I have a high pitched noise coming from my Wizard - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

A few days ago my Cingular 8125 /HTC Wizard started making a very high pitched noise. It's coming from my ear piece speaker. If i press the power button to turn the screen off the noise goes away.
Has anyone else got this?

maby underclocking your processor
I had the same kind of thing for a while.
Then i noticed it was caused bij batterystatus which I used to overclock but also underclock my wizard.
The lower I clocked it, the more noise it made.
Maybe something for you too..
(it happend only in IDLE of course because then it was only running on 148 for instance.
I hope it helps you..


Ready for some ear-test?

Hi guys,
I've found a very interesting sound effect on my O2 XDA Mini (=Magician). I've been having the phone for a few days only, but right from the very first calls I noticed that the speaker creates a very high frequency continuous beep-sound, not loud of course, but crazy high, something like the well-known side effect of the old CRT TVs. At first I thought it is produced during a conversation. Then today, I held my phone to my ears without any calls, and guess what: the beep is there. :shock: It's produced always!
I started to look around, and had a hunch that the LCD backlight can be the problem. I played a little with the backlight setting and found that I was right, the sound is poduced only when the light is set to low. It's loudest at the first notch of the light slider, and gets more and more quiet as you set the backlight higher.
Now I wonder if it's a special problem with my phone (like some bad quality filtering somewhere in the power electronics of the backlight system) or if it is the same with your devices.
Please try it and post your comments. Listen closely! And try both ears (not kidding), the sound is very quiet and very high in frequency, so your ears may not be up to the task to pick it.
Have to be honest I can't get a quite second at the moment but I'm pretty sure I've noticed this noise before as well. Another noise which can be irritating is the GSM radio module and it's intermitting buzzing (a quiet version of what you hear when unshielded speakers pick up your signal).
So basically I'm not sure but I think it's a generic issue with the backlight
I found that too....
it's quite irritating as it looks like an old TV turned on.
I hope that won't be a problem to our ear in the future

EM-ONE constant speaker noise

I recently bought an EM-ONE here in Japan and so far I am quite pleased with the device. It has a few shortcomings, but nothing too serious apart from one bug that is really annoying: When the device is turned on there is constant white and high frequency noise coming from the speaker. Even if I mute them the noise is still there and quite perceptible when the volume is tuned low. This turns out really bad when using the device's microphone as the noice gets recorded as well which puts a lot of static on the line. My question would be if there is anyone else sharing this problem (maybe on another device) and if there is anything I can do about it. Any help will be greatly appreciated!

phone buzzing question

i have a tmobile wing it seems that when the screen is on, theres a loud high pitched noise and a rough buzzing coming through the earpiece. but when i shut the screen off and the phone is running, no more noise. the time i really use the earpiece is when im actually on the phone talking. is there an program or something that can shut the screen off automatically when im connected on a call? that would be cool. thanks for reading
homescreen plus plus (battery meter)
tmobile wing settings
omapscaler: min:97mhz normal:201mhz max:201mhz boost:247mhz
omapapp: phone: 247mhz
It's the interference between the processor frequency and the lcd screen. It's not actually coming from your earpiece... it's the whole screen while it's on. It gets worse if you set homescreen plus plus to a dynamic processor speed... Under 200mhz it becomes louder and much more audable. At 247 you should just have the high pitch tone. No way to get rid of it. Except do like I do, press the power button and turn off the screen everytime you have a conversation using the earpiece. Just letting u know, it's not only you that the phone makes that sound. On my 2nd wing (herald) because of it before I realized it's simply a design flaw. They all do that. Old folks won't mind because they can't hear the high pitch... I've experimented lol

better volume control on the call

hi guys,
just got my new x1. I am familiar with WM and HTC as I have spent almost whole summer playing with Kaiser so x1 is nothing new to me. however, the first thing which i have noticed is that the volume during call in x1 is just too loud although it's set to minimum. Kaiser wasn't that loud. so, the thing is that I am bit of suffering when i need to talk to someone as the volume is too loud and I can hear "beeeeep" in my ear. crap, isn't it?
do you guys by any chance know if there is any way to change the speaker volume while on the call so that it's not as loud as it is now? is there any plugin allowing user to better control the volume of the interlocutor?
any thoughts will be highly appreciated!
no ideas? does that mean I am the only one suffering from this issue? :/
during calling just presse up-down hardware button on upside of the x1
in normal operation they set system/ring volume, during phone operation they set the speaker call volume
I have the same problem. I have set the volume to the lowest possible setting yet it is still loud. I would expect the lowest possible setting to be mute.
Is there anyway of getting it so that the volume bar works in a more sensible way?
Anything on this? I can't keep my phone on my ear when i'm talking with someone. Have to keep a few cm's distance or my head splits. Call volume is at minimum..
hey there. first post on the forum but i've been reading for a few weeks already and finally bought an Xperia.
Anyway, I have the same problem as you guys: even on the lowest setting, volume is still too loud during a call. I've looked accross the net and didn't find any relevant info on how to solve this does anyone have any idea on how that would be solvable ? registry trick or something ?
thanks in advance
hmmm, my situation is totally different. My X1i volume during call is set to maximum and it's too quiet for me. When I'm outside, on the street I can't hear person hanging on the other side. At home, when it's quiet it's all ok.
My ears are quite good , I've tested them 2 months ago.
If you guys have already tried what webguitar mentions above, then i think you may have a problem with your specific handset
There are a couple of threads in the forum about ways to increase volume ...but I've certainly not seen anything suggesting its too loud
Have been using mine since November and never found the volume to be too high
D-fens said:
hmmm, my situation is totally different. My X1i volume during call is set to maximum and it's too quiet for me. When I'm outside, on the street I can't hear person hanging on the other side. At home, when it's quiet it's all ok.
My ears are quite good , I've tested them 2 months ago.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Same here...but using SRS Wow HD i managed to get louder sound.
well, of course i've used the side rocker -_-
it's just that i feel that instead of adjusting between
quiet - - - - - - - - - - loud
it seems more like it adjusts between
normal - - - - - - - - - loud
again, i'm talking about the volume during a call, not for the speaker or the system sound.
it isn't that loud if you are in a noisy environement, but when i'm sitting in the silence of
my room... it just feels loud. i never had such a problem with any previous phones o_o
and various changes in HKCU\ControlPanel\SoundCategories\ doesn't seem to change anything
so i was thinking, maybe there is a "minimum volume value" setting somewhere...
Nocturnal310, D-fens, please do not throw the topic off course
Definitely there IS a issue with the volume being FAR too loud on the lowest setting (this is 20% for me)
I'm embarrassed to talk on the phone in the office, as everyone within five meters hear both sides of my conversation and asks if I'm deaf. I'm not! It's the bloody phone!
Is there a way to set the speaker volume to less than 20% (5% for example)?

[Q] Is anyone else getting a faint noise from the ear speakers all the time?

So I am getting this buzzing/hissing sound from my ear speakers. It is only noticeable when I hold it very close to my ears in a quiet room. But then it is quite easy to hear. The sound changes all the time. The frequency is different and there is a click sound every second or so.
It doesn't matter if the screen is on or if the phone is in stand-by. A restart didn't help.
I have never noticed this before so it might be my manual update to stock 4.3 that caused the problem. But it might have been there before the update.
It is not really bad because you only notice it when you call someone but it might eat up my battery.
That's normal and not even exclusive to your (our) phone
It's caused by electrical noise

