convert to FLV)...I converted a 720p trailer to FLV and it's lovely!
oh ok thanks.
I really have read up a bit more on the Wiki or other stickies cos I think I understood about two words of that second paragraph
I just wanna convert some free porn that's all..
If you want the perfect videos for the Touch HD, use this tool:
HTC Touch Video Converter
It has the optimal settings and is very easy to use.
...and it also doesn't give me very good videos to play - I think perhaps it's my source vid?
I used the coverter for more than 100 files already (HDTV and SDTV) and all have very good quality.
One thing is important for playback:
You MUST use Windows Media Player or the HTC Album for playback !
Only these programs can utilize the hardware acceleration and you need it, because the converted files are close to the maximum the HD can play.
If you still don't get good results, I guess you are right and the source file isn't the best.
Maybe you try some other files to see where the problem is.

DivX Media Player - Easy As!!!!

i've tried coreplayer, and messed around with all the settings etc, winmo media player is obviously pure balls and everything else i've searched for has been rubbish or just doesn't work.
Now i don't know if this is posted anywhere else, i certainly didn't find it with a few simple searches on here, so i thought i'd post it for everybody else for easy finding!
the DivX mobile player plays nearly all my video files (downloaded...lets face it, we all do it ) flawlessly and with no recoding, no editing etc, just drag and drop onto sd and it automatically shows up in the DivX player.
So just a heads up for the rest of you who might be interested.....
is the place to go!
Take it easy
No videos?
Well,I tried it and it looks nice... I have a lot of videos on my Memory Card,but neither of them appear in DivX player...I tried to put some videos in the same folder in Program files/DivX player,but no success.
What to do to have my videos visible in DivX player?
Thanks a lot for your efforts.
I cant really claim to be expert in these things, i'm not new here, but really not an advance user i really on the rest of the genii in these fora to helpME out. but as far as simple solutions, try closing divx, taking out/reinserting card then start divx again...or in the menu on bottom right theres refresh videos (or something to that effect) try clicking that and see what happens. if neither of these works, i'm afraid i'm as clueless as you sorry mate
I tried all of that already mate...but no success.
I think I will have to remove it from my TP2. Because it is useless,unless I find out how to show all videos I have.
Anyway,thanks a lot for your reply.
Err... I'm gessing the divX player only read's avi files...
Supported codecs...
You are right, recognizes only AVI files.....
And,due to high resolution screen on TP2,menu items in DivX player are sooooo small and tiny. I think this player is not intended for TP2 actually.
Admittedly, I didn't download it. But the way the site reads it should play DivX and it says nothing about Avi. Actually, it doesn't really say much of anything as far as the technical specs are concerned. It does say that it is beta software available for a limited time only and it will expire. So tread carefully.
kimtyson said:
Admittedly, I didn't download it. But the way the site reads it should play DivX and it says nothing about Avi. Actually, it doesn't really say much of anything as far as the technical specs are concerned. It does say that it is beta software available for a limited time only and it will expire. So tread carefully.
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FYI - DivX files are almost always AVI. AVI isn't a video's a container for video files in a lot of different formats.

[Q] Mobo player

I just downloaded mobo player and the codec file for it. I wanted to play video's directly on the internet on my xoom. I thought downloading this would help me but video's are still not playing?
I do not understand the media directory thing is there anything I am missing.
I picked media directory to be my downloads in my Astro file. This is right out of the box. I have done nothing to unlock or root this device.
Can anyone please explain to me what I need to do to play video's from a web page on the net. For example I went to a site for Las Vegas wanted to play video of Terry Feder show would not play?
I'm pretty good at following directions. I understand PC very well just learning about cell phones and tablets.
I only downloaded the codec file because the video still wasn't playing.
I do not want to do anything that will mess up my xoom?
Sorry I think I should have posted this in questions forum.
Did you try tapping and holding the video you want to play then selecting soft decoding? You have to do that to a large majority of videos for the xoom.
Yes I did. When the video appears on the screen there is a small blue dice in the center with a ? on it. There seems to be lots of videos that won't play. Is there anything in the codec file that I need to change. I saw the soft decoding for one of the video extensions?
Just found something that says default using soft decoding in settings I checked it. Still no luck. You tube videos play fine
When I tap the video the screen turns light blue but nothing comes up and their are no options available to select.
you said your trying to play videos from a site. What site and what video format? Link?
Go to any video it does not work. That is just one of the sites. I cannot tell what the video format is? How can i see that. On the right hand bottom of my screen it says autoplay ON. I do not know if that is from Mobo app or something else.
took a spin around the world wide web and seems the videos on your site metacafe are FLV files.
go to the market.. install one of these in the list and see if any will work.
not sure which ones are compatible with the xoom so just go in and check on the tech details. better yet go there with your xoom so it will filter out which ones will work.
you can also just search "flv player" w/o quotes in the market and see what you come up with.
That site seems to use a bunch of different kinds of video. Hulu videos wont work, but the flash videos will if you install flash, obviously. Moboplayer is for mp4, avi, mpeg, and other types of video commonly not found streaming on websites.
Just called Motorola and figured out that Flash Player needed to be downloaded. Do I feel stupid. I thought it came with it and was on it when I got it. I then went back to the site and the video played.
Do you think MoboPlayer will interfere with anything on my tablet. Should I remove it?
Or should I leave it. Don't even know if it works on the xoom. It did not work to get the FLV file working that is supports. Any input would be appreciated.
keep it. it can play other movie formats.
timrock said:
keep it. it can play other movie formats.
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I never heard of this player, anyone have any screenshots or details on how it works?
Alxoom33 said:
I never heard of this player, anyone have any screenshots or details on how it works?
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it just works
amazing that an XDA member of a xoom tablet has not heard about moboplayer. thats wild.. rockplayer is made by the same dev that made moboplayer. mobo player is a really great video app! a must have..

