Fixing MMS on 8525! Plz Help! - Networking

Alright i am having a problem sending and receiving MMS can anyone please help me to fix this???


Problems with SMS after installing Dopood Gps Rom

anyone notice any problems with SMS?
I can't recieve or send.
does anybody who had a similar problem can help me?
OK Now
No Problem.

My ATOM can not send MMS?

Could you pliz solve this problem? I can not send MMS, but can receive? I have already use Auto Config but still can not? Thanks...

OpenTouch4cn WWE rom Network Help Please

So I was able to install this particular ROM on my phone but after doing so I couldn't connect to the web or send or receive mms. Does anyone know how to fix this issue? Any help would be appreciated.

How to fix problem in sending chinese SMS?

when i was using CMDA hero 200,there are some problem in sending SMS in chinese
Send text message in english character is OK,but it can not be read when in Chinese charcter
How to fix it?
I got the same problem with you. And still no idea what cause this problem.
Anyone can tell us about it? I appreciate your help, please.

problems with msm and mms

hi i have a verizon xv6700 flashed to cricket and i can recieve sms messages but not send them. And also i can not recieve or send mms.... can sum1 pls help meee with that!!??

